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04x15 - Mrs. Carlisle

Posted: 10/07/23 19:49
by bunniefuu
Happiness is making
others miserable.


Don't you want to play?

Not right now, mom.

Hi, cart.


Cart, don't.


I can't help it,
I can't get over you.


Oh, cart, don't.

This isn't right.

Mmm... so, how's
your summer vacation?

Val, where's the food?

I asked you

to bring it out minutes ago.

It's almost ready.

"Almost" doesn't feed guests.

I was

asking cart about his vacation.

Forget that-- people are hungry.

Let's go.

So, you, uh... talk to Eric?

Yeah, I, uh...

I finally called him back
last night.

He moved out of the mansion
into this apartment--

someplace he could afford
a little better.

Well, that's good, isn't it?


He wants to see me.


He sounds good, he...

He, um, quit drinking

and he's gotten himself
into a program

and I guess he's been
writing full time, so...

You believe him?

I don't know.


You got a minute?

Yeah, uh...

Yeah, cap.

How's Rita?

Well, not great.

Eric keeps calling

and leaving messages
on her machine.

He says that he has
straightened up his act.

Are you worried about her?

Yeah, I am.

Me, too.

What can I say?

She says she loves the guy.

You think he's a straight guy?

I don't know.

Sometimes I think he is,
sometimes I think he's not...

You know...

There is one way
to find out for sure.

I can't do it

but there is one
way to find out.

What are you talking about, huh?


If I had buddies
that worked at N.Y.P.D.

That had worked with Eric,
I might, well...

I mean, theoretically,
get on the phone

call them up, Eric's
name could come up

and then there's no telling

where the conversation might go.

This is not a competition.
This is just for fun.

I know, I'm sorry, I guess
I'm just not into it.

Okay, we don't have
to play, we can just hang.

I appreciate it.


You trying to keep
my mind off things.

Ah, that.

I'm cart.

If you need a little brush-up...

It's that obvious, huh?

Maybe some other time.

Are you the aspiring club pro?

No, just a summer job.

If you need anything,
give me a call.


Cart, what the hell is this

I hear about you
arguing with a club member?

It wasn't my fault.

She said the towels
I gave her were dirty.

Then she was right.

They just came from the laundry.

I'm talking.

Whatever she wants,
you give her.

If she wants a rubdown,
is that part of the job?

You get smart with me,
there won't be any job.

Dan, he didn't
do anything wrong.

This woman argues
with everybody.

Now you're giving me
static over some towel boy?

Dan, it's not fair.

Shut up!

Wow, did you hear that?

One more complaint,
and you're out of here.

You're on the bubble, kid.

Thanks for coming.

I was wondering if
I'd ever see you again.

Yeah, well, I needed
time to calm down.

I don't think straight
when I'm angry.

You want to...



You don't have to do this.

I don't... wouldn't blame you
if you never spoke to me again.

I've been considering it.

I haven't felt this tied up
inside in a long time.

Yeah, me either.

Look, I'll hang in
and I'll talk this

out with you or not,
it's your choice.


I don't know what I want.

Stay together or...

Split up.

I'm sure either one
is going to hurt like hell.

Rita, it was my crash and burn.

I'm sorry you got hurt.

Yeah, me, too.

Even when things
were at its worst

when you left me
locked up in that...

That drunk t*nk

I never stopped loving you.

I never stopped
loving you either.

But that doesn't
change anything.

Of course it did.

I never would have hit bottom
if it weren't for you.

So you're saying it's
my fault you got drunk

and smashed into that tree?

No, I never would have known it.

I would have just
gone on lying to myself.

You scared me, Rita.

You, you were real.

I couldn't hide with you.

Is this some sort
of a thank-you?


You saved my life.

I took a long, hard look
at myself because of you

and I... I made
a lot of changes.

I've started
to turn things around.

I've been writing, and I...
I've been going to meetings...


So why don't you
give me another chance?

I don't know.

Last time I said yes...

I violated your trust,
and I hurt you, I...

This time I won't make
any promises I can't keep.

I only know that I love you.

That's the only place
I know to start.

Now I'm scared.

Join the club.

Hey, hey.

I heard Mr. Carlisle
pounded you today.

What happened?

He said I was arguing
with a club member.

Mrs. Beecham.

She's such a butt rash.

I look at her funny
and she harshes on me.

Mr. Carlisle almost
bagged me today.

You getting fired?

That's funny, man.

Hi, cart.

Morgan, they were
just paging you.

Sorry, Mrs. Carlisle,
I... I didn't hear them.

What's wrong?

Dan beat me.

He threatened to k*ll me.


Just now, before he left.

Look, I'm stranded.

Could you give me a ride home?

What about...

No, he won't be there.

Yeah, but still...

He'll be out all night,
he always does this.


I could really use
a friend right now.


Mmm, you like
when val does that.

Oh, yeah, do it some more.

Yes, my little sex fiend.


First, I think I need

a teeny weeny bit more of this.

Save my place.



Cart, help me!


No, no...

No, no, no...

Don't, don't...

Let her go!

What happened?

Dan was here when I came in.

He had a g*n.

He went crazy.

He just went crazy.

He slapped me and
then he knocked me down

he had a g*n, you came running in,
and the two of you fought

and you got it away from him.

And I shot him?

You saved my life, cart.

You saved my life.

We were asleep upstairs.

Something woke us up--
I guess the glass breaking.

Dan went downstairs,
I heard some scuffling

then I heard a g*nsh*t.

Okay, what happened next?

I was scared.

When Dan didn't come back upstairs,
I came downstairs.

That's when I found Dan's body.

Did you hear any voices
during the scuffle?

Uh, I heard Dan yell once.

I... I couldn't make out
what he was saying.

I can't think right now.

Could it have been a friend
of your husband's?

Did he have any enemies?

I don't know.

My mind is racing, I'm sorry.

Maybe it will be clearer
in a few days.

Thank you.

Well, this guy was
worth ten million bucks.

That certainly didn't keep him

safe and warm at night, did it?


So, we have a
point-blank entry wound

a busted door lock,
no m*rder w*apon, and voilĂ 


A button I found seven feet,
four inches from the body.

I know I've seen a button
just like this.

I can't remember where.

Uh... the staff sweaters
at the club.


Guys don't remember

stuff like this.

Yeah, we're just happy if
they can tie their own shoes.


Come again?

I'm sorry.

I'm in a mood.

I don't buy Mrs. Carlisle's
story about hearing a scuffle.

But evidence suggests there was.

Entry wound was point-blank

the room showed
signs of struggle...

But you break in
carrying a p*stol.

Would you let them get that
close before you sh**t?


You got a minute?


See you.

Yeah, cap, what's up?


Where are we
on the Carlisle case?

She's fuzzy on the details

but we're going to go back
and talk to her.

Good, good.

And, uh...

You and Eric-- things okay?

We're working on it.

Why would you ask?

Why? I'm your captain.

I like to know how things
are going for my detectives.

Captain, I'm not quite sure
what's going on here.

Are you trying
to tell me something

or are you asking me something?

Look, Rita...

I may be way out of line on this

but I was talking to one

of my old
N.Y.P.D. Buddies today

and the subject of
Eric Russell just happened

to come up.

What a coincidence.

Yeah, what do you
think about that?

Small world, huh?


Could you come in here a sec?

Don't put this on Chris.

It was strictly my idea.

I'm worried about you.

What's up?

How could you do this?

Wait, it's...
You're my partner

it's my job to protect you

and I didn't really know
about the phone call.

We're in the crapper,
don't help.

Yeah, right.

I am licensed to carry a firearm
and a badge in this state.

And you two think I can't
pick the men in my life.

Why don't you

interview all the guys
I go out with

so the little woman
doesn't get mixed up

with the wrong kind of guy?


We care about you.

You know...

I've never seen you this down.

It's starting to scare me.


Go ahead, tell me.

According to my friend

Eric had a bit of a rep
for being a loose Cannon

but a good cop, on his way up

in the department.

No telling how high
he could have gone

until the incident.

What incident?

He was working undercover

for an elite narco unit.

Three weeks into the operation,
the whole thing blows apart.

Missing dr*gs, missing cash

the whole unit was indicted,
one of them ate his own g*n.

What about Eric?

He left the job.

Rumor has it that
Eric was dirty, too.

He made a deal,
got off, and got out.

Rita, I'm sorry.


Sorry, Rita.

Ten new globes should do it

and some of the wiring
needs a little "R and R."

How much?

, , Max.

Do it.

Are you sure?

Mr. Carlisle said to wait
until the stuff was trashed.

Well, Mr. Carlisle isn't
around anymore, is he?

Thank you.

Mrs. Carlisle, you
wanted to see me?


About what?

Carter ward.

The young man who
works here, cart?


He developed a crush on me
a couple months ago.

He started acting lovesick
around me at the club.

I thought it was a phase.

You know how teen-aged boys
fantasize about older women.

I thought it would pass,
but it just got worse.

He started snooping
around my house

I caught him peeking at me
in the showers at the club.

Then I started getting love
letters, very strange ones.

Strange in what way?

Well, I thought I'd
thrown everything away

but I just happened
to find this last night.

"I'll never forget your kisses

the afternoon we made love
in your bed"?

The two of you had sex?

That's what's frightening.

He's talking about something
that never happened.

Did you talk to him?

Once, but he wouldn't listen.

Then after
what happened yesterday...

What happened?

He called me
really late last night.

He started rambling
on and on about how I'm free

and that we can
finally be together.




Perfect timing.

I needed a break.

I need to talk to you
about something.

Hmm, sounds important.

Go ahead, sh**t.

What happened with you
and the N.Y.P.D.?

How do you mean?

Why did you quit?

Have you been wondering
about this for a while

or did the thought just come up?

Captain Lipschitz was talking

to some of his old buddies
at the N.Y.P.D.

And they said

you weren't a straight player

that you'd gotten involved

with some dirty cops

and you left the department
with a clouded jacket.

Let me get this straight.

Lipschitz was sh**ting
the breeze

my name just happened to come up

and his buddies just give him

a recap of my career
at the N.Y.P.D.?

Something like that, yeah.

You had him check me out.

No, I didn't.

He, uh... he did it
all on his own.

It's way out of line, Rita.

Is it true?

That's not the point.

Look, I need to know, Eric.

Why didn't you just ask me?

Well, I am asking you now.

Let me bask in
your trust and confidence

before I answer.

Why can't you just
tell me the truth?

'Cause you don't want
to hear it.

Anything that comes
out of my mouth

will be pure poison.

It was a Thursday night?

Yeah, the night of the m*rder.

I'm sure I went
straight home from the club.

Can you verify that, Mr. Ward?

Julie and I were out
for dinner that evening.

I trust my son.

If he said

he was at home,
then he was at home.

Are you inferring cart had
something to do with Dan Carlisle?

Did you, cart?

Dad, I was home
doing my homework.

It's all right, son.

Why would you suspect my son?

I can't give you
that information.

I'd like your club sweater.

He told you he was at home.

If there isn't anything...

I'm sure you trust your son.

But I'm conducting
a m*rder investigation

and I will check out
every possibility that I can.

I'd like that club sweater.

Unless you'd like

a police team to come
and tear the place up.

Go get it, cart.

It's not here.

It's in the laundry at the club.

For your sake, I hope so.

Button, button.

Who's got the button?

I guess this is better
than digging in the garbage.

Whew! Not by much.

Haven't these people heard
of deodorant?

A yak farm would be
better than this.




It's not looking
real good for you, cart.

You have no solid alibi.

You have a history
of conflict with Mr. Carlisle

and the button from your sweater

connects you directly
to the m*rder scene.

That's not enough, sergeant.


What about the gunpowder
residue on his sweater?

We've got enough
forensic evidence

to hold you over
for trial, cart.

You're in serious trouble here.

If you know anything

that's going to put you
in a better light

you need to tell me now.

I... I did it.

Be quiet, not another word.

No, I'm not going
to lie anymore.

Cart, if you continue to speak

I will resign as your attorney.

I want you to shut your mouth.

May I have a conference
with my client?

Nobody's coercing him,

I k*lled him.

I admit it.

We were in the jacuzzi

drinking champagne

um, I heard her screaming
and I ran into the house.

Mr. Carlisle was knocking her
around with a g*n.

I guess I tackled him
and got the g*n

and shot him.

Cart, what do you mean
you "guess"?

I was totally blasted
from the champagne.

I blacked out after that.

What was the first thing
you remember?

Lying on the floor
next to the g*n

and the body.

So you don't remember
sh**ting him?

No, I do, okay?

When I came to,
val told me that I k*lled him.

He can't confess on hearsay.

Cart, not another word

and I mean it this time!

I was never that quick to admit

I forgot to put
the toilet seat down

much less k*ll a guy.

He's not even sure
what happened.

How old is this kid?


And he's playing footsie

with a grown woman in a hot tub?


I was born too soon,
that's for sure.

This kid is definitely sincere.

Yeah, too sincere.

If he made up the affair

he could be making this up, too.

He certainly didn't make up

the powder marks
or the missing button.

What about the g*n?

We checked
both their houses-- zip.

The thing that doesn't add up

is the story about
being in the hot tub.

It doesn't jibe
with what she told me.

Somebody's lying,
that's for sure.

So, we're naked, we're in bed

and I am so excited.

I can't wait to see
the animal lurking beneath

this wonderfully sensitive

and emotional man...


Hello, Rita?

Dr. Taylor's love line's open
for the hopelessly lost in love.

That bad, huh?

One minute, I think Eric is
being totally straight with me.

The next,
my mind starts to whirl

with all these
deep, dark secrets

that I am sure
he's hiding from me.

You've got good instincts.

They'll tell you what to do.

Thanks, Taylor.

No, cart never actually told me

but I knew what was going on
between him and Mrs. Carlisle.

You're saying
he and Mrs. Carlisle...

Oh, yeah, yeah, major wood.

I even once caught them
on a racquetball court.

Their clothes were

all messed up and everything.

Did Mr. Carlisle
know about this?

Nah, he was too busy
bagging on everybody to notice.

Dude had a nasty 'tude.

You think of anything else

give me a call.

Appreciate it.


Taylor, how's it going?

I thought you'd
want to see this.

Mr. Carlisle was
hit on the head

before he was shot.


Why don't we go
to the evidence room?

I'd like to take a look
at Dan Carlisle's clothes.

See you later.

Yes, look at that.

Drag marks.

So he was dragged
to where he was found.

A very good call, Sam.

I say we get these
down to forensics.



I realized your friends
had every right

to look out for you.

Yes, they did.

Sorry I walked out on you.

Yeah, I'll bet.

Especially since it was
your own apartment.

I was halfway down the block
before I realized it.

It's not the best planning.

I want to tell you
about New York.

Can we go somewhere and talk?

I was assigned
to a special undercover unit

that ran stings on drug dealers.

When I got in, I saw
that the cops were dirty.

All of them.

They were shortweighing
the money and the dr*gs.

They expected me to stick
my nose in the same trough

because I was part of the team.

Did you?

No, I figured
I could ignore all that

and just do my job

but things turned ugly.

I wasn't on the take
so they couldn't trust me

and accidents started to happen.

Like what?

We'd be raiding
a fortified crack house

and my backup would
just suddenly disappear

things like that.

It was either them or me.

I really didn't have
much of a choice

so I blew the whistle on them.

It just made things worse.

Then they started

labeling you as a snitch?

They started
a whispering campaign

that I was dirty.

That I'd snitched
just to save my own neck.

I figured I could never trust

another New York cop
to back me up again

so I resigned.

Leaving the job
really messed me up.

I just loved
being a cop, you know?

I still miss it a lot.

You do believe me, don't you?

Yes, I believe you.

The lab techs found
carpet fibers and oil

embedded in the scrapes
on his heels.

What kind of oil?

Motor oil.

Unless Dan Carlisle parked
his car in the house

his body was dragged there
from somewhere else.

Probably the garage.

That contradicts
what val told us

and what cart said she told him.

Which makes
Valerie Carlisle a liar

and possibly a m*rder*r.

If cart was in the
jacuzzi with her

she couldn't have possibly
moved the body by herself

and been in that jacuzzi.

Unless, of course, she had help.

So val was setting
the kid up all along.

We are going to have

a hell of a time
making that stick.

No jury will convict
as long as cart

is willing to dig her out.

If he wises up,
turns against her.

Then everything
could unravel on her

and she knows it.

Mrs. Carlisle,
we like to ask you

a couple more questions.

Come in.


I thought
the investigation was over.

Didn't cart confess?

That's what we'd like
to talk to you about.

Could I use your rest room?

Go ahead.


Mrs. Carlisle,
cart said the two of you

were downstairs together
the night of the m*rder.

That's ridiculous.

And that you told him
to leave the scene.

He's making all this up,

He also said the m*rder w*apon

was lying on the floor
when he left.

I don't know why
he would be saying those things.

According to him

the two of you were having
a sexual relationship

that lasted over
a period of six weeks.

I'm sure
he actually believes that.

He had a very detailed memory
of five sexual episodes

all the way down to the date,
the time and the place.

Let's see, the...

The first one was
on the th of last month

in the locker room of the club.

The second

on the th on a handball court.

That's ludicrous.

The last time
on the ninth this month

in the men's room
of the Apollo movie theater.

It might as well
have been Apollo

because it's just not true.

He was very genuine
in his statement.

I feel very sorry for cart.

He obviously needs help.

So you're saying
there's no truth

to any of these allegations?

Absolutely none.

Well, I'm sorry we bothered you.

Thanks for your time.

What was that all about?

I handled it.

Now, back to
the business at hand.

Where were we?

I believe you were
about to handle my business.

Judge set bail on Carter ward.

In a m*rder case?

He's a minor

with no priors.

There's a strong
possibility of self-defense.

Nobody can find
the m*rder w*apon

and his confession is hearsay

from somebody
who denies saying it.

Is it a stretch he set bail?

So that's it?


I put a car on
the Carlisle house.

Maybe we get lucky.

All right.


Can I come in?


I was worried,
I thought you were in jail.

Are you all right?

The judge let me out on bail.

Can I get a soda?

Wait, I'll get it for you.

Yeah, the judge set bail

'cause they're not sure
about their case.

That's great news.

They said my confession
was from hearsay.

That won't work in court

especially since
you denied saying it.

How come you did that?

I did it to protect you.

If they knew we were together,
they'd think we had planned it.

It wouldn't be self-defense.

I did it to protect you.

You do understand that?

But they also said that
you denied we were lovers.


I had to, darling.

If they thought that you
k*lled Dan out of jealousy

you'd be in prison for
the rest of your life

and I just couldn't
let that happen.

Please tell me
that you believe me.

It would just k*ll me

if I thought that you
thought I didn't love you.

I love you.

I want you now.


We can't, honey.

Nobody's here,
your husband's dead.

Carter, no.

The neighbors could come by.

You shouldn't even be here,
you have to go right now.

Who are those for?

Where are those drinks,
honey pot?

Carter, wait.

We've got a problem.


The tail said cart went
straight to val's house

came out after ten minutes
boiling mad

like they had a fight
or something.


Okay, yeah.

Forensics for you.



They did, huh?

Okay, thanks.


The scrape marks from
Dan Carlisle's shoes

match the impression
from the garage.

Mrs. Carlisle is in this
up to her neck.

If she and cart really
did have a falling out

this kid's in danger.


I need you, cart.

I can't bear to be without you.

Please, honey, just give me
a chance to explain.

No, you got it all wrong.

Bob was just helping me
fix the motor on the pool.

It broke my heart
when you ran out.

I know, sweetie,
I want to see you, too.

I know the perfect place.

Admiral Tate park museum.

The parking lot--
no one's ever around at night.

I'll even let you do
whatever you want.

As a matter of fact

I'll even show you a few
things we haven't done yet.

In half an hour, okay?


I love you.

And I promise you, I'll
never say no to you again.

Okay, sweetie.

See you soon.



You and me

are going to have
a little talk, kid.

Let's go.

No, don't.

Don't move!

Put the g*n down.

Put it down.

Bad move, Bob.

Should have stuck to tennis.

Is this the g*n that
k*lled Mr. Carlisle?

That puts you in
a world of hurt, Bobby boy.

m*rder one on Dan Carlisle.

You don't want to take the rap.

Death row's a scary place

but that doesn't scare
a tough guy like you.

I wouldn't worry.

Val will get another patsy
to spend that money with.

Good point.

I'm not going to go down
alone for that bitch.

You came through for us, Bob.

I don't understand.

Val set you up, cart.

She planned the whole thing
in advance.

She knew her husband was
coming straight home that night

and while the two of you
were in the jacuzzi

Bob was waiting
for Carlisle in the garage.

Bob cold cocked him
when he got out of the car.

Then Bob dragged Mr. Carlisle
from the garage into the den.

Val got you drunk

and then drugged you.

She waited till you
were about to pass out.


Cart, help me!


They staged a phony fight

you came running in.

Bob shot Mr. Carlisle
as you passed out

leaving powder marks
on your sweater.

Then val planted the
sweater button next to the body.

Bob dropped the g*n by your hand

and when you woke up, val was
there to feed you a story.

I loved her.

I believed
everything she told me.

I'm such an idiot.

That happens to us all.

You just got an extreme.

It's all over.

Why don't you go
ahead and go home.

We'll take it from here.


Is it over yet?

Yeah, it's over, Mrs. Carlisle.

I'd say it's way over.

Get dressed.

You're under arrest, val.


Yeah, cap?

I got a call from
New York about Eric.

Now, just give me a chance here.

I don't know if I want
to hear it, okay?

It's from a guy high up
in the department.

He said

that Eric Russell was
the one clean cop

in the whole mess.

He got clobbered for having
the guts to break the code

and be a stand-up guy.

He got a raw deal, Rita.

He didn't deserve
what happened to him.

Do you know what
I'm telling you?

He was telling you the truth
the whole time.