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03x13 - To the End of the Line

Posted: 10/07/23 08:25
by bunniefuu
Possible drug overdoes.

I want his supplier, and then his supplier

and his all the creeps right up the line, right up to the guy

'that imported the cocaine and k*lled Laurie.'

(Hawk) 'This be where the fun starts.'

You call that a g*n? Man! This is a g*n.


You can't destroy a drug dealing network and expect to live.

We've got a lot of laws, just not a lot of justice.

You sound like a vigilante.

Great place for an ambush.


[theme music]

Bye, Laurie.

[chuckles] Uncle Frank.

[chuckles] Hi, baby, how you doing?

Where's daddy?

He's at the store getting the ten things

he forgot yesterday for the party.

[chuckles] How does the house look?

The house looks great. The decorations are up.

Mom and your sister are putting hors d'oeuvres out.

Everybody's busy, so I get to pick you up.

Hmm, just like the old days, huh?

Every Thursday, o'clock Lincoln Grade School.

You'd be with your socks down, your hair all messed up

raring to go.

What do you say once more for old time's sake?

We've still got two hours before the party.

- You want an ice cream soda? - Yeah, vanilla.

Just like we used to, and we'll split it right down the middle.

You're on, and it's the same deal.

No body tells mom why I'm too full to eat dinner.

[chuckles] Right. Come on, let's go.

(Spenser) All my relatives live far from Boston.

In my more selfish moods, I call this a blessing

but the truth is I often miss the closeness of family.

There's a Japanese haiku that says

"A practical bird having no tree of its own

borrows another's."

Being practical, tonight I had an invitation

to borrow the family tree of Frank Belson.

Where's, uh, where's Laurie?

Well, I can't take a picture without my favorite niece.

- Laurie! - She's in her bedroom.

probably talking to her boyfriend on the phone.

- I'll get her. - No, no, no.

You got to get her, I'll never get you back in the picture.

Just relax here.

- Laurie! - I'll go get her.

- Thanks, Susan. - You're welcome.

(Frank) 'Well, let's try and figure out how this picture is gonna be'

'anyway. Move a little closer, everyone.'

'Closer and smile.'

- 'How does this open up?' - 'Here.'

[knocking] Laurie?

[knocking] Laurie?


Her pulse is weak and she's barely breathing.


[intense music]

Come on, Laurie, for crying out loud

what's taking you so long?

(Spenser) ' , North Avenue.'

'An ambulance.'

'Possible drug overdose.'

You heard the nurse, Francine.

Laurie is young and strong.

She's going to make it.

I don't understand. How can this happen?


Laurie can't be dead. Oh, no, she can't.



Frank. Come on in.

- Can I get you something? - Uh, yeah.

Maybe a beer. I'll get it.

The, um, funeral's set for Friday.

Oh, and those flowers..

Those flowers were real beautiful, Spenser.

Everybody thanks you.

Susan picked 'em.

How's Francine?

Well, the, uh, family's holding up, I guess.

They'll get through this.

'How are you doing?'

- Me? - You look pretty b*at up.

Yeah, well, been running around

with all the funeral arrangements.

The truth is, Spenser, I've been trying to find who, uh..

...who sold Laurie the dr*gs.

I mean, somebody's gonna get nailed for this.

Any luck?

You know how it is, town this size.

She could have gotten it in a hundred different places.

The boys in Vice any help?

No, the cops ask a doper a question

all I get is "I want my lawyer."

Well, maybe the next cop can get some answers for you.

- I need your help, Spenser. - You got it.


Well, listen..

...I want more than one guy.

I mean, busting some street punk isn't gonna change anything.

I want the supplier, and then his supplier and his

all the creeps, right up the line, right up to the guy

that imported the cocaine and k*lled Laurie.

It's a long chain, Frank.

The longer the better.

I mean, more filth I can bust for taking that little girl's..


'She was just years old.'

I-I know I'm never gonna have any kids of my own, Spenser

that's just the way it is.

'But I had Laurie.'

'I was even there when she was born.'

God, I loved her like she was my own.

Now, she's..

'I see Francine..'


You know, the kids, their hearts breaking..

Oh, I want to do something for the family, Spenser

I want to do something for other families.

'They don't have to go through this.'

Maybe I can't.. I can't stop the drug business but..

...I can stop a part of it.

Right up to the fat cats.

I mean, some people are gonna come down.

I don't care what it costs.

[upbeat music]

(Spenser) Deciding to help Frank was easy

but fining the person who sold coke to Laurie was impossible

because she hadn't bought it.

It was given to her by her boyfriend.

- You Brian? - Who wants to know?

Who? Who wants to know?

You got the tough guy act out pretty well.

Well, let me give you a tip. Tough guys don't wear aprons.

I was a friend of Laurie's.

I talked to some of her friends over at school

they're pretty upset about what happened.

You're supposed to learn a lesson from it?

I guess not. Can't happen to them.

It was a freak accident.

'Can't happen to the next girlfriend you try to impress'

'with coke.'

Take off, man, my boss doesn't let people come back here.

Who do you buy from, Brian?

This is something you can't outrun, Brian.

Talk is better.

Sorry about Laurie.

'I wish it had been me that d*ed.'

Oh, God, I'm sorry.

Where'd you buy the coke?

We weren't addicts or anything.

Coke was just cool, you know.


Who's your dealer?

Vinny Drake.

'I bought it from Vinny.'

You know where I can find him?

Around school.

Your high school?

Vinny's in junior high.

Two, four, six, nine, hut!

Yeah! Yeah!

We're wasting time waiting for Vinny to take us

to his supplier.

Just give me five minutes with him, I'll make him tell us.

You want to start putting a muscle on a year old?

I'm going crazy just sitting here.

Frank, I got this covered.


'Vinny, come here.'

What, ma?

Did you go to the store like I told you?

Not yet, I'm playing.

Do like I tell you, Vinny.

- In a minute. - Vinny.

That poor woman.

Not unless she has any idea her son is a dealer.

What a world.

That's where Vinny gets his coke.

His mother is a dealer.

yeah, what a world.


- Mrs. Drake. - What do you guys want? Hey!

What are you selling, Mrs. Drake?

You making much dealing?

- I'm not a dealer. - Yeah, you're a dealer.

You're also a user. Heavy one by the looks of you.

You cops, right?

Listen, I'm-I'm telling you I'm not a dealer

I'm a waitress. I'm-I'm just using a little

to get through the day.

Yeah, you're a waitress.

It's hard bringing up a boy all alone.

Sugar packets from the restaurant probably, huh?

Oh, please, look, um, I lost my waitress job

the only.. selling coke is the only way I can

I can earn money.

That's the only way you could earn some money, huh?

You couldn't get another waitress job, right?

No, because then you couldn't support your habit, right?

Who's your supplier?

Who's your supplier?

You'll let me off?

I buy it from Ned Cleary.

He's the one you want. See, he's a real slime.

I used to work in his cafe

he gave me coke when we were friends.

'Then we weren't friends, I had to buy.'

He fired me when, uh, I started using heavy.

Look, I gave you Cleary. Put him in jail not me.

Hey! What are you guys doing to my mom?

Quiet, Vinny, I'm-I'm handling it.

'And jail won't help things.'

I'll quit sealing, that's what counts.

A rehab program, that's what I need.

I.. Who's gonna take care of my little boy if I'm in jail?

- Vinny needs a mother. - Yeah.

To show him all the dealer tricks.

He's lying, ma.

Vinny's been selling dr*gs to his friends at school.

Don't believe that, dude. Where would I score coke to sell?

From me? My God, you're selling my coke to little kids.

- Don't worry, I'm not. - Don't lie to me, Vinny.

I only did it a couple of times to make a few bucks.

Vinny, I'm sorry.

Vinny, you can't end up like me.

[instrumental music]

(Spenser) Frank Belson's niece d*ed quickly.

But dr*gs usually k*ll slowly.


And there are those who profit from the carnage.

People like Ned Cleary.

I'd come to the next step on the drug ladder

as I moved up, I knew the action will get tough.

I thought it was time to break out the big g*n.

I'll have a draught please.

Beer makes you conspicuous, babe.

This is a wine cooler crowd.

Never seen so much quiche in my whole life.

So, what have we got going here?

Still ain't got nothing, just couple of business boys

snorting up in a powder room.

This be the recreation folk

heavy deal in a strictly back room.

- So, we sit and wait. - Got a limit on that.

Shouldn't have to wait too long.

The lady who fingered Cleary said he's real active.


They all be active, Spenser.

So, you gonna run down Ned Cleary, get a name

you're gonna run over there

while you doing all that running

drug still flowing in Boston like wine at an Italian wedding

so you bust a few heads, traffic still moving on.

At least the voucher that Belson's holding will be paid.

The point is whether I get paid for the gig.

So, where's our boy?

Introducing Mr. Ned Cleary.

The one with the damsels fancies himself a ladies' man.

I trust he does not own a mirror.

Maybe they're turned on by his personality.

Turned on be in those little tubes in his pocket.

We've got to find a way of getting Mr. Cleary's attention.

Yeah, while you're doing all that finding

you might want to deal with the whale of a man

who just walked in the door.

Oh, no.

- So, what can I get you? - Something to go.

Frank, I thought we agreed that I would handle this?

I'm just checking out Cleary.

Yeah, and blending in real well.

All we need is a red neon light flashing cop.

'Frank, stay out.' index , start , end }

Stay out? hey, you're helping me, remember?

I know, so let me handle, huh?

I knew you've got a vested interest in this.

But if we start pushing Cleary

it could turn into a sh**ting w*r.

Let me handle it.

Now, get out of here before we're seen together.

[indistinct chatter]


(male # ) 'Hey, Carl, what are you working?'

(Carl) 'Uh, I'm working dinners tomorrow.'

(male # ) 'Alright, see you guys.'

Hey, buddy, you've got a problem?

Uh, no problem. I mean, you had a problem

but I think I solved it.

The sauce bolognaise..

No customers in the kitchen, alright?

I know I read the sign but I couldn't help myself.

Perfecto. Here, try it.

Yeah, perfecto. Well, you can't..

It's better, right?

- That's better? - Yeah.

[both laughing]

- I'm gonna buy you a drink. - Okay.

Come here.

It's a nice place you've got.

(Ned) 'So, you two wanna open your own restaurant?'

(Spenser) 'Yeah.'

I gotta tell you, you're gonna need a lot more than good sauce.

Most places crap out after the first six months

because they don't have the bankroll

to cover the start-up cost.

- Actually build a clientele. - 'Exactly.'

There's always the unexpected.

For instance, when I first planned my cafe

Art Deco was it.

When I opened it, it was out.

This place was like an art deco morgue.

But my bankroll saved me.

It's, uh, none of our business but where'd you get the money?

No matter! The point is I had the money

then redecorated it to life.

What do you want?

Talk to my office.

Gentlemen, business.

- Nice meeting you. - Thank you very much.

- Good luck. - Thanks for the drinks.

It's a great place.

- Dealer. - Are you sure?

Seen his face.

I mean, old Cleary delivers

I think we could find out where he picks up.

Be on call, babe.

Let us pray for our sister Laurie.

To our Lord Jesus Christ who had said "I am the resurrection

"and the life. The man who believes in me

"will live even if he dies.

'"Every living person who puts his faith in me'

'will never suffer eternal death."'

'Since Almighty God has called our sister Laurie'

'from this life to himself'

'we commit her body to the earth from which it was made.'

'Christ was the first to rise from the dead'

'and we know that He will raise up for mortal body'

'to be like his in glory.'

'Let us pray.'

'"Lord, you wept at the death of Lazarus, your friend.'

'"Now, comfort us in our sorrow.'

'"We ask this in the knowledge of thy infinite comfort'

'"for those of innocence and faith.'

'"In these hours of grief and sorrow'

'"we call up on you to give us understanding, strength'

'"and the acceptance that wisdom flows in thy will alone'

'and we are but thy servant.."'

Spenser, isn't that Laurie's boyfriend?

'"And in the world yet to come'

'when all souls and spirit.."'

You're not welcome here.

I just wanted to pay my respect--

Your respects? You're the reason Laurie's in her grave.

You think we want your respects?

- Come on. - Stay away from us.

[instrumental music]

Everything's ready, Mr. Cleary

Pick up day, babe. This be where the fun starts.

Lucky we're fun guys.

- Stop. Pull over. - We're gonna lose Cleary.

Hey, forget her. She's lost already.


This is more important than your son?

Stay with Cleary. Get a name.

- Any rules? - Just a name.

- Look here, you want the man? - Yeah, after you get the name.

Solid, hah!

So, how is rehab, Mrs. Drake?

Come on, I'll keep you company this time.

[intense music]

What are you looking in the mirror for?

You forget what you look like?

There's Beamer behind us.

'I saw one like it on the way out.'

Lose him.

[intense music]


[tires screeching]

[tires screeching]

- You hurt? - No.

- Ah! - You are now.

You call that a g*n? This is a g*n.

Big, ain't it?


Good help's hard to find.

Hey, take what you want. I'm not resisting.

I'm glad to see you ain't all done.

You want the coke? Take it, it's in the trunk.

Get the keys.

What are you, a coke deal.. You insp..

Look, go back to Spenser

tell him we can all have a piece of this.

I'll cut you both in as partners.

- We ain't dealing. - Man, it's easy money.

Everybody wants it. Doctors, lawyers, even cops.

'It's like selling bootleg booze during prohibition.'

If what you got in there is bootleg booze

I might let you live! Open the trunk, chump!

Open it!

Ow! Whose supermarket you've been shopping at?

Ah, I can't tell you that.

If you don't, I'm gonna put something in that trunk

besides the coke. Huh?

The Drake lady's in for good now. She won't slip up again.

What about Vinny? What a sweet face kid.

[chuckles] He's over at juvenile. years old he's going to court

do you believe that?

Look at that creep, will you? He's walking out of here.

He's in five whole hours and he's back out on the street.

I hear he tried to cut a deal?

And his dirt lawyer gets him out on bail and we lose him.

Ah, that damn system.

(Spenser) 'The life he leads is on borrowed time anyway.'

Laws protect everybody, Frank.

- Including that trash. - Laws?

We got a lot of laws, just not a lot of justice.

I swear the next doper I get my hands on

might not make it in there.

You sound like a vigilante.

Yeah. Yeah, maybe I am.

Frank, take a day off. Take two.

I can see it, you can't. You're losing control.

Maybe I should have lost control a long time ago.

[intense music]

Okay, now we take care of Spenser and his buddy.

Good. I'll take a piece of that.

No. Bring in a pro. Someone they can't trace.

They're gonna wish to hell they never stuck their nose

in my business.

(Spenser) The name that Hawk shook out of Cleary was Fred Mullens.

I didn't want to believe it.

Fred was a kind of criminal Damon Runyon wrote about

a good natured old timer whose racket was gambling not dr*gs.

So, I went to see Fred at his office.

He wasn't there but his associates were kind enough

to drive me to their boss.

[knock on door]

After a long drive squeeze between two large thugs

with bad hygiene, I realized I may have misjudged

Fred Mullens.

Ah, Fred.

Pretty funny set up for a numbers racket.

Spenser, it's been too long.

Where have you branched out?

- Hey, what's going on? - Hold it.


Still pushy.

Same old Spenser.

But not the same old Fred.

- You're a damn coke dealer. - Oh, producer-distributor.

And I sell some baby laxatives

that's where we cut that stuff with.

Learned all the tricks of a new trade.

Well, you see the gambling business is dying, Spenser.

The Atlantic City and State lotteries, they're k*lling it.

So, gotta change with times.

'You see, the people that worked in this factory before'

they didn't change.

That's why they're gone.

You can talk till you drop.

You can't justify what you do here.

I'm not talking justify, I'm talking survival, Spenser.

I'm a businessman trying to make a buck.

Now, everybody's into cocaine these days

that's the way it is.

Sure, I'd like to turn the clock back to the old days

but I can't do that.

And a man's got to live.

While others die.

What are you going to do if you lose all this?

Oh, you're gonna make me lose all this?

I'm sure as hell gonna try.

That's stupid breaking in here, Spenser.

You can't touch me.

We'll be long gone before you know it.

Before you can do anything about it.

And the new shipment, there's a new place.

I'm like that guy, what's his name..

Eliot Ness.

[chuckles] Untouchable.

He's dead.

Is that a message for you?

Spenser, I don't believe in k*lling

but I've had to hire men who do.

You're wrong, Fred.

You're k*lling kids all over town

you just don't see the bodies.

Don't you talk to me like that.

Do you think I don't know what's happening?

I know what's happening.

Do you think it doesn't get to me?

I sometimes don't sleep at night.

Lot of people don't sleep because of what you do.

(Susan) 'How much trouble is Frank in?'

(Spenser) Well, that depends.

If he doesn't get his act together

he's gonna be suspended. Maybe fired.

For what? What does he hope to accomplish?

I mean, the drug trails like a labyrinth, there's no end to it.

There's an end to it, we just haven't found it.


Who's that?

I don't know. Maybe somebody's at the door.

It's Frank. Or what's left of him.


Spenser, what are you trying to do? Drown me?

Well, if you're gonna behave like a jackass.

Hey, would you just spare me the lecture for crying out loud.

What are you trying to do, break up the joint?

Susan will make some coffee. It'll make you feel b..


[instrumental music]

(Spenser) Mullen said it himself, he's a businessman

and like all businessmen, I knew he'd keep books.

If he did, they might just take me to the top of the ladder.

The alarm is cut.

You think Mullens' gonna have some of his boys in here.

We shall soon find out, babe.

Answer's yes.

[door opens]

Now, who are you, and what do you want here?


Quiet. Pretend you're in a library.

The Spenser. As a matter of fact I want you to tell Mullens

that I was here, alright?

Uh, you're not working on your autobiography, are you?

No. No, I didn't think so.

I'd like the books.

I don't know what you're talking--

The accounts. The ledgers.

Come on, please.

(Spenser) Al Capone was right.

More can be accomplished with a kind word and a g*n

than with a kind word alone.

That's very good. Sit down.

Go back to work, alright?


There's no need to tip-toe out of here.

Got the mighty note.

- Alright, what do you want? - The books.

I'm keeping them.

Spenser, without them, I'm out of business. I'm ruined.

Now, come on, you said you wanted to make a deal--

You could choose to go to jail or not

but either way, you are out of business.

- What kind of a deal is that? - The only deal you can get.

I want you to call your supplier and tell him

on the next shipment, you're sending two new guys.

Me and Hawk.

[chuckles] You're crazy, Spenser.

You can't destroy a drug dealing network and expect to live.

'As a matter of fact I'm surprised'

'you're not dead already.'

That's my problem.

Yours is if you don't do what I say

I turn your books over to the feds.

With a good lawyer, you can get five, maybe ten years tax fraud.

Man, your age that could be a life sentence.

You'll never see your grandchildren again.

Change, you know.

How can you make me do this?

Some nights I don't sleep.

Now, who's your supplier?

[intense music]

(Spenser) Usually top cocaine suppliers try to keep their picture

out of the paper, but that's hard to do when you're honored

by City Hall.

Several years ago, Roger Thornwood

owned a small construction company.

Now he was one of the largest developers in Boston.

(Hawk) Man builds big..

...but a foundation of white powder bound to fall.

(Roger) 'Yeah. Uh-huh. Sure. No problem.'

[Roger laughing]

Yeah, al-alright, no, that's fine.

No, tell the congressman I'll see him Thursday, uh, evening.

Yeah, I look forward to it.

Yeah, Helen, I don't want to be disturbed

for the next few minutes unless it's urgent.

Hi. We haven't met.

- You're Spenser? - Yes. Yes.

- And you must be-- - I am.

(Spenser) 'Ah, this is really impressive.'

Is this all yours?

Most of it.


- 'How do you like it?' - Yeah. Yeah.

It's nice.

Uh, I mean, it's okay.

I wouldn't want to have to rent it out.

[chuckles] Actually I wouldn't want to either.

Well, my partners will do that, so, uh..

Can I get you something?

You mean a drink?


No. No, thanks.

- What about you, Hawk? - 'No.'

I guess not.

I've heard a lot about you, Mr. Thornwood.

You're a very big man when it counts.

'I'm very happy to make this acquaintance.'

Thank you.

How long have you worked for Fred?

Oh, long time. We go way back.

I've been out of commission for the last couple of years

if you know what I mean.


Hey, this is really something, huh?

'Some digs.'

Maybe someday I'll have a spread like this.

- All it takes is money. - 'And connections.'

'You see that's why I had Fred make this little introduction.'

We're thinking about going into business ourselves

real soon, huh.

Okay. I'll remember that.

So, uh..

How can we help one another?

When's your next shipment?

I'll know tonight. How much do you want?

All of it.

Alright, but I should tell you the price has gone up.

I lost a plane to the DEA agents.

'It's business. I've got expenses.'

hey, money's no problem, right?



Give your number to call.

Yeah. Yeah, but I'm curious.

I mean, you've got all this

and you're still involved with

dr*gs and all the apparent risks.

You think about it as a part of a diversified portfolio.

Right now that's where the smart men is.

Yeah, yeah.

Money is no problem. Right.

What's an extra hundred thou among friends?

When Thornwood calls, I'll call you.

Whatever. Time's no problem, right? Ha ha.

[intense music]

[tires screeching]

[g*n f*ring]


[police siren blaring]



Police! Federal agents.

'You're under arrest.'


Sergeant Belson vouched for you. You're free to go.

Well, it's about time. What about Hawk?

He's already gone.

Another minute and I would confess

to the great train robbery.

Not so fast, Spenser.

Stay away from Thornwood.

You nearly ruined our investigation.

We're ready to nail him on w*apon smuggling.

Weapons? What about cocaine smuggling?

We can get him on the g*ns.

The coke investigation ran into a brick wall two months ago.

Two mo.. You've been letting him bring cocaine into this country

for two months?

Don't tell me how to do my job.

We're just trying to build a case that will stand up

in court, so don't screw it up, Spenser.

We almost had Thornwood on the coke. Almost.

But it's impossible to get one of our guys on the inside.

I'm inside.

You're inside?

Spenser. Spenser..

Level with me, will ya?

You seem worried the state won't let me in on the bust.

Well, you haven't exactly been the rock of Gibraltar, Frank.

Yeah, yeah, I know.

Look, I hit rock bottom at your place, Spenser.

I'm back in control now.

I really wanna see this thing through to the end.

If you don't trust me, look, I'll stay away.

See you there.


Bad call, Spenser. Loose canon should be tied down.

You're supposed to trust friends.

Does that mean you trust him or you should?

[intense music]

(Spenser) Mr. Thornwood's right on time.

(Hawk) Man could afford a good watch.

Drive another feet and stop. Wait there for Nunez.

He's bringing in the coke.

It's a great place for an ambush.

I count two sh**t on the ship. You see any more?

I count two.

'Check with me in a couple of minutes.'

Maybe we'll have time to do some fishing.

I brought my pole.

Fisher here brought poles of their own.

- You Spenser? - Yup. You Nunez?

Time for socializing is over. Let's deal.

(Spenser) 'Yeah, this chatter's got me all tuckered out.'

Watch the paint.

What'd you do? Lock this?

Looks like pounds to me. How about you?

[intense music]


Damn, I'm glad we brought your car.

The shotgun's mine.




Aah! Swim!

[sirens wailing]

Okay, out of the car. Hands up! Up!

Alright, Thornwood, you..

Read this guy his rights.

- Where's Thornwood? - Didn't show.

You're still gonna have a case?

'Yeah, the chauffer's gonna finger his boss.'

Wasn't Belson with you?

He was here.

Who are you?


I just came from the docks.

We got Nunez in custody and your chauffer.

But you weren't there, we you, Mr. Thornwood?

I don't know what you're talking about.

If you were there, we would have booked you, cuffed you

read you your rights, but you weren't there.

You'd slipped out. You'll always slip out, right?

Look, look, look, if it's money you want--

Money! It' all that matters to you guys, isn't it?

more money for more power for more money.

- That's your addiction, right? - I'll have your badge for this.

Take it. I didn't come here as a cop anyway.

What have I ever done to you?

You k*lled my little girl.

And I'm gonna make you pay.

- Frank. - Save it, Spenser.

I'm gonna k*ll him and there's nothing you can say

that can stop it.

He's filling the city up with dr*gs

he's preying on people, kids. Like Laurie.

'You never get the top guy, isn't that what they say'

Spenser? The top guy, the big man.

'And there he is, right in front of me'

and that's all that matters.

And maybe I'll have to go down for murdering him.

If I have to I will.

And I swear on Laurie's grave

this man is gonna die.

Stop please. Spenser, do something.

- What are you doing? - Backing him up.

If he misses, I'm gonna put a hole on you

the size of a pumpkin.

Alright, Frank, it's your call.

You're finished as a cop.

Nobody does that to me.

I'm bringing you up in charges.

For what? Police brutality?

'All I saw was a cop treating you better than you deserve.'

[intense music]

(Spenser) Some day, Frank would find comfort in remembering

his niece as she lived, not as she d*ed.

But today he was in pain.

Because comfort's in heaven

and he is on the earth where nothing lives but crosses

cares and grieve.

[theme music]