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03x15 - Whore Wars

Posted: 10/07/23 19:25
by bunniefuu
I’ll get a cab back, Leo.

Take the night off.

( Knocking at door )

Oh, my.

You’re perfect,
aren’t you?

Thank you.


So how did you find out
about sable?


Oh, a friend.

Look, can we have
some champagne first?

I want to look at you
for a few minutes.

We can do anything
you want to, sugar.

I’m yours
for the night.

I’ve always appreciated
your help, sable.

Try this.

Mmm, that is good.

They’ve got Greenwald
in the county assembly

bought and paid for.

And Greenwald owns the
public works committee.

He controls where
the contract goes

and the contract goes
to Rawston deal.

Rawston deal is
a front for the mob.


You’ve done your homework.

They’ll skim off
the contract funds

before anybody can ask
a lot of questions.

Then Rawston deal
will go chapter

and the owners

who are probably fictitious

will never be found.

Classic bust-out.

How did they buy Greenwald?

A yacht and a place
in Bimini to sail it to.

Is Dibarto involved?

Mmm, I love smoked oysters.


Your information has always
been very reliable, sable.

Just don’t do anything
about it right away, okay?

So I’m not
connected to it.

That was incredible,
dimples, darling.

And I know you’ve
heard it all before but...

You really are the best,
you know.

( Chuckling menacingly )

The sex...

( Whistling )

Was great.

But the trick, my little darling

is just getting started.

my little dimples.

It’s going to be
a long, long night.

( Muffled screaming )

Looks like a ritual-type
serial k*lling.

Hold the fava beans.

It’s a mob m*rder.

One slug, small caliber.

I bet you a buck
it’s a ..

Then why t*rture
the girl, cap, hmm?

Definitely not
a wiseguy move.

Maybe they were
sending a message.

They do that with
rats sometimes.

I don’t
think so.

Look at this--
no credit card,

no cash, cleaned out
her wallet.

Again, not
a wiseguy move.

You want me to ad lib
the whole case a capella?

That’s your job.

See, who rented this room?

Nobody rented the room.

What does "nobody rented
this room" mean?

The desk had a reservation
on this particular room

with a credit card
guarantee number.

The person
who reserved it

said the room number

was a superstition-type

Party never checked in,
hotel held the room.

Didn’t they check to see
if it was stolen?

No, they don’t usually bill it
till the next morning.

So, nobody saw nobody.

All right, this woman,
she have a name, address?

She sure did.

Nancy bell,
north beach road.

Okay, pick up Lance
and get on out there.

Go ahead.

Oh, listen.

If you get back to
the office before I do

tell Gracie I’m stopping
by the post office.

I could be all day.

I’m going by the post office.

You want me to drop
something off?

No, I’m filing a complaint.

I’m having a delivery problem.

You talk to your mailman?

What are you, nuts?

Complain to the mailman?

You think I got
a death wish?

Haven’t you heard?

The postman always sh**t twice.

We’re sorry to spoil your party

with bad news,
Miss Shannon.

It’s not a party, sergeant,
don’t worry about it.

It’s like this
most days.

These are
just friends.

You got a nice
circle of friends.

( Dog whimpers )

That’s a cute dog
you have.

Were you and
miss bell related?

No, we weren’t.

She was such a sweet kid.

Everybody called her dimples.

She lived here
with you, right?

Yes, ever since she
came to palm beach

six or eight
months ago.

I have several
live-in friends.

They call me
the housemother.

How did you
meet dimples?

Like all the others.

Somebody brought her in.

Some stay a little while,
some stay a long time.

I have a lot of room
and I welcome the company.

Did she have a job?


So how did she support herself?

She have a rich family?

She had rich, generous friends.

We all liked to
see dimples happy.

Did she have
any enemies?

Anybody want
to do her harm?

No, everybody loved her.

All the time I knew her

I only saw her angry once.

She got in a fight
with Glee Onager.

Glee lived here, too,
at the time.

And what was that about,
the fight?

I don’t know.

But I do know
they never made up.

Even glee couldn’t do
something like that to dimples.

What’s your guess?

Could the fight have been
about a man, money?

I don’t know, sergeant.

Why don’t you ask glee?

She lives in town.

Now, you’ve been busted
for soliciting

for using and holding

for drunk
and disorderly

and for a D.U.I.

And you’ve never
done worse than days.

You’re lucky.

Lucky enough to have
a good lawyer.

Come on, miss onager.

Did you know Nancy bell?

Yeah, I knew her. So what?

Sable put you
on to me, didn’t she?

What do you know
about her?

She was one
of sable’s pet whores.

When was the last time
you saw her?

Not since the day
I punched her out.

We heard
about that.

How did that
fight start?

I was still working
for sable myself

at the time.

Dimples was handing me crap.

I didn’t take it.

Sable fired me because of it.

Never heard
of anybody

firing a whore before.

Why aren’t you at sable’s?

Why aren’t you on her
case instead of mine?

I haven’t done anything.

That don’t
matter, darling.

They can’t
hassle sable.

She’s got herself
a cop in her pocket.

Or could it be

the whole damn

What’s your
name, sir?

Oscar le May.

Either you put
a lid on it

or get the hell
out of here.


Or I’m going to
interrupt your day.

I’m not in the mood
for your lip.

Thank you very much.

Were you home last night?

Yes, I was.

We had a party.

Everybody was here.

Are we through?

George, thanks for coming out.

Who could pass up a lunch
invitation like this?

Come on, George.

Raoul’s food’s
not that bad.

Give dumpster diving four stars

Raoul’s still wouldn’t
make the cut.

What do
you want?

It’s who do
we want.

Sable Shannon.

What about her?

We ran her through
the R. And I.

She’s in
the computer

but it’s
a locked file.

Locked by the
D.A.’s office.

Look, I can’t help you on this.

She running
a whorehouse, George?

No, she runs
an out-call service.

Out-call service.

You know, the law says

neither a pimp
nor a panderer be.

I mean,
it’s not like

she’s running an S&L
so what’s the big deal?

We’re working a m*rder

and sable Shannon
figures into it.

Look, you didn’t hear
this from me, okay?

Sable does business with
the wealthy, the famous

and the connected.

Connected to the mob.

Sable’s girls pick up lots
of information and rumors.

Pillow talk.

Sable passes
them on to us.

For which you allow her
to operate her illegal business


Let’s call it
a tacit understanding.

It’s called bribery, George.

It’s allowed us to make cases

we couldn’t even touch before.

We got convictions

where we wouldn’t
have indictments.

It’s still illegal, George.

I’m not going to
debate that with you.

Unless sable is material
to your case

I’d leave it alone.

You know, it’s
at least malfeasance.

How can you
just ignore this?

Because the fall-out would
be worse than Chernobyl.

We’re trying to pull a record--

somebody involved in
the bell k*lling.

But the D.A.’s got
a block.

You want to know why.

We know why.

Subject runs
a call-girl ring.

She gives the D.A.’s
office information

for a wink and a pass.

They can’t do that.

It’s illegal as hell.

It dirties
all of us.

That’s the way
we feel about it, too.

I’ll clear this up
in a New York second.

What’s this pimp’s name?

Actually, it’s a she.

Her name is
sable Shannon.






They went by fast.


I missed you,
officer Lipschitz.

She could dance.

I’m talking dance.

You should have
been a star, sable.


I was and after five
hard years of trying

I lost Patience
with it.

So the young cop
and the ingenue

find love
in New York.

This romantic
side of you

is one we haven’t
seen before.

It wasn’t quite
like that, okay?

Frannie and I were
already going steady.

But, boy, did I have a crush

on you, sable.

( Laughing )

I just hated to see you
keeping company with scum.

Now, you know who I’m
talking about, right?

So this girl who was m*rder*d?

I don’t know
anything else

beyond what I already told you.

She didn’t come home.

She didn’t say
anything to me

before she left.

Did she work for you, sable?

Yes, she did.

She wasn’t working
the night she
was k*lled?


We may need to talk
to your girls.


Thanks, sable.

Sable, by the way

what happened
to your little dog?

My dog?


The miniature pinscher.

Dutchy’s not my dog.


What a coincidence.

We know somebody

with a dog
just like that

with the same
name-- Dutchy.

Not a coincidence, sergeant.

It’s the same Dutchy.


Now it begins
to make sense.

"Hate to see you keeping
company with scum," Harry?

That would have been me.

Because you couldn’t
have her to yourself.

After years

it still eats at you that
she liked me better than you.

I couldn’t believe
you were involved

in prostitution
and I was right.

It’s you that’s putting
these girls out?

I think you folks were leaving.

Donnie, we should
talk about this.

We got nothing to talk about.


They got no invitation...

No warrant.

They got no reason
to be here.

( Motorcycle engine revving )

( g*nshots )

how you doing?

Come in, come in,
sit down.

Hey, thanks for
coming over
so early, George.

You haven’t called me George
since I’ve known you.

Is this going to hurt?

Nah, it’s a little something
we got to set straight.

You’re asking me
a favor?

More like giving you something:

An ultimatum.

Whoa, captain.

Nobody issues the D.A.’s office
an ultimatum.

Here’s one anyway.

I want you
to give me all you got

on sable Shannon,
every single word.

I can’t do it.

Somebody k*lled
one of her girls.

Her life could be in danger.

Maybe something in her jacket
could help us.

It’s not going to happen!

If it doesn’t

I’ll leak this whole deal

your office has
with Miss Shannon.

I’ll leak your name
as a source.

You have no heart.


Will you keep me out of it?

I don’t know you,
you don’t exist.

Thanks for nothing.

( Clears throat )

I really appreciate
you coming down, Rita.

You’re a standup person,
you know that?


So what’s with all
the firepower, Donnie?

Things are
a little unsettled.

How can I help you?

I’m worried
about sable.

She has a problem with a girl
she used to work with.

Let me guess-- glee onager.


She’s trying to put sable
out of business

and take over.

She wants
the big-bucks clientele.

but she can’t handle it.

And the difference
in the two women is the reason.

Sable’s got class
and she’s honest.

And unless I’ve lost my eye,
glee is heavy into dr*gs

and extremely high-strung.

Right again.

She’s nuts.

You, um...

You think
she’s capable of m*rder?

I think she’s capable
of anything.

Sable’s got a book,
a black book.

Clients’ names, what they paid

and what they got
for their money.

And that’s what glee’s after?

Tell me this, Donnie:

Ever wonder why sable
hasn’t been busted?

That book is full
of very important names.

I figured she’s got
friends in city hall.

That’s okay,
that’s part of doing business.

You part of her business?

I am not comfortable

with the idea of people
as merchandise.

So, what do you want from me?

You’re looking
into that prost*tute’s k*lling.

If you find out

that would make you think
sable could be in danger

I’d appreciate a call.

That I could do.

Hey, Rita.

How you doing,

Hey, pop,
how you been?


I didn’t know you were in town.

I thought
the bunco squad

notified us
when you’re around.

The bunco squad.

She’s always jerking my chain,
this girl.

What, I got a "kick me" sign
on my back?

How you doing?

I’m okay, Dominic. How are you?

Not bad, not bad.

What’s going on, pop?

You moving in

with my thing
with Rita?

How’s this look?

I leave town
and I come back to this?

You’re crushing me,
pop, you know?

Thanks again
for coming, Rita.

I really
appreciate it.


All the girls
in town know
each other, right?

We know who’s working,
who’s not.

We all talk.

You know most of
sable’s girls yourself.

Yeah, I know
what you’re saying

but if I get the book,
I get it all--

the Johns, the girls,
the money, everything.

The girls know
who the Johns are

and these guys
are so loaded

they don’t care.

They’ll tell you

what they paid for it.


All I’m saying is

you can move in
without the book

and without
that creep Oscar.

He’s got you
so scared

you can’t even
think straight.

And he’s for sure going to
bring the cops down on us.

( Chuckling )

Sure, glee.

Sherry’s right.

Give it a shot, baby.

What have you got to lose?

But then again

I told you what
you’d lose, didn’t I?

No convictions, no arrests.

Not the first investigation
of sable Shannon.

The most incriminating thing
in this sheet

is that she’s a known associate.

A known associate
of Donnie Dibarto’s.

Not a criminal offense.

It is in my book.

The rest is just a summary.

A page and a half of convictions
resulting from her tips.

Any mob guys?

Yeah, a lot of them are, yeah.

Then it makes sense why
the D.A.’s got her locked off.

No way Donnie dogs could have
known about this, cap.

Never turn his pals in.

So how does this
connect to dimples?

To dimples?

Maybe dimples was the source
of some of the tips

and they found out
about it.

Wouldn’t they
have gotten sable

before now?

I still think sable’s
just fronting for dibarto.

You mentioned
another woman
trying to move in.

Yeah, glee onager, right.

Okay, so if dibarto
is the money and the muscle

sable’s business

and this glee is
trying to cut in...

Ah, so maybe the k*lling

was a message
to these girls.


Dimples decided
to switch sides.

So you’re saying Donnie
had her carved up and then shot?

Sounds like a fit to me.

No, not the Donnie
dibarto I know.

Not the same man who
said he was not comfortable

with the idea of people
as merchandise.

You letting your personal
feelings get in the way?

With all due respect, captain--

you on the opposite side

of that same coin?

Mmm, this is not
Florida sausage.

This is...

The Bronx.

am I right?

Your aunt Rosie
sends them down to me.

I think I got a rat
in the organization.

A long time now

I’m seeing guys getting busted
with information

that the cops shouldn’t have.

What makes you think it’s got
something to do with you?

I find out stuff.

Even though they’re not
making the case here

the string leads back
to palm beach.

And who’s
in palm beach?

You’re in palm beach.

One of sable’s girls was k*lled
in a way to send a message.

A warning.

All the guys,
they know I’m close with sable.

A warning?

Not much of a warning if they
send the guy to take you out.

If they wanted it done,
it would have been done.

This was in case
you didn’t pick up

on the other thing
with the girl?

Look, in any event

if something happens to me

you got to take care
of the business.

Which is why the crash course

in dibarto enterprises.

Officer Lipschitz?


I want to talk
to you, Harry.

I’d like to clear the air
between us.

Sit, sit.

Here, maybe?

It’s a little
formal with you
behind the desk.

Sure, sure.

Gee, it still gives me
the chills seeing you again.

Well, I wish it
had been different--

my whole life.

If I could just go back to

when I knew you.

I gave all of it up too easily.

No, no, no, come on, Sabes.

You tried.

You worked,
you worked hard.

Dancing is a young woman’s job.

It was easier
to be a party girl.

All the money.

Look what it’s brought me to.

I’m not very proud of myself...

What I do
for a living.

Which has got to stop.

I can’t let it go on,
this thing with the D.A.

It’s wrong.

And yes, even though
some good comes of it

it’s not right.

You’re out of business.

You got to know that,
right, Sabes?

I do.

It’s kind of ironic, isn’t it?

You and Donnie and I,
we all wind up

here together?

( Laughing )

Oh, and Frannie.

Don’t forget Frannie.

Oy, she never trusted me

since the day

she met you.

Didn’t she know?

As much as I wanted you,
I never had you?

I’m still trying
to convince her.

Maybe if I’d tried harder...

To dance


To get you...

My life would have
turned out different

and I wouldn’t have
wound up here

in this business...

In this situation.



Oh, Frannie.

No, Frannie.

Oh, no.

( Woman screaming )


Ah, thank you.


So this girl’s name
was cherry Morgan.

She was busted
for prostitution

once for extortion,
multiple drug busts

and some shoplifting.

How was she still
out on the street?

Well, that’s the way the
revolving justice door works.

We round them up
and they plead them out.

Was there any S&M

in her
prostitution beef?


Just your
garden-variety street corner

sex for sale.

Doesn’t make sense.

Cherry was punched
before being strangled

and it wasn’t rough sex,
somebody seriously hurt her.

Yeah, you can bet
it wasn’t just rough sex.

The M.E.’s report

indicates no sexual
activity whatsoever.

So, what does that give us?

That gives us a working girl

who wasn’t
working-- great.

Could have been
a street crime gone bad.

I ran into
Fraley from vice

who told me that last
night’s dead girl

worked for
glee onager.

Did you know that?


So, what do we got here?

The first dead hooker
worked for sable Shannon, huh?


The second one
worked for the lady

trying to put sable
out of business.

What are we doing here,
whore wars?

So, you think
sable retaliated?

Not sable, dibarto.

Come on, cap, you thought
dibarto did the first one.

Still a possibility

but if not

then it could
be retaliation.


If we do have two K*llers

and if the
second m*rder

was in reaction
to the first...

Why would the second k*ller
bother with one of glee’s girls?

He wouldn’t,
he’d k*ll glee herself.

Why don’t

we ask her?

Cherry was my friend.

You people

get on the stick,
catch whoever’s
doing this stuff.

This could be some sort
of serial k*ller.

You know, I could be next.

Cherry was k*lled
about : last night.

Where were you?

We were both
here, darling.

Just the two of us.

Like he said.

I have to sleep

with a g*n
next to my bed

and you’re asking
where I was

when my best friend
was m*rder*d!

What do you do here,
Mr. Le may?

Whatever needs doing.

What’d you do
last night?

Oh, you know,
just hanging out, watching TV.

Glee, was cherry
having problems

with anyone
in particular?

You got a maniac running
around out there, lady.

That’s the kind
of trouble cherry
was having.

I’d like a list
of her friends.

Would you do that
for me?

I don’t know what good
that’ll do you.

All right. Whatever, okay?


I’ll call you later
and pick it up.

We’ll be in touch.

What the hell was that?

You were here
last night?

Look, sweetie, neither
of us have an alibi, okay?

And those
two little cuties

are just dying
to bust us.

What happened
between you and cherry?


Oh, come on, glee,
don’t be stupid.

It was sable
that did it.

It was payback for dimples.

( Sighing )

Well, if she did, she’s dead.


Now, that’s not a bad idea.

This won’t
take a minute.

Just so we understand something.

Nobody can know
we’re talking here.

What’s this
all about, Dominic?

You got that case,
that hooker got k*lled?

I hear you like my pop

for being involved.

There’s speculation.


That’s none of your business.

Please remember
there’s a grudge there.

Pop would never
have something to do with that.


Look, Dominic...

No, I’m serious.

He’s a totally
nonviolent individual

not to mention
a wonderful pop.

Okay, your pop’s
the poster boy for the mob.

Is that it?

Somebody tried to whack him

the night
after the girl was k*lled.

So that’s why
he closed the club

and he surrounds himself
with muscle.

Those guys,
their muscle is up here.

Maybe they could have
dumbed the guy to death.

Other than that,
they’re useless.

If you could help him out...

Give him a little room
to move, maybe?

The best thing for him to do
is exactly what he’s doing.

He stays inside

he does not
get involved.

If he’s not
involved already.

Goes for you, too, Dominic.

Hey, I’m trying to help
you guys out here.


Sit down, Harry.

Don’t talk
for a minute.

I’ve been sitting here
thinking about us

you know, about life.

Boy, it’s really funny.

A man gets a couple
of wrinkles

and he has character.

He gets a little
gray in his hair

ah, he’s

When it happens
to a woman, she’s just old.

Frannie, you’ve been
watching the soaps again.

Now, you know
what they do to you.

Shh, just let me
finish, okay?

Harry Lipschitz

I love you so much

I’m willing
to let you go.

Yeah, no guilt, no grief

you’re free.

I’m free?

You’re letting me
go, huh?

For what?

Who do I come home to?

What do I do,
go out and buy goldfish?

Come on, Frannie

throw things,
call me names


but don’t break my heart.

Frannie Greenberg

I love you.

I’ve always loved you,
and I’ve always been true.

Yeah, except for sable.

Nah! No excepts.

Including sable.

You are the love of my life.

You’re the same,
sexy, wonderful

beautiful woman
you always were.

I couldn’t live
without you, honey.

I wouldn’t even try.

Oh, Harry...


Artie, it’s business as usual.

Dibarto still means blue chip

it means gold standard

it means prime rate plus .

Nothing changes.

Pop’s away for a couple of days,
you deal with me, all right?

Dominic, you taking over
the family biz?


For a few days.


Somebody’s got to keep
a hand to the till

you know, like a boat
in rough water.

Dominic, we’d like
to talk to Donnie.

So would I.

What does that mean?

Gone, disappeared.

I got no idea where he is.

Okay, baby.

The key to this whole thing
is dibarto.

If we hit him, boom

this time for real

we nail him.

The cops know about
the other attempt, right?

Bingo, all our problems go away.

Look, baby, it works.

It’s a setup
they’ll never figure.

The locals kick it
to the organized-crime guys

down in Miami

so there’s no connection to us.

We fall...

Right through the cracks.


We do as I said
in the beginning.

Now, I paid you a lot of money.

Yeah, but it’s gotten
complicated, hasn’t it?

Because you k*lled cherry.
You weren’t supposed to do that.

Well, she asked for it,
didn’t she?

She was going

to screw things up,

All you had to do was
control your temper, ignore her.

It wasn’t necessary to k*ll her.

Now, you want
the rest of your money

you do as I say.

Okay, you’re the boss, sable.

But I’ll tell you,
it’s a big mistake.

( Footsteps )

( Car door slams )

Working late from yesterday
or early for today?

Just trying to get
a head start, captain.

Can we run something
by you, cap?

Yeah, go ahead.

All right.

We got two killings,
one attempted.

And we cannot find
a common denominator.

Okay, so throw out
the attempt on dibarto.

it’s unrelated.

Okay, that’s out of here.

So, what we have
is two dead prostitutes

but no common M.O.

First one was r*ped,
shot, and tortured

and the
second one

was beaten and strangled.

I still think
the first one

was a mob statement to somebody.

Well, then bring back
the dibarto attempt.

Nah, doesn’t seem like
a mob hit.

And we didn’t like that
first m*rder for wiseguys

’cause of the r*pe, right?

So what are
you saying?

Two bogus setups

meant to look like the mob
that aren’t?


To hide the real motive
behind dimples’ m*rder.

That’s a pretty gruesome m*rder
for "let’s pretend."

Let’s just say that maybe

it’s somebody who gets off
on the work

and that other
girl, cherry

she just happens to
have the bad luck

to cross that person.

Are we back to
the fava beans again?

Hello, Oscar le May.


He works for glee onager.

What’s his story?

He’s got an alibi
for both murders

courtesy of glee.

She’s got the motive.

The black book.

And he’s got the means.

A tailor-made personality.

So pinch
them both.

Maybe one rolls
on the other.

All right.

You’re in my sun.

So, where is everybody?


They’re scared.

Why don’t you and I
have a little fun, eh?



You know,
that naughty little thing

that we
haven’t done yet.

You’re the help.

I don’t boogie for the band.

Yeah, but I would like it,
wouldn’t I?

Plus I promise to
give you one hell
of a thrill, baby.

I’ll pass.


Sable says, "hey."


( Chuckling )

Oh, god.



Dimples found out sable
had been snitching on the mob.

Silly little girl.

But cherry...

She was all my idea.

Wasn’t the guy who shot
at Donnie on a motorcycle?


No, darling.

That little thing
won’t do the job.

( Doorbell )

That was a shot.

Police, drop the g*n!

Drop it!

( Groans )

I don’t believe it.

Not for a minute.

we’re just telling you

what glee
told us, captain.

It’s logical.

If word got out about
sable giving us information

she’d be dead two ways.

Soon and ugly.

I know this woman

It’s not possible.

Possible or not

if she did it, she
got away with it.

You blew away the only link
between sable and the crime.

Is everything okay?

Something came up, Dominic’s
going to take care of it.

We really appreciate
your help, Miss Shannon--

hiding pop out here
and everything.


Glee, what
are you doing?

What the hell
is going on here?

Just put
the g*n down, miss.

You stay out of this.

This is between me
and sable.

Oscar’s dead,
you bitch.

But he talked to me
before he died.

Please, calm down, glee.
Don’t say anything, just...

He told me how he was
working for you

how he k*lled dimples
for you.

How he took a shot at
Mr. Dibarto here for you.

a meth freak

she’s high as a kite.

He shot
at my pop for her?


It was supposed to look
like a mob struggle

over the prostitution racket,
but it was

to get rid
of dimples.

She found out that sable
has been snitching

to the cops
for years

about her
clients’ business.

I can’t be hearing

what I’m
hearing here.

She’s lying.

she’s lying.

Well, I told the cops what
I know and they told me stuff.

Like some guy’s been
bribing assemblyman Greenwald

over some kind
of big contract.

How’d they find out

about that

Mr. Dibarto?

Oh, Madonna.

We got a rat,
all right, pop.

But she ain’t in
your organization.

Please, Donnie.

You can put the piece
down, sister.

She ain’t going
to run nowhere.

She’s got
nowhere to run.

Ever hear of Lucky Cavallo,
the mad capo of Miami?

He’s got ways to deal
with snitches.

I can’t listen.

You got to handle this,

Good-bye, sable.

Please, Donnie.

You know, there’s this place
in the swamp

they call it Lucky’s lunchroom.

It’s where lucky feeds
the snitches

to the alligators--

Big, ugly,
fat alligators.

You know, I hear they even
recognize his car.

And they climb over each other
to get the first bite.

You know what I’m saying?
To get the best parts.

No snitch has ever gotten away
from lucky Cavallo.

Come on, sweetheart.

We’re going to Miami.

Freeze, police!

Put the g*n down,


You’re under arrest

glee onager.

Come on, let’s go.


He’s going to k*ll me.



With what?

He’s going to feed me
to the alligators.

Save it, sable.

Some other time.

I want to confess.

I hired Oscar le May

to m*rder Nancy bell.


I gave him the g*n,
I set it up.

But you got to protect me
from him.

I want to talk
to George Donovan.

I think we can arrange that.

Let’s go.

( Dutchy whimpers )

Don’t you ever
get tired of
lettuce, cap?

Well, Frannie’s worried
about my blood pressure

so she makes me
eat like a rabbit.

If man was supposed
to eat like this

we’d still be on all fours.

She only does it
because she loves you,

I know.

You know,
these last couple of weeks

has been like
our honeymoon
all over again.

Well, sort of.

Fast-forward version.


That’s really sweet
after all these years.

Was she your first

true love, cap?

My first and only.

A couple of flirtations,
maybe, but...

Only one Frannie.


What about you,
do you remember your first?

Yes, I do.

His name
was Eddie fleet.

Eddie fleet?

Yeah, Eddie fleet.


Well, um, Eddie
had no idea
that I was alive.


Kind of sad.

I will never
forget Jeannie Stevens.

You know, my first date.


How old were you?

Uh, .

I rode a bus to a theater

met her for a Saturday
afternoon movie.

Oh, how romantic.

After the movie,
I rode the bus back home

and she went to see
another flick with Junior Maxie.

That’s rotten.

It could have been worse.

When she grew up, she seriously
grew up-- pounds.

Last I heard, junior Maxie
still got her.

( Laughing )