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04x19 - New Blood

Posted: 10/07/23 19:52
by bunniefuu
God, this is incredible.

What is it?

Am I doing something wrong?


Do you want something different?

Stop talking!

Wait a minute.

Hold still.

Please, stop!

When men and women try to talk

it’s a minefield.

After millions of years

we haven’t gotten it right.

If a man compliments
a woman’s hairstyle

it could mean just that

or, "hey, babe,
I’m interested, how about it?"

Every look, every word
that passes between the sexes

has a thousand subtle shadings.

These days a careless comment
or a misunderstood gesture

can get you in serious trouble.

it can even get you k*lled.

Where’s your partner?

Loaned to vice.

Some sting operation.

So it’s just you and me, huh?

And her.

That does spoil the mood.

Hey, I told you, I’m taken.

Well, a girl can dream,
can’t she?

You are playing with me,
aren’t you?

Anyway, we got

a young white female,
late teens, early s

five-seven, a hundred
and, I’d say, five pounds.

That is, of course, deducting
for the augmented body parts.

Her name is Shelley Hunter.

She was staying at the hotel.

A model for the fashion sh**t.

She asked the manager
around : p.m.

For directions to this beach.

Well, I’d say time of death

is anywhere between : a.m.
and : .

She’s got some bruising
around her neck

but no other signs of struggle.

So she was meeting someone,
or got jumped.

Any sign of sexual as*ault?

I’ll know more
when I get her on the table.

All right, gentlemen.

You know, she was
working on that

athlete world’s
itty-bitty swimsuit issue.

I get that every year.

You do?

It’s a very good magazine.

I like the articles as well.

You’d get it even without

the practically naked
gorgeous women

on every page.

I know where this is going.

I’m not going to bite.

Are you offering?

Hey, I told you, I’m taken.

Of course you are.

You’ll have paperwork
by the end of the day.

See you.


Oh, man, too late, somebody
already tossed the place.

Are you kidding?

It’s always like this.

These girls are pigs.

Not good guests?

They don’t order room service

they don’t tip

they steal everything
not nailed down.

Can you tell me
where they’re sh**ting?

The everglades.

They’ll be back this evening.

Who’s Shelley hunter’s roommate?

Uh... a Margot.

She got a last name?

She’s one of those
one-name jobbers

you know, like Cher,
Madonna, Godzilla.

I mean, look at this place.

I gave that information
to that other detective.

Other detective?

Detective trainee.

That’s right.

And, from what I hear,
a real p*stol.

She’s a trainee.

Why did she get
to the crime scene before me

and mess the whole thing up?

So she’s a little overeager.

That’s why she’s been
assigned to you.

The higher-ups figure...

Wait a minute.


I have been assigned
a detective-in-training?

For how long?

One week.

One week.

Aw, cap, come on!

This is not a request,
this is an order.

Her name is Lisa Hahn.

She was top of her class
at the academy

and has several commendations
for her work in uniform.

With Rita loaned out to vice,
I got double the workload

and you expect me to baby-sit
this trainee?

Be happy you pulled her.

Vice got the hayseed
from Tallahassee.

Sorry to barge in.

I’m Lisa Hahn, you
must be Chris Lorenzo.

Pleasure to meet you.

I ran jackets
for the entire crew

and the models of the sh**t

I left copies on your desk.

Very, very good,
officer Hahn. Hmm?

Now, Chris, would you please

take her out of here

before all this enthusiasm
gives me a rash?

Yes, sir.

Thank you.

I’m looking forward
to working with you.

I’ll learn a lot.

The group’s been sh**ting
at the beach

for several days.

I think Shelley was
meeting someone she knew

probably someone involved
with the photo sh**t.


I would start with the producer,
Jerry Kendall.

I can set it up.


Why not?

I’m meeting him in minutes.


Hey, partner, how’s it going?

They have to hire more women.

I am so tired of being put
on the street.

And these pads are k*lling me.

Sergeant Lance,
I’m detective-trainee Hahn.

I’m disappointed not
to be working with you.

Well, I’m sure Sergeant Lorenzo

will be very helpful.

I wanted to work
with a woman detective

who could talk me
through the politics.

Sure, yeah.

Oh, great.
I’ll see you outside.


Here I was feeling guilty

about you working alone.

You got to be kidding me.

I hate baby-sitting
these trainees.

Oh, come on, it’s not that bad.

Make use of the free labor.

She can pick up reports
from the lab

type up reports
we haven’t gotten to.

I’ve been looking at this

with the wrong perspective.

Have her run errands,
get your coffee

pick up your dry cleaning,
paint your apartment.

Funny, very funny.

So you have no idea

who Shelley was with last night?

No, I’m afraid not.

Shelley was a very sweet girl.

We’ll miss her.

I can see the mourning
going on all around me.

Sergeant, these girls are paid

to look like they’re having
a good time.

Arch your back, sweetheart.

You look thinner
when that tush is in the air.

Where were you last night?

Uh... I was in my room
entertaining a guest.

That guest have a name?


Could you come
over here, please?

Vicki, sweetheart,
these are police officers.

They want to know
where I was last night.

I don’t want to say anything
in front of the girls.

Well, we’ll be discreet.

Jerry... Mr. Kendall and I
were in his room.


Thank you, sweetheart.


Get some concealer

under Vicki’s eyes--

it’s starting to look like

a salt flat under there, dear.

Excuse me.

You spent some time in jail

five years ago for battery

isn’t that right,
Mr. Kendall?

Uh, a misunderstanding.

A woman who wasn’t
able to let go.

She dropped the charges.

Uh, is Shelley’s roommate here?


Yes, she’s the tall blonde.

She’ll be available
in a few minutes.

Now, if you’ll excuse me

I’ll be right over there
if you need me.

That battery charge was good

but I would’ve waited
a little bit.

You gave him
too much time to duck.

He’s the obvious perp.

Look at the way
he talks to these girls.

Plus, he had access.

He’s also got an alibi.

Lisa, I know this is
your first day

but remember,
you’re the trainee.

You do a little less,
you watch a little more, okay?

Sorry, I’m nervous.

I know it’s Kendall,
I can feel it in my gut.

You don’t know anything.

You follow the evidence
no matter what.

In the courtroom,
your gut does nothing for you.

Hey, uh, you margot?

Yeah-- I’ve been working
since : this morning

so make it quick.

You were Shelley’s roommate.

Yeah, what about it?

Were you two close?

I’ve only known her

since we started four days ago.

Is there anything else?

Do you know who
she was with last night?

No. Can I go now?

Thank you.

We appreciate your time.

Just wanted to smack her,
didn’t you?

So did I.

But we didn’t.

Getting the hang of this.

New trainees depress me.

So young, so eager,
full of energy.

Makes me feel old.

Yeah, to her,
you probably are old.

Hmm-- low blow.

Don’t worry, sweetie.

You’re the perfect age for me.

Yeah, right.

So, how is she?

She hold any promise?

She’s a little short
on tact, she’s fearless.

I think she has a future.

I saw her when I picked you up.

She’s... very pretty.


I don’t have anything
to worry about, do I?

Not at all.

Besides, I like older,
more mature women.

Oh, you wretch!


Tell them we’re not buying.

We’re not buying!

Hold on.

You hold on
to that thought, huh?

Sorry about this,
but I think it’s important.

Come in.


Your drug arrest was under
the name Sandra Pernetti.

Any other names
we should know about?

I was young and addicted,
that’s ancient history.

Was Shelley trying
to score dr*gs?

This is the first time
I worked with her.

I didn’t know her.

How do the models
feel about Kendall?

Some of the girls buy his act,
some don’t

and some don’t care.

Didn’t know he had an act.

That whole
"I’m such a hard-edged

but sensitive-on-the-inside"

buys him a lot of boneage.

Shelley in that lineup?

She swallowed it whole.

Would Shelley have
slept with Kendall

to get the cover shot?

These girls would sleep
with rush Limbaugh

to get the cover.

This is big business.

You were on the cover
three years.

What’d that cost you?

I made two million dollars
in the past three years.

Obviously I thought
the tradeoff was worth it.

Did Jerry ever get
physically abusive with you?

Only when we had sex,
but I like it rough.

How about Kendall’s
new girlfriend Vicki?

She knew the barter system?

Don’t know, don’t care.

Look, are we done?

I didn’t come here this evening

to spend my time
talking to cops.

Yeah... yeah,
we’re finished.

Thank you very much.

I was right, it’s Kendall.

No, he slept
with the girls, yeah.

But that doesn’t
come out to m*rder.

He liked rough sex.

Shelley had bruises on her neck.

I didn’t know vice
was here, too.

I don’t believe this.

Police-- up against the bar!

I’m a cop, let her go!

Drop the g*ns, boys.

Drop ’em.

Put ’em down!

I’ll blow her head off.

I said drop ’em!

No, you drop the g*n!

Drop it, now!

Lisa, good job

on that collar last night.

Thank you, captain.

My girl did a good job.

Yes, very good.

Where are we on the hunter case?


We got a lead from margot.

We’ll talk
to the producer again.

Good-- get going.

Yeah... you want
some more coffee?




Very nice, very nice.

Thank you.

Yup, I guess your job
is just hell, isn’t it?

It’s not easy testing
for Shelley’s replacement.

Okay, everyone, take five

and cover up.

You’re a very considerate guy.

Your girls must feel
like you’re their daddy.

Well, I certainly hope so.

I’ll help you any way I can

but I have a deadline to meet,
so can we make this fast?

Just couldn’t wait
to replace Shelley, huh?

Hey, I know it seems cold

but all the big models
are already booked

and I have to find someone

to move to the Caribbean
in two days.

Anybody back you
being in your room?

Besides Vicki, why?

Isn’t her word enough?

Did you promise Vicki anything

say, guaranteed a cover shot

in exchange for an alibi?

I don’t need to extort my models
for sex or alibis.

We’re consenting adults.

We all do as we choose.

Anybody see Vicki
go into your room?

I don’t know,
I wasn’t standing in the hall.

Ask her yourself,
she’ll be back tomorrow.

Now, if you’ll excuse me,
I’m rather busy.

How many turns
between the sheets

guarantees the cover,
Mr. Kendall?

I have to work
with these people, officer.

Lower your voice.

Sleeping with the producer...

Lisa, be quiet. just
part of the job!

If you don’t want a lawsuit

I’d advise you to take
this yappy little dog

and get out of here right now.

We’ll leave you
to your business.

That was way out of line.

I was working him,
he was squirming...

You were attacking him
at his place of business.

His lawyers could
destroy us for that.

I guess we don’t
see it the same way.

It’s my way that counts.

I’m not the trainee
here, you are.

Look, it’s good
to be aggressive.

But it’s better to be smart.

Don’t try so hard.

You’re doing fine.

Come on, let’s go.

All right, George, I got one.

This guy goes to a psychologist.

He says, "doctor,
my wife thinks she’s a dog."

He says, "we’ll
put her on the couch."

"She’s not allowed
on the couch."

George, have you met?

Lisa Hahn?

Rita filled me in.

George Donovan,
D.A.’s office, welcome.


How’d it go with Kendall?

Well, uh...
We’re making progress.

I’m buying.

Anybody want something to drink?

I’m fine.

I’d like a beer, please.

So what do you think

of the detective-
in-training, George?

At least you got a
better view than me.

George, what are you drinking?


All right, three beers.

You’re lucky.

The women in my office
are so touchy

you can’t even flirt anymore.

You pay them a compliment

and they expect
flowers and dinner.

You seem a little down.

You want to talk?

It’s nothing, really.

It’s just that Chris
keeps tripping me up.

I think he’s threatened by me.

Hmm, doesn’t sound like him.

He never minds
when I take the lead.

Maybe it’s a question
of your style.

I’m not doing
anything differently.

I’m just doing my job.

Then you are way ahead
of where I was as a trainee.

I used to try so hard

that I used to get
in my own way.

And then I relaxed

and everything
went a lot smoother.

Yeah, I guess
I can try too hard sometimes.

Lisa, both of us
were in your shoes.

Don’t worry, you’re going
to get the hang of it.

I hope so.



Then there’s the rabid ones.

They’ll chew your hand off

if you tell them
their hair looks nice.

It’s a dangerous world
out there these days.

Don’t let that
sweet face fool you.

She is a pit bull.

So, how are my two
fair partners doing?

You talking about
anything interesting?

What? Like you, for instance?

Don’t flatter yourself.

See, George, this is the abuse

I have to put up with.

Sorry, I had to get
the river out of my hair.

This pictorial’s
a big opportunity for you.

If I get the cover,
I could make a million dollars.

You expecting that?

The photographer’s
been sh**ting a lot of me

in the last couple of days.

Does lying for Kendall

help you get the cover?

I didn’t lie.

Jerry’s a wonderful guy.

Would you think
he was so charming

if you knew
he had k*lled Shelley?

Lisa, I want you
to take it easy.

He was in tears
when he found out about Shelley.

Jerry cares about all of us.

Did anybody see you
go in his room that night?

A maid, room service,
anybody at all?

Maybe, I don’t really know.

Did he promise you the cover
before or after you had sex?

Jerry didn’t promise me

He must have
promised you something.

I don’t know
what you’re talking about.

He’s a nice man.

I want you to go.

Vicki, if you are
covering for Kendall

and he gets convicted

that makes you
an accessory to m*rder.

They’ll give you
to years for that.

No modeling contract
will keep you out of jail.

Might want to think about it.

He is not worth protecting!

Can’t you see that?

Lisa, let her go!

He’s a pig!

What the hell is wrong with you?

Are you okay?

I’m sorry about this.

She’s covering for Kendall.

Not another word out of you.

I tried to tell you,
but you wouldn’t listen.

This time, you crossed the line.

She was about to give him up.

This was not some junkie

that you messed up
to get a lead.

I’m going to put you on report.

What? You can’t be serious!

You leave me no choice.

Why are you doing this to me?

I warned you two times, okay?

You don’t blame me,
you blame yourself.

"Negative use of force."

You know this can prevent her
from ever being promoted.

If I hadn’t pulled her
off this girl

she would’ve really hurt her.

Don’t you think a warning
would’ve been enough?

I gave her
two warnings yesterday.

Rita, you’re acting
like you don’t believe me.

No, I believe you,
I’m just surprised.

Why didn’t you
say something last night?

Because she hadn’t blown it yet.

I’m telling you

this girl was
way out of control.

Rita, you know me.

If there was any other way out
I would’ve taken it.

Yeah, I wish I had been there.


This report is complete?

You left nothing out?

No, nothing.

You stand by this report?

Yeah... why?

I just got a call from upstairs.

Lisa Hahn has filed
a sexual discrimination suit

against this department.

Specifically against you.

She claims
you sexually harassed her.

It is obvious that she’s trying
to get me to pull my report.

Rita, can you back Chris up?

I wasn’t there.

Okay, so...

Hahn claims you made

overt advances
to her on the job.

She rebuffed you

and you fabricated this report

as retribution.

That’s ridiculous.

Chris would never do that.

Warranted or not

the city still has
to answer the lawsuit.

Lisa Hahn has
hired Sylvia Barlow

the civil rights attorney

who has a history
of very big wins.

Barlow will use the media

to stir the public into a frenzy

before the case is tried.

The suit
could cost the city millions.

There is no case, George.

I did not harass Lisa Hahn.

It’s not
that black and white, Chris.

Any behavior interpreted to be
unwanted sexual attention

is now on the table.

Such as what?

Suggestive comments...

Something as simple as putting

your arm on her shoulder.

If it’s unwanted

the courts deem it
sexual harassment.

His point is

we’re screwed.

People saw you together,
including me.

What might have seemed

like an innocent gesture to you

might look completely
different to someone else.

Even I couldn’t tell
if you were coming on to her

or just being friendly--
and I know you.

Imagine how a jury

might interpret the behavior.

I never even touched her.

You put your arm around her
in a bar.

A lot of people saw that.

I’m sorry, Chris...

But this could get very ugly.

They’re going to be looking
for anything.

Can’t believe this is happening.

Men don’t have the same issues

with physical contact

as women do.

They just don’t.

But I don’t get it.

I never treated her
any differently

than anybody else.

You don’t have to convince me.

I totally believe you.

I never treated you different.

You never filed a lawsuit.

You never gave me a reason.

I... did work with
a few other officers

and, uh, I should have filed

against some of them.

Why didn’t you?

Slapping their faces was easier.

Oh, man...

Why didn’t
she just say something

if it was bothering her so much?

I don’t know.

I’m not in her head,
but, you know

maybe what felt like
a friendly gesture to you

was a come-on to her.

But I never did...

I’m not defending her.

I’m just saying

that maybe she felt
threatened sexually.

You know?

Ah, Sam...

I’m starting to get scared here.

Vicki, I need to ask you
a few more questions.

Look, after what happened,
I’m not in a real chatty mood.

Yeah, I apologize for that.

Officer Hahn, she was
completely out of line.

I put her on report for it.

You guys tried to bully me.

Yeah, look--

I understand that you’re angry.

Nobody likes
to be pushed around.

In fact, I think you ought
to come down to the station

file a report, if you want.

No, it’s over.

I don’t want to get involved,
all right?

I can’t handle this right now.

Is somebody forcing you
to keep a secret?

That’s being bullied, too,
you know.

That’s nuts.

Why are you saying this?

You’re sticking with your story
that you were with Kendall

the night of the m*rder?

Yeah, sure.

Vicki, if somebody asked me

to give them an alibi

I’d want to know why.

That kind of favor can get you

in serious trouble.


They need you
for the next set-up.

I want you
to stop bothering my girls.

Vicki was so traumatized
by your last visit

it took an extra hour
to get her into makeup.

I need these girls rested
and happy

or they can’t work
in front of the camera.

If you don’t back off

my magazine will sue
for harassment.


Get in line.

Yeah, cap, you want to see me?



What’s up?


Hahn’s going back on duty.


Night shift, until the trial.

I just wanted you to know.

There’s got to be some other way

to clear this thing up.

Let me go talk to her.

No, no, no, no,
not on your life.

Stay the hell away, okay?

We’re in enough trouble.

What do I got to lose?

What do we got to lose.

I just got a call from Donovan.

I’ve also been named
in this lawsuit.

You had nothing to do with this.

You’re my detectives.

It happened under my watch.

I’m sorry.

Me, too.

Excuse me.


Must be pretty cold out there

all by yourself.

How you doing?

I’m not sure we should talk.

You’re his partner
and his friend.

I’d still like to hear
your side of the story.

I was just doing my job.

The only thing I did wrong

was not play into
Chris’s little fantasy.

Which fantasy was that?

Oh, come on.

The message was loud and clear.

Putting his arm around me
in public.

Escorting me out of
the room by my elbow.

Calling me his girl
in the bullpen.

You’re a cop, figure it out.

Chris is in
a committed relationship.

I can’t believe
he’d make a pass at you.

Believe it, and when he
doesn’t get what he wants

he tries to poison my jacket.

I know Chris would not file
a false report.

I’ve seen his kind before.

It’s all about power.

He got scared I’d show him up.

He knew I was about to bust
Andrews for doing that girl.


Who’s he?

I meant Kendall.

I know he k*lled Shelley

and Chris knows it, too.

Wait... first you said
Chris retaliated against you

because you refused him.

Now you’re saying
it’s about the case.

You’re not making sense.

Yeah, well, you weren’t there.

I’m sorry for you, Lisa.

Well, that’s a comfort.

No, seriously.

You’ve blown Chris’s
and your career

because you can’t
tell the difference

between kindness and malice.

What you’re doing is wrong.

I thought being a woman
you’d understand.

But I see whose side you’re on.

It’s not about sides,
it’s about the truth.

You should think about that.

Where are my shoes?

I know
if I could just talk to her

I could straighten
this whole thing out.


Talking to Lisa right now

would be the very worst
thing you could do.


You worried it’s true?

About me and Lisa?


Oh, my god, no.

I totally trust you.

I just think that
if you try to talk to her

she’ll say that you
were trying to intimidate her.

Are people at the hospital...

Are they, are they giving you
a hard time about this?

Ahh... people talk.

Don’t worry,
I’ll deal with that.

I think if you talk to her,
it could really hurt your case.


Yeah, I guess you’re right.

I guess...

This is what it feels like
to be laying in the desert

with vultures circling
your carcass.

If you think you’ll
talk me out of the lawsuit

you can forget it.

It’s too late for that.

I didn’t say a thing.

My attorney said you’d try this.

Get out of my way.

Get your hands off me.

I never made any advances
toward you.

I was totally by the book

and you know it.

You’re scared, aren’t you?

If you were so by the book

why didn’t you tell your partner

what was going on between us?


All out of clever comebacks?

You stay away

or I’ll get a restraining order.

I suppose you know nothing
about my broken window.

Not a thing.

Maybe it cracked
under all the pressure.

Get out of my way.

We’re family here, cupcakes.

And we don’t
turn on one another.

Being a cop’s a dangerous job.

All sorts of accidents
can happen.

You might even slip
and break something

right here in this parking lot.

Leave her alone.

what are you doing here?

Let her get to her car.

You set this up.

So you’d be my hero.

This doesn’t change anything.

You can still go to hell.

You’re crazy.

I don’t scare that easy!

Next time you want
to get a job done

get somebody
better than this baboon.

I will see you in court!

I don’t understand you, Lorenzo.

Just who the hell’s side
are you on?

This whole thing is nuts.

She thinks I sicced
that sergeant on her.

It’s a good thing

you were in the parking lot

so she didn’t have
an "accident."

You know the weird thing?

She might be right
about Kendall.

I went back to talk
to Vicki, his alibi.

Shaky, at best.

She may be right about Kendall

but that does not make her
right about you.

I don’t know how much
more of this I can take.

Feel like I’m losing my mind.

Chris, it’s not you.

If anybody is short
on gray matter

it’s Lisa.

I had a talk with her

last night.


I wanted to see

if she could look me in the eye
and tell me her story.

Something interesting happened,

She told me she was sure

Andrews m*rder*d Shelley.

Who’s Andrews?

I asked,
she said she meant Kendall

but it seemed weird

so I checked it on the computer.

Get this, ten years ago,
a teenager named Lisa Hahn

filed a sexual battery suit
against a Max Andrews in Miami.

So you think Kendall and Andrews
could be the same guy?

Maybe she has history with him?

No, I already checked.

Andrews is presently
serving time

for crimes unrelated
to Lisa’s charge.

Then what?

I don’t know.

But I have asked for
a case file, rush request.

Thanks, Sam.

Hey, George, you want to see me?

Yeah, Chris, come on in.

Shut the door.

I have to tell you--

the story hits the papers
this afternoon.

Brass doesn’t want
to take the heat.

Meaning what?

They’re going to sign off
on the Lisa Hahn lawsuit.

They want to settle.

The city doesn’t want
the exposure or expense

of a sexual harassment lawsuit.

Well, thanks a lot, George.

But, hey, you know,
I got a better idea.

Why not just admit
I tried to boink Lisa Hahn

then put her on report
when she wouldn’t.

Do my career good.

They’ll pay off without
acknowledging wrongdoing.

It’s not on your record.

There are two records:

One official, and one
everybody whispers about.

You know my career will be over!

You shouldn’t have accosted her
in a parking lot.

I ran into her on the way in.

Not the way she told it.

Then her attorney called
the police commissioner.

I told you to stay away!

You’re taking her word
over mine, George? Nice!

Think, damn it!

How can I convince a jury

when two of you accost
the plaintiff

and her car window gets smashed?

That is not how it happened!

But it’s the way it looks!

Excuse me.

I can hear every word out here.

Chris, Gillian called.

They brought Vicki
into the E.R.

Someone used her face
as a punching bag.

I’m not through with you yet,

Maybe I am.

Chris, hold up!

Listen, I just got this
from records.

When Lisa was

she filed a complaint
against her stepfather

alleging he had been molesting
her since she was .

His name is Max Andrews.

Aw, no.

She was sexually
assaulted and beaten enough

to be hospitalized.

Her mother never believed her

or backed her up.

Andrews walked.

Andrews and Kendall
are not the same guy.

Maybe Lisa’s confusing the two.

Be careful.

Chris, there’s extensive
bruising, concussion

some lacerations,
but she’ll pull through.

We’d like to keep her
in ICU Overnight.

Vicki asked me to call you.

Look, the higher-ups
want to settle this suit.

Doctors get sued all the time.

That’s why we carry
malpractice insurance.

Settling isn’t
an admission of guilt.

It doesn’t feel that way to me.

This thing is crazy.

More truth to that
than you know.

Lisa was here, she...

Tried to question Vicki.

You let her?

She flashed her badge

and wouldn’t let me
examine Vicki.

Security had to escort her out.

Vicki say anything to her?

No, she was in too much pain.

Lisa wasn’t making sense.

She kept questioning her
about a man called Andrews.

Thank you.


Sergeant Lorenzo, remember me?


You were the one who apologized.


Dr. Dupree gave you
something for the pain.

Is it helping?

A little.

I can’t believe
he did this to me.



It was just the two of us
taking a walk.

I asked him why he had me say
I was with him that night.

He punched me and I fell.

He just kept kicking me.

I rolled down an embankment.

I just ran.

Shh, it’s okay.

I wasn’t with him
the night Shelley was k*lled.

You catch him.

I’ll testify.

Where is he?

You’re crazy, you know that.


I’ll have your badge for this.

Back up.

Do it-- now!

There are a dozen
people down there.

No one will buy a su1c1de
in the middle of the day.

Just what is your problem?

Get away from the edge
and put her down, Kendall.

Get it right, Lisa,
I’m not letting you go.

You’re a good cop.

You were right about Kendall
the whole time.

I can’t do this alone, Hahn.

I need your help, come on.

I don’t want to die.

I don’t want to die.

Come on.


I’ll call you back.

Chris, can I talk
to you a second?

I’m kind of busy
right now, George.

If you’ll excuse me.

Listen, after our talk
yesterday, I told my boss

I wouldn’t advise you to
sign off on the harassment suit.

He was pretty angry.

What changed your mind?

I decided I’d rather lose a job

than lose a friend.

I’m sorry, buddy.

Shouldn’t have taken
me this long.

What, you two are dating now?

I just got the word.

Lisa Hahn dropped her lawsuit.


That’s great.

Hey, you knew about this?

Yeah. But it doesn’t change
anything I just said.

Hey, cap, what about Lisa?

In a mental health facility.

She’s okay,
but she’s not coming back here.

That’s too bad.

She would have been

a good detective.

What’s this,
a boys’ club meeting?


I’m late for an appearance.

Chris, I’ll see you later.

Thanks, George.

I’ve got to go, got some work.

Glad you’re back with us, Lance.

Thanks, cap.

So, you and George,
did you make up?

Kissed and everything.

Lawsuit is dropped, you hear?

Yes, I did.


You know...

You have been a real friend

through this whole thing.


Uh, would it be
sexual harassment

if I gave you a hug?

Of course not.

So, uh... want
some more coffee?


That’d be great.


That’s sexual harassment.


Okay, I get it.

Doesn’t feel very good, does it?

I kind of liked it.

You’re hopeless.
