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05x08 - Elysian Fields

Posted: 10/07/23 16:50
by bunniefuu
send units to my house now.

It's Stroh.

He's here.

Season 5 Episode 8
[Elysian Field] 720p Dim

Yes, Sergeant Gabriel, what is it?

We got a body.

- Good morning, Chief.
- Morning.

We're up the road, this way.

So, our victim is male,
white, late 40s,

sh*t twice in the head.

The casings near
the body are from a .25 auto.

Who found him?

A couple of hikers
around 6:45 this morning...

Just in time, too, because
the coyotes were getting curious.

Over here, SID found
some fresh tire tracks.

It's a large tread,
probably from an SUV or a truck.

They're taking casts now.

You feeling okay, Chief?

Yes. I just didn't sleep
very well last night.

I need you to pull
some more files for me.

Still on the Stroh case?

He's a r*pist and a m*rder*r,
and he's walking around free.

I don't see why I shouldn't be.

It's just that I've already pulled you
every sex offender

- he's represented in the past 3 years.
- Well, let's go back five, shall we?

Chief, if it's all right, I was gonna go
head down to the Ranger's office,

check their logs, and,

see if there's been any activity
in the last two days.

Yes, that's fine, Lieutenant.

What was that all about?

The body...
It's pretty awful.


Oh, my word.

There's more, Chief.

his legs are ground to the bone,

and with his arms stretched
like that and his hands tied...

You're thinking this man
was pulled behind a car.

But not around here.

There's no drag marks anywhere.

Found this lying under the body,
so it probably wasn't a robbery.

Thank you.
Do we have a time of death?

Between 1:00 and 4:00 this morning.

- Is it him?
- It was Mr. Howard Greeson.

Wait a minute, Chief.
Let me take a look at that.

I think I know who he was.

Greeson, same guy.

This bastard k*lled two girls in
the'90s, but we could never prove it.

- Who was the lead Detective?
- A guy named Joey O.

Retired a few years back...
Really good cop.

Oh, damn boy scout.

See if you can bring him. Maybe he can
give us some background information.

Sure. I got his number.
I'll give him a call.

This is really gonna make his day.

this man might be a m*rder*r,

but he is definitely our victim.
Let's not forget that.

The two rounds
in his head shattered on impact.

Both wrists are broken.

He's got three snapped ribs.

Both shoulders are dislocated.

He's got a shattered hip,
a busted femur in his right leg,

and then there's the feet.

So, all consistent with
being dragged behind a car?

Looks like it, and judging

from the point at which the drag marks
begin from the chest down...

I'd guess it was a larger vehicle
that kept him slightly elevated.

Like a truck or an SUV.

Other than that, the bruising
on his face indicates that

he was beaten up
while he was still alive.


One more weird thing.

Oh, please.

The drag wounds aren't fresh.

- So, what does that mean?
- They've started to scab over,

which leads me to think

that he wasn't dragged
last night but two nights ago.

The k*ller waited 24 hours
to k*ll him.

Why would he do that?

Good question.

Anyway, I sent for a tox screen to see
what kind of painkillers he was given.


I am assuming
whoever kept him alive that extra day

did not want to hear him scream.

Well, no one's filed
a missing-persons report on Greeson.

And his record's clean
since ADUI bust in '99.

Lived in Vegas from '02 to '07.

Drives a 15-year-old GMC truck

and up until a few days ago,

he was a security guard at a mall.

How about we say he dragged himself

and then chalk this whole
mess up to a su1c1de?

How about we don't?
Lieutenant Tao?

According to park logs from last night,
we have a couple drunk-and-disorderlies,

a hooker turning a trick,

and a homeless man
who swore he was moses.

So nothing out of the ordinary.

By the way, Joey O. is downstairs.
Commander Taylor's bringing him up.

We are delirious with excitement.

Cool it.
That was years ago.

He wrote me up
for using curse words.

And that's bullshit.


No match for the casings
from the g*n used on Greeson.

And here are the Stroh files
you asked for this morning.

Thank you so much.

- Hey, everybody.
- Hy, there he is.

- Hi, Joe. How are you?
- How are you doing? You look good.

- So are you.
- Lieutenant Tao.



You look great, Joey.
You lost weight.

Yeah, 30 pounds.

Cut out the fast food...
stuff will k*ll you.

I must've come on
shortly after you left.

Detective Olin,
pleasure to meet you, sir.

And you, ma'am.

I do appreciate
you calling me in on this.

I got the warrant
for Greeson's home.

Surveillance hasn't seen
any activity.

- Do you want me to take a look?
- Yes, please. You and Sergeant Gabriel.

Well, this certainly is one way
to administer the death penalty, huh?

We were hoping you could give us
some background on your old cases.

Oh, no. That's all right.
I've got my own file here.

Now, a Dana Clarkson,

lived with Greeson for three years.

They were gonna get married,
and then she postponed the wedding.

A few weeks later,
her father called...

January '97...
Said she was missing.

- You mind my putting this up here?
- Of course.

Katie West, now, he...

met her a year later, and...
he moved her in, along with her

6- year-old daughter, Jenna.

Now, Jenna says that it wasn't
a happily-ever-after situation,

and the mother wanted to move out.

But before she had a chance,
she disappeared.

Never could find the bodies,
so I couldn't build...

a case.

Detective Olin, it's been years
since your victims vanished.

Any idea why someone would want
to do this to Mr. Greeson now?

That is the million-dollar question,
isn't it?

- Where did you find him?
- Elysian park.

You're serious?

Well, now, we did think
that Greeson buried the bodies there.

You see, we went through that place

over and over again.


is where we found Greeson.
Did you look here?

You're talking this fire road?

Well, that was washed out back then.

I didn't think to look there.

Well, let's get some cadaver dogs
and head back to the park, shall we?


how's Darleen?

Well, I retired. She divorced me.
Turns out we didn't get along.

How about you?
What wife are you on?

I'm single.

Dating someone, though.


She's 29.


I've got the prostate of a teenager.

I lost my prostate last year.

Don't always know
when I'm gonna pee...

Apart from that, no big loss.

Someone dug her up.


Sorry, Chief.

Could we leave the bag intact
so SID can check for prints?

I mean, if we're gonna tie
Greeson into this...

He's right.
Let's leave it.

Chief, there's another
one dug up over here.

Okay, so, Greeson was tortured
to find out where he buried the bodies.

The k*ller dug up the bags,
confirming the information,

then sh*t Greeson in the head

and left his wallet
so he could be identified quickly.

Not exactly how I figured
this case would be closed, but...

there you go.

This case isn't closed.

So, did anybody show up
with a fresh motive?

Detective Sanchez...

served a warrant
at Mr. Greeson's house

this afternoon
and found his girlfriend with a...

a black eye, packed up,
and on her way out the door.

Is she the type to strike back hard?

I haven't met her,
but it's the only motive

I have that's the least bit timely.

Otherwise, I'm looking
at the families of these dead girls.

Let me get the dishes.

They've been living
with this for a long time.

Why go after Greeson now?

I don't know.

It's family.
It doesn't have to make sense.

Which reminds me...

your mother called again.

She wants to set a date
for your niece, Charlene,

and her to come down and visit.
Make sure you're not

working when they get here.

How am I supposed to know
when someone is gonna get m*rder*d?

For heaven's sakes,
if I knew that, we'd close up shop.

Brenda, you need to make time
for your mother.

Look, heading Major Crimes is
a full-time responsibility.

Being good at your job doesn't give you
the right to ignore the people you love.

I'm not ignoring people!


my job has to be a priority.

That's not news to you or my mother.

You know, hon, someday,
when you look back on your life,

almost everything you see will be
marked off with crime-scene tape

because you didn't make time
for much of anything else.

Do you mind? Could you get
the phone, please?

- You want me to answer your phone?
- Please, if...

- Hello?
- Chef,

I think you got to come back in.

- The families are here.
- What families?

Well, the fam...

The families of the dead girls.

Olin made notifications
of the bodies we found.


I'll be right there.

Hang up, please.

You see what I mean?!
This is what happens when...

I leave the office.

At least all your suspects
are in the same place now.

Don't worry, sweetie.
I'll do the dishes.

I'm sorry!

Would you come here, Sergeant?

Who do we have here?

Okay, so, Dana Clarkson,
Greeson's first victim...

That's her father, Jake,
there in the sports coat.

Standing next
to him is her sister, Amy.

And Katie West,
Greeson's second victim...

The guy there drinking the coffee...
That's her brother, Todd.

Next to him is her daughter, Jenna.

Thank you.

Would you please tell Chief Pope that
I need to see him down here right away?

Okay and just so you know,

Sanchez has Greeson's current
girlfriend in interview 1.

Thank you.

- Here you go, sweetheart.
- Thank you.

Detective Olin, may I speak
with you for a moment, please?

Detective Olin, who gave you
the authority to notify these families?

Well, I wasn't aware
I need authority.

I did not want them to hear on the news
that we had discovered their daughters.

I'm sorry... Is there a coroner's report
that I don't know about,

because the last I checked,

we hadn't positively ID'd
these bodies yet.

- Come on, Chief, we all know...
- Excuse me, Lieutenant.

I'm asking a question.

Well, ma'am, I'm sorry
if I've stepped out of line, but...

I have relationships

with these families,
and I've been waiting a long time...

Look, if your relationships are gonna
interfere with my case...

All due respect, this is just
as much my case as it is yours.

Detective Olin, you are retired.

You do not work here anymore.

- Now, I have a m*rder investigation...
- Which he helped you solve.

I'm not talking about those girls,

They are not
my priority at the moment.

I'm currently more concerned with
apprehending the person who is depraved

and disturbed enough to drag someone
around from the bumper of their car.

Well, I'm sorry.

Maybe you've never had
a case like this.

It stays with you.

And I did not check
that washed-out road.

I made mistakes, but the D.A.

is not gonna close my case
until I link Greeson with those girls.

You spoke to the D.A.!

Actually, he called me, ma'am.

You know how we close your case?

We close mine first,

because if we're right and the k*ller
tortured Greeson to get information,

than the k*ller provides the link
that the D.A. needs.

Now, you know these people.

Tell me who out there is
capable of something like this.

- They are not suspects.
- In your case, but they are in mine.

In fact, let's start with you.

You still carry a side arm,

It's a little bigger...

- Than the one I used to have.
- Really? Why's that?

Well, I can't see so good anymore

and figure the bigger b*ll*ts
will make up for it.

If you're looking for a .25 a*t*matic
that k*lled Greeson,

- it's probably his own g*n.
- He was a security guard at the mall.

I'm aware of that, Detective. Which
of the victims' relatives knew that?

Anybody can find that out.

Look, has anyone,
run a reverse search on Greeson,

talked to the police in Vegas
where he lived for five years,

spoken to their missing persons?

You're assuming this guy's been
on the straight and narrow

all these years, and I'm saying

there may be some
other dead girls out there

with some very angry relatives
of their own!

Look into them.

But leave these people alone.

I told Greeson's girlfriend
what happened to him.

She was upset,
but there were no tears.

Seems like a real hothead.

Anyway, she doesn't have an alibi,
but we don't have enough for an arrest.

I want to talk to her,
but I can't do it right now.

We don't have anything
to hold her on until the morning?

Put her in the m*rder room.
I'll find you something.

Don't worry about it, Chief.
Trust me.

Chief Johnson.

Thank you, gentlemen.

Excuse us.

Did you hear about
what Detective Olin did?

- You want me to send him home?
- No.

He's close to these people. I want
to see who he's most protective of.

Look, I know one of those people out
there may be a m*rder suspect, but...

They're all victims, too.

Now, a good thing happened today.

We're close to solving two very cold
cases, so let's...

tread lightly, okay?

Good. All right,
let's go talk to these people.

Now, I know Detective Olin
has informed you

about the two bodies
that were found today, and I know

you want more information.

But in cases like this, it's important
to be as thorough as possible.

And since we haven't actually ID'd

the remains yet, we're not 100% sure

- about what we're dealing with.
- Who else would be buried out there?

This is what my mom was wearing
the day she disappeared.

Maybe you could recognize
the shirt or her necklace.

Thank you.
This could help.

We do have
a lot of information to sort through.

We have three separate
investigations going.

Three investigations?

- You mean there was another girl?
- Excuse me, Mr. West, is it?

Yeah, I'm Katie's brother.

Mr. West, there's not a third girl.

The third investigation is the m*rder
of Howard Greeson, who, as you know...

You're actually wasting time
investigating that dirtbag's case?!

Sir, from what I know of him,
I don't like him much, either,

but, he is a victim.

Look, while you're all here,

why don't we get
some general information from you,

like if you've seen
Mr. Greeson recently?

What is this?!
Are we suspects?!

This is a common procedure.

Maybe it would be best
if I spoke to each of you separately.

- How dare you treat us like this?!
- He k*lled my mother.

You have no right to keep me here.

This is Kim Sherman,
Greeson's girlfriend.

Hey, that's him. He's the one!
You k*lled Howie, didn't you?!

- You k*lled him!
- Calm down!

- Calm down!
- He came to our house!

You ruined everything!

What? I told her the truth
about what Howie did. That's it.

I didn't k*ll him!

So, tell me. When a classy dame like you
is dating a double m*rder*r,

how many dinners does he have to buy you
before he gets to smack you around?

That's assaulting
a police officer, lady!

That just earned yourself
a night downstairs!

Get her out of here, please.

Yes, ma'am.

You're welcome.

Mr. West, I'd like
to hear more about

your visit to the victim's house.

- I only went down there because...
- Todd.

I want a lawyer.

Jenna, what about you?

- I want a lawyer, too.
- So do I.

I not only want a lawyer,
I'm calling a press conference.

Wait, please.

Involving the press at this point
will only complicate matters.

I don't care!

Sir, I strongly urge you
to reconsider.

Why, to make it easier for you?

I've called here countless times,

just trying to press somebody
into some kind of action.

And nobody cared.

Now, Greeson dies,

and you want us
to answer your questions?

I'm sorry.

We're just not interested anymore.

Lieutenant Tao,
I want you to bag all these cups.

I want, the fingerprints, especially
off Mr. West's over here... thank you.

Would you please call Ricardo Ramos?

I'd like him to know
about this press conference.

- By all means. Let's invite everybody.
- But I want to talk to him first.

I think it would be good for him to know
everything we have on these people

and everything we don't.

Detective, I want to thank you
so much for your help.

We'll be taking it from here.

I'm sure that one of the Detectives
will call you when we close your case.

Miss Sherman.

I'm Deputy Chief Johnson.

We didn't get a chance
to meet last night.

Well, you lost your temper.

Assaulting a police officer
in a police station makes me wonder

what you'd be like out in the real world
with a boyfriend who beats you.

You think I k*lled Howie?

Detective Sanchez here

tells me that you were running off when
he served the warrant at your house.

- Where were you going?
- Away.

I don't know where.
I just wanted to get away.

Seems a little coincidental, no?
You just happen to be skipping town

on the same day that your boyfriend
was found m*rder*d.

And what about
that guy last night, Todd?

You guys arrest him?

Besides you, Miss Sherman,
no one has been arrested.

So you're hassling me
instead of him, hmm?

Todd west came to our house.

He threatened Howie.
He said he wanted to do...

- When did he come to your house?
- The first time...

- two weeks ago.
- First time?


I'm at home alone. Todd West,
he showed up, and he just starts.

He tells me these things about Howie,
about those two other girls.

- And what did you do?
- I didn't believe him.

It was... it was crazy.

But then Todd...

he comes back a week later.

Howie was leaving for work.

Todd... he stopped him,
starts yelling at him in the driveway,

punches him
while he's still in his truck.

Howie had to pull a g*n on him
just to get him to back off.

Did Mr. West say anything
to indicate why

he was showing up
now after all these years?


But it changed everything.

Howie was...

different after that.

- How do you mean?
- He was just...

He was just angry.

You know?

He started drinking a lot.

And then what Todd had said started
eating at me, so

I look it up on the Internet, and...

I read about them.

Those other girls.

I imagine it must've been difficult

to see that the boyfriend
that you love so much

sought out weak, needy women.

I'm not weak.

No, you're a fighter, aren't you?

I guess wouldn't have been hard
to subdue him,

especially if he was drunk.

And then all you had to do
was put the car in drive.

Speaking of which,

I didn't find the truck
or the.25-caliber auto

when I served the search warrant
at your house.

Maybe because I haven't seen the truck
since he drove it to work

on Saturday morning, and the g*n's
probably still under the front seat.

- That was the last time you saw him?
- Yeah!


We were fighting.

I asked him about the girls,
and he...

he never hit me before, okay?

The way he looked at me,
I thought he was gonna k*ll me.

So when he didn't come home
that night or the next...

I just started packing.

Your boyfriend beats you,
and it takes you two days to leave?

I had nowhere to go!

You have any idea
where he was all this time?

I don't know.

There's a bar in Culver city...
"The Leg Room".

I thought he was there on a bender.

And I didn't want to be around
when he came home.

Hey, Chief.
Ramos is up in Pope's office.

- He wants to talk to you.
- Okay. Thank you, Commander.

Lieutenant Tao, would you and
Sergeant Gabriel visit this "Leg Room",

see if we can retrace Mr. Greeson's
steps on the night he disappeared?

- Thank you.
- What do we do with the girlfriend?

- Tell her she's not going home.
- You want to see me get slapped again.

The thought never crossed my mind.

So, you managed to talk
to the family members on your own?

I did.

Got some pretty
interesting stuff, too, like

where everyone was
at the time of the m*rder.

I think you guys call them alibis.

And just so we're clear,

no one from this department asked you
to obtain that information.

Of course not. As a journalist,
it would be unethical for me

to collude with law enforcement.
Okay, now, that being said,

before I publish my story tomorrow,
there's something I want to include.

We already gave you
everything we had.

Yeah, well, Joey O. didn't.

No, no, no. I'm sorry.
That's not possible.

You'll wait for tomorrow's paper
for the alibis.

That's assuming that my editor
includes them in the paper.

Why do you want
to talk to Mr. Olin, anyway?

Heroic cop closes his last case...
It's a great story.

Mr. Ramos, if this case closes,
I will be doing it.

And stop calling him Joey O.
it's ridiculous.

Am I gonna talk to him or not?

- All right, let's get it over with.
- Yeah?


You can have
your people confirm the alibi,

but I ran a cursory check.
They all held up, except the brother's.

Todd West.

His wife and kids were out of town,
so no one can vouch for him.

- Okay. Thank you so much.
- There's one more thing, Chief.

I'm not really sure how important
this is, but Todd and Katie West...

they were twins.

We got a green truck.

Ticketed this morning.

Got a trailer hitch on the back.

Keys in the ignition.

We got a shovel and a steel cable
with a loop on each end.

Got a g*n.

You got your camera phone?

We hear about any altercations around
the bar the night Greeson disappeared?

Tao knocked on doors, and he said nobody
reported anything out of the ordinary.

We've ID'd your two Jane Does,
Chief Johnson.

The body in bag one
is Dana Clarkson.

And the body in bag two
is Katie West.

Okay. It's official...


Also, I was right
about your dragging victim.

Tox screen found high levels
of morphine in his system.

- Morphine?
- Good call, doctor.

Yes, it was.

Thank you.

The casings we found at the crime scene
are a match to Greeson's g*n, and

we pulled a clean set of prints from the
driver's-side door of Greeson's truck.

And those prints match the ones

we pulled off
of Todd West's coffee cup last night.

I guess you didn't know these people
as well as you thought, Detective Olin.

Sergeant, would you
and Lieutenant Provenza

please bring
Todd West in for a chat?

Chief, he has a lawyer.

Fine. Then, arrest him for m*rder.

Pardon me.

I've known Todd West for 10 years.
He ain't your guy.

Well, we have some pretty compelling
evidence that says otherwise.

- It's all circumstantial.
- You're a lawyer now?

Well, Mr. West already has one of those,
thanks to you.

Okay, you're mad at me.
I get it.

And now that we have filed charges,

he can sit in jail for the next
two years awaiting trial while

I find the rest of the evidence
I need to put him away for life.

I hope you're expecting to wait

because you won't be closing
your case anytime soon.

All right.
I hear that Lieutenant Tao

canvassed the neighborhood
around that bar,

and, the night
that Howie disappeared,

there were no reports
of arguments or fights.

So whoever he left with

he left with willingly,
and it would not have been Todd West,

- drunk or not!
- Fine, look, if you think

that Todd West is innocent,
have him come in here and talk to me...

- Without a lawyer.
- I can't do that.

How badly do you want
to close your case?

that's not gonna happen until

I find out who m*rder*d
Howard Greeson.

How you holding up?

This is crazy, Joe.

Maybe if you just sit down
with her and tell her the truth.

Without my lawyer?

You don't have anything to hide,
do you?


Of course not.

Well, then, listen to me.

If you try to duck behind a lawyer,

it's only gonna make things worse,
you understand?

Just answer her questions.
You'll be okay.

You're sure about this?

Yeah, I'm sure.

You're doing the right thing, Joey.

Yeah, we'll see.

Thank you.

Detective, you feeling okay?

Pretty sick to my stomach, Chief.

Mr. West, would you mind
standing up for a moment, please?

Thank you, sir.
Have a seat.

All right, Mr. West, I want to thank you
so much for coming in to talk to us.

I'll be frank.

There's a lot of evidence
in the m*rder of Howard Greeson that

points in your direction,

but let's do what we can now
to eliminate you as a suspect, okay?

Great. Okay, yeah.

So, apparently,
you told a member of the press that

you were at home
Saturday and Sunday night.

But your wife and children
were out of town

all weekend, so they were unable
to corroborate that statement.

Plus, we found your prints
on the victim's truck...

The same vehicle behind which we believe
that the victim was dragged.

What is this?! I thought
I was being eliminated as a suspect!

You can certainly see
how difficult that is to do, Sir,

especially since, my gosh,

you certainly have motive.

I mean, your twin sister...

No one could hardly blame you
for doing something like this.

So, tell me, how can we explain
your fingerprints on the victim's truck?

I don't know.

I must have left them
when I went to his house.

- He was backing...
- When he pulled a g*n on you

from underneath
the front seat of his pickup.

So you knew he had a w*apon,
and you wanted him dead.


I did.

But what I wanted more...

was to find my sister...

to see her one more time
and to bring her home.

Mr. West...

does anyone in your family
take pain medication...

morphine, for example?

In my family?



Do you know anyone
who takes morphine,

who has access to it?


All right.

Mr. West,
let's get back to the evidence.

We have a witness
who saw you thr*aten and as*ault

the victim just one week before
he was found m*rder*d.

I was worked up, all right? I had
been looking through the old articles.

- Why, Mr. West? Why?
- I don't know.

- I was angry, and I...
- Why now after all this time?

It's been 10 years.

Why now?!

It must have been something
that got you all riled up and...

I got fed up, all right,

sick of waiting for someone to care!

I mean, since Joe's retired,
you people haven't done a thing!

You weren't visiting Greeson
on mine and Katie's birthday!

You weren't calling him every year
on the date she disappeared!

That's what Joe was doing!

He was the only person keeping
this case alive, but he...

he wasn't going to do it anymore,
so I picked up the slack.

Why was he not gonna do
that anymore?

Why, Mr. West?!

I want my lawyer back.

I can arrange that for you.

Mr. Ramos, Buzz,
would you please excuse us for a moment?

Detective Olin...

Why weren't you gonna be able
to harass Mr. Greeson

anymore with your phone calls
and your visits?

I don't know why he said that.

I wasn't planning on stopping.

Mr. West here said all he wanted was
to find his twin sister,

to see her one more time.

But these bags were sealed shut

when we found them,
and the k*ller unearthed both bodies,

which makes me think that the person
who dug them up was looking more

for the scene of a double m*rder

than a sister...

Like you were, Detective.

The only evidence
you have against me is...

my devotion to this case.

You said yourself that Mr. Greeson
must've gone willingly with his captor.

I imagine he wouldn't have argued
with a badge, even if yours is retired.

And it had to be someone who knew

that he had a w*apon
and where he kept it.

So, tell me, Detective.

How much more time do you have?

You see, I couldn't understand

why someone would do this
to Mr. Greeson now...

After all this time,

unless time itself...

is running out.

And if you factor in the weight loss

and the prostate you told
Lieutenant Provenza you had removed

and the queasy stomach due
to what I assume

must be the morphine
that you're taking...

I'm forced to conclude
that you have cancer, Detective Olin,

and that you are dying.

So I'll ask you again.
How much more time do you have?

Three to six months.

Lieutenant, would you please
read Detective Olin his rights?

- You have the right to remain silent.
- No, no, no. Please wait.

In the interest of time,
I waive my rights.

You are a lifelong

and decorated member
of the law-enforcement community.

How could you do
something like this?

The Make-A-Wish foundation

refuse to do it for me.

I didn't want to die

knowing I'd failed those girls,
knowing that Greeson...

wasn't gonna pay for what he did.

You can't understand that?


- I could never do what you did.
- Never say never.

Well, look, now

that your case is closed,
then we can close mine, right?

As long as you can demonstrate

that it was Mr. Greeson
who led you to find those girls.

I can do you better than that.

Greeson can tell you himself.

- What's that?
- I recorded the whole thing.

He admits it all.

It ain't for the faint of heart.

You wanted to know how far I'd go...

to close my case.

I took him to the desert,

I hooked him
to the back of the truck,

and I drove...




get this over with.

No cuffs, Lieutenant.

- Chief?
- Yes.

I was wondering.

You know, Joey doesn't have
much time left, and

what he did, some might say,
was justified.

- Lieutenant.
- Yeah, I know, okay.

You don't see it that way. Fine.

All I'm asking is that you speak
to the D.A., and maybe

they can set a bail for him

so that he can get out
until his trial.

- I'm afraid I can't do that.
- Why not?

What if he has a list?

What if he comes up with a few
more scores he'd like to settle?

Are you willing to take that risk?

Because I'm not.

Would you please book
this into evidence?

I don't want to listen to it.

Yeah. Neither do I.

- Night, Chief.
- Good night.

- How'd it go?
- We closed it.

Good for you.

Your mother called again.

Do you think it's too late
to call back?

Yes, I do.

Well, sometimes
she watches the late movie.

Hi, ma.

Oh, did I wake you?

I'm sorry.

I was just returning your call.

Yes, all three of them.

Yes, yes, I'd love to...

pick a good time
for Charlene to come visit.

I miss you too, mum.