01x03 - My Better Half/The Confalones

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Odd Squad". Aired: November 26, 2014 – July 8, 2022.*
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Series follows the exploits of Odd Squad, an organization run entirely by children, that solves peculiar problems using math skills.
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01x03 - My Better Half/The Confalones

Post by bunniefuu »



Coming up next on Odd Squad.

- Something very odd has

- Someone's ruined all the

- Oh no!

- Why is everything missing one

- Ahhhhhhh!

- This just got real, yo!

- My name is Agent Olive.

This is my partner, Agent Otto.

This is a waning Gibbous moon.

But back to Otto and me.

We work for an organization
run by kids

that investigates anything
strange, weird,

and, especially, odd. Our job
is to put things right again.


- Who do we work for?
We work for Odd Squad.

- So, my brother Donnie and I
are watching TV,

and Donnie's really getting
into the show.

And then he actually got into
the show.

(knocking on screen)
- Hey! Uh, could you be

of assistance, please?

- Our TV-get-out-anator
should do it. Agent Otto?

- Where?

(vacuuming sound)

- Donnie! Donnie! Donnie!
- Whoa! Woo!

- My Donnie! My own brother!
I missed you, man!

Thanks, Odd Squad.

- No problem.
- Let's go.

- Hey, where's the remote?
- Look, you see, don't...

- Donnie!

- Incoming!

- (Ms. O): Well,
look who's here.

(very sweetly): Olive, Otto,
welcome back!

- Thanks, Ms. O.
We're happy to be back.

- Enough chit-chat! Go see
Mayor Macklemore in the
centre of town.

Something very odd has happened.
- But we just got back!

And I don't even
have my jacket on!

- Oscar!

- Hey, guys! Jacketinator.

- Well, what are you
waiting for? GO!

- Go, go, go!
- Preparing to squishinate...


- Whoa...

- Mr. Mayor.
- Oh!

Agent Olive, thank you
for coming.

I don't believe we've...
- My new partner, Agent Otto.

- What's up?

- Ooh, I like him better than
your last partner.

- Uh, yes. Um, so, um, what
seems to be the problem?

- Do you know what a snowman is?
- Yeah...

- This will be a lot easier to
explain, then. Come!


- Oh, no!
- And that's not all.

Look at that bench!

And that's not the worst of it.

I used to call this
my "special star sweater".

Gah! Not so special anymore!

This just got real, yo.
- We'll get to

the bottom of this, Mr. Mayor.

- Don't worry, sweater,
you'll be special again.

- So weird! Why is everything
missing one half?

- Not everything, partner.
These trees are still whole.

I have a hunch
what's going on.

We have to go
to the Mathroom.


- Greetings, agents.
- Mathroom.

Show us a picture of what the
snowman, the bench,

and Mayor Macklemore's sweater
look like right now.

- Generating images.

- Now show us what they
used to look like.

- I knew it. These are all
symmetrical objects.

- What's that?
- When an object

has symmetry, it means
that one half is exactly

the same as the other half.
The line of symmetry is here.

See? This half is the same
as this half.

- Oh, yeah. Same with the
benches and the star.

Both halves are the same.

It's like a mirror image.
- That is correct.

If you hold a mirror
up to one half,

the mirror image
looks exactly the same.

- Mathroom, bring up one of the
trees from the town square.

- Generating foliage.

- (Olive): But this
isn't symmetrical.

The two sides are different.

That's why it was left alone.

But who would be destroying
symmetrical objects?

- Yeah, who?

- Yeah... Who?

- Yeah... Who?

- Yeah... Who?

- Yahoo.
- ♪ Yahoo... ♪

♪ ...ooo... ♪

- Seriously?
- Hmm.

- Looks like the work
of Symmetric Al.

- Symmetric Al?
- Let me show you a picture.

Nobody knows what he looks like.
Legend has it,

Al's the most symmetrical person
in the world.

One side of his body looks just
like the other side.

- So, shouldn't he
love symmetry?

- Oh, he does.
Just a little too much.

(slamming on desk)
Symmetric Al wants to be

the only symmetrical thing
in the universe!

- He takes half of anything
that's symmetrical?
- Like your name.

- (Otto): What do you mean?


- O-T-T-O.

This side is the same
as this side.

- So?
- So that means

you're in trouble.




- Calm down!
- Calm down? Half
my body's disappeared!

Oscar, can you fix it?
- Uh, yes.

Oh, sorry, I mean no! Sometimes
get the two words mixed up...

(starts screaming again)

- I'm afraid the only person who
can fix this is Symmetric Al.

- Ms. O, how do
I find him?

- There's only one way.
- No, please!

Anything but that!
I won't! I can't!

(Otto screaming faintly)

(Baby laughing)

(objects falling)

- So, you have come
to see Baby Genius?

- Yes, I need help finding
Symmetric Al,

Your Excellency.

- And why should Baby Genius
help you?

Oh, a unicorn.

- He doesn't like unicorns.

- Oh... How about a comb?
- Great, a comb!

So Baby can comb all the hair
he doesn't have.

- Wait a second.

I only have some pocket lint.

(Baby gurgling and laughing)
- It is the simple things.

Go to this address
on Main Street.

There you will find your Al.

- But this isn't an address...

(baby's laugh echoing)


Gopher Olive.
- What's happening?

- Baby Genius gave me an
address, but it looks weird.

-You wanna talk weird? I just
watched Otto try to drink soup.

I can't unsee that.

- Symmetric Al is destroying
half of anything

that's symmetrical. So maybe
this doesn't look like a number

because it's symmetrical and
this is only half of it.

Gotta go, Ms. O.

"..." That's the address!

Main Street!

Thank you, Baby Genius
...wherever you are.

I'm coming for you, Al!

Odd Squad! Odd squad!

Which one of you is Al?

You're all named Al?

Well, which one of you
loves symmetry?


Fine. You're all
coming with me. Now.

- Remember, Symmetric Al is the
most symmetrical person
in the world.

- (Olive): Look at Al number .
Mole on one side of his face

but not on the other.

- Not symmetrical.
What about Al number ?

- Short hair on one side, and
long, luxurious hair

on the other.

- I used to style mine that way.
- Um... Not symmetrical.

What about Al number ?

Look! Identical watches
on both wrists!

- And the same earrings on both
sides. That's symmetrical!

- And his hair is perfectly
parted down the middle!

- It's you!
- Busted!

- Get him! Ahh! Yeah!

- And you're absolutely sure you
wanna be whole again?

- Uh, yeah!
- Okay...

(buzzing and whirring)

- I'm back!

Oh, I missed me so much.
- Oscar, take him away to fix

the rest of the town!

- Right away, Ms. O!
You're coming with me.

- I'm so happy I can finish the
rest of that soup!

Ahh... The lovely soup...


- Ugh, he does eat soup weird.

- It's even weirder
with his whole face.

- Mmm...

- Ugh...

- (Oscar): Welcome to

- Greetings, agents!
Got time between cases?

Why not head down to one
of the many Odd Squad pools?

We have pools with water,
like this one,

but also ice cream,

fuzzy dice,

and even chairs.

But no diving in that one.
Heh... Seriously.

It really hurts.
I've been there.

Whichever pool you choose, it's
easy to find your way around,

because each pool
is completely symmetrical.

You can tell the pool I'm
standing in is symmetrical

because this half is the same
as this half. See?

Same...and same,

and same again.

The pools were designed by
famous Odd Squad architect,

Dr. Ossington,

who himself was symmetrical,
as his top half

was the exact same
as his bottom half.

Oh, you should have
seen him swim...

It was really weird.

It was kinda like...this.

And then like...

- (from inside): Who's there?
- (both): Odd Squad.

- Odd Squad who?
- Odd Squad!

We got a call that someone was
stuck in a knock-knock joke.

- Who's there? ...Odd Squad who?
- Odd Squad.

- I think we may be
here a while.

Let's try again.

- Who's there?

- You wanted to see us, Ms. O?

- Yes. Something very odd
has happened.

This is Sabatino Confalone.

- Hi, how are you?
Nice to meet you.

- So what's the odd problem,

- It's my restaurant -
its' been robbed!

- No offence, sir, but that
sounds more like a problem
for the police.

- Wait for it.
-By a table!

- (both): Table?
- Yeah, a table.

- Totally a job for us... Yeah.
- Definitely a job for us.

- Hey, Odd Squad! Welcome!

- This is my brother,
Gino Confalone.

- Nice to meet you.
- Hey... Nice to meet you.

- So are you gonna stand there,
or are you gonna

show them the table?
- I was gonna show them

the table, but
you interrupted me.
- How did I interrupt you?

- I was gonna but...
(both yelling indistinctly)

- (both): AHH!

(both laughing uncomfortably)

- Well, my brother...
- Right this way, uh...

- Okay, watch what happens.

I take , , cannolis

and I put them on the table
like this, then...

- (both): Whoa!
- The same thing happens

with this one loaf of bread
here, like this.

- Why did you waste food
like that?

- I didn't waste food, I just...
- It's the same thing!

I only did it once!
- I only wanted to show them...

(both yelling indistinctly)

- Ahh!

(both laughing)

- My brother, I just...
- I love him, I...

- But look, we can't continue to
run a business like this.

We need some help.
- What do you think, partner?

- I see two options.

One: it's the table that's
stealing the food.

- Right.
- Yes.

- Two, it's the food itself.
- I'll check the food!

- You know,
for investigation purposes.

- Good idea. Right this way,
just follow me.

- Official Odd Squad business!

I'm going to have
to taste all of this.

- Mamma mia! What if it's the
food that makes you disappear?

- I never said this job
wasn't dangerous.

- We've tried a loaf of bread.
We've tried cannolis.

How about salad?
- Salad?

- I'll fix you up the greatest
Caesar salad that ever was!

- Caesars? What are you, pazzo?
It should be Greek.

- Greek? We're
Italians. We're not
making a Greek salad for her.

- So we can't get creative
and make some Greek salad?

(both yelling in Italian)

- Let's do antipasto. Okay?
- Good idea.

- I love antipasto. You love...
- I love anti...

- Come here!
(speaking rapidly in Italian)

- (both): Okay, go get it.
- You go get it.

- I'll go get it.
I'll go get it.

- Thank you.

- Six antipastos.

- (Sabatino): You fixed it!

Oh, boy, oh boy! Look at that!
- (laughing): She better

than fixed it. There was six
antipastos, and now there's

, , , !

- There are, in fact,
antipastos now!

- Oh boy, oh boy, look at that!
- Wait!

Now it's adding food?
Something's wrong here.

- Something's wrong?
Our table's making us free food,

what could be wrong
with that?

- But now it's making free food.
Before it was taking away food.

- That's good.
- That's a good thing.

- It's making more food!
- More food! More money!

- Aye, yai, yai!

(laughing and shouting)

- Mmm, this is really tasty.

You know, when I'm not out there
saving the world from odd,

I make a pretty
mean sauce myself.

- How many
meatballs do you put in?
- The recipe calls for

but I make my meatballs in
groups of ,

so I just round up to .
- Hey, uh, what's rounding?

(tray clanging)
- You don't know?

- No.
- Rounding is when
you change a number

to make it end with zero
to make it easier to use.

So, if I had or ravioli,

I would say,
"Hey, I have about ravioli."

- Ah. So if I have or mice
in the kitchen,

I just say, "Hey, I got
mice in the kitchen!"

- Exactly.

By the way, you should
still get that checked out.

- Right.
- But how do you know

to round up or down?
- I'll show you,

but you need to make me
pounds of spaghetti.

Yup. It's a lot.

- I call this
"meatball mountain".

Now, Tony, does

round up to , or down to ?

- Uh, I don't know!
- Well, , here...

Down to .

- Very nice. What about ?

- rounds up to .

- Wait! What about ?
It's right in the middle.

- If it's right in the middle,
I make sure nobody's looking...

...and I give it a little nudge
so it rounds up to .

- Get it?
- Got it.

- Good. Now I can eat it.

- You've given us such
a great gift today.

We're going to teach you the
secret family dance.

- (both): LUIGI! MUSIC!

- Ha ha ha!

Ho! Ho! Hey! Hey!

- There are place settings
on the table.

How come they're
not disappearing?

- That's a good point.
- Yeah.

- Gino. Could you please hand me

- Right.
- Flowers?

- Yes. Thank you.

- (Gino): They stayed the same!

Ay! This table, it giveth,

it taketh away,
and now it stayeth the same!

Sabatino, I can't
take it anymore!

- (Sabatino): Okay, calm down.
- You, you table...
You driving me crazy!

You driving me crazy!

- Gino! Where did he go? Gino!

- Gino!
- Agent Otto!

- Agent Otto!

(shouting and laughing)

- Agent Otto,
what are you doing?

(music stops)
- (all): The Confalone dance!

- We have a problem!

- Gino, my only brother!
I loved you like a brother!

- Uncle Gino's gone?
I loved him like an uncle!

- Odd Squad,
can you get him back?

- There's only one way.
We have to go to the Mathroom.

- At a time like this?

- Especially
at a time like this.


- Luigi, play me a sad song.


- (Mathroom): Greetings, agents.

- Mathroom, show us
the number line, through .

- Generating number line
to .

- All right, when I put
cannolis on the table,

they all disappeared,

but when I put down

the table added some,
so there was .

- Hmm... It's meatball mountain!

- Meatball...what?

- Three cannolis
is closer to ,

so it got rounded
down to .

But antipastos
is closer to ,

so it got rounded up to .

- So what you're telling me

is the round table
has been rounding.

- Yes!
- Let's go.


- when your brother touched
the table, there was
only one of him,

so the table rounded him down to
and he disappeared.

- (all): Ohh...

- But if we get Confalones,
the table

will round up to ,
and it will add more.

- So what you're saying
is that...

- (all): ...it's a family
reunion! Yeah!

(laughing and cheering)


(speaking in Italian)

- Confalones!

On the count of you're going
to touch the table,

and Gino will reappear.

- Or, if we're wrong,
you could all disappear.

Just saying. Just saying.

- , , , touch!

- Gino!
(all cheering)

- Looks like
now you can open for business.

- But first, we eat!


- (together): We love
this table!


- Bellissimo!

-Hi, I'm Sabatino Confalone.
- And I'm Gino Confalone!

- Come visit
Confalone's Ristorante

and make your stomach happy.
Right, Stomachy?

- Right, guys!
- (both): Ha ha ha!

- (Sabatino): We've got pasta!
- (Gino): We've got lasagna!

- We've got so many meatballs!

And that's not all!
- No. Now, hurry up
and tell them about it.

- I'm trying to.
- Well, do it then.

(arguing in Italian)


- At Confalones,
we love rounding.

- What's rounding?
- Good question, Stomachy.

- Think of it
like a hill with numbers.

So, if the number falls
on this side, you round up.

And if the number falls
on this side, you round down.

And so if you order
bowls of macaroni,

you'll get bowls
of macaroni.

If you order bowls of soup,
you get bowls of soup...

...which is great,
if you don't like soup.

- Soup's the best!

- Hey, listen, my brother Gino,
what about the number ?

It falls right in the middle.
- Well, that's a great
question, my brother.

If a number ends in , we give
it a nudge and round up,

so pizzas becomes pizzas.

- (both): Enough to make
everybody's stomach happy!

- (stomachs): Let's eat!

- My name is Agent Owen. I'm in
charge of security here
- (Oscar): And now, an official
message from Ms. O.

at Odd Squad. It's pretty much
the most important job here.

Let me show you what happened
the day I called in sick.

(alarms ringing)

- Ms. O! What's going on?
- The blob has escaped!

- I like to think of myself
as a pretty helpful guy.

I can't help you out.
- What?

- Fun fact: Every time Olive
and Otto investigate a case,

I go with them for back-up. Like
the time all the snowmen
got chopped in half.

That's me hiding behind the
snowman. Right there.

Also, when they were facing off
against the shapeshifter.

Freeze it! That's me hiding
behind those trees.

And then there was the time
Olive faced off

against Baby Genius.
(objects falling)

Did you hear that crash before
Baby Genius showed up?
That was me.

Knocked over some paint cans.
I'm not perfect. But I'm close.

(theme music playing)

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