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03x21 - Mother Love

Posted: 10/07/23 19:29
by bunniefuu
Look, girls,
right this way.

Hey, nice outfit.

Hey, admiral,
how you doing?


So, what
do you think?

For an old

isn’t this place a palace?

It’s a nice grade
of squalor.

Jack, this chili
is terrific.

You know what?

One thing I learned
on the force

was how to make that chili.

sampling chili

why are we here?

To get to know each other

working together.

You are
an observer.

You are
a civilian observer.

We are not
working together.

Okay, okay.

Hey, want to get a drink?

Yeah, I’d love
a drink.

You know, I read
all of your books

and particularly liked
this last one.


Little loose
with procedural stuff

but, mostly,
you captured being a cop.

And you, captain?

My wife read it.

She said the book’s only women

were hookers, junkies
or nagging wives.

That’s my life.

Maybe the next
will hit the mark.

The rule of Lipschitz:

Anybody writes about cops,
the cops get hosed

even when a cop
writes it.

You’re excited I’ll be around,
aren’t you?

I have orders.

I don’t like civilians
in the way.

Not even hot-shot
novel writers

like Jack Stoner.

I still think of myself
as a cop.

How about if we settled this
with batons?

I would kick your literary butt,

Did you lock it?

Of course
I locked it.

I don’t
understand something.

What’s that?

Why would somebody

want to write
about serial K*llers?

People love monsters--

when the monsters
can’t jump off the page.

If I was going
to write about

a small-town department
like ours

I’d make it realistic.

Who’s going
to read about

a small-town
department like ours?

These are cops
I’m working with.

This is my son, Sam,
and my wife.

How are you?

( Police radio chatter )

We’ve got
enough help now, Gary.

You can cancel
those other two cars.

So, we’ve got
Arthur Hampton.

He’s and a local.

He was shot twice.

There’s gunpowder residue
on both hands.

Like he was grabbing
for the g*n.

That’s my guess.

Shot from the passenger side.

Want to take
a guess at a time?

Several hours ago,
between : and :.

If he withdrew money
from that machine

we could pull the time
off bank records.

No cash,
but credit cards and I.D.

Any strong-arm
would’ve taken all that.

Well, I’ll check with robbery
in the morning

see if they have
a similar M.O.

When did you
get here?

About :.

I’m meeting a client
for a few beers.

There was
no car here.

You’re sure?

The car was not here
at :.

Hold it, it’s
a quarter to one.

You’ve been drinking
since :

and you’re dead sure
the lot was empty then?

I wasn’t drinking
all that time

I was working.

A client, a prospect,
a lead.

Man is on the hook,
wants to buy.

I just help him

Let him squirm around
in that leather seat.

Let him smell
that new car smell.

He’s mine.

You sell cars.

No, no sir.

I sell image, I sell pride

I sell success.

What, uh,
do you drive, captain?

It’s paid for.

But at too high
a price

if you lost
your self-esteem.

You are
what you drive.

Never forget that.

I can make a difference
in your life, captain.

Yeah, sure.

Let’s talk about
when you got here.

I’m a little
short on time.

I already told

everything else
to the other detective.

What other detective?

Over there,
in the tan jacket.

Lamar-- is that
one "R" or two?

Excuse us.

What the hell
was that?

That’s Lamar

who’s hoping
for reward money

for being
in Florida

at the right time.

I’m talking
about you.

I’m trying
to help.

Impersonating a police officer
helps me?

How does
that work, Jack?

I didn’t say I was a cop.

But you didn’t tell him
different, either.

It’s not like I never worked
a crime scene, captain.

You’re short of men.

You’re on thin ice, pal.

Orders or no

you are
on thin ice.

Jack, you got
to understand

about the captain.

He’s very protective
of his cops.

You not being one
makes you an outsider.

He won’t tolerate anyone
making your job tougher.

I was the same way.

Also, he had no say
in you being here.

It’s not

Here’s a name
and number.

She thinks
she saw the car

when it pulled
into the lot.

Somebody with a guy.

With a guy.

Yeah, with a guy.


was so good

I’ve been thinking
about it all morning.

You’re driving
me nuts.

Do it to me again.

Look, we...

We got
to be careful.

What, your dad?

He’s off playing
cops and robbers.

This is
so bizarre.

Being in love

doesn’t always
make sense.

I’m worried.

You know--

he’s got
a girlfriend.

If he divorces me,
I don’t know what I’ll do.

How will
I live?

I’ll take care of you.

If I were you,
I’d worry about yourself.

From what he says

sounds like he’ll
kick you out, too.


He doesn’t need a reason.

He’ll make one up.

You know
how he is.

Well, who cares?

Me moving in here was his idea,
not mine.

His money doesn’t mean
anything to me, anyway.

You can’t live on love
by itself, baby.

You better
make some plans.

We appreciate
you coming in

to make the identification,
Mrs. Hampton.

My house
is so cold now.

Doesn’t feel
like home anymore.

You know, ma’am

did your husband
have any enemies

that you
know about?


He was a broker.

How solid
was your marriage?

Two of you
get along?

I loved Arthur, and he loved me.

Did he have any problems
in his life?

Did he gamble

owe money,
anything like that?

He had a lot of money?

Arthur was a good businessman.

What happens to that money now?

It’s yours now,

( Clears throat )

Take it easy, Jack.

You should read a verse
of Miranda to Marian.

I did not k*ll my husband!

For his money?!

I can read
your mind, lady.

And it’s there
on your face.

You’re lying.

It’s always
about the money

with you girls.

Jack, I want you outside


You are
out of line.

She is not here
for interrogation

and especially not by you.

Where do you get
this attitude?

You’re right.

Just don’t say another word,

Whatever problems
you have with women

you keep in your pocket.

It’s an old reflex.

I hear the bell
and I want to go.

Rita, forgive me.

I’m sorry.


Jack, time
to take a break.

Get a reality check.


If I had known
you were coming home early

I wouldn’t
have made plans.

I could cancel.

It’s only shopping
with the girls.

You don’t have
to do that.


I don’t have time
to start all over.

Do you

how much you
mean to me?

Closet full
of ex-wives

and all
the whoring around

I did
on the force.

To feel the way
I feel about you.

I love you,

This isn’t a good time
to bring this up, but, um...

I guess there isn’t
a good time.

I think... Sam is doing
dr*gs of some kind.

Well... I guess
that doesn’t surprise me.

Um, it’s not my place, Jack,
he’s not my son

but maybe you just need
to be tough with him.


( Chuckling )

You get rid of your cop
for a couple of hours

or does this need
to be a quickie?

"My cop."

I’m about to be rid
of my cop for good.

You’re going to
let me do it?


His boy’s going to
do it for us.

From what you said

I don’t think
he’s got the grit.

I don’t know.

One nudge from me,
one from his dad.

If he blows it

we can kiss
that money good-bye.

Honey, you can
start counting.

The money’s mine.

Shopping dawn until dark
two days straight.

Is this a grieving widow
I see before me?

she’s coming unglued.

She hasn’t heard from you
in two days

and she’s wondering
what’s going on.

Maybe she’s
not guilty.

Then she’d be bugging you
to find who did it.

So far she hasn’t made
a suspicious move.

We don’t even
have enough

to make
a circumstantial case.

The longer
this hangs in limbo

the colder it gets.

You got to build
a fire under it.

( Car phone rings )

Yeah, Lorenzo.

Back in a minute.

All right.

No, I’m still with her, cap.

No, it’s like she’s
laying in supplies.

She has hit
every single store...

In town-- what the hell
is he doing?

Hang on a second, cap.

Get the hell
away from her, Jack.

I can’t believe it,
this guy just gave me up.

What the hell am I supposed
to do with you, huh?

You impersonate
an officer.

You jeopardize
an investigation

by alerting a suspect
under surveillance.

You’re not giving me
much room, Jack.

There was no jazz,
nothing was happening.

She was going straight ahead,
we had to shake her up.

It wasn’t your call.

You’re here
to get the feel

of a small-town department

so you can write a book
about a serial k*ller.

That’s what you told my bosses.

I’ll give you

one more chance
to do that.

You stray from that,
interfere once more

screw up
once more

you are gone, got that?


Like what you see?

Who’s the guy?


The guy.

The apartment
on Princeton street?

I’m sorry you found out.

I was going
to tell you

when the time
was right.

I don’t understand.


I’m in a terrible fix, Sam.

Bo is an ex-boyfriend of mine.

He followed me here.

blackmailing me.

For money?

Money and sex.

He threatened to go
to Jack and tell him lies

if I didn’t give him
what he wanted.

Call his bluff.

Jack Stoner shucks wives
like he’s changing socks.

I’ll be out of here
and on the street.

He’s crazy.

You do know that,
don’t you?


I guess it will happen
one way or another anyway.

Well, what are you
going to do?

Throw things in a suitcase
and get out.

This way I can
keep my self-respect.

No, you
can’t do that.

What about us?

That’s over.

Can’t you see

there’s only one way
we can be together

without looking
over our shoulders

every second
of the day, baby--

if Jack is out
of the picture.

You sure you
don’t want to come?

Watching some
skinny dogs

a mechanical rabbit

isn’t my idea
of a good time.

I’ll be back
about : or so.

( Door closes )


What’s up?

You, maybe.


Want to tell me about this?

What is it?

I found it
in your bedroom.

In my bedroom?

What is it-- speed?

You went through
my stuff?

That’s my bedroom, man.

Sure-- your bedroom
in my house, man.

You know I don’t
tolerate dr*gs.

How dare you bring this crap
into my house?

Look, it’s not mine.

I never saw it before
and I don’t do dr*gs.

Don’t lie, Sam.

I’m not lying.

What are you doing going
through my stuff, anyway?

I am trying to help you.

I’m trying
to give you the opportunity

to make something for yourself.

I don’t want it.

Not your money
or your big house or any of it.

I didn’t hear Jack

from you the first years
of my life.

You’re trying
to give me your guilt.

And I don’t want that either.

I’m going
to get my stuff.

I’m getting
out of here.


I don’t want you to go.

I can see that you don’t.

( g*nshots firing )

( Police radio chatter )

Sergeant Lorenzo?

Mrs. Stoner, there’s
been some trouble.


Oh, god, oh, god.

Rita will work
the Hampton m*rder

you stay with this.

I’m available if needed,
as needed.

What makes us sure
this is a m*rder?

Maybe it was
an accidental.

Blunt force trauma
to the head.

Could be
an accident

but he was hit twice,
maybe more.

It’s doubtful.

Any w*apon

So far, no.

It will be heavy,
he was really whacked.


At medical school
you learned "whacked?"

You know what’s

We got a dead guy
on Jack Stoner’s patio

and no Jack Stoner.


We ought
to separate those two.

Yeah, I’ll take
the kid inside.

I got to talk
to you.

Sam, can we
talk inside?

Let’s go.

Did you know the deceased?

No, I don’t.

I.d. Said Bo Rainey,
that ring any bells?

I’ve never seen him before.

You seemed pretty shaken up
when you saw his face.

It’s the wrong season

for dead bodies
in the garden, sergeant.

I thought
it was my husband.

Where were you tonight?

I went to the dog races
with a friend.

Got a name?

Annette Padillo,
you could have talked to her now

but she wasn’t allowed inside.

Tomorrow will be fine.

You there for the last race?

Lost bucks,
still have my betting ticket.



You know where your husband is?

He was here
when we left this evening

and I haven’t seen him since.


What happened?

I don’t know.

We had an argument,
I went out to cool off.

When I came back,
I went out to the patio

your friend
was out there.

He was dead.

Called the cops.

Where’s Jack?

I don’t know.


If you know,
you’ve got to tell me.

What was he
doing here, Myrna?

Maybe Jack
found out about Bo

and invited him here
to talk about things

and k*lled him.

No, I don’t think
that’s why he was here.

Then what
do you think?

You wanted me
to help get rid of him.

Maybe you decided

to get your friend
to help you instead.

What I said to you
was only between us.

It had nothing
to do with Bo.


We can’t start not
trusting each other, baby.

We’ve got
to stick together

back each other up.

I don’t know if I can
trust you anymore, Myrna.

I don’t think
you have a choice.

If Jack could
do this to Bo

he could do it
to either one of us

thinking twice.

okay, thanks.

Hey, cap.


Uh, is that
a cheese omelette?

Yeah, so?

nothing, cap.

Enjoy, knock yourself out.

Frannie lets you eat eggs?

She’s out of town
for a week

so I’m committing gluttony
on forbidden fruit.



Raoul must use powdered eggs
and cheese from a jar.

This stuff hits the stomach
like an anvil.

I don’t eat eggs.

No, no, sir.



When you’re finished
with that

your w will be
-weight sludge.

There’s a different study
every week.

Today, don’t eat eggs,
tomorrow, eat brown eggs.

Next week it will be
eat free-range eggs.

Doctors aren’t
in the health business

in the study business.

Whew, yeah, so...

Stoner’s business manager

did you get
anything from him?

Hasn’t seen Stoner
in a couple of weeks.

As far as he knows,
everything is a-okay.

You believe him?

Yeah, I do believe him.

The papers are out on Stoner--
statewide, FBI

Somebody will spot him.

You know
what puzzles me?

His car.

It’s still at his house.

Let’s think about this.

He would go to somebody
he trusts, right?

He’d say, "take me
to the airport

the bus station
or take me home and hide me."

Where does the wife
fit into this?

Who the hell keeps
a losing ticket on a dog race?

Somebody who wants

a b*llet... proof... alibi.

So, were you and Myrna
friends a long time?

I met her

when she started
getting serious with Jack.

Did you
know Jack

before that?

Well, I went out
with him for a while.

The other night you and Myrna
went to the races?

We went to the dog track
in Hollywood.

Hollywood, what’s that,
hour, hour fifteen?

I drive it in about minutes.

What time did you head home?

We got out of the lot
around :

we stopped
and had a drink.

I don’t know when
I dropped her off.

There was that

at her house.

Was she with you
all night?

Of course--
we really had a great time.

I’ll bet you did.

Annette, have you
talked to Jack Stoner

since that night?


Why would I hear
from Jack?

Is that a yes
or no?

That’s a no.

You know anything
about his disappearance?

There was a dead man
in his Petunia patch.

I don’t know
about you

but that might
make me disappear.

That was a no.

All right,
I appreciate your help.

Sam, thanks
for meeting me here.

I got to get out
of the office sometimes.

The walls
start closing in.

It’s no big deal,
it’s close to the house.

You heard
from your dad?


Any idea
where he could be?


I told you last night.

Is anything missing
from the house?

Myrna and I
looked around.

seems to be there.


Listen, tell me about your dad
and Myrna, all right?


Are they happy,
do they get along?

Yeah, the perfect couple.

Rich old guy
and pretty young girl.

You’re not close
to your dad, huh?

You could say that.

Why’d you come
to live with him?

My mom kicked me out.

What happened?

I turned .

She stopped
getting child support

on my
st birthday.

I didn’t have
anywhere else to go.

I guess I was hoping...

He’d be able to tell me
what to do with my life.

That’s one of those things
nobody can do for us, Sam

it’s up
to us.

Sure is looking that way.


Sam, uh...

If there’s anything

about Rainey and your dad
you’re not telling us...

If I think of anything
I’ll let you know.


So, if you hear from your dad,
you’ll tell him I want to talk

all right?

Yeah, I’ll do that.

Okay, thanks.

Take it easy.



I’ve got
something hot for you.

My lucky day.

Will you stop that?

Bo Rainey, the intruder
at the Stoner place?

He fired a g*n
before he died.

Before he died.

We talking
days, hours?

Hmm, hours or less.

Where’d you get
this information?

I was showing a techie
how to run a trace metals test.

I needed a hand,
Rainey had one that wasn’t busy.

The dead guy’s hand?

At least
he keeps it to himself.

The test said
that Rainey

had held a g*n-- interesting.

So I ran
a g*n powder residue test.

That was
positive, too.

Wait a minute.

There was no g*n at the scene.

There were inconsistencies

in body position
and lividity.

He was moved
after he died.

That it?

That’s it.

Thanks, Dee.

I’ll talk
to you later

about that hot thing
you got.

In your dreams,

You ready, cap?

Well, obviously
not a burglar.


Somebody trying
to cover their tracks

or somebody trying
to hide something.

Okay, let’s
get to it.


Whatever this guy
had in his wallet

is all there was to him.

No check book

no plastic

no sign
he had a job.

Maybe somebody took care of him.

Lorenzo-- a kept man?

What a deviant mind.


I’ll get forensics up here,
dust the place.

Maybe we’ll
get lucky.

I’d rather be lucky than good.

You got two minutes
to call me back.

Cap, how is Rita doing
with Marian Hampton?

She found a cab driver
who picked up a woman

close to the bank
at the time of the m*rder.

It could be Marian.

Found Stoner yet?

No, not yet.

I talked to forensics.

Rainey had carpet fibers
on his clothing

also had
grass stains.

Hmm, so...

k*lled inside
and moved outside?

Yeah, Diana said
he had definitely been moved.

( Grunting )

( Phone ringing )

Yeah, Lorenzo.

( Police radio chatter )

Come on, back, back.

This is going
to answer some questions

about Bo rainey.

Jack Stoner.

Nobody dies in
the daytime anymore.

At least,
we don’t find them

until it’s dark.

What can you tell us?

First, three
g*nsh*t wounds.

Bo rainey
had fired a g*n.

You doubted me?

Now we know what he fired at.

Salt water does
strange things.

Maybe he died
last night

it may not
be that long.

I saw a guy once.

His boss had him
weighted down

in a barrel
off long island.

When he came up,
he’d turned into yellow soap.

Stoner wasn’t
in the water

long enough
for that to happen.

He was cooler

than the water

Maybe he was dumped farther out
in cold currents.

Maybe, if he were k*lled
the same time as rainey.

It doesn’t look right.

I’ll let you know.

You are positive about
the cause of death?

Where he was shot
is usually fatal.

As quickly as you can.

Oh, one last thing.

There seems to be

no exit wounds
for two b*ll*ts.

That’s a good place
to start.

Is there anything
you haven’t told me?

About what?

Your husband’s disappearance.

His son, Sam

is a disturbed
young man.

There was a great deal
of hatred

between him
and his father.

He was taking dr*gs.

They fought about it.

So you think
that Sam k*lled his father?

I think it’s possible.

Hmm, interesting.

What about Bo rainey?

You still
don’t remember

about him?

No, nothing.

He was blackmailing me.

He was threatening
to ruin my marriage.

I tried to pay him off.

I was desperate.

You don’t look
desperate here, ma’am.

That was the last day I saw him.

I told him no more.

He came here to make good
on his threat?

Either that
or Jack lured him here.

To k*ll him,
then Sam k*lled his father?

That’s what I think happened.

But you’re the detective.

You tell me.

You believe the wife?

No, not a chance.

What if it’s true?

She cuts the guy off
so he goes to see Stoner.

That sounds more like
a lovers’ quarrel gone sour

not a blackmail scheme.

When the hell was Jack m*rder*d?

Say he k*lled rainey.

He panics

he gets in touch
with the wife.

The wife has got an alibi
for Rainey’s k*lling.

If Jack was k*lled later...

Could the wife have
an accomplice?

Somebody whacks
them both?

Then why not dump
both bodies?

Without a doubt

Jack Stoner
was shot to death.

The time’s even
muddier than before.

How come?

There were patches
of damaged epidermis

including some peeling.

Any ideas?

Just one--
freezer burn.

Jack Stoner spent time
in a freezer.

A freezer?

It’s either that
or frostbite.

And since this is Florida

I don’t think that’s likely.

Hey, cap.

Did you find the freezer?

Jackpot-- . revolver.

Same caliber that k*lled Stoner.

And this bat.

Which my money says
k*lled Bo rainey.

Prints off both,
and the freezer.

Was the body in there?

Can’t tell,
but there was room for it.

All right.

Where is my workup

from the Stoner house?

Never mind, it just got here.

We got enough pieces

to complete the puzzle, cap.

Hmm, young Sam’s prints
all over the freezer

the softball bat.

Bo Rainey’s blood
on the bat.

Along with the revolver
used to k*ll Stoner.

Okay, rainey breaks in
and kills Stoner.

Sam cold cocks him.

He panics.

He’s afraid he’ll be accused
of k*lling Stoner, too.

He drags rainey outside.

Puts stoner’s body
in the freezer

along with the bat and revolver.

Cleans up the mess
and calls us.

Do you think he will fill
in the blanks voluntarily?

He’s not guilty,
he k*lled an intruder.

I’m interested in the wife.

Bo rainey was there
for one reason.

To turn Myrna Stoner

into a widow.

A case of conspiracy.

Let’s bring them both in here.

You got it.

Where have you been?

I had to do something
last night.

I didn’t want to come back here.

You had to come back today,
didn’t you?

To pick up what you left
in the freezer.

You found it?

The cops did.

Guess they know everything then.

I saw him sneak up
to the house.

Grabbed the bat
and I went downstairs.

He’d just shot my dad

when I hit him
the first time.

I was afraid.

I thought
you’d tell the police

what we talked about

and they’d think
I k*lled them both.

I couldn’t think straight.

I panicked.

I should’ve left things
the way they were.

Baby, I would
never betray you.

I love you.

I want us
to go away

for as long
as it takes

to put this behind us.

We’ll start over
with nothing.

but the money?

I don’t care
about that anymore.

We’ll be together.

Just like you wanted
from the start.

You don’t care about the money?

No, I don’t.

I talked
to his lawyer, Myrna.

He said
you’d already been by.

That means
you already know.

So, he left you
his money.

I know you’ll
take care of me

and I’ll take care
of you.

We can do it
whenever you want

wherever you want.

I want to do it

by the pool.

Should I cover
the back?

No, she’s got no idea
we’re on to her.

Someone’s coming.

Sam, where’s
your step mom?

She’s out by the pool.

Get an ambulance
out here

right away, Chris.

( Dialing phone )

Yeah, this is Sergeant Lorenzo.

We need
an ambulance

at the Stoner estate
on Cameron.


Her boyfriend
k*lled my dad.

She never did love him.

She never
did love me.

All she wanted was the money.

I guess Stoner
was right.

Women like this,
it’s all about the money.

I’ll see you later.

Hi, guys.



I see Frannie’s
back home.

Yeah, lettuce, sprouts
with a light yogurt dressing.

What’s the latest
on Hampton?

We got a full confession.

The cabdriver gave us
a positive I.D.

Remember what
Stoner said

"shake her cage
and she’ll confess."

You done some
good police work there, Rita.

Thanks, captain.

Still, Stoner was right
about Mrs. Hampton.

Too bad he wasn’t

more perceptive
in his bedroom.

Have you seen
Captain Lipschitz?

I haven’t been here.

I left the state
and I won’t be back.

is Captain Lipschitz around?

Uh, we haven’t seen him.

How do you know
we’re sergeants?

Ten times out of ten, I know.

Financially secure,
the clothes.

You drive a Beamer.

But you’d like to do better.

A man’s vehicle is an extension

of his manhood, right?

So, where’s your car?

Uh, right there.

( Laughing )

Sorry, really sorry.

Was I just insulted?

The extension
of your manhood

just came up
a little bit short.

Oh, see.

Oh, oh.