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01x08 - Sushi & Hot Springs of the Dead

Posted: 10/07/23 06:35
by bunniefuu

Kencho, Shizuka,
have you heard of mindfulness?

Immersing yourself in the present,

and freeing yourself
from the past and future, right?

We went over it a lot
in corporate seminars.

That's right.

I aspire to maintain that mindset
at all times.

Listen, Akira.
I'm going to give it to you straight.

I don't think you need to do this.

You're already there
with your mindfulness or whatever.


Man, things are going great!

I've got out !

I may be able to complete
all of them within a month!

I feel like you might get eaten
by a zombie once you do.

How long until we get
to your parent's place?

About an hour, I suppose.

That is if nothing happens, right?

Do you know how many days it took for us
to get here from Tokyo?

We just have to get there
before the end of summer!

What's going on?

A survivor?

They lost a wheel and can't move!

All right!

It's been a while,
but it's time for my shark suit!

What? You're just gonna charge in there?

Well, never mind.

Stop right there, you zombies!

I won't let you do
whatever you want anymore!

Superhero of Justice, Akiraiger, is here...






k*lling FIELD

What's this? Are we in a period drama?

That's so cool!

Danke schön.

I owe you all a debt of gratitude
for your assistance.


My name is Beatrix Amerhauser.

A foreigner?

A girl?

I don't even know where to begin.

So, Beatrix, you came here from Germany
because you're a big fan of Japan?


Nippon's culture is so wonderful!

Kyoto, Fujiyama, tea ceremony, ikebana...

I love this country,
so I've studied all of them a lot.

So that explains the Japanese armor.

That said,
it's not a bad anti-zombie strategy.



I have reasons to deliver this fish.

That is not possible anymore.

Seeing that you are all
brave samurai, I have a request!

Would you please help me
deliver this fish to Takasaki?

I suppose we could stop by Takasaki, but...

If she's transporting food to survivors,
shouldn't we help?

Even so, considering the risks
of going near a city...

Why do you want
to transport that fish so badly?

Ever since I was exposed
to Nippon's culture on TV as a child,

I've dreamed of coming here.

I worked many jobs saving up money,
but the morning I landed in Narita,

the pandemic was already...

The beautiful Nippon
I dreamed of was gone.

But after admiring Nippon's culture
for so many years,

I just had to see it
and experience it for myself.

And at last, I found it!

The last surviving sushi chef!


The taisho of this sushi-ya told me
that if I could deliver fish to him,

he would let me have
my fill of delicious sushi!

- She's just in it for sushi?!
- She's just in it for sushi?!


It's clear to me that your love
of Japanese culture is pure and true.

Regarding that fish...

We'll deliver it to that sushi place
in Takasaki even if it costs us our lives!

- He's only in it for the sushi too!
- He's only in it for the sushi too!

Danke schön! You are a true samurai!

Now that that's decided,
let's hurry, you two!

The fish is losing quality
every second we stand around!

It's time to show her
the spirit of hospitality!

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

The sushi-ya is down an alleyway
past Central Ginza.

A back alley! I get the feeling
this place has a long history!


I get the feeling
that it's a famous place!

But the last time I talked to him
over the phone was over three days ago.

I sure hope the taisho is all right.

How many of them are there?

Shall we get going, Beatrix?

Okay, Akira!

Well, it's nice that you're motivated,
but do you have some sort of plan?

- Nope!
- Nein!

Is charging in head first
the only thing they can think of?

- I might have a plan.
- What?

"All under heaven
is not for one man, but for all men."

If we're going to do this,
we will all pig out on delicious sushi!

We're doing Three Kingdoms now?

Hey! This way, you zombies!

What do you think of this tasty
piece of ass?! Get a bite, if you can!

This way!

Come on!

Now, Akira!


Please leave this to me.


Shizuka, I've rounded up
as many as I could!

- Are you ready?
- Of course.

It is just as I planned.

All right!

The time has come!

Now! Unleash the flames!

- Okay!
- Time for a barbecue!

Hey, isn't this a bit too many?

Hurry up and light the fire!

- Okay!
- Ja!


This match doesn't want to light.


This is bad.

At this rate,
our RV will be buried in zombies!

No way.

If that happens,
the fish we transported will be...

We can't fight that many.

It's all over!


is just an excuse not to act.

It's not about whether we can or can't.

It's about whether we have
a burning desire to want to do it!

- He just wants to eat sushi.
- He just wants to eat sushi.

If we can't eat
at a nice sushi restaurant,

I'd rather become a zombie!


Oshite mairu!


I'm sorry about
my shameful behavior earlier.

I will no longer waver.

- Let's do this, Akira!
- Okay!

- Akira!
- Leave it to me!

Why you...

They just keep coming!

Akira, at this rate...

That's my Walkman!

And we'll do this.

What are you going to use it for?

We don't know what'll happen,
so we should prepare a backup plan.

This is...

The zombies are...

They're being lured away!

I didn't want to do this
because it would cause more damage,

but I guess I have no choice, do I?

Once again, the time has come.

Unleash the flame!


Tonight we're pigging out
on fancy all-you-can-eat sushi!



What the hell is this?

I don't even have to chew.
It just melts in my mouth!

The vinegared rice
gently falls apart in my mouth.

And it's prepared with such care.
I have no complaints about this sushi.

It's firm and has
the right amount of sweetness.

I've never eaten anything like this,
even when entertaining clients in Ginza!

I may have moved back home to Gunma,

but I've been honing my skills
for about thirty years in Tsukiji!

You came to eat my sushi
even at the end of the world!

Eat as much as you like today!

Perhaps I'll try the gizzard shad next!

Another bottle of cold sake!

So tasty! It's so tasty
that I could keep eating this forever!

Nice sushi restaurants are the best!

How is it, Beatrix?

It's bitter.

Bittersweet, but delicious.

I'm really happy to be here!

Welcome to Japan!

I can't believe
you're shedding tears over my sushi.

I worked every day, without any days off,

even on my daughter's wedding day
and on the day my wife died.

I've never felt so honored as a chef.

You guys are probably my last customers.

Tonight, you can drink
all the sake in the restaurant!

Are you serious, Taisho?

You're so generous!


So, this is one of Nippon's heat waves.

They are not to be underestimated.

We haven't had a proper bath in days now.

Bathing in a river
just makes us smell swampy.

I just want to bathe in some
pristine hot water once in a while.

With that said...

We're going to a hot spring!


- Amazing!
- Amazing!

- Hot water fields are amazing!
- Hot water fields are amazing!

I knew it.

I fear it may fall out
even with the men's robe.

I wish I had your problems.

You both look splendid!

When I worked at that exploitative
company every hour of the day,

I never dreamed
of taking a vacation like this!

So, this is a hot spring town!

Most European cities
are built around a town square.

But you only see that in hot spring
towns in Japan, so it's a very rare sight.

They are built
around the gushing hot springs!

I see. As usual,
you're quite knowledgeable, aren't you?

Kusatsu Hot Spring was always at the top

of the National
Hot Spring Efficacy Record,

which was published
between the Edo and the Meiji period.

She knows more about Japan
than any Japanese person.

They claimed they could cure everything
but love sickness.

They also drew visitors
from all over the country!

Everything but love sickness?

Then hopping in one
won't cure my feelings for Bea!


Normally, this would've been
a good place to go on a date.

Sorry you're stuck with us.

Dating is a waste of time and resources
for what amounts to temporary pleasure.

Your s are better spent
acquiring the knowledge and skills

to get promotions and earn more money.

You can think about whether you need
a partner once you've done that.

That sounds like something
you would say, Shizuka.

But for me, life would be more fun
with someone I liked,

and I feel like that way
I would work harder too.

How ridiculous.

You might fall for someone
who doesn't love you back

or become the object of affection
of someone you don't like.

Love is an investment
with poor cost performance.

An utter waste of time.


- A large open-air bath! It's huge!
- A large open-air bath! It's huge!

I'm going first!

Hold on!

Weren't you going
to kick back in a hot spring?

But I guess I can finally
wash away all the grime!

Let's leave the boys
and head to the women's bath!

Shizuka, this thing is,
there's no hot water in the women's bath.

- What?
- It appears the pump isn't working.

You're joking, right?

So, then, the only hot spring
is this men's bath?

These are extreme circumstances.

Desperate times
call for desperate measures.

There's no need to be ashamed.

- Come join...
- Intolerable, obscene, revolting.

Every fiber of my being
is repulsed by you.

You're wrong about that, Shizuka.

Since ancient times,
this country has had a...

In other words, let us not be ashamed!

Konyoku bathing is a proud cultural
and historical practice from Nippon!

- Thank you for loving our culture!
- Thank you for loving our culture!

There are so many of them!

This means we won't be able to kick back
at a hot spring!

What a let down!

I wanted to visit all the famous places!

Just when Bea was about to bathe with us!

Damn it! Damn it all!

I don't think we can
make it back to the car.

We just have to pray
that they'll eventually go away.

That aside, what about the hot spring?

I still haven't got to kick back at all!

At least you got to soak in one
for a little while!

I wanted to wash away my grime, too!

I'm thirsty.

The sound of water?


There's a hot spring
in the middle of the mountains.

This seriously feels great.

I bet heaven's got nothing on this!



I seriously didn't know you were there!
It really was an accident!

I get it already. Hurry up and get out!


That's not fair!

I wanted to kick back
in a hot spring this whole time!

If I have to leave without getting
in a hot spring after coming all this way,

I'd rather be eaten by zombies!

He really only cares
about soaking in the hot spring.

In... that case...

Make sure you stay on the other side
of the boulder!


- And if you turn around, you're dead!
- Okay!

About earlier...

I'm sorry.

When I shot down your ideas about love...

My father never approved
of the way I lived my life.

When your opinions are always ignored,

it makes it difficult
to accept the opinions of others.

In order to defend your position,

you assert your legitimacy
by rejecting what others say.

But you're not concerned
about winning approval.

You just say whatever comes to mind.

So it made me
a little jealous and frustrated.

And the old me slipped out.

The truth is I'm just bad at romance.

I'm afraid of getting hurt.

That's why I said work was more important,

and I was just trying to act tough.

Shizuka, right now...

you're being very open.

If I ever fall in love,

I hope it's with someone
I can be this open with.

Wait, what I said just now...
I didn't mean it like that.

Huh? Huh?

So, does that mean...

There's a hot spring
in the middle of the mountains!

It's a noyu, a naturally occurring spring!

Since when did you two start hooking up?

No, wait, this is...

It's not what you think!

I wanted to soak in a hot spring too.

How could you two go off by yourselves?!

I don't wanna be a third wheel but I won't
forgive you for doing this behind my back!

Let us soak in there too!

Stay out!

This feels super great!

Hot springs are the best!


Hot springs are the best!


I guess I have no choice.

Next time: Treehouse of the Dead.