03x06 - Schemes Like Old Times

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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03x06 - Schemes Like Old Times

Post by bunniefuu »

Palm beach is full of people
who’ve made it big.

Usually they do it
by taking charge of life.

They engineer their own success.

That’s okay, but when they take
charge of someone else’s life,

sometimes the results are
a little different.

I’ll call you as soon
as the market opens.

I want you to fax
these to New York

and wait
for an answer.

Very well.
Will that be all?

You look fat in that.

Wear something else.

Darling, our reservations
are for :.

If we don’t leave now,
we might lose the table.

Then why are you
still standing here?

Move, Susan.

Pretending to be asleep.

You know better than that.

I like it more when you
pretend to be asleep.

Because I know just exactly...

How to touch you
to wake you up.

Please, don’t.

Why don’t you try
to stop me?

I like that.

Come on,
try to stop me.

It makes it better.

Think about this.

You should be better
tomorrow night

or you know
what’ll happen.

( Rattling )


Who’s there?

Forget the poker,
Dr. Enwright.

Won’t do you any good.

Listen, there’s no need
to do anything crazy.

Take what you want.

Don’t hurt me.

Did that hurt?

( Engine running roughly )

Oh, transmission needs
a little work.

Needs a little work.

Excuse me, gentlemen.

Thank you.

There might be something
underneath there.

Hey, ladies.

I thought
that was you.

You could hear
him coming a mile away.

Don’t start with me,
Hattie, all right?

You look wonderful
in lime.

What do we got?

Dr. Douglas enwright, .

g*nsh*t to the heart.

Death was instantaneous.

He might have
interrupted a burglar.

Anything missing?

Only a statue
of a ballerina.

It was a degas--
very old and
very expensive.


Anybody else
at home?

The wife
and an assistant,

Helen Matthews.

Her bedroom
was closest.

Only in this town

does the live-in help
look like that.

Have you talked to her?

Yes, I have. No, please,
don’t let it stop you.

I won’t; You might’ve
missed something. Excuse me.

Sergeant Lorenzo.

So, you were
Dr. Enwright’s assistant?

That’s right.

He must’ve been very busy

to require a live-in.

Dr. Enwright had investments

that demanded
constant attention.

All right.

World finance doesn’t respect
American business hours.

At night, the Tokyo exchange
is open.

What time did you
go to sleep?

Shortly after :.

Hear the g*nsh*t?

No. I already told
the other detective...

You must be a heavy sleeper.

I heard nothing.

Did you see Dr. Enwright
last night?

Earlier. He and Mrs. Enwright
had a dinner engagement.

Mrs. Enwright,
I’m sorry.

I’m all right.

Really, I am.

Let’s just hurry up
and do this.

I know this is
difficult for you,

but the first few hours
after a crime are crucial.

Anything you
can remember

could be very
helpful to us.

I don’t
remember anything.

Did Dr. Enwright wake you
when you heard the intruder?

No, he didn’t wake me.

I don’t know what he heard.

What about the alarm?

He had a lot to drink
at dinner last night.

Sometimes he forgets
to set it.

You ever set the alarm?

No, I wasn’t allowed
to touch it.

It was too complicated.

If you were in bed
with your wife

and heard a prowler,

wouldn’t you
wake her up

or is that not
a guy thing to do?

I would want whoever I left

behind in the bedroom
to call in the cavalry.

Unless you were never
in bed with her.

Maybe he was
downstairs already.


Maybe he
couldn’t sleep.

He needed a glass of warm milk
to soothe his weary soul.


You’re not suggesting

that he was,
uh... perhaps

in the help, are you?

I am not
suggesting that yet.

Are you
suggesting that?

Well, I might be. Yes.

Uh, you want me

to check out
the assistant?

I think
I can handle it.


( Engine runs roughly
and very loud )

Oh, no.

Did I say anything?

I know what you’re thinking
Rita, and I love this car.

You’re in an abusive
relationship, Chris.

Sell the car.


( Tires screech )

Here we go.

Thank you.

Thank you.

a "high-ho, silver!"

He limps off
into the sunset.

You know, it’s not even
noon yet, and I am beat.

It has been so hot lately,

I haven’t been
able to sleep.

Try keeping your panties
in the fridge.

Excuse me?

Worked for Marilyn Monroe
in seven year itch.

I found a pair in Chris’s
vegetable crisper once,

but I had no idea

they were his.

Listen, I need a favor.

You’ve got connections
at the hospital, right?

I need you to get me
all the dish on Dr. Enwright.

You want gossip?

Rita, you surprise me--

thinking I would
stoop so low.

No, Hattie, actually I don’t
want gossip, I want dirt.

Oh, well,
that’s different.

So you think
the doc was giving

a little extra pelvics
on the side, huh?

Well, people are usually k*lled
for two reasons: Money and sex.

And in his case, I would say
he has plenty of money.

Oh, man! This is it!

I’ve had it. No more.

This is the end
of the line.

No, no, Chris,
don’t say that.

That car’s an
American classic.

You can’t expect
it to act

like a Japanese

A new transmission

will cost
, bucks, cotton.

That’s if they can find
a new transmission

for a car this old.

Chill, Chris. Chill.

Remember who
you’re talking to.

I got more sources
and contacts than
you can dream of.

That’s probably because
I’m a police officer

and you, my friend, consort
with known felons.

Hey, hey, I’m talking
strictly above board here.

I know a guy

who can get you
a new transmission

in less than a week.


Yeah. I just need
$ deposit

to get the ball rolling.

I am not giving you
bucks, cotton.

Give me .

bucks I got.

I want magic.

Magic you’ll have.

bucks worth of magic.


Ow, keep the lights off.

It’s dark in here.

Fran brought home
a study that said

prolonged exposure
to fluorescent lights

shrinks your gonads.

There was this guy in Sweden.

He worked under these
damn lights his whole life.

The day he retired, his ’nads

were the size of apple seeds.

Apple seeds?

Apple seeds.

Hello. Why is it
so dark in here?

The florescent lights
are shrinking
the captain’s...



The glare is

no good
for my eyes.

I see. Listen, I just
spoke with the I.N.S.

They have no record
of Helen Matthews

entering the country.

And she is?

Enwright’s assistant.

Live-in assistant.

by your salacious inference,

I take it
that Helen Matthews

is attractive and young...

And playing doctor
with the doctor.

So you’re leaning towards her?

Or it could be what it
looks like, a burglary.

Come on. When is it just
ever what it looks like?

So, is Helen Matthews
here illegally or what?

Maybe she’s not using
her real name,

but how many people
from England

sneak into the U.S.?

It’s a hell of
a long swim.

All right, you stay with her.

But don’t take the wife’s name
off your list.

If you suspect sex games
between consenting adults,

so does she.


I don’t know, cotton.

A transmission
for a ’ Charger Hemi.

That’s a tall order.

Oh, come on now.
You got to help me.

This is for a friend.

Well, I could
special order it.

We’re not talking
anything illegal here, are we?

You don’t want to know.

Why not?

Well, that depends.

On what?

On what? On what are we
talking about here?

On how badly you want
a transmission

for a ’
charger Hemi.


In less than six months?

Of course!

Then you don’t want to know.

Why not?

Because it’s really complicated

and it’s so boring.

Okay, fine, as long as
it’s on the up and up,

I don’t have to know.

Then you didn’t hear it from me.


$-- for what?

A special order requires
a special deposit.

No way. I’ll give you bucks.

Oh, look at the poor little
all by himself.

Do you have another three of
these guys to keep him company?

bucks. Come on.

$-- I could order
that thing retail.

You never ordered retail
in your life!

If you could
order retail,
you wouldn’t be

coming here talking to me.

Okay, the sooner the better.

But be sure you do it
because it’s for a friend.

Friends, remember?

What we were before today.

I told Susan she could stay
as long as she wanted,

but she left right after
the police had gone.

You know where
she went?

No, I don’t.

She left in such a hurry

she didn’t even take
all of her things.

I don’t understand.

May we look
at her room?

Go right ahead.


You think she
was in a hurry?

I think she liked
traveling light.

this out.

She was definitely
in a hurry.

Find something?

I don’t know,

You find

I sure did.

Yes, this is my husband’s
insurance company.

But nothing’s unusual.

She handled those
matters for him.

Did anyone recommend Helen
to your husband

before he hired her?

No, he placed an ad.

She was the most qualified
person who responded.

Did she have references

from any
previous employers?

I don’t know. Maybe.

Look, he hired her because
she was the best person

for the job.

Do you think there
is a possibility

that your husband and Helen

had more than a
professional relationship?


She worked for him, that’s all.

Why would you even ask
a question like that?

Because, ma’am, her leaving
raises some serious questions.

Helen was upset.
We all are.

I know Helen.

I’m certain she had

nothing to do
with this.

Now, if there’s nothing more,
I’d like some time to myself.

( Screaming )

Hey, whoa,
whoa, whoa!

Alicia, it’s me, Eddie!

You stupid son of a bitch!

Don’t you ever
do that to me!

What, you’re not pleased
to see me, huh?


As you can see,

the recession has been
very good for my business.

Burglary told us
you called.

We appreciate it.

I get bankrupt high rollers
from the ’s

selling their treasures
for a song.

What do I need
with the hot merchandise?


Made sure I kept
my fingers off of it.

Good, thanks.

Don’t mention it.

I knew he was a gonif
the minute he walked in.

What tipped
you off?

Well, look at it,
she’s beautiful!


He let it go much too cheap.

He didn’t know what he had.

You got a description
of this guy?


He was in his ’s,
medium height, wiry.

He had a goatee.

And he had a kind of aroma.


Sort of like the jailhouse.

In my business, you learn
to recognize the smell.

So I called.

We’re going to have
to take this with us, okay?

Take. Take.

She’s a beauty.

But who needs
the tsuris?


That is our boy!

Crime lab matched the prints
off the statue.

Ooh, I love it
when that happens.

He’s an English lad,
Eddie Bryce, out on parole.

So what was he in for?

He scammed a retired dentist
out of his entire life savings.

Now, that wasn’t
very nice, was it?

Yeah, but, here’s what it gets
interesting: He had a partner.

A British woman by the name
of Alicia Wexford.

Now, there’s no picture
of her in there,

only a description.

Wait-- don’t tell me,
don’t tell me.

I’m not going
to tell you.

She looks exactly
like Helen Matthews.

Ding, ding, ding!
You win, sergeant.

You move on to the next round

of the palm beach police
department playoffs.

Eddie was convicted
of extortion, fraud,

attempted m*rder.

Doesn’t sound like
your typical con man.

No, just your
typical psychopath.

He tried to k*ll a mark who
got wise and turned him in.

Helen-- or Alicia-- split
right before he came down.

She’s been
on the run ever since.

The statute of limitations
on her charge is almost up.

If she had kept her nose clean
a few more days,

she would have been
free and clear.

There is no statute
of limitations on greed.

So, she goes to work
for enwright,

she waits for her boyfriend
to get out

so they can go
for the really big score.

Yeah, but how?

I mean, hocking a stolen statue

is not exactly worth the price
of the electric chair.



Excuse me.

And this little piggy...

( Laughing )

Went wee...

( Giggles )

I know you
missed me, baby.

I missed you

like I missed
a root canal.

( Giggles )


You got spunky while
I was in the joint.

That’s right, Eddie.

Being away from you

has done me the world of good.

Why don’t you
get out of here

and leave
me alone?

You’ve developed
some very bad habits.

I guess
your doctor friend

didn’t quite know how
to keep you in line

the way I used to?

He was a cruel pig.

Only slightly better
manners than you.

A lot more money.

You liked that,
didn’t you?

( Angry screech )

No, I didn’t, Eddie!

Let me go,
you’re hurting me!

That’s why you stayed
with him, isn’t it?

He could treat you
like he owned you.

Rough and nasty!

He made up for it

by buying you lots
of expensive toys.

He didn’t buy me
anything, Eddie.

Damn it,
let me go!

No cars?

No apartment of your own?

No cash?

Now, come on, sweetheart,

at least tell me you worked him
for some expensive jewelry.

I didn’t want
anything from him.

He was a nasty pig.

I had no choice.

He said he would
turn me in

if I didn’t do
what he wanted.

He found out
who I was.

So I done you a favor.

Oh, Eddie, you didn’t.

In less than a week,

I would have been free.

I could have done
anything I wanted.

I could have gone
anywhere I wanted.

No more running...

Hiding or lying.

It’s all gone now.

All thanks to you.

Poor Alicia, I get sent down
for five years

while you’re out here
living the high life.

Well, let me tell you
something, baby,

it’s Eddie’s turn now.

I didn’t waste enwright

just to fence
one lousy statue.

The whole place is full
of expensive stuff.

I want you
to go back.

We’re cashing in.

I’m not going
back there, Eddie.

Yes, you can.

Of course you can.

Eddie, don’t do that.

Now, come on, sweetheart,
pitch in.

Just trying to think
of our future.

We have no
future, Eddie!

Please, Eddie, I have
spent the last five years

turning my life around.

I am finished
working the con.


I’m not going to do
that anymore, Eddie.

You’d better.

Or I’ll find you again.

And next time

it won’t be
just your boyfriend

who gets wasted.

Move your butt.


What I do for love.

If I was a tabloid,

my headline would
be screaming

about Dr. Douglas enwright.

A real horny toad,

He never met a nurse
he didn’t try.

A walking case of
sexual harassment.

You think he
and his young assistant...

Oh, don’t you?

Had to be.

Right under
his wife’s nose.

Sometimes, I think I got
a terrific job.

Surrounded by stiff men

and none of them
can talk.


Let’s do coffee,
I’ll buy.

( Engine running roughly )

I would have picked you up
this morning.

It was my turn to drive.

It’s like riding in a blender.

Well, excuse me.

( Radio playing rock music )

So, what will it be today,

Life, health or auto?

Florida mutual is a
full service company.

Actually, none of
the above, Mr. Polk.

We’re here to find out

about Dr. Enwright’s
account with you.

We called and told
your secretary we were coming.

I know, I know.

But there’s no harm in trying.

These days, everybody
needs to be covered.

You can’t be
too careful.

No, you can’t.

Take what happened
to Dr. Enwright.

But he planned ahead.

Made sure he was covered.

Now that he’s gone,
he’s in great shape.

Well, I’m not so sure
he would agree.

Oh, metaphorically speaking,
of course.

Do you have
any aspirin?

Uh, no, sorry.

Are all of those
Dr. Enwright’s?

Oh, yes, ma’am. He had a lot
of very expensive stuff,

and he wanted to make sure
that he was...

That he was covered.


Look, all we’re
interested in

is his
life insurance policy.

Do you know, was any
coverage added recently?

Do you know that we have
quite a few exciting packages

tailor-made for law enforcement?

FMI. Heard you had
special needs

and we responded.

No, Mr. Polk,
we’re not interested
in buying insurance.

That is the last thing

we’re interested in.

We’re here to find out

about Dr. Enwright’s
life insurance
coverage with you.

I am being clear,
aren’t I?


Mr. Polk, we are
fully covered

through our
police association.

Oh, well, why didn’t you
nice folks say so?

And keep me
from going on like this--

bending your ears.

Um, oh-oh, here we go.

I believe I have
what you’re looking for.

A supplemental policy taken out
by Dr. Enwright

for $ million.

Who’s the beneficiary?

A Helen Matthews.

Here’s the original application.

Is there anything else in that
file with his signature?

Oh, sure.

Maybe, maybe not.


So I figure it
went like this.

Helen or... Alicia,

she gets cozy
with the doctor.

She manipulates him
into thinking

she’s his one
and only.

He wants to
provide for her,

so he takes
out the policy.

Or maybe she takes out
the policy?

And forges
his signature.

She waits for Eddie
to get out of jail.

When he does,
he offs enwright,

makes it look like
a burglary.

They take the money

and they steal
happily ever after.

It could work.

It definitely could work.

My car is gone.

My car.

It was right here.

I can’t believe somebody
would steal your car.

I mean...

Yeah, I knew
you’d be back.

Couldn’t stay away
from the best stuff

you’ve ever had,
could you, huh?


I can’t.

Prison must really
do something

to crank up a man’s libido.

You bet
it does.

Five long years,
didn’t think about anything

except getting next
to something like you.

I want you
to do it to me

the way you imagined
in jail.

Wait. First...

I want to try something.

I brought us a toy.

I got the only toy
we need.

Just hold on to it for a minute.

You know, I thought
I was a master scammer, hey?

Next to you, baby,

I ain’t nothing.

Sure you’ve never
been on the grift?

Nope, just picked it up
as I went along.

Necessity can be
a wonderful teacher.

We’ll be sitting in Cancun,
sipping margaritas

while Alicia’s
getting old and gray

on death row.

That’ll teach her
to run out on me.

She never wrote to me
while I was in jail.

Silly girl.

She didn’t know what she had.

It’s a shame, isn’t it?

Best thing
I’ve ever come up with

and I can’t tell anyone
about it.

That’s right.

You won’t be able
to tell a soul.

What are you doing
with that g*n?

I told you to ditch that for me.

Guess I forgot.

Come on now, it’s not funny.

On the contrary, sweetie,

I think it’s hysterical.

What the...
( Grunts )

I checked with impound,

there’s no record
of my car coming in.

Somebody ripped off my car.

Your insurance
will cover it, right?

Insurance. They don’t
consider my car a classic,

they’ll give me blue book,
which is absolutely nothing.

If you need insurance,
I know a man over
at Florida mutual.

He’d bend over backwards
to help you out.

Ask for Mr. Polk.

( Scoffing ):

Well, this is definitely Eddie.

So, what do you think,
lovers’ quarrel? Thanks.

My guess would be,
something more like

a little
financial dispute.

Yeah, something like, um...

"Thanks for
the help, Eddie,

"but I’d like to keep
all the money for myself

and by the way, bang, bang,
you’re dead-- love, Alicia."

Sounds about right.

I’d put the time of death
around : last night.

Shot twice in the chest.
Stay tuned for ballistics.

Not much in here.
Got some cash,

pawn shop ticket,
parole info.

Be right back.



You think the same m*rder w*apon
k*lled Dr. Enwright?

The size and shape
of entry wounds

on both victims

are very similar.

You’re really going out
on a limb here, aren’t you?

For me, I am.

Check this out.

What is it?

Card key to a
security lock.

Does it
have an address?

No, but--

it does have a magnetic strip.

Thank you for
letting me stay here.

I had no place else
to go.

Oh, you’re welcome, dear.

Think nothing of it.

In fact, I’m glad you called
when you did.

The police came by,

asking all kinds
of strange questions about you.

You have to believe me.
I had nothing to do

with what happened
to Dr. Enwright.

Oh, I believe you, Helen,
but the police aren’t so sure.

Look, get some rest.

You can stay
as long as you like.

Thank you,
Mrs. Enwright.

Call me Susan,
all my friends do.

Cap, you got
a second?

We just got the
ballistics report

on the g*n that
k*lled Eddie Bryce.

Same g*n that
k*lled enwright.

We found a card key
to a gated golf course

very expensive
and very exclusive.

The kind of place only
someone like enwright

could afford to own.

Aha. I’m guessing that
you’ve already checked.

Yeah, we did
and yes, he did.

His wife says they
haven’t been there in months.

She gave us keys.

We think Alicia Wexford
is hiding out there.

So you think she’ll
be expecting you?

Not likely. This lady
is smart, captain.

I think she set the whole
thing up way in advance.

We are probably
the last thing she expects.

So what are you standing?

Go! Go!

Helen, Helen, wake up,
we’ve got to go!

Why? What’s wrong?

The police.
The guard called

and said they’re
on their way over here.

We’ve got to get
you someplace safe.

You’re taking a big chance,
aren’t you?

Why are you
doing this for me?

Because I know that
you’re innocent.

And in this state they
put you on death row first

and ask questions
later. Come on.

Wait here. I’ll be right back.
I forgot the car keys.

Okay, let’s get out of here.

Hey, Chris.

It’s been
fired recently.

Is it just me or
does something
about this bother you?

Like how we seem to be
just one step behind her?

We always seem to find

that one little thing that
she has carelessly left behind.

This is k*lling me.
As sloppy as she is,

you wonder how she managed
to stay on the run

all these years
without getting caught?

Yeah, certainly does.

Well, maybe it was towed.

Have you checked
the impound garage?

It was stolen,

and I want it back.

How the hell am I
supposed to help you

with something like that?

Out of the car.

Hold it right there!
Are you implying

I had something
to do with that?

I am shocked
and I am hurt.

You sent someone

to look
for a ’ charger

and someone
found a ’ charger.

They found mine, cotton.

Now, if my car is in a
chop shop someplace.

I swear, I don’t
know anything about it.

You’d better find
something out about it.

You’d better find out
all about it

and you’d better
do it today.

You got hours, cotton.

Try to help out a friend
and look what I get for it!

Just came back
from forgery.

expert says

it’s definitely
not enwright’s

No surprise here. We figured
Alicia forged it anyway.

Yes, but I also ran
a fingerprint check,

and guess what?
None of the prints

match Alicia’s.

If she was that sloppy
with the signature,

why would she be careful
enough to wear gloves

and why would she
be careful enough

to wipe her prints
off the m*rder w*apon?

Exactly. Check out
these phone records.

All these calls were made
to enwright’s house

from Alicia’s motel room

after enwright was k*lled
and after Alicia disappeared.

You think Eddie made the calls?

That would be my guess.

So we conveniently find
an envelope that leads us

to the phony insurance policy

that points directly
to Alicia Wexford.

Not to mention we also found

the m*rder w*apon
in her belongings.

You know what else bugs me
about this case?

Enwright seems like the type of
guy who loves his possessions.

So if he’s gonna hire
an assistant

to take care of all of his
precious little things,

don’t you think he would
have checked her out first?

Of course. So enwright
must’ve known

that Alicia was a fugitive.

And he didn’t do
a damn thing about it.


Because that way,
he could own her, too.

Mrs. Enwright runs the place.
She handles all the finances,

does all the hiring
and firing.

This is definitely
her baby.

Have you ever
seen this guy?

His parole officer said
he worked here.

Oh, yeah, sure,
Mrs. Enwright called me

and told me to hire him.

He came in for his first day,
filled out his W-s, and...

Then he never
showed up.

When I told her, she said
that never mind,

and that, uh, he was working
for her on her boat.

You don’t think
that was true?

Oh, no, no, no, I’m sure
old Eddie was hard at work,

doing some serious
offshore drilling,

if you know
what I mean.

I think we do know
what you mean, yeah.

Here, these are for you.

Uh, thank you very much.

Eyes off the butt, huh?


I am mad. Are you mad?

You’re damn right,
I’m mad.

Why are you mad?

Because Susan enwright
has been yanking our chain

since this
investigation started.

We’ve picked up
every little tidbit

she has left behind
for us to find

and we’ve done exactly
what she wanted us to do.

Is that why you’re mad?

That just about
covers it.

I am cheered
by one thing, though.

She has no idea
we’re coming.


What have you done?

( Worried moaning )

What have you done?!


I told you nothing illegal.

You also told me
you didn’t want
to hear about it.

Only if it was legal.

Well, seems to me
like you’re splitting

some mighty fine
hairs here.

You didn’t even try to find
a new transmission, did you?

You went out and found
the first charger Hemi

you could
and you stole it.

Well, you know, parts like
that are hard to come by.

Did it ever occur to you
that it’s wrong?

Not only that, but you could
be taking somebody’s car

that could get you
in serious trouble?
Like a cop?!

You’re kidding.

Do I look like I’m kidding!


You’re gonna make this right.

You’re gonna find
a new transmission

put it in this car,
make this car look better

than it did the first day
it came off the assembly line.

You got that?

You know I’d like to do
that. You know I would.

But I sold a bunch
of the parts.


So enwright finds
out about Alicia,

but he doesn’t report her to the
police and he doesn’t fire her.

No. He moves her
into his home.

He’s got a devoted
assistant by day,

a love sl*ve by night,

and she’d better

Or she goes to jail.


Then Mrs. Enwright
finds out about Alicia,

and she comes up
with a little plan
of her own.

She waits for Eddie
to get out of prison,

she has him off enwright

and then she makes it
look like Alicia and Eddie

did it for the
insurance money.

And then she kills Eddie

and she sets Alicia up
for that m*rder, too.

Mrs. Enwright ends up
with all the cash.

She rigs it so it
looks like Alicia

the fugitive from
justice did it all.

Swear out a warrant.

Let’s bring her in.

We got to find her first.

See, we know she owns a boat.

We just haven’t been able

to find out where it’s docked.

What about a private dock,
like a house or something?

We thought
about that, cap.

It turns out that enwright hid
all of his properties

inside shell companies.

It’s going to take us months
to go through them all.

The fact of the matter is,
she could be anywhere.

You don’t have
that kind of time.

If what you’re saying is true,

Mrs. Enwright can’t afford
to leave Alicia alive.

And without her,
you kiss your
case good-bye.

You’re Douglas enwright,
you’re going to buy a boat,

what kind of boat
is it gonna be ?

Judging from the rest
of enwright’s things,

it would be a nice one.

Say, expensive?

Very expensive.

And what do you do...
What do you do

when you buy something
really expensive?

You insure it.

Damn right you do.

FMI owes you
a debt of gratitude.
You alerted us

to some serious irregularities
on that life insurance policy.

Don’t mention it.

No, no, no. You may have
saved us a million bucks.

Say, do either of you have kids?

’cause we just came up
with this great new package.

It’s called
graduation insurance.

If, for any reason,

your child fails to
finish high school...

Just the boat, Mr. Polk.

Oh, yes, of course.

Here it is. Here it is.

The deja vu.

Oh, she’s a nice one, too.

Yup, she’s insured.

Does it say where
the boat’s docked?

Well, sure, it would have to.

It’s a beach house.

topsail road.

Thank you, Mr. Polk.

No, I...

We’ll take a long,
leisurely cruise.

Island-hop for a while.
By the time we get back,

my lawyers will have cleared up
this whole ridiculous mess.

If it’s all the
same to you,

I’d rather not leave
town right now.

The police are looking
for you everywhere.

Wouldn’t you prefer to
be on a nice, warm beach

rather than rotting
away in a jail cell?

I think
I’ll take my chances.

But thanks, anyway.

I’m afraid I can’t
let you do that.

It’s been you all along.

It’s all been you.

Come on, Helen.

Or should I say Alicia?

I would think you, more than
anybody, would appreciate
everything I’ve done.

Set me up for m*rder?

No, Susan I don’t
appreciate that at all.

I did not set you up.

That’s just the police
being stupid.

My husband and Eddie,
they were the abusers.

You know that
as well as I.

Eddie? What
about Eddie?

He’s dead.

I dealt
with both of them.

I thought you’d appreciate
the beauty of it.

I mean, it’s the
perfect sting.

And I’m the mark.


I’m going
to give you $,

and take you
to the islands.

You’ll be
rich and free.

No, I won’t, Susan.
I’ll still be looking
over my shoulder

every minute of the day
like I have done

for the last five years.

I had a chance to be free,

but you’ve seen to that.

Sorry, my dear,
what’s done is done.

( Screams )

... there it is.

( g*nshots )


Put your hands
where I could see them!

She’s jammed!

Come on.

I was so scared.
She was gonna sh**t me.

You have to believe me.

I had nothing to do
with the murders.

We know, Alicia.

You know
who I am.

I guess I’m
under arrest anyway.

What were you up to, Alicia?

Were you trying to set
the Enwrights up for a scam

or was this just
a place to hide?

It was a job.

I thought it was a perfect job
until I found out

what Dr. Enwright
was really like.

I hated what Eddie and I did.

And when Eddie
got caught,

I swore to myself that I was
through with that kind of life.

But I was still wanted,
so I had to run.

Will I be in jail
for a long time?

We would like you
to come downtown with us,

cooperate with us,

we’ll put what you know
with what we know

so we get the whole
picture on this case.

You coming down
could have

a big influence
on your case.

Plus, we promise we’ll do
whatever we can to help you.

Of course, I’ll do what you say.

And who knows?

The warrant expires on her
in what, say, what, hours?

hours, yeah.

Plus, by the time
we finish

all the paperwork
on the enwright case,

it could be several days
before we get to you.


Are you saying
I’ll be free to go?

It could happen.


I used up
a lot of IOUs
To find your car,

not to mention a considerable
amount of my own money,

but the main thing is, you
got your car back, right?

I mean, nobody has
to be arrested, right?

Oh, all right, cotton.


Hello, sweetheart.

What about
the transmission, cotton?

That’s what you ordered,

that’s what cotton
done delivered.

Oh, cotton, I’m not
going to forget this.

Come on, baby, hum for me.

( Engine starts, runs smoothly )

So smooth.

Hey, Rita, check it out,
cotton got my car back.




Man, I wonder what
the hell got into him.

Ooh, I think I have
a pretty good idea.
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