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03x18 - Freudian Slip

Posted: 10/07/23 19:26
by bunniefuu

Smile, it’s
popular culture.

In any other
part of town

we’d bust them
for pornography.

This is true.

This is true.

Off tackle,
slant on two.

Get it right,

Joe, what’s

I heard you moved
up north somewhere.

I left the game
but not the state.

I’m Rita,
Chris’ partner.

Rita Lance,
this is Joe Manus.

Baddest fullback
to play the south Florida
football conference.

First team pro ball,
three years running.

I’m a fan.

She’s gorgeous, too.

You two are partners. In what?

We’re homicide detectives

palm beach
police department.

I didn’t do it, inspector.

It’s been a long time.

Lots of changes.

Lot of changes.

Let’s grab
some quiet.

That sounds good.

You know, Rita...

I know all about
his sordid past.

I heard that.

I’m going to use
the ladies’ room.

What’s it
going to be?

Soda water.

I haven’t had a drop
of booze in six months.

I’ll have soda
water, too.

Dr. Anthony,
this is Morgan.

This is
Dr. Anthony.

Nice to meet you.

Thank you very much.

Damn her.

You know her?

Yeah, she’s my wife.

I’m warning you,
Morgan, I’ve had it.

Stop making a scene.

I’m telling you

don’t go near
that son of a bitch.

What are you going
to do, hit me?

I’ll break
your damn neck.

You go to hell.

( Grunts )

Pleasure and pain.

They make
the world go round.

Dr. Robin Anthony.


Are you all right?

Yes, I’m fine.

Excuse me.

Doughnut for
your thoughts?

I keep seeing
Joe’s face

when he saw his wife
with that guy.

I keep seeing him
punch that wall.

It was frightening.

I feel sorry
for his wife.

His wife?


I feel sorry for him.


Joe had it all

like that guy in
the movie the natural.

It was football.

First year as a pro,
he tore it up.

Rookie of the year.

One-way ticket

to the pro football
hall of fame

until some
cheap-shot artist

blew his knee out.

That’s all they wrote.

His wife was wearing
a Calvin Klein original

$ shoes-- they’re
not doing too bad.

What’s it like to have
your career end

before it even starts?

His face is on
a football card.

Nobody even knows
who he is.


All right, John, I’ll see
you Tuesday, then.

Thanks again.


Mrs. Manus?

Hi, I hope you
don’t mind.

I was in the area.

I wondered if
you had time.

Could you slip me in?



And what’s that?

I think it’s
the first time

a patient has ever
sat in my chair.

There’s a first time
for everything

don’t you think?

Do I have to call
you Dr. Anthony?

No, you can call me
anything you like.

How about... Robin?

All right, fine with me.

And what should I call you?

Anything but Mrs. Manus.

All right, Morgan,
how can I help you?

Wait, that’s it?

I’m in therapy?

Do people really pay you
to listen to them talk dirty?

I’d rather talk
about my husband.

He says he can’t get it up
and... I say he won’t.

Do you feel he still loves you?

We used to go to the beach house
after every game

and we’d make love

then we’d go to sleep
and then we’d make love again.

And now?

He hasn’t been there
in five years.

He thinks I bring
my lovers there.

Do you?

You want to know if I’m
a frustrated but faithful wife

or a satisfied tramp?

I still go
to the beach house.

It’s my sanctuary.

I’ll be there tonight.

We all need a place to be alone.

Oh, I hope not alone.

Come on in.

I thought I’d
stopped by

and see how palm beach’s
rich and shameless live.

You got that
half right.

I don’t want
to step on any shoes...

Wait, check
this out.

I got the old
yearbook shot.

We look like a
couple of marines.

Look at that,
I remember those days.

The happy times,
you know?

When you need something
good to think about.

Joe, the pool’s
turning green again.

You didn’t tell me
we had a guest.

Why don’t you go
put some clothes on?

I saw you at the gallery.

Yeah, I’m Chris.

We used to play
football together.

Well, we have that in common.

Don’t start, okay?


I’m just getting
acquainted with your friend.

Ignore her.

She gets off
on this stuff.

It’s that or not at all.

I’m going to go.


If you ever
need to talk...

I wouldn’t know
where to start.

Take care
of yourself.


Damn you, Morgan.

You had to do that.

Come on.

Come on,
let’s do it.

Stop it.

Right now,
I know you want it.

Morgan, don’t. I can’t!

I married a man.

What happened to him?

Where in the hell
did he go?

And don’t give me the
wounded warrior routine

because you broke
your knee, not your...

Shut up!

Come on, I like it rough,
don’t you remember?

All these years
I’ve been telling myself

"he’ll get it together.

He just needs time."

Well, time’s up, Joe

because I am
tired of this...

Of us.

I’ll tell you,
you know what?

The game’s over.

You won.

By the way

I dropped by Robin Anthony’s
office this morning.

He’s going to help me...

With my problem.

Hey, Morgan!


If you’re not going
to be a man

or my husband,
let me go.

Leave me alone.

I won’t.

I still love you,
you’re all I have left.

Let go of me.


Let go of me!

No more!

Hey, you leave
that woman alone.

I’m sorry, Morgan.

Don’t you
touch me! No!

Biker :
That ain’t him.

Biker :
The hell it ain’t.

You Joe manus,
ain’t you?

Hey! Hot rod.

My brother asked
you a question.


What’s wrong?

Just a little
spousal abuse.

That’s what you
call it, isn’t it?

He hit you?

I’ve gotten really good
in covering it up.

You really should
see a doctor about that.

Yeah, I think so.

( Groaning )

You know
something, man?

I lost about
five big ones

when you broke
your knee.

It just don’t look
broke to me.

I like games,
you like games?


I want to play
a game, turn around.

I can’t see.


( Whispering ):
You don’t
have to see.

Just feel.

Just feel.

( Moaning softly )

Maybe it’s different
here in "calm beach"

but back in the borough

we needed more than the guy
yelled at his wife

for a felony homicide.

He threatened her life,
I heard him.

Someone else, a doctor,
he witnessed it, too.

Then get
the doctor’s statement

but don’t let him
overcharge you.


Sometime late last night,
early this morning.

We won’t know for sure
until we get Diana’s report.

You okay?

Yeah, yeah.

You and the husband

go back?

Not a problem.

You sure?

You guys know something I don’t?

’cause if Joe did this,
I want him as badly as you do.


They start on the body yet?

Not yet.

Let’s get to it.

It was a big guy,
jumped out of the car

beating up
his wife...

Sidney Reese?


Who are you?

Sergeant Lance
and Sergeant Lorenzo

palm beach police.

Ah... wait a minute,
I know you.

You were here
at the opening.

You’re a friend
of Morgan Manus’s, correct?


Is there
something wrong?

What makes you think
something’s wrong?

Goes with the job,
doesn’t it?

Cops go with trouble?

So what’s the matter
with Morgan?

She’s dead.

She was m*rder*d
last night.

It was just a matter of time.

Excuse me?

It was her husband, wasn’t it?

We’re not sure

who’s responsible...

What makes you think
it was him?

Well, he had his problem.

And what problem was that?

He couldn’t perform for her,
she took that as personal.

And they’d fight.

So they’d argue,
a lot of couples argue.

I didn’t say they argued.

I said they fought--
like animals, usually in public.

He’s a big guy,
but she had no fear.

She knew exactly
which buttons to push

and she pushed them
until he’d blow up

and off
they’d go.

So he hit her?

Hit her, slap her,
throw her around.

Just your average
abusive husband.

I’ve had three
so far.

The thing is,
I think she liked it.

I will say this for her:

She gave
almost as good as she got.

You saw this happen?

More than once.

All her friends saw it.

You and Morgan
close friends?


She needed someone to talk to

and I needed someone
to return my serve.

How’s your backhand?

We’ll be in touch.

So I guess we do it.


( Knocking at door )

Chris, hi. Rita.

Can we come in?

Well, yeah,
sure, come on.

What’s up?

You look like hell.

Oh, thanks,
good to see you, too.

Oh, actually, I feel like hell.

Joe, where were you last night?

Um, I was at a bar
down the highway.

Actually, several bars
down the interstate.


We need to know
where you were.

What for?

Give us a name.

Uh, name, uh...

I can’t remember a name.

What’s this

Cut yourself shaving?

No, I got in a fight

with some biker trash.

I got drunk,
I passed out

I guess I pulled
off the road to sleep.

Cop found me.

You got the ticket?

He didn’t give me one,
he was a fan.

is this

something to do with the fight?

There was a m*rder

in your beach house
last night, Joe.

Your wife
is dead.



A witness said

he saw you
at the beach house yesterday.

He said you
were beating her.

Well, I, I lost my temper,
we had an argument.

I slapped her,
but I didn’t hurt her.

Chris, you know
I couldn’t do that.

What was that fight about?

Well, she said
she’d been with a shrink

we saw that night
at the gallery.

You saw her, she didn’t
know when to stop.

I slapped her,
but I didn’t hurt her.

I couldn’t
take it anymore.

When I left, she was mad
but she was still alive.

You admit
beating her?

You got drunk, blacked out,
you don’t know where you were

and you look like
you fought a bobcat.

You may not have
known what you were doing...

I didn’t k*ll my wife!

You’re under arrest

for suspicion
in the m*rder...


Make this easier, Joe.

You have the right
to remain silent.

You have the right
to an attorney.



It’s a pleasure
to see you again.

Pleasure and pain
make the world go round.

Oh, sounds
like a line, right?


I’m not deft
at introductions,

Well, you’ve been told
you’re very attractive.

Thank you.

Sergeant Lance,
palm beach police.

Come in.

I’m looking into the death
of Morgan manus.


A tragedy.

I heard about it
on the news this morning.

Sit, please.

Thank you.


What can you
tell me about her?

She came in yesterday

we had a brief
preliminary interview

she had concerns

about her relationship
with her husband

and that was our first
and only appointment.

Her husband
seems to think

that you and Morgan
had more than just

a doctor-patient

That doesn’t surprise me.

You saying it was a pattern
in the relationship?

He was obviously

He couldn’t adjust
to the loss of his career

so he struck out
at the person closest to him.

You only hurt
the one you love?

And himself
as well, perhaps.

His impotence could be
of a psychosomatic nature.

So he was punishing himself
for the loss of his career.

Ah, you have a future
as a therapist.

Well, in a way
it’s part of my job.

You might say I have a practice
without a portfolio.

Well, tell me, then,
if you don’t mind

how do you feel
about all this?

A woman m*rder*d?

It must be difficult,
day in, day out.


In this case,
it’s harder for my partner.

He and Morgan’s husband
are friends.

Do you do that often?


I asked
how you felt.

You switched the focus
from your feelings

to your partner’s.

In my profession,
we call that caretaking.

In mine, we call it survival.


I’m just suggesting

that we need
to validate our own feelings.

It’s possible Morgan
might still be alive

if she’d been
more in touch
with her own truth.

Do you remember the argument
they had in the gallery?

I recall he threatened
to break her neck.

Would you be willing
to testify to that in court?

Yes, I’ll testify.


Thank you.

I feel angry, I feel sad.

I feel humble and grateful
most of the time

just to be alive.

How’s that?

How does it feel?

Isn’t that caretaking?

Thank you.

Even the neighbor
said she walked back

into the house
after the fight
and Joe left.

There were no signs
of forced entry.

He had a key,
he had a security code.

Chris, it’s not that
I want him to be guilty

but you can’t ignore it.

Circumstantial evidence

is still

They’re talking
about a plea bargain.


I don’t know, Joe.

Just take
your lawyer’s advice.


I guess they figure
I’m guilty, too.

Joe said a bar
off the interstate.

There are a lot of bars
between here and Miami.

Too many
for us to cover.

Plus all the
jurisdictional lines

we’d have to cross.

Joe would pay
for outside help

if it verified
his alibi.

You thinking
about a private cop?

I don’t know.

Isn’t that
cotton’s car?

Yeah, it is.



I think we just
found our help.

That’s cotton’s brother,
Atticus Dunn.

He was in New York state
making license plates.


I thought you were

on the inside
looking out.

The lord helps those
who help themselves.

You helped yourself
one too many times.

True, but the state
only had the actus reus

not the mens rea.


Meaning I did it, but, uh...
I didn’t mean to.

Sounds like
jailhouse lawyer talk.

Atticus Dunn,
Rita Lance.

Attica Atticus Dunn, ma’am.

The Clarence Darrow
of maximum security.

Where’s cotton?

Extended business trip.

I’m taking care of his car

and his business
while he’s away.

Aren’t you
a little old

to be playing
with dolls?

Aren’t you going
to introduce us?

It so happens
that this is Miss Alice

and she is one hell
of a salesman.

Well, saleswoman.

Uh, selling what?

Selling these.

Currently the number one item

in the field
of erotic novelties.

I’ve always wondered
how those stayed on.

Adhesive backing.

But then there’s velcro
for the senior citizens

and, uh, safety pins
for the heavy metal crowd.

Why don’t you get a job?

Get a job?

Yeah, get a job.

I’m an entrepreneur.

Atticus, how’d you like
to make a little money?

Well, how much?

Couple hundred a day

plus reasonable expenses.

What do I have to do,
find Elvis?

Who’s paying, you?


He is.

Whoo, that’s Joe manus.

Check every bar
from here to Miami

and find which one
he was in Thursday night

getting his butt kicked.

If he was in one.

That’s a lot of questions

and a lot of liquor
to grease the memory.

you’re good at that.

When I find it,
I’ll call you.


Don’t find it

and then come back
and Jack the price up.

I don’t know where
you get these notions

that you have about me.

Hey, what I said--

that was
a cheap shot, man.

You were just
doing your job.

Don’t worry about it.

Have a seat,
we’ll get these cuffs off.

Oh, thanks.

Tell me about Morgan.

Morgan, wow.

She loved being married
to what I was

but I don’t think
she had a clue who I was.

And when my career was over

the marriage was over.

That’s about it.

Why’d you stay together, Joe?

Well, that’s a good question.

Morgan was the last part
of the good times

I still had, I guess.

I couldn’t let her go.

And even though
I’m a has-been

I still get some
of that celebrity treatment.

She loved that.

There’s no easy way to ask this.

Do you know that she
was involved with other guys?

Not for a fact, no.

But she was into head games.

I mean, she’d flirt with guys
knowing that I was watching her.

Was the shrink
a head game, too?

Who knows?

What does it matter?

It could matter big-time.

( Woman moaning )

( Sighs )


Uh, I told your assistant
I could wait.

But I couldn’t.

Miss Reese, have you ever heard
of a Dr. Robin Anthony?

The only man that ever
really understood me?

Of course, I pay him
$ an hour.

I think we can dispense
with the formalities.

Call me Sidney?

Okay, Sidney.

How long have you known him?

Not long enough.

I’m still crazy about men.

Actually, just
since last week.

My divorce lawyer
told me to find a shrink.

Psychological stress
is always good

for a few extra zeros
in the settlement.

Did Morgan ever talk
about Dr. Anthony?

No, was she seeing him?

What do you know about him?

He’s only been
in town a few months.

Already he’s a favorite
at the treys treys soiree.

Uh, this is
a little personal, but...

Have you ever...

Or has
he ever...

( Laughing )

Not yet.

But I don’t discourage
very easily.

Are there any rumors
floating around

between ladies?

A friend of mine
was seeing Robin for a while.

Every other word
was about Dr. Anthony

and how wise
and creative he was.

And the next thing
I know

she won’t even
say his name.

She say why?

No, she wouldn’t
talk about it.

And she got
a little sick

when I pressed her
for details.

Dr. Anthony:
So you’re Rita’s partner.

Amazing woman,
isn’t she?

Yes, she is.

I don’t want much time

but I need
to see Mrs. Manus’s file.

I can’t do that.

There may be liability
from her estate.

Doesn’t have to leave here.

I’m sorry, sergeant.

I know that Mr. Manus
was a friend of yours.

He is a friend.

I understand.

Perhaps if he had seen me

we could have
redirected his anger.

You still might
get your chance, doc.

Case isn’t closed yet.

I didn’t get that impression
from Rita.

Maybe you got
the wrong impression.

Uh, thank you for your time.

Branford college, Maryland.


Just outside, bay city.

Is that where you practiced?

No, I wanted to live
and work in paradise

so I came straight
to palm beach.

Most people I deal with,
it’s paradise lost.

Me, too.

Have a nice day.

Well, hello.

Dr. Anthony.

Yeah, exactly.

This is your cleaners
as well?

I’ve bought and paid
for it by now.

Then we’re
business partners.

This is very nice.

You look wonderful.

Thanks, thanks.

Would you like to get
a cup of coffee?

I would love to

but I got to get
back to work.

I’ll see you later.


How about dinner tonight?

I’d love to, uh...

Let me cook.

Trust me,
you’re going to love it.

:, then?

Let me give you my address.

I’m a detective, I’ll find it.

You what?

Would you calm down?

We’re not picking out
China patterns.

He’s part of
a m*rder investigation.

I know how badly
you want Joe to be innocent.

Innocent until
proven guilty.

Doesn’t that apply
to Robin Anthony as well?

We’re partners.

I watch your back,
you watch mine.

Maybe I see something
that you don’t.

Like what?

All we know about him
is he’s creepy

and has an eye
for the ladies.

That applies
to most men I know.

And he probably
or at least possibly

was involved
with the m*rder victim.

I don’t disagree
with you.

He’s as good a suspect
as anybody.

Then why put yourself
at risk?

Because he set up that meeting
outside the dry cleaners.

Something is
on his mind.

I’ll find out
what it is.

At least take backup.

I appreciate your concern

but I can take care
of myself, okay?

Okay, just do me
one favor, hmm?

Don’t stay for dessert.

I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?

Stay for dessert.

( Glass shattering )

( Man chuckling )

Next time.

Oh, lordy,
what am I doing here?

( Music blaring )

Hogs rule.

I say, hogs rule!

Drinks are on me.

Well, uh, keep the lipstick
off your dipstick, eh?

So, uh,
so, where you from?

Well, everywhere
and nowhere.

Where’s that?

Wherever the white line
meets the road sign.

Yeah, so, man, uh...

What chapter
you with?

Sons of destiny.

Never heard of it.

Not many brothers
on the road.

Mandatory sentencing,
it’s caused a terrible...

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Now, we heard
you there, brother.

To all them free souls
unjustly locked away.


( Loud grunt
of satisfaction )

( Both yelling )

Yeah, right on.

Say, maybe you dudes

could help out
a fellow hogster.

I’m looking
for this guy here.

And he skipped out

on a $, marker.

Limped out’s more like it.

Yeah, Orel had
his number.

That guy’s
an ex-jock.

Man, we sure kicked his butt.

( All laughing )

Hey, man.

That’s my helmet.

Seen one,
you seen ’em all.

I had a vest
just like that on my saddlebags.

Listen, sister

what’s mine
is yours, right?

Why don’t you
just try that on?

So, look, dudes,
I’d like to hang

but that fellow’s
got some miles on me

so I’d better hit the road.

Yo, you took
the words

right out
of my mouth, dude.

( Choking ):
I think we can talk
about this, can’t we?


Oh, I am impressed.

That was really good.

Thank you.

How about some coffee
in the living room?

I have a new blend
I would love for you to try.

That sounds nice.

I should be going
after that, though.

It’s getting
pretty late.


Yeah, all right.

Silver note, I got it.

Hey, Atticus, you get any names?

No, but I did get their greasy
paw prints all over my face.

You did good, buddy.

Listen, does that expense money
cover pain and suffering?

( Groans )

You know, you and I
have something in common.



People tell us
their most intimate secrets.

But people choose
to come see you.

I am usually the last person
they want to see.

Some people,
like Morgan’s husband

are crying out for help

even when they commit
the most horrible crimes.


Don’t you think that abuse
was a two-way street?

Not that I condone
what he did to her, but...

Wasn’t she partly responsible
for what happened?

It’s complicated.

She felt
that she provoked him.

She even bragged about
how good she had gotten

at covering up
the damage he had done.

That bruise
on her cheek?

I never would have known
it was there

if she hadn’t told me.


I haven’t been honest
with you.

I’ve got a secret.

Since the first moment
we met

I haven’t been able to stop
thinking about you.

I’ve got
to see you again.

Well, after tonight, Robin...

I’m sure you will.

Hi, guys.

( Knock on door )


It’s Chris, I got
interesting news, open up.

Joe’s alibi checked out.


I tried to call
last night, but...

Isn’t that the dress
you wore at Anthony’s?

Yes, it is.

And actually,
I’m glad you’re here.

We can deal with this,
and never mention it again.

I spent the night.

You spent the night?
Oh, man.


With Diana.

What are you doing here?

Uh... I’m pulling your chain.


Actually, Robin Anthony
told me something

I called Diana, she met me
at the morgue and we went over

her findings
on Morgan manus.

So you and the doctor


No, my only interest in him
is professional--

my profession,
not his.

Good, what did you find out?

Well, we were
talking about Morgan

and he mentioned the bruise
on her cheek

from Joe
the night of the m*rder.

Suddenly I thought,
what’s wrong with this picture?

What was wrong with the picture?

I checked
his original statement.

He said he last saw Morgan
at : the day of the m*rder.

But if he didn’t
see her again

how did he
see the bruise?

Which she didn’t get
until hours later.


So Joe’s alibi checked out?

I did and, yes, it does,
Atticus found the bar

and the bikers
Joe had the beef with.

Now check these out.

I got them
from the Baltimore P.D.


Who is this?

A student
from branford college

where Anthony
got his degree.

I checked to see if they
had a jacket on this guy.

Boy, did they.

What was the disposition?

Victim registered a sexual
as*ault and battery complaint

against Robin Anthony.

Before formal charges
were filed by the D.A.

The victim recanted

left town,
no further action was taken.

No further actions.


I talked to a cop
who worked the case.

He said
they think Anthony’s father

bought her off.

When was this?

three years ago.

Now, there’s also a string
of unsolved female homicides

ended about six months ago.

About the same time

the doctor
showed up.

So what was the M.O.?

Same as Morgan manus,
r*ped and strangled

but most were hookers.

Maybe he saw her the same way.

We should run this
by the captain.

Yeah, is an hour
enough time to get ready?

Yeah, sure, it’s perfect.

Good work.

Thank you.

Now, you and Anthony didn’t...

Get out of here.


No, no.

No judge will give you
a backstage pass with this.

You got to find something that
specifically ties your shrink

with the scene
of the crime.

He is not my shrink.

Without a warrant,
we’re outside looking in.

So, we have to get inside.


Inside is good.

But we don’t have enough
to get a warrant.

Then there’s only one way
we can get inside.

Hold it.

Unless I slept through a change
in the law

B and E is not considered kosher

not even here in calm beach.

No, I am not talking about
breaking and entering.

I am talking
about an invitation.

No, no, no, you are not going
back in there.

Not without backup,
not without me.



I was afraid it might
be too soon to call.

No, I’m glad
you didn’t wait.

Please, please.


Women patients
are more interesting.

The way a woman’s role
in society

impacts upon
a particular individual

or a certain problem.

The dynamic is much different
with men.

This is fascinating.

of going out, um...

Do you have any of
that pasta left over

from last night?

I missed lunch today.

I have loads,
I’ll heat it up.

Terrific, I’m just
going to use the
ladies’ room.

You lose your appetite?

There’s no need to be jealous.

Robin, you need help.

That’s right.

I, I need you, Rita.

I’ve got
to have you.

Just give me the g*n.

You won’t get hurt
if you do what I say.

Put this on.

Put ’em on.

Left wrist first, please.

I’ll do whatever you say.

Rita, stop!

Stop, why are you
running away from me?

I just want to help.

Put the g*n down, Robin.

Drop the g*n.

( Yelling )

Morgan manus.

I’m going
to go call it in.


Hey, Joe.

Thought we might
find you out here.

Rather be alone?

No, no,
I’m fine.

I was just thinking
of the better days.

Better days.


Family counselor?

She’s a friend
of mine.

I told her
you might call.

I heard the team
offered a coaching position.


What do you think?

What do you think?

I think it’s great.

You do?

My dad always said

you’d probably
be a coach.

He did?


He said you
had the smarts

and the heart.

Well, I guess
I got it all, then, huh?

You got more
than that, Joe.

You got one
of the best friends

in the whole world.