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04x11 - Time Share

Posted: 10/07/23 19:44
by bunniefuu
Hey, Pete,
how about another cannoli?

You had three already, Lenny.

When I get done testifying
against ray Puccio

they'll send me someplace
they ain't heard of cannolis.

Send your cholesterol
to the moon.

Don't worry.

Time comes, I'll get one
of those angio-rooter jobs.

Be good as new.

Pull up a chair, huh?

Now, you be nice.

Let me take your money
just like I did

your friends outside, huh?

Yeah, oh.

You wanted this, didn't you?


You were walking around...

Wiggling it...

Sticking it in my face.

Is this what you wanted?



This... is what I want.


About time my number came up.

And a good time was had by all.

Like the song says:

"You got to know
when to fold 'em."

Not according to Hoyle.

How many are dead?

Two sheriffs,
a maid and this guy.

He's got a witness I.D. Card.

Lenny piazza.

Name ring any bells?


Where's the other sheriff?

Uh... utility closet
with the maid.

Doing a job on him--

but never lived to see payday.

Not according
to Hoyle, either, huh?


Any witnesses?

Not a one.

All right.

Can you finish?

I got to meet Donnie dogs.

About what?

I'm finishing up
this case with Donovan...

Yeah, I'll cover for you.

Yeah, Lorenzo.

Hey, cap.

Okay, I'm on my way in.

Yeah, I think
I can stop by the pharmacy

and pick that up.

See you.

Sinus trouble?

Heartbreak of psoriasis.

Captain just got a call
from Donovan.

Turns out this witness

is testifying against
Mr. m*rder and mayhem himself

ray Puccio.

Not anymore.

See you.

Rita, it's getting cold.

Come on, eat!

So what about Joey the snake?

Oh, please, I'm eating.

You said
you had information on Joey

and you needed
to talk to me now.

So I'm here, talk. What?

Rita, I'm begging you, sit.

I'm hurting my neck
looking up at you.


Have a bite.

From scratch, for you.



So I've bitten.

Now what about Joey?

Well, how is it?

It's perfect.

It's, um, exquisite.

It's probably the best
thing I've ever had.

Now can we get down to business?

Joey the snake.


What about him?

He split.

He went to Argentina.

I guess you could say
Donovan's case just went south.

You could have said this
on the phone.

Why drag me down here?

I thought maybe

you wanted to talk about
the Lenny piazza hit.

You already know about that?

I got a courtesy call.

I held markers

on Lenny
when he couldn't win a bet.

Before he got

mobbed up with ray the pooch.

Now, there's a dog,
ain't he, Dutchie?

You, uh,
you know who did the hit?

Are you kidding me?

Most likely some out-of-towners.

Be straight with me.

What am I doing here?

For my ravioli.

Hey, one day I'll make you

fettucine Al Bordo.

I make it special...

I'm leaving.

Okay, okay.

I need a little favor.

It's not for me.

For my father.

You said he owned
an ocean park chop shop

and beat you senseless
till you learned

to hot-wire a car.

I said that?

That's what you said, yeah.

Aw, that was just P.R.
For the boys, you know.

Actually, he's a tailor
on queens boulevard.

He laid into me
for hot-wiring his car.

Are you saying that he's legit?

Yeah, and now he thinks I am.

'Cause I told him I was dating
this wonderful woman detective

from the
palm beach P.D.

You told him what?

I got a little carried away.

Anyway, he's coming down here
for a visit.

So I was thinking

if maybe we could...

You can't be serious!

Aw, Rita, Gussie's got a tumor.

And it's traveling.

You can make a dying man happy.

What's one little dinner date?

Forget about it, Donnie.

Oh, Rita, please.

You want my papa
to go to his grave

ashamed of his own son?

I want him to leave
this earth in peace.

I'm doing this for him.

Please, Rita.

After all the favors
I've done you.

Come on

what's one little dinner date?


One date.

Thanks, Lorenzo,
I really appreciate this.

Anything to stop
this damn itching!

Little rug burn, cap?

It's the humidity.


Captain, Sergeant Lorenzo.

Detective Higgins

Miami organized crime unit.

It was his sheriffs
guarding the witness.

I guess sil*ncer, . mm,
nothing left to chance?

Puccio trademark.

All but his signature.

We set up roadblocks,
checking motels.

We can't put toothpaste
back in the tube.

There's one witness left

to testify against ray puccio

and I have to make sure this one

stays alive.

This came down from way above.

Palm beach P.D. Takes
charge of the witness

until the trial
reconvenes in Miami.

I designated you and Lance.

Oh, cap, I'm working a
multiple homicide investigation.

You got shower water
in your ears?

This is a direct order.


you think I like it?

This was my assignment.

But they're orders

and there's nothing
either of us can do.

You and Lance meet the witness

who's flying in
from Jacksonville.

Anything you need,
contact my office

day or night.

Let's see if we can keep
this one breathing.

And Harry

take care of that rug burn.

I guess it's hard to find
a baby sitter in this town, huh?

You're still here, Lorenzo?


Lance and Lorenzo,
palm beach P.D.

We got an order for the release

of witness J. Swift.

Well, well

what have we here?

The beach patrol, it looks like.

Got done issuing
parking tickets?

Or fixing them.

Miami O.C.U.,
butt out.

It's real nice to meet you, too.

You think we asked for this?

Who signed this?

A lifeguard?

We'll be here a while.

No, we're not.

Taylor, Crawford

PBPD has the job.

Are you kidding me?

They're trusting
two local yokels?

You got a problem?

Forget it, Chris.

Different species.

Back off.

It's an order.

Surf's up, amigos!

You're going to release
the witness?

Jr. Swift?

You got a name?

Jenny swift.

Who are you? Five-o?

No, palm beach P.D.

Never heard of you.

Come on.

Mind if I make a call?

I don't think so.

Come on.

So long, suits.

Good luck.

I just want to call
my boyfriend.

Yeah, you'll get us all k*lled.

Oh, yeah, like I'm going
to blurt out where we are.

Sorry, Jennifer,
we can't take chances.

This really blows.

Two hours to drive me
to this dump?

A safe house, we call it home.

So we have to stay
in a roach motel?

Sorry, the Ritz was booked up.

Aw, come on, guys, get serious.

Let's grab a shower, go out

knock back a couple

then we won't mind roaches.

Why not just think
of them as pets?

Come on, inside.

This place better have cable.

Going to be a blast.

Uh, yeah.


There's no bottled water.

I bet the maid

forgot to leave a mint
on your pillow, too.

There is not even a phone here.

You know, a person could die
of sensory deprivation.

The sheriffs almost turned me

into a pizza

and I have
to watch you eat that?

Now there's something wrong
with what we eat, too?

Are you kidding me?

MSG is pure poison.

Don't you read?

I'll bet you're a whiz-bang
in the kitchen.

Why don't you slip on an apron

and whip up
a tofu and bean sprout salad?

Come on, you guys.

Please, just let me use
one of your telephones.

I'll only be a minute.

We can't do that.

Someone with a scanner could
pick it up from miles away.

Fine, then take me
to a public phone.

I will never leave your sight.

Forget about it.

Hey, you know what?

That's okay, and I understand.

Because I wouldn't want
to be seen out in public

wearing that outfit, either.

Suddenly you have a problem
with my clothes?

Not at all.

I used to dress my Barbie
in exactly the same thing.

Three days of this
I might not survive.

Maybe we should
cut her some slack.

What do you think?

Give me one good reason.

She came forward

said she saw puccio
pull the trigger.

And that takes guts,
don't you think?

Yeah, I guess.

You mind if
I take off for a bit?

I'm going to go freshen up.

No, you go ahead.

Take off that Barbie suit.

Thanks a lot.

Yeah, see ya, Sam.

See ya.




Damn it.

You sure somebody
didn't grab her

and make it look like she split?

No, she's wanted
to make a phone call

and this is the closest place
with a phone.

You tell the captain?

If he finds out,
he'll need a flea collar.

If she's here,
don't be too rough on her.

Her idea of danger is Axl rose.

He scares me, too.

I'll check out the other room.


Well, hi, honey.

You care to sh**t some pool?

No, thanks.

Actually, I'm looking
for a young girl.


blonde hair, nose ring.

Have you, uh, seen her?


But who needs her

when we can go back

to my double wide

and test my stabilizers?

This is police business.

Well, take me, honey, I'm yours.

I promise to come quietly.

I miss you, too.

Look, I'm sorry
I took off like that

without saying anything.

Hey, you don't have to get mad.

I am not a flake.

Look, I'm doing something
really important here.

Say good-bye, Jenny.

God, what is your damage, dude?

Come on, let's go.

You do not have to shove.

He causing you a problem, miss?

Uh, I'm her father

and she's late to cotillion.

What happened to you?

Just met the man of my dreams.

These are confiscated
and you're grounded.

Don't even think
about pulling this again

because my bite is
a lot worse than my bark.

Guys, what is the problem?

The problem is

we're protecting
an overgrown baby

who thinks she's on
the lollapalooza tour.

It's my life
that's been blown apart here

not yours, okay?

I'm bored, I'm lonely

and I'm scared.

And I needed to make

one little phone call.

I don't know why

you're making
such a big deal about it.

That's why.

You trying to scare
her straight or what?

Whatever works.

I still can't believe

she'd pull a stunt like this.

She's not stupid.

Maybe she thinks
she's in a music video.

Well, one of us needs
to stay awake

and you look beat.

So, I'll take the first shift.

You'll get no argument from moi.

You going to rub my temples?

I don't think so.


You all right?

Yeah, you?


What happened?

And this is where people
with too much money live.

This little spread
more to your taste?

I don't get it.

It's empty.

The DA's arranged
for us to stay here.

Very cool.

This is more like it.

Don't get dollar signs
in your eyes.

We're in the guest cottage.

Nothing in there
but a couple of beds.

Well, like the ad says:

Needs work.

No power?

No power, no radio, no TV...
And no phone.

From now on, no contact.

Great, we're sitting ducks.

No, we're off the beaten path.

Nobody knows we're here.

Just my captain, the D.A.

And O.C.U.

We're safe.

Yeah, or so the theory goes.


Just so we understand
each other, new rule:

You don't leave my sight,

I ask permission
to go to the bathroom?

Are you hearing me?

Yeah, loud and clear.

So, uh, maybe
you'd like to handcuff me

before we go to sleep.

You wish.

Hey, Donnie, why you want
to sit facing the door?

You afraid of something?

No, I just don't want Rita
to miss us.

Ah, you got it bad, eh, Donnie?

I could see it.

This lady detective,
she's melted your heart.

Here she is now, pop.

Is she beautiful or what?

Ooh, Madonna.

E bellissima.

Mr. Dibarto,
please don't get up.

Why not?

Why shouldn't I get up

for the lady
who's won my son's heart?



Donnie, she is a vision.

Una Bella canzone.

I wish your mother,
god rest her soul...

I wish she could be here
to see this rose.


Signorina, per piacere,
please sit down.

Thank you.

Mr. Dibarto, it's such
a pleasure to meet you.

Uh-uh... Gussie--
from now on, you call me Gussie.


Donnie has told me
so much about you.

Good, good.

I always tell Donnie,
take your time.

Find a wife you want to be with

for the rest of your life.

Because if we Dibartos got
one thing, it's longevity.

And virility.


Let's order, pop.

Hey, Donnie...



What will be your pleasure?


I'll have the manicotti
and a salad, please.

She eats like a little bird.

For me, the shrimp fra diavolo--

that's the devil sauce--

oh, and waiter

with plenty of garlic.

People come into my shop

and they ask me, "Gussie

how do you stay
so young and healthy?"

I tell them,
eat whatever you like

but eat garlic twice a day.

Keeps away the ailments.

And the traveling tumors
as well, I bet.

What did you say?

It's, um...

It's a private joke.

Chili for one.

Not bad.

What's the matter

you lose your appetite?

I lost it long ago.


Why do you listen to
head-banging stuff?

Ever listen to anything else?

Like what?

Like, uh... jazz.

Classical, country...
What about opera?

I went to the opera once,
years ago.

It was a lot of fat people
wearing capes

and it didn't exactly
turn me on.

What about other types of rock?

Like who?

Bonnie Raitt.


You are so VH- , man.

What's wrong with that?

You wouldn't understand.

Uh, no...
No, I guess not.

Hey, there's something
I wanted to ask you.

All right, words or less.

Some of us need
to get our sleep.

That guy you shot last night?

What did that feel like?

Total freedom.

What do you think?

I want to know how you sleep.

It's not easy sometimes.

I haven't slept much since I saw
ray puccio blow that guy away.

You know you're doing
the right thing stepping forward

don't you?

Sure put a crimp
in my social life.

That it would.

Do you got a girlfriend?

Yes, I do.

Does she like to do
the wild thing?

Eh! -word limit's up.

Good night.

Yeah, that's right.

Cranky old men need their sleep.


So, Rita...

Tell me about the big day.

The big day?

The big day.

Your wedding day.

Go ahead, tell him about it.

Rita hasn't exactly
set a date yet, pop.

Well, don't wait too long.

I'm not getting any younger.

I want to see Donnie
do it right this time.

Not like he did
with the first wife.

Pop, please.

I'm not saying it was her fault.

She was a chorus girl.

You had bad taste in women
back then.

Pop, please, I'm begging you.

So, when are you going
to start having kids?

You know, at my age

you never can have
too many grandchildren.

We haven't really
talked about that.

Why not?

You were made to have babies.

You got the hips.

And Donnie already gave me

your measurements.

Did he?

That's my boy.

He thinks of everything.

Yes, he does, doesn't he?

Now, Rita, when you name the day

I want you to call me.

I'll drop all my work

and I'll make you a dress...
Fit for a queen.

Hey, papa...

How about an Espresso?

Let's have an Espresso.

Yeah, later.

First I better pay a visit, huh?

I'll leave you two lovebirds
alone for a few minutes.


What the hell is this?

He is the picture of health.

Rita, please.

Last dying wish, wedding day...

What are you
trying to pull here?

Nothing, I swear.

I just want him
to be proud of me.

Can't you see
what this means to him?

Please, Rita, don't
burst his bubble.

It would k*ll him.

You're going to owe me
for this forever.

You got to be kidding me.


Oh, my god.

You scared the hell out of me.

What are you doing here?

What am I doing here?!

What are you doing here?

No more taking off.

You said you needed your sleep.

This place is short
on hot water.

Besides, I do not know what else

slept in that mattress.

I thought you said
it was safe here.

My orders are not to let you
out of my sight.

And you need to chill out.

Want to take a swim?

No, I don't...

It's probably a squirrel.

Some squirrel! Move!


Stay down!


Well, don't look so surprised.

I'm a cop.

You're a cop?

You want me to explain that now?

Is there any other way
out through the house?

There's no other way.

All right, one, two, three, go.

Forget it! Forget it!

Come on!


Hang on,
you're going to be okay.

You're going to be okay, Jen.


Jenny took one in the chest.

How did they find out
where you are?

These three will never tell.

There's something
you ought to know.

Jenny's a cop.


She backed me up.

I think it's time
we got some answers.

I don't have any explanations

all right?

Rita, close the door.

Or the whole
department will hear.

Why are we guarding a cop?

Don't get huffy.

I may be

out of the loop

but you're in the latrines.

What do you mean?

I'm talking about these.

What is this?

You know about my
relationship with dibarto.

Yeah, I know

but it's what Miami O.C.U.
Thinks that counts.

OCU took these?

None other.

Well, Sergeant Lance.

Our witness gets blown away,
and here

you're wining and dining

Donnie dibarto, Mr. Mob himself,
the night before.


You don't know what
you're talking about.

No? You can explain it all
to internal affairs.

I don't see scratches on you.

Hey, hey!

Hey, hey!

That's enough!

People think
they can brawl in my office.

No wonder I got hives.

Take a hike, I'll handle this.

I'll have both your badges

before I'm through.

Right, Higgins.

So, we off this case, cap?

Officially, yes.

Unofficially, we got to find out
what's going on.

How's it going?


Mr. Swift?

The name's will, and
I'm Jenny's father.

Sergeant Lorenzo,
Palm Beach Police Department.

How is she?

The b*llet punctured her lung

and lodged near her spine.

The doctors have done
all they can.

It's up to Jenny now.

What the hell happened?

I'm a retired cop, Lorenzo.

Jacksonville P.D.

I wish I knew more.

Were you there
when this went down?


She saved my life.

She was telling the truth.

I'm such an idiot.

The truth about what?

Jenny was a cadet
at the police academy...

About to graduate
with top honors.

Then just before graduation

she disappeared

without a word.

Missed the ceremony
and everything.

I didn't hear from her
until she called me

two nights ago.

Wait... of course.

She called you.

She tried to tell me she
was doing something important.

But I was so mad, I...

I didn't listen.

She must have volunteered
for it.

Miami ocu was using Jenny

as a decoy.

You should be proud

of her, Mr. Swift.

We are.

I hope she makes it.

So do I, son.

So do I.


Not only was it
the date from hell

not only did you
lie about your father

but somebody took
a cozy picture of us

and now a certain
part of my anatomy

is caught in the ringer.

What part would that be?

Don't mess with me, Donnie.

Hey, you are mad.

I never seen you so mad.

You taking diet pills, or what?

Would you mind if I tell Gus
what you really do?

You wouldn't do that.

You got too much heart.

You try me.

Okay, okay, what do you want?

I want ray puccio
by the short hairs.

I told you,
I never even met the guy.

He ain't my type.

Puccio knows
how to get to witnesses.

I want to know how he does that.

Okay, well, I'm off to see Gus.

Wait a minute.

Are we talking hypothetically?

Theoretically speaking?

I don't care how we speak,

Just talk.

'Cause, you know, hypothetically

theoretically speaking

if it was me, I might have
a guy on the inside.


I don't know.

Just spit it out.

All I know is, it goes back

to when the inside guy
was a beat cop.

What was his name?

Rita, I swear I don't know.

Please, don't tell Gussie.

Never crossed my mind.

Take a look at this.

April , April .

Two witnesses in six days.

Here's another: Case dropped.

Insufficient grounds
for prosecution.

A w*apon disappeared
from the evidence vault.

They must have sent Jenny
to flush the leak.

A decoy.

That's why she was so jumpy.

Check this out.

This goes back to the stone age.

Our boy has been

in Ray Puccio's
pocket since day one.

Are we going to
play ball, captain?

Or do I go direct to I.A.?

I've removed Lorenzo
and Lance from the case.

Not good enough.

The work of a dozen men
was wasted because of them.

I want some action.

Harry, you should

know my position.

I've seen the pictures

of Lance consorting
with dibarto.

I'm launching a full-scale

If I can prove my case

I'm going to the mat, no deals.

So, what's it to be?


You got my full cooperation.

Lorenzo and Lance are
on suspension as of now.

Yeah, what is it?


Okay, I'll tell them.


I got good news.

The witness just
came out of a coma.

If the D.A. Asks
for a continuance

she may be able to testify.

Good, where's she now?

Embassy hospital.

They moved her to the new wing.

It's quieter, more private.

Satisfied, detective?

'Cause if you are

I got work to do.

For now.


Hi, Clemens, this is Cominsky.

I'm your relief.
Darryl got sick.

Yeah, what time are you coming?

I'm in the cafeteria now.

A night nurse is
on duty there, right?


So, want to take off?

Fine by me.

I'll be up in five.

Okay, I'm out of here.

Going somewhere?

Game's over, Higgins.

Give me the g*n.

Yeah, sure.

Get down.

Just think how much fun
a dirty cop like you

is going to have in the joint.

Let's go.

That's great news,
Mr. Swift.

She is?

Well, I'll lay in some earplugs.

Tell her I appreciate the offer.

Thank you.

Well, Jenny's doing just fine.

She's sitting up
watching court TV.

She's watching the real witness

nail Puccio's butt right now.

What was that I heard
about earplugs?

My musical education
is about to begin.

She's bringing over some tapes.

Hey, that old guy looks lost.

Ahh... no

that's Donnie's dad.

Your future father-in-law?

Please, cover for me.

Say I'm out.

Oh, sure.


There you are.

Gus, uh, what a surprise.

It's nice to see you.


Let me look at you.

Oh, you look like a spring day.

I came by...

I came to show you these.

Uh, what is it?

As if you don't know.

It's fabric samples...

For your wedding dress!

I wanted you to pick out
something special.

That's nice.

Don't start.


What are you doing here?

I come by to see
my daughter-in-law.

You can't just walk in here.

Come on, we got to go.

Rita's got work,
big-time bad guys to get.

Now, come on

let's go.

Rita, here.

Honey, take your time.

Pick a nice one.

And don't worry

about the expense.

It's my gift to you.
Let's go.

Rita, my son told you the news?!

I'm so crazy

about you two

I'm going to stay another week.

I'm talking to the mother
of my future grandchildren!

Bye, Rita!