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01x02 - The New Term and the Fairy Flower

Posted: 10/07/23 08:44
by bunniefuu
This is the Ortigia Royal Academy of Magic, where mages and their familiars study the magical arts.





Dude, look.


Kinda feels like everyone's eyes are on us...

Really, now?

I'm serious, Vermeil! You mustn't do anything to make yourself stand out!

A high-class familiar!

A dragon's on the loose!


I won't make a big show, then.

See? Not a problem.

Black or white? Tangled up, they turn gray

Everything always seems so ambiguous

I walk by your side as you smile, helpless

Admiration clear as day

Shining out across the endless distance

Cast a spell on this pitiful situation with an Abracada-Boo

There's a loneliness hidden beneath the darkness in your eyes

I wish I could embrace it with a gentle song

Even the whole world starts to shout it's all a lie,

As long as you are as you are

I'll sweep through with a glimmering wind and scream out the truth

Even if the whole world yells out that it's a sin,

Even if I'm all on my own

I want to keep learning to understand you

I'm on your side, I'll protect you


Congratulations on advancing to a higher class.

From this year on, you will begin to delve deeper into the study of magic in earnest.

Jeez! I told you not to do anything to stand out!

As this new term begins, we'd like to...

No human could send a dragon flying with a single flick to the forehead!

Aww, come on. That dragon left me no choice.

Well, sure, but still...


Hey, there.

Hold it, Alto!

Everyone's talking about you two!



They said some underclassman and his weird girlfriend sent a rampaging dragon flying!



It's been one thing after another ever since YOU showed up!

Well done advancing to your second year, everyone.

All your classes henceforth will involve your familiars.

Familiars are simple creatures.

If you treat them with love and care, they will be your inseparable companion.

Here you go.


If that love isn't sincere, then they will use their fangs and claws to tear you apart.

Information on demon seals is protected and classified.

These seals are comprised of hundreds of layers of barriers and circles that make it impossible for a demon

to be released back into the physical world.

These seals are the reason why demons no longer thr*aten our livelihoods.

Any questions before we move on?

I've got one.

Why is she glomming onto him like that?!

So, what's she doing here again?

You took the words right out of my mouth!

I told you to be friends! Those were the terms of our duel and everything!

Why do you think I'm walking home with you two?

I don't believe we asked you to do that.

Hey, second-year!

That's her, dude! She's the one, no doubt about it!

You that underclassman, then?


I'm Rex, a Dragonrider. Heard you did a number on my boy earlier.

R-Rex the Dragonrider?!

Who's that?!

Yes, who is this guy?

Don't play dumb! You beat the shit out of my dragon this morning!

What's a Dragonrider?

The Dragonriders are a group of mages who all have dragons as their familiars.

Kind of like a club?

I see.

So they go around with their powerful familiars bragging about how tough they are, hm?


I should try not to get on her bad side...

You got balls on you, lady.


You must've use some trick to take out his dragon, 'cause you don't look tough at all.

And you only think that because you're a little boy who knows nothing of the world.

Oh, no! Are you going to do something TERRIBLE to us?!

Cut the bullshit! We all know you're a freak of nature!

You're so mean.



Lemme out!

Hmm? Crystal synthesis is quite advanced magic.

You're pretty talented for a boy your age.

I'm really good at magic formulae.

You think that's enough to take me, huh?


That's a big spell for a second-year.

But you should pick fights with people on your level, scrub.





A-a-a-a dinosaur?!

What the hell?! You're an Upper Form student!

What are you doing, picking on a Middle Former?!


Now's your only chance to apologize.

Your girl can show me how sorry she is some OTHER way if she wants.


Personality aside, she's hot and just my type.

Fine, then! You can die in each other's arms!

Here's the mana you gave me with that kiss yesterday. It's all yours.


The hell's that? Golden mana?

Right, then.

You want to show me how sorry YOU are, upperclassman?


You win. I'm sorry I picked a fight.

No, bro! I'm sorry, it's all my fault!

I lost fair and square.

Aww, aren't you a good sport?

I suppose now you know not to underestimate your underclassmen!


Do you get it now?

Drawing attention to yourself will only cause more problems for us!

I don't see the problem. It's all taken care of now.

Still, what was with that spell?

School seems like such a handful.

Will all this studying help you get what you want in life?

If you just want to be rich, I can get you all the money you want.

Please don't do anything illegal.

That's a good question.

What I want in life...

I want to be an incredible mage.

An incredible mage?

Our nation's mages are categorized into four ranks,

Gold Squares, Silver Squares, Bronze Squares, and apprentice mages.

Earning Bronze certification is tough enough in itself,

and only a few of us at the Academy will ever rise to Silver.

So you want to be one of those Gold Squares, then?

I actually wanna be even better than that.

How so?

The Crown bestows a special rank to the most elite of Gold mages,

elevating those who have made significant contributions to the science of magic.

I want to achieve that mastery.

I want to become a Platinum Square.

Which is kinda ridiculous to say, seeing as I almost had to repeat a grade...

I like it!

I knew I had the right master!

Don't you worry. I'll make sure that dream of yours comes true.

What're you doing?!

My, I just used a bit of mana. I need to fill up.

F-fill up?

You want to be an incredible mage, right?

I should've known you were after this!

Good morning.



Good morning.

What's wrong, Alto?

Oh, just didn't sleep that well.

Because of that harlot, right? What else could it be?


Hey, look who it is!

If it isn't Alto and Lilia!





Which reminds me, I heard you won a duel against an Upper Former!

That's awesome! I knew I was right picking you to be my rival!

Who's this moron?

That's Marx, he's in our class.

Marx is really cool.

His family is one of the Great Noble Houses.


Oh, what a perfect coincidence.

The Headmaster would like to speak with the three of you.

Glad to meet you. You certainly look the part of the top students of the grade.

Now for the reason I've called you here: to select the student representative for the second-year class.

This is excellent, Alto! One step closer to fulfilling your dream.

Y-you're right!

Of course, only one of you can be the representative.

To that end, I've devised a special trial for the three of you.

We need to get a Fairy Flower by the PM bell.

Fairy Flowers are rare, and often used to craft potions.

And only one Fairy Flower blooms in the forest!

That means whoever's fastest wins the title!

Why are you still here?

That's a silly question!

This contest will decide the next student representative. I NEED to compete!

I have no idea why the Headmaster didn't invite me to join you!

Most likely because you are failing all nine subjects, Young Master.

Whatever. Just don't get in our way.

Same goes for you, Lilia!

Especially when I have my most excellent partner helping me!





Francoise loves tree sap and honey! I've got this in the bag!



That's right, there are plant monsters in the Enchanted Forest.

Truly unfortunate.




It's eating me!

I will rescue the Young Master. Please proceed without us.

You sure have your hands full.




That must be the Fairy Flower.

That was easier to find than expected.

But, uh...

That's a cerberus, right? How are we going to get past it?

What's this "we" about? We're not on a team, here.

What is that?

It's an invisibility potion!

Wow! Only a handful of graduates can make those!

Well? Think I'm cool yet?

Why do you even have such a high-level potion on you?

I got it so I could sneak into your room-

I mean, just in case I needed it for something like this!


Wait, but a cerberus has a really great sense of smell!

Look at it!

That big puppy's leaking snot. He must be sick and unable to smell.

Watch and learn!

See, Alto? Easy peasy!

Um, you stick out like a sore thumb...

I-I know! I-I just need to take off my clothes!

I forgot about that!

Why're you watching?!



Hold on a sec.

I'm basically stripping naked right in front of Alto right now!

You sure you don't want to watch?

I'm not going to watch!

I-it's all right! The potion is working! I'm invisible, I'm NOT naked!

I just need to strip! C'mon!


There! Got any complaints now, huh?

Lilia, your ribbons.

I know, all right?!

This is way more embarrassing than I thought it'd be...

I know he can't see, but...

No, I'm fine! I'm going to win and be the student rep!

Is she going to be all right?

This'd be more fun if we could see her.

Though really, do you want to let her go? She's going to win.


Oh, right! I have to do something!

So, Vermeil, what was that power you gave me yesterday?

Hm? Oh, that was the mana you'd given me before.

I amplified it and gave it back to you.

Amplified it?

I made it richer. Your mana is especially pure.

Can you do it again?

I don't need to amplify your mana now. Smiting that puppy will be as easy as pie.


Of course, I'll need ample mana from my beloved Master.


H-hold on, Vermeil!

You know how this works. If I need mana, this is what we have to do.

It smelled me?!

Oh, no! Only two of its heads were sick?!

I'm screwed!

That idiot! It's going to target him!

Lilia, now's your chance!

Ugh, fine!

I don't think so!


Sorry, hun.

Take a little nap for me, all right?

I'm exhausted...

I'm impressed you were able to attack after I sucked you dry! Good work!




I lost. You deserve to have it.

L-Lilia, uh, you...

Your potion wore off.

Stop looking!


Wait, is that...?

Are you sure I should have the position?

Of course!

At the end of everything, YOU were the one left holding the flower!

Nothing wrong with snatching victory while they're not looking!


I don't see the problem. I wasn't able to get it on my own.

And you got to it before I did, Lilia.

I might've lost this time, but just you wait and see.

Next time, I'll leave you in the dust!

Sure. I'll work hard to make sure you don't leave me behind.

Heh! I'd like to see you try!

Does it get easier with time for the immortal?

If I was born normal, if I become normal, can I stay close?

With the children, we link our arms

Make a circle and sing a song

Knowing there was no chair for me all along

You locked me into the dark, I'm your preserved flower

The world is too slow to understand

Not all blossoms spark, And spikes may be sharp

They only want to see the beautiful parts

Sitting in a shower of scarlet rain

It all used to be ours, I'm counting the hours

Hours that stood between us like a river

Once I crawled through the water

All I ever knew have become distant past