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04x18 - I Know What Scares You

Posted: 10/07/23 19:51
by bunniefuu
Hold that thought.


Leave me alone, you jerk!

What was that?

Nothing, forget it.

What do you want?!

I know what scares you.

Tina, what’s going on?

Some guy.

He keeps calling me.

I had my number changed

but he’s found it again.

It’s probably some frat geek.

They’re always
pulling crap like that.

Nobody’s going to get you
while I’m here.

Except me.

Roger, don’t.

Not right now, I can’t.

Oh, my god!
What was that?

Wait, don’t leave me here alone.


Oh, my god.

Alexa, what are you doing?!

Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot my keys.

You scared the hell out of us.

I’m sorry. Are you going
to hit me with that?

Alexa, that guy.

He just called again.

You sure it was the same guy?

I’m positive.

Oh, god.


I know what scares you.

Don’t let those
ambulance chasers

push you around.

Never have
and never will, captain.

Hello, people, what’s up?

I am stuck prepping
the Costanza case

all week long with Donovan.

Oh, sounds like fun.

Yeah, thrill a minute.

Yeah, I’m going to fill in.

That Caribbean flu’s
going around.

We’re short-handed this week.

Yeah, tell us about it.

Well, I guess missing
a few days’ work

is nothing
in the cause of justice, huh?

You could save yourself
some time-- sh**t a lawyer.

You’re so funny.

See you, guys.

Yeah, see you, Rita.

So, looks like
I’m your partner this week.


Oh, uh, you got a call.

Uh, "Rick Farraday,
one on one...

Ten o’clock."

Basketball on taxpayer time?

Yeah, do me a favor.

Cover with the captain for me.

I am the captain.

Wrong, you’re my partner,

I’m sensing
a conflict of interest here.

Hey, Randy, what’s up?

Hey, are you a cop?

Uh, last time I looked, yeah.

What can I do for you?

I’ve been getting
threatening phone calls.

Uh, go back
to those double doors

and talk to the desk officer.

We talked to the desk officer
and he couldn’t help us.

Did he take a report?

A report isn’t going to help.

We’ve got to catch this guy.

He’s dangerous.

I’d love to help,
but I’m in homicide.

You’re saying, like, one
of us has to get k*lled

before you can do something?

Look, I know
how scary this can be.

No, you don’t.

I’ve been going through
this for a month now.

The phone company
put a trap on my line.

That didn’t help.

He’s been using
a cellular phone.

I’ve even had my number changed

and somehow he’s found it again.

It sounds like
it’s somebody who knows you.

No, we’re talking
about a maniac.

We don’t know any maniacs.

I told you we’d
get the runaround.

Thanks a lot.

Thank you.

Come on, hotshot.

All right, coach.

Let me see your best.

Oh! Real sweet!

Nice "D," coach.

You show that to your girls?

You teach that to your girls?

I’m going to show you
something really sweet.

Come on, come on, baby.

So sweet, they call me sugar.

Oh! Bingo!

Time for your Insulin, homeboy.

I got your Insulin.

All right.
Take the ball up.

Take this.

Come on, try this on.

That’s my man,
always losing his balls.

Well, that’s okay, you have
enough to spare for us both.

Liz, how you doing?

Good to see you.

You, too.
A little sweaty.

I’m stressed out, but good.

She always had a thing

for hot, sweaty men.

Married you, didn’t I?

So, have they made you
a partner yet

in that law firm?

No, not unless
I sleep with the boss.

So, what brings you down

to the salt pits, honey?

I just need you

to sign these loan papers.

We’re building a new house
near lighthouse point.

Nice. Pricey neighborhood.

I don’t know why they need me
to sign these.

You’re the one paying for it.


Is there anything else?

No, just that I
won’t be home for dinner.

I’m working late.

Fine. Should I put something
on the stove?

No, that’s okay.

I’ll pick something up
on the way

to the office.

Nice seeing you, Chris.

You, too, Liz.

Everything okay with you two?

Yeah, just leave it
alone, all right?

Your ball, let’s go.

Yeah, my ball.

Can you believe those cops?

I swear,
the whole system is set up

to protect the criminals
from their victims.

I don’t like to think of myself

as a victim.

Sorry, but I mean...

What’s it take to get
a little protection?

Can we talk about
something else?

Yeah, Alexa, give it a rest.

Hey, Jeff, how about
those dolphins?

No, no, no discussion
of football in this house.

"Men who watch football,
and the women who resent them.

Next, on Oprah."

It’s burger time.

That’s funny.


Did you get the salt?


I’ll get...

I got it.


I know what scares you.

Oh, my god.

It was the guy again.

Come on, Tina.

You’re getting
a little psycho now.

You don’t get it, do you?

It’s probably
some pathetic loser

just getting his jollies.

You don’t know that!

Why are you getting so bent
over a few lousy calls?

Come on, Rog,
it’s not just the calls.

She doesn’t know who or where

this guy is.


Maybe Roger’s right.

Maybe it’s silly
to get so afraid.

This guy probably
is just some sicko

who gets off
on other people’s fear.

He likes scaring you.

He’s doing a hell of a job.

It’s exactly what he wants.

Well, I’m not
going to give it to him, then.

Good for you.

Let’s eat, shall we?


Hey, Liz!

What brings you
to this ptomaine pit?

Caffeine. You
actually ate here?

Not really eating,
more like refueling.

You hungry?

Not that hungry.

Actually, I have to head back.

Can I walk with you?

The smell reminds me
of the food in college.

Hey, I loved the food in college

amongst the other benefits.

We were wild, weren’t we?

I miss those days sometimes.

Do you ever wonder

what life would have been like

if things had worked out...

Yeah, I kick myself
often for having

split up with you.

But, you know, now...
I got Gillian.

Chris Lorenzo, a one-woman man?

Who’d have guessed it?

Yeah, I know,
it surprises me, too.

Look, Liz, are we friends enough

where I could ask
a personal question?

I hope so.

Rick’s a little edgy lately.

Something going on with you two?

That obvious, huh?

He’s been in a funk

ever since I joined
this new law firm.

He keeps sniping at me

about the money I make--

how he can’t afford stuff,
but his wife can.

I’m sick of hearing it.

I don’t understand why he just
can’t relax and enjoy himself.

It’s hard for men
when their women make big bucks.

I went through the same thing
with Gillian.

I was an idiot for a while,
but eventually I got over it.

I don’t know if I can
hang in long enough

for him to work through this.

If he ever does.

Why not see a counselor?

Yeah, right.
He’d never agree to that.

It gets ugly sometimes.

You guys are good together.

Don’t give this up
without a fight.

Want me to go talk to him?

No, I don’t think you should
get in the middle

but thanks.

You’re a real friend.

Got to run.

See you.


I really appreciate
this, Charlie.

No problem.

Any time you need a walk
to your car, let me know.

Why can’t all men be
as sweet as you, Charlie?

Not enough dessert.

Thank you.

Now, you drive carefully, huh?

I will, thank you.

Good night.

Good night.

I know what scares you.

I was just talking with her.

Walked her to her car.

I looked in the back

but I didn’t see anything.

There’s no way
you could have known.

See any suspicious people
in the library?


We don’t permit loitering.

You make regular rounds?

I check the parking lot
every half hour.

We got your phone number.

If we need anything else,
we’ll call.

She was such a sweet girl.



So, the k*ller must have known

when the security guard
made his rounds.

Means he’d been watching her.

He knew she’d changed
her phone number

and when she’d be
at the library.

Somebody who knew her
pretty good.

Another student?

Maybe a friend?

Oh, my god!

Oh, my... Tina, Tina?

Ma’am, please stay back.

Oh, my god.

I knew, I knew
when she didn’t come home.

And I saw the lights...

And her car...

You’re the one

who wouldn’t help her.

Oh, my god.

Is this enough for you
now, Mr. Homicide cop

or should she still
go see the desk sergeant?

She’s going into shock.

It’s all your fault
that she’s dead.

She died because of you!


Victim’s roommate.

Roger Boros?

Yeah, that’s right.

Sergeant Lorenzo,
palm beach homicide.

Oh, yeah, the helpful cop.

I stayed up all night
with Alexa.

She told me all about you.

I’m going to be late for class.

I have a couple of questions.

Try to make it fast.

How long did you and Tina date?

Not long.

She transferred from Michigan
three months ago.

Couldn’t take
another winter there.

Was she involved
with anybody else?

No, she was too busy
with her studies.

She never went out much,
except to the library.

She mainly hung with me,
Alexa and Jeff.

Who’s Jeff?

Alexa’s boyfriend.

Did you ever have any
big arguments, big fights?

What kind of question is that?


Sounds like you’re thinking
I’m a suspect.

I’m just trying
to eliminate you as one.

I’m going to be late for class.

Answer the question.

Did you two fight?


Nothing heavy.

Just, you know,
the way couples do.


Where were you last night
around : ?

At home, studying physics.

Anybody see you?

You take any calls?

No and no.

Not an airtight alibi, is it?

Sorry, I didn’t know
I needed one.

Anything else?



I am sorry about your loss.

Yeah, whatever.


What do you want?

Just came by to see
how you were doing.

I can’t stand
to be inside anymore.

Everything reminds me of Tina.

If there’s anything
I can do for you...

You’re a little late.

It’s okay, Jeff.

You Lorenzo?


All the cops in palm beach

they pick you.

Luck of the draw, I guess.

Shouldn’t you
disqualify yourself?

You watch too much TV, Jeff.

Come to soothe
your guilty conscience?

Come on, Jeff, leave it alone.

It’s all right.

I feel terrible
about what happened.

Only thing I can do
is find out who k*lled her

and I need your help.

I’m sorry.

This just isn’t a good time.

Alexa, don’t you want
to stop this guy

before he hurts somebody else?


I know what scares you.

It’s him.

It’s him.

Oh, my god.

Can you stop him
from hurting her?

Think about getting out of town

at least until we find this guy.

Oh, is that your idea of help?

What about school and my life

and my job and my family...

My whole life is here.

Then I’ll insist you get
-hour police protection.

Why should she be punished?

I don’t know how else to help.

You want to help?

Get out of here
and find the guy!

Look down below!

There you go... look, look.

To the middle.

To the middle!

All right, ladies,
take the shot.


Defense, ladies.

That was good.

That was good.

It’s not good enough
to win state

but we’re getting there.

I would like everyone
here tomorrow at : .

That means stretched
and ready to go at : .

No one is to be late.

All right?

That was a great practice.

Let’s go on three, ready?

One, two, three!


Everybody get home safe.

Looking good, ladies.



I taught them
everything they know.

You taught them
everything you know.


Careful, don’t let
them hear that.


I want to talk to you
about something.

But you got to promise
not to punch me out.

Aw, you’re not going to
come on to me, are you?

Not in my worst nightmare.

Then fire away.

Yeah, look, uh

everything cool
with you and Liz?

Sure, why do you ask?

Just thought I picked up a vibe

between the two of you
the other day.

Maybe you’re, uh

maybe you’re
being overly sensitive.

Yeah, yeah, maybe.

But I think
I know what’s going on.

I happen to be involved

with a woman whose income

makes mine look like
pocket change.


What’s your point?

I had to realize

I would never match up
in the cash department

but that I had other things
money can’t buy.

That manly physique.

Oh, definitely, but...
But some other things, too.

Yeah, well

it’s a little different
when you’re married.

It can’t be that different.

Sure it is.

When you realize

your wife will make
more in a week

than you do in an entire year?

That’s not until things
change or for now.

So what?

So it’s a hard fact to swallow.

Liz will love you
no matter what.


For how long?

Don’t kid yourself, man.

Money matters.

It’s this yardstick people use

to measure the guy
in front of you.

Nobody will talk about it.

So don’t kid yourself.

It’s always there.

Come on, in college,
you were always the idealist.

When did money
start meaning so much to you?

When I woke up in the real world

and my wife started
leaving me behind.

That’s not the way it is.

How long before
she starts comparing me

to the men in her world?

And she sees I don’t measure up.

A month? A year?

With Liz?

I’d say it’ll be forever.

Nothing is forever.

Oh, okay, so that means I have
the rest of my life

to wonder
when she’s going to bail on me.

This is no way to live, man.

I think you ought to talk
to somebody.

Now, what...
Don’t you have

anything else better to do...

Than poke your face
into my life?


Yeah, uh, forget it.


That’s it.


That’s it.

Let Dr. Jeff get rid
of all that tension.

Just let it melt away
under my hands.

I’m going to make you
forget everything.

It’s okay.

It’s okay, it’s okay.

It’s okay.

Just let it all out.

Let it all out.


I know what scares you.

No, what, what,
what did you say?

I-It was just a joke.

A little twist on the heat.

No, it was beyond sick.

Are you totally nuts?

I’m sorry, I-I didn’t
mean anything.

Please believe me.

No, get away from me.

Get away from me.

I want you to leave right now.

No, no, get away from me!

Alexa, don’t treat me this way.

Get back!



Don’t do this.

Hey, Sam.


Hey, what’d you get?

Forensics on Tina Spencer’s car

came up with five hairs

off the floorboard
of the back seat.

Short, dirty-blond

definitely not the victim’s.

Doesn’t mean
they’re the k*ller’s.

Doesn’t mean they’re not.

What’s this?


Hi, can we talk?

Yeah, absolutely.

Uh, let’s have a seat.

Alexa Tanner, I’d like you
to meet my partner.

This is Rita Lance.

Hi. I’m real sorry
about your friend.


Um, we kind of got off
to a bad start.

Don’t worry about it.


I’m real confused.

Something really weird

happened last night

and I don’t know who to talk to.

You can talk to us.

I’m probably overreacting.

What’s on your mind?

I was with Jeff last night

and we were making love

and he...


He put his hand
over my mouth and he said

"I know what scares you."

Just like the guy on the phone?

Exactly like

the guy on the phone.

You know, maybe he was joking,
but it was so sick.

Then what happened?

I freaked.

I locked myself in the bathroom.

I told him to get out, and...

I don’t know.

Just the way that he said it...

I was scared.

I told him to get out

but he hung around
until : in the morning.

I don’t know.

I think I overreacted.

You just lost your best friend
and what Jeff did was not funny.

You had every right
to react that way.

You think Jeff had anything
to do with these calls?

I don’t know how.

The last couple of times
the guy called

Jeff was with me.

Yeah, the other afternoon,
I was there, too.

I just have this...

Creepy feeling

like, like it can’t be him,
but maybe it is?

I don’t know.

So how much do you know
about Jeff’s past?


He’s, he’s from
a rich family from Virginia.

His mother’s dead

and his, his dad’s in Europe
a lot on business.

I don’t know, Jeff’s not real
talkative on that subject.

Where was Jeff
the night Tina was m*rder*d?

Well, he, he said
that he was at the movies.

You know that old art house
on Baker Street?

He goes there a lot.

That’s where he told me he was.

You got a picture of Jeff?

Uh, yeah.

Short, dirty-blond hair.

Is there a place
you can stay for a while

until we check this guy out?

My parents’ house.

Good, I’ll get the phone number

on the way out.

I’ll walk you out, okay?



See you, partner.

See you.

Right there is the sunken
living room

over there is the dining room,
next to our huge kitchen

and right here will
be a gigantic picture window.

What do you think?

Well, I think if it makes
you happy, it’s okay by me.

That’s it?

That’s your reaction?

This is our dream house.

No, this is your dream house.

Let’s see, I can contribute
about one tenth

the cost of this house.

Oh, maybe I can go
for the guest bathroom.

No, you go with the fixtures

I can’t do that.

I could afford the chimney.

You’re being ridiculous.

Liz, I can’t compete
in your world anymore.

I never asked you to.

Here we go, poor Rick.

Don’t you get bored
feeling sorry for yourself?

I know I sure as hell do.

I love you

and I know you love me.

Why isn’t that enough anymore?

You recognize him?

He’s in here all the time.

Seems like a nice guy,
kind of goofy sometimes.

In what way?

Always some dumb comment

about the movies

like I’m the one that
decides what we show.

Or, like the film’s scratched.

I mean, we show old movies here.

Was he here night before last
between : and midnight?

Uh, let’s see,
what were we showing?

It was Hitchcock night,
: show, psycho.

He was definitely here.

You’re sure?

Yeah, he loves that one.

I don’t like the scary ones.

He teases me about it.

He tease you that night?

He filled his mouth

with ketchup

and let it drip down his chin.

Like, I’m so terrified, right?

What a kidder.

Well, he’s goofy, like I said.

So, he was in here at : .

You happen to see him leave?


I had to work at the box office.

We were showing
the rocky horror picture show

at midnight.


Of course, he could have

gone out the back exit.


Yeah, what, what was
the disposition on that one?

Uh-huh, great.

Okay, anything else?

Okay, thanks.


You will never guess what I got.

List of priors a mile long
on Jeff Chadwick?

Yeah, pretty much,
how’d you know?

What any good partner would do.

Hasn’t been in trouble since
the family moved to Florida

but has been in and out
of psychiatric treatment

and was quite the
probation poster boy

back home in Virginia.

Why doesn’t that surprise me?

Listen to this...

fined and released.

Breaking and entering--
case dismissed.

Vandalism-- father paid
restitution, charges dropped.

Expelled from Blackport
school in Richmond

for stalking and threatening
a female teacher.

Arrested for violating
a restraining order

in connection with the same
teacher, placed on probation.

None of the cases went to trial

never served a day in jail.

Might be time
to change all that.

Why, what’d you get?

A witness who can place him at
the theater at : that night.

Not one person saw him leave.

Which still leaves the time
of the m*rder unaccounted for.

I say we pick him up,
run it by him.

The only thing we have
to tie him to the m*rder

is a piece of hearsay
from a hysterical witness

who was in a state
of extreme emotional duress.

And five short,
dirty-blond hairs.

Which would be enough
to bring him in

so we could take
a comparison sample.

I will bet you
c-notes to singles

that they match.

There he is, cap.

Jeff, hold it.

Hey, guys, I’m getting hungry.

What’s for dinner around here?

By the time you get to lockup

cold mystery meat sandwiches.

Can’t wait.

Why are you holding me?

Where’s my lawyer?

You called.

We have no control
over when he shows up.

In the meantime

I’d like to ask you
a couple of questions.

I got nothing to say
until my lawyer gets here.

We pulled a couple of hairs
off your sweatshirt.

They were compared to hairs

found in Tina’s car
the night of the m*rder.

Guess what?

They match.

Go figure.


Not a moment too soon.

Liz, what are you doing here?

They told me I’d find
my client here.

Your client?


I’m representing Jeff Chadwick.

You made bail for
that little bastard?

I had to, Chris, it’s my job.

You should pick your
clients more carefully

because this kid is dangerous.

Look, I didn’t ask for this.

I work for a full-service firm.

His father is
our biggest corporate client.

How’d he make bail?

You guys really
don’t have a case.

When we tried to bust
this kid, he ran.

He’s got a history
of psychiatric problems.

He’s been on probation
for stalking before.

What do you call that?

Circumstantial and hearsay.

You can’t disprove his alibi

and you have
no physical evidence...

We found his hair
in the victim’s car.

Oh, come on, Chris,
those kids were friends.

They double-dated all the time.

Besides, you were there
when the guy called.

How could he have been
in two places at once?

I don’t know.

But I do know
that he k*lled Tina Spencer.

And so do you.

I know nothing of the sort.

Besides, you’d still
have to prove it in court.

What are you going to do

if this guy goes back
and finishes off Alexa?

How are you going
to live with yourself?

Can’t we keep this
from getting personal?

You’re letting a k*ller go free.

I’m sorry, Chris.

It’s just my job.

Come on, come on.

Out on you.

No, you touched it last.

It hit your hand.

Bull, it’s my ball.

Yeah? Take it.

No, you take it.

All right, I got it.

Come on.


No basket, charging.

I am tired of your crap!

Your attitude’s
starting to bug me.

Ask me if I give a damn.

Tell me what’s going on here!

You tell me.

I’m pissed off at your wife.

My wife?

She sprung a guy from jail today

that belongs in a cage.

You always get this twisted up
over defense lawyers?

I expected more from Liz.

I didn’t think she’d sell out

because this kid’s dad
is some high-powered client.

What do you expect her to do?

Get fired or disbarred
just to keep you happy?

This kid terrorized
a woman for months

and then he cut her throat.

What kind of a person
allows an animal like that

back out on the street?

It’s her job, Chris.

Well, her job sucks.

I’m going to forget
you did that.

I won’t.

Lorenzo, what’s up?

I’m going to nail him, cap.

He’s guilty and he’s
trying to figure out

how to do it again.

We can’t touch him

until we come up
with something concrete.

The phone thing alone
would sink us in court.

I disagree-- five, four...

What are you doing?


Go ahead, pick it up.

Put it on the box.

Homicide, Captain Lipschitz.

This is Chris Lorenzo

and I want you to know that...

I know what scares you.

How’d you do it?

You want to know
how I did it, right?

I programmed voice mail to call

and leave a prerecorded message.

Bye, now.

Thank you,
no applause necessary.

I also found out
that Jeff Chadwick subscribes

to a phone service
for college kids.

They’re running a check
on his records right now.

Want to go along, partner?

What, are you kidding?


I know what scares you.

Jeff, is that you?

You are k*lling your case here,
do you realize that?

I really love
watching you undress.

It really turns me on.

Here’s the one that went out

the same time I was at Alexa’s.

That’s not Alexa’s number.

It’s a cellular number.

He could route the call
through a cellular phone

and call-forward it
to another number.

Does that make him
harder to trace?

Almost impossible unless
you caught him in the act.

Now, here’s several calls

to the same number today.

There’s one programmed for
a couple of minutes from now.

We’ve configured
for an intercept.

If he’s using call forwarding

the end number will
come up in our computer.


Oh, god, Rick

I’m so glad you’re home.

I called you and
there was no answer.

Jeff Chadwick’s
been calling here.

I think he’s here.

What do you want?

I know what scares you.

I’m coming to get you.

Here comes your number.

That’s Liz and rick’s
home phone number.

All right, that’s it.

We’re calling the cops.

What is it?

The line’s dead.

He cut the line?

Honey, just stay calm, okay?

Just stay calm.

We have to get out of here.

Shh, just take it easy.

Hello, beautiful.

Why are you doing this?

Because I like you, Liz.

My husband, he needs help.

That... is the least
of your worries now.

Please don’t hurt me.

I don’t want to hurt you

but you have to be nice to me.

All right, but not here,
not on the floor.

Smart girl.

Drop it, Jeff!

I can k*ll her

before you get off a shot.

I don’t think so.

Drop it.

How about a game of chicken?

Count of three,
I cut her throat.



Now you put it down.


The party’s over, kid.

You all right?


He’s still with us.

He’s not.

I’ll call it in.

Thanks for
backing me up, partner.

Forget about it.

You ought to come out
in the field more often.

Not on your life.


Rita, so how’d it go?

Uh, it went okay.

At the last minute,
Costanza copped a plea.

It turns out George
didn’t need me after all.

Well, we certainly
need you here.

Yeah, I can see that, cap.

It’s as though
I was never even gone.

Just like you left it.

So it would seem familiar
when you came back.


Hey, so, how’s Rick doing?

He’s got one hell
of a concussion

but I think he’ll be okay.

Are him and Liz
going to be all right?

That I don’t know.

That doesn’t sound
too encouraging.

I gave him some bogus advice.

I told him it didn’t matter

that his wife made
more money than him.

You’re right, it doesn’t.

Well, it shouldn’t, but...
It does.

We talked about this before.

Times have changed.

But they haven’t
changed that much.

Rick is looked down on
by the men in her circle.

"There’s the loser she married.

Guy only pulls down
thou’ a year."

Those guys are jerks.

Yeah, but it takes its toll.

Even if he says
it doesn’t matter

it still chips away
at his self-confidence.

Once that’s gone,
it’ll matter to her, too.

You feel very strongly
about this, don’t you?

They’re my friends.

That’s all this is about, right?

It doesn’t have anything
to do with you and Gillian?

No, nothing at all.