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03x19 - The Last Campaign

Posted: 10/07/23 19:27
by bunniefuu
Crime will not be tolerated
in this city.

As district attorney

I’ll send that message
to criminals.

My first priority

is the cancer of corruption.

Those peddlers of influence...

Takers of bribes...

They’re on notice.

If you’re feeding
at the trough of public trust

it won’t be business as usual
in palm beach anymore.

( Applause )

Thank you, thank you.

This way, please.

There are questions
I’d like to ask you.

Mr. Finn?

No comment, Loretta.

As campaign manager
for the opposition

I wanted to hear
what Mr. Donovan had to say.

My candidate,
district attorney Conroy

will comment
in due time.

I don’t want to talk
about Conroy.

I want to talk
about you.

Jimmy, go get
a cup of coffee.

So what’s this
all about, Loretta?

They bump you off
the crime beat

and into city
politics now?

Tate organization.

What’s that, a secret
code or something?

There was a harassment suit
against Arnold Tate

brought about by
the former landowner

where Tate organization
now stands.

And Judge Wexler,
he just threw it out

two days after you received

a $, check
by Tate himself.

I was a consultant.

Blascomb business park

an environmental
impact report

that would have
sunk their plans

was mysteriously
suppressed by city hall.

Were you a consultant
for them, too?

I’m telling you
as a friend

you’re way off
base, Loretta.

She’s fishing.

You could head this off
before it snowballs.

Wherever Loretta’s getting her
information could be cut off.

I know... you’re worried

about the judges
and commissioners

and businessmen

who’d go to jail
with you.

The situation will be handled.

Why don’t you do
what you’re paid for

and make sure
that nitwit Conroy

wins this election.

( Dance music playing )

( Music continues )

( Phone rings )


On my way.

Open up!

Now, or you’re dead!

Okay, okay!

( Police radio chatter )

Channel nine news

will have
a field day with this.

Ever think
we’d see the day

people were afraid
of driving home

in this

It’s the attitude

that’ll get law and order
Conroy re-elected.

Any witnesses?

Lady across the street
saw everything.

A guy in
a ski mask

carrying a g*n
runs up

and opens
the car door.

She didn’t move
fast enough.

He popped her.

Took off in the car.

We’re getting pressed more ways

than a Sunday suit on this.

By whom?

By whom?!

Conroy and Donovan.

They’re each trying to make
this case their own.

This thing falls right
into Conroy’s hands.

Not necessarily.

Donovan said the victim
was seen talking to Scott Finn

after the news conference ended.

Meaning Loretta
was there

specifically to talk
to Finn.

Now Donovan is
pointing the finger

at his boss’s
campaign manager.

All is fair in love
and politics.

Go talk to Scott Finn.

See if there’s

All right.

I don’t believe this.

Did Donovan put you
up to this?

Not as if
the whole world

doesn’t know
he’s sweet on you.

He’s not sweet
on me

and you still
haven’t answered me.

I was at the surfway...

All night.

It’s pretty
far afield

from the hot bed
of politics, isn’t it?


I hide out there

when I need
to think--


So nobody
saw you?

Uh... the kid
who parks cars did.

( Phones ringing )

I’m sorry
about Loretta.

What does
my talking to her

have to do
with anything?

It’s the carjackers
and drug dealers

you should be
out hassling.

We’re conducting
an investigation.

Hassling happens
when you’re a suspect.

We were hoping for
a little cooperation.

Loretta’s producers said
she was on to something.

She wasn’t covering
the election.

Maybe she confided
in you.

She had some crazy ideas about

in the mayor’s office.

I told her,
if it was true

Conroy would
jump on it.

She buy that?

Ask me
if I care.

I came here.

I got some work done.

Then I went
to the surfway-- alone.

Excuse me.

Doesn’t he realize

his boss put this
case in fast gear?

( Whines )

You know...

He makes
a point.

If we question everybody
Loretta Cole conversed with

people would
be lined up
from here to Miami.

You think I’m pressing this
to make Donovan happy?

No, whoever took Loretta’s car
is long gone.

Why did he keep telling us that
he was alone at the surfway?

Neither one
of us asked.

Finn-- the guy that’s
on TV all the time?

Right, was he here
last night?

Could have been.

A lot of people

come... go...



So do a lot
of cars.

Isn’t that
right... Malique?


Like that...
Black Porsche

I saw you in on
ocean Avenue, huh?

What do you
think, Rita?

We could check
it out.

Maybe the owner
loaned it to him.

Hey, I didn’t hurt it none.

all right.

All right, he was here.

Yeah, was he alone?

I want you to know

how lucky you are
you came to me.

These other guys
wouldn’t have noticed.

Noticed what?

The lady.

She always shows up
a little after him.

Did you park
her car?


She takes a cab.

But I know
she’s pulling something

’cause she’s always
wearing dark shades

and a hat

like she don’t want
to be recognized.

Then I get around there,
and what do I see?

Hurry up, the suspense
is k*lling me.

She always stays
in the room next to his.

She look like this?

No, I’m talking
about a white lady.

( Horn beeps )

I got to go.

You’re not going to tell,
are you?

I knew there was
something about Finn.

But how did you know

he’d been driving
that Porsche?

Obviously you never had
a job parking cars.

It’s another one
of those guy things.

So the guy waxes his board

with one
of his political groupies.

It’s amoral,
but it is not illegal.

Scott Finn is hiding

more than a little


And he lied
to us.

Usually when
people do that

they’re guilty.

Wait, you don’t understand.

Most of these political guys,
they’re also lawyers.

They don’t define
the truth as we do.

Speak of the devil.

Have you seen this?

Conroy’s milking
this Cole k*lling.

He’s climbed three points
in the polls.

Does this Finn thing
put us closer

to Loretta Cole’s

If it’s
a go-nowhere

maybe it’s time we moved on.

Then it looks like
we’re gunning for Conroy.

Which is fine.

We just wanted to know...
Where it’s headed.

It is not fine,
the voters hate that.

Why do I get the feeling

I’m watching
bad stand-up?

If you’re here as the ADA

I’ll brief you.

But you’re not using
this department

as your personal political tool.

You know what it will be like
if Conroy remains D.A.

Paige, back off!


For what it’s worth

I talked to a prosecutor
in St. Louis

where Finn ran his
first campaign.

We discussed this.

He says there’s been rumors
for a while

that Finn’s dirty.

Just don’t say
you heard it

from me.

I’m on record here.

Conroy’s scoring points

until we’re on track
with this k*lling.


Okay, you two.

Stay on it.


So you’re still
picking the job

over the campaign.

I like that.

Paige doesn’t.

You’re in the lead,
you’re fine.


Keep me current
on this.

Anything comes up...

I’m in my office

or at campaign

You doing okay?

Sure, why do you ask?

Even the future
district attorney

is allowed to see
his family sometimes.

It’s the home stretch.

Everything’s fine.


See you.

When I read about Somalian kids
short on protein

I’ll know where
it all went.

Protein burns faster
than carbohydrates

and it lubricates
my brain.

This Finn,
he could be a liability.

Keep an eye out.

If the cops
catch on, tell me.

You want to know
they’re on to him

or that I’ve taken
care of the problem?

You’re not assassinating
Vietcong anymore, burdick.

We can pace
ourselves a bit.

You’re the boss.

I got you

Just like you asked.

Mei ling...

Meet Frank.

Not while I’m eating.

So how was your day?

Well, the polls
are slipping

but we can
handle it.

Wish I had
your donations.

In a few days

you’ll wish
you had our lead.

Don’t count on it.

Paige, I need
to talk to you.

It’s important.

You’re not going back

on our arrangement,
are you?

I can’t tell you
more than I know.

There’s another rule.

Nothing said in this room
goes beyond here, right?

Tell me.

I can’t do this

I’m thinking
about getting out.

You’re getting
serious about us?

Don’t be ridiculous.

There are things
about me...

Things I’ve done...

You don’t know about.

What kind of things?

This kind.

No names, no dates

but this is the kind
of corruption

Donovan only dreams
about putting a lid on.

And for the right
quid pro quo

you fill in
the blanks.

I got a spare copy
of this

with the details

tucked away
in a safe deposit box.

It’s yours...
In exchange for immunity.

It’s that simple.


( Camera shutter clicking )

( Rita sighs )

We have to tell
Donovan about this.


Let’s tell Paige first.

So would you like
to flip a coin?

I’ll talk to Paige

but come time
to talk to George

that one’s yours.

Thank you very much.

( Phone rings )

Good morning,
Mr. Donovan’s office.

Yes, let me
check the appointment book.

( Phone rings )

Mr. Donovan’s office.

Got the latest poll results
from Miller.

You’re not smiling.

That must mean
we’re still leading.

What’s that mean?

You only smile
when you’re putting on armor.

You want me happy, George?

Stop this slide.

We’re down three points
to a six-point lead.

It’s not
good enough.

It’ll hold, especially since

I’m still getting paid
to do this job.

Maybe there’s something
more compelling than that.

What if, just hypothetically,
someone came to me

with some solid evidence
of corruption?

Influence peddling,

If you had it

you’d have told me
five minutes ago.

Well, I don’t have it,
but I can get it.

Ah, for a price, right?

Making the giver bulletproof.

Who is it?

don’t tell me.

Look, granting immunity
like that

outside the judicial process--

it’s wrong,
I won’t do it.

Besides, that kind of thing

would surface and slap us
just before the election.

You need the help, George.

Face it,
people like the status quo.

Then find some way
of raising our status.

But no deals.

Hey, chi.

what a nice surprise.

Wish I had
time to talk.

Make time

or we’ll talk
in my office.

Sorry, I didn’t mean
to give orders.

That’s okay.

You can’t help it.

I’m concerned about
your relationship
with Scott Finn.

What are you
talking about?

Save it.

I got xs of you

slinking out
of the surfway.

You may not understand,
but you build lots of energy

running a
political campaign.

And some places
stair climbers won’t reach.

Most men can’t handle a woman
using them for sex--

not wanting
to get involved.

Scott and I are on
equal footing there.

Our only true love is winning.


So why the masquerade?

It’d k*ll Donovan’s campaign
and my career, too.

And Finn’s career, too.

No, this kind of thing,
they usually go after the woman.

The front-runner.

Finn would
do fine.

What’s he hiding?

How badly do you need to show
your photo album to Donovan?

You’re tough, Paige

but you’re also
totally transparent

which I guess
in your circle
of friends

comes off as charm.

Well, how charming should I be?

Not this time.

From you,
I want information on Finn.

You give it
to me

I’ll make sure these photos
never see the light of day.

All right, just a taste.

No names, but it’ll give you
plenty to work with.

She’s smart,
I’ll definitely
give her that.

And we couldn’t
arrest her for

But this puts us
in a new ball game.

Look, we got judgments
thrown out of court

legal shortcuts
through the process--

all presumably
in the name of
palm beach’s biggest players.


Loretta Cole
must have known
about this.

Still, it’s not
worth k*lling for,
is it?

If she had names, there’d be
high-level jobs at stake.

Plus millions of dollars
lining several people’s pockets.

Well, now we know

the right questions
to ask Scott Finn.

Yes, we do.

Hi, we’re here
to see Scott Finn.

not in now.

Can you tell us
where he is?

I’m sorry, I couldn’t.



Check this out--
Ben Kreinholz.

Guy owns half
of palm beach.

Arnold Tate,
Ken blascomb

that’s a who’s who
of money power in there.

No candidate
and no campaign manager.

Isn’t that

Bet they
could tell us

where Scott Finn is.

I’ll bet they could.

You can’t go back there.

We won’t tell
if you don’t.

Got a problem?

Move your hand
to the side slowly

or you’re going
to have the problem.

It’s okay,

Sergeants Lance and Lorenzo,
palm beach police.

Oh, we usually expect
more courtesy than this.

How can
we help you?

We’re looking for Scott Finn.

You’re not here to donate.

What do you want?

Well, if you’re not
his personal secretary

please tell us where he is.

I have no idea.

If I see him,
I’ll tell him you asked.


Just ran into your friends,
couple of cops.

They’re just fishing.

Any more fishing
around you

I could start
selling bait.

You have
what I want?

Yeah, these are
all my records.

You’ll have
about three dozen

businessmen, judges,
and commissioners
by the shorts.

I already have them
by the shorts.

I just don’t want
anyone else getting
the same leverage.

So, what about
your end of the bargain?

One way to San Angelo.

You’re the new
deputy mayor.

Yeah, it’s got
a nice sound to it.

Frank will pick you up
in two hours

to take you
to the airport.

You’re not expected
for two weeks.

Take a vacation,
you’ve earned it.

I have to get some stuff
at the surfway, too.

Then he’ll
see you there.

Look, I could stick around
till the election’s over.

There’s nothing more
you can do.

Barring something
totally unexpected

this election’s
as good as over.

Thanks, Ben.

You won’t regret this.

I know.

( Sighs )

What a day!

We had a $, donor pull out
after we wined and dined him.

I know you guys
don’t have that problem.

That kind of money’s
pocket change to you.

Hey, you better be
pretending to be asleep

unless you’re conserving energy.


( Gasps )

Captain, Rita, wait a minute.

What the hell happened?

We’re not sure.

The maid found him
this morning.

Does this tie him
to the Cole m*rder?

Who am I--

We just got here.

This is
starting to get

too close to this
election campaign.

George... captain,
this isn’t good

for your blood pressure.

Why don’t
I meet you inside?

Thank you, Rita.

Now, look, George

we can’t crowd
the crime scene.

We have to walk
through it first.

Why don’t you go
back to the office

and I’ll
keep you posted.

Yeah, you’re right.

I’m damned if I do
or damned if I don’t.

Conroy’s doing his
law and order thing.

If I jump on his
campaign manager’s death

it’ll sound like "yeah,
me, too-- law and order."

I know.

God, listen to me,
I sound like Paige.

Uh, yeah, a little.

I didn’t even slow down
to think of Finn.

He was top-notch
in this game

even if I didn’t like
some of the things he did.

( Police radio chatter )

George, you, uh, living
out of your car these days?

Oh, uh, no, no.

Some dry cleaning.

Yeah, like every stitch you own?

What’s going on?

I can never hide from you.

You know me
too well.

Not really, I...

Andrea needed a little space.

I can’t say I blame her--
I mean, with all the tension...

I probably treat my
campaign workers better.

I’ll stop by the office later
and we’ll talk.

I got to go
do my job.

See you.




Briefcase was jimmied.

His office said
he might have a grand or so

in cash contributions
on any given day.

So, it’s a robbery

or at least made
to look like a robbery.

It’s hard to say.

Somebody was here
after the sh**ting.

M.E. figures there’s
about ten minutes of blood

that leaked out onto the bed.


It doesn’t make sense
that the sh**t

would have hung around,
then pushed him out of bed.

Well, maybe
somebody else did.

Where the hell
is Lorenzo?

Aren’t bodies
important anymore?

Maybe he found the live ones
a little more interesting.

Got you all set

for which way palm beach?
At :.


What is it?


Scott Finn
was m*rder*d last night.

What? How?

At the surfway.

Somebody put two slugs
into his chest.

None of us thinks
you’re a m*rder*r,
but we need to talk.

What does this have
to do with me?

Come off it,

They told me about you and Finn.

I’m sorry, George.

I’ve let you down.

All I want to hear is what

you know
about Finn.

George said somebody

came and wanted
to make a deal.

Was it
Scott Finn?


How is Ben Kreinholz

tied up in this thing?

I can’t believe
he didn’t know about Finn’s

favor-for-cash deal.

Scott said Kreinholz was clean.

Paige, do you know
who k*lled him?

Well, you would
have to take a number.

But you were
with him last night?

Are you asking me for help
or questioning me?

Don’t make it
any worse than it is.

I’d like my lawyer
present for this.

Out of deference
to George

we’d like to see you
at our office today

at :.

Be there, Paige,
don’t leave town.

This is bad.

Not necessarily.

I feel bad
about Scott, but...

Now that this is all
out in the open...

You wanted corruption

in city hall, it begins
and ends with Finn.

So this teary-eyed grief
means he wasn’t

your boyfriend.

Well, we all have to do
what we have to do.

Yes, we do.

That’s why I’m letting you go.

You’re off
the campaign, Paige.

You can’t...

We’re almost there, George.

You need me
to solidify

what little lead
you have left.

You think we can keep this
out of the press?

They’ll have a feast.

Campaign managers
rig elections.

Jimmy had Billy,
Nixon had Watergate

Clinton’s got himself,
and I got you.

It wasn’t like that.

It’ll look
like that.

And Conroy doesn’t
have Finn as a liability.

He’ll probably get

the sympathy vote.

George, this did not
affect my work for you.

You can’t abandon me.

I’m cutting my losses.

Clear your desk.

And make sure you meet
Lance and Lorenzo
at : sharp.

Hey, Rita, it’s Chris,
I’m at the venue club.

I’m going
to shake Kreinholz’s tree

see what falls out.

I still say I should
have taken the venue.

Not allowing women
makes me want to make a point.

But then who would
sweet-talk Malique?

Well, I’m doing it.

But I would rather
be letting the air

out of those
chauvinistic gasbags.

See you.

See you.

George on TV:
To keep our objectivity
clear during this m*rder

I am restructuring
my campaign staff.

Paige Hamilton has been relieved
as of this morning

of all day-to-day

until the facts surrounding
these two senseless murders

can be determined.

Well, there you have it,
an unusual and personal message

from assistant D.A.
George Donovan.

Donovan acknowledged
his department is investigating

the link between
his own campaign manager

Paige Hamilton

with the m*rder last night

of the Conroy campaign manager,
Scott Finn.

Our channel nine
political analyst Kent Brody

tells us why this could be
an irreversible blow

to the Donovan campaign.


If this broad
was with Finn

she could be
our final loose end.

Check it out.

Mr. Kreinholz

a Detective Lorenzo
is here to see you.

I think I’ll wait
for this one.

Go do what I said,
I can handle this cop.

Send him in.

That’s a nice shirt.

Don’t push me.

When I push you,
you’ll know it.

Mr. Kreinholz.

I don’t need
to call my lawyer, do I?

No, sir, you’re not
under investigation.

But you are obviously close
to the Conroy campaign.

I am, and Scott Finn
is going to be a great loss.

Except for the dozens of careers
his existence threatened.

Let me tell you something, son.

When you’ve been
in this business

as long as I have,
you learn two things:

Every successful person
has skeletons in his closet

and the more successful you are

the more they come
gunning for you.

I think you know
what those skeletons are

and who was gunning
for Scott Finn.

If it comes
down to it,
we’ll do this

in my boss’s office
with your lawyer present.

You flatter me, son.

You’re looking at
a very successful businessman

with time on his hands
to enjoy life

which I’m doing.

And you do it so well.

Yes, I do.

So this is where you’ll be
when I send for you?

If I’m not dining
with the governor.

You know, sir, I’m sure
you have a swell family

but I’m not part of it.

Next time we talk,
you call me sergeant

or detective or officer,
but you lose the son.

Makes you sound like a hick.

Box , please.

Score one
for Captain Lipschitz

in the intimidation

He had Malique so scared

he stared at that Porsche

but he didn’t see anything.

So... what about kreinholz?

What a smug piece of work.

He know anything?

He’s got to know something.

He sat there so chilled,
so unconcerned.

Maybe he really is above it all.

If it was me,
I’d be worried about my pals.

Wait a minute, that’s it.

All these judges,
all these commissioners

who took bribes
brokered by Finn--

what do they have
to fear most

now that he’s dead?

That he didn’t
take it with him.

He left something

like records or something.

Finn would never
take this to the grave.

Paige said that disk
was just a taste.

Finn had to know he was
playing chicken with a train.

You play that game

and you end up
in a tight spot.

He had to put

something together
to bargain with.

That taste was
for possible buyers.

So why did Paige have it?

He gave it to her to... what?

Definitely not to give to us.


from prosecution.

George would have
never done that.

But Finn would be crazy
not to try.

If he was
building a safety net

we got to search his residence

his bank, safety deposit box,
storage locker.

I’m sure the safety net
is on a computer disk.

Paige is due in half an hour.

Listen, why don’t you
take care of her?

I’ll get a warrant
and pull out

the threads
of Scott Finn’s life.

Deal-- see you.

Ah, Rita...


That’s what we’ll do.

I think she was here.

It’s not a flattering picture.

This is
a m*rder investigation

not an audition for Cosmo.

Yes, she was here
an hour ago.

Do you have the owner’s
confidential inventory list?

There’s a reason
it’s called confidential.

There is a reason this is
called a search warrant.

I’d like to see the box

with the inventory open, please.

Thank you.

No computer disks.

Thank you.

I’m sorry, madam.

This section is
gentlemen only.

If I was a real madam

there wouldn’t be
a problem.

I’m not sure
what you mean.

This will help you
figure it out.

Mr. Kreinholz.

Paige, I guess it’s true

what they say
about your anatomy.

If you like,
we could go to my beauty salon.

You’ve got more sand
in your shorts

than most of the guys here.

What can I do
for you?

It’s what I can do for you.

Scott Finn
left some records

that would propel
George Donovan

right into the D.A.’s office.

George is an honest guy.

He wouldn’t last long enough
to concern me.

Your friends would rest easier

knowing you kept
Scott Finn’s greatest hits.

What are we looking at?

Boxed three-disk set.

Free, if you act now

with a small shipping
and handling fee.

How small?

A place in the administration.

Something with prestige,
high profile

where I can use
my talent.

I’m not as nice

or as honest
as George Donovan.

You make a good presentation.

I’ll talk to my people
and get back to you.


The side door is over there.

It’s closer
to the street.


( Dialing touch-tone phone )

Where are you?

Right out front.

Wait till she gets home

and I don’t want to know
anything about this.

Come on,
pick up the phone.

If Paige doesn’t show up

your friend Donovan’s
going to have hell to pay.

He’s your friend, too.

Paige has got the disk.

She’s probably home
making deals right now.

Should we send
a black and white?

No, that might spook her

and she might
destroy the evidence.

You stay here and
I’ll go to her place.

When you get out there,
call back.

Paige, where you at?

Come on, pick up, pick up.

( Phone rings )

Yeah, Lorenzo.


Paige, where are you?

I’m running a little late.

You should send a car
to pick me up

because all this with Scott
has started to hit me.

Rita should be there any minute.

Okay, um...

Listen, hold on, don’t go away.


( Doorbell rings )

Who is it?

Paige, it’s Rita.


Over there.

Just put the g*n down.

We can talk
about this.

( Phone line goes dead )

Rita, Rita!

What’s going on?

I need backup, cap, now!

What are you doing?

I made a deal
with kreinholz.

The same goes for me.

I’ve already got
copies of the disks.

Nice try.

Look at the computer.

She’s already
made the copies.

Do we have a deal?

You give me those disks

or I make you look real bad
before I k*ll you.

They’re in the trunk
of my car.

I’ll give them
to you.

They better be there.

( Tires screeching )

You’re going
to have to untie me.

I’m watching
every move you make.

I slid them
under the liner.

You got three seconds
before I stuff

you both
in the trunk.

( Groans )

Freeze, burdick!

( g*nsh*t )

Burdick, hold it!

( g*nsh*t )

Television announcer:
In the race

for district attorney

with % of the vote in

channel nine news
is calling it a victory

for the incumbent D.A.
Roy Conroy.

Sorry, George.

I’m the kind
of guy

that needs
to have a wall

to bang
his head against.

Conroy’s been
a good wall, hasn’t he?

Let’s go
to Conroy campaign headquarters

where Ben kreinholz
will introduce the man

who will be
the district attorney

for another three years.

Get a load of this.

Kreinholz got
the Finn deal.

Conroy made him bulletproof.

I’ll be getting a lot
of practice wall-banging.

After the battle
you and Conroy had?

You assumed I’d be
out of my bed?

I would have guessed that, too.

You already
talked to Conroy?

He called to tell me

he agreed with everything
I’d said on corruption

and wanted me to go
through Finn’s files

and help him clean up the town.

Sounds like
your message hit home.

He’ll claim all the victories

and the people we irritate

will be
referred to me.

Looks like it’s
time to give

that wonderful
concession speech.

George, good job.

It was a good run.

for your support.

Kreinholz is tied into
two cold-blooded murders

and we can’t touch him.

But we can watch him.

And he’s so arrogant

so sure
he’s in the clear

he’s going to screw up.

And when he does,
we’ll nail him.

Who would do that

if they could earn
an honest living?

Oh, I don’t know.

Given the opportunity,
I might consider it.
