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04x10 - School of Hard Rocks

Posted: 10/07/23 19:43
by bunniefuu
Previously on silk stalkings.

I can't lift my right arm.

You're out of action for a while

Sergeant Lorenzo.

Some sicko went into overkill.

This was sexual t*rture.

This freak really likes
work, doesn't he?

He tried to k*ll me!

He was wearing a weird mask.

You've got to help me.

Cap, Rita needs me.

Go ahead, keep her company.

But you stay the hell out
of the action, Lorenzo.


Behind you!

I shouldn't have been there.

I almost got her k*lled.

I'm not ready.

I'm finished.

If you saw the big picture...

No, please don't
hurt me anymore.

I'm sure that
you would understand.

But then, if you did...

You wouldn't be here, would you?

Let me go, just
let me go, please?

You see, in nature

the weak and the slow
are culled by predators.

It keeps the herd strong.

Don't you see how lucky you are?


I'm giving your life purpose.


What's happening to you now
is making you noble, worthy

and oh, so beautiful.



Okay, I'll talk to you later.

Any word?

No, nothing.

I can't stand the guilt.

I feel like the parent whose
kid's run away from home.

It's not your fault.

I should have never
let him come with me.

I suppose a missing
person's report

is jumping the g*n.

Yeah, give him time.

He doesn't want to
be found right now.

Work his beeper.

He hates that thing.

Maybe we can annoy him
into checking in.


Hi, have a seat.

Do I have to look at a dead guy?

Only his picture.

Here we go.

Angel, was this the guy

Junie went away in the car with?

Yeah, that's him.

All right.

We haven't been able
to find the car.

You're sure it was a rolls?


Two-toned, like I said.

Okay. Listen,
thanks for coming in.

I appreciate it.

You did good.

Did he... I mean

is he the guy who k*lled Junie?

Sergeant Lance, may I say

that you are looking

particularly photogenic today?

Atticus, I'm in the middle
of something right now.

Oh, won't take but a moment.

See, I gave Chris
some of my inventory

to speed his recuperation.

I was hoping to get them back.

I thought those were a gift.

Only a loan, dear lady,
only a loan.

I haven't seen him.

If you'll excuse us...

Do you know when he might be in?

No, now go away.

Ah, away.

Are we done?

Because I got to go.

You know, I don't think
it's a good idea

for you to go back out there.

Maybe if you went back home...

No way.

I'm safer on the streets.

Besides, I need the money.

Excuse me, excuse me.

But, uh, I... I couldn't
help but overhear.

Of course you couldn't.

You never went away.

If the young lady's
looking for employment

I might be able to help.

She doesn't need to get involved

in one of your scams.


You wound me.

I am a legitimate purveyor
of family entertainment--

home video deliveries.

An idea before its time.

I even got a slogan:

"For video fun,
call Atticus Dunn."

Business is booming.

I'm running myself ragged.

I need somebody to help me
deliver tapes.

Angel, Atticus Dunn.

It is a pleasure and an honor

to meet you, ma'am.

Whoa, dude,
you're really out there.

"Out there."

I heard about Chris.
You okay?

Yeah, just a little stressed.

Speaking of stressed

Andrea hit me with
her settlement yesterday.

Oh, George, I'm sorry.

How are you doing?

About as good as any man
facing financial ruin.


By the way, I understand

a congratulations is in order.

Well, not really.

Don't be so modest.

It was a good sh**t.

Yeah, with a k*ller
still out there.

Are we any closer?

No, I ran an interstate check.

Nobody's reported
a stolen rolls like that

in the last two years.

So we're back to square one.

Keep trying.

Okay, thanks.

See you.

Hey, go on round, will you?


Hey, it's you.

Great news.

I sold everything.

Fact, business is so good

I hired a girl to help out.

Come by later.

I've got some new movies
for you.

How new?

They're playing
at your local theater.

That's new.

I'm just curious.

How do you manage
to get them before...

Before they come out...

Evening, angel.

What'll it be?

Sex on the beach.

I'm celebrating.

I got a job.

That's very nice.

I hope it's off the street.


I'm delivering videos

for this goofy guy.

I mean, the pay's not great

but it's better than hustling.

Good for you, girl.

May I get that for you?

I can buy my own drinks.

Of course you can.

But... please,
would you allow me?

No strings attached,
I promise you.

Well, there better not be

because I'm headed
for better things.

Oh, yes, of course
you are, absolutely.

I could see that
the moment I laid eyes on you.


So... here on vacation?

Oh... hello,
my darling.

I'm so glad that you're awake.

I wouldn't want you
to miss any of this.

Please, mister, don't get...
Don't get crazy.

I'll do whatever you want.

I know that you will.

You're going to be
very good indeed.

Aren't you?


Okay, you want to get
a little freaky?

You want to play rough,
I can handle it.

Just don't get
carried away, okay?


Don't cheapen it.

Is that what you think this is?

You pathetic little fool.

This is as close to real grace

as you will ever come.


Today... today is
your birthday.

The day that you...

The day that you...


Happy birthday.

Oh, damn it.

Do you know this one, too?


Her name was angel.

If you want to step back
from this one, I understand.

No, just...
Just tell me what you've got.

Well, it's not good, Rita.

Taylor, just tell me
what you've got.

Death was caused
by strangulation.

Probably the same strap.

Multiple burns...


k*lled like the others.

Bastard really took
his sweet time on this one.


You the primary on this case?

Yes. You are...?

Eric Russell.

I'm a writer.

Sergeant Lance.

You with the press?


Look, I'm sorry

I don't have a comment.

I do special assignments

for the New York
and Miami mirror.

Actually, I'm an author--

That's nice.

Listen, I know
how you must feel.

I used to be a cop.

I wrote a book
on serial K*llers--

the k*lling disease.

It's a best seller.

Maybe you heard of it?

No, afraid I haven't.

Oh, well, that's
neither here nor there.

I flew down the minute
the story broke in New York.

I think you've got something

very similar to what
I've been working on.

Why don't you do us
all a favor, Mr. Russell?

Go back to New York
and let us do our job, okay?

She was tortured

and then strangled
with a leather strap.

I've been tracking this guy

for six years.

He's on another k*lling cycle.

I just want to
tell you about him.

Maybe we could
exchange information.

Where are you staying?

Bayview arms.

I'll let you know
when we catch him.


Yes, sir.

Yeah, I know it's a major snafu.

Yeah, I have no idea.

But I can assure you it did not
come from this department.


Um... yes, well, yes.

I completely agree with you.

The tourist industry does not
need to take another hit.


Yes, well, it's good
hearing from you again.

Uh-huh, I will.

Good-bye, sir.

I have kissed some
major butt in my day

but that guy had me
counting his teeth.

I knew this guy
couldn't be trusted.

Got to hand it to him, though.

The man does know his stuff.

The mayor danced on your head
because of Eric Russell

and you're impressed?

Hey, I'm a complicated man.

A hell of a book.

Read it?

It's top of my list.

If Russell is correct,
then we're dealing

with a very bright
first-class wacko.

Call him in here,
and pick his brain--

off the record.

No, captain,
I will not let some...

Tabloid book pusher insinuate
himself into my investigation.

I won't do it.


I understand that you had

more than a passing acquaintance
with the girls

so if your personal involvement

might cloud your judgment...

It won't.

Is there anything else?

Yeah, Lipschitz.

No, I have no comment
at this time.

Yeah, the circus
has come to town.

Get Russell in here ASAP.



Oh, yeah.

The burning is back.

You've been working
real hard on that tan

I can see.

What are you doing here?

Gee, Chris

it's good to see you, too.

Okay, let's start this again.

Hey, Rita

how you doing?

You didn't need to do this.

I'm off the force.

We're not partners anymore.

What about friends?

You got nerve, you know that?

I've been covering for you

for the past two weeks

because I thought
you needed some time.

But enough, Chris!

Gillian is worried sick.

The captain is getting an ulcer.

You knew where I was?

Of course,
I'm your best friend, idiot.

How many times have you told me

about this place?

If you're trying to cheer me up,
you're not doing a good job.

All right.

I'm sorry, I...


I know you think you screwed up

but that's not how it happened.

I couldn't cover you, Rita.

I put you in danger
because I missed the rush.

Because I couldn't stand
how feeble I felt.

If you hadn't warned me
we wouldn't even be

having this discussion.

You saved my life.

Yeah, well...
I don't see it that way.

See it however you like.

How long will you
wallow in self-pity?

Excuse me?

How long will you be on leave?

I quit, remember?

I'm not a cop anymore.

You can't quit!

You're not making sense.

You're not bailing out
on me now.

You owe me.

I got a serial k*ller
on my hands, Chris.

The captain and the press
are snapping at my heels.

So get off your butt.

Quit feeling

like you're the only person
who's ever made a mistake.

So we all know you're human now.

Big surprise.

Get over it.

I need you back at work.

I need a partner.

You shoved me.

You deserved it.

I never knew you had
such a bad temper.

Better get a handle on that

if you expect me
to work with you.

Get in the house!

Change your clothes.

All right!
Come on, now!

Yeah, come.

So, Lorenzo

you have a nice vacation?

Yes, I did.

No pay for those two weeks.

Didn't expect it, cap.

I never turned in the paperwork.

Officially, you never quit.

But the rules are
still the same.

You got to re-qualify on
sh**ting for active duty.

Until then

you are riding a desk.

Is that clear?

You got it.

It's good
to have you back, Lorenzo.

It's good to be back, cap.


Okay... okay.

I'll talk to you later.

Right, bye-bye.

Detectives, come here.

Say hi to Eric Russell.


We've already met.

Sergeant Lance.

I'm glad

we'll be working together.


It's a figure of speech.


trading information.

He's an ex-cop,
so the lines blur.

Well, not for me.

Why don't you two

bring what you have
into my office?

See you in a minute.

You like him.


Oh, yeah, you like him.


I can tell.

Your hair gets bushy
like a startled cat.

You're crazy.

Can't fool me, Sam.

I'm your partner.

You like him.

The seaside strangler
first surfaced in Rhode Island

seven years ago.

Three girls were found
m*rder*d near the beach.

Tortured and strangled.

That's his signature.

After that, he moved on.

Was inactive for six months

started up again
in Massachusetts.

He's worked his way
down the coast.

Counting the three here,
he's k*lled women.

How do you know so much?

I got interested in the subject

when I was
in the N.Y.P.D.

And before I knew it,
I'd written a book.

So you think you can
help us, Mr. Russell?


This guy moves around

No single police agency,
not even the FBI

Has all the facts.

I've been on this guy
for six years.

I've been everywhere he's been.

I can help you
anticipate his next move.

After your article,
he may be anticipating ours

if he's not already gone.

No, actually, the attention

makes him feel important.

And he doesn't know
I know about his tapes.

What tapes?

He videotapes his murders.

Sells them as snuff films.




Nice set-up you got here.


Copy the tape and send it

to those names on the list.

Your money's in the package,
Mr. Radovan.

How was it this time?

Was she...?

Not the best.

Not even the worst.

Just ordinary, I'm afraid.

Have you given my offer
any more thought?

Yes, and the answer is still no.

Please, I could
double your money.

I said no.

No extra copies.

Only those names on the list.

Do you understand me?

Yes, of course.

The people I deal with,
by necessity

are a very small
and exclusive group.

What I offer is very rare.

Very valuable.

If I should hear of
any extra copies floating around

you know who I'm going
to come and see.

Don't you?

I was only asking.

Don't ask again.

You may, however, make a copy
for yourself as you always do.

No, I never...

Please, Mr. Radovan,
it's just the two of us.

I know you have copies
of all my work.

Don't you?


Those girls...

They live in your dreams,
don't they?


And when you watch them...

Do they satisfy you?

Is it enough?

Yes, more than enough.

I envy you.

Now go.

I said get out!

Just got a hit off the NCIC

guy named Milan radovan.

Eastern European emigre,
living at Oceanside.

Busted four years ago
for trafficking kiddie porn.

He's also got a warrant
for pirating.

This could be our distributor.

Lance, get back-up.

Let's bring him in.



Units in vicinity
of Oceanside and Dunhill

we have a code five.

Apprehend suspect


Who is it?

It's me.

What do you want?

You told me to come by,
pick up some more tape.

Also, I need to use
your facilities.


One moment.

One moment!

I'm very busy here.

But if you don't mind,
I need to use the...

No, I said I'm busy. Go!


Please, mister, don't hurt me.

What did I ever do to you?

Yes, my sweet.

Yes, you are so beautiful.

So beautiful now.

Mister, no, no, no!

Help me, help...

Take him into number two...

You murdering psycho!

Take him to holding.


Calm down, calm down.

Hey, what has gotten into you?

Here, here.

What is it?

I thought I'd seen it all

but, whoo, this is impossible.

You want to tell us about this?

What is it?

Don't even think
about playing that.

We saw the tape, you maggot.

Your prints are all over it.

Accessory to m*rder

is about as good
as the real thing.

I don't know nothing
about no m*rder.

Forget accessory.

As far as I'm concerned

you k*lled those two girls.

I buy used stock from all over.

I don't know
what's on those tapes.

I just record over them.

Let me tell you something,
Mr. Radovan.

I'll make sure you never see
the light of day again.

Because with you...

It's personal.

Rita, can I talk
to you a second?


His alibi checked out.

We need more time, George.

We don't have enough
to nail him.

You saw the tape.

It's not enough.

The best we can do

is trafficking in pornography
and video piracy.

Let's not have a debate.

That psycho is still out there.

Rita, I want you to head
a task force.

I'll authorize
overtime and manpower

and Chris will organize
team assignments, okay?


How long can we sweat radovan?

One more day, two Max.

Uh, Rita

call for you.

Who is it?

Eric Russell.

What does he want?

I couldn't tell you.

I'll take it at my desk, okay?

Thanks for meeting me.

I didn't think you'd come.

Well, I almost didn't.

What made you change your mind?

I was hungry.

Lunch is a good way
to break the ice.

Well, this isn't
exactly lunch, is it?

It's a meeting with food.


So, what did you want

to see me about?


He's deviating
from his pattern, you know.

I think he might be ready.

For what?

To get caught.

Okay, I'm listening.

They're addicted to k*lling?

k*lling is their high.

But once it wears off

they get depressed,
even suicidal.

You aren't suggesting
a recovery program

for serial K*llers, are you?

No, not at all.

But it's useful
to recognize it as a disease.

Call it whatever you like

but what I saw
was plain old evil.

Like all addicts

they keep trying to recapture
their last high

by upping the next dose.

Which in their case is m*rder.

Only the more they k*ll

the harder it is
for them to get off.

Feel anything.

I didn't know
they were capable of feelings.

Not the same way you or I feel.

They're isolated creatures.

k*lling is the only time
that makes them feel alive.

When the thrill is gone, boom--

they either k*ll themselves

or they break their pattern

and they get caught.


You have... food...

Right there on your face.

So, Sergeant Lance

can I call you Rita?

Not yet.

Lorenzo, what the hell
do you think you're doing?

Getting back on the job, cap.

You don't let yourself heal

you're going to be putting in
for early retirement

instead of active duty.

Don't bet on it, old man.

Getting better
all the time, cap.

Better all the time.



I've been a total jerk.

Yes, you have.

I'm sorry, Gillian.

I really am.

You'll be paying for this
for a long time.

And if you ever do this
to me again

I'll kick your butt.

Oh, I missed you.

I missed you so much.

You get anything out of radovan?

He hasn't asked for a lawyer.

Frankly, I'm getting
a little worried.

Sounds pretty sure of himself.

Oh, I asked Mr. Russell--
Eric-- to come in.

I wanted him to see the tape

and pick his brain.

Cap, I'm not sure
if that's such a good idea.

What I see stays in this room.

Till you catch him.

Eric spotted something
interesting-- look.

All right, look, you see that?

We stripped out the voices

and enhanced background noises.

Look at that red neon light.

It's coming through a window.

Some kind of commercial,
industrial district?

Got to be an upper floor.


He fancies himself a predator.

He keeps his lair
in a high place

so he can look down,
feel superior.

Wait a second.

Turn that back a little?

Can you turn up the volume, cap?

You hear that?

It's a jet engine.

It's a big one.

Sounds like it's just taken off.

We're looking
for a big, empty building

facing a red neon sign
near the airport.

I know where this is--
Belvedere road.

This is the palm beach
police department.

Open the door now.

Call forensics and CSU.

Get them over here now.

Well, we found this place, Rita.

This was a good call.

Yeah, well, we're
a little late, captain.

Give yourself a break.

You got us a crime scene.

Look at this place.

It's amazing--
he was actually here.

Nobody has ever gotten
this close before.

Think our k*ller is
smart enough to wear gloves?


Nobody's ever found any prints.

I wonder if Mr. Radovan
was that careful.

Why don't you take
a look at these?

What is this?

What am I looking at?

These are photos
of a man ex*cuted

in the Florida electric chair.

From the ticked-off
expression on his face

it didn't go very well.

After the executioner
threw the switch

that put , volts
into his body

the chair malfunctioned.

Yeah, I hate when that happens.

I remember this one right here.

His head burst
into flames, right?

That would explain
those nasty burns.

Now, what is that?

Uh, medium well, I'd say.

Took him about
minutes to die.

Think he was conscious
for all that?

Yeah, he was screaming
the whole time.

Why are you telling me this?

Why? Why?

Because, Mr. Radovan,
we're done with you.

What do you mean, "done"?

We don't need you anymore.

We found your fingerprints
all over the blind.

You're toast--
ooh, bad choice of words.

If I were you, Mr. Radovan,
I'd call my lawyer.

Not that it's going
to do you any good, but...

With appeals, he might
get a few extra years

if he has the juice.

Darn it, I did it again.

I didn't do it.

It wasn't me, I swear.

Mr. Radovan.

We won't be in touch.

I want a deal, do you hear me?

I'll tell you everything,
but I want a deal.

Gentlemen, we now have a face.

So this is him?


He's real.

Sometimes I felt
like I was chasing a ghost.

George, we got enough
to pick him up?

Sure, but we don't have
any physical evidence.

I'd hate to go into court with
only radovan as my star witness.

Radovan give us a name yet?

No, but I don't think
he knows anything.

Now, the k*ller gave him
ten grand for every tape

he sent out to the group
on this list.

Collectors' list, mostly deal
in child pornography.

The elite are into snuff.

I want this list passed on

to all the state
and federal agencies.

I'll see to it.

What about radovan?

This was strike three,
so he's out.

Which still leaves us
with the strangler.

How do we know
he hasn't taken off?

He's in the trance phase
of his cycle.

He can't leave
until he kills again

which gives you one more shot

before he vanishes
and starts up again.

Captain, I'd like you
to authorize a sweep.

Replace the hookers with decoys,
myself included.

It would be better if you ran
this operation from here.

No, we don't have enough
female officers as it is

and I would like
to be out there.

Hey, Chris, you got a second?

Yeah, what's up?

Still got that scanner
in your charger?

Yeah, why?

Well, I need a favor.

Do you still read me, captain?

Hey, darling.

Trust me, boys.

I'm not the good time
you're looking for.

Rita, get rid of little Abner.

Come on, honey, we're
willing to share you.

I got a hundred dollars
in my pocket.

Sorry, boys,
I'm a city employee.

I can only do one job at a time.

Are we having fun yet,
guys, or what?

All dressed up
and nowhere to go.

You know, this could
really ruin my self-esteem.

Wait a second, what is this?

Is that a rolls?

No, it's a Bentley.

No wonder we couldn't find it.

Good evening.

Hi, mister. You want a date?

I would be honored

if you would spend
the evening with me.

You got manners-- I like that.

Most guys just want
to get right down to business.

Give me a -
on a two-tone Bentley

John-Edward-boy- -Tom

heading west on strong.

Give him a block lead.

This is a really nice car.

Did you win one of those
sweepstakes or something?

No, no, I'm an entrepreneur.

Do you have family
in palm beach?

Oh, no, I'm from...

Hey, what the hell is wrong?

She's breaking up.

You've got to fix
this connection, damn it!

Why don't you tell me
a little about yourself?

I went to beautician school
for a while

but then I got bored.

So you decided to...

This can't be happening.

Don't lose that car! Get closer!

Hey, hey!

Get around that truck.

We lost her! We lost her!

All units, - ! - !

I'm pulling the plug.

Code - ! Officer in trouble!

I don't mind
coming to your house.

You think it's big enough?

Oh, yes, it's big enough.

There's some really
nice houses around here.

Nice digs.

I've never been to such a fancy

What, sweetie, what's wrong?

Nothing, my dear.



All units, Bentley is parked
in driveway at palm.

Code - , we have a - ,
dangerous suspect.

Requesting backup.

Oh, yes, you're
going to do very well.

Very well, indeed.

They know where we are.

My backup will be here
any minute.

You ungrateful wretches!

I do your work.

I clean up the refuse

and this is the way
you treat me?

You fools!

We're going to have
to dispense with the foreplay

and go right to the main event.

Chris, look out!

You see...

The weak were
not meant to survive.

You okay?


I should have been here sooner.

You got here-- that's
all that matters.

Not so tight.

Oh, I'm sorry.

That's okay.

Ow! You trying to tear
my arm from the socket?

You bruised the bone, sergeant.

I've got to immobilize
that shoulder.

No, no, that's okay.

It's fine. Ow!

Rita, somebody here to see you.

Terrific, right when
I look like a road k*ll.

Why do you care?

I thought you
didn't like the guy.


Well, you just
don't listen, do you?

I think this ought
to re-qualify me

don't you, cap?

For what?

For disobeying orders again?

Basically, yeah.

So, am I reinstated?

See you on the firing range.




So, six years later

this is how I
finally end the book.

At least it is an ending

and not the beginning
of a new chapter, huh?

It's late.

Or should I say "early"?

The job may not pay well

but at least
the hours are lousy.

Well, better let you go.

Take care of that eye.


You know, you ought to be
really proud of yourself.

Did a great job, Sergeant Lance.


You can call me Rita.