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04x13 - Ghosts of the Past

Posted: 10/07/23 19:47
by bunniefuu

Aw, Jordan, I'm not holding up
a $ million software shipment

because of some petty pirating.

Bugs in the program?
Who says?

Jordan, forget the pirating

forget the beta testers

just... just ship
the software.


Oh, some cyber-freak in Texas

claims "problems"
with the new g- program.

Like hell-- I wrote it myself.

You okay?

I'm fine. Why?

You look... worried.

Oh, no, no.

No, I'm just a little tired.

Look, if I'm late tonight

don't wait up.

You know, when Bonnie
and I get talking...



Very nice.

Whenever you're ready.

I'm ready now.

Good job, baby.

I think you still enjoy it.

Well, you think wrong.

I'm not doing this again.

Use this for your new start.

You are my new start, baby--
never forget it.

You're going to do
whatever I want, whenever.

Or you know what will
happen to you, don't you?

Now, how about
giving Bobby a kiss?

For old times' sake?

: , oh!

Uh, what's the rush?

What's the rush?

Man brushes teeth,
shaves in the shower

slaps down his hair

and he's ready
to face the world.

Women have a few more

Ever notice?

Oh, I've noticed.

I'll make some coffee.

Uh-uh, not for me.

I got surgery this morning.

Need steady hands.

I forgot my dry cleaning.


You angel.

How did you remember?

I didn't.

The dry cleaner did.

I guess he figured out
our sleepover arrangement.

So you don't have
to hurry now, do you?



Not this morning.

How much?

It's on me.

Don't be ridiculous.

I am not going to let you pay
for my dry cleaning.

Here, take it.

You take it.

Take it, take it.

Chris, I won't let you
pay for this.

While we're on the subject

it's time you let me cover
some of our dinners.

I'm a doctor, I make good money.

I know.

So why do you grab the bill
all the time?

Sometimes I'd like to treat you.


Is that an "okay, I agree"

or "okay, let's change
the subject"?

That is an "okay..."

"You better get out of here

and go to work
before you're late."




Meet me, half an hour.

Bobby, I told you!

I'll swing by.


Then be on time.

And look sharp, baby.


The Taylors?

Cocktails and croquet?


Oh, sweetheart, um,
something's come up.

A volunteer from
night moves just called

and there's a problem
with one of the kids.

Oh, can't it wait?

Oh, I'm afraid not.

Can you handle the Taylors?

I'm sure they'll understand.

You work so hard there.

I'd like to see you
take some time off--


Why don't we go away
for the weekend

drive up the coast?

How does that sound?

Oh, that sounds wonderful.

Look, I've got to get going.

I'll try not to be late.

Sam, have you got a minute?

Look at this.

to queen's bishop ."

Now, who on earth
would fax that here?

The captain-- he's playing chess
with a buddy from Brooklyn.

So, uh, what's the question?

Well, if you were
going out with a guy

and he made less than you do...

Which would be
unlikely on my salary.

But let's say that you're
going out with this guy

he makes less than you do.

Would you still let him
pay for things?

Unless I felt like I was
being taken advantage of.


Oh, I just wondered.

I see.

We're out on the wild frontier
of sexual politics, right?

So, what-- Gillian
doesn't want to pay?

She wants to pay for dinners.

And this is a bad thing?

Sam, come on,
you know how it is.

We go out to dinner

the waiter comes over,
he hands me the check.

If I pass it off to her

the waiter looks at me
like I am about two feet tall.

Like you're a kept man.


You don't feel like
you're bringing your share

of the woolly mammoth
back to the cave.

Oh, see, look,
it was just a simple question.

It's the ' s, Chris.

Women can pay their share.

Unless you enjoy
being a meal ticket.

Right, look,
I'm not being heard here

so never mind.

Loud and clear.

Would you call me
when my fax comes in?

Oh, yeah, I'll call you.

Your client's on his way.

Want a shot?


Come on.

It will loosen you up.

What will it cost for you

to leave me alone, Bobby?

You are missing
the point, Suzanne.

Okay, so what's the point?

I did hard time because of you.

You beat the crap
out of me, Bobby.

What do you expect?

I didn't expect
my number one girl

to give me up to the cops.

To testify against me.

You know, you're lucky
I don't hold grudges.

Please, Bobby.

I left all this
back in L.A.

I've turned my life around.

I can't do this anymore.

You know what I think you need?

I think you need a reminder
of the good old days.

Take a look.


do you want me to send these
to hubby Paul?

Or, uh...

The society page?

That would spin your life

in a whole new direction, huh?

You son of a bitch.

Oh, you ain't seen
nothing yet, honey.

You are into me big time.

And the only way
you can pay me back

is by working off your debt.

For how long?

Till I say when.

Your client's here.

Try and put a little life
into this one, huh?

The last guy said
you were a little stiff.

Maybe it's because
you're out of practice.

That was fabulous.

I'm so glad
we decided to do this.

It was one of those days

two pre-ops, a cardiac

and they never stopped
paging me all day.

Well, what do you say
we get out of here?

Here, you can give that to me.

No, I got it, got it.

Why do you keep doing this?

Special occasion.


three months, tonight.

Chris, how many
more "anniversaries"

are there going to be?

Well, hundreds,
thousands, I hope.

Chris, we eat out,
like, twice a week.

When are you going to let me pay
for my share?

I make a living.

So do I.

Maybe I'm just old-fashioned.

Stubborn is more like it.

Hey, if I want to take my girl
out for a nice dinner

what harm can that do?


Except that your "girl"
is a grown woman

who earns a very good living.

And I don't want
to see you go broke.

Excuse me, sir.

Uh, this,
this card's been declined.

You serious?

I'm afraid so.

There must be a mistake.

Why don't you go back and...

I ran it through twice, sir.


Try this one.

I'm sure it's good.

It's hardly ever been used.


You're enjoying the hell
out of this, aren't you?

Oh, I certainly am.



Mr. Ricker.

Jack Keith.

It looks like you were right.

Time to hang up now.


You shouldn't stay on so long.

These calls can be
very expensive.

You keeping an eye
on my girl, huh?

Let's take it easy here.

I'm just doing my job.

You know, and I respect that.

And let's just see what that is.

Ooh, I'm impressed.

Private investigator, huh?

Look, I'm sure we can
work something out.

Hey, that sounds good to me.

Why don't we take a drive
and talk about it?

Start the car.

Hey, Bobby.

Sam, what do you got?


White male, late s

single g*nsh*t wound
to the head.

No wallet and no keys.

Did you get a name?

Uh, yeah.

The car was registered
to a Jack Keith.

You're kidding me.

Why? You know him?

I met him when I was doing
a rotation in vice.

He's a P.I.


Somebody must
have driven him here

and dropped him off.

Gee, you think
this is a robbery?

Well, if it was...

It's a sorry attempt.

They left these.

If this guy were on the job

he would have had
a worksheet or notebook.

Yes, he would,
and no, there's not.

So, you know
where his office is?


Well, place is neat

doesn't look like it was tossed.

Yeah, well, I get dibs
on the message slips.

Your turn for the trash can.

You're taking advantage
of my distracted state.

Why? Did something happen
last night?

Yeah, something happened--
dinner happened.

I maxed out my credit card.

Gillian had to pay for me.

How horrible for you.

Oh, no, see... forget it.

You just don't understand.

No, I don't.



Uncashed check for , bucks
from a Paul ricker

made out three days ago.

He's the software magnate,

beach Avenue.

Millionaires' row.

I know his wife.

She's a big donor
over at night moves.

The runaway shelter
you volunteer at.

She's there quite a bit.

The girls like her.

Why do you think
he didn't cash this?

Maybe he didn't have a chance.

Now, that's interesting...

What do you got?

There's no file on ricker.

This Keith guy is a neat freak.

All of his files are in place,
but there is no file for ricker.

Well, maybe somebody was here

they took the file...
Missed the check.

What say we take a drive?


Nice pad.

The house that software built?

Suzanne says they've got a place

in Aspen, Hawaii
and The Bahamas.

Don't tell me any more.

I was this close to studying
computers in college.


So what are you saying?

All this could have been yours?

That's exactly what I'm saying.

I don't think so.


Rita, hello.

What a pleasant surprise.

We need to speak
with your husband.

Do you mind if we come in?

No, no, not at all.

Come on in.


These people are detectives.

They need to speak with you.

And this is Rita--
I told you about her.

She works with me
at night moves.

Oh, hi, it's a pleasure.

Nice to meet you.

Sir, I'm Sergeant Lorenzo.

Can we talk in private?

If you'll excuse me...

Rita, I know this isn't the time

but can we have lunch one day?

I have some ideas
about night moves

I'd like to run by you.

Okay, just give me a call.

Have a seat.


So, um...
What's this about?

It's about Jack Keith, sir.

You... you
knew him, right?

Yes, I know him. Why?

He was m*rder*d last night.

Are you kidding?

How? Where?

He was shot in a
parking lot in west palm.

You hired him recently, sir.

What did you hire him for?

Ah, I don't believe this.

When did you hire him?

A few days ago.

Surely that can't have
anything to do with this.

What kind of work
was he doing for you?

A general investigation.


Is it necessary
to go into detail?

It would be a big help.

I don't know,
it's highly confidential.

We're going to
have to insist, sir.

I've developed a new piece
of video compression software

that could revolutionize
the industry.

It's called the g-

and we'd had some
problems with pirating.

I'd asked Jack to look into it

but as far as I know,
he's barely begun.

You hired him
for corporate security?

That's right.

Excuse me, Paul.

You have a call-- the office.

Why don't you go ahead
and get that, Mr. Ricker?

We're finished with you for now.

Thank you.


So why'd you bail out so quick?

All that technical stuff
was just double talk.

What do you mean?

Keith was a nuts-and-bolts P.I.

He wouldn't know
anything about software.

So we got to come back

when we have something
ricker can't wiggle out of.

Why would ricker pay
for a company-related problem

with a personal check?

To watch somebody, maybe?

Who? Suzanne?

That doesn't make sense.

She's always come across as
a straight-arrow kind of girl.

Like my pappy used to say:

Sometimes it's the quiet ones
you got to worry about.

Your pappy Lorenzo,
the one from New York?

Yeah, that very same one.



Is everything all right?

Actually, no.

Someone who just started
working for me--

he was m*rder*d.

Oh, how awful.

Did they...
Did they say how, or who?

No, not yet.

Suzanne, is there anything
you want to say to me?

About what?


Well, what are
you talking about?


Never mind.

Ow, damn it!

Son of a...

Are you all right?

Oh, I burned myself.

She just died on me.

I don't know a damn thing
about cars.

Are you heading
down hill street?

Sonny's garage?

Yeah, that's it.

Can I hop a ride?

Of course, come on.


You're a real lifesaver.

PI's secretary confirmed
Keith was strictly low-budget.

He did divorces, cheating
spouses, asset searches--

he wouldn't have known anything
about computer software.

Ever play chess, Lorenzo?

No, uh-uh, captain.

How about you, Rita?

Not since high school, captain.

Extraordinary game.

It keeps the faculties
in better shape

than the nonplayers'.

Expands the life expectancy
of the mind, so to speak.

Like I was saying, cap,
we assume Ricker's lying.

Doesn't take a genius
to figure that out.

The question is why?

Could have something to do
with the wife.

She wasn't too happy to see us.

Maybe she was having an affair.

Ricker found out, hired Keith.

She and/or the boyfriend
didn't like being watched

and offed the P.I.

Why would ricker lie?

Maybe he wanted
to catch her in the act.

Okay, I'll buy that.

Let's lean on ricker, hard.


You've been very quiet.

What's your take on this?

I like Suzanne very much.

Everyone I've spoken to
seems to think

she was very devoted
to her husband.

How about to his millions?

You... you still playing
the same guy from New York?

Barney Rosenfeld,
fourth precinct.

We used to play
in prospect park.

Let's see what
Barney makes of this.


Captain, I think
that would be a mistake.

What are you talking about?

Well, Barney's next move

would be king
to queen's knight five--

he would mate you in three.

Aren't there murderers
that need catching?

Yeah, yeah.

Well, go ahead.
Catch 'em!

What time did he leave?

You try his pager?

Tell Mr. Ricker
when he gets in

we want to see him, okay?


We have a sh**ting.

Lorenzo, homicide.

Single g*nsh*t wound to the head

just like Keith.

Gee, what do you think?

Another random burglary
gone bad?

If that's what they're selling,
I'm not buying.

can't we do this another time?

I'm having a really bad day.

I know, Suzanne, I'm sorry.

The first few hours
after a homicide are crucial.

Anything you tell me might help.

I don't know, um...

God, I can't believe
that this has happened.

I'm sorry.

the parking lot attendant

said Paul left with somebody.

Do you know
who that might have been?

No, I have no idea.

Did they say
what he looked like?

They only gave us
a partial description.

They said he was
about , clean-shaven

dark hair...

Is that somebody you know?

Uh, no, no, no...

It wasn't.

Did you know Paul had hired
a private investigator?

Yes, he told me
the first time you were here.

Did he say why?

He said it was something
to do with his business.

Hmm... see, we checked

and Jack Keith didn't have
a background in computers.

His area of expertise
was, um, divorce.

Was Paul having
any personal problems?

No, no, not that I know of.

What about the two of you?

Were you all right?

Things couldn't
have been better.

I have to ask you
where you were yesterday

between :
and : p.m.

Why are you even asking me?

I have to.

Your maid said
that you weren't home yesterday.

I... I... I was shopping.

Where at?

Um... the center mall...
Uh... the Plaza.

So did anyone see you?

No! I don't know.

Uh, god, I don't think so.

Now, if there
isn't anything else

I need to be alone.



I'm really sorry.

Paul ricker, he's

chairman of ricker software.

Took the company
public last year.

It was a $ million offering.

It all goes to his wife.

She have an alibi?

She says she was at the mall

but nobody seemed
to have seen her.

This is looking worse
by the minute.

I'm not so sure she had
anything to do with it.

She really doesn't
have a reason.

She had million reasons.

There's no g*n registered

to Paul or Suzanne ricker.

The b*ll*ts were fired
from the same nine-mil.

So we know it was the same guy.

What's with
the garage attendant?

He saw the guy ricker
drove off with earlier

fussing around with his car.

He can't give a positive I.D.

But he was wearing
a gold wristwatch.

Gee, that narrows it down.


Maybe it was a setup.

Maybe ricker knew the guy

but didn't know it was
the wife's boyfriend.

If he is the boyfriend--
we're still not sure of that.

You may know the lady, Rita.

But we still got
to follow through

as if she was involved.

I say we dig up
all we can on her.

She didn't go bad overnight.

So, you want
-hour surveillance?

Why not?

If this is a boyfriend,
maybe she leads us to him.

Read about your loss
in the paper.

God, that's so tragic.

You k*lled him, didn't you?

Let's not make a scene

we wouldn't want
to disturb anyone.

What do you want?

I want the keys.

I asked you a question.

I said give me the keys.

You bastard!

You want me to cut
your face, huh?

No, that wouldn't
be a good idea.

It would be bad for business.

I'm going to k*ll you, Bobby.

I swear I will.

I don't think so.

What did you tell the cops?

Okay, be that way.

Now, here's the deal.

You were so stricken with grief

that you decided
to hire a driver-- me.

Nobody suspects

and you and I get
to stick real close.


What's up?

Hey, cap, Suzanne's record
just came in from California.

Her maiden name was
Suzanne Clarence.

Former address, Los Angeles.

She came to palm beach
about five years ago.

Married ricker
in the spring of ' .

DMV lists her birthplace
as Ukiah, California.

The local cop there
remembers her as a runaway.

I figure that's why she got
involved with night moves.

Hmm, any arrests?

We're still waiting
on the info from L.A. county.

What's taking so long?

They're overworked,
they're understaffed

and the computers are
down half the time.

They should have hired
ricker for a tune-up.

That's funny.

We're going to be
waiting for a while.

You hungry?

Yeah, I'm starved.

What do you say
we call Wan Lu's?

Um, go ahead and order.

I'll just have some
of whatever you're having.

You'll end up having
half of what I have.

Yeah, it's Lorenzo.

Right, uh, curried prawns,
two orders of fried rice

and some kung pao chicken.

Yeah, just put it on my tab.

What do you mean
it's been paid for?

All orders for a month?

Look, you know, guys,
I'm a cop, I can't accept...

She did, did she?


Yeah, Gillian.

Well, that's great, yeah.

Yeah, minutes will be fine.

No, no...

Don't give me that look.

This... it's very uncomfortable.

Listen, if you
can't get her to stop

you could always arrest her
for blackmailing a cop.

You... are no help.

Neither are you.

Hey, cherie,
thank you very much.

Thanks, cherie.

Suzanne Clarence, one arrest
in Beverly Hills six years ago.


The charges were dropped.

Hey, this is very nice, huh?

Nothing but the best
for my number one girl.

Ooh, good quality.

High ceilings, a lot of space

won't be tripping
over each other.

Listen, do you mind
if I take a shower?

You know, you can
join me if you like.

I mean, it may do you some good.

Might take your mind off it.

Take it easy, baby.

That thing's loaded.

You m*rder*d my husband.

Yeah, we already
established that.

Establish this,
you son of a bitch!

No, no!

You don't know when to stop

do you, baby?

First you get
your man thrown in jail.

Next you're trying to k*ll him.

I don't know
how much more I can take of this.

You're not very smart.

This is the same g*n
that k*lled hubby and the P.I.

Now whose little prints
are on it?

Not mine.

Gee, I better hide this.

I wouldn't want
the cops to find it.

You son of a bitch!

Okay, here's the deal.

All Bobby wants
is $ million cash.

Or the cops get the g*n.

Well, Beverly Hills, huh?

Ha, a real high flyer.

I want to see this lady
take a big fall.

Okay, what else have we got?

So far, we got zip.

Stakeout said
she hasn't met anybody

except the estate lawyer.

She's sitting tight.

Playing the grieving widow.

Until she makes a move,
we don't have a case.

We got no proof

she was anywhere
near the murders

no sign of a boyfriend.

How much does she
stand to inherit?

Total? $ million,
five million in cash.

She gets all of Ricker's
interest in the company

the house, car, the options,
stocks, everything.

That's the part
I don't understand.

If she wanted to split
from ricker

why not file for divorce?

She would get
a hell of a settlement.

But if she gets pinned
for two murders

she inherits nothing

she gets life, or worse...

Why would she risk everything?

That's a great point.

Maybe, but there's
no accounting for greed.

And let's not forget

we're talking about a lady
who used to turn tricks.

Okay, I want you both

to take over the surveillance

from Haley and McCarthy.

Go ahead.

Thank you.

Home, sweet home.

You're quiet.

What's up?

If Suzanne ricker
is such a bad apple

why did she pump so much money
and time into night moves?

Maybe it's all part of the act.

No, I don't buy it.

Sam, take a look at this.

McCarthy, it's Lorenzo.

How long has Suzanne ricker
had a driver?

She just hired him.

Where did he take her today?

To the bank.


Look at that.

Dark hair, clean-shaven,

That sound familiar to you?

Got a gold watch
on his left wrist as well.

I say we find out who he is.


You have your compact?

You want to powder your nose?

No, just the car door.

Captain, we just spoke
with Ricker's banker.

He said Suzanne ricker came in

and made a huge withdrawal.

$ million, cash.

We know who this guy is?

Well, we're about ready
to find out.

Hello, Mr. Thumb.

We got a hit on the thumbprint.

It came in from California.

Bobby Veniro,
a.k.a. Bobby Snyder.

Convictions for pandering

and for aggravated as*ault.

Did three years in chino.

Suzanne testified against him

in the as*ault case.

He is blackmailing her
to make her withdraw cash.

We don't know that.

He knows her history.

She put him in jail.

She also tricked for him.

Maybe she paid him

to m*rder the husband.

I think she's scared, captain.

She has good reason.

m*rder is a capital offense.

No matter what she did
in the past

she turned her life around.

She's married a wealthy guy

she's very much in love...

Then Bobby shows up
like a bad dream.

There is no way she did it.

I'd like another pass at her.

Terrific. If she really is
involved, we tip our hand.

I don't think that will happen.

She put this guy in jail before.

Maybe she'll do it again.

More questions?

Why don't we talk about
your work at night moves?

Last year, you donated
$ , to the shelter.

You put in about
hours a week.

That's true. So what?

Well, I just...

I always thought
it was admirable.

Especially since you were

a runaway once yourself.

What makes you think that?

Because we checked.

We also found out

about the prostitution
arrest in California.

Youthful mistake.

Was Bobby Veniro
a youthful mistake?

Bobby Veniro?

The guy who's been
driving you around

for the last couple days?

He's a friend.
So what?


He was your pimp

and he used to beat you

and now he's your friend?

He fits the description

of the man who drove off
with Paul.

I think
he m*rder*d your husband.

My captain thinks
you're in on it.

That's not true.

No, see, I don't believe it is.

I think Bobby's
blackmailing you.

But the part I can't
figure out is

why you'd be so concerned about
being exposed with Paul gone.

What does this guy have on you?


Then why did he drive you
to the bank?

I told you, nothing.

You come in here,
you make these accusations...

Suzanne, just tell me the truth.

Just tell me the truth.

I have nothing to say.

Then I can't help you.


The bank says the money will
be there tomorrow at noon.

All of it?


Do you want to pick me up?

No, take a cab and meet me
back at the house, all right?


She's got the money.

She's getting into a cab.

Veniro just left the motel.

All right.

There's no one here.

What's the matter, Bobby?

Getting jumpy?

Hey, just checking.

Is that it?

Is this some kind of a joke?

No joke.

This ride is over.

Now, take a hike.

Come on, Bobby, get with it.

This is where you thr*aten
to k*ll me again.

Don't disappoint me now.

You are crazy, baby.

Maybe, but you're not getting
a nickel from me.

So do what you're going to do.

Come on, Bobby,
sh**t or get off the pot.

This is good.

This is real good.


Time to cut my losses.

I'll empty that jewelry box

I'll sell
that nice set of wheels.

I'll take any cash.

I'll leave this
for the police to find.

And I am out of here.

You end up like your hubby.

Is that what you want?

It's your choice.


Drop the g*n!

Okay, all right, take it easy.

Don't get excited.

Put it down.

Take it easy...

Get your hands off me!

Drop it!


Rita told me what happened.


Are you okay?


He didn't give me
much of a choice.


Well, just relax.

Doctor is working.

Free Chinese for a month?


Oh, I'm sorry.

I was trying to prove a point.

I wish we had some now.

I'm hungry.

Yeah, me, too.

I ordered some pizza.

I figured

you wouldn't want to go out.


Don't even think about it.


You take plastic?

Sorry, uh-uh-- only cash.

Would you take a check?

Yeah, right.

Is that a yes?

That's a no.

See, the thing is,
we're both really hungry.

Is there any way
we could work this out?

Why don't I leave the pizza

and come back tomorrow
for the money?

You would do that?



Would you hang on a second?

What's the matter?

Uh, you are not going
to believe this, but...

They don't take plastic,
and I have exactly...

Two dollars!

How much is the pizza?

$ . .

$ . .

You got , and...
One, two, three bucks.

Hey, lady, will you hurry up?

I'm turning into
a lawn jockey here.