01x08 - Crime at Shapely Manor

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Odd Squad". Aired: November 26, 2014 – July 8, 2022.*
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Series follows the exploits of Odd Squad, an organization run entirely by children, that solves peculiar problems using math skills.
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01x08 - Crime at Shapely Manor

Post by bunniefuu »



Coming up next on Odd Squad.

- I invited my friends over to
celebrate my birthday.

- Was there a cake?

- There was a cake, until one of
them stole it.

- Let me guess, you each love a
different shape?

- And the cake thief is...

My name is Agent Olive.

This is my partner, Agent Otto.

This is a cloud I saw.

But back to Otto and me.

We work for an organization
run by kids

that investigates
anything strange, weird,

and especially, odd. Our job
is to put things right again.

(theme music)

- Argh!
- Oh, yeah!

- Heyyy!
- Aaah!

Who do we work for?

We work for Odd Squad.

It was a dark and stormy night.
My partner and I were called

to solve an odd crime
at an odd place.


With even odder people.
- Welcome to Shapely Manor.

(It bellows like a moose)

You must be Agents
Olive and Otto.

May I take your coats
and umbrella?

- Wow!
Is this whole place yours?

(both laughing)
- Oh, dear me, no!

I am simply the butler.
- And I'm the maid.

- We live in the basement.
- Well, underneath the basement.
Ha! Ha! But we have a lamp.

- (butler): Oh, and what a lamp!
- Sometimes, it works.

- Sometimes?
- (maid): Yes.

- Something wrong?

- No. Not at all.
- No. Nothing at all. It's fine.

- Very well. Follow me!

- (man): One second,
it was here; and another second,

it was not here.
- Maybe you need a new stop...

- (man): People in uniform.
- (Olive): Ahem!

- Odd Squad, finally,
you've arrived.

- Remember those odd people
I mentioned?

This is Lord Rectangle,
owner of Shapely Manor.

He got rich when he invented
the ice cream sandwich.

As a result, there's nothing
he loves more than rectangles.

If it has straight corners
and L-shaped sides,

it's a rectangle,
and he has to have it.

This is Professor Square. He
teaches at Shapely University.

- (with German accent):
Squares are a type of rectangle,
except their sides are equal.

It's my favourite shape, and
yes, that will be on the test!

- (Olive): She is one of
the most famous clothing
designers in the world.

Her trademark
is straight corners

and straight sides.

Her name? Miss Steinerflute.

- But I changed it to Triangle.

- (Olive): And finally,
General Pentagon.

He's the army's only
-pentagon general.

He loves anything with sides.

- We'll put our supplies here,

here, here, here, and here.

- But, General, the river
we need to cross is all the way

over there.
- So beautiful!

- I needed to find out exactly
what happened here tonight.

Lord Rectangle,
could you tell me

exactly what happened
here tonight?

- I certainly can.

I invited my friends over
to celebrate my birthday,

because it's my birthday.

- Happy birthday!
Was there a cake? I love cake!

- There was a cake,
until one of them stole it!

- What are you saying to me?
- Cannot believe such a--

- This is not an acceptable--
- No! You have accused me

for the last time!
(Olive whistles.)

- Maybe you should walk us
through the events

of the evening.
- Gladly.

I like to start early my parties
by showing off

some of the incredibly
fancy things I own.

The rare Red Farmhouse painting.

- (guests): Aaah...
- Look at the rectangular frame.

- (guests): Ohhh!

Now this way, please.

The even rarer flat diamond.

- (guests): Oooh!
- But I particularly like

the big rectangle thingy
that it's standing on.

- (guests): Ohhh!
- This is good, isn't it?

Next, it was time for dinner.
- The slam!

- We were going to have pizza,

but because it's my birthday,

I decided to have cake first.

- (Otto): Cake before pizza?!

(adults laughing)

You are the smartest man
I've ever met.

- Please continue.
- And then...

- ♪ For every day
is a happy day ♪

♪ When it is your birthday ♪

(guests applauding)
- The butler

turned out the lights
so I could blow out the candles.

And now the blowing.

(noisy racket)

But when they came back on,
the cake was GONE!

Ah! My cake! My cake!

And all of my so-called friends

were acting very odd indeed.

Weren't you sitting over there?

You weren't anywhere near there.
- Oh, he was. He was over there.

- Your cap seems to be
in a sideway position when--

- It does that
in the, uh, in the wind.

- And now

I may never...

see my precious cake again.
- Oh, he's crying again.

(Lord Rectangle crying)
- Unbelievable.

- It's just a cake.

- Lord Rectangle,

would you happen to have
a photo of this cake?

- Of course! I take photos
of all my cake. Butler!

- (Otto): Why do you want
to see the cake?

- Three guests who each
love a different type of shape.

If we know the cake's shape--
- (Otto): We know who stole it.

- Exactly.

Thank you.

And the cake thief is...

Oh no! This cake

has many different shapes. Look!

A triangle, a square,

and a pentagon.

That means...
- Anyone could have done it.

- Well, it certainly seems

like an unsolvable
mystery to me!

Good night, everyone!
- Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

- Hmm!
- We're all staying here

until we solve this mystery.
All of you.

I'm so sorry. I'll pay for it.

How much did it cost?
- It was priceless, sir.

- Oh! Phew!

- Lord Rectangle, can we look
around the manor for clues?

- Of course. Maid, the map!

- Thank you.

- This is not a small house.
- OK, we should probably
split up.

- So...

- You can go ahead,
this might take a while.

- I could give you a hand.
Maybe we should just take this.

(overlapping chatter)

- You guys can take it,
thank you very much.

The Red Farmhouse painting...

Is missing a farmhouse!

Professor Square!
- Olive!

- You're not trying to
sneak out, are you?
- No,

I was just looking for a place
to practice my square dancing.

♪ Take your partner by the hand,
pour reams of sugar and
claim the land ♪

- Are you being
straight with me?

- Danser.

- Hmm...

(He sighs.)
- Fine.

I admit. I snuck away
when the lights went out.

But I was only looking
for a place to finish my book.

So good and so square.

If you ask me,
it was the general.

He looked very suspicious
when the lights went out.

Think about it.

Think about it.

Man, this place is so fancy!

Wait a minute. The Flat diamond,

it's missing!

This is getting odder
by the mo... Aaah!

Mr. Pentagon.
- It's General Pentagon.

I didn't fight for years
in the Shape Wars

to be called Mister!
You got it?

They're gonna try to pin
this whole thing on me

just because I looked nervous
before the lights went out.
But I didn't do it!

- Then, why did you
look nervous?

- Because I realized
right before dinner

that I hadn't washed my hands,

which is why I ran away
when the lights went out.

Look, I even got
my own special Pentagon soap.

See? sides.
, , , , .

- Clean hands seem
very important to you.

- They are,
which is why I didn't do it.

Now, Miss Triangle,

on the other hand,
I heard her stomach

grumbling before dinner,
which means she was hungry.

Maybe hungry enough
to eat a whole cake.

Think about it. Huh?

Think ab...

There's no doorway
behind me, is there?

- No.
- I didn't think so.

- Oh!
- Oh, come on!

- How are you all so sneaky?

- Well, you've got to be,
darling, to run with this crowd.

A bunch of tricksters,
the whole lot.

- Sounds like you don't care
for them very much.

- I didn't steal the cake
if that's what you're saying.

I mean, sure, I ran out
when it went dark,

but it was only to grab
a slice of pizza.

Three sides of deliciousness,

who could resist? Besides...

who eats cake before pizza?
That's just gross.

Think about it.

(Miss Triangle
whispering indistinctly)


(Otto sighs.)
- Any luck?

- Nope. It just gets
more and more confusing.

(Otto sighs.)
- It surely is "shaping up"

to be one odd night.
- It certainly is.

- Get it? I said "shaping up"
'cause there's a bunch of shapes

all over the place--
- Hold the puns.

Is that your muddy footprint?

- That's not my footprint.

- Ewww!
- It's frosting!

From a cake!
- Really?

You're right. This is the break
we've been looking for.

(It trumpets like an elephant.)
(overlapping chatter)

- Attention!


We know who stole
Lord Rectangle's birthday cake.

- Thank goodness.
- And...

we're gonna tell you
exactly how they did it.

(dramatic musical cue on piano)

- Uh, son, please
don't play the piano.

- Sorry.

(indistinct chatter)

- To be continued.



- Greetings, agents.
This is a Shape Crystal.

Beautiful, isn't it?
So beautiful, you just want to

reach out with your hand
and touch it.

Don't! Because if you do,
this will happen.

But not to worry,

your partner can fix this using
the "put-back-in-nator" gadget.

This shape

has , , sides.
So, it's a triangle.

Simply set the "put-back-in-
nator" gadget to triangle and...

But we're not done yet,

because this agent also thought
it would be a good idea

to kick the Shape Crystal.

This shape has , , ,

, , sides.

That means it's a hexagon.

Simply set the
"put-back-in-nator" gadget

to hexagon and...

Now, you might think I was
joking if I said we're not
done yet. We're not done yet,

because this agent also thought
it would be a good idea

to sit on a Shape Crystal.

(girl laughing)

This shape has , , , ,

, , , sides.
So, that means it's an octagon.

(girl still laughing)
You partner can also fix this

if she can stop laughing.
Just give it.

(girl and Oscar laughing)
Can't... OK.

Where did he go?

- And now the rest of the story.

- Odd Squad, is this true?

You know who stole my cake?

- We do. And it all
comes down to one clue.

(He gasps.)
- One clue? That seemed so easy.

- The cake thief
spilled some frosting

on the floor and stepped in it,

leaving a very odd footprint.

(adults gasping)

Count the sides
with me, will you?

- (adults): , , , , .

- And there's only one person
in this room

with a five-sided shape
on his shoe:

General Pentagon!


- I didn't do it! I swear!

- That's right, you didn't.
- That's right.

General Pentagon was in...

the drawing room!
(Mister Rectangle gasps.)

- I don't even draw.

- Well, come on! Let's go!

- Ooh-ooh-ooh!

(It bleats like a sheep.)

- General Pentagon didn't wash
his hands while the lights

were out,
because, as you can see--

- They're still dirty.

- Dah!

- Aw, how did they get so dirty?

Maybe it was when he stole...

the missing red farmhouse!

(Miss Triangle gasps.)
- General,

is this true?
- It is.


- The farmhouse is a pentagon,

and you couldn't resist!

- But I don't understand.

If the general was busy here,
he couldn't have stolen my cake,

yet the footprint
is clearly a pentagon.

- It is, but General Pentagon
didn't make it.

- But he's the only pentagon
here! How is that even possible?

- Otto?
- The answer is in...

the dining room!
(overlapping chatter)

(dramatic music)


- (Miss Triangle):
Nothing? Just go right!

Oh! Bully!

- Obviously, you can make

a pentagon with a pentagon,

but you can also
combine shapes

to make a pentagon.

A square and a triangle.

(The general gasps.)
Professor Square

has squares on the bottom
of his shoes!

I've seen 'em!
- Professor Square,

please show everybody
your shoes.

- (General Pentagon): Come on!

(Mr. Rectangle gasps and sighs.)

- And Miss Triangle
has a triangle.

- What?! That's...

- Miss Triangle, you as well.

- So the professor
and Miss Triangle

have teamed up to steal my cake?
(overlapping protests)

- Professor Square
didn't steal the cake.

- Well, thank you.
- But he's not innocent either.

- Huh?
- Follow me!

- More running, really?

- When the lights

went out, the professor
ran in here so he could steal...

- The flat diamond!
(adults gasping)

- Yah, I took it.

- But, Professor, why?
It's a diamond,

not a square!
- Therein lies the trick.

for this flat diamond
has straight, equal sides.

- And when you
turn it like so...

- A square.

- Well, whoop-dee-doo!

You two geniuses got me
my priceless artifacts back.

Yeah! Yeah!
But I still want to know

who stole my cake!

- Who indeed? I mean, you two
just proved that Square
and I are innocent.

- No, we proved
Professor Square was innocent.

- Aha!
- You, on the other hand,

are another story. Olive?

- To the kitchen!

- Seriously?

- No!

- Miss Triangle said
she snuck in here

to eat pizza...

but when my partner and I

placed the slices on the pan
they were cooked on...

...there wasn't a slice missing.

A perfect rectangle.

- A perfect rectangle, eh?

- OK, fine,
I didn't eat any pizza,

but my shoe
has a three-sided shape.

How could I make
a five-sided footprint, hmm?

- You're right. You couldn't...

(adults gasping)

- Are we about
to do more running?

- Last time, I promise.

- I'd like to go first...

- Oh! Oh!
- Our final clue

was a footprint.

- When I broke the vase,
the maid and the butler

came super fast to clean it up,
so why not this footprint?

- Unless they wanted it
to be found.

- So we would think
that General Pentagon

stole the cake,
which we almost did. Sorry.

- That's the fog of w*r,
son. No problem.

- Wait. You're not saying...

- The butler and maid helped
Miss Triangle steal the cake

and make that footprint!

- But why?

- Because they're her brother
and sister.


- May we present Brendan
and Melissa Steinerflute.

- What? What?
- They kept their
original last names.

- But how did you know
we were triplets?

We were so careful.
They wore ha!

- You may have covered their
heads, but you forgot one thing.

Their shoes!
- (Otto): Show me
those shoes, Triangles.

- Three sets of triangles.

And when you place
the three triangles

in just the right direction,
they make...

- (Professor Square):
A pentagon! Ingenious!

- There were other clues too.

The coat hangers the butler
used to take our coats...

- May I take your coats?
- ...triangles.

The maid's handkerchief...

Those messes I made...
All of you.

...they cleaned them up
with triangles.

- Nice work.

- Also, the butler offered me
some triangle cheese.

And I saw the maid play

the triangle.
And I'm pretty sure

I overhead the butler say,
"Wow! I sure love triangles."

- Otto, they're getting
away with the cake!

- Go! Go, go, go!

- We have to stop them!

- Quickly, come on!
- But you promised

no more running.
(classical music)

- Victory is ours!
(women laughing)

- Heyyy!

- Are you tired?
- I'm so tired.

- We lost them!

- I, uh... I...

I don't think I can keep
doing this anymore.

- Wait a minute.

Help me with this.

- Oh, be careful with the map.
That's my favourite corner.

Please don't...
- Crease it. OK.

- OK. So, we started
chasing them here.

- (man): Yah.
- And then, they went here.

- Yah.
- Right.
- And then here.

- It's a triangle!
They're running in a triangle!

- Which means...

...they'll end up right back
where they started.

- Well, we tried.

- No!

Miss Triangle, I understand,

but you two have served me
loyally for years.

Why would you steal
my cake now?

- I'm sorry, sir,
it's just...

you never remember
our birthday.

- What?! How could I?
When is it?

- (all): It's the same
as yours! Today!

- Oh, my goodness!

Well, I suppose I could forgive
you for stealing my cake,

if you could forgive me

for not knowing your birthday.

I should never have tempted you
with a cake like this.

It must be destroyed!


- It's alright, I'll make
a brand-new dessert instead.

(cheering and clapping)

- Ah, yes!
- This ball is for me.

- Ah, good one!

- Each guest
will always try

to steal a shape
of a certain amount of sides.

- But a circle is curbed and
doesn't have any sides at all.

- And there's plenty
to go around.

- Hrmph! How did I
miss that one?

- Can't win 'em all, partner.

- Cheers!
- Cheers!

(dramatic music)

- I joined because grass
shouldn't grow in your shoes.

- I joined because everybody
shouldn't be named Ramone.

- I joined because
when you touch your nose,

it shouldn't do this.

(air-raid siren blaring)
Or this.

(fire alarm ringing)
Or this.

(car anti-theft alarm ringing)

And there should be
a way to shut it off!

(alarm still ringing)

Oh, we just touch it here?

(The alarm beeps and stops.)
Oh. Thank you.

- We are...
- We are.

- We are...
- We are Odd Squad.

- (Olive): And now, another
moment from Odd Squad's history

The time? .

The place? Hofferville.

A city full of spirit and cheer.

Also, a city divided,


by a wall of oatmeal.

No one knew who or how
or where it came from.

All they knew was
that it had raisins.

Houses divided, cars divided,

seesaws divided,

and even bowls of oatmeal
were divided.

Odd Squad was called in to help.

They tried every gadget
known to man.

And this one gadget
only known to guinea pigs.

And though the oatmeal was
instant, the solution
was anything but.

In the end,
Odd Squad just used spoons

and ate the wall dead.

Another victory for Odd Squad.

And the reason we never
serve oatmeal in the cafeteria.



(theme music)

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