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04x01 - Natural Selection: Part 1

Posted: 10/07/23 19:39
by bunniefuu
Previously on silk stalkings.

Know what I’m wearing?

What I’m doing?

Who is this?


Yeah, Chris.

It hasn’t been that long.

We’ll be working together.


You weren’t watching
my partner’s back!


Rita’s okay, Chris.

She wasn’t hit.

The Deputy D.A.
Handling my case

said I’d walk my charges

what’s his name?
If I took you out.

It’s a woman, lady.

Debra Bouchard.

I need you to love me.

Christopher, don’t you leave me.

You hang on, Chris, you hear me?

Everything’s going
to be just fine.

Let’s get him downstairs.

Call and tell them
we need a room stat.

We’ll prep on the move.

What’s his name? Lorenzo,

Don’t quit on me, Chris.

Don’t quit on me.

He’s flatlining,
we’re losing him.




Welcome back.

Is he...

The b*llet damaged his chest

and nicked his liver.

There was a lot
of internal bleeding.

But he’s hanging on.

If he survives
the next few hours

he’s got a good chance.

Are you his wife?

His partner.

Has his family been notified?

His mother’s in Europe.

His father’s out of state.

We’re all the family he’s got.

I’ll call you
if there’s any change.

I don’t think
we’ll be going anywhere.

I figured that.

If you need anything,
have me paged.

I’m Dr. Dupree.

I thought I lost him, cap.

I really thought he was dead.


Rita, Rita.

There are lots of truths

we hide in the closets
of our minds--

important thoughts about birth,
death, loss, hurt, anger.

Most of the time

it’s hard to hold
those thoughts in focus.

Then life picks you up
by your ears

and slams you to the ground.

That’s when I remember
that this time--

this life-- is temporary

and I should clean my closets
more often.


Good morning, sunshine.





If you ever do that to me again,
I will k*ll you.

You look like hell.

Mm-hmm, well, sleeping
three nights in a chair

will do that to you.

I would hug you

but I don’t want
to pull out the I.V.

Three nights.

Been out all the time?

Uh, yeah, kind of.

The dr*gs had you even
goofier than usual.

I hope you’re not
in the wrong room.

She’s your doctor.

It’s true.

I did your surgery that night.

I hear "doctor,"
I think Marcus Welby

but he’d look horrible

in that dress.

I’m Gillian dupree.

Chris Lorenzo.

But I guess... I guess
you already know that.

So, how bad am I, doc?

Very-- you said
very suggestive things

while under pentothal.

You asked
most of the nurses out.

Any say yes?

Did you?

You were shot
with a . -caliber slug

that bounced around your chest
like a ping-pong ball

nicking your liver

and damaging your pectorals.

I can’t lift my right arm.

That side was the most damaged--

deltoid involvement there.

With physical therapy

you should recover
full movement.


That’s not good enough.

I need it definitely.

I sh**t right-handed.

You’re out of action.

How long?

As long as it takes.

Depends on
how committed you are.

Give me a ballpark.

We talking weeks or months?

You should be home
in a couple weeks

back to work in four.

But you won’t be %

for another month or two
beyond that.

Great, just fricking terrific.

We’re not talking
flesh wound, Christopher.

You almost died.

Oh, no, Mrs. Lipschitz

I can’t have another bite,
my teeth are floating.

You can and you will.

This is good for you.

Homemade chicken soup
doesn’t grow on trees.

Open up.

Frannie, that’s enough already.

Okay, Rita.

How can I work with a man

who chews tobacco
and spits in a cup?

Okay, consider yourself
divorced again this week.

Thank you.

So... how’s Christopher?

Frannie’s trying

to drown him, even as we speak.


Do me a favor, okay, Rita?

Try to get along until the end
of the week, please?

I’ll try.

Okay, bye.

Lorenzo, you got
to get better fast.

This is her third
partner divorce

in ten days.

Do you see that?

You ruined her
for all other men.

Oh, hi, doctor.

Did I tell you I was a nurse

before Harry and I
moved down here?

I think so, Mrs. Lipschitz.

As you know, I’ve been with him

since his mommy went to London

and frankly, I’m concerned
about his bowels.

Whoops, that’s it.

Okay, that’s it.

Here’s your pocketbook.

Okay, bye.

Doc, please get me out of here.

Incidentally, I bought
some Chinese herbs

that might jump-start
that colon for you.


Out, out.
All right.

Ahh, I’m being smothered
in mothers.

This won’t take very long

and... it won’t hurt.

Oh, I... I’m dying
of hospital food poisoning.

I need a cheeseburger.

I’d k*ll for a cheeseburger.

Charred outside

pink on the inside.

Onions, lettuce, tomatoes,
heavy mustard

grease soaking

through the orange wax
paper it’s wrapped in?

Yes! Were you me
in a previous life?

Can you make that happen, doc?

Starting tomorrow

I am discharging you.


All right.

I’m referring you to a
good physical therapist.

And see me again in two weeks.

I’d like to see you sooner.

The amA frowns on
doctor-patient relationships.

A different time

different circumstances...

Okay, what if I fired you?

It’s a little more complicated
than that.

I’ve got some people waiting.

Good luck with therapy.

And call me

if you have any problems.

My problem is

I can’t call you.

Don’t push yourself.

Those tender muscles
need time to heal.

I never thanked you
for saving my life.

You just did.

Damn it, I am not... helpless.

Damn it.

I’m not helpless.

I can do this.

Uh, I’m helpless.

Close your eyes

if it makes it any easier.

This isn’t how
I dreamt this moment.

Your therapist will have
you fit soon.

Till then, think about
having someone help...

No, I don’t need a nurse.

You need somebody
and I’m working.

That’s right, you have a life.


Look, I’m tired,
my shoulder hurts

and I’m feeling
sorry for myself.

I apologize.



Look, Atticus is late.

Why don’t I drive you, okay?

Because your beeper’s gone off
three times in ten minutes.

No, you go, go.

He’ll be here soon.

Maybe you can come by tonight.

Uh, I got to work
at the outreach center.

How about

if I bring over Chinese food?

You’re going to burn out.

Working hours a day

plus nights at the
runaway center.

I haven’t slept
since you got shot

so I’m making myself useful.

Besides, feels like
I’m making a difference.

You’re the best for those kids.

Your chariot awaits.


Lovely Rita, you are a vision.

You’re late, Atticus.

Good luck with
your therapy, okay?

Yeah, thanks, Rita.

Sorry I’m tardy,
but beauty had a hissy fit.

coolant everywhere.

Consolation prize.

The finest in home entertainment

for your viewing pleasure.

You running pirate videos now?

Ouch. Is that nice?

Strictly legit.

Why is "Jurassic"
spelled with a "G"?


Let’s run along

before beauty vapor-locks,
shall we?


Oh, man,
this will be just great.

Some teutonic she-beast
named Marta

getting off on making me scream.


Hi. You Chris?


I’m Marta.

I just grabbed a couple miles.

Sorry we’re late.

No problem this time.

I’ll meet you inside,
we’ll work out.

Dr. Dupree says
you’re pretty tough.

Have to find out how tough.

I do want to be next
and I’m not kidding.


And again.

I used to alternate-
curl pounds.

Well, you will again.

One day at a time.

Tough isn’t how much you can do;

it’s staying with it
when you can’t do much.

You know, this journey

begins with baby steps.

You try to run

you’re going to hurt yourself.

Yeah, I realize it’s late.

But we can get two girls
off the street

if you help.


Oh, cool, okay.


I appreciate this, Oscar.

Okay, they’ll be there.


All right.

Got a couple beds for you guys.

It’s a community center--
ask for Oscar.

It’s like some
homeless shelter, right?

Sorry, the Ritz was booked.

You know, there is

another answer, you guys.

And you’d even have
your own rooms.


She’s talking about
going home, angel.

I could call your parents.

Forget it. We could
work something out.

Rather be dead than
go back to Cincy.

Well, that is an option
out there, Junie.

The water’s full of sharks.

Anything beats my old man.

Thanks for the coffee.

Come on, let’s book.

You’re really nice, Rita.

No one’s been nice lately.

Come back and see me, okay?


Come on, angel, let’s go.


Yeah, night moves, this is Rita.



Oh, I miss this place.

Hey, there’s Lorenzo.

Hey, how you doing?

Hey, hey, hey.

You think the bad guys
are partying?

Good morning to you, too, cap.

How’s the therapy going?


By the looks of his therapist

it could take a while.

You don’t say.

Lorenzo, you dog.

Uh-huh, just the tip
of the iceberg.

There’s plenty of
paperwork to keep you busy

until you’re back up to speed.


Good morning, campers.


The Phoenix rises
from the ashes.

You’re sparkly
this morning, Donovan.

Send somebody to the chair?


This is for you.

A little, uh,
token of my esteem.

Well, bedpans are so intimate

and crutches seem so impersonal.

You got too much time
on your hands, George.

Is that a crack
about my divorce?

I’m due in court.

We’ll be spending
a lot of time together.

You’ve been officially
assigned to me

to assist in trial prep.

I really am sorry
about you and Andrea.

I got a shoulder
to cry on, George.

Thanks. I really
got to run.

Yeah, homicide, Sergeant Lance.


We’re on it, bye-bye.

We’ve got a customer
in a dumpster.

Ah, Lorenzo.

"We" does not include thee.

Sorry, partner.

See you later.


Hi, Taylor.


on your promotion.

Is this your first D.B.
Flying solo?

Yeah, Dr. Roth warned
me there’d be days like this.

Some sicko went
into overkill on this girl.

Hard to tell her age,
she’s been in there a while.

Those bruises on
her arms and breasts--

I’d guess pliers.

By the ligature marks,
I’d say she was strangled.

These are burns?


This was sexual t*rture.


How soon can you
get me a work-up?

I could have a prelim
for you by : .

This freak really likes
his work, doesn’t he?

You okay?

There’s just too many
damn animals in the jungle.

We’re outnumbered and they’re
gaining ground every day.

Sergeant Lorenzo

what brings you here?


Your last appointment
was last week.

We talked about this.

I got a medical problem.

I can’t stop thinking about you

and it’s driving me crazy.

Oh, brother.

The only way to cure
this mental obsession

is if you’ll go out with me.

That is the most
original line I’ve heard.

Well, thank you.

Did it work?

Sorry, Chris, rules are rules.

Rules are made to be broken.

I like that you called me Chris.

Uh... at least take these.

I really shouldn’t.

Tell me you never want
to see me again, Gillian

and you won’t.

Man, some of them
are looking good.

Let me swing around the block

tap them again.

Be patient, Tommy.

Pigs rush to the trough.

How long we going to wait?

Not long.

But not tonight.

We have business.

And never in pairs.

Seek the loners.

The ones separated
from the rest of the herd.

They won’t be missed.



That movie gets to me
every time, I swear.


This chicken salad
is really good.

Give me the recipe.

I got it from the deli.

I put it on the plate for looks.

It’s a lot better
than what I make.

I have not

had the time lately.

Neither do I.

Between job and kid,
I’m lucky if I get a shower.

Now he’s into street hockey.


That means three
practices a week

and games on the weekend.

This would be a good time

for a dad, you know.

Well, at least you have
someone to come home to.

I’ve got fish.

At least they don’t play
after-school sports.



Do I hear

a biological clock ticking?

I’m not sure
if it’s going fast or slow.


I mean, when I get older

I am not going to regret
not having worked harder.

But if I am still alone...

Ever since Chris got shot

I have felt like
I was turned upside down.

I’m starting to question
a lot of the choices I’ve made.

It’s not like
you’re a hundred years old.

You’re a young woman.

You have plenty of time.

Yeah, maybe.


You don’t trust me?

You trust me to pay you
for every unit I don’t return

like I trust you
to give me a full count.

Enough counting.


I’ve got a meeting.

But I’ve had complaints
about the audio.

What do they want
for $ . ? Digital?

All right, baby.

But I got
customer satisfaction...

You will run copies
of this tape.

Then send one
to each and every name

on the enclosed list.

$ , now.

And an additional $ ,

when each and every name
on that list

confirms receipt.

And then you will return
the original to me

upon delivery
of the second payment.

I can’t wait to see it.


Mr. Radovan

if I should hear

of anyone not on that list
viewing my work...

I would never betray you.


Believe that.

I do.

My trust is all that’s keeping
you alive, Mr. Radovan.

If you tear those deltoids...

I won’t tear anything.

What are you trying to prove?

I know how tough you are.


I’ve never had a client
work as hard as you.

You’ve made incredible progress.

How much longer till I’m %?

Oh, I don’t know.

At this rate,
there’s no telling.

Maybe another month.

I don’t have another month.

What do you say
we increase the workouts?

Why, Chris?

Why risk hurting yourself?

Give yourself some time.

I don’t have time.

Can’t stand sitting
on the sidelines

watching everybody else play.

Being a cop,
it’s more than what I do.

It’s who I am.

You’re pretty terrific,
you know?

You got more guts
than anyone I know.

Working with you
the past few weeks

have just been
incredible for me.

Are you, uh...

Are you seeing anyone?

Not yet.

But I’m working on it.

I’m working on it.

You said I could
borrow the Beamer.

The mechanic said
not to drive the car

until he knows
why the red light came on.

It could cause damage.

You don’t believe

I’m well enough
to drive your car.

Bull-- you’re been driving
for two weeks.

I can’t gamble with red lights

not when I’m facing
a divorce settlement.

George, I need this car.

This is an important date.

Oh, I like the sound of this.

Who’s the lucky girl?

It’s kind of personal, Fran.

And I’m a stranger
off the street

so tell me nothing.

Me, who sat at your bedside

and nursed you
through your darkest hour.


She’s a doctor.

I like it.

That cute lady doctor

from the hospital?

No, the doctor
from the shoe store.

Boundaries, Frannie, boundaries.

Does he have to fence his in

with razor wire?

So long, honey.

Bye, doll.

Tell Rita we’re ready.

Bye, Frannie.



Hey, Rita.

The cap wants you in his office.

Briefing on the Jane Doe.

Shouldn’t take long--
I’ve got zip.

I can’t even make
a positive I.D.

The NCIC Computer spit out
five similar murders.

The closest was New York.

Pour milk on him.

Guy’s a serial, sure as hell.

Let’s hope his first victim
is his last and he moves on.

Sounds like
a Quentin Tarantino movie

homicidal tourist.

So, you need anything?

I mean, we are still partners

right, partner?


I miss you out there.

Yeah, well, I miss you in here.

Can I borrow your car?

No. Mm-mm.

No, I don’t think so.

I think you should just
muck it out a bit tonight

toss the pizza cartons,
soda cans.

Just a thought.

Have fun.

Nice car.


Uh... charger,

Why don’t you get in
on this side?

That other door sticks.

It’s the heat.

Great car.

It’s a classic.

I call her
"rolling thunder."

I can see why.

Go ahead, turn it over.



I apologize.

This is not quite
the evening I’d planned.


I know a place
not far from here.

Let’s call a cab
and a tow truck.




How rich is your friend, Tommy?

Why should we go to his place?

We don’t even know him.

We don’t even know you.

You could be a psycho.

My man loves to party hearty.

The best booze,
the best dope-- all you want.

He’s got a chick there

gives massages, steam baths,
the whole shot.

You think I’m lying?

Look at this car right here.

looks like out of one of those old movies.

You wear one of those
little chauffeur hats?

Maybe I’ll wear your panties.

You ever felt a man inside silk?

I don’t think I want to.

Don’t tease me, bitch!

Come on...
Play nice.

You’re a sick
little monkey, man.

Come on, junie.

Let’s not do this.

Time to par-tay, whoa!

You lost, Princess.

So, your mother’s
a famous actress

your father’s a lawyer...

How did you end up
in honest work?

My folks split up
when I was a kid.

I stayed with my mom

but she was always off
someplace sh**ting.

The older I got,
the tougher it got

pulling me out of schools,
sticking me with a nanny.

I bet your friends envied you.

They probably thought
you had an exciting life

being in the movies
and everything.

It was exciting...
For about minutes.

No, I hated it.

So I talked my mom
into letting me

move down to west palm
with my grandmother.

Now, she was great.

She made you feel like you were

the most important person
in the world.

So I went to public school

played with kids my age

lived a real life.

To answer your question--

my grandmother
was always helping people.

If you were in need,
she was there.

Some of that rubbed off on me.

She’d be proud
how you turned out.

Yeah, I hope so, I hope so.

Got to tell you

my parents aren’t too thrilled.

Cops don’t rank high on
their success scale, you know?

What about you?

You always want to be a doctor?

I wanted to be a nurse.

Marry a doctor.


Of course,
I was six at the time.

So, where’s your
rich friend, Tommy?

I thought you said he’d be here.

Oh, he’s here.

Been here all the time.

He likes to watch.

That’s freaky.

Let’s show him, baby.

Come on, let’s do it.

Are you scared, baby?

I can taste your heart pounding.

Let go!

Get off me!

Who are you?

I think she’s ready.

Silence it.

No more noise

until the time of the change.

That’s when it has to perform.


Go. Bring it back.


Sure, yeah, anytime, just...

Yeah, listen, uh...

Let me pass you over to Robert.

He knows some people that
might be able to help you out.

Yeah, okay.

Hi, this is ri...

It’s me, junie.

He tried to k*ll me.

He was wearing a weird mask.

You’ve got to help me.

Junie, tell me where you are.

I can get someone
to you right away.

Please talk to me.
Where are you?

He’s here.

Oh, no, he’s here.

He’s here.

Who’s trying to k*ll you?

Tell me where you are.

I can get someone right to you.




Just... please...

Junie, just tell me
where you are!

Hey, didn’t we just do this?

Rita, it’s the same freak.

Cigarette burns, plier marks

lacerations on the back.

I bet we find black leather dye

just like on our Jane Doe.

He whipped them all soundly

and put them to bed.

Sorry, that was over the top

even for me.

Damn it, this makes me sick.


Hey, you okay?

I know this girl.

Her name is junie.

She was at the runaway center.

I warned her to get off
the street

and she didn’t listen.

Maybe if I had leaned

on her harder to go home...

The "shoulda's" will burn a hole
through your heart.

Now, you warned her, right?

It was her choice.

She was years old.

I want the son of a bitch
who did this.

I want him to know
she is not garbage

to be thrown in a dumpster.

She was a life.

She mattered.

Hey, Rita, hold up.

Not now, okay?

Uh, okay.

My Jane Doe k*ller

cut himself another notch.

So you’re down two-zip.

Game’s not over yet.

Yeah, well, it is for junie.

She slipped right
through my fingers.

It’s not your fault.

This animal is not going to stop

until I get
a loop around his neck

and drag him down.

You need some help out there.

Yeah, you got any ideas?

Yeah, I do.


Stay off the street
until you’re ready.

I am ready, cap.

Rita needs me.

I’ll bird-dog for her,
I’ll do all the legwork.

All right, go with her
and keep her company.

It’ll be good for her morale

but you stay out
of the action, Lorenzo.

I got no use for dead heroes

in this department.


We ride double again, partner.

Terrific, if you think
you’re ready...

Oh, hey, if you’re
not cool with it.

I just thought
you could use a hand.

No, I am just fine
with it, partner.

All right.

So, you get anything
off the box yet?

As a matter of fact, I did.

Uh, her full name
was June Marie Dawson.

Cincinnati P.D.
Listed her missing

about months ago.

I’ll call her parents.

Actually, I feel like
I owe her the call myself.

It sounded like
he was abusing her.

I would like him
to know that I know.

Do I hear an avenging angel?

Whatever it takes, you know?

Okay, so, you’re
the primary all the way.

I’ll do the legwork,
I promised cap.

So, junie had
a friend that night.

Seemed like they’d been hanging.

Her name is angel.

Let’s go find angel.

Can you spare a little change?

We haven’t eaten all day.

Sergeant Lorenzo

palm beach...

Whoa, whoa, angel, hi.

It’s me, Rita, you remember?

Yeah, you were nice to us.

Right, you and junie.

When was the last time
you saw her?

Don’t worry about him.

He’s my partner.

You never said you were a cop.

It wasn’t important then;
It is now.

When was the last
time you saw her?

She’s dead?

Yeah, I’m afraid so.

She was the only one I had.

Now I don’t got nobody.

Come here, it’s okay.

You’ve got me.

You said when he came in the bar

he took off his jacket, right?

I don’t know,
I was really whacked, you know?

This guy looks like him

but he looks
a little like him, too.

But so does... so does he.

I just... I can’t remember.

Is there anything that stuck out

about his tattoos?

Shut your eyes, angel.

Try to visualize this guy’s arm.

Take your time.

I’m sorry, it was dark in there.

There was something on his neck

and his arms were
covered with ink.

Red, blue, green,
really colorful, you know?

He was driving a rich man’s car?

Right, like in movies.

An old one, but nice, two-toned.


That one, that’s it.

A rolls.

NCIC computer
just spit these out

based on angel’s descriptions.

Top three guys look
like the best possibles.

What’s a float
in the white trash parade

doing in a rolls?

He told the girls
it belonged to a friend

and he would take them
to the friend’s mansion.

Got a description
of the car over the air.

Wonderful, a rolls
in a town full of them.

We start rattling these folks

and every lawyer will be
rousting the mayor’s door.

We’ll track down
our three suspects.

Maybe angel can pick
a winner out of the lineup.

Where’s the girl now?

She’s in the cafeteria.

I’ll see if she won’t tell us

where her parents are.

All right,
keep her off the street.

If you figured her

as a link to the k*ller,
so will he.

You know what?

I cannot believe
I missed this place.

It’s tasty.

I got to tell you
something else.

I was a little nervous
about asking Gillian out.

Her being a doctor
and me just being a cop...

Like something’s wrong
with what we do?

That’s not what I said.

That’s what it sounded like.

Am I missing something here?

You don’t like her or what?

No, it has nothing to do
with her.

You act like
she’s better than you

because she has a couple
of initials after her name.

I thought you’d be happy for me.

If you’re happy, I’m happy.

Well, I’m happy... damn it.

Well, then so am I.

Well, good.


Sergeant Lance.

Good, okay.

Thanks, we got it.

Parole office kicked out
an address on our last possible.

Let’s hit it.

Um, did I ever

understand how your mind worked?

Never did.

The captain said
you stay on the sidelines.

No way, this guy
could be a serial k*ller.

No way are you going
in there alone.

Thomas Kingston, number .


Mr. Kingston, it’s
the palm beach police.

Open the door, please!

The tv’s still warm.

We didn’t miss him by much.

I’m going to go wait
outside for a while.

See if Mr. Kingston shows up.


Behind you!


I want to hear your side
of what went down today.

I almost got her k*lled.

I shouldn’t have been there.

I should have insisted
she wait for backup.

She almost paid for it.

You made a mistake in judgment--
it happens.

When cops make mistakes
like that, people die.

I’m a liability out there, cap.

I’m not ready.

I don’t think I ever will be.

I’m finished.

Hey, hey, Lorenzo.


How’d it go?

It’s over, I’m out of here.

What are you talking about?

Let me talk to the captain.

I can’t do this.

You’re not walking out on me.

There is a serial k*ller loose.

Tommy was just a sidekick.

You know that.

Christopher, I need you.

No, you don’t.

I’m no good to you
anymore, Rita.

Next week on silk stalkings.

Death was caused
by strangulation.

Multiple burns, lacerations.

k*lled like all the other girls.

I’ve been tracking
this guy for six years.

He’s on another k*lling cycle.

If this guy Russell is correct

then we’re dealing
with a first-class wacko

with a very high I.Q.

I will not let
some tabloid book pusher

insinuate himself
into my investigation.

I want you to say hi
to Eric Russell.

We’ve already met.

He’s an ex-cop,
so the lines blur.

Well, not for me.

They live in your dreams,
don’t they?


I envy you.

Can I call you Rita?

Not yet.

That red light, the neon.

It’s coming through a window.

I know where this is.

No, I quit, remember?

You can’t quit me,
you’re my partner!

You want a date?

I would be honored.

Get around that truck!

Don’t count on it.

Code - ! Officer in trouble!