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04x08 - Ask The Dust

Posted: 10/07/23 19:42
by bunniefuu
You’ve been a naughty
little mermaid!

King Triton
is very angry with you.

Show yourself!

You said I could wear the crown
this time.

Shut up, it’s my game.

I invented it.

Now, die, mermaid, die!

Got you now!

You missed, king Triton

You missed!

Get the hell out of my house!

Come back here,
you nasty little tuna.

Why don’t you come over

with that nice big spear
of yours?

I don’t think
we ever escape our pasts.

I keep thinking
I’ve made peace with the past

picked the wound clean,
and all that’s left is a scar

dried and impenetrable.

I hardly notice the scar anymore

unless somebody points it out.

I was under the trees,
behind the house

by the bird feeders.

What time was that?

Just before midnight.

I saw them come out
the kitchen door

and leave through
the back fence.

What did they look like?

They were sex people.

One woman and one man.

What do you mean, sex people?

Like in pictures...
In those magazines.

Woman had chains
and garter things.

And the man wore black leather

covering his...

And black leather masks,
both persons.

You’re sure about this?

I saw.


Could you...?

Thank you.

Probably want to know who I am.

I’m Del, the victim’s grandson.

And I’m his girlfriend, Schoo.

That’s like school
without an "I."

Can I have some?


Were you two here last night?


I live here, mostly.

My old man’s a bummer.

Where were you
when this happened?

I was out back with Del.

"spear the mermaid."

Del went crazy on me.

So, uh... you two

didn’t hear or see anything.


Any idea why something
like this would happen?

Looks sexually socioeconomic
to me.

I figure he was slumming
with some sex trash--

someone decided to get even.

Why would you figure that?

Everybody wants
a piece of this family.


Anyone else see anything?


Anyone else here?

There was another maid,
the Butler

and two family members:

Victim’s daughter Caroline
and his sister Karen.

I guess we start
with the family.

I guess we do.



Who are you?

Uh, Sergeant Lorenzo, ma’am.

Police officer.


I like police officers.

Come in.

Hi. Sergeant Lance,
palm beach police.

I’m Karen Krane.

Nice to meet you.

Thank you.

Please, sit down.

I know this is

a difficult time, but...

No, go ahead-- it’s your job.

Did you hear or see anything
last night

about midnight, anything at all?

No, I’m afraid not.

I take sleeping pills.

They say I could sleep

through a w*r.

I’m sorry.

No, I’m...

I’m sorry
for your family, ma’am.

Thank you.

That’s very nice of you

to say so.

Have we met before?

I don’t think so.

You look so familiar to me.

I feel as if I know you.

I’m sure I do.

Lance, you said.

Yes, ma’am.

Please, call me Karen.

How come
you’re not wearing a uniform?

I’m a homicide detective, ma’am.

I’d like to ask you
a couple of questions.

Is that all right?

Why are you bothering me?

I believe somebody told you
I was...


Do you feel well, ma’am?

I’ve told you to knock.

Are you okay, mother?

Did you get rid of that girl?

Her name is Schoo.

My mother knows her
name perfectly well.

I don’t care
what her name is, Del.

Mother hasn’t had
her medication yet.

Get that slut out of this house!


What did you say
your name was, officer?

I’ll remember how I know you.

It’ll come back to me.

Karen, I have to ask you

some unpleasant questions.

Was your brother involved
with sadomasochists?

Sexual deviants?

Absolutely not.

He was , for goodness sakes.

Lots of older people

do get involved with it.

It’s not uncommon.


Not Winston, never.

He was no angel, but...

He was very conventional.

He would never
have gotten involved

in anything like that.

I knew that man for years.

It’s not possible.

You have any idea
why something like this

might have happened?

It’s fate.

This family is doomed.

First Caroline’s husband
committed su1c1de.

Then my nephew,
Sebastian, was k*lled

in a speedboat accident.

And then Caroline’s brother,
also my nephew

was m*rder*d
over gambling debts.

I am so sorry.

Something bad is happening
to this family.

I think you’ll feel better
in a couple of days.

You went through
a traumatic thing last night.

Sometimes I feel
as if they’ll all be gone soon.

And I’ll be the last one left.

So what will happen
with the estate?

Virtually all of it
will go to Caroline...

Under Karen’s stewardship,
of course.

We’re aware of Caroline’s

Karen gets nothing?

She wanted it that way.

She has her own money

but retains control
of the estate

if something happened
to Caroline.

Do you have any idea
why this happened?

I know it’s awful to say

but truthfully...

It doesn’t surprise me.


I’ve been this family’s lawyer

for about years now.

Nothing that happens
to them surprises me.



Talk to you.

Look up dysfunctional
in the dictionary

you’d see a picture
of that family.

Except for Karen.

Strange, she’s certain
we’ve met before.

Have you?

I don’t know.

Somehow I felt like
I know her, too.

You’re real good-looking
for a cop.

I’m not sure if she was
talking to you or me.

What a tragedy.

They used to be the most
powerful family in palm beach.

Two Kranes governed this state.

The third was a U.S. senator.

The family founded
all kinds of charities.

They brought artwork
into the city.

They even built four hospitals.

But after the w*r

they were accused
of profiteering--

overcharging on airplane parts.

There were no convictions

but the family withdrew
from the public eye after that

and they never came back.

You know a lot about
this Krane family.

Is it a personal thing?

I went to college
on a Krane scholarship.

If it weren’t for them,
I wouldn’t be here today.

The day I graduated

Winston Krane himself
shook my hand.

Oh, the man himself, huh?

We’ll put major heat

on the S&M community

till we pop loose a snitch.

Cap, I’m not entirely convinced

this is an S&M k*lling.

Karen Krane said

her brother would
never be involved in that.

I believe her.


Hard evidence strongly suggests
you are wrong, Lance.

The man was apparently
deep into the world of S&M.

We found computer records
indicating he subscribed

to a kinky sex bulletin board
called "quirknet."

These entries date
back over a year.

How long ago was the last entry?

It’s dated a week
before he died.

"Dear clean and mean:

"Elegant gentleman
pleads for your punishment.

Made for each other. E.G."

Her response:

"Dear e.G.,
I’ll whop till you drop.

"No pain, no gain.

"Check me out at floggers.

Clean and mean, Louanne."

What is "floggers?"

Vice says it’s the
"in" spot for twistos.

Swinging straights

gays, bi’s, lesbos...

Bondos, leather loonies.

You name it.

Sounds like
a wonderful place to be.


Let me know...

It’s about to become
your favorite club.

♪ Ah! ♪

♪ Ah! ♪

♪ Ah! ♪

♪ Ah! ♪

Love your dress.

Any shorter, it would be a belt.

I stole it off a midget.

Did she fight back?

She was a he.

C’est la vie.

Do you see anything here
you like?

Actually, you know, ah...

I’m looking for someone.

Aren’t we all.

Name’s Louanne.

How do you know her?


We, ah, connected up
on the bulletin board.

I know a Louanne.

Butch bi babe, right?


You want the story
on that chick?

Come on...

Let’s party.

Hey, hey!

We got a message for you... cop.

Nice bod.

Get a life.

Oh, you’re a regular
little toughie, aren’t you?

What do you want?

To give you a taste
of feeling helpless.

We get harassed
by cops all the time.

Only you guys aren’t so nice.

This isn’t a game.

Kidnapping is a federal offense.


Don’t be silly.

This is a meeting.

I didn’t agree to it.

We wanted you to know none of us

had anything to do with
the killings at the mansion.

We wanted to tell you we don’t
like this any more than you do.

And to ask you to go back

and tell them to stop hassling
us, because we didn’t do it.

Why should I believe you?

’cause I know
the world I live in.

Maybe you do, maybe you don’t.

Let her go.

Somebody’s trying to
hang this on us, lady.

Maybe some outsider
hired somebody down here

to do it, I don’t know.

But if I find out, you will.

That bathroom stunt qualifies
as an as*ault on a police officer.

Let’s use it to hold the
girl and then squeeze her.

Maybe we should
try it their way first.

I don’t think they’re involved
and they could be a really big help.

You better be right, Lance.

If someone arranged it

most likely it’s an
old enemy of the family.

Or a member.


You got a call from Karen
Krane, she wants to see you.

She say what she wanted?

Nope, but she said
it was important.

Nice tie, cap.

Talk to you later.

Whoo... oop!

This way, please.

Miss, she’s expecting
you on the east terrace.

Okay, thank you.

See you.



Karen, hi.

Thank you.

You wanted to see me?

Rita, I wanted
to show you something.

I knew I knew you.

Aren’t you Donald
Fontana’s daughter?

Well, yes, how...
How did you know that?

And that’s you,
you’re little Rita.

You used to play in this
house when you were a child.

My brother and your
father were friends.

He used to bring
you here on Sundays.

There was a little tricycle

a victory flyer

you just loved it.

And you used to say
that name over and over.

You don’t remember?

I’m sorry, I...

You were very young.

I was seven when my father died.

I know.

We were all heartbroken over it.

Especially for you.

Thank you, Karen.

After he died

I used to wonder what
would happen to you.

And look at you.

He would be so proud of you.

Well, I hope so.

I wish I could remember, I...

Perhaps you will, one day.

Getting chummy

with the cops, grandmamma?

That’s enough, Del.

Karen, can you think

of any enemies that
the family may have had?

This family?

Thousands, I’m sure.

Donna, I got a question for you.

Were you aware of any conflicts

between any of the
family members here?

There were fights sometimes.

Like in my own family,
like every family.

Any fights involving Mr. Krane?



There was one.

Was it a bad one?

I guess so.

With who?

Mrs. Caroline.


Two days before, um...

Two days before
Mr. Krane died?

What’d they fight about?

I don’t know.

I heard their voices,
they were shouting.

Billy was there, he was
trying to calm them.

You sure it was Billy?

Yes, sir.

All right.

I appreciate it.

Billy, maid said you were there.

Sir, I keep my job
by being discreet.

You have to tell us
what you know, Billy.

We can compel your testimony.

Yes, I was there.

So what was the fight about?

The disposition of the estate.

Mr. Krane was
considering changing his will.

Caroline was angry about it.


She wanted it left as it was.

She was afraid too much money
would be tied up in trusts.

Was he worried about her
ability to manage the estate?

I’m afraid he was.

Has Caroline

had her medication today?

We’d like to talk to her.

So I see you’re no longer

embracing my theory.

What theory would that be, Del?

The socioeconomic one.

We’re looking into everything.

I’m afraid you can’t
talk to her right now.


She appears to have stepped out.

My mother?

We’ll wait, it’s important.

You suspect my mother?

We didn’t say that,
we just want to talk.

I will not permit this
to go on in our home.

It is coarse and vulgar to
even suggest she was involved.

Nobody said that.

Who do you people
think you’re talking to?

Billy, show them the door.

I’m going up on the roof.

If you’re not gone
in five minutes, I’m jumping.

Can we count on that?


Thank you.

What’s this?

I got dibs on the caramels.

I am liking this
relationship stuff

more and more all the time.

Anybody claim
the caramel ones yet?

I got the caramels.

I didn’t even say I was
going to share, you guys.

Come on.

This isn’t from Eric.

Hmm, well, open it.

We scanned it when
it was delivered.

"From your bondage buddies.

"You’ll find the
answer to your question

"at Luna Avenue.

"You see?

Scratch our backs,
we’ll whip yours."

I need a grid fix
at Luna Avenue.

See, Rita? Your
bondage pals came through.


Yeah, thanks.

Got it.

Okay, see you, cap.


Well, we just missed the doer--

these bodies are warm.


They must have been surprised
by the visitors.

Whoever sent us here

they knew that these two

were leaving the community.

I just can’t believe

my bondage buddies

sent us on a rescue mission.


Because they wanted
the hitters caught.

You know, I’d bet

these two k*lled krane

and whoever hired them
is the person who silenced them.

Maybe the lab can match these

with the ligature marks

on Krane’s neck.

This girl’s young.

, maybe.



Look at this.

Both victims
have dark hair, right?


These blond hairs didn’t come

from either of them

if the lab comes up
with the same thing...

Go ahead, say it.

Caroline krane has blond hair.

Yeah, so does half
the female population

in palm beach.

I know how you feel
about the family.

But half the female population
does not have blond hair

a history of instability,
a clear motive

and they don’t have
a documented fight with krane

two days before he died.

Unusual and rare
planetary alignment

promises Sagittarians
a unique day

of peace, love,
and personal fulfillment.

Get him down.

I’m filing a lawsuit.

For your good, Del,
man was not meant to fly.

Lady Sagittarians can expect
wonderful surprises

possibly even
a marriage proposal

from that special someone
in your life.

Afternoon, ma’am.

You brought your tart with you?

This is my partner,
Sergeant Lance.


We’re sorry, miss krane.

We have a warrant

to collect a sample
of your hair.

My hair?

I know this is uncomfortable

but we would appreciate
your cooperation.

Caroline, this is a court order.

You don’t have a choice.

It’s going to be okay.

Just have a seat.

You had a fight with your father

two days before he died.

I did not.

We know you did.

I can’t remember.

Let me see if I can
refresh your memory.

It was a fight about the estate.

Wasn’t it?

Karen told you that, didn’t she?

She tells lies about me

she says I’m promiscuous,
I’m crazy.

It was a fight
about money, Caroline.

That’s all this family
talks about.

Your father was about

to change his will, wasn’t he?

He hadn’t decided.

Witnesses say he had decided.

You think...

That I k*lled...

My own father!


Stop it, come on, calm down.

Calm down.

It’s going to be all right.

The hairs are identical
down to the shampoo damage.

I’m asking for a warrant.

You are bringing in
Caroline krane.


You okay?

Why am I so depressed?

Because it’s hard to watch
a family that you respected

fall from grace.

It’s really sad.


I’m going to go
get my stuff, okay?


You okay?


Give me just a minute,
all right?



Here, let me help you.

Let’s see, we have

fireside comfort Colorado Autumn

morning bliss,
and cinnamon classic.

Morning bliss, I think.


What will happen to her?

I’m sure they’ll get her
psychiatric help

and I will do everything I can
to help her.

Oh, I know you will.

You’re a very good person, Rita.

I owe this family a lot.

No, you’d have done it yourself

one way or another.

Do you believe she did it?

I don’t know.

There’s a lot
of strong evidence.

I just wish there were something

I could say, Karen.

Well, I’d best do my gardening.

Before we lose the light.

I didn’t do it.

I didn’t.

Strands of your hair

were found
at the m*rder scene, Caroline.

It’s not conclusive
without DNA test...

I wasn’t there!

I wasn’t.

Where were you?

I was...

Somewhere else.


Wait a minute!

My client’s about

to establish an alibi

I want to hear it first.

You had
three conferences already.

Where were you, Caroline?

With a friend.

Caroline, we need to know
who you were with.

My lover.

We were together all night.

We need his name.

Look, Caroline

this is very important, please.

You have to tell us.

If you have an alibi--

you better tell us who it is.

Marilyn Beaumont.

I don’t get it.

So it’s a woman, so what?

It must be handled
with great discretion.

What is the big deal--

who is Marilyn Beaumont?

We have to talk to her.


Who the hell
is Marilyn Beaumont?

One of the most
prominent attorneys

in palm beach.

And one of my partners.

Excuse me, I’m Sergeant Lance,
Miss Beaumont.

Palm beach police department.

Is this about Caroline krane?

Yes, it is.

My partner’s handling all that.

Yes, I know.

This, um, this concerns you
personally, ma’am.


Okay, what is it?

She, um, she has signed
a statement

saying the two of you are lovers

and that you were together
the night of the killings.

You know she’s
emotionally troubled.

Caroline is like
a confused child.

She looks to authority figures

like her attorneys

to take care of her,
to handle her problems.

I guess her imagination

could have invented
something like this.

So you’re saying
this isn’t true.

No, no, of course not.

You know, I almost wish it were

because, you know,
then maybe I could help her.

My firm has represented
this family

since before I was born.

But, uh, maybe they’re
beyond help now.

Look, I’m sorry
to have bothered you.

That’s okay.

So did you do it?

What are you doing?

Can’t you read?

I’m accessing
a medical database.

What’s that?

Are you going to tell me--
did you do it or not?

Not yet, dummy.

You chickened out.

You’re a moron.

Well, not everyone

can be as smart as you can.

Del... tell me when
you’re going to do it.

Ten o’clock.

And what’s, like,
the plan and everything?

Old people frequently
get confused

and take other people’s
medication by mistake.

So by mixing

mom’s medication
with a barbiturate...

What’s that?

Aunt Karen’s sleeping pills.

"May produce
respiratory constriction

"shortness of breath

and a temporary
suffocation reflex."

I thought you were going
to smother her.

I am, dummy, but it will look
like the pills k*lled her.

You are so stupid!

No, I’m not.

Yeah, Rita, Marilyn Beaumont’s
going in to see the cap.

He wants us in there.

As an officer of the court,
I find this very embarrassing.

I lied to you, Sergeant Lance.

I’m sorry.

Caroline and I are lovers.

She was with me the night
of the Luna Avenue killings.

And in the event

the court does not deem me

to be a credible witness

my maid was in that night

and she can corroborate
my statement.

It, um, it was despicable of me

to have denied it
in the first place.

I just hope
Caroline can forgive me.

All right, thanks,
Miss Beaumont.

I’ll have Caroline
released immediately.

Thank you.

Come on, show me how
you’re going to do it.

Be quiet, you’re supposed
to be asleep.

I’m trying, really I am.

Good night, aunt Karen.

I can’t help it,
this is so much fun.

Take the phone off the hook.

I don’t want anything
to disturb aunt Karen.

Somebody with access
to Caroline’s suite

planted that hair
at the m*rder scene.

Virtually anybody could have
gotten the hair sample.

Anybody that brushed
against her in public.

Probability suggests it was
somebody in that house, cap.


Probability suggests
we follow the trail

of evidence
on the victim’s computer

and that leads us
back to the S&M people.

That evidence could
have been planted.

Not by anybody in the house.

Accessing quirknet requires
signing a user’s agreement

and nobody else was a signatory.

What if the computers
were networked.

I mean, it would be easy
for someone, say, Del

to access quirknet
using Winston’s computer

as a point of contact.

And forging his signature
would be easy

especially for somebody
like Del.

That leaves Karen
as executor of the estate

and Del krane wouldn’t want

his elderly aunt
controlling his money

now, would he?

Del has been playing dominoes

with this family
for the inheritance.

Karen is the last domino.

See you, cap.

Good night, ma’am.

Good night.

It’s all genuine leather,
no vinyl.

It’s way cool.

How do I look?

Perfect, just perfect.

Karen, are you all right?

Del, you have the right
to stay alive, maggot

as long as you don’t say a word.

Let’s go.

How could you do this
to your own family?

Because you’re too old,
too slow and inefficient.

You are going to hell.

I was born in hell.

Rhymes with my name.

Let’s go.

You hateful creature.

Everybody’s looking
for that bowl of cherries.

Being rich and famous is not
what it’s cracked up to be.

She’s right, you know.

She said she was going
to be the last one left.

Come on, I’ll buy you a beer.

Victory flyer.

I remember.

I feel like a child.

I’m used to it.

You’ve cried in my arms before.

Take it, little Rita.

I will treasure
this forever, Karen.

I’m sorry about
the family, and, uh...

You know, everything.

Oh, it’s all right, little Rita.

Some things last.

Some things are fated
to disappear into time.

Why is that?

Ask the dust.