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05x12 - Waivers of Extradition

Posted: 10/07/23 16:54
by bunniefuu


No, just with everything that's going on,
I just think it'd be the perfect getaway.

Well, I know,
but it's not even that expensive.

Three thousand,
and that includes everything.


Oh, and did I mention
it's even got a theater onboard...

...where they do shows
every single night?

And there's dancing.

It's like a floating city.



It appears the first cut severed
the carotid artery, punctured the larynx.

Wounds to the shoulder
and thorax on this side suggest...

...whoever did this was left-handed.
- Left-handed.

- No sexual as*ault.
- Doesn't appear so.

Already tagged it, chief.

Detective Sanchez confirmed
the ashtray was gone...

...when the first responders arrived.

Sergeant, who called this in?

The neighbors, after hearing the screams.
The husband's screams.

Rob Price,
he's out front with Flynn now.

These here...

All these?
These are all his bloody footprints...

...from here all the way out to the street.

The folks next door said
they heard shouting...

...saw him outside, behaving, uh,
as they put it, "like a madman."

- They see who he might have been chasing?
- No.

So here it is.

Husband Robert Price claims
he woke suddenly from a deep sleep...

...came outside and found his wife
lying dead by the pool...

...and a man dressed in black,
wearing a black mask, fleeing the scene.

The k*ller, and I quote,
"looked like a ninja."

- A ninja?
- Husband's breath was about 40 proof.

Back when I drank like that,
I saw ninjas too.

Chief. Apparently, the victim was talking
to her cousin on the phone...

...about a cruise she was planning.

Cousin heard the victim call out
her husband's name.

Heard sounds of a struggle
and then nothing.

- We got the warrant for the house.
- Thank you, detective.

Um, do you have a consent form and a pen?

- Chief, we already got the warrant.
- Yeah, I heard him, lieutenant. Thank you.

Uh, Lieutenant Tao.

Mr. Price, I'm Brenda Leigh Johnson
of Major Crimes.

The guy, what are you doing to find him?

All we possibly can, sir,
but we need your help.

Your wife's k*ller
might have been in your house... some point this evening.

Would you consent to a search?

- Okay.
- Just sign right here.

Thank you. Now, this is Lieutenant Tao
from Crisis Response.

He'll see to it that you're comfortable
and well taken care of.

This way, sir, please.

Detective Sanchez,
compile a list of all police reports...

...made within a 5-mile radius
over the past 6 hours.

I imagine a medieval Japanese assassin
must have caught someone's attention.

You don't really think...

No, but I don't wanna hear
a defense attorney...

...say that I let a ninja get away
because we didn't look for one.

Thank you. Uh, gentlemen, collect all knives
and remove the computers.

If the left-handed Mr. Price was having
an affair, I'd like the e-mails proving it.

- Did you find him yet?
- Oh, the man in black?

No, but we're looking very hard.

Mr. Price, Lieutenant Tao
may have explained...

...that one of the things we do
in Crisis Response... encourage the families
of the victims to speak freely.

You never know what little detail
might unlock the whole puzzle.

So you need me to tell you again
what I saw.

Yes. But before you do,
there's a formality we need to go through.

The sooner we get through it,
the faster we can focus on the manhunt.

It's all that stuff you've heard all before,
about the right to remain silent.

- The right to an attorney.
- You're Mirandizing me?

It's just boilerplate.
It's stuff that we have...

Why the hell are you wasting your time
telling me my rights?

I told you,
I had nothing to do with this!

Mr. Price, our best officers are searching
the streets for your wife's k*ller...

...but they need your help.

I'm not allowed to take
your whole statement unless we get...


- There's something you gotta hear.
- One minute, detective.

If you honestly wanna help us
find your wife's k*ller...



Excuse me, Mr. Price. I'll be right back.

- This had better be good, detective.
- It is.

911, what's your emergency?

You need to
send somebody right away!

There's a man in our backyard
trying to break in. Hurry!

Calm down,
ma'am. Can you describe the intruder?

I don't know. He's 6 feet tall.

He's wearing...
It's like a Halloween costume.

He's all in black. Please.

Send somebody.

That was 40 minutes before Lisa Price
was stabbed 4 miles east of the house.

Okay, and the caller later told police
that she saw the guy's car:

A classic red Mustang
with temporary dealer tags...

...that had "Mejores Motors" on it.
We checked online.

There's only one Mejores Motors
in the U.S. It's in El Paso, Texas.

Would you please get someone
from El Paso P.D. on the line?

Maybe they can send someone over
to that dealership. Thank you.

The second a lawyer comes in here...

Tao, what do you know about ninjas?

What, I'm Asian-American,
I'm supposed to be an expert on ninjas?

Uh, yeah.

Okay, in Japanese lore the ninja is a warrior
trained in unconventional martial arts.

Weapons include the throwing star,
the ninjaken, a short sword.

Chief? Chief, I got Texas on the line.

Oh, thank you, sergeant.
Uh, put them on speakerphone, please.

Detective Curt Landry, El Paso, P.D.
To whom am I speaking?

This is Deputy Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson,
L.A.P.D., Major Crimes.

Sorry to bother y'all
so early in the morning.

I imagine it's an earlier morning
where you are, ma'am.

- What can I do for you?
- Uh, we are investigating a m*rder...

...and it seems the car our suspect used
may have been purchased in El Paso.

Is that so?

What's this homicide about?

A young woman was stabbed
between 25 and 30 times...

...last evening around midnight.

We haven't ruled out the husband
as a suspect...

This k*ller, uh, was he left-handed?

Uh, actually, sir, we believe he was.

Any chance he was dressed all in black,
like one of them ninja fellas?

- He may have been, yes.
- Is the sun up where you are, ma'am?

It's just rising now, sir.

Then the good citizens of Los Angeles
will be safe until nightfall.

I'll be there in four hours for a full briefing.

Oh, Detective Landry,
you don't need to come here, sir.

I'm afraid I do, ma'am.
I'll see you in a bit.

Uh, Detective Landry, wait. Hello?

Hello? Hello? Hello?

Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I stood 40 minutes on the curb
at the airport waiting for you.

Well, Daddy.

I called you half a dozen times
on your cell phone.

Why didn't you pick up?

Well, how was I to know
you were gonna call me?

They make you turn off your cell phone
when you get on the airplane.

You know what? It's okay.

We both know I'm not gonna be around
too much longer.

So you might as well get a jump on it
by starting to forget me now.

Grandpa, you have no idea
what Aunt Brenda does...

...or how hard she works
or how serious it all is.

Well, thank you, Charlie,
but people don't need to know that.

First, I do know.

And second, her name is not Charlie.

It's Charlene, after my mother,
not Charlie.

What is it about L.A.
that when somebody comes here...

...they're encouraged
to be somebody else?

Oh, thank you, honey,
but I'm not staying.

Uh, I'm taking a quick shower
and heading back to work.

What? I just got here.

Now you're turning around and leaving?

Daddy, I have a m*rder.

Now where are you going?

Charlie, it was sweet of you
to stick up for me...

I'm not ready to go home yet.

Well, I guess I'm just a chauffeur
come here to take Charlene home.

Charlie, you can't stay. Your parents...

My parents don't understand me.

My dad thinks I'm still 8
and my mom... They just...

They don't know me anymore,
at least not the way you and Uncle Fritz do.

I feel like I'm a different person here
than I am at home.

- I understand what you're going through...
- One second. Give me one second.

I did some things when I first got here
and I'm really sorry for that.

But I feel like, especially in this past week,
we've become so much closer.

We have, haven't we?

I might be closer to you and Uncle Fritz
than to anyone else in the world.

Please don't make me go home yet.

Before we talk about your staying here...'re gonna have to convince Grandpa
to leave you.

I can do that.

Well, you manage that
and we'll see what we can do.

- Hey.
- Fritzie, I didn't know you were back.

Hey, Uncle Fritz.

Thank you.

When I said I wanted kids,
I didn't mean other people's.

Oh, don't worry. Daddy's never gonna
let her stay here in a million years.

Although, I do wish she lived nearer,
don't you?

Not in the next bedroom.

- Do you have my ViCAP results?
- As a matter of fact, I do.

Using strict parameters,
home invasion, after-dark...

...stabbing, left-hander,
no sexual component...

...I found 85 murders
resembling your k*lling.


My old buddy Tom Welch, remember him?
He just got assigned to El Paso.

He's driving by Mejores Motors
to check on your Mustang.

Oh, thank you, Fritzie.

- Brenda?
- What?

Charlie is going.

Yes, yes, yes. I know. I know.

If I wanted to be ignored by my
family I could have stayed home.

Chief Johnson, I believe you've
already spoken with Detective Landry.

So nice to meet you, chief.

Very glad to get your call this morning.
That's the truth.

And so kind of you to fly all this way
just to brief me, detective.

Now, as I seem to be joining y'all a bit late,
um, maybe you could catch me up.

- Ma'am.
- Thank you.

Well, since, uh, Detective Landry
has been kind enough... share his concerns with me,
I will now share mine with you.

Before we alert the people of Los Angeles
that there is a ninja on the loose...

...I'd like to be sure
we're talking about the same person.

I have some questions about that myself.

These are the young women
who were m*rder*d in El Paso...

...who you think were k*lled
by the same person...

...who m*rder*d my victim last night.

While I do see similarities,
nowhere in these articles does it mention...

...that the attacker was a ninja.

Well, I was afraid that if we released
that particular detail to the press...

...the next time the k*ller struck,
he'd be dressed as a rodeo clown...

...or perhaps a nun.

Was there anything else
that you withheld from the press?

That does seem like a fair place
to begin.

Fine. How about I tell you what I believe
and what I don't believe.

I believe, four months ago, your k*ller
stabbed to death Joann Hosey... on the west side of El Paso,
taking care of a father with terminal cancer.

And then, two months later,
the same man cut up Juanita Jimenez.

A young mother of three...

...slicing her face up so bad
I had to roll her prints to get an ID on her.

That's what I believe.

And now I'll tell you
what I don't believe.

And I realize that y'all probably see
all manner of weird K*llers out this way...

...but I don't put a lot of stock in ninjas.

I feel certain when we find this boy,
he'll be a white male...

...25 to 40, with self-esteem issues
he richly deserves.

Now, I'd like to help you grab this guy
and take him back to Texas...

...where we can try him and fry him.

Or as we might say in this day and age,
"Collect him and inject him"...

...which is about as close as
we're gonna get to a happy ending here.

As I see it, the problem
with your happy ending... it leaves too many
unanswered questions...

...for the relatives of other victims
he left scattered across several states.

Well, that's fair enough.

Suppose we try this.
Assuming we catch this little bastard...

...whichever of us ends up with better
evidence gets to take this guy to trial.

Detective, if you wanna make a deal...

...why don't you start by telling us
something we can't get from ViCAP?

Okay. How about this?

You said your fellow
was driving a car from El Paso?

Well, in El Paso, our man was driving
a car from California.

Well, you guys did a great job on this.
Fast too, mm-hm

May I give you a little hint?

He never k*lled in Holbrook.

Gallup, New Mexico,
that was a domestic thing.

Terrible stabbing in Sonora,
but, uh, he's on death row.

Bowie, Arizona. Remember that town.

If you like Tex-Mex,
there is no place better.

Used to be an Outback.
Guy that took it over did a bang-up job.

Here, you, uh, wanna see
what connects them all?

Of course.

Los Angeles to Phoenix...

...Tucson to El Paso, up to Houston.

It's the I-10. He's getting off the highway
to find his victims.

- Bingo.
- Do you have any DNA matches?

Uh, no law-enforcement agency's
entered any DNA...

...into the national database on this guy.

Chief? Agent Howard.

- Oh, thank you. Pardon me.
- Here she is.

Thanks. Hey.

You ready for more info
on your El Paso car?

Oh, Fritzie, how can I thank you?

Wait until your dad and Charlie leave...

...and I'll come up with something
wholly inappropriate.

Mejores Motors only sold one vintage
red Mustang in the last two years... a Jeffrey Webb of El Paso
recently relocated to Los Angeles.

- Faxing everything over to you right now.
- Oh, thank you so much. I'll see you tonight.

Besides the Mustang,
DMV records show...

...that Jeffrey Webb has six cars
registered to him, all purchased in Texas.

He's also been having
serious marital issues.

Multiple restraining orders.

Wife describes a volatile temper
and physical abuse.

Chief, Webb's definitely not inside.

We're rinsing the drains for blood,
checked the garbage and hamper.

- So far, nothing.
- Well, the car itself is spotless...

...but we did find this souvenir
lighter from Lake Havasu...

...with a great big thumbprint on it.

Hey, chief, that's him. That's Webb.

- Hey. What the hell's going on here?
- Excuse me, sir. Mr. Webb...

- That's my car.
- Exactly what we wanted to hear.

- Are you Jeffrey Webb?
- What?

Did that bitch tell you I r*ped her?
Look, it's all lies.

- Why don't you take a breath, son?
- No.

- No way I'm going back to Texas.
- Hey. Hey!

Give me your hands.
Give me your hands.

- Okay. Okay.
- Turn around. Hands behind your head.

Behind your head.

- Where you running to, boy?
- I never touched her.

She's doing this because
I wanted the divorce.

I don't know to what you are referring...

...but we believe that your car
was used in the commission of a homicide.

What are you, nuts?

Where were you last night?

I was here, inside my house.

Excuse me. I'm asking the questions here.

He's not your guy.

- What about your car? Was that here too?
- I have no idea where my car was.

I only picked it up this morning
near the airport.

Before then, it could have been anywhere
between here and El Paso.

Look, I have a receipt.

Let me see.


Check with the shipping office
and find out if this is true, okay?

Chief, I don't understand.
If Webb is telling the truth...

...and someone from the depot
k*lled the Price woman...

- Wouldn't explain the killings out of state.
- The k*ller wasn't from the depot.

He was transporting the cars,
using them for the murders.

What you got your man Tao
working on now...

...trying to find the name of the driver.
Nice to have your own people.

Auto shipper says the car was delivered
this morning off a rig out of Houston.

Driver's name is Jesse Ray Moore.

An hour ago, he loaded up
with another shipment bound for Texas.

Sergeant Gabriel, Detective Sanchez,
would y'all get on the 10?

Let's put a warrant out
for Jesse Ray Moore...

...and get pictures to every agency
between here and Houston.

It's possible the first place
they're gonna stop Moore... the scales across the border,
in which case...

He'll be coming back to Texas with me.

Unless one of the cars Mr. Moore's shipping
has those vehicle-locator thingamajigs.

LoJack. Let me get on that, chief.

- Landry, you don't need to...
- I won't let you lose me.

Unit requesting
Air 19, we got your LoJack signal.

Your car carrier's still at the truck stop.

Roger that. Any sign of the driver?

I have negative visual on your driver.

Suspect is not seen at this time.
Use caution.

Green Crown Vic,
your truck right in front of you now.

That's your suspect vehicle.

There's the truck.

- It's locked.
- All right, all right.

You check the restaurant.
I'll check the convenience store.

- He's not in there.
- Not inside.

Hey. Hold it.


Pull over! Stop the vehicle!

- Pull over!
- Sanchez.

Control, I got an officer on the vehicle.
Code three. Officer needs help.

Air 19, this is Chief Brenda Leigh
Johnson. I'll be there in two minutes.

Yeah, roger. Advised.
En route, two minute ETA.

Control, be advised,
we need CHP units here now.

Pull over.

Pull over
or I'm gonna blow your head off.


We got an officer hanging out of the side,
coming up on a blue flatbed truck.

We are continuing westbound,
Red Valley Road.

Oh, blew him
out of the way. Right out of the way.

Lieutenant Tao?

You son of a bitch.

Lieutenant Tao.

Lieutenant Tao!

- Air 19, where's my backup?
- Yeah, roger that.

Control, if you've got the sheriffs onboard,
get the sheriffs closer.

We need somebody here now.

Coming to a construction site now, guys.

I don't know where he's gonna go
on this one.

- Detective Sanchez, that's enough.
- Julio!

- I think he broke my arm.
- Take it easy.

I know my rights.
I'm not saying nothing without a lawyer.

Oh, that's a good catch.
I don't think we're tossing this one back.

Get up. Get up.

Stand up. Look what you did to my car.

So we found no blood or weapons
in Jesse Ray Moore's truck.

Why do they always have three names?

Okay, gentlemen, let me be clear.
We can only prosecute Mr. Moore...

...for as*ault on a police officer
and reckless driving.

I'm looking for evidence of m*rder.

We found this collection of
random items in his lockbox...

...sixteen in all, including an ashtray.

Now, the only fingerprints on them
belong to, uh, Jesse Ray Moore.

- That's it?
- Mm-hm.

Keep looking. He's gotta have those knives.
Call the print shed.

- Tell them to take that 18-wheeler down...
- No, don't bother with that, ma'am.

I wasn't gonna trouble y'all
with it before...

...but Moore has scratches on his neck
that go a long way to closing my case.

- Scratches?
- Hm.

How did you know those scratches
were gonna be there?

Juanita Jimenez,
the little Latina lady that we talked about?

Before she died,
she put up a pretty good fight...

...and got a little skin and blood
under her nails.

Since our k*ller wore a mask...

...the neck was the only place
it could come from.

You have DNA.
When I asked you if you had a match...

And I told you truthfully
that no law-enforcement agency...

...had entered his DNA
into the national database.

Because you withheld it.

I didn't withhold anything.
I just don't have the staff you've got.

It takes a while to get all this done.

But I think you've done
exceptional work.

And, uh, now if you could just turn
Mr. Moore over to me...

We agreed that whoever had
the best evidence would retain custody.

That we did.

Frankly, there is no conceivable universe
wherein you have better evidence than I do.

Not at the moment, maybe...

...but my detectives are looking through
every car Mr. Moore delivered...

...over the past two years.

And good luck with that.

In the meantime, I'm gonna get
a nice little extradition order for you.

Have a pleasant evening, ma'am.

What a mess out there.
Well, that was the scene in Fontana today...

...after Los Angeles police officers...

...investigating reports
that a m*rder suspect...

...might be fleeing in a car carrier
bound for the state line...

...confronted the man right on I-10.

- Hi.
- Hey.

Congratulations. It's all over the news.
You actually got this creep.

Yeah, only I may have to give him away.

So what if Landry
takes him off your hands?

No state dispenses justice like Texas.

If by "justice"
you mean executing a man...

...before we know everything he's done,
I disagree.

I'm not arguing it's a perfect solution,
only that, you know...

- Daddy, I'm sorry. Did we wake you up?
- Oh, no matter.

At my age, I sleep better in the daytime,

Besides, I've got something
to talk to you about.

Oh, God.

Before she went to bed...

...Charlene gave me
a convincing argument... to why she should stay
out here in California with you.

She's even found a "magnet school,"
whatever that is.

She gave me a pamphlet on it.

But the point is
she does not wanna go home.

And what did you say?

I told her that, uh, whether she stays here
or goes is entirely up to you.

- Daddy.
- Oh, my God.

Look, I know you
want me to be the bad guy here...

...but my main job
as Charlene's grandfather... not to be resented and to say "yes"
to every little thing she wants.

Besides, I refuse to spend five hours
on an airplane with a teenager...

...who thinks it's a terrible punishment
to fly back to Atlanta with me... to staying here
with you in California.

- Brenda?
- Hm?

Did you hear what your father just said?


And it makes perfect sense.

How's that extradition order
coming along, Mr. Landry?

Well, the judge has my paperwork.

Shouldn't be long before the good people
of Texas have Mr. Moore on death row.

- The material you asked for.
- Thank you.

Detective Sanchez, Sergeant Gabriel,
Lieutenant Flynn, would y'all join me?

Well, now, you do realize, ma'am... can't question him
without his lawyer?

I don't intend to question him.

I intend to have him revoke his right
to attorney and then watch him confess.

Lieutenant Tao,
would you please join us?

Bring along everything
we found in Mr. Moore's lockbox.

And also your camera
with the big flash.

The big outdoor, really? Okay.

You're going in there with this guy
when you know nothing about him?

I know the one thing
we really need to know.

- What's that?
- He ran.

Which means he wants to live.

Mr. Moore, I don't think
we were properly introduced yesterday.

I'm Chief Johnson. I expect
you remember Detective Sanchez.

He certainly remembers you.

I understand you don't wanna speak
without your attorney...

...and that's just fine with me,
but I will need you to undress.


Why are we doing this?

We're photographing you
for any wounds, blemishes...

...and, um, physical defects...

...that link you to the crimes
for which you're being investigated.

Lieutenant Tao.

Why is that so bright? It's blinding me.

We're just preparing you
for what you'll experience...

...after you've been found guilty in Texas
and they send you to the electric chair...

...put 50,000 volts
through the top of your head.

Well, that's not fair.

We don't electrocute people anymore.
We're not savages.

- Gel on you to reduce the amount
of seared flesh.

But that won't stop your brain
from boiling inside of your skull.

But that's sort of the point, isn't it?

Where is she headed?

I think she's about to take your suspect
away from you.

Lieutenant Tao, that will do.

- Hey, give those back.
- Those aren't your clothes anymore, sir.

That's evidence.

Detective, you'll see to it
that that gets to the right people?

Thank you.


...I want you to look at the people
put to death in Texas since February, 2006.

Eighty-four in all.

Tommy Lynn Hawkins, ex*cuted after
six months of being on death row.

Michael Jack Raleigh,
ex*cuted one year after his conviction.

Tyrone Derrick Johnson.

You get the idea?

And these are all the people put to death
in California during the same time period.

Not one.

But since you have a lawyer
and you won't talk to me...

...I'm walking out of here right now
and turning you over to Texas.

And trust me when I tell you
that they will k*ll you dead.

No, please.

Don't let them send me back to Texas.
I wanna stay here.

I could help, but there's not a thing
I can do. You insist on having an attorney.

I don't want an attorney.

I wanna talk to you.

But I...

I don't know how, I...

There are just so many things
I never said out loud.

How do I?

How do I tell you?


...I have an idea.

Why don't we start with these?

We found them in your lockbox.

I'm guessing that they're souvenirs?

Aren't they?

You don't have to say.
You can just nod if you want.

I thought so.


Why don't you show me
where all of these objects came from?

Why don't we, uh,
get Mr. Moore here something to put on?

You can call me Jesse.

Okay, Jesse.

You can call me Brenda.

Now, all of these objects are unique...

...but I'm guessing the first one...

...that you ever collected,
that's extra special.

Which one would that be?

When you try so hard
to get something right... don't wanna forget it.

And when I look in this mirror...

...I can almost see her looking back.

You wanna smell?

Where did it come from?


She was coming back from her prom,
I think.

She was real pretty.

And did you catch her
when she was outside or inside?

- Do you remember?
- Yes, outside.

Her boyfriend walked her to the door...

...and she stood on the front porch,
watching him drive away, and...

She swayed a little
like she was still dancing.

k*lling's like having sex, you know?

Only you don't have to talk to them
after you're done.

Right. Right.

- Still here, detective?
- Well, she's still here.

Seven hours later.


I stayed with her for a while.

Did you?

Something special about a woman's body
when the life drains out of it.

There's a quiet there that's...


That's everyone?

You're absolutely sure
there's no one else?

No, 16 is all. People, that is.

You don't wanna know about
the cats or dogs.

I mean, they were just practice, really.

No. That will do it.

Thank you, Jesse.

Excuse me. I'll be back in a bit.

- You okay?
- Yes, I'm fine. I just needed to...


That was well done, ma'am.

Thank you, detective.
Your, uh, help was indispensable.

I don't know about that.

As far as taking Mr. Moore
back to Texas with me...

...I spend enough time in court to know...

...that no amount of DNA
is gonna trump a confession...

...much less 16 them.

I've assured Detective Landry
that after we convict Mr. Moore...

...and after he serves his life sentences
here in California...

...then Texas can execute him.

And I appreciate that.

Well, I brought something with me.

I thought you might wanna duplicate
before I get out your hair here.

In that folder's the 16 victims.

I thought you might want a copy
of the sweet faces... go along with all those souvenirs.

Great job again, ma'am.

I'm gonna step in here and call my team
back home now, if you don't mind.


Hey, Brenda.

You gonna come visit me in prison?

I appreciate the invitation, Jesse,
but I don't get to Texas very often...

...especially in the limited time
you'll be there.

What are you talking about?

An extradition order has been filed
to have you removed from California...

...and I'm not sure I can fight it.

You told me I was gonna stay here.

Well, sometimes
these things are out of my hands.

- Red tape and all that.
- You can't do this to me!

Jesse, I think I can.

Sit down.

I played that just right, huh?


I know the day you've had,
but prepare yourself.

Brenda Leigh, is that you?

It has been 24 hours
since we discussed that situation.

You're gonna handle with Charlie.
I'm... Charlene.

- You got me doing it.
- You wanna know why I'm late?

I've been listening to a man tell me
how he stabbed 16 women to death.

Well, I love you too.

Just so you're aware of it,
we have a 10 a.m. flight in the morning.

If Charlene doesn't wanna get
on that plane, I'm leaving without her.

You're gonna make me go back,
aren't you?


...I know it feels like people are making you
do things you don't wanna do.

Your parents would be devastated
if you didn't come back.

But what about me?

What about what I want?

I mean, does that just not matter?

Don't you think I've changed? I have.
I'm not the same person that I was.

Charlie, who you are, it...

It doesn't depend on where you are.

Who you are is something
you take with you wherever you go.

Believe me, even if you don't want to.

Do you not want me here?

Oh, Charlie.

You drove me crazy for three
weeks and now you're gonna make me cry.

Of course I want you here. I do, but...

We gave you a second chance.

Don't you think your parents
deserve one too?

Guess I don't have a choice.

And I'm coming.

I'm coming again real soon. I promise.

You know, you always say that
and you never do.

Well, maybe I deserve
a second chance too.


You'll be fine. You will.

We'll see.