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04x07 - Red Flag

Posted: 10/07/23 19:42
by bunniefuu
I feel the same way, Phil.

I just met you, but it’s like

I can’t wait
to get it on with you.

I’m not usually
like this, but...

We could leave...
Right now.

No, let’s finish our drinks.

I want you to get me hot.

Tell me everything
you’ll do to me

and don’t hold anything back.

It’s not what
I’m going to do to you

it’s what I’ll do for you.



I’m going to slowly
take off your dress.


Then, your bra...


Then your panties... Ow!


Your wedding ring

got caught in my garter belt.


Maybe you should take it off.


Okay... okay.

I was lying naked on the bed

and you were standing above me.

Go on.

I’d undress for you.

And you are going
to love what you see

especially when I slide
out of my briefs.

Would you do something for me,
Mr. Phil Woodruff?



Take your hand out of my pants

you slimy son of a bitch?!



All kids like amusement parks--

the rides that put your heart
in your throat

or turn your last meal
upside down in your gut.

Some people never outgrow
that desire...

That need to ride on the edge:

One last binge before the diet

one real good drunk

before you ask for help

and one last fling
before you tie the knot.

Amusement parks,
you can walk away from.

Too bad life isn’t the same.


I thought I heard you.

I was trying to be quiet.

I was kind of waiting up.

How did it go tonight?

Oh, easy deal.

Phil Woodruff red-flagged;
I caught his act on tape.

Don’t you ever miss?

Why is it
that most of your cases

turn out to be red flags?

Don’t start on me.

Okay, Marcie?

I can’t remember the last time

you caught a green flag.

Maybe I try harder than you.

Or maybe you just don’t

turn them on.

I don’t like men
any more than you do.

But I don’t get off
on crucifying them.

Hey, they initiate contact.

I don’t.

Whatever happens after that...

Is their own damn fault.

You get off on teasing them.

Don’t deny it.

You’re sick, Heather.


Hi, you’ve reached red flag:

When you need to know the truth.

Please leave a message.

It’s Heather.

I got Phil Woodruff
red-flagged on tape.

I’ll drop it in your mailbox
tomorrow morning.

Hey, you have the butler’s
statement over there?

Yes, he said he was in
the bedroom all night

and heard screaming,
but assumed it was

Mr. Oshroff putting the
wood to Mrs. Oshroff again.

A man hearing a woman scream

automatically thinks
she’s having fun.

Nine times in ten,
man hears a woman scream

that’s exactly what’s happening.


Sam, it’s true.

Agony, ecstasy--
it all sounds alike.

Don’t tell me

you’ve never been with a man

who sounded like he was dying
while having

the time of his life.

Could you please

just hand me the file?


There you go.

Thank you.

Speaking of good times,
how’s Eric?


Just good, huh?

Little disappointing.

Why would that be disappointing?

Because when you
avoid eye contact

things are great.

Will you stop?

I tell you all
about my love life.

You share too much with me.

Yeah, but that’s the point, see

I spread the wealth.




I want to know.

No, I’m not telling
you anything.

It’s personal.

You’re not going
to tell me, okay.

All right.

That good, huh?

He must have been packing

some serious heat.

Would you please
keep it down, all right?

I suggest you tell me.

Yeah, he’s great.

You never learn, Bob.

It’s another thou.

Mail it to my business manager.


Hi. I didn’t see you.

But I saw you.

Here, you dropped something.

Thank you.

Haven’t seen you here before.

I’m... I’m a new member.

I don’t know anyone here yet.

Buy you a drink?

Um, that’d be nice, but, um...



I’m engaged to be married.

Then we have something
in common: So am I.

So what?

We’re just talking
about a drink.

Well, I guess
one drink wouldn’t hurt.

It’s a shame
we didn’t meet before.

Doesn’t have to be.

We could still

have something really special.

And then when it’s over

we’ll kiss tenderly
and walk away.

This is so naughty

but I want you so bad.

I want to wrap
myself around you.

There’s a beautiful little hotel

right up the road.

Let’s go up there now, baby.


Why don’t you go on ahead?

If I’m not there
in a couple of days...

Start without me, baby.

Men... are... pigs.

Marcie? I hope
you’re not still mad at me.

’cause I could really use a hug.

ME put the time of death
about midnight.

Massive trauma to the head
from a blunt object.

Baseball bat, maybe.

From these wounds

whoever did this was
going for the bleachers.

Speaking of home runs,
you seeing Eric tonight?

I don’t know, why?

I figured since you opened up
that part of your life again...

What part is that?

The physical part.

We’re getting
a little off track here.

We’re at a crime scene.

Just want to make sure
you kids are, you know...

Yes, we’re always safe,
thank you.

Very good, I was just checking.

Thank you very much, dad.

Since you’ve brought it up

there is something
you could do for me.


Name it.

I want to borrow your kitchen.

I want to cook Eric dinner.

The painters are still
working on mine.

You’re going to cook for Eric?

I thought you liked the guy.

Shut up.

So you found Heather about : .

The k*ller really trashed
the place.

Have you, uh,
noticed anything missing?

Some cash.

A few pieces of my jewelry.

I found this in her purse--
it’s a key to a locker.

Know what it’s for?

No, I’ve...
I’ve never seen it before.

Heather have a boyfriend
you know of?


She hated men.

We were lovers.

Had the two of you
been getting along?

I loved her.

We had bad moments,
like any other couple.

But I didn’t k*ll her
if that’s what you mean.


This wasn’t a regular burglary.

They were looking for something.

After they k*lled her,
they kept looking.

Blood on the dresser drawers,
no usable prints.

Take a look at this.

So, the lady wore a wire.

Heather and I...

Sometimes we’d earn extra money

working part-time
for a company called red flag.

Red flag.

What the hell is red flag?

Looks like we’re following

a serious path
of destruction here, Sam.

Looks like
whoever got to Heather

did not stop
searching there, huh?

Oh, dear lordy--

how could they do this to me?


What do you have to do
with red flag?

My dear, I am
the founder, proprietor

and operator of red flag

and I have been
severely violated.

Come on, come on, Atticus.

Let a man embark on an honest,
politically-correct venture

look what it gets him.

You’ve never been involved
in an honest venture

in your life.

Red flag sounds like
an insecticide.

In a way, it is.

What’s going on, Atticus?

Simply put, I am saving lives.

If you could give us
the longer version, please?

The divorce rate
is climbing above %.

Families are being destroyed.

Sexually transmitted diseases

are running rampant
through the country.

The fabric of society
is tearing apart...

Something has to be done.

I’m doing it.

the shorter version, please.

Say you are about to be married

and you want to be sure
your spouse-to-be

doesn’t have a roving eye.

Oh, no.

Or maybe you’re married

and a certain distance

has come between you
and your spouse

you can’t explain.

Who do you call
if you want to know for sure?

Red flag!

That’s who.

For a small fee.

How small?

Oh, um, $ , and up.

You’re a real philanthropist,

I know.

You see, you simply fill out
this detailed questionnaire

listing your spouse’s
or affianced’s favorite haunts.

I then discharge

one of my highly experienced
operatives into the field.

Highly experienced in what way?

Well, most of them
are ex-hookers.

Anyway, the girl makes herself
available to the man

subtly, of course.

I met one
of your girls, Atticus.

She was as subtle
as a heart attack.


Well, anyway...

Uh, if the gentleman
takes the bait

she gets it all on tape

and I pass it on to the client.

This is the most evil thing

you have ever done, Atticus.

There’s some
poetic justice here.

If the guy doesn’t take the bait

no harm, no foul, right?


No, no, wait a minute.

Big-time foul.

What poor guy is going
to be able to resist

some beautiful woman
who comes on to him?

Well, you would, I hope.

Those are called green flags.

About one out of every ten.

You ever think something
could go wrong, Atticus?

One of your operatives is dead.

Heather Sinclair was
m*rder*d last night.

Oh, my god... no.

Can you believe that?

This is horrible.

Maybe whoever trashed your place
had something to do it.

We’ll need a list

of all her cases
in the last month.

Such a beauty, too.

She was very efficient.

Matter of fact, she caught
a red flag just last night.

Dropped this in my mailbox

on her way home.

Let me see that.

Larry Holger?

Hey, mister...

Want to buy some candy?

Raising money
for our baseball team.

How much?

Three dollars.

Three bucks? You got it.

How often

have I told you to stop
bothering my customers?

Get out of here.

Thanks, mister.

See you later, haircut.


Hi, folks, Larry Holger

Larry Holger motors.

Sorry about that.

It’s all right.

We need to ask you
a few questions.


Let’s step over here.

All right.

Ever seen this woman before?


Sure, Mr. Holger?

She’s a beautiful woman.

I’m sure I would remember her.


You met her yesterday

at the shore ridge tennis club.

Your fiancee hired her agency

to test your fidelity.


That’s ridiculous.

You guys must have me
confused with someone else.

Why don’t you listen to this?

It’s a shame
we didn’t meet before.

Doesn’t have to be.

We could still have something
really special--

one last hot fling before
we lose our freedom forever.

When it’s over,
we kiss tenderly and walk away.

That ring any bells?

Okay, we had a couple of drinks.

You should’ve seen

the way she was coming on to me.

Who could resist?

Apparently not you.

Please, Ellen cannot
find out about this.

The tape was running

when you caught up to her
in the parking lot.

Want to hear it?

No. Look, one minute
she’s practically raping me

and then she turns around
out of the blue

and treats me like dirt?

I got mad.

So you felt the need
to belt her around.

You followed her home

you k*lled her.

No way!

Mr. Holger, you’re under arrest
for suspicion

in the m*rder
of Heather Sinclair.

Put your hands
on top of your head.

Chris, I just saw Holger
walking out.

His alibi check out?

Yeah, he was having dinner
with his fiancee.

She just came to pick him up.

They were having quite a chat
as they left.

I’d say their nuptials
are heading for the rocks.

It’s for the best.

If he hits one,
he’ll hit them all.

Did you get anything
on heather’s key?

I contacted the manufacturer
to get a trace.

That’s a common locker type.

They use them in
train stations, airports

gyms, everywhere,
so it’s going to take a while.

Anything on Heather herself?

Oh, yeah, she has a sheet.

She was arrested for extortion.

Tried to convince
some drunk stockbroker

he’d run over
a nonexistent child.

Wanted grand to keep quiet.

Walked on a technicality.


Imaginative, but sick.

Maybe this isn’t about
some guy getting even.

Maybe Heather
was working another angle.

It is some guy
Heather tried to red flag

that’s getting even with her.

When we get
these files from Atticus

we’ll have more suspects
than we can handle.

Great, huh?


Why aren’t you done yet,
you stupid bird?

Okay, Mr. Chicken

I’m just going to give you
a little goose.



Won’t you please come in?


Come on.

It’s nice of Chris
to loan us his kitchen.

He’s spending the night
at Gillian’s tonight.

Besides, I don’t think he
uses his kitchen very much.

What a waste.

Why, do you like to cook?


No man should ever leave his
mother’s home without learning.

Not only is it
a vital survival tool

it also guarantees you’ll...
Impress the ladies.

I see.


You aren’t doing the cooking tonight,
are you?

Oh, well, then,
there goes my guarantee.

Well, we’ll just have
to see about that.

Something burning?

Oh, no.

The chicken.

How could you do this to me?

I don’t think it was personal.


I was a little nervous,
I haven’t cooked...

No, it’s all right.

I wanted dinner to be perfect,
and now it’s ruined.

Well, not necessarily.

You got all the fixings here
for a great pot de Russell

if I can find...


Do you think Chris would mind

if we borrowed
some of his spaghetti?

No, probably not.

Problem solved.

Open the wine.

Sure, fine.

We already know
what your motives are.

Why don’t we eat first?

Boy, if that tastes
as good as it smells.



Presentation is everything.

It certainly is.

Looks like you’re getting
a little ahead of me.

You haven’t been keeping up.

Well, I was cooking.

You know, you look really
cute in that apron.

It’s getting a little hot.

Starting to get a little hungry?


Well, maybe we ought
to sit down and we could...

Oh, sweet mercy!

Not again.


I got the front, go!

That gives you the right

to bash the man’s brains out?

You’re damn right it does...

Sit down!

’cause that bastard
ruined my life!

My wife kicked me out.

Now I’m living in a hotel

with everything I own
in a cardboard box.

What were you looking for?

His files on me

and the damn tape.

I got my wife’s
copy of the tape.

If I got his copy, she’d have
nothing to use in court.

She’s threatening
to take everything.

Look, Mr. Woodruff,
I’m not entirely unsympathetic

but this isn’t
the way to handle it.

What kind of fascist society
is this, anyway?

First they try
to outlaw smoking.

Now they send gorgeous Amazons
after you.

You’re total slime, buddy!

It’s an important job--
somebody had to do it.

Your alibi checked out.

He was having a big
fight with his wife

the night Heather was k*lled.

It lasted till about a.m.

He checked into a hotel
about : .

Back to square one, huh?

Well, now you’ll be
living in a small room

with everything you own
in a Manila envelope.

Rusty, take him in--
breaking and entering.

Nobody could have resisted
that woman-- nobody!

Atticus, what have
you unleashed?

The man has to make
the first move.

Those are the rules.

What if she wasn’t
playing by your rules?

Maybe Heather was
playing her own game.

Like blackmail.

That sweet child?

I don’t think so.

You kidding me, Atticus?

Heather’s red flags
probably accounted for half

the m*rder rate in the county.

Were you able to put together

a list of her cases?

Yes, they’re all here.

Now, she got red flags,
three green flags

and four open cases.

I had to reassign
those open cases

to Marcie Fuller.

Like the beat,
the business does go on.

Sorry about the mess
at your place.

Don’t worry about it.

But how did the pasta sauce
get on my ceiling?


Nice set of wheels.
These yours?

Yeah, I just picked it up.

You certainly know
how to make an entrance.

I wanted one of these
since I was about .


Thanks for the use
of your kitchen.

No problem.

I didn’t know Rita could cook.

She never cooked
for anybody else.

She made a wonderful meal
for me.

Look, I’ll see you tomorrow,
Chris, all right?


So, what would you like
for dinner tonight?

Same thing.

Ahh... good night!

Well, this is the last
of heather’s open files.

We strike out here,
back to the drawing board.

Don’t give me that "dad" crap.

The day you marry into my family
is the day I die.

I understand how you feel, sir.

I told Shannon we should wait

till you know me better.

What else can I do...

You can disappear
is what you can do!



Yeah, okay, send them in.

I offered you $ ,
to leave Shannon alone.

Shannon loves me and I love her.

I’ll make it $ , .

It’s not about money.

Shannon and I have
something special

like your late wife and you.

Don’t you ever mention
Cecille’s name

in the same breath as yours.

Don’t you ever.

We’ll talk about this later.

Thank you.

Sorry for the interruption.

I’m Sergeant Lorenzo.

This is Sergeant Lance.

I’d like to ask you
some questions.

About the robbery?

Robbery? No.

A different matter.

That’s too bad.

I was hoping
you’d caught the louse.

Cecille’s opal collection
had great meaning to me.

Australia, ...

Best year of our life.

She died six months ago.

I miss her very much.

Sorry to hear that, sir.

Yeah, thank you.

What can I do for you?

Oh, that’s Jonathan sharp.

He was just leaving.

Jonathan sharp.

We need to ask you

a few questions as well.


Why don’t we talk outside

while Sergeant Lorenzo
talks with Mr. Reeves?


Mr. Reeves, two weeks ago

you contacted
a Mr. Dunn at red flag?

Yes. Has he found something?

Not that I know of.

Why did you contact his agency?

I love my daughter,
Sergeant Lorenzo.

She’s all I got left.

I can’t stand the bum
she’s taken up with.

Jonathan sharp?

Jonathan sharp.

A low-rent golf hustler.

She won’t listen to me.

They’re getting married
in three days--

with or without my blessing.

And I can’t have it.

So that’s why
you hired red flag.

I know he plays around.

Just wanted to get some proof.

Show Shannon what kind of guy
he really is.

Anybody else from red flag
contact you?

No, just talked exclusively
to Atticus Dunn.


Do you recognize this woman?


No, who is she?

She’s the woman
Atticus Dunn hired

to test Jonathan.

She was found m*rder*d
four nights ago.

According to Mr. Dunn

she never made contact
with Jonathan.

We were wondering
if she tried to reach you

and sell
the information directly.

If she had, I would have
paid her anything for it.

In three days, I lose my girl.

Could you be wrong
about Jonathan?

Just being
an overprotective father?


That bum is
a womanizing hairball!

I won’t have him in my family.

I’ll k*ll him first.

That’s a bad idea, sir.

Trust me.

No, never.

Lovely lady, though.

She was supposed to contact you
at splash.

You do go there, right?

Yeah, sure, sometimes.

It’s a nice crowd.

You should try it sometime.

So why would she
want to contact me?

Mr. Reeves hired an agency

that specializes
in testing men’s fidelity.

Heather was supposed
to try and test yours.


Lousy business.

I’m not surprised.

He would do anything
to keep me away from Shannon

but that’s pretty low,
using a beautiful woman.

You have a weakness
for beautiful women?

No, only extremely
beautiful women...

Sergeant Lance.


There you are.


This is Sergeant Lance.

She’s with the police.

This is my fiancee, Shannon.

Didn’t I tell you
she was beautiful?

You’re here about the burglary?

Uh, I just had
those few questions.

Thank you, Mr. Sharp.

Any time.

How did it go with Jonathan?

He seemed harmless
for an N.V.M.


"No visible means."

Something about him, though.

I’ll run him
through the computer.

Think he’s marrying for money?

Seemed that way.
You get anything?

No, but if Jonathan sharp
shows up dead

in the next three days

I will know exactly
where to look.

Did you get the NCIC Report?

Yeah, no hits on Jonathan sharp.

He is squeaky clean.

So I was wrong.

Wouldn’t be a first time.

Maybe not.

I stopped by the splash bar.

Talked to the bartender.

He made heather’s photograph.

She was in there
a couple weeks ago.

Could he put her with Jonathan?

No, or at least he wouldn’t.

Turns out that Jonathan
is a very good customer.

You find out
about heather’s locker key?

No, guess that’s
going to be a while.

Sound check, one, two.

Check, check.

One, two.

In a little over hours,
she’s going to be married

and I need results tonight

and I don’t give a damn

if you hire
the entire Rockettes!

I’ll do my best, Mr. Reeves.

Not good enough.

Get Jonathan sharp

putting the make on a woman--
on tape!

Well, now, my girls are good

but it may be that Jonathan
is a green flag.

That’s $ , , Mr. Dunn,
in advance.

Another $ , upon delivery.

$ , ?

I trust that’s satisfactory.

Mr. Reeves,
for this kind of money

I’d put on a wig and get him
to put the make on me.

I don’t care
if you use a chimpanzee.

Just get him by tonight.

All my other girls quit.

You have to help me out, Marcie.

Who else can I turn to?

You always were my favorite.

Mr. Dunn, please.

I came to say

I don’t want to do this anymore,

Ever since Heather died, I...

For $ , ?

Five thousand dollars?

In cash.

$ , now, $ ,
when you deliver the tape.

Well, maybe just...

One more time.


That’s my girl.

What if he green flags?

Some men do, you know.

Pull out all the stops, Marcie.

Pull out all the stops.

We caught a break.

Heather’s key is from a locker

in a bus station in Boca Raton.

Let’s take a drive.

Attention, this is the last call

for bus ,
: service to Miami,

now boarding at gate .

Once again, this is the final
boarding call for bus ...

... .

What do we have?

That’s interesting.

Got your recorder on you?

Yes, I sure do.

But I’ve never played
nude golf before.

It sounds fun, Jonathan.

You’ll love it.

There’s this old man I teach

who has a very private
nine-hole course.

Sound like somebody we know?

The guy who never
met Heather Sinclair.


But why nude?

Because I love to watch
naked women putt.

But it does make it real hard
to keep my eye on the ball.

You’re a real slime bag,
Mr. Sharp.

I wouldn’t touch you
if you were the last man alive.

This is a red flag.


Why didn’t she turn this in?

I don’t know.

So she held this tape
back... to blackmail.

But why blackmail somebody
who doesn’t have anything?

Good question.

What else we got in here?

The jewelry...

Of the late Mrs. Reeves.

I think something’s starting
to come together, Sam.

It’s starting to come together.

Hey, gene.

A beer.



Is your father home?


What about Jonathan
sharp? Is he here?

No, it’s bad luck
to see the bride

the night before the wedding.

Can we come in?

It’s not Sheffield’s stance;
It’s his grip.

If you don’t have a firm grip
on your big bat

what have you got?

A tiny bat?

Do you recognize any of these,
Mr. Reeves?

Those are mother’s opals.

We found these in a locker

belonging to Heather Sinclair.

From red flag?

How’d she get this?

We think it all revolves around

Jonathan sharp.

I know this may be
painful for you

but I think
you should hear this.

But I’ve never played
nude golf before.

And today is my last one
as a free man.

That calls for a celebration.

Hmm, what do you have in mind?

Anything at all, Jonathan.


You may never do it again

if your fiancee’s the prude
you say she is.

Oh, well, she’s beautiful--
don’t get me wrong--

but she’s just a little
sexually inexperienced.

I’m sure you’re a great teacher.

I know a few things.

But it does make it real hard
to keep my eye on the ball.

You’re a real slime bag,
Mr. Sharp.

I wouldn’t touch you
if you were the last man alive.

Sorry you found out
like this, but...

Only one way those opals

could have gotten
into heather’s locker:

If Jonathan gave them to her.

He robbed us, baby.

The creep robbed us.

Heather must
have red flagged him.

When she found out
what he had at stake

she blackmailed him.

Pay off or she’d file
a negative report--

good-bye, wedding.

She got greedy,
pressed for more.

He felt boxed in

and couldn’t
hit this place again.

So, he broke in to her place

tried to find the tape.

She walked in on him

he k*lled her.

I feel like such an idiot.

Don’t blame yourself, Shannon.

This guy’s a predator.

He makes his living
feeding off people.

It’s over, honey.

It’s all over.

Aw, damn.

What... what’s wrong?

I got so desperate

I went back to red flag
and offered Dunn $ ,

to have one of his girls
nail Jonathan.

She’s with him now!

I can’t wait to know
what you taste like

starting with your tongue.

I love a guy
who knows how to kiss.

Come on, let’s get out of here.

I know a perfect
little motel nearby.

Splash-- are you
absolutely sure, Atticus?

Yes, I’m certain.

She checked in with me
when she got there.

Please, hurry-- I couldn’t bear
if anything happened to her.

Well, it didn’t stop you

from taking $ ,
from Mr. Reeves, did it?

My dear, I never thought...

That’s right, Atticus,
you didn’t.

Sergeant Lance,
it wasn’t the money.

I only want to help people...


Sergeant Lance? Hello?

This will be fun.

I even know a little
fruit stand along the way.

Great, I just need
to get something

out of my car.

No, I’ve got everything
right here, honey.

Ow! Jonathan,
you’re hurting me.

How much the old man paying you?

Red flag whore.

Lighten up, we can deal.

The last one said that.

Then she tried
to screw me anyway.


You k*lled Heather?

You bastard!

I’ll take this

thank you.


Get in the car.

Give it up, sharp.

You back off or she’s meat.

Hands where I can see ’em.

You all right?

I’ll let you know
in a couple of minutes.

Too bad you couldn’t
keep it zipped up

for one more day, Johnny boy.

You been bagged, tagged...

You been red-flagged.

What he’s really
trying to say is

wedding’s off.

You’ve got the beach

and you’ve got the ocean

and it’s gently rolling in...

It’s beautiful.

I don’t know why

I didn’t leave
New York a lot sooner.

Oh! You mean
you don’t miss it--

the excitement, the
hustle of the big city?

No, I don’t.

I like it right here.

I like palm beach.

I was thinking
I might settle here.

That’s... that’s
a pretty big decision--

I mean, relocating
your whole life.

Maybe you should, you know

take some time
and think about it

see how it works out.

You know?

I’m tired of jumping around.

I... I think I’m ready
for something...


Okay, come on, come on.

What, you thinking of diving in?

Yeah, sort of.

What are you doing?

There are numbers

in this book

that I’m not going
to need anymore.

I just thought you should
be the one to just...

Go on, set ’em free.

You’re sure about this?


Y-Y-You don’t
have a copy of this?

No, no, I don’t have a copy.

Just pitch it, pitch it.

Oh, ho, ho.

Oh, god.

Are you...?

Sergeant Lance...


I’m falling in love with you.

Is that all right?


It’s scary...

But it’s definitely all right.