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04x11 - Good Faith

Posted: 10/07/23 16:41
by bunniefuu
- Oh, Ma, please don't cry.
- I can't help it, Brenda Leigh.

Who designed this veil...

The Taliban?

Let's try another one.

Almost done.

I have never seen anyone
so beautiful

- in my whole life.
- I have, Willie Ray.

When you walked down the aisle
wearing that dress.

Now I need a tissue.

I'm just sorry you have to wait a month
to see Brenda in that beautiful dress.

Well, technically,
it's only 28 days.

But I bet we'd both feel better
if we had that in writing.

Think of yourself

Half a century hence,

When you and Brenda could be doing

what Willie Ray and I
are doing right now,

Getting ready to celebrate
your 50th anniversary

on a cruise of the Hawaiian Islands.

I can almost smell the sea breeze.

Yeah, but why should I be
wearing white, Ma?

- It's not like I'm...
- Brenda Leigh,

White is the color of joy
and new beginnings.

Well, I should just...
You'd have to do work on this, Mama.

I should just wear the gown
From my first wedding.

You can't re-wear that dress.
That's cursed!

Besides, your father and I
like to pretend

that first marriage never happened.

Now stand up, and turn around.

So, which is it gonna be?

Your sister-in-law Amy's...

your aunt Ruth's... or...


Well, I like yours the best.

- Of course she does.
- That's the only right answer

with me standing next to her.

Still, I'm glad she said it anyway.

- No! No!
- I'm not looking.

It's lieutenant Flynn.

Thank you.

Yes? Hello?


I hope we find a proper place
for y'all to get married

Before we have to get on that ship.

Brenda Leigh always lets things slide
until the very last minute.

I wish she'd take more
of an interest in all this.

Oh, she's very interested,
Willie Ray.

For example, look at how hard
she's been searching for the right cake.

If that girl had her way,

she'd ask a minister
to stop by a crime scene

and then serve ho hos
out of her purse.

I hope she's not headed for
one of those horrible murders.

We have so many places
we have to see.

No, Ma, I'm stopping by the office
for a quick celebration,

Which I said might be
happening today,

And to sign off
on a su1c1de that just came in.

And then I will be joing you

For our tour of very small chapels.

Tiny, tiny. I mean it.

And I'm sorry I can't come
with you today, but I promise,

I'm gonna hook up
with all of you right after work.

I thought we were gonna pick out a cake
before we left this morning.


I have a long day.

- Sure?
- No, positive. Thanks.

Oh, my God, open your card.

But why light duty? I've spent
a great deal of time with him.

Detective Sanchez
seems fully recovered to me.

The guy's had 5 surgeries and a shoulder
reconstructed from cadaver parts.

All it takes is one doctor
to say, "he's not ready yet."

I took him to the firing range
3 days ago,

and he still ranks a sharpsh**ter,
and I saw him run 1/2 mile at the track.

Look, lieutenant Provenza
is his immediate supervisor.

He should have all the paperwork,
ask him what's up.

Meanwhile, two patrol officers

from the Hollywood division
wrote up a su1c1de last Sunday.

Morales calls back from the morgue,
and says the guy was m*rder*d.

Hollywood homicide detectives
didn't follow up?

Did you not hear the words
"su1c1de" and "Sunday"?


So, the good doctor is offering
the case to major crimes

Before filing a complaint with the D.A.,
which could trigger an inquiry which...

chief Pope does not need right now.

So, Dr. Morales, I understand
you have something to show us.

I do.

Then would someone
k*ll the lights, please?

I got it, chief.

You guys, maybe you want
to put down your little...

Wedding-cake samples
while I show you my presentation.

- It's pretty graphic.
- No, we're fine, doc.

In fact, this is a really good test
to see which one of these

the chief might choose
for her reception.

Yeah, If you still like it

while you're watching somebody
who blew their brains out,

This is the cake for your wedding.

But this guy didn't blow his brains out.
That was done for him.

This is a m*rder.

Jeffrey Crawford, white male,
36 years old, building contractor.

Who discovered the body?

That would be his minister.

Pastor Paul Hicks.

According to the responding officers,
the minister identified himself as a...

"close friend of the victim",
Jeff Crawford.

Is there any reason to believe

Mr. Crawford would want
to off himself?

Hesitation marks on his wrists.

From an old su1c1de attempt.

I'm not investigating his past.

Mr. Crawford also owed
a substantial sum to his brother,

With whom he owned
a contracting business,

and his ex-wife is suing him
for back alimony and child support.

Plus, he just got out of rehab
for cocaine addiction six months ago.

Other than that, life was good.

I don't care
what his personal life was like.

I'm interested
in the physical evidence.

We do an X-Ray series of every victim
that comes to the coroner's office.

As you can see, the first
and second joints

of his index and middle fingers
on his right hand

are fused from an old injury.
They... they don't bend.

And he was shot through
the right side of his head.

Which means that he'd have had to use
his ring finger to pull the trigger.

Considering how awkwardly
the g*n would have to be held

to go from right to left,
back to front.

Even if it could be done,
I don't believe it

and I'm not signing off on su1c1de.

So... I'm going over
Hollywood division's head.

- If the L.A.P.D. won't follow up...
- Whoa, hold on a second, doc.

- I don't think I like your tone, okay?
- Really?

- Really.
- How about a dial tone?

'Cause that's what you'll get next time
you call for an expedited autopsy.

Now might be a really great time
for everyone here to remind themselves.

I don't work for you.
I work for the County,

And I have a legal obligation
to determine how this man died.

Now, if you won't take this seriously,
I have no trouble going elsewhere.

Enjoy your cake.

Doctor! Please. One moment, please.
I'm terribly, terribly sorry.

Lt Provenza, could you call
the victim's brother, please?

We should try and meet with him as soon
as possible. And, cdr. Taylor,

since there's a minister involved, would
you go through the necessary channels

for me to speak with him, please?
And, detective Sanchez,

let's go through everything that the
S.I.D. collected from the crime scene.

Chief, I've been looking at the pictures
they took, and the doc. might be right.

This is the bathroom
where the body was found.

Look at the blow-back.
It's not uniform.

There's a bloody silhouette on the door,
maybe where the sh**t was standing.

I'll get to the bottom of this.
I promise.

Just... take this seriously.


Welcome back, Detective.

- You want my opinion, Chief?
- Yes, Lieutenant.

I was surprised, but I liked
the lemon cream. It held up.

Thank you, lieutenant.

I'll make sure and tell my mom.

Did your brother call you
that Sunday morning,

and tell you that he was
feeling down and depressed?

And did he give you
any indication that...

Captain Joiner called me
from Hollywood division

and tells me we're about
to incur a lawsuit.

- Is that right?
- A lawsuit? Over what?

Well, did we tell the family and friends
of some drug addict

that he k*lled himself, and then start
investigating it as a m*rder?

I'm sorry, sir, but the morgue decided
that the death was undetermined,

So rather than put Dr. Morales
on a collision course with...

OK, listen, first,

we don't investigate suicides.
That's number one.

- Second...
- Second, it's not a su1c1de.

It's undetermined.
So what should I do?

- Yes, detective Daniels?
- It turns out Ed here

wasn't just our victim's brother
and business partner.

He's also sole heir
to Jeff Crawford's will. And...

Jeff had a really expensive
insurance policy just vested recently.

$2 million payoff,

And the only beneficiary...

- His brother!
- I thought Jeff had kids.

And now they have a rich uncle.
One more thing...

The w*apon found at the scene
that Jeff used to blow his brains out

belongs to Ed here.

Are we now turning
all these mourners into suspects?

I promise that I will investigate
this m*rder discreetly.

Oh, my God! You just called it a m*rder.
That is not discreet.

As your concerns, I just...

I just have to do
one thing first, okay?

Thank you.

Jeff joined this church
after he got out of rehab.

He told me he had given
his life to Christ.

And he became close
with his minister.

And he started dating...

Almost got engaged, I guess,

to this sweet girl Beth
on chemo for lymphoma.

Maybe it was her saying no
to being married

that pushed him over the edge.
I don't know.

I- I don't know.

I'm so sorry to interrupt.

Please don't be mad at me, sirs.

Y'all want to keep going,
or should I...

Xhat is it now?

I forgot to have Mr. Crawford here

sign the Miranda waiver.
I'm so sorry.

Well, just hurry it up.
Let's go. Come on.

If you could just initial
the marked areas

explaining that you don't have
to talk to us, and that you...

you know, you have
the right to an attorney.

- The usual rigmarole.
- Okay.

So, you paid your brother
even though he didn't come into work?

I would have bought Jeff out,

but by the time I discovered
how much money he had borrowed

from the company to buy dr*gs,
we were near bankrupt.

You know, he went to rehab.
I had to deal with the tax man.

Those terrible bureaucrats!

Initial, initial, initial, sign.

And there's all that cash
I lent him to keep paying

his bitch of an ex-wife alimony
and child support.

I'm glad Jeff found Jesus. I wish he'd
have found a job at the same time.


And, just this little
card here saying

that the g*n that your brother used
belonged to you.

Your brother had attempted
su1c1de before, and...

you loaned him a g*n?

I've been turning
this over for days,

wondering if maybe
if the g*n hadn't been there...

Maybe if his girlfriend would
have agreed to marry him...

Maybe if his ex-wife hadn't have
hounded him for every dime.

And, you know, with this insurance
and all the money that you'll...

$2 million sounds like...

Under the radar,
and keep it that way, please.

... knowing that I'll never talk
to Jeff again,

I can tell you that insurance
is no relief at all.

Okay, Chief, we blew up pictures
from the crime scene.

Now, look.

So, this looks like someone might
have been there, sh**ting the g*n.

What else do we know?

The apartment belongs
to the church where Jeff went.

Kind of a residence hotel for members
who were getting back on their feet.

I spoke to the minister myself,

pastor Paul Hicks
of the New Church of Good Faith.

He said you can look through
the apartment, no problem.

He'll sendcover Jeff's girlfriend
to open it up for you.

Okay, thank you, Commander.

Detective Sanchez,
how are you feeling?

Great... good.

No problem.

Stand up, please. Lift your arm.

- Does this hurt?
- No.

- How about this?
- No.

- This?
- No.

Chief, he's fine! Really.

We just got a couple of doctor reports
that are still outstanding, and...

- it'll be done.
- I'd like to see those reports

as soon as they come in.
All right, Detective.

At least you're back and not hurting.
That's something.

Hold down the fort for us, please.

- You ready, Buzz?
- Roll him out, Lieutenant.

Almost ready, Chief!

- Take your time, Lieutenant.
- There you are.

And ready.

There's the b*llet hole.

No clothes, no books, no computer.

Thank you.

I can't get my landlord
to fix a faucet,

and after three days, this place is all
cleaned up and ready to rent again.

Our church doesn't rent
these places, sir.

And the cleaning was mostly done by some
service recommended by the police.

We just repainted the walls,
boxed up Jeff's stuff,

and stacked it by the door.

- And where's that stuff now?
- Maybe pastor Paul has it.

And Jeff's car, too. I didn't see it
when I parked to let you in.

Beth, I know this must be
hard for you, but...

I can't even imagine.

You must be very, very upset.

And mad.

I don't understand it.

I was diagnosed with multiple
myeloma, last year.

I'm fighting so hard to stay alive.

I don't get how he could do this.

I just don't get it.

I hate to mention it, but I know
that Jeff asked you to marry him.

Jeff didn't sh**t himself because I
turned down his marriage proposal.

I don't know
if you'll understand this.

I met Jeff before I knew
I had cancer,

But we didn't start dating
until afterwards.

I thought, "maybe he's only
asking me 'cause I'm sick."

So I told him...

"try again when we beat this thing."


... this is not how I wanted to
look on my wedding day.

The ring was beautiful, though.

2 carats.

Maybe I should have accepted it.



Does any of this furniture
belong to you?


We weren't living together.

No. This is all church
property, really.

Pastor Paul will find
someone else who needs it.

Chief, we're set.


Beth, would you mind calling pastor Paul
and letting him know

that we're gonna stop by to speak
with him if he's available?

- He'll be available.
- okay.

We're a fairly small congregation.

Lieutenant, would you please escort
Beth to her car? Thank you.

- Andy, come closer, please.
- You got it, mike.


when the shot was fired,
the victim's head was angled

towards the right corner of this
bathroom, above the commode.

- So, he's right, Mike?
- Yeah. There you go.

He's standing right here, okay?

All right, so...

I'm Crawford's height.

If I put my ring finger on the trigger,
g*n behind my right ear...

There's not enough room.



He drops.

Someone moved the body.


I'm gonna have my parents
meet me at this church,

and then I am delegating
the rest of the day to y'all.

I just want to say one thing.
It will make life easier for everyone

if we continue to treat
this death as a su1c1de.

Is that understood?

All right, then.

Let's find out
who m*rder*d Jeff Crawford.

Hello, Mama. Hi. I'm sorry I'm late.

I have a new possible venue
I want y'all to look at,

in Hollywood.

What kind of church
you say this was?

We're unaffiliated
with any major denominations.

Five years ago,
I was just a real-estate agent

with a morning bible-study group
in Northridge.

Now, we're a church.

And as we grow,
we need bigger spaces.

We had the opportunity to purchase this
skating rink for only $100 a square ft,

You sound like quite a shrewd
investor, Pastor.

"See a man diligent in his business,
and he shall stand before kings."

We flipped a couple of small businesses,
and then, we plow the profits

back into the ministry.

The apartment building
you were in, it houses

several people with critical
problems, folks...

out of rehab, folks
who have lost their homes.

Would it be rude to ask
If we could sit in

with this prayer group over there?

That is an in-reach meeting.

Overcoming sexual addiction.

We're gonna go look around
while you talk to Brenda.

Come on, Willie Ray. Let's see
how they've sanctified

the concession stand.

This is a church!

When Jeff came to us two years ago,
he was broken,

looking to heal.

Over time, his spirits
improved greatly.

And supervising renovations here
boosted his self-esteem.

You knew About Jeff Crawford's past,

and still you gave him access
to your finances?

If you're asking if I knew
he was an addict

who embezzled money
from his brother...

Yes, I knew who he was.

And I knew who he was
struggling to become.

Coffee, anyone?

He raised money
for our building fund.

And he set up internet sites
for several members of our church

with health issues
but no insurance, like Beth.

In fact,

the web pages he put together
to raise donations for her chemo

Actually became the prototype
for all our members in financial crisis.

And he helped me renovate this building
while we used it as a house of worship.

So, when he didn't show up
for services on Sunday morning...

Completely unlike him, especially since
he helps me set up the sound system.

So, when I was finished here...

I let myself Into his apartment.

- You had a key?
- Somewhere.

But I didn't need one.
He left one out for people.

Do you no longer think
his death was a su1c1de?

We're just trying to clear up
a few inconsistencies.

Like why it appears that Jeff's body
was moved after he was shot.

- I did that.
- Why?

Well, when I saw him lying there,
my impulse was to help.

- Isn't that what anyone would do?
- Of course.

Of course it is, sir.

One last thing. All of Jeff's
belongings were packed up,

And someone just swooped in
and grabbed them all, including his car.

That would be his ex-wife, I'm sure.

She called yesterday and asked
if I would give back the money

Jeff donated to the Church,
If you can believe that.

Dana Crawford. I've got her number
here, somewhere... here it is.

Tell me, Pastor,
do you always preach in sandals?

I do. Same as Jesus.


Would you believe
they do baptisms in a hot tub?

What about weddings, Pastor?

You know, roller derby always seemed
to me like the perfect preparation

for marriage.

Lieutenant. Ma, Daddy,
Would you come with me?

Brenda, I...

I don't want to seem
old-fashioned, but this place...

No. I know Daddy.
It was just a thought.

And if y'all don't like it...

This su1c1de Has turned out
to be a lot more...

complicated than I'd expected.

So if y'all could just keep looking
without me and take real good pictures,

I'm pretty sure I could meet up
with you at about 3:00.

We were supposed to look for the place
you're gonna marry Fritz together.

And you investigate murders,
not su1c1de.

Daddy, please
don't make this harder for me.

I want to come with y'all, but I just,
I can't be in two places at one time.


I'll meet with you soon, okay?

You remember where the door is?


- Do you mind?
- I just got off a shift, and I'm dying.

Actually, I do, ms. Crawford.

Can I offer you
a piece of candy instead?

- What do you have?
- Well, let's see.

It's yours.


What did jeff do?

No. I know he k*lled himself,

But he must have
stolen something, too,

or I wouldn't be back here
at the L.A.P.D.

I'm just investigating his su1c1de,

ms. Crawford, which has been made

much more difficult `cause
his belongings are missing.

What are you looking for?

An explanation.

A su1c1de note
on his computer, perhaps.

No, I didn't see one.

You do have his computer, then.

Yeah, I gave it to my son.

Ms. Crawford,
you may not realize this,

but since you're no longer
next of kin and his brother,

Ed, is Jeff's actual heir,
you had no right to remove any of his...

Did jeff have a right to empty
our bank accounts, spend all our kids'

college money on dr*gs?

I think what he had belongs to me.

Including another
woman's engagement ring?

His girlfriend told us
that he offered her a diamond ring,

and we couldn't find it anywhere.

I didn't see any engagement ring.

Trust me.
I looked through everything.

You want to understand
why Jeff is dead?

How about this:

Jeff stole
from anyone he was close to,

that church,

his new girlfriend,

cancer girl.

He probably robbed them all blind
and then felt guilty about it.

He always felt guilty
whenever he screwed anybody over.


Well, ms. Crawford,
thank you so much for stopping by.

I'm gonna send one
of my officers home with you to

retrieve your ex-husband's belongings,
including his automobile.

No. You won't.

`cause I'm not turning anything
over to you people.

Do I need to remind you
that you have no right

to any of your
ex-husband's belongings?

So sue me!

I'll do better than that.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be
used against you in a court of law.

You're arresting me?
What for?

We'll start with grand theft
and see what else comes to mind.

Lieutenant Flynn,
I need you, please.

Anything you say can and will be
used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to an attorney.
If you can't afford...

You can't do this.

I have to get home
and make dinner for my kids!

Well, you could always choose
to cooperate.

Or I could call the department
of children and family services.

I'm sure that they would be happy
to hold your kids while we investigate.

And while you're in jail,
you could quit smoking.

If this pile of crap represents the sum
total of Crawford's worldly possessions,

I'm beginning to understand
his interest in an afterlife.

A bill for Beth Gibson's
cancer treatment from Crawford's car.

One round of chemotherapy, $6,600?

Yeah, crawford thought
cocaine was an expensive habit.

And here's some past-due
credit-card notices,

a court warning for
unpaid child support.

I ran a master inquiry
on Jeff Crawford,

and a contact card came up
from saturday night.

Apparently, there was
a disturbance at a doctor's office,

but the crime report
wasn't finished 'cause

Jeff took off
before anyone got there.

But the nurse said
he was asking for dr*gs.

He asked for dr*gs
at the doctor's office?


Detective Sanchez's papers.
You said you'd have them for me.

Chief, I'm still working
on getting the last of it done.

But, geez,
can't you wait a couple of days?


he's okay.

Hey, chief.

How's the delegating going?


Any sign of the engagement ring?


Chief, pastor Hicks is here.

I talked him
into stopping by again like you asked.

You want me to handle this?
So, you can meet up with your parents.

You know what?
I'll be in and out really fast, just...

in and out really fast.

Detective, thank you.

Lieutenant Flynn,

just one minute, one minute.

Pastor Hicks,
thank you so much for stopping by.

I just have a few things
for you to sign.

And would you mind
going over a summary

of the statement that you gave us
yesterday to make sure it's accurate?

Thank you so much.

What is this consent form?

That allows us
to examine your church finances,

including associated accounts
like Beth Gibson's recovery fund.

No way. I will not open church accounts
without a court order.

- Then I'll ask for a search warrant.
- On what grounds?

How would you justify
invading our privacy?

- A man with...
- By alleging that we are the unknowing

victims of a theft by Jeff Crawford?

"Unknowing", that's your word.

How can we be sure you didn't know?

So now I'm somehow
responsible for his su1c1de?

I talked Jeffrey into rehab.
I saved him from addiction.

- This is incredible.
- What strikes me as incredible

is how a man
in the throes of financial disaster

was somehow able to purchase
a diamond engagement ring.

With a loan on a deposit of $500.

- I even co-signed the financing papers.
- So, where's the ring now, padre?

When Beth turned him down,
he returned it for the deposit...

And then immediately

donated the cash
into Beth's health fund

because he was such a monster.

First, this was a su1c1de.

Now you're accusing
a minister of m*rder?

No accusations were made.
I only asked to check on the finances.

And I went through
the proper channels.

Let's step back a little bit here.

Pastor Hicks
might be upset right now,

but if the accounts reveal
no theft connected to the victim,

perhaps a simple apology tomorrow
from chief Johnson

might do the trick.

In terms of contributions
to the recovery fund

the victim set up for his girlfriend,
the account balances out perfectly,

including a $500 deposit that
the victim made days before his death.

- In other words, clean as a whistle.
- But pastor Hicks

flips funds around in ways
that would impress a swiss banker.

You're suggesting
this is a motive for m*rder?

If I didn't believe
that m*rder had taken place,

- why would I be pursuing this?
- I don't know. It's what you do.

When you're a hammer, everything
in the world looks like a nail.

Yes? Hello?

Chief, you do realize

your parents have been waiting
in your office for an hour and a half.

Yes, lieutenant, if you could keep them
occupied for one more moment, please.

No, you don't understand.

I wasn't here when they arrived.

They've been stuck in your office
all this time with Flynn.

Oh, for heaven's sakes.

In 5 seconds, I have to prepare you
for what you're about to face.

My suggestion is, don't argue,
don't defend. Just say, "I'm sorry."

You got it? "I'm sorry."

I'm... I'm so sorry.

Brenda leigh, I know
my time's not worth anything,

but your mother deserves better.

Oh, clay, please.
I can speak for myself.

Answer me one question.

Do you intend to go through
with this wedding?

Of course!

Did we stop on our way
to Hawaii for nothing?

I mean, you've got us running
Hither and Thither and Yon.


- Daddy, of course i'm getting married!
- You know what? We're all hungry.

Starving, actually.

Why don't we have a nice dinner?
Just, the four of us.

Not me. I'm tired.

I've got indigestion.
I want to lay down.

Daddy, please.
I want to talk about this.

- I just...
- Clay?

- Daddy?
- Are you all right?

- Daddy?
- Somebody call an ambulance,

and bring me an aspirin for him.

- Daddy?
- We need some help here!

- We need some help here!
- Sit. Sit. Sit. Are you okay?

Daddy! Daddy!

Stay here. Stay here. Stay here.


the doctor said that the stent

in your father's main left artery

had closed off.

When did daddy
get a stent put in his heart?

Now don't be upset with us.

Your father
had his first heart attack

over two years ago.

You were miles away,
and we didn't want to bother you.


this wasn't nearly
as bad as the last time.

How do you know?

When I had my first heart attack...

The pain was so bad,

I wanted to die.

This time,
I just wanted to k*ll you.

Sorry, daddy.

I didn't mean to put you off.
I just...

Brenda Leigh,

I don't want to hear you say
"I'm sorry" one more time.

The doctor said the stent was bad

and that I was lucky to be
in a police station when it collapsed.

So you can't take credit
for all my suffering.

And if you want to do something
that would make me feel better,

you can go out
and get me a bottle of aspirin.

Daddy, it's a hospital.

If you need an aspirin,
they've got plenty.

$10 a pill.

As long as I'm in this bed,
they've got one hand in my chest

and one hand in my wallet.

When I see that itemized bill...

Insurance doesn't cover everything,
you know...

It's gonna be enough
to make my heart stop dead.

Daddy, don't say that.

I know I may not always
show it the right way, but...

I love you so much.

- How's he feeling?
- Good.

We just need to pick up
a few things from the pharmacy.

We're in a cardiac ward.
It says everywhere "no cellphones."

That's just a suggestion.

Detective Daniels.
Oh, thank god you're still there.

Better. Thank you.

That medical bill
for Beth Gibson's chemo?

Could you pull it for me,
please, right now?

Thank you so much.


Ms. Gibson,
thank you so much for coming in.

How are you feeling today?

Physically, the further from chemo,
the better.

Spiritually, I'm sick to death.

Well, I don't know what kind of help
I can give you for your soul, but

I might be able
to help with the nausea.

First, could you please help me
sort through some of Jeff's things here?

Is there anything here
that doesn't belong

or anything missing?

- Well, that's not his g*n.
- How do you know?

His was borrowed from his brother,
and it was more old-fashioned.

Yes, it was.

You've got a good eye, Beth.
That helps me a lot.

This is my g*n.

Now, one more thing.

I'm told

that the dr*gs

most commonly used to treat
multiple myeloma are

excuse me while I butcher the names.

Oncovin, decadron, and doxil.

Which one are you receiving?

Well, it's more of a mixture,

Pastor Paul tells me
I should think of my treatments

as part dr*gs and part prayer.

But your medical statement
should be itemized.

You get so much as an aspirin,
and they charge you for it.

We found this bill in Jeff's car.

I guess he needed it
for the doctor's address.

And it says here
that you paid over $6,000

for a single chemotherapy treatment.

But without specifically
naming the dr*gs,

I was concerned that you might
not have gotten what you paid for.

So we visited
your oncologist's office today

and showed him this picture of Jeff.

Now, the receptionist said

said she rembers him
from an incident last saturday,

you know, where
the police were called

because Jeff stormed in, demanding dr*gs
and better painkillers for you?

And the doctor told us that
he didn't give Jeff the drug

or the painkillers for you because,
well, you aren't a patient.

You did see
this oncologist last year,

but when your biopsy results
were negative, you didn't return.

I would say
your faith made you whole.

But, as it turns out,
you were never sick to begin with.

And this bill, it's a fake.

You forged it,
so, instead of a miracle,

that makes your good health
more of a scam.

Beth Gibson,
you have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used
against you in a court of law.

You have the right to an attorney.

If you cannot afford an attorney, one
will be appointed to you by the state.

Have you heard
and understood these rights?


Listen, I found a lump under my arm,

and I had a biopsy, and

I shared my fear
at a prayer meeting...

And people were so worried for me.

I felt so loved, so cared for.

And I knew that
if I told them that I was fine,

all that would go away.

So this all began very innocently.

"Judge not lest ye be judged."

I believe that with my whole heart.


and this is important, Beth,

people want to understand why
Jeff Crawford shot himself in the head.

And I think you know why.

After jeff came back from the doctor
that you weren't seeing,

what happened?

I'd never seen anyone so angry.

And disappointed.

First, I thought, you know,

maybe he'd be at least a little happy
that I wasn't dying,

but... that didn't happen.

- He cried.
- I cried.

But then he calmed down,
and he forgave me.

Because he said god
would forgive me,

but that I had to go
in front of the whole church

and pastor Paul, too,
and ask their forgiveness.

And I said I would.

And then...

And then I left.

But I should have stayed.

He needed to be with someone.


if it's any solace,
Jeff didn't die alone.

What's that?

That's a photo of the blood

left on the door of the bathroom
where Jeff was shot.

To most,
it looks like an abstract painting.

But to us, it looks like the outline
of the person that shot him.

And it fits you perfectly.

You already told me that
you knew Jeff had a g*n.

You even described it for me.
Not that it matters, really.

Why do you say that?

That website set up to pay for
your chemo treatment.

Every donation you accepted

becomes a count of wire fraud,

each one punishable
by three years in prison.

And, sweetheart,
those years pile up real fast.

You should have spent some of that money
going to the doctor.

Keeping it,
that's how I knew you were a fraud!

Listen, I was even gonna give back

all of the money raised
for my medical treatments

and marry him.

I only picked up the g*n
to scare him, and then it went off.

All I asked from Jeff
was some time...

To make it look like
I'd gotten well.

But he wouldn't even give me that.

Well, maybe Jeff wasn't willing
to give you time, but we will.

I know a life sentence
can seem daunting. But...

on the bright side,
at least you don't have cancer.


Ms. Gibson, you're under arrest
for the m*rder of Jeff Crawford.

And if you don't mind my saying it,

may god have mercy on your soul.

- How is your father?
- Thanks for asking.

He's being released tomorrow.

Luckily, they have trip insurance
for their cruise.

Can't travel for another week,
so he'll be recuperating with us.

Ah. Well, good luck with that.

Oh, listen, I checked into
the Sanchez situation for you.

The head of physical rehab says

his recovery
has been nothing short of amazing,

and he's signed off
on a return to full active duty.



behavioral does not agree,
and they won't until

Sanchez cooperates with a therapist.

Lt Provenza's been covering for Julio.
I knew it!

Let's give Provenza a break.

I mean, Sanchez literally
took a b*llet for him.

He just trying to help the guy.

My advice is, we let him.
Provenza's cagey. He'll find a way.


That's what you need...

Hey, chief.

Working on getting that paperwork
for you.

It should be here any day.

All right.

Keep me informed, lieutenant.

Here we go.



OK, daddy. Now, is that better?

Compared to what?

I ought to be watching
the hawaiian sunrise over your mother,

and here I am, sitting on your couch,
about to watch "the price is right."

Well, at least
it comes on earlier here.

Your father always wins
the big showcase.

Know the true value of things.

That's the way
the Johnsons were raised.

... now that we have
your father settled,

how would you like to be married

on the balcony of a nice hotel room

overlooking the ocean

with just your father and me

and Fritz's sister as witnesses?

And then we could come back here
for a big party afterwards?

How do you always know?

Well, this time, she had a spy.

I just have one teeny,
teeny request.

I know this ceremony
isn't supposed to be....

No, no, no, no, no, ma.
I want to wear your dress.

I promise, I would never pretend
about something so important.

That's good.

Then it's settled.

Brenda Leigh,

your television's not working!
I can't get it to come on.

How come y'all have about
a million remotes

and not one of them works?

You know, I have a feeling,

now that these wedding plans
are exactly the way you want them...

It may just happen.

You can count on it.

Oh, there we go.

There's nothing but snow.
It looks like the Arctic!

I think I see a dogsled in there.

Can't you get it to turn on?!

Clay, calm down right now

or I'm gonna get it on c-span
and leave you here all by yourself.

Now, let me see.