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04x22 - Into the Fire

Posted: 10/07/23 19:54
by bunniefuu
This better be a wrong number.

What? What?

I need you down here right away.

it’s the middle of the night.

Uh, okay, yeah... yeah.

Um, does Rita know
that you’re in town?

Yeah, all right, uh...

I’m on my way.



Stay back.

Get in the car, man!

What the hell?


How you doing?

All right, I think

I’m getting a touch of flu.

What do we got?

Why don’t we take this outside?

Really, I’m fine.

Where’s the body?

Look, I’m serious...

Chris, I’m fine.

What’s going on?

Rita, the victim was Eric.

My Eric?

He called me after :

he said he needed some help.

I didn’t get here in time.

What do you...
What happened?

I came in over there

I heard g*nshots.

I came around those crates...

You sure you want to hear this?

Just tell me.

Eric had a g*n

and he’d been gut-shot.


Sit over here.

Did you get a look
at the sh**t?

When he fired
the second one, I did.

He hit Eric in the chest
with a . Magnum.

You get a good look at the guy?

He was latino...

I’d say late s

five-ten, about pounds.

He had somebody waiting
in the alley for him.

I gave chase...

Almost made me a hood ornament.

You get plates?


’ Aqua Lemans

was reported stolen
two days ago.

I put an APB Out.

I don’t believe
this is happening.

Look, I want you to go home.

And do what?

I just think

you’re better off
anywhere but here.

Where’s Eric’s body?

Uh, Rita, that’s...

That’s the weird part...

When I got back here

his body was gone.

Maybe he wasn’t hurt bad.

Maybe he got away.

Not from a .
to the chest.

Somebody carried him
out of here.

Got a trail of blood
leading to the side door...


I don’t think
Eric was a size .

Ten and a half.

I got to get out of here.

I dropped a plate.



Shh, it’s okay...

It’s okay.

I feel like I’m going crazy.

I think you’re entitled.


It’s going to be okay.

Nice grouping.

Shouldn’t sneak up

on an angry woman
with a loaded g*n.

I wasn’t sneaking.

How you feeling?

Well, besides can’t eat,
can’t sleep

can’t think straight?

Still sh**t like hell.

All I want to do
is find that bastard

and do to him
what he did to Eric.

Well, Captain Lipschitz would
like to see us in his office.



Hi, captain.

Good morning, Rita.

How you doing?

I’ve been better, thanks.

Rita, this is

special agent Pete Santos.

He’s with BATF

Sergeant Lance, you were
personally involved

with Eric Russell.

Is that right?

If you already know that

why are you asking?

Lena Correll.

Australian expatriate,
lives here now.

Deals in black market weapons.

So what’s Eric’s connection?

I was hoping you’d tell me.

Sorry, I can’t.

Three weeks ago,
a shipment of MP- s

was h*jacked en route
to Dade county armory.

We’ve heard Lena Correll set up
the heist, and Eric Russell

made a deal to sell those g*ns
to the Cartagena cartel.

Not this guy, no way.

Rita, when did you
last see Eric?

A month ago.

This picture means nothing.

He was probably working
on a story

or research.

With Lena Correll.

You’re on a fishing trip here,
agent Santos.

Eric Russell was a cop,
and a good one, too.

A few New York cops
dispute that conclusion.

All of them dirty.

I’m familiar
with that IAD investigation.

Seems Mr. Russell often turns up

in the middle
of nasty situations.

I’m ex-NYPD

I checked-- what she’s saying
about Eric Russell is true.

Does the name Johnny Almendarez
mean anything to you?

Should it?

Almendarez was Eric Russell’s
supervisor on the IAD Sting.

He quit the N.Y.P.D.
along with Eric.

Came to work for us.

His first assignment

was to infiltrate
Lena Correll’s organization

only it seems Ms. Correll
made him a better offer.

You mean he turned.

We haven’t seen him
in six weeks.

What makes you think
he’s still alive?

One of our agents
took this four days ago.

Oh, man.


I saw him at the plant.

He’s the guy that shot Eric.

Excuse me.


Yeah, cap.

Rita, are you okay?

I’m feeling much better, thanks.

You’re not fooling anybody,
you know.

You’ve just had
a terrible shock.

Why don’t you take the day?

Nobody around here
expects you to be superwoman.

That’s good, because I think
they’d be really disappointed.

Do me a favor: Go home.

Let Chris cover for you.

At least until you feel better.

That an order, captain?

It’s more like
a friendly word of advice.

So taken.




Try to work with Santos.

Just a second.

Special delivery.

Italian penicillin.

Don’t you mean Jewish?

Yeah... right.

I was in the neighborhood
at a basketball game

so I thought I would come by

and feed a hungry partner.

If you don’t mind

actually, I think
I would rather be alone.

You sure?


I wish I could make
this whole thing

easier for you.


I am going to be fine.

So go have
a good basketball game.


Piece of cake.

Come here.

Check back with you later.


See you.


Come on!
Here you go.

It’s up, it’s up, it’s up.

Put ’em up.


Good shot!

Oh, he’s up.

Good shot, baby, good shot.

Ball game.

Good shot.

You guys got no "O."

No "J."

And definitely no "d."

Good game.
See you, man.

Take it easy, fellas.

All right, let’s go, ray.

Give me the ball.

So... you got a license
to carry that w*apon?

Hey, use a basketball,
save a life.

How you feeling?

Oh, still haven’t slept

crying at inopportune moments

but that chicken soup
was great, thanks.

Trust Dr. Lorenzo.

Hey, I think I got an I.D.
On the sh**t.

He was driving the getaway car

the other night.

How’d you find him?

I busted him
a couple of years ago

when I was working vice.

I knew that this guy
looked familiar.

Ramon Montoya.

Got a sheet?

Busted for possession to sell

served nine months.

That’s what I got him for.

Arrested for d.U.I.,
this guy’s taking

a huge leap into accessory
to m*rder, isn’t he?

Not to mention
attempted m*rder on a cop.

Good morning, sergeants.

What can we do for you?

Just looking for an update

on your encounter last night.

Well, I’m alive.

Great chest pass?

Yeah, best of my life.

I think I got an I.D.
On the getaway driver

the other night: Montoya.

Ramon Montoya?
Bug eyes, scraggly beard

ugly as sin?

He a friend of yours?

Never met the gentleman,
but I know his boss.

Johnny Almendarez.

Lena correll.

Ramon was her driver
last time I looked.

Let’s go rattle her cage.

No, no, not until
there’s a break

in the weapons case.

We’re investigating

a m*rder here, Santos.

I don’t want to blow
her case by...

By what,
two pesky homicide cops?

Please, try and understand

we’ve both got jobs to do here.

Just because the jobs conflict

doesn’t mean we have to,
does it?

My partner is saying

we don’t tell you
how to do your job.

All I need
is a little cooperation.

You get a lead on Johnny

let me know
before you take him down.


And if you talk to

Lena correll, tread lightly.

Try not to k*ll my hand.

Homicide, Lance.

You got it.

Yeah, okay, I got it.

You coming?


This is the car, huh?

’ aqua lemans.

Well, you certainly
hit something.

I guess that’s why
his arm was in a sling.

We’ll have
the lab techs go over this.

So... if you wanted to get
a b*llet removed from your body

and you didn’t want it
reported to the cops

where would you go?


Sounds like Inky’s got company.

I do love a party.

After you.

No, really, you first.


What, what the hell?

You guys ever hear
of the fourth amendment?

You ever hear of
exigent circumstances, inky?

We heard a scream from outside.

You wouldn’t be
practicing medicine

without a license,
would you, inky?

What, I can’t do first aid?

What does that look like to you?

Looks like about three years.

These guys got
no place else to go.

If they don’t
come here, they die.

Such a mother Theresa.

Okay, let’s get pragmatic.

You didn’t come here
just to pop me

for one lousy b*llet, did you?

You recognize that bad boy?

No, can’t say as I do.

Wrong answer.

Ow! Hey, ow!

What gives?

You do.

See, if we nail Montoya

you’re going to go down
for accessory to m*rder.

How’s that sound?

Give me five years.

Five years, give me ten!

Ten, give me !

years, going once,
going twice...

Okay, okay, just take off
the bracelets, okay?


Okay, that guy was here.

. mil in the shoulder,
he was tore up pretty bad.

Did the best I could for him.

He has an infection

but I was out of antibiotics

so I...

Hey, all legal,
I get them from Mexico...

Or from drug-ac.


So he’s coming back
tomorrow, for his shot.

What time?

What, what time?!

You think I take appointments?!

Tomorrow-- hey!--
hours, pick one!

All right, inky, we’ll do this:

You’ll be under surveillance
until he shows up.

Now, if he does not show up

or if you tip him off
in any way whatsoever...

I get it-- I’m toast.

Burnt toast.

You know, Rita,
I can handle this one alone.

If you’re not up to it

you could wait here,
I could go in...

Or we could go in together.

So what if he recognized you?

You leave damage control to me,


They’re here.

Tell them to wait.


Now, listen.

I want you to lay low.

I don’t want you to call
or come here again.

I’ll get your money,
I’ll get you out of the country

just don’t move
till you hear from me.

Do you understand that?

Miss correll
will see you shortly.

You can wait in here.

Check it out.

Might be worried about crime.


Sergeant Lance, homicide.

This is my partner

Sergeant Lorenzo.

I’m Lena correll.

Homicide... homicide!

That’s a new twist!

You don’t sound too surprised.

I’ve been harassed by
so many cops since coming here

why not homicide?

Do you have a warrant?

Do we need one?

You came this far without one

perhaps you’ll say why.

Let’s not insult
each other’s intelligence.

Well, sergeant,
mine hasn’t been.

Where is Ramon Montoya?

How should I know?

He works for you.

Not for months, not since

he was arrested driving drunk.

What about Johnny Almendarez?


It’s cute, very cute.

Yeah, you’re not bad yourself.

Johnny Almendarez.

Let me refresh your memory.

He’s the ex-BATF agent
on your payroll.

Now you are insulting
my intelligence.

Sergeant, why would I want
a cop on my payroll?

Why wouldn’t you?

Got something to hide?

Not from you, sweetheart.

Actually, if you’re interested

I’m hiring.

No, not interested.

No? Oh.

Almendarez and Montoya

m*rder*d a man in west palm,
his name was Eric Russell.

You want to tell us why?

Why don’t you ask them?

Oh, we will.

Soon as we find them.

We thought you would
save us time

point us in the right direction.

Why would I

want to do that?

Because accessory to m*rder
is serious.

And if Montoya and Almendarez
roll on you first

well, then they get the deal.

Excuse me.

Who said you could leave, huh?

You’re out of your league.

You should go home
before you get hurt.


Ow, let me go!

Let me go!

Let her go, Rita.

That, sergeant

is called as*ault
under color of authority.

A class "a" felony

all on videotape

and my lawyer will nail you.

I am not finished with you yet.

Yes, you are.

Sorry about this, miss correll.

Get out!

It’d be safer if I drove.

Never did like cops.

I hate cops.

She blew it.

At least you can be sure

nobody’s going to be
hassling you anymore.

They already I.D.’d
Ramon and you.



No, what?


You’re beautiful.
When you’re mad.

You suspected Eric was the leak.

And you were right.

So I took care of him.

You weren’t supposed to
bring down this much heat


I thought you liked heat, Lena.

I thought you liked heat.

I do, I like heat.



In certain places.

Don’t worry.

We don’t need Eric
for this deal.

We know Eric’s buyers.

And the deal...

Is right...

On schedule.

How do we know

the cops won’t keep looking?

Forget ’em.

Soon as we do this

I’ll leave the country
for a while.

Till things cool down.

And Ramon?

You’ll take care of Ramon?

Don’t I always take care
of everything?


Yes, you do. Everything.


What the hell is wrong with you?

Look, she took a swing at me.

You blocked her path

then when she tried
to leave, you grabbed her.

I’d swing at you, too.

She just got to me, that’s all.

I understand you’re upset

about Eric’s m*rder, and sick--

I understand all that

but Santos
and the board of inquiry

they’re not going to care.

She won’t press it.

What if she does press it?

I don’t know

I guess I will give
the truth a shot.


Look, Chris, I’m sorry.

I know
I am not coping very well.

The truth is...

I think I am pregnant...

With Eric’s child.

Oh, boy.

It’s too early for the test

but I am never late
with my period.

I don’t know
what I’m going to do.

What do you want to do?

I don’t know.




Rita, you okay?

Oh... yeah,
what is it?

You had me worried there.

I, um...

I’m just working on this report.

Which would put just
about anybody to sleep.

It’s the first time

I’ve closed my eyes
in three days.

All right, that’s it.

I’m taking you home.

Why is it everyone
insists I go home?

Things are not better there.

You need some sleep.

I’m not taking no
for an answer, let’s go.

Guys, in here, now!

This ought to be fun.


Is there a problem, captain?

No, no problem at all.

No, me and special agent
Santos here thought

you might like to take
a break from your...

Hectic schedule

and enjoy a video
with us, that’s all.

Do I detect a little sarcasm?

Not little at all.

Go ahead...

Roll it.

Get out! Let go!

Let her go, Rita!


That, sergeant,
is called as*ault

a first-class felony

all on videotape

and my lawyer will nail you!

I am not finished with you yet!

You get out!

Get out!

So! You want me

to run that again for you

in slow motion?

No, not for my benefit,
thank you.

Is that "treading lightly"?

Look, I’m sorry, okay?

It was a bad day.

She pushed first, I shoved back.

As a friend, I understand.

As a captain

you put my ass in a sling.

I’m sorry, captain.

I really am.

So, what’s next?

disciplinary action, what?

You must be living right.

Miss correll has elected
not to press charges

against you or the department.

No surprise there.

There’s questions she would hate
like hell to answer.

It’s academic now.

As of this morning,
I filed under title .

This investigation
and all of its principals

are officially
under BATF Jurisdiction.

Now, hold on a second.

You’re taking us off this case?

Look, I’m a cop, too.

I know you want to nail them.

But now, I’m in charge.

Don’t make a move
without my say-so.

Don’t arrest anybody
without me present.

Is that clear?



Went better than I had hoped.

Better than you had

any right to expect.


Yeah, it’s the stakeout team.


Okay, have them meet me
on TAC two in five.

Ramon Montoya just showed up

at Inky’s.

Hey, hey, hey!

Don’t forget to call Santos!

Nice neighborhood.

Ri... ta!

Going to make it?

Yeah, sure.

Look, Chris, I’ve, um...

I’ve made a decision.

I’m going to call it quits.

You what?

What are you talking about?

It started when you got shot

and I thought
I was going to lose you.

I must have...

Pushed these feelings
down somewhere

because they are back.

It’s like...
I don’t see colors any more.

Everything is gray.

And I am so tired
of feeling hopeless.

You’re only hopeless
if you give up.


So maybe I’ve already lost.

No, you’re in no position
to make that decision.

You think that will change
in the morning?

A week, a month, from now?

No. I don’t.

Look, I wish I could make
what happened to Eric

go away, but I can’t.

Neither can anybody else.

But I know you are in no
position to make choices

affecting the rest of your life.

And mine.

We’ve got something.

Heeeere’s Johnny!

Better page Santos, huh?

You going to live, compadre?

I’m hurting...
I’m hurting real bad.

You got something
for the pain, man?

I wish I could help you out.

Look, pay me off.

I’ll take care of myself.

That’s your problem, Ramon.

You’re too damn self-sufficient.


Santos, listen, we’ve got

Almendarez and Montoya in sight

westbound on Griffin


We’ll be on TAC two.


He’s on his way.

You really blew it.

Who told you
to go after Lorenzo?

That cop busted me before!

He could identify me...
You, too!

I did it for both of us!

Stop, huh, Ramon?

You’re making me cry.

Brought a world of heat
down on Lena.

She’s pissed!

I never seen her like this.

Pay me off, Johnny!

I’ll get out of town.

No way, you’re hurt.

They’re looking for you.

With your arm,
sick like you are, man

you’ll never make it
past the airport.

What’s the deal?

Deal is... game’s over.

And Lena wants you
out of it, permanently.

I’ll get lost, man.

I swear.

Then do it.

Get out. Run.

Don’t ever look back.

So you can sh**t me in the back?

No way, Johnny!

No, man, don’t go there.

It ain’t that kind of party.


Come on, man.



Chris, he’s moving.

Chris, stay with him,
I’ll call an ambulance.

Something else...

Had to dance with the Aussie.


Yeah. I was plundered
down under.

Hey, all in a day’s work.



Hello, Rita.


I was hoping you’d come.

I’m not sure why I did.

To let me explain?

You must have a good reason

to have walked out
without a word

let me think
you’d been m*rder*d.

I couldn’t risk anyone
knowing that I was alive.

was in too much danger.

We needed an investigation
to confirm I’d been hit.

And it would have worked

if Ramon hadn’t
gone after Chris.

You yanked us
around like puppets

ripped my heart out

almost got my partner k*lled

for money, power, I mean, what?

The rush, maybe?

Rita, I’m sorry
for what I put you through.

I know it doesn’t
make sense to you

but I was desperate.

We weren’t in great shape

and I was having more
money problems than you knew.

You could have told me.

I had to keep up a good front.

You know me.

Besides, you’d never
let me do it.

What exactly is "it"?

All right.

One day Johnny Almendarez
calls me, out of the blue.

An opportunity of a lifetime,
he says--

a huge story.

So I took it, I mean, I had to.

What’s our relationship
compared to a good story?

Rita, it’s...

It was more than that.

I owed Johnny.

He stood up for me
at the n.Y.P.D.

When those dirty cops
were trying to get me.

I owed him my life.

He needed me, he was in danger.

Almendarez is dirty, Eric.

He’s been playing you.

No, no, no, you’re wrong.

You’re wrong.

He’s in deep cover.

So deep his own people
don’t know it?


Yes, that’s the only way
it would work.

The director of operations
in Washington

is the only one
who knows about this.

Rita, if this weapons sale
goes through

there are guys working
both sides of the fence

at two federal agencies
who are going down!

If it’s so big,
why do they need you?

He needed somebody
he could trust.

Somebody from the outside

who could pose
as a black market drug dealer

to set up a deal
with the Cartagena cartel.

And it worked, too.

I mean, the deal is set.

So why the fake hit?

Lena got suspicious.

She thought I was bleeding
information to the cops.

She told Johnny to get rid of me

as a test of his loyalty.

You know, you’re always the hero

of your own story, Eric.

You have a rational explanation

for every selfish,
rotten thing you do.

But it doesn’t make me hurt
one damn bit less.



I mean it, don’t touch me.

What do you want me to say?

You can say good-bye.

Don’t let the door
hit you in the ass

on your way out of my life.

We picked up Ramon Montoya

and he’s saying you ordered
the hit on Sergeant Lorenzo.

It’s his third strike, Pete.

What do you think
he’s going to say?

What did you say?

He knew Lorenzo had made him

so he went after him.

Come on, Johnny.

You can’t expect us
to believe that.

This was always
about nailing Lena.

She’s selling several million
dollars’ worth of stolen weapons

to the Cartagena cartel.

Deal goes down in two hours.

I have to be there.

That’s not looking real good.

Pete, I won’t get
another chance.

Lena Correll’s
black market deals

are financed through black ops.

That mean anything to you guys?

You been reading
too many Tom Clancy novels.

This is not a joke.

This is about
government agencies

dealing dr*gs, g*ns,
the whole nine yards.

If we can get Lena facing
a -year federal stretch

she’ll deal.

She’ll give up her contacts
on the inside.

That’s why my cover
had to be so deep.

Call the director
and check it out.

He’ll clear me.

I already have.

He’s confirmed your story.


You didn’t see fit

to tell us that until just now.

I’m not convinced
that the director

isn’t a victim
of a very professional con job.

You want to take
that chance, Pete?

Hey, Rita.

You, uh, you talk to Eric?

He did most of the talking.

But you told him.

Yeah, yeah.

You told him you were pregnant?

My body is of no concern
to him anymore.

That’s pretty cold.

He’s the father.

No, he is the donor.

We got careless one night.

I did not protect myself.

He can’t commit to me.

I’m not going to give him
another heart to break.

We’re still on the job, right?


So, what if Eric’s
telling the truth

about Montoya and Almendarez?

Let’s move.

Oh, I will never figure you out

even if I live to be .

Move, move, move, move.

Gentlemen, we’ve been snaked.

Eric, sit down.

Chris, I hope you understand.

I understand.

Sit down.

Business first.

I’m in the clear, right?

Director backed Almendarez.

Santos cut him loose
to bait Lena.

Only when we get there

there’s no Lena, no g*ns

and no Johnny Almendarez.

Warehouse on canal
at : , right?

How’d you know that?

’cause I set her up.

And if it didn’t happen,
something went way wrong.

Almendarez went after Lena
and pulled the plug.

If nobody showed up

it’s because she found out
we set her up.

How would that happen?

She’s connected in the BATF

She’s got ears everywhere.

If she gets a hold of Johnny...

He’s dead.

Santos is checking her place.

They didn’t find her.

She’d go for the g*ns.

That’s her ace in the hole.

I know where they are.

Then you’ll tell us.


You have information
on a crime...

Chris, save it, will you?

I don’t know the exact location

it’s a shipping dock
down by the harbor someplace.

I mean, I’ve been there.

I can show you where it is.


No way.

Not a chance.

Then johnny’s meat.

Know what I think, Johnny?

I think you’re trying
to buy time.

That’s too bad.

I hate to lose a good lover.

Well, hell, Lena,
there’s always power tools.

You know, A*F Is
all over that warehouse.

You think I don’t know
you set me up, Johnny?

Who, in my organization

is working with you?


It’s Sven here.

Actually, he’s a fed.

Come on, Johnny

let’s get it over with, baby.

Okay, okay.

Sven, why don’t you tell her?

Sven, go load the truck.


Johnny, did you think
the sex would make me blind?

Well, it worked for a while,
didn’t it, lover?

Now, now, Lena, Lena, look.

You’re going to miss me
a whole lot, baby.

One thing I want from you.

What’s that?

To watch you die.

Drop the g*n, Lena.

Stay down!

Got her?

Man, cut down the rope, please?

You said life on the edge

was the only place to be.

I’m a moron.

Lance, Lorenzo.

Nice you could make it
to the party, Santos.

I didn’t want
to cramp your action.


Uh, take care of him.

You all right?

God, that hurts.

Uh, get an ambulance
in here-- now!

All right.

Tomato soup

and grilled cheese sandwiches.

I even cut
the crusts off just...

Just like your grandma
used to do for you.


So sweet.


What is it?

I bet you wish it was

a new set of dishes.

Go ahead, open it.

It’s your guardian angel.

I always thought that was you.

Never hurts to have a backup.

Keep him close to your heart.

I do.

Let me see.

So, I heard you
on the phone in there.

What’s going on?

Good news--
Lena’s singing so strong

they should book her at the met.

I guess she’s naming names

like a who’s who
in covert operations.

That’s good.

I’m not pregnant, Chris.

I know.

I talked to your doctor.

He said you had something
I can’t even pronounce.


It’s an infection of the uterus.

All the pain of a pregnancy
and none of the fun.

But he says
I’m going to be okay.

Would you have kept the baby?

You know, I really like
the idea of being a mom.

To tell you the truth

I have no idea
what I would have done.

Uh, Eric called today.

He said that he wanted
to talk to you.

Yeah, well, that’s not
such a good idea.

I’ll tell him.

Well, I guess it’s
just me and you again.

I mean, neither one of us

can seem to keep
a relationship going

for more than five minutes.

I take exception to that.

It was a little longer
than five minutes.

You know, I was thinking
that four years

seems like a pretty stable
relationship to me.


Ah, yeah.

Yeah, I guess it does.

Will you stay a while?



Anytime, partner.
