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04x05 - Carrie & Jessie

Posted: 10/07/23 19:41
by bunniefuu
Sure you won’t come in?

And watch dad have a seizure

in front of his
big-shot friends?

Sounds like fun.

You’re so bad.

I miss you, Jody.

Don’t get all sloppy now.

Go on, I better get lost
before he sees me.


Thank you.


You might want

to take it easy
on the finger foods, George.

I’m a little nervous.

It’s awkward doing the
social thing without Andrea.

Aw, I know.

Hi, Mr. Donovan.

Hi, Carrie.

Carrie, uh, Rita Lance.

Hi, nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

How are things, Carrie?

Oh, things are better, really.



Susan wolf,
this is George Donovan.


Rita Lance.


This is my best friend
since high school.

And my dad’s
new general manager.

And doing one hell
of a fine job at it.

George, so glad
you could make it.

Victoria, I never
miss your parties.

Oh, you’d never hear
the end of it, George.



Carrie, Elena needs help
in the kitchen.

Maybe you should hire her
an assistant.

Excuse me, young lady.

I’m sorry.


I need to talk to you.

Sure, would you excuse us?



So, what is the story there?

Carrie has...
A few problems.

Been in trouble with the law.

That’s how I first
got to know the family.


Will you lighten up?

You’re giving me the willies.

No, no!

That’s it, that’s it!

Stop that.

That’s enough!

I ask for your help
and this is how you help me?

Answer me!

If you ever touch her again,
I’ll k*ll you.

Carrie, you listen to me.

No, not Carrie.

Carrie is a helpless,
weak little girl.

My name is Jessie.

Aw, darn it.

I forgot to charge it.

Do you know where
there’s a phone?

Yeah, come on, I’ll show you.

Douglas is quite
an art collector.

He has a master collection

of Etruscan art.

What’s that?

I don’t know.

You want this food so damn bad?

Do you want it so bad?!

Here it is!

Eat it, bitch, eat it!


Hey, what happened?

She att*cked me, like an animal.

Like some awful animal!

It’s odd what binds
some families together.

Sadness, disappointment, greed.

Even hate can be the glue.

You know that saying,
"blood is thicker than water"?

Well, growing up in foster homes

I never really got
the meaning of that phrase.

I always thought
kids who were raised

with their real parents
were so lucky.

Sometimes they are
and sometimes they’re not.

Thank you, darling.

This will make you feel better.


I’m so sorry
you had to see this.

I’m just glad we could help.

She’s had these episodes before

but not like this.

And not for some time.

What do you think set her off?

I suppose she got

That’s probably it.

You know, the party
and all the people.

She’s sensitive.

When you slapped her...

Please, don’t judge
what you can’t understand, dear.

I so wanted the party
to be a success.

The party was fine, Victoria,
nobody even knew.

Why don’t you go up
and lie down?

Go ahead, Susan and I
will take care of Carrie.

Oh, thank you.

Sorry we couldn’t have met
under happier circumstances.

Another time,
Mrs. Morgan.

I’m sorry.

Please forgive Victoria

for being so abrupt.

She’s been under
so much pressure

getting ready for this party

and coping with Carrie.

She’s coming around.




Jessie’s gone, Carrie.

She’s gone, Jessie’s gone now.

What happened?

What happened to the party?

Everybody’s gone, Carrie.

The party’s over.

Something happened.

Something terrible.

No, it’s all right.

Just relax, sweetheart.

Come on, Carrie, sit down.

Let’s talk.

What do you remember, Carrie?

I was in the kitchen with Susan.

We were just fooling around.

That’s all.

And then she...

I can’t remember.

So you don’t remember anything

after the kitchen with Susan?

We were just fooling around

that’s all.

I wasn’t being bad.

I wasn’t.

I believe you, Carrie.

I want to ask you
something, Carrie.

Have you been happy
since you’ve been home?


You mean from cedar Glen?

You’re not going
to send me back there.

I just want to know...

I promise I’ll be good,
Mr. Donovan.

Please don’t send me
back to that place.

It’s okay.

It’s okay, you’re going to stay
right here where you belong.

Right here at home.

Maybe you should be going.

I appreciate your
concern, George.

She could be a danger
to you or to herself.

She needs love
and understanding.

I don’t think she’s
a danger to anyone.

If we hadn’t come in,
she could have hurt your wife.

Maybe you’re right,
maybe you’re wrong.

This is a family
problem, sergeant.

I’d like to keep it that way.

If she gets violent
and winds up in court again

they’ll put her in a place

where she won’t be
able to come home.

I won’t let that happen, George.

Okay, Doug.


You tried, George.

I’ve never seen Carrie
that out of control.

How did she get
in trouble before?

The usual things--

drunk driving, shoplifting.

Carrie doesn’t
remember any of it.

Jessie was always in control

when the cops showed up.

The shrink said

she couldn’t be
held accountable.

The judge’s only option
was cedar Glen.

Sounds like a no-win situation.

Oh, yeah.

Thanks, George.


Go away.

I just wanted to tell you
how sorry I am.

You’re sorry.

That’s supposed to make
everything all better, isn’t it?

Please, just talk to me.

I’m afraid I don’t have
anything to say.

That won’t solve
anything, you know.

Did they teach you that
at the hospital?

But of course you’re right.

Drinking won’t solve
your problems.

Just maybe make them go away
for a little while.

Doesn’t seem to be working.

What did I do to make you
hate me so much?

I don’t hate you.

"Loathe" is a much better word.

Like a sickness

or a bad habit.

But it’s not me.

It’s Jessie

she’s the one.

You sold that
split-personality crap

to those bloodsucking doctors

but you never sold it to me.


Oh, isn’t it sad?


Yeah, yeah.
It’s sad.

You’re not even watching.

I told you,
I don’t speak French.

That’s why there’s subtitles.

I don’t like to watch movies
that I have to read.

Anyway, I’ve got
a lot on my mind.

Hey, listen to your doctor.

If something’s bothering you

you need to talk about it.

It’s not one of my strong suits.

Just your basic type "a"

strong silent type.

Now you’re a shrink.

The shrinks don’t get you guys,
the cardiologists do.

Yeah, well, there’s nothing
wrong with my heart.

That some communication
wouldn’t cure.

It’s no big deal, okay?

I’d like to feel

I’m part of something

besides your bedroom furniture.

That really how you feel?


I don’t feel that way.

Well, at least we know
how you don’t feel.

Gillian, I’m crazy about you.

I’ve never been attracted
to anyone the way I am to you.


That’s what’s getting to me.

We’re totally different.

Thank heaven for that.

I mean, look at you.

You’re this hotshot surgeon,
you make tons of money.

Me, I’m on a city wage.

I’m just a cop with an attitude.

Oh, so that’s what
this is all about.

I can’t take you to Hawaii
for the weekend

or skiing in the alps.

I don’t even ski.

Been there, done that.

But I haven’t.

And I got to figure
that sooner or later

you’re going to want somebody

who can provide that for you.

First off, I can
take you to Hawaii.

I can also teach you how to ski.

if that’s what was really important to me

do you think that I
would have fallen in love

with a cop with an attitude?

I don’t know.

Chris Lorenzo, you are
the strongest, bravest

smartest, sexiest man
I have ever known.

When I look at you

I get weak in my knees.

When I’m not with you,
I count the minutes

till we can be back together.

Now, if you think

that I want to trade all that in

on some bottle-fed preppy wimp

with a stock portfolio,
you’d better look again.

Well, when you put it like that.


Douglas, is that you?

Douglas, answer me!

Have you been drinking?!

I hope you haven’t
been driving drunk!

We have severe
cerebral hemorrhaging

brought on by a repeated
sharp-force trauma to the head.

Multiple lacerations
and fractures

to the skull and facial bones.

Open casket is definitely out.

Yeah, this is not
your basic B. And E. Gone bad.

No, whoever did this
really messed her up.

You have
an estimated time of death?

I can’t be sure
till I open her up

but for now, I’d say
between : and midnight.

All right.

Uh, thanks, Taylor.

See you later.

Okay, guys

let’s bag her and tag her.

I should have been here, George.

But after what happened
at the party

I just couldn’t stay
in this house a minute longer.

I just should
have seen it coming.

It won’t help
to blame yourself, Doug.

God, I could have been
a better father.

I could have been
a better husband.

Mr. Morgan, can we
have a word with you?

We’re sorry for your loss.

What’s going to happen
with my wife now?

They’ll perform the autopsy

then it’s up to the family.

You’re going to cut her up?

Isn’t it obvious how she died?

Whenever someone
dies unnaturally

it’s routine procedure.

That’s what this is,
just a routine?

I didn’t mean that.

Were you away when
your wife was k*lled?

Yes, I was at my club
in the bar.

Anybody see you there?

The bartender, of course.

So you’d been drinking?

What the hell do you think?

You just answer
the questions, sir.

I don’t think
I like your attitude.

We all know
how difficult this is, Doug.

But we all are
on the same side here.

What time did
you leave your club?

Um, after midnight, about : .

And you came straight home?

That’s right.

You found your wife right away?

I came in and I heard
this horrible scream.

This horrible
sobbing and shrieking.

And I ran down the hall
and that’s when I saw them.


Yes, my wife where she was

and Carrie was cradling her

and they were both

covered in blood.


Carrie was holding
that fireplace tool.

Where is Carrie now?

She was hysterical.

I tried to calm her down

but she locked herself
in a closet.

Carrie, it’s Rita Lance.

Are you in there?

Carrie, come on out.

No one’s going to hurt you.

Carrie’s dead.

She’s with her mother.

No one tells Jessie what to do.

Go ahead, do it.

k*ll me, k*ll me!

No mercy.

No mercy!

You’re going to bleed

just like that dead bitch!

You’re going to bleed.

Get your hands off me!

You’re going to bleed!

Get your hands off me!

Stick around in case
we need to talk again.

Yeah, all right,
I appreciate it.

That was the bartender
from Morgan’s club--

he checks out.

He didn’t leave
till after midnight.

The autopsy report puts
the time of death about : .

Makes Morgan free and clear.


George, when you go
after the Morgan girl

are you going to go
after Carrie or Jessie?

Very funny, Lorenzo.

I’m only half joking.

She’s an actual
medically documented case

of multiple-personality

Part of her is innocent,
part guilty

but you can’t punish one
without punishing the other.

Something like that,
but I have another problem.

You’re too close
to be objective?

I don’t think she’s guilty.

Excuse me?

I don’t think she’s guilty.

Did I fall in a rabbit hole?

Come on, George.

I think you are too close.

You helped me pull her
off Victoria at the party.

The two women have a history
of violent confrontations.

They were in the house
alone together.

Carrie’s fingerprints

are on the m*rder w*apon.

That adds up to opportunity,
motive and means.

Prosecutors wake up wet from
dreams about evidence like this.

What if somebody set her up?


She’s unstable,
but she’s no k*ller.

If you guys send
this case down now

her lawyer will plead her insane

and they’ll put her
away for good.

Maybe that is
the best thing for her, George.

How many times
have I given you extra rope?

You give us rope when
we’re going to hang ourselves.

Just look into it
a little deeper.

Talk to the neighbors.

Talk to the sister, Jody.

She has an ax to grind
with her parents.

I’ll owe you one.

You’ll owe us a big one.

Yeah, Lorenzo, homicide.


Gillian, what is it?

You got to come right away.

Uh, hey, talk to me.

Chris, please, this won’t wait.

Where are you?

Burbridge hotel, penthouse.


Hey, Chris, where are you going?

It’s Gillian, she’s in trouble.

I’ll call you later.



I surrender.

What the hell is going on?

You won’t be needing that g*n.

Are you completely nuts?

What’s wrong? You’re angry?

You’re damn right I’m angry!

I almost got k*lled
getting over here.

I only wanted to surprise you.

You sure as hell did that.

I’m sorry.

But as long as you’re here...

Want to do lunch?

No, I’m not hungry.

I am a cop, Gillian.

I know.

Look, I’m sorry.

I guess I just wasn’t thinking.

No, I guess you weren’t.

Take them back to the kitchen.

Can I help you?

Are you Jody Morgan?

I’m Sergeant Lance,
palm beach homicide.

I don’t have anything to say.

It won’t take long.

I haven’t had anything
to do with my family

since I split.

Then why don’t you help Carrie?

You don’t care about her.

You just want to make your case.

We don’t need to.

The evidence against
your sister is strong.

What about Jessie?

Jessie gets a little
out of hand sometimes

but she’s not a m*rder*r.

How do you know this?

Whit, spell me for a minute,
will you?

I’m really sorry
about your mother.

Don’t be, I’m not.

My mother was a very sick woman.

She used to t*rture us.

"t*rture" is
a pretty strong word.

She’d make us stand with
our arms out in front of us.

She’d stack books on our hands

until one of us dropped them.

Then she’d make
the one who didn’t

whip the one who did.

She made you whip each other?

I was stronger,
so I’d drop them on purpose.

Then I’d get whipped
for being deceitful.

How did your father
feel about all this?

He went along with it.

My mother’s the one
with the money.

When I was , he threw me out.

Happiest day of my life.

Where were you night
before last about : ?

Home, asleep.


Afraid so.

I got to tell you, Jody

things don’t look good
for Carrie.

Check into my father’s sex life.

He always had something
on the side.

It would help
if you give me names.

Too long a list.

Now you help me.

My sister--
tell me where she is.

I’d like to see her.

Yeah, I could do that.

Here’s where you’ll find her.

And here’s my card if you
need to get in touch with me.


Thank you.

You like to see me naked

don’t you?

As a matter of fact, I do.

Why don’t you
take off that dress?

I want all of you.

All of you.

Sit right down.

Anything new?

Well, I just got these shoes.

Rita, I’m getting flak
from the boss.

I’ve got messages
from the press

and I haven’t slept
in three nights.

You asked for
extra time, George.

Now you’re paying for it.

Help me out here.

I’m running down a list
of Morgan’s lady friends.

What do you know about this new
regional manager, Susan wolf?

I met her at the party.

An old friend of Carrie’s.

years old.

With the company

less than two years.

He hired her over people

with ten years’ seniority.

Those people call her

a ruthless, manipulative bitch.

Sounds like sour grapes.


I’ll keep you posted.


Mr. Morgan, a Sergeant Lance
here to see you.

What can I do for you, sergeant?

I was hoping
we could have a word.



Sergeant Lance, isn’t it?

Yes, it is.

We were just sitting down
to breakfast.

You might as well join us.

Well, I would hate to impose.

Well, we’re past that now,
aren’t we?

Susan, you really
should eat something

just to keep up your strength.

I’m just not hungry, thanks.


We’re all a little stressed out.

Actually, I’m a little surprised
to see you here.

Oh, come now, sergeant,
we’re all adults here.

Let’s stop beating
around the barnyard, shall we?

My wife was
an emotional cr*pple.

We lived separate lives
for years.

Why did you stay together?

At first for the children.

And then for Victoria’s family--
they were devoutly religious.

They couldn’t have
tolerated a divorce.

And then... for the money.

At least you’re honest.

Why not? I have nothing to hide.

You must take comfort in that.

Susan, where were you

the night
Mrs. Morgan was m*rder*d?

What? I was...

With me.

At my club.

I was asking Susan.

I was at the club.

Till what time?

She left with me after midnight.

Do you talk for her
at work as well?

What’s your point, sergeant?

I’m trying to find out
who k*lled your wife.

My daughter k*lled my wife.

She told you this herself?

This conversation’s over.

And you’re involved
with this man?

He’s basically a very nice man.

This thing has
thrown him for a loop.

Yet here you are

three days
after his wife is k*lled

in a bathrobe
at his breakfast table.

Please don’t judge me,
Sergeant Lance.

I never meant Victoria any harm.

My relationship with Douglas
just happened.

Do you love him?

Yes, I do.

I love him very much.



Jr... Jody.

They let you see me?

Nothing could have kept me away.


Food here’s
really... bad.

I think they’re trying
to poison us.

I’ll see what I can do.

There’s some really
sick people here.

The nurses,
they steal everything.

They won’t let me brush my hair.

Oh, Carrie, honey...
I’m so sorry.

No one will tell me why.

Why they brought me here.

You mean you don’t know?


Was it Jessie?

Don’t think about it.

It’ll all work out.

You... I... what...

You have to tell me the truth!

Calm down, honey.

I’ll tell you everything.

Just... sit down.

Take some deep breaths.

I’m okay.

First, tell me:

What do you remember?

Mother was mad.

I think Jessie
spoiled the party.

I just wish she’d go away

and leave me alone.

Mother was k*lled, Carrie.

That’s what I thought.

Do they think Jessie did it?

They don’t know yet.

Do you remember

anything else about that night?

I can’t.

It’s these dr*gs they give me.

I can hardly remember
my own name.

I am so sorry.

I’m so sorry I left you
alone in that house.

God, it’s not your fault.

Don’t be sad.

What are you doing here?

Visiting my sister.

Visit’s over.
Now you can leave.

Come on, Carrie.

Daddy’s taking you home.

Home? How? Why?

Daddy’s taken care
of everything.

Why can’t you

leave her alone?

Because she needs to be at home

where she can be taken care of.

Like you took care of mother?!

Shut your mouth.


What’s the problem?

This woman is causing
a disturbance...

You ain’t seen nothing yet.

I’m hiring a lawyer

and I will take her
away from you.

Keep her away from us.

Miss, don’t make me
call security.

If he takes her
and anything happens

it will be on your head.

He’s got a court order.

There’s nothing we can do.

Come on, Carrie,
come with daddy.

Who is it?

Special delivery.


Hi, yourself.

You going to let me in?

Yeah, come on in.

Chris, I...
Look, Gillian, I’ve...

Me first.


I came to apologize.

I know what I did was wrong,
but I just wanted...

No, forget about it,
I overreacted.

You got to understand something.

I’m a cop,
I don’t take well to surprises.

No more surprises.

On my honor.

Carrie, I am so glad
you’re home.

What’s the matter, Carrie?

Susan, what are you doing here?

Well, Susan lives with us now.

But mother...

Mother won’t stand for that.

You must be dead tired.

Come on, I’ll fix you a bath

Elena will make you some soup

and you’ll have
a nice long rest.

Go ahead, Carrie.

Susan will take care of you.

That’s right, honey.

It’s just you and me now.

Hey, George.

Did you hear the news?

Douglas Morgan sprang Carrie
from the hospital.

How did that happen?

Well, he found a judge.

Because we haven’t
charged her yet...

He can waltz in
and take her out.

Maybe we should book her.

Then we can look out for her.

You insisted she was innocent.

I was wrong, okay?

The county attorney
won’t let it go.

The evidence is just too solid.

Well, maybe not.

Hey, get this.

Morgan withdrew
, bucks in cash

the day after the m*rder.

Well, $ , certainly buys
a lot of alibi.

Great minds think alike.

Keep the faith, George.

Hey, Malcolm.

G’day, mate.

Do I know you?

Sergeant Lorenzo.

This is Sergeant Lance.

We spoke on the phone.

Right, about Victoria Morgan.


Sharp memory.

It’s a good thing.

How’s that?

You said Mr. Morgan
was here

till after midnight that night.

Because he was.

You left a little something out,
didn’t you?

Enlighten me.

He was here with a woman
named Susan wolf.

He’s always got something
going on.

Not exactly a secret.

not unless you’re trying to keep it one.

Now, why would I do that?

That’s what
we’re working on here.

I don’t know what you mean,
but I don’t have to talk to you.

Yeah, that’s true, that’s true.

Talk to your lawyer

after we bust you.

On what charge?

Start with withholding evidence.

He was here with that woman.

What more can I say?

Why didn’t you
mention this before?

Nobody asked me.

But yeah,
now that you mention it

miss wolf was definitely here.

The whole time?


You don’t remember?

It was busy.

I don’t keep track

of everyone
who comes in and out.

If one or both of them left here
and you keep stonewalling us

the charge is
accessory to m*rder.

Now, you think about that.

Accessory to m*rder.

She was here till around : .

Came back
around : .

Wearing a different dress.

You kept that to yourself,
you knew about the m*rder...

Why would you do that?

If I cooperate,
you’ll help me out?

Yeah, we’ll do whatever we can.

Morgan paid me $ , .

What do you think about that?

I think... you’re
under arrest... mate.

I land in Chicago
at : .

Make sure the limo’s waiting.

All taken care of.

My reservation?

Marquis hotel, suite .

Okay, and I’ll be back
on Monday...

Monday at : .

I will be there, darling.

I knew there was something
I liked about you.

Oh, is that all
you like about me?

Now, remember,
no talking to strangers

especially cops.

Oh, Carrie.

What is it?

Where are you going?

Board meeting in Chicago.

But you can’t go.

I have to go, honey.

Daddy, please take me with you.

Oh, now, don’t upset
yourself, Carrie.

You’ll be just fine, okay?

Susan will take care of you.

But I’m so scared.

Something terrible’s
going to happen.

Now, now, now, now, Carrie.

Now you’re being silly, okay?

Well, I’m out of here.

I’ll be back on Monday.

It’s okay to be scared

with what you’ve been through.

Nothing’s going to happen.

Not as long as we’re together.

Come on.

Hey, George.
Hi, George.

Hey, what do you got?

An eyewitness statement

that destroys
Susan wolf’s alibi.

And a warrant for her and Morgan

on counts of m*rder
and conspiracy.

I just spoke to Morgan’s office.

He’s on a plane for Chicago.

We put out an APB

They’ll pick him up at O’hare.


Excuse me.

Yeah, Sergeant Lance.

This is Jessie.

Jessie? What is it?

Carrie’s in trouble.

What’s the problem?

The k*ller’s in the house.

We got to go.

See you, George.


Susan, I would never do
anything to hurt you.

I’m sorry, Carrie.

I told your dad
not to bring you home

but he just wouldn’t listen.

I knew it was only
a matter of time

before Jessie showed up
and ruined everything.

But I won’t say anything,
I promise.

Cross your heart
and hope to die?


Well, then I guess
today’s your lucky day.

Everybody knows
how crazy you are.

So nobody’s going
to be surprised to hear

that you k*lled yourself.

I think I’ll have you
hanging in the hallway

where you k*lled your mother.

Poetic, isn’t it?

Susan, please don’t.

Get away from her.

Get your hands up!

Keep them there.

She att*cked me.

I was just trying...

Shut up.

And back off.

Carrie, honey.

She was going to k*ll me.

I saw her.

She’s the one
who k*lled our mother.

We’ll call the police.

Then I’ll take you away.


You have to k*ll her.

You have to k*ll her now.


Jessie... no.

She beat our mother to death.

She was going to k*ll me.

Please, Jessie.

The k*lling just has to stop.


Put the g*n down.

First I put
a b*llet in her brain.

Put it down.

You sh**t, we sh**t.

I don’t care...
So long as she dies.

What if she doesn’t?

Then it’s a waste.

Come on, Jessie, we need you.

You’re our only eyewitness.

Tell them.

Tell them what you did.

It was self-defense.

I only came to talk.

Victoria att*cked me.


Why not insanity?

It works for me.

I did it, but it was his idea.

He couldn’t stand
another day in this house.

You cross your heart
and hope to die?

Well, this is nice.

A loaf of bread,
a jug of wine and thou.

Except no wine and no loaf.

Hey, I’ll take what I can get.

I thought this was our table.

Room for two more.

How did it go in court?

The defense unloaded on Carrie.

They tried
to make Jessie come out.


No show.

Carrie held up like a trouper.

And, I might add,
the prosecution was brilliant.

But of course.

The jury’s still out

but I’ll lay odds that
Susan wolf and Morgan

are going down on all counts.

Yes, good job.

I spoke with Carrie’s sister.

She’s doing a lot better.

Jessie hasn’t showed up
since that day with Susan.

The therapist thinks that Jessie

has outlived her usefulness.

I hope so, for her sake...
And our case.

I want to thank you guys.

You were there for me.

You believed
I was right about Carrie

when I wasn’t sure
I believed it myself.

Hey, all in
a day’s work, George.

Well, George, I’m hungry,
and you’re buying.

That is a deal.

You know, it’s incredible.

When you believe in someone

some pretty amazing
things can happen.

You got that right.