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03x17 - Head 'N' Tail

Posted: 10/07/23 19:26
by bunniefuu
( Yelling and talking )

If things go right,
I might be leaving with Tommy.

You’ll have
to catch a ride.

But, Edie, I don’t
know anybody.

Offer to let one
of those stud ponies

take you home.

You’ll meet
all of them.

Tiffany, it’s a party,
are you coming or not?

It’s just... I’ve heard
about these guys, you know?

What they expect
from girls.

No one’s going to force you
into anything.

Girls want
to be with them.

If you don’t--

cool, stay in the car.


Uh, can you grab
a handle

before I drop it?

It’s not that heavy.

Yeah, but it worked.

I finally got close to you.

You’re Tiffany,

I’m Harley Eastlake.

I’ve got you

in third period.


Well, we better
get this thing down there.

The beasts get restless
past feeding time.

Edie really likes Tommy.


I guess maybe
you’ll need a ride home.

Hey, hey, don’t look
at me like that.

You’re safe with me.


I’m really glad
I met you.

You’re really easy
to talk to.

Me, too.

Harley, no.

No! No!

( Zipper unzipping )

No! No!

Shut up!

Shut up!

( Muffled screaming )

Shut up!

( Muffled screaming and crying )

Bet she’s a virgin.

Ooh, good. Lucky Harley.

That just means
double points.

( Crying )

This is Hastings’
and McConnell’s call, Lance

what are you
doing here?

I was on my way in
when I heard it on the radio.

She’s young.


A senior citizen
found her

while taking
his morning walk.

Any I.D. Yet?


Somebody is pacing
the floor right now

and they’re worried sick

wondering why their daughter
didn’t come home last night.

And we get
to tell them why.

Tell Dr. Raught
this has priority.

Go ahead, go ahead.


we can’t take these
personally, Rita.

There’s too many.

It’s another homicide,
shrug it off.

There was a party
last night.

I found the remains
of a fire.

It’s not
your case, Rita.

They can I.D. Her
through the schools.

Some classmates were
probably at the party.

They should check
for beer bottles.

They might get
a print match.

You want this case, Lance?

Like I said,
I was just driving by.

I’ll see you.


, , , hut.

All right,

( Shouting )

Almost, almost.

Whose hand is that?



Tommy, I’m going
to go out.

Seen Edie today?


I wasn’t looking for her, why?

She didn’t come home last night.

I’m worried about her.

She’s a big girl.

I hear you and Harley
got it on last night.

I don’t want to talk about it.

Why not?

Everyone else is.

He got bonus points.



Yeah, for the score.

Ten because you’re new

and ten because
you’re a virgin.

At least, he said
you were a virgin.

What are you talking about?

Hi, tiff.

Did you
sleep well?

( Chuckling )

Guess not.

( Laughing )

You know, Harley

she could have

thanked you
for the ride home.

After the ride
she gave me

it was the least
I could do.

Tommy, Edie didn’t come back
last night.

Where is she?

How should I know?

You were with her.

I saw you on the beach.

Hmm, no, no.

It must have been
somebody else.

Ow, you’re hurting me.

She wasn’t with me,

All right.

Who loves you,

What’s going on, Tommy?

We were together last night,
the three of us, all night.

And none of us saw Edie.

Oh, god.

We sat around the fire

had a few beers, and that’s it.


Or would you rather say
you were raping Tiffany?


Go long.

The both of you, go long.

Go on, shoo.


I’m just calling in

to see how the poor people
are living.


As well as can be expected.

You sound down.

No, it’ll pass.

Come on, what’s up?

We found a dead floater
this morning on Winston beach.


Yeah, of course.

So, you on it?

No, it’s Hastings and McConnell.

How long is your little vacation
going to last?


Hey, I’m working my...
Butt off here.

( Women laughing )

So I can hear.

I didn’t pick the spot,
the Colombians did.

Well, I’m sure
you’ll tough it out.

So how’s cap treating you?

With the usual disdain.

Speaking of which,
I got to go.

All right.

Miss you.

So, got an I.D.
On that girl on the beach.

Uh, Edie Flynn,
years old

M.E. Puts time of death
at last night.

Cause of death:

She’d been physically
and sexually assaulted.

She was a student
at the Bayshore school.

You know that school?

It’s an exclusive
private school. Why?

Anybody down there know you?

No, why?

Hastings and McConnell
went there.

You were right about
that beach party.

They questioned
a lot of kids

and nobody
saw nothing.

Everybody made sure
their stories were straight.

That’s too bad.

But like you said,
it’s not my case, so...

We have to send somebody
in undercover.

Hastings and McConnell
are already made...

You want me to go in.


I would like to pass on this.

It really bothered me
this morning.

Well, I’m sorry, Miss Lance

but I can’t afford the luxury
of indulging you.

You’re the best shot
I got, so suit up.

All right.

I’m not going to
send you in alone.

Got to get somebody
to pose as a teacher.

You know, Lorenzo
would have been perfect.

Too bad you loaned him to narco.

What about Osheroff?

You’ve got to be kidding me.

Osheroff doesn’t
have the nerve for it.

Rita, what nerve?

These are
high school kids

not drug cartel

And one or more of them
may be K*llers, captain.

Osheroff is out.

Ronson, huh?

Ronson is about a week away
from retirement.

I do know one person
who would be perfect.



I couldn’t think
of a better authority figure.

You would make
a great teacher, captain.

Hmm, hmm, no.

It’s been

Undercover was never
my strong suit.

Don’t have the subtlety for it.

No, no.

Okay, I’ll go in alone.

No, you won’t.


You’re coming with me?

Okay, I’ll pull
the necessary strings.


Oh, here.

This is Hastings’
interview notes.

There’s a girl
in there, Tiffany Cole.

The victim’s

She seemed shaky

maybe afraid to talk.

Could be a good starting place.

Okay... partner.

Don’t park that
next to my Porsche.

I don’t want it
to catch your rust.

You call that
a paint job?

That car must be
older than you.

I’ll give you
five grand

so I can push it
off a cliff.

You got a problem
with my car, son?

Nothing a little paint
wouldn’t fix, pops.

Check it out.

She is hot.


Why don’t you kids

stick to bubble gum
and pom-poms?

She’s a little old
for you.

Still a lot
of good reading

in old books.

Hi, Sandra.

No smoking on campus.

What are you going to do?

Arrest me for smoking?

The lady said
don’t smoke.



I’m Sandra Thomas.

You must be
the substitutes.

Rita Michaels, hi.

I am interested
in class today.


I’ll walk you
to the faculty lounge.

The Dean has
your assignments.


Bye, Sandra.

Bye, Sandra.
Bye, Sandra.

Who were those
jokers, anyway?

Bayshore’s B.M.O.C.S.

Just your usual
sons of riches.

So, welcome to Bayshore.

You drew a bad day
to substitute.

Is there ever
a good day?

One of our girls was m*rder*d

at a beach party Friday night.

I read about that.

You think one
of the students did it?

The police don’t.

They asked a few questions,
then left.

Our students are good kids.

But there a few
that make it hard on everyone.

Like those clowns
in the paring lot.

Yes, they call themselves
the head 'n' tail club.

What does that mean?

You sure ask a lot of questions.

Oh, yeah,
it’s my inquiring mind.

You should see me
at the supermarket.

Can’t keep my hands

off the tabloids.

The dean’s waiting
for you in there.


Your subtle...

Definitely needs work.

( School bell rings )

I bet some
homeless creep did it.

Edie probably
asked for it.

She was a slut, anyway.

She was not!

You’re the slut.

( Meowing )
Cat fight.

Look who’s talking.

Excuse me.

I’m Miss Michaels.

I’m filling in
for Mr. Komecki.

Oh, thank god.

My prayers
have been answered.

I don’t know how he ran things

but while I’m here
you will keep quiet.

And you will not
open your mouths.

I would like to see
the two young ladies

who called
each other sluts

here after
school today.

I am not up to speed
on Mr. Komecki’s lesson plan.

What were you studying?

Safe sex?

He was going
to demonstrate a condom.

That’s cute.

Mr. Komecki keeps
his lesson plan

in the desk drawer.

Thank you.

( Giggling )

This is just great.

Maybe she isn’t going to show.

Hell, no,
I didn’t scare her off.

Here she comes.

Ah, a man
who enjoys his work.

I was afraid you
went south on me.

Not a bad idea.

So, what did
your jefe say?

We have a deal.

Okay, when and where?

All in due time.

Let’s go back to my room

and consummate our deal.

Uh, this puppy
isn’t consummated

until cash meets stash.

You have something
against a good time?

No, I recently
got engaged.

I take that
very seriously.

Oh, morals.

What an interesting concept.

I could throw you
a bachelor party.

I’d have to think
about it.

Then I’ll have to think

about the keys
of Blueflake.

It’s up to you.

You know my room number.

I didn’t call you here
to discipline you.

You stood up
for a friend

and I admire that.

They all seemed so cruel.

Like they don’t care
Edie died.

This is hard for you,
isn’t it?

I remember
when I was your age.

New schools,
new friends, it’s hard.

Why do they treat you
like a leper?

Maybe if you talked
about the night Edie died

it might help you.

I really don’t want to.

That was
the hardest part for me--

not having anybody to talk to.

Just tell me how
you’re feeling.

It won’t go beyond this room.

I promise.

Tommy went with Edie
down the beach.

That was the last I saw her.

Have you talked
to Tommy Brophy about this?

He says he wasn’t even there.

Do you believe him?

I know it was Tommy.

Edie had a thing for him.

Tiffany, how did
you get the bruises

on your arms?

I... I can’t say.

Tiffany, you’re alone
and you’re obviously hurting.

Maybe I can
help you.

You promise
you won’t tell anyone?

Not a soul.

Harley Eastlake r*ped me.

By the time I got back,
I figured Edie had gone home.

Are you willing to tell
the police Harley r*ped you?

No, please.

My dad would blame me for this.

I understand.

You know,
it blew me away

when I found out
they got points

for every girl
they made it with.

They get points?

That’s why Newman
and luanna were watching

like witnesses.

if you ask them

they’d say
I begged for it.

I know it’s hard right now,
but it will pass.

If you ever want
to talk to anyone

I want you
to come to me.


Thanks, Miss Michaels.

I do feel a lot better.


Send luanna in now, okay?

She wants
to see you.

Who I sleep with
isn’t your business.

You want the world to know

you’ve slept
with that entire club?

I haven’t been here
an entire day

and that’s all
I’ve heard

talking about.

Kids said you were
with Tommy and Edie

the night she died.

That’s not true.

So just Tommy was with Edie?



If you think Tommy had
anything to do with k*lling Edie

you’re crazy.

what does this have to do

with calling
Tiffany Cole a slut?

I already apologized to her.

Okay, you can go, luanna.

You know,
but it seems to me

you have picked
one hard easy way

to become popular.

Gee, I’ll write that
on my mirror

so I can read it over and over
on Saturday night.

Miss Michaels.


We got off
on the wrong foot

and I wanted
to apologize.

Don’t bother, Tommy.

I was out of line.

It wasn’t just you.

All of them jump
through your hoop.

Leadership runs
in my family.

You have all the answers.

I know I can be sort
of a jerk sometimes.

The guys kind of
expect it of me.

But it’s like I’m trying to be

what everyone expects me to be.

It’s like
I’m living

this role
over and over

and I guess the point
of all this, Miss Michaels

is that I’m searching
for some sort of purpose.

That’s why I wanted
to apologize.

And to see if we could
start over again.

This is very touching, Tommy.

Let’s see
how you act in class.

If you can get your

loudmouth compadres
under control

then I might believe you.

You got a deal.

I’ll hold you to it.

You were hitting on her.

What’s your problem?

I know you’re
this big-deal stud

but she’s so old.

What makes you think

I give a damn what you think?

Would you be so horny for her

if I told you she was a cop?

Yeah, she is.

You would say anything
to have me.

And if you
don’t button it

you might get
the same thing Edie got.

I see I have your attention.

There’s a luanna Baskin
in every school.

In mine,
it was Tina Ackerman.

But for every luanna

there’s about
a dozen Tiffanys.

I know because
I was one of them.


You know, locker rooms
haven’t changed at all.

All the kiss
and can’t wait to tell.

By the way...


You know what
the latest hot topic

in the Bayshore
locker room is?

Eastlake’s heroic
conquest, Tiffany?

No, it’s you.


I was eavesdropping.

It seems you’re worth points
and Brophy’s going for it.

Newman’s taking side bets
that he’s going to make it.

That little bastard.

You know, it’s all
starting to make sense.

He got a little friendly
with me

this afternoon.

Good, maybe you can use it.

Let him
come on to you

then you
get a little friendly back.

So how am I supposed
to get past a gag reflex?

No, let him think he’s
getting somewhere with you.

Get him talking
about his conquests

maybe he’ll
let something drop.

I told you
I was sorry.

Hi, Sandra.

Tommy, please,
we have to talk.

Uh-oh, guys,
sounds like somebody

might have missed
her period again.

Get a life,

It’ll just
take a second.

Okay, sure.

You’ll make
great parents.

Tommy, birth control.

It’s the ’s.

I don’t know
what happened

with you and Edie,
and I don’t care

but use your head,
of course they’d send

a cop in here.

Luanna, you try
and sh**t down every babe--

damn it, Tommy

will you
think about it?

You should have heard
the way she was hammering us

questioning us
about that night on the beach.

She’s an undercover cop.

That bitch.


Well, what
did you say?

Nothing, Tommy,
you should know that.

and Tiffany?

I didn’t really
hear much of it.

Don’t lie to me, luanna.

She told her
about me and Edie

didn’t she?

Didn’t she?




All right.

You’re a good girl.

Now, the statistics have
changed over the last few years.

Today more women
are showing up HIV Positive

than ever before.

So don’t think
it can’t happen to you.

It’s your responsibility

to protect

( Bell rings )

That’s it.

I must say today was
an improvement over yesterday.

That was great, Miss Michaels.

I got a lot out of class today.

Well, that’s good, Tommy.


yeah, so, uh...

Did I uphold
my end of the bargain?

Yes, you did, and I must
say I’m pleasantly surprised.

Well, good.

Um, listen, would it be
all right if we had lunch?


Well, you just seem

like somebody
I could talk to, and...

I need to talk
to somebody right now

besides the dinks
I usually hang with.


I don’t see any harm in that.

Sure, okay.

Good. Uh... thanks.



What do you want?

( Sighs )

I know we’re never
going to be tight buds

but Edie liked you
so I guess you’re all right.

I’m going
to be late for class.

Just watch
yourself, okay?

Stay away from Tommy
and his crew.

What are you
talking about?

( Sighs )

Tommy knows
that you told Miss Michaels

what happened
that night.

Oh, no.

How could he?

Just watch
yourself, okay?

A cop?

in deep trouble.

Let’s relax, guys.

It’s not like
luanna saw her badge.

We don’t know
she’s a cop.

You want
to roll the dice, Newman?

We’ve got a lot
to lose here.

What are we
going to do?

( Sighs )

I don’t know.

Look, we’re all
in this together.

The cops can’t prove anything
if you keep your mouths shut.

Tiffany could put me away
for r*pe if she talks.

Hmm... she won’t.

Trust me.

Look, we’ve got to deal
with Miss Michaels

or whoever
she is.


Maybe we’ll give her
the same send-off party

I gave Edie.


Miss Michaels.



Are you okay?

I’m fine.

It’s nothing.

Well, it must be something.

Do you want to talk about it?


Maybe later, okay?

I don’t feel good,
I’m going to go lay down.

So anyway,
they just left me there

and I had to walk home.

Sounds like
you deserved it.

I guess I did at that.

You have a way
of cutting through it all.

You know that?

I know this will sound
a little corny

but I hear these doors
opening for me

that I didn’t
even know were slammed shut.

Well, I’m glad
I can help you.

I have a great idea.


Oh, no.

You won’t.

I won’t what?

Do you think we could
see each other away from here?

See each other?

I mean, not like a date
or anything, okay?

I get so much
out of talking to you

that, uh...

Do think we could
go to the beach tonight?

I’ll bring a picnic

we’ll sit by the fire

look at the stars.

That pretty much
sounds like a date to me.

No, just to talk, okay?

Away from here.

I, uh...

I have some things that are...

Bothering me

and you just seem like
somebody that I could talk to.

What kinds of things, Tommy?

I did something recently that...

( Sighs )

I’m not too proud of.

And it would
do me a lot of good

to just get it
off my chest.

I’ll think about it.


Thank you.

I couldn’t ask
for more than that.

So you really think this punk
is going to cop to a m*rder?

I don’t know

but it’s worth a shot.

What about backup?

Well, I wish you were there

but I’ll wear a wire

and Lipschitz won’t be far.

I don’t like the sound of this.

These guys
have to be taken down.

I’m looking forward
to doing this personally.

Okay, I--
no, listen, Steve

I’ll call you back, baby.
I hear you, bye.

I really thought
you’d come to my room.

I’ve been too busy
checking out other sources.

Well, that
won’t be necessary.

I’ve been
instructed to tell you

we can consummate our deal
this afternoon.


In the back
of the hotel.

My jefe wants to make
the exchange personally.

I’ll be there.

Maybe afterwards
we can celebrate.



( Knock at door )

Who is it?

You scream and I will
break your neck.

We have to talk, tiff.

Someplace nice and quiet.


I’m taking my hand
away now, okay?

You won’t make
me hurt you,
will you, tiff?

Can I...
Can I call you tiff?

Please don’t hurt me.

Oh, no.

No, I just want to talk.

Yeah, but not here.

Someplace special.

You know this little beach party
Brophy has in mind?


It’s about getting you
to open up, not him.

Most guys will tell you
anything you want to hear

for the big score.

If I give him enough rope

maybe he’ll talk himself
into a noose.

( Screaming )

Oh, no, who is that?

Who is it, really?

Somebody call !

How’s she doing?

Doesn’t look good,
she’s in a coma.

You hear anything?

I checked in
with Hastings and McConnell.


They found damage to the lock
and doorjamb in her room

they found signs of a struggle
but no su1c1de note.

Maybe that’s
because m*rder victims

don’t write
su1c1de notes.

She was thrown
off that roof.

The only mystery is how many
of those bastards were in on it.

Well, two of them
had very solid motives.

Eastlake, the kid
that r*ped her

and Tommy Brophy.

Tiffany saw him
with Edie Flynn that night.

She broke the code of silence
by telling you.

If she talked once,
she could talk again.

How could they know she told us?

Maybe she confided in somebody.

No, no, Edie
was her only friend.

No way Tiffany would
talk to anybody about it.

( Sighing )

Luanna Baskin.

She was outside
the classroom

when I talked
to Tiffany.

She must have listened
at the door and told Tommy.

Let me tell you something.

This case ain’t
going to make it, Rita.

Unless we come up
with a witness

that saw somebody up there
on the roof with her.

We’re just sucking
wind, that’s it.

I’m not letting these punks
get away with this.

Any changes?

She hasn’t
regained consciousness.

We’re trying
to reach her father

somewhere in Europe.

Damn it, such a waste.

She has her whole life
ahead of her.

Your little friend

might as well have pushed her
off the roof himself.

My little friend--
what are you talking about?

Tommy Brophy.

I saw you eating lunch with him.

We all did.

I’m just trying to reach him.

Something happened on the beach
she couldn’t live with.

Tommy and his g*ng
were there.

You figure it out.

How many points
do you think she was worth?

( Giggling )


Hey, hey, hey.

Aren’t you glad
to see me? Huh?


Please, Tommy,
just let me go.

I won’t say
anything, I swear.

Oh, okay, all right.

You don’t think
I had anything to do

with tiff’s half-gainer
off the roof, do you?

Because that,
that would hurt my feelings

and when I hurt

I hurt back.

Damn it, Harley,
he’s out of control.

We’ve got
to go to the cops.

I’ll go down
for r*pe, man.

It’s m*rder
if Tiffany dies.

We know she didn’t jump,
Tommy pushed her.

If Miss Michael’s a cop,
she’ll figure it out.

Keep your mouth shut.
You understand?

( Books tumble to floor )

That was terrible,
what happened

to Tiffany.

Yeah, it’s terrible.

There’s just
no telling

about some people, I guess.

No, no telling.

Look, maybe this
isn’t a good time.

But, um...

Have you given
any more thought to tonight?


Yeah, you know, the beach?

Oh, um...

Look, I’m sorry,
with everything that’s happened

it kind of slipped my mind.

Do you have other plans?

No, um...

Actually it might
do me some good

to get away for a while.

Uh, great, I’ll bring
the champagne and the food.

Paradise cove, :?

That sounds really nice, Tommy.


It’s been a pleasure
doing business with you.

Maybe now we can

just do pleasure.

Your room or mine?

Mine, but
it’s a little small

and the room service sucks.

( Police sirens )

Up against the car!

You’re not engaged.


It’s a sad day when I can’t
even get a narc in the sack.

Sweetheart, you
weren’t even close.

Damn it, Tommy, it’s :,
what if she doesn’t show up?

Will you shut up?

She thinks I’m going
to spill my guts, she’ll show.

So when do we
make our move?

When I douse the fire

with the ice bucket.

Now, will you just shut up?

All right, here she is

buckle down.

Can you hear me?

Yeah, like you were next to me.


Newman and Eastlake

are hidden in the dunes

about feet north
of the fire-- wait a minute.

They got luanna Baskin
with them.

Where are you?

North of the parking lot.

Listen, Rita...

As soon as you start
towards the fire

this tape goes on autopilot
and I’ll follow you in.

Okay, I’m going to take you
out of my ear now.

Wait, it’s not too late
to change your mind.

This is crazy.

Shut up.

Here’s to a night

neither of us will ever forget.



Tommy, no! Tommy, don’t--


( Groaning )

She hit me in the head
when I got out of the Jeep.

I’m placing you under arrest.

Lie still,
you’ll be fine.

I’ll be all right.

But that crazy bitch
will be locked away.

( Laughing )

But not me,
huh, cop?

You’ve got nothing on me.

Absolutely nothing.

Too bad it went down this way,
I would have liked to--

shut your mouth,

( Laughing )

Over here, she shot them.

Who loves
you, babe?

They’re alive,
cancel backup, get an ambulance.

Look, luanna
you got to help us.

Make him pay
for what he’s done.

Don’t let him
get away with this.

She’s got nothing
to say to you, cop.

Nothing at all.

Make him pay for it.

He k*lled Edie

and pushed Tiffany
off the roof, he told me.


( Groaning )

School’s out, Tommy.

How did Tommy
get to you, Sandra?

Every teacher dreams
of making a difference.

That if you can
turn a few kids around

it makes it all worth it.

I sought out the problem kids.

I was going
to reach out to them.

And you reached out
to Tommy Brophy?

I was such a fool.

He seduced you.

It was on the beach.

Same blanket...

Same ice bucket.

He was telling me
about his life

how he’d been
abused as a child.

How nobody ever thought
he was good enough.

How nobody ever believed in him

until now.

Until me.

We made love
and I knew it was wrong.

Somehow it seemed okay.

Until I
looked up...

And saw them in the rocks
above us, watching.

Did you go to the Dean?

Tell him what?

I thought about quitting

but this
is my first teaching job.

So I decided

to get through it somehow.

The day I found out
I was worth points...

I couldn’t stop vomiting.

But I was determined
to stick it out.

And then Edie died.

And today, Tiffany?

It was just too much,
something snapped.

I saw you

for his line
of crap

and I thought,

This has to stop.

Somebody has to do something.

You chose the wrong something

to do, Sandra.

But I know exactly
how you feel.