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03x16 - The Scarlet Shadow

Posted: 10/07/23 19:25
by bunniefuu
( Siren wailing )

( Metal clanging )

( Grunts )

( Grunting )


Come on.

He got my g*n.

Not quite.

Close enough.


I’m just waiting
for the other shoe to drop.

This is the other shoe,

Come on.

This is just a little
periodic review

of your manual
self-defense skills

that’s all.

It has nothing to do

with the suspect
taking my g*n away?

Not officially, no.

Not unless you’d prefer it
that way.

( Belches )

Ever have crustacean

: this morning

I was pale green
and puffed up like a blowfish.

Just now getting
my cheekbones back.

We all had
a bad night, captain.

Yeah, okay.

The point is

we all have to learn

to keep our levels of stress
low this morning.

And you two can
help me out there.

Rita, you’ll have
to requalify sooner or later.

So the deputy chief
said "sooner"-- big deal.

Maybe someday it’ll even
save your life, huh?

The situation never
got out of control.

He never got her g*n.

I was on him
like velcro.

I know that.

In the order of things
I have to fight for

( loudly ):
This is...

( Quietly ):
... Not at the top of my list.


Even if you do it
as a favor to me

do it, will you?


Delta group, ten hut!

Sound off, zero.

Delta recruit

Lance, Rita, sir...

( Both laughing )



It’s great
to see you.

I would have thought

you would have
a few more wrinkles by now.

Oh, they’re all
on the inside, honey.

Ah, is that why they call it
internal affairs?

Well, it’s not all
glamour and romance.

And what about you, huh?

Miss homicide calendar girl?

Hey, you watch it, red.

Is it my fault
that you look so good?

If you don’t look too close.

What are you doing here?

Same thing you are.

Self-defense tune-up.

Yours got scheduled
a little suddenly.

How’d you hear about that
so soon?

I’m I.A.D.

I know everything.



You’re late,
inspector curry.

You were due for
tactical review half hour ago.

I got tied up

But I’ve got that
tactical stuff covered.

You better hope so.

What have we got here?

Sergeant Laura Dozier,
Sergeant Rita Lance.

Oh, yeah.

The prima Donna
with the greasy g*n hand.

Surprised they still let you
carry that thing.

Downstairs, ladies.

Five minutes.

She for real?

A little too real,
I’m afraid.

You ain’t seen
nothing yet.


( Grunting )

( Blows whistle )

Today’s final exercise

is a full-contact
attack-and-defend maneuver.

This is your basic
eight-inch stiletto.

And by that,
I don’t mean a high heel.


your objective is to score
three times with the knife.

Make solid contact
with your opponent’s upper body.

Defenders-- keep that
from happening.

Your objective is to disarm
and neutralize the attacker.

Lance, curry--
please demonstrate.

I’m watching you.

Is anyone going to say
"one, two, three, go"?



Point for the takedown.


One more
and you’re history, Lance.

Point for the disarm.

( Grunts )


You’re dead, sergeant.

You mad at me?

No, you just did

what you were supposed
to do, right?

I got lucky.

Besides, this has nothing
to do with real life.

Yeah, tell that
to Sergeant Dozier.

We have lives.

That padded room,
that’s all she’s got.

She exists to make
our lives a living hell.

Yeah, well, she’s doing
a bang-up job.

I don’t want
it to be months

before we see
each other again, okay?

In fact, you got
any plans for dinner?


You mean tonight?

Uh-huh-- no plans.

No plans means no man.

Doesn’t I.A. Have files
on that stuff?

I haven’t read
yours lately.

Were you going

to throw something
in the microwave?

Well, yeah, actually.

You owe yourself a good dinner

and I’m going to make sure
you get one.

Look, Robin, I appreciate it,
but I can’t.

Look, Rita,
there’s something

I need to talk to you about,
something big.

Take me up on dinner,
would you?

Okay, all right,
dinner sounds great.


My place at :.

Sure, okay.

It’s good to hang
with you, zero--

even under
the conditions.

Got to go.

Okay, see you later.

He was a lot older...

More experienced than I was.

That was the
original attraction.

But I can’t really say

I was ever turned on
by him physically.

I guess he started
to figure that out

a few years back

because that’s when he started
nailing his secretary.

So, there’s been nobody
serious since then?

No, with the job
and all...


I feel like I’ve been
talking all night.

No, not at all.

It’s just nice
to have somebody
to talk to.

You get selective
about who you talk to

when you work
internal affairs.

Well, guess it goes
with the territory, huh?

If I’d known
what I was getting into

I don’t think

I would have gone
into I.A.D.

So, what’s a nice girl like you
doing single and unattached?

Well, um, like you say,
the job and all.


Want some more?

Ah, no, thank you,
I got to drive home.

Spend the night.

There’s plenty of room.

Ah, no, listen, I got
to get some sleep.

Besides, I have never slept well
in strange beds.

Never been a problem for me.

When you invited
me here tonight

you said you wanted to talk
to me about something.

Something big,
you said.


I love this view.


All the lights.

Is it something
about the job?

Isn’t everything?

I can’t talk
about it, Rita.

I thought if I could talk
about it with anybody

it would be with you.

But now I know I...

I just can’t put you
in danger unnecessarily.

If you need me
it’s not unnecessary.

I hear you.


It’s all going to be
over soon, anyway.

I had fun.

Me, too.


( Shutter snaps )

If you ever want
to talk about it

call me, okay?


It means a lot.

I’ll see you later.

Good night.

( Phone rings )


You’ve got to get up, zero,
and get down here fast.

Robin, what is it?

You said if I needed you--
I need you now.

Canal street and west palm,
a place called banks.

Well, what’s the problem?

Just hurry.

( Loud rock 'n' roll playing )

What can I get you?

Um, club soda,
straight up, please.

We call that
a designated driver.

Big seller these days.

$., refill’s
on the house.

Here you go.

So, um, how you stay
in business?

It’s pretty quiet.

It clears out
when the band leaves.

I haven’t seen you before.

Actually, I’m looking
for somebody-- my sister.

Honey, if she looked like you,
I’d remember.

She, uh, has light hair,
she’s about my height

usually wears
her hair up.

There was a girl in here
when the band was here.

Don’t see her
around now, though.

All right, thanks.


I am the only guy
in this club.

Yeah, I, uh, picked up
on that, too.

So where’s Robin?

That is definitely
the operative question.

I haven’t seen her.

Your brother?


Some girls were
going to the --.

Your sister had a drink
with them at one point.

Maybe she went
with them.

What’s the --?

Motel down the street.

A real dump, but they book
by the hour after midnight.

You hustle over there

you might make
the : a.m. bed check.

Sounds appealing.

:, ladies.

Time to clean them out
for the next shift.

Are you sure you don’t
remember her?

Light hair, a little
taller than me.

No light hair,

You want a room?

What do you think,

Rise and shine,

This is very


Important to you

but I got sheets
to change.

Housekeeping, come on.

Wake up.

Ahh-- god.


She was
definitely strangled

with the stocking.

No evidence
of penetration.

Any bruises
on the wrists?

No noticeable trauma,
no tissue damage.

Either those cuffs went
on consensually or...

She was k*lled
and then cuffed.

I know she’s a friend.

If you need anything...

Thanks, Diana.

We got
a problem here.

A little too clean.

Yeah, bugging you, too?

I can’t tell you
how bugged I am.

Lance, Lorenzo, I need you now!

What is that smell?

Oh, it’s medicinal tea.

My doctor told me
to drink it.

It’s good
for digestion.

Damn, I guess
it’s working.


Listen, we got
a problem here.

This case crosses
every line we’ve got.

And that’s before
you factor in

your personal
involvement, Lance.

I know I can be
objective, captain.

Uh-uh, save it, sergeant.

Special investigations
is handling this case.

Detectives from S.I.
Are on their way.

I thought S.I. Was
into political corruption.

They come in when cases
put the department at risk

because of their
sensitive nature.

This one qualifies
on all fronts.

( Phone rings )

Yeah, okay, send them in.

Now, look, they’re here.

Whatever happens,
can’t we all just get along?

Captain Lipschitz?

come in.

What died in here?

It’s the tea, all right?

I’m Sergeant Steele.

This is
Sergeant Wilcox.

I figure you
for Lance and Lorenzo.

You figured right.

We appreciate
how tough it is

to deal
with outsiders.

But we demand
total cooperation.

You’re not going
to demand anything.

Hey, hey, ho.

We all want the same things.


that’s not
always the case.

Lorenzo, would
you excuse us?

No, I won’t.

I’m one of the officers
of record.

You’re not
the last known person

to see Robin
curry alive.

We need to debrief
your partner.

Got it?

Tell us exactly what transpired

between you and Robin curry
at her home last night.

We had dinner.

That’s all?

I don’t know what you mean.

Did you do anything else?

Yeah, we talked.

About what, exactly?

About her ex-husband,
some old w*r stories, the job.

What specifically about the job?

How it destroys
your personal life.

About what she was working on?


She said there was something big

she wanted
to talk about.


We never talked about it.

She couldn’t talk about it.

She didn’t want
to expose me to danger.

And nothing more
until she called?


I told her
if she did want to talk

I would be there.

The two of you
were quite close then?

We used to be
kind of like best friends.

We went
to college together

the academy.

But the job pulled us apart.

But evidently,
she confided in you last night.

Evidently, she didn’t.

We never talked about it.

Sergeant Lance,
are you a lesbian?



Were you involved
with Robin curry?

I will not listen to this!

Direct Sergeant Lance

to answer
the question!

Robin curry was k*lled
because she knew something.

This lesbian crap
is a smoke screen.

Who had the most to gain

by not only seeing her dead
but also destroyed?

That’s what we’re
trying to find out.


You haven’t answered
my question.


( Door slams )

Rita, what
happened in there?

You don’t
want to know.

I do want to know.

Those two cartoons
accused me

of sleeping
with Robin curry.

Wait up.

Give Wilcox and Steele
a lot of room.

They can make
trouble for you.

I’m going home,
take a bath

and try to get
a little sleep.

But if you get
any bright ideas

about doing
your own investigation

you promise
to call me?

To talk me
out of it?

No, so I can help.

Or, at least, cover for you.

Look, I’m sorry.

I got bent out
of shape.

It’s not like
you don’t have a reason.

Keep you posted, okay?

What’ll it be, honey?

I’ll have
the designated driver.

From last night, right?

Yeah, $., right?

Here you go.

Keep the change.

Did you ever find
your sister last night?

No, I got scared when I heard
about that m*rder.

It’s all anybody’s
talking about.

A little sl*ve game
gone ballistic, I hear.

It wasn’t
your sister, right?

No, I checked
with the cops.

I still need
to find her.

Do you remember anybody
who talked to her last night?

See the sexy number
on the dance floor?

That’s Annie.

I’m pretty sure
she had a drink

with your sister
last night.


Can I buy you
a drink?

You can buy me
anything you want.

You got a name?


I’m Annie.

You looking
for something special?

Actually, I’m looking
for somebody.

Everybody’s looking
for somebody.

I’m looking
for my sister.

You had a drink
with her last night.

You looking
for anything else?

Maybe I could be
your sister.

My life is already
too complicated.

Boy, I heard that.

If you change your mind.

Tell me about your sister.

She’s taller than I am.

She has light hair.

Really pretty brown eyes?


Annie, wait, wait.

Yeah, that’s her.

Did you talk to her?

Not for long.

She had
to meet somebody.

Did she ever
meet that person?

Yeah, later,
a girl came.

Long blonde hair,
muscular arms

like a body
builder, maybe?

They were over
in the corner arguing.

Do you think if you saw
this person again

you’d recognize

Now, that’s
a cop question.

I was hoping
to skirt that detail.

You’re not looking
for your sister.

No, I’m not.

This have anything
to do

with that m*rder
last night?

Yes... yes, it does.

Don’t know anything.

Didn’t see anybody.



( Camera shutter clicking )

Pain compliance.

A category which falls

well within the second level
of force escalation.




And it looks nice and humane
on videotape.

Officer Williams?

What’s the purpose
of pain compliance?

To gain control of subject
through the use of force

selectively applied.


Torque and pressure
to specific points

in the wrist, elbow,
shoulder, ankle or knee.

Very good,
officer Williams.

The use of force

selectively applied.

Pay attention,
Sergeant Lance.

What’s funny?

Not the fact
that this detective was
disarmed by a suspect

or that she and her partner
might have been k*lled

’cause she couldn’t
handle the case.

I now have the subject
under complete control

while exerting
a minimum of energy.

But as soon as the subject
begins to struggle--

( quietly ):

So you can break my arm?


( Groaning )

Maximum compliance

minimum force.

Get the idea,
Sergeant Lance?

Yeah, I think I do.

Go ahead, struggle.

That’s enough, Lance.

Go ahead.

Very good, Lance.

Class dismissed.

Any time you want
to dance, sergeant

you just call the tune.

One of our operatives
had the place

under surveillance.

I tried to stay home and sit
on my hands, but I couldn’t


Not okay.

Not after you’ve
been taken off the case.

What did you find?

Possible witness.

Girl named Annie

who saw Robin arguing

with a muscular woman
with long blond hair.

Wait, wait,
wait a minute.

And you didn’t see fit
to share this information

with Wilcox and Steele
until now?

I left messages for them

to call me back
last night.

Consider this
our call back.

Where’s your witness?

She did a quick vanishing act.



She pegged me for a cop.

She pegged you
for a cop.
Oh, god.

Captain, we’re going

to file formal charges
for interfering

with our investigation.

Isn’t that a little
over the top?

Before Robin curry was m*rder*d

she was the subject
of an S.I. Investigation.

Why, because you thought
she was a lesbian?

We couldn’t care less
about that

except as it applies
to the case.

But since it does apply,
yes, she was.

She was up to here

in criminal conspiracy

grand larceny
and extortion.

We conducted
a sting operation last year.

Final score?

Five officers indicted for dr*gs
and conspiracy charges.

Two major coke dealers
out of the game for good.

Except for one thing.

When the cash bag
gets to court

it’s light
about grand.

Robin curry figured
as the prime suspect.

No way.

No matter what you say
about Robin

one thing she wasn’t
is a bad cop.

You have
some intimate personal knowledge

you’d like to share with us?

What is it with you?

What exactly
are you looking for here?

Supposedly I was
robin’s lover, is that it?

Maybe she told me
where the money is?

Maybe I k*lled her.

Come on, get a grip,
will you, Lance?

You left yourself
wide open

when you blew out that witness
last night.

And you two,
you better have more

than attitudes
backing you up.

Since you mentioned it...

No, you didn’t k*ll her.

But we have a pretty good
idea who did--

Sergeant Laura Dozier.

Apparently she was
teaching Robin curry

more than self-defense.

We ex*cuted a search warrant
at her house today

when we knew
you’d both be occupied.

We found evidence.

Letters, personal diary

photographs that link
Robin curry and Laura Dozier

as longtime lovers.

We also discovered
a locked closet

S&M paraphernalia:

Gags, restraints, whips

and sundry sexual toys.


We have a warrant
for her arrest.

We also found this.

So what?

It’s a good night hug.

Yeah, anybody
can see that, why?

It was taken
by Laura Dozier

just hours before
Robin curry’s m*rder.

We know that you
didn’t k*ll her, Lance.

The love affair
had gone bad.

Dozier was desperately trying
to get Robin back.

Then you came
into the picture--

wham, she snapped
and k*lled her.

But since you scared off
the only witness

we might not
be able to prove that.

I’m recommending
that Sergeant Lance

be placed on
administrative leave

until we conclude.

You’re kidding.

No, I’m not done yet.

I’m also going to recommend
psychological evaluation

and full personal
history review.

So, now I am not only a lesbian,
but I am nuts?

Rita, calm down, okay?

Would you two excuse us
just for one minute, please?

Just one minute.

I’m on to you, Lance.

I am not going
to take this crap, captain.


One of the things
you learn when you get older:

You got to manage your stress.

in this business.

Does this have a point?

It’s take the path
of least resistance, Rita.

Go home.

Take some time.

Take a vacation.

You’ll come back,
this whole thing is over.

Psych evaluation.

Personal review, captain.

These things do not

just blow away.

Let me work that out for you.

But you got to trust me.

Lay low.

Give me some room

to help you, please.

I don’t know if I can do that.

( TV playing )

( Knocking at door )

Who is it?

Who you think?

Smells like I got here
not a moment too soon.

I don’t remember
inviting you.

You didn’t have to.

I came to save you
from yourself.

Ah, a little lettuce...

So how much do you know?

Well, the cap pretty much
brought me up to speed.

You know
this is no way

to solve your problems.

If they think I’m going
to let a department-issue shrink

show me pictures of naked ladies

to see if I
get turned on...

Everybody thinks
that’s ludicrous.

You got any olive oil?


Thank you.

You know, I’ve been thinking.

I mean, maybe this is it,
the last straw, you know?

I’ve been
thinking seriously

about making a career change
while I’m still young enough.

Like hell.

Who’s going to take care of me?


I won’t let you
throw your life away

because some hard cases

gave you
a bad time.

You’re going to fight.


You go upstairs

go get some clothes on

or you’ll never see
this sandwich again.


Wilcox and Steele were
the original primary detectives.

Now, the case was handed over
to IAD And Robin curry

then the bad guys
told the D.A.

That the cash bag
was short by grand.

Right, money
never recovered

and there’s no mention of Robin
as a possible suspect, either.

That would be
in her S.I. File, which...

Is blocked.

And robin’s personal log

is also blocked.

They cover all the bases.

So Wilcox and Steele
just say Robin stole the money.

She wouldn’t do that
in a million years.

I buy it, I buy it.

You know something?

Let’s just say Wilcox
and Steele stole the money

and Robin was on to them.

Yeah, they’d want
to get rid of her.


They would do it in such a way
they could control

her m*rder investigation.

And this whole
lesbian m*rder scandal

guaranteed the case
would get kicked back

to S.I.

These people come in
from the outside

they get us lost
in this whole lesbian scandal

nobody sees
how they’re getting set up.

( Phone rings )

Yeah, Lorenzo.

Okay, I’ll be there.


Going to be
a long night.

They just found
Laura Dozier.

She hung herself.

We’re in control here,

The question is,
whose control?

I don’t know
what that means, Lance

but I do know
this is the last place

you should
be right now.


Tied off the rope,
used her own handcuffs

pressed the down button.

You found her?

We came to arrest her
for the m*rder of Robin curry.

What, no tell-all su1c1de note

left conveniently
in the typewriter?

We need to talk.

Woman-to-woman, out here.

She said

Make it fast, Lance.

This will only
take a second.

I think you’re doing
a bang-up job covering up.

Very tight,
very, very clever.

Oh, is this your latest
conspiracy theory?

You can sell it on talk shows
when your career’s finished.

I know you stole
the $,.

Robin was on to you,
so you took her out.

You devise this whole
lesbian scam to get control

of the investigation.

And I’m pretty sure
you hung Dozier in there.

You’re drowning.

You are grabbing at air.

It’s pathetic.

Excuse me, I have work to do.

You listen to me.

I am on to you

and I won’t stop until
I see you two on death row.

Got that?

Excuse me.

What is it?

I got a situation
here, Frannie.

I’ll call you right back.

What do you want, Lance?

Psych evaluation, captain.

This is helping me?

Don’t come on like that.

I tried
to protect you.

I told you to go home
and lay low.

I couldn’t.

Oh, well, I couldn’t help.

Then I guess it’s time
for me to help myself.

( Ripping paper )

It’s not going to happen.

There’s going to be
no evaluation

no internal affairs
elbow deep in my life.

If this department
chooses to continue

with this insanity

you’ll have the biggest
sexual harassment suit

you’ve ever seen.

You trying
to blackmail me, Lance?

I am fighting
for my life, captain

and for Robin curry’s

This department

would rather roll around
in dirty laundry

than catch
two cop K*llers.

You’re out of line!

I’m out of line?

No, you are out
of line, captain.

This whole frigging department
is out of line!

There’s still
a witness out there.

Her name is Annie
from the banks club.

I’m going to go find her.

And I am taking
these two cops down

with or without
police authority.

Hey, hey, Lance.

You just drew
a suspension.

I want your g*n and your badge
on my desk, now!

It’s not my only g*n.




Get out there and stop her.

She’s right, you know.

Right or wrong,
she’s a loose Cannon.

I can’t let her
harm herself or any officer.

She goes after
that witness

she’s in a collision course
with Wilcox and Steele.

Now go!


I know what
you’re going to say

so just
don’t say it.


Captain sent you,
didn’t he?

To talk some sense
into me

tell me I’m flying
off the handle.

Lay low, let nature
take its course.

like that.

Well, you can
just forget it.

I knew that, too.

What’s it
going to be?

You tell me.

The way I see it,
you have two options--

you can either arrest me
or move out of my way.

You forgot
option number one.

What’s that?

We’ll talk about it
on the way.

Hey, Sally.

It’s you again, huh?

How come you didn’t tell me
you were a cop?

That didn’t really
come up until just now.

It sure scared
the hell out of Annie.

She hasn’t been back.

Look, it’s really important
that I find her.

I’ve got nothing to say.

Last person you were
looking for turned up dead.

I told those
other cops

everything I know.

Was it a dark-haired guy

and a blonde woman?

Friends of yours?

Did you tell them
where to find Annie?

I already said,
I got nothing to say.

Did you tell them
where to find Annie?

Why don’t you ask them?

Annie’s trouble is from them

and if they get
to her before I do

they may k*ll her.

Why should I believe you?

Because I’m telling you
the truth.

There’s a strip
along west seventh

down by the airport.

She works there

Did you tell
the other cops?


( No voice )

( No voice )

How you doing?

Don’t even think

about parking
it here, sweetie.

I parked over
on union quite a bit.

It ain’t your car
I’m talking about.

I’m not planning
on selling, all right?

I just want to buy.

Oh, really?



What you looking
to buy, sweetie?

I’m looking for
a little girl named Annie.

Got brown hair.

She loves to dance.

You can see
for yourself

she ain’t around.

Try back a little
later though

’cause she’s, uh...


Hey, sugar!

Whoo, all right!

What you need, sugar?

( Clears throat )

You scaring away
all my business, sweetie.

You have seen her,
haven’t you?

( Sighs )


Yeah, she was here.

But, you know,
she got picked up

for a little walk
on the wild side.

But, uh, love’s
color blind, honey.

Yeah, I heard that.

It’s real important
I find her.

It’s a little medical
problem she has.

How medical
do you mean?

We’re talking
life and death.

I really need
to find her.


All right?

Well, uh...

She’s got a room
at the nightshade motel.

I’m sure that’s where
she’s still at.

But don’t tell her
I told you, okay?


Any time.

( Metal clicking )

( Gasping )

Drop the knife, Steele!

Back off or I’ll
rip out her throat.

I don’t think so.

It’s going
to end right now

one way or the other.

That’s right, sergeant.

One way or another it will.


Look at it
this way, ladies

neither one of you
has to die alone.

( Grunting )

( Gasps )

See, Rita, you always
come through in the end.

Yeah, so do you.

Here you go.

It just takes teamwork.

Right, guys?

I’m going to call
an ambulance.

Read this scum
their rights.

Whoo, doggie,
my favorite part of this job.

You have got the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will
be used against you

in a court of law.

You have the right
to get some different hair.


That’s it, ladies.

Good job!

Well, congratulations,

I knew you had
it in you.

Thanks, captain.

I’m a little surprised
to see you here.


Despite what you thought

I’ve been in your
corner all along.

I think this department
owes you an apology.

Yeah, well, I’m not
ready to hear it.

You ready
to hear this?

Wilcox agreed to turn
state’s evidence

against Steele
for both murders.

So much for honor among thieves.

Apparently Sergeant Dozier
stole Robin curry’s evidence

and tried
to blackmail

Wilcox and Steele.


Robin comes up clean
on all fronts.

She was a good cop.

Yeah, she was.

She’s due to be
awarded a medal

for distinguished service.

I’m sure that will mean
something to somebody.

Listen, anyway,
thanks for coming.

I appreciate it.

I’m going to shower.

Uh, Rita.

This is pretty easy
against women.

What are you going to do

when it’s a big...
Strong... man?

( Knuckles cracking )


I knew she was
going to do that.

Maybe it’s time for you
to requalify, Lorenzo.

Here you go,

( Yells )
