03x10 - The Party's Over

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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03x10 - The Party's Over

Post by bunniefuu »

( Click )

( g*nsh*t )

( Reloading )

( g*nsh*t )

( Reloading )

Hey! Nobody leaves.

I want coverage.

If I got a question later

about something
in this apartment,

I’d better have a picture

that’s going
to give me the answer.

Am I clear?

Everybody understand me?

Yes, sir.

I’m afraid
it’s really her.

Now, that’s brilliant.

Rita’s apartment,

and what’s left of her
looks like Rita.

Who the hell else
is it going to be?!

Captain, don’t.


What can
you tell me?

The first blast hit her
in the back on the right side

and threw her
against the wall.

The second hit her
full in the face.

Captain, I think
I’m going to hand this off.

No. You’re the best
and I want you on this.

I don’t think I can.

Yes, you can,
and, yes, you will.

I know it.
Now get it together.

Let go of me, man.


Tell these guys to let go of me.

Let him through.

You’re not supposed
to be here, Lorenzo.

I know. I got your message,
but I’m cool. I’m fine.

I know

that’s not Rita.

Let me look at the body,
and I’ll prove it.

There’s not much left to see.

Wait a minute.
What’s going on here?

I should have
known this was happening.

You’re both so sure,
and I’m telling you

that’s not Rita.

You’re not supposed to be here.


Don’t touch that.
It hasn’t been dusted.

I can help, cap.

You got to let me stay.

The only thing
you’re going to do

is make everyone feel like you.

You’re going to be all we see--

you and Rita.

Come on.

Come on.

I want you
to take Sergeant Lorenzo

back to the station.

Now, look, Chris.

You knew Rita
better than anybody.

Look at the cases.

You think
about her personal life.

Who could have
done this to her?

I want you
to start a list.

You don’t leave nobody off,
you got it? Huh?



Go ahead.

Okay, listen up.

I want every fingerprint
in this apartment lifted,

and I want you
to vacuum everywhere.

You get into the plumbing traps.

You check out
the air-conditioning filters.

I want everything itemized,
indexed and inventoried.

I want to know what the hell
belongs here and what don’t.

And I want it foolproof.

That’s it.


How you doing?

I’m doing okay, George.

Anything I can do?

I think everything’s
being done

that can be done.

Any word? Any leads?

Neighbors saw a guy.

We didn’t get
much of a description.

Forensics is
wringing her place out

right now, but they...

Hey, Lorenzo.

Where’s that tight
little partner of yours?

I had a real sloppy dream
about her last night.

Let it go, Chris!

Chris, let it go!

Get him out of here.

Yeah, I got you, Pitts!

That punk att*cked me!

You saw it!

That creep’s just
running his mouth.

doesn’t even know.

You okay?



Can you talk about it?

There’s not much
to talk about, George.

I was in Miami
most of last week.

Went and testified
in the Cooper trial.

Rita was here going nuts
because it was so slow.

We went to lunch
a couple of times.

She talked about

taking a couple
of personal days.

Yeah. She wanted
to go up to Sanibel.

She was going to kick back,
read some of her trashy novels.

When I got back
last night, I called her.

Got a machine.

I don’t know what to say.

Neither do I, George.

Is there any chance

she could be at Sanibel?


I called.

They said she checked out
yesterday morning.

What possible reason...?

I don’t know, George.

One minute I think
it was a payback,

and the next minute

I think it was some
junkie burglar she walked in on.

Maybe she brought
the k*ller home with her.

I don’t know.

Somebody with a hard-luck story.

You know how she was
with stray puppies.


I want to hear about it.

It’s pretty ugly.

It’s beautiful.

I get hot just
thinking about it.

Tell me how you did it.

I’m crazy for you.

It’s late.

Nobody’s awake.

I chop the alarm system...

And I pick the lock.

I’m inside,
getting used to the dark.

She comes out
of the bedroom.

She was awake?

I think she knew
I was there...

In the dark.

( Breathing heavily: )
She run?

She tried to.

She beg?

She didn’t make a sound.

I hit her twice.

Then she couldn’t know
why it was happening.

She may not have known why,

but she definitely knew

what was going down.

Did you get it?


You going
to give it to me?

You bet I am.

I’m going to give it
to you big time.


We lifted a ton of prints
from the apartment.

Forensics covered
about half of them,

and they mostly
belonged to either Rita...

Or Chris...

Or Diana.

What do you
mean, mostly?

There were some unknown prints.

I faxed them to the FBI.

All right, we got
no signs of forced entry,

no signs of a struggle.

No chance of a struggle.

This was a -gauge
from to feet.

Maybe sawed off,

from the pattern.

Was she... was sex involved?


Her vehicle’s missing.

I figure the perp took it,
so I put an all-points out.

Let’s get back
to no signs of a struggle,

no breaking and entering.

Did she know the guy?

Did she let him
into her apartment?

Maybe it was one of those
follow-home things.

These guys follow a rolls
or a Mercedes, not a Jeep.

We don’t have
anything here, cap!

We got zip!

Hey, you don’t do that.

You get ahold of yourself.

in the old cases?

Nothing fits.

Nobody likes
getting arrested.

They all pop off.

But nothing fits.


Keep looking.

I know, cap.


Hey, cap.

Why don’t you go home?

Uh... no. I got to
finish this list.

Look, uh... I wish
I could help you, Chris,

but I can’t.

Grief is something
we got to carry alone.

Yeah, we can sympathize
with each other.

You can cry, you can hug.

You can even bitch about
how unfair it is, but...

In the long run,
we got to go through it alone.


Now, look...

Tomorrow morning,

forensics is going to have
the print match.

And that’ll be it.

You’re going to have
to deal with it.

Be ready for it.

How do you get ready for
something like that, cap?

She was a part of me.

I’ve never been as close
to anybody in my life

as I was to her.

She’s Rita.

If this were any other case,

you’d have dug your teeth in
and you wouldn’t let go.

Am I right, kid?

Hey, am I right?


You got to do it now.

We all got to.

I keep thinking about her.

I found a box of letters
in her apartment.

They’re from friends, lovers,
a couple from me.

And I been reading them.

And they all say the same thing.

They all say
how everybody loved her.

And I keep thinking

I shouldn’t even
be reading these, you know?

I feel like
I’m trespassing with it.

There’s nothing about Rita
I don’t already know...

Except why she died.

Hey... come on.

Come on, come on,
come on.

Oh, boy.

( No dialogue )

( Key turning in lock )


Wha...? ( Laughs )


What’s going on?

Oh, Rita.

Where the hell have you been?

What are you
doing here?

( Laughs )

( Rita laughing )

What are you
doing here?

We all thought that
you were dead.

Well, no. I just went
as far as Sanibel.

No, Rita,
I’m not kidding.

Everybody thinks
that you’re dead.

I’m sorry.

You weren’t in
Sanibel last night.

I called the motel.

I stayed in Naples
last night on my way home.

Why is there crime scene
tape on my door?

And where
is Tricia?

Uh... who’s Tricia?

Tricia vale.

What the hell

Somebody was m*rder*d here
last night.

We thought it was you.

Your color hair,

your size.

It was a shotgun
blast up close,

so we lost the
facial features.

No sign of forced entry.

And we don’t think
it was a burglary.

What was she
doing here?

She was house-sitting.

I needed someone

to bring in the
newspapers and the mail,

and feed the fish.

She needed a place to stay.

She was having
boyfriend problems.

Was she a close friend?

Well, not really.

But... I mean,
I trusted her,

if that’s what
you’re talking about.

I was so scared.

Come here.

So, you really
thought I was dead.


So, I’ve been here going
through your personal stuff...


My letters.

It’s a homicide investigation.

Uh... so, I suppose

you’ve been listening
to my phone messages.

Yeah, but it didn’t matter
’cause they were all from me.

And gone through my mail
and my phone book.

Your phone book.

Yeah. You know, I thought
you tore that doofus, Poole,

out of your phone book.

Okay, so I guess

you were just
following procedure.

At least you can tell me
you hated doing it.

Well, I hated doing it.

Um... right.

You’re forgiven.
I believe you.

Let’s think
about this thing.

You think it’s possible
this guy was after you?

And he just assumed,
in the dark, that
Tricia was you?

I don’t know.

If so, this guy
could come back,

which is reason number one
you shouldn’t sleep here.

Reason number two, this
is still a crime scene.

And, reason
number three,

I don’t think
I could sleep here.

Sleep at my place.

That would put you
on the couch.

I think Diana
has an extra bed,

so why don’t
I just call her?

I wouldn’t do that.

Diana is % sure that you’re
in a drawer at the morgue.


You know, you look wonderful.

Good to see you.

All right.

This girl Trish was staying
at your apartment?

But we didn’t
find any wallet,

no keys, no purse.

We just found
an overnight bag

with some
clothes in it.

The perp takes the purse.

Does that kick it

back to B & E

or was he
after something else?

If he was trying
to put her lights out,

when he looks
through that purse

he’s going to know
the job’s not done.

This guy could come back.

How about that, Rita?

You want to take
a few days off

until we get a fix
on this thing?

No. I think I’ll stick
with Christopher.

I want someone
I can trust

watching my back.
That’s me.

Don’t feel embarrassed
to change your mind.

We have an
address on vale?

She has an apartment

in the block
of the coral key drive area.

Whoa. She did good.

Until the night before last.

Forensics is over there now.


I don’t want any more
mistaken identities.

Are we sure

she’s the
dead woman?

Yes, she’s also the source
of unknown fingerprints

in my apartment.

What took so long?

You said get everything.

With all the prints
they found,

the hair they vacuumed up,

the dust, the crumbs,
the lint...

Excuse me, I clean my place

I mean, they were clearly



I was just thinking.

Dead yesterday, alive today.

Usually it’s the other
way around with cops.

Well, I’m glad I did it right.

( Knocking at door )

Sorry. Won’t take
a minute.

I’ve got one more name to add
to your suspect list.

Remember Don Hoffer?

Rita busted him

for robbing
a convenience store.

His mother screamed
at me in the courtroom:

"My baby better come out
of that jail

"in better health

than he went in it."

Three days ago,

Hoffer got fatally shanked

in a yard brawl at Rayford.

Sounds like a possible.

Anybody else jump up?

I got two suspects.

One a guy by the name
of Arthur Marsechian

who beefed entrapment

because Rita coaxed
a confession

out of him with a wire.

He m*rder*d his wife...

Fed her to the alligators.

But there’s also David Carl.

He’s a serial r*pist

who mutilated his victims.

He said that voices told him
that I should be next.

You got anything
on those two?

Marsechian’s keeping house
for a couple of brothers

in maximum security.

Carl’s still wearing
a canvas jacket

and getting a haldol
supplement every day.

How do you know all this?

These are my boys, Harry.

I always know
where they’re sleeping.

See you.

( No audio )



This is
a nice place.

Yeah, but what a wreck.

You think she misplaced
her nail file?

It looks like
it’s been tossed.


More police?

Yeah. I’m Sergeant Lorenzo.

This is my partner,
Sergeant Lance.

My name is Malloy.
I manage the building.

How much longer?

Until we finish,
Mr. Malloy.

Is this Tricia?

Yes, that’s her.


Wait. You know miss vale?

Yeah, I do.

Maybe you can tell me
what’s going on.

The officers
wouldn’t say a word.

We’re looking into
miss vale’s disappearance.

When was the last
time you saw her?

Uh, two, three days ago,
I guess.

I don’t keep track
of my tenants.

It’s none of my business.

Can you tell us
what happened here?

No. I saw it

for the first time

when I opened it
for the officers.

It’s a shame.

This is a really
nice place.

I bet
it’s expensive.

It’s palm beach, sergeant.

How much?

I’m sorry. I can’t say.

I only discuss rental rates
on empty apartments,

and this one’s occupied.

Let’s say miss vale
doesn’t come back.

It’ll be available,

How much?

I just can’t say.

So does that mean
that maybe

the apartment is not
in Tricia’s name.

Maybe someone else
is paying the rent?

I don’t discuss my tenants’
business, sergeants.

Excuse me.

"I don’t discuss
my tenants’ business."

Yeah. Notice how
he weaseled out
of that one?

Are you finished, sergeant?

( Phone rings )





No. This is a friend.

Who is this?

He hung up.

You going
to tell me

you never
saw anybody

Tricia vale?

It’s none of my business

what my tenants do

or who they have as friends.

What’s the matter,

Isn’t the
little slut home?

( Gasps, screams )

in Tricia vale’s apartment

identified a palm beach P.I.
Named Grady Anderson.

It was time to take a walk
on the wild side.

You Grady Anderson?

Who’s asking?

Palm beach
police department.

I’m Sergeant Lance.
This is Sergeant Lorenzo.

Come in.

What can I do you for?

This your place, Grady?


Kitchen, can, bedroom.

Oh, that’s a closet.

No back door.

Two windows,
both painted shut.

Feel free.

We need to ask a few
questions, Mr. Anderson.


We’re looking for a young woman
by the name of Tricia vale.

Don’t know the lady.

We found your fingerprints
all over her apartment.


You made a mistake, sergeant.

No, I don’t think we did.

You’re a P.I., right?

Yeah. So what?

Licensed in
the state of Florida?

When you apply,

your fingerprints
go on file.

Okay, okay.

So I know her.

Whatever she said I did,
I didn’t do.

She didn’t say
you did anything.

So what’s the problem?

She’s dead.

Somebody k*lled her
with a shotgun.

We found your

in her apartment.

The place was a wreck.

Any ideas?

Here’s a concept:

Whoever k*lled her
trashed her place.

Hey, don’t try to pin
this on me, all right?

We were hot and heavy
for a while, but it blew up.

I left, and I haven’t
been back since.

When it blew up,
you knock her around some?

I apologized to her for that.

Hmm. Was it about money?

Wasn’t about money, honey.
It was about sex.

We had it real good.

Hmm. Right.
So why did it blow up?

I think there was somebody else.

Someone paying the bills.

Any idea who this person
might have been?

I got no idea.

Mr. Anderson.

We may need
to ask you

a couple of
questions later on.

Yeah, well, I can’t afford
to skip, sergeant.

Even if I wanted to.

I hate to sound
like a snob...

But what is a
high-rent chick like her

doing with a
low-rent chump like him?


Maybe it’s like he said--
they were good together.

I’ve straightened the place up.

It was a disaster,
Mr. Langley.

Don’t grovel, Paul.

I knew something was wrong

when that stranger
answered the phone.

That was a cop.

Have they arrested Tricia?

They said she disappeared.

That’s odd.

She just vanished.

They didn’t say anything?

No. That was it.

I didn’t tell the cops
there has been a man around

several times
in the last week or so.

Of course,
I’m not one to pry.

But they had several arguments,

and I wouldn’t be surprised
if he was the one

who turned the place
upside down.

Were they... involved?

They might have been.

He was kind of...

A rough type.

Did she give you anything
to give to me?


It’s a simple question.

Did she hand you something,

and say,
"give this to Mr. Langley"?

No, sir. She didn’t.

Finish cleaning
the place,

and get her belongings boxed up.

Yes, sir. I’ll take care of it,
Mr. Langley.

I’d like to get
another girl in here

as soon as possible.

What a talented girl.

( Groans, crying )

Oh, what’s
the matter, Paul?

Didn’t your mother
tell you to look
for bogeymen

under the bed
and in the closet? Huh?

Come on, Paul.

It’s a simple question.

Didn’t she hand you

and tell you to give it

to the first guy
who comes along

and beats the crap
out of you?


Where’s the
video, Paul?

( Crying )

Oh, yeah.

Ooh, baby,
come on. Yes. Yeah.

Yes. Yeah.

Ooh, doll.

Play ball.


First, I want to see it.

What do you think?

Not that. The video.

You want to
see your old man

hammer the flanges

off that broad who
tried to blackmail him?

( Moaning and gasping
on videotape )

What the hell is this?

How can he stand it?


( Moaning and gasping
on videotape )

Hey, Langley, you hear this?

( Moaning and gasping
on videotape )

I got the video,
and it’s going to cost you.

He hung up.

( Moaning and gasping
on videotape )

( g*nshots )

Bring me a screwdriver, Gloria.

And stop pouring the booze
like it’s yours.

How’s your coffee, Gilbert?


My, my. Would you look at this?

Nobody’s safe anywhere anymore.

Not even here.


Is there an ounce

of decency in you?

The girl was blackmailing you.

That girl
wasn’t blackmailing me.

That was for your benefit.

I thought, if there
was a threat of scandal,

you’d leave us alone.

What about the video?

There was a video,

but she wasn’t using it
against me.

She’d have
given it to me.

I thought you were going
to leave me for her.


She was just a toy.

As difficult as you are,

I wasn’t about

to waste money
on a divorce.

So what’s next?

Another toy?

Does it matter?

Maybe it doesn’t.

Or maybe it does.

Sex was never
great with us,

but at least
it was frequent.

You know
everything I like.

Uh-uh-uh. Don’t.


I’m going to tell you
about a man I met...

And what he made me do.

No. Listen to me.

You be there,

or else I’m coming after you.

You know the good thing
about my job?

They give me a g*n.

Yes, and I got it.

And I am not kidding!

How long I been here?

Five months?

For five months,

Frannie and I been watching
people come and go.

We’ve seen a couple
of pratfalls.

A guy gets locked out
of his apartment.

I’m not sure
I follow.

Cable TV.

For five months,
the only channel we get

is the security camera attached

to the front door
of our building.

The cable guy--

"I promise
we’ll be there tomorrow."

Got to break the appointment.

Got an emergency call."

We’re talking cable TV.

What kind of emergency call

could he get?

He makes
another appointment.

He breaks another

My Frannie has been home
so much, she’s agoraphobic.

If he breaks
tomorrow’s appointment...

Dial .

I’m going after him.

All right, so what have you got?

The P.I.--
Grady Anderson?

Yeah, yeah.

He is
a defrocked P.I.

He had his tickets
pulled in California.

He barely squeaked out
of an as*ault charge

a sawed-off shotgun.

So, if he ties in,

that means Tricia vale
was the target,

not you.



TV’s on, but no sound.

Maybe the VCR is on.

Yeah, it’s on, too.

( Man and woman
moaning on videotape )

Go, Tricia.

This looks like it was shot
in her apartment.

Meet Mr. Moneybags.


That gives
the term "main squeeze"

a whole new meaning.


We’ve got his fingerprints
and his face.

I know who can give us a name
to go with that face.

Come on, guys.

Come on.

Malloy, I’d like
to ask you

a couple of questions.

I don’t know

We can take
you downtown.

Don’t cover up
somebody else’s mistake.

I don’t
know anything

about miss vale’s
private life.

You know this guy?

I don’t know him.

I think you do.

This is the guy
that worked you over.

I got hurt
playing volleyball.

Looks like
you were the ball.

He won’t hurt you anymore, Paul.

He’s dead.
Somebody shot him.

He had a video
of Tricia vale

and another man in bed together.

Yeah, he was going
to k*ll me for it.

It’s the man on the tape
that we’re interested in.

Did you watch the tape?

Yeah, I wanted to keep it.

She was so beautiful.

Do you recognize
the man in the tape?

It’s Gilbert Langley.

All right.

Gilbert Langley was
paying Tricia’s rent?

Yeah. Kind of.
He owns the building.

Thank you.

I’m Gilbert Langley.

We’re investigating
the murders

of Tricia vale
and Grady Anderson.

I don’t know any Grady Anderson.

Do you own
a . caliber p*stol?

Yes, I do.

We need you
to come downtown.

Should I call my attorney?

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say...

How long have you been
involved with Tricia?

We met a little over a year ago.

We were not involved.

What I saw
on this videotape

looked pretty
involved to me.

She did things for me,
I did things for her.

It was no more than business.

That kind of business
is illegal, Mr. Langley.

You didn’t bring me down here

to talk
about prostitution, did you?

No, we didn’t.

Was she blackmailing you?

Now, you may think

that she was immoral, sergeant.

But she wasn’t unscrupulous.

Why did she make the tape?

She didn’t. I did.

Right. She
somehow made that tape

without you knowing about it,

and she was
holding it over your head.

For what possible reason?


I was already giving her money.

So what did she say
she would do with it?

Wreck your marriage?

What’s to wreck?

My marriage
is little more than a memory.

Amanda knew all about Tricia.

Maybe she was trying
to ruin your reputation?

Look at me, sergeant.

That video could only enhance

my reputation.

Hell, I’d like
everybody I know
to see it.

I had no reason
to k*ll Tricia.

We don’t think
you did k*ll Tricia.

We pretty much
know who did that.

Then go talk to them.

You know,
I did get a call

night before last.

It was a man
calling about the video.

What did he say?

Said he wanted money.
I hung up.

When did you meet
Grady Anderson?

I didn’t.

You didn’t know him?

Didn’t know him.

So how do you suppose he got
the videotape of you and Tricia?

He had the video?

We found it
along with his body.

There were three b*llet holes
in that body, Mr. Langley.

And, according to ballistics,

they were fired
from your p*stol.

Sure it’s on the menu--
chicken tostada.

I just want you
to leave off part
of it, por favor.

I don’t want
the chicken, the beans,

the guacamole,

the salsa or the sour cream.

You just want a plate
full of chopped lettuce?


I mean, yeah.

Whatever he said, that’s
what I want, por favor.

Listen, we’ll have

two cups
of coffee, please.

So, how you doing, cap?

I’m okay.

Just a little hungry.

And, by the way,
this is the perfect snack.

This is only fiber

and water and fewer calories

than it takes to chew it up.

Also, I can’t ruin my appetite.

Frannie is making
my favorite tonight.

Blanched carrots
over unsalted elbow macaroni.

I can taste it now.



So, how did it go
with Langley?

I tell you, that guy has
got to be the blandest man

I have ever met.

He’s very
genteel and cool,

but the guy-- he has
nothing burning inside.

Hi, George.

Even on the sex video
with the girl,

it’s like he had to force
himself to feel something.

What, are you kidding me?

What the hell does this
have to do with anything?

Did he k*ll somebody?

I thought that’s
the question here.

Well, we do have
a possible motive--

the m*rder w*apon.

His prints?
No prints.

Gilbert Langley?


I just got through
with his lawyer.

No, his lawyer just
got through with me.

It was like
a thousand big chickens

trying to peck
me to death.

There’s no case here.

Yeah, I agree.

Are you sure
that Grady Anderson

k*lled the girl?

We can’t be %, George.

We found a scatter g*n
in his apartment.

But, of course,
we can’t use
ballistics to peg that.

Forensics ran test patterns,
and they were close.

But no cigar.

See, the button we got here
is, "who shot Anderson?"

And having
the m*rder w*apon

isn’t enough.

I mean, we got to connect
Langley to Anderson,

put the g*n in Langley’s hand
with him pulling the trigger,

or reasonable doubt’s
going to k*ll us
in the jury room.

He’s right. Cut him loose.
We’ll pick this up

in the morning.

Cap, I think we’ll stick
with this for a while,

we have a ton
of phone records
to go through.

And a big

box of papers
and records.


You go ahead. Enjoy lunch.

Go ahead.

We’ll stick with
it for a while.

Go ahead.

You’re really
going to eat that?

Yeah. It’s one
of my favorite dishes.

You’re going to die.

Thank you, Gloria.

Good morning, dear.

How was jail?

Very funny.

Old Berger
is a very good lawyer.

I don’t think
I’ll be going back.

Oh, I hope not, Gilbert.

So, why are you
dressed so early?

I’m going to the apartment.

Prospective tenants.

You mean a couple?

Yes. A couple of young ladies.

You sick bastard.

The other one’s
not even cold yet.

What can I say?

These girls love the ocean view.

Damn you, Gilbert.
Please don’t do this to me.

This has nothing to do with you.

It has nothing
to do with us.

Why are you getting so angry?

I’m not going to leave you.

Oh, I’d love
to be rid of you.

But not my money.

Do you have any idea what it
would do to my reputation

if word got around about what
you do with these little girls?

What do you think it would do?

I’d be laughed
right out of palm beach.

Oh, you get a wink,
a little nudge
in your ribs. D do?

All the time, they’d be
laughing at me behind my back.

They already laugh
at you, Amanda.

They all know you’re pretending
to be something you’re not.

That you were my whore
before I married you.

That it used to be you
in the apartment.

But why do you give a damn?

Because it’s important to me.

I’m somebody now.

Damn you,
you’re going to ruin it.

I could k*ll you

for this, Gilbert.

Oh, don’t be ridiculous.

Oh, I could do it.

I sent Grady Anderson

to k*ll
your other whore.

And then I k*lled him.

So I could
sh**t you

and not think twice about it.

( Giggling )

But I won’t.

All I have
to do is wait.

The police are going
to do everything for me.

Bull’s-eye, captain.


Yep. We were
right all along.

The connection
of Grady Anderson
to Langley was correct.

We just had
the wrong Langley.

Mrs. Langley.

But not for the m*rder
of Grady Anderson.

Looks like a conspiracy
to m*rder Tricia vale.

We have phone calls
from her car phone

to his apartment.

We have bank records
saying she was paying him.

And we got his
expense account.

Old Grady watched his nickels
and he watched his dimes.

But every cent he spent

tagging Tricia vale--
he wrote it down.

And Amanda Langley
reimbursed him for it.

So what
do you think?

The wife had access
to the g*n that k*lled Anderson

and a big motive
for both murders.

I think she put together

a pretty nice frame-up
on her old man.

I also think you two
must have spent the night here.

Yeah, pretty close.

Uh... : a.m.?

around there.

Go. Go.

I said you’re not
leaving this house.

Well, of course not.

You’re absolutely right.
I’m not going anywhere.


Not till I turn my back.

I never should have
told you, Gilbert.

But it doesn’t matter.
I can’t testify against you.

Put the g*n down, Mrs. Langley.

Come on, nobody has to get hurt.

Put the g*n down.

Put it down!

Are you here
to arrest my husband?

We’re just here
to talk to you, ma’am.

They’re going to put me
in prison, Gilbert.

You’ll be free S hand
to have all the
little girls you want.

( Groaning )

Your playing days
are over, dear.

So are yours, lady.

So are yours.

You know that thing about

is the glass
half full or is
the glass half empty?

Yeah. It’s called
optimism versus pessimism.

Yeah, optimism
versus pessimism.

I think that’s how
we all live our lives.

We’re either looking
forward to the best
it has to offer

or we’re trying
to get ready

to deal with the
worst thing that
can happen to us.

So, which one
do you think you do?

Well, I used to
expect the worst.

It’s not that
I expected it.

It’s just that I
always wanted to be
ready to deal with it

in case it happened.

But I think
I’ve changed.

Now I’m looking forward
to the best it has to offer.

I would say that’s
a definite improvement.

What changed your mind?

I lived through
the worst thing
that could happen to me.

What’s that?

I lost you.


You got to hear this.

I want you
to know what happened.

See, I was
telling everybody

that I didn’t
believe it was you.

I know, big-time denial.

But inside...

Inside my heart...

Rita, I was so scared.

My whole world...

Blew up.

And I just...

It was like I lost
a huge piece of myself.

You’re my best friend.

I’m closer to you

than I am to
anybody else in
this whole world,

and I thought
you were gone.

I felt like
I was going to die.

But now I got you back.

And I feel like
I got a second chance

at life myself.

And I’m going
to take all

it has to offer,
thanks to you.
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