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05x09 - 100

Posted: 11/28/09 06:25
by bunniefuu
Previously on "criminal minds"...

The boston reaper?

The reaper.

If you stop hunting me, I'll stop hunting them.

I don't make deals.

I'm the guy Who hunts guys like you.

You'll regret this.

You should have made a deal.


Are you sure that we're in danger?


Tell them I'll protect them like they're my own.

I'm not leaving the team, I'm just no longer in charge.


You are.

George foyet was the ninth victim And the only one who survived the reaper.

He inflicted those wounds on himself.

George foyet is the reaper.

One of the inmates has received 2 envelopes I'll get this to the lab.

In the last 2 days.

He's torturing him.

It's great to see you squirm, agent hotchner.

[prisoners shouting]


Get out of here.

Go see if they need help downstairs.

Hotch: "he who fights with monsters "might take care lest he thereby become a monster.

"and if you gaze for long into an abyss, The abyss gazes also into you."

Friedrich nietzsche.

Please say your name and rank for the record.

Supervisory special agent jennifer jareau, Communications liaison for the behavioral analysis unit In Quantico, virginia.

And how long have you been a member of the bau?

6 years.

Could you speak up, please?

[clears throat]

sorry. 6 years.

And have you worked under agent hotchner the entire time?

No, ma'am. I currently Report to acting unit chief derek morgan.

Who took over the unit because agent hotchner's Ability to lead the team had become compromised.

I--i don't believe that's the reason.

You have a different opinion?

It's not just an opinion.

You have a different understanding?

Ssa hotchner voluntarily stepped down So we could continue to do our jobs unhindered.

How would you describe agent hotchner's recent behavior?


Driven. agent jareau, your entire team is on the line If I cannot reconcile an adequate account Of agent hotchner's investigation into george foyet.

We were all investigating the reaper.

Ssa hotchner was not the only one, Especially after he sent us that calling card.

The newspaper articles he mailed to karl arnold.

2 letters from 2 different locations.

They ramped us all back up again.

I should just start at the beginning.

Foyet had done a lot of injury to himself In the original string of killings, In an effort to paint himself as a victim And throw us off the investigation.

As a result, he became dependent upon A large number of extremely strong medications.

We'd been searching the country for patients With that exact prescription combination, But we hadn't had any luck.

The envelopes foyet mailed to arnold are due back from the lab.

They're flagged urgent.

Gina's here with them now.

They're processed. clean.

No prints, no dna.

She says they're clean.

Yeah, of course they are.

Anderson, listen to me.

I don't care if you have to drive To the postmaster general's house.

I want to know where those postmarks were applied Before the team gets in.

Yes, ma'am. copy that.

Found it.

He's still not taking his bottle.

Here. let me try.


Can you take your bottle, please?

Can you take--oh...

Thank you so much.

Oh, yeah. you are definitely mama's little boy, huh?

Just like his ddy.

Pharmacist: next.

Hey, if you have to go, go ahead.

I can take care of this.

I don't know what I would do if I were in hotch's shoes.

If I ever had to say good-bye to you and henry because--

We'rnot going anywhere.

We're not.

You're tracking the prescriptions, You're tracking the postmarks.

Aside from another body landing on your doorstep, You're doing all you can.

I hope so, For hotch's sake.


That's us.

Here we are.

Oh, actually, there should be 2 prescriptions.

We filled the antibiotics, But we're out of the antihistamine.

You know, crushing half a claritin Would do the job just the same.

Save you a couple bucks, too.

Wait--excuse me, Are there a lot Of over-the-counter medications That can be substituted for prescriptions?

Too many to count.

Most of the time, it's just a matter of dosage.

Foyet's meds--we have been tracking the entire combination.

What if he's been using over-the-counter meds For some of it to mask his purchases?

Ok, narrow the search.

Focus on the meds He can't substitute.

Good work.

[knock on door]

just got a call From the postmaster general inspector's office.


I'm not just a pretty face.

Is garcia in yet?

Are you sure?

Bacon doughnut.

You'll never be the same.

I can totally think of more palatable ways To up my adventure quotient, thank you.


It gets better every time.

Kevin, you need to leave right now.

Would you like some water?

No, thank you, ma'am.

Are you all right?

I--i'm just not, uh, Comfortable with any of this.

It's not ok.

What do you mean?

In my opinion, Everyone is asking the wrong questions.

Doesn't anybody care About what the reaper did to them, How many people he hurt?

All anyone seems to care about is...

This just isn't right.

Do you think that agent hotchner was acting...

Agitated or unreasonable?


No, no, he--

He was freaked out about his family.

Which, considering what happened, I'd say was perfectly reasonable.

The foyet letters came from fredericksburg, virginia, And westminster, maryland.

We can match the prescription dr*gs Foyet can't substitute with a geographic profile Of the 2 cities.

Can't substitute?

We need you to track the dr*gs that can't be emulated With over-the-counter dr*gs and can only be dispensed By a pharmacist, and you need to do it quickly.

Foyet doesn't stay in one place very long.

Then kevin needs to stay.


Sir, kevin is an amazing analyst.

I can work almost twice as fast Fine.

With him running part of my system.

Garcia, now long?

These are your screens.

I'll know once I get into it.

We're gonna work the geographic profile.

Call me when you have something. and hurry.

Uh, ok...

I am gonna start with the ultram--

No--you're gonna start with the ultram and naproxen.

I'll work on the rest.

There's approximately 115 miles Between fredericksburg and westminster.

Why mail a letter from 2 cities?

Maybe it's purely a forensic countermeasure.

He knows that mailing letters close to home would lead us right to him, So he drives far away to mail the letters to throw us off his scent.

The unabomber did that.

So did the 2001 anthr*x suspect.

He could have gone anywhere, but he's trolling the d.c. area.

It makes sense to stay close to hotch.

He stuck around boston to watch shaunessy deteriorate.

Not that you're--

It's all right.

I know he's been watching me.

It's part of the reason I stepped down, So he'd think I was falling apart.

Naproxen is available in generic brands over the counter.

Naproxen's properties can be simulated by aleve.

Ultram can be substituted.

Ok, oxycontin.

Jeez, he's on that, too?

Yeah, and it's highladdictive and therefore regulated, So there's no substitute for it.

I know the dea has a problem with it.

You can buy it on the streets if you know where to go.

Good point. ok, we're gonna leave that off the list for now 'cause there's another way to get it. next up...


What's that?

Uh, it treats hyperthyroidism.

Hey, what's wrong with this guy, anyway?

He stabbed himself--a lot.

Stabbed himself?

Yeah. so his body would have permanent internal damage--

Work, honey--and he'd need This prescription to regulate his heart rate, Keep down the palpitations and the tremors.

And there is no substitute for tapazole.

So if this is our missing link, how do we find him?

Print out every person who's on this prescription Within a 60-mile of both cities.

The team will do the rest.

I'm gonna use your laptop.

Ok, so what are we gonna do about the 2 cities?

Usually we need 3 different points to get an accurate geographic profile.

That's all we got right now.

Prentiss: gaithersburg, rockville, D.c., alexandria, Bowie, annapolis.

Where the hell are you, foyet?

Ok, me and the boy found a thyroid medication That has no substitute over the counter.

You've gotta get it from a pharmacist.

But a lot of people are on it.

Find the midpoint between the 2 cities And isolate names in a 25-mile radius.

153 names.

Well, he's not gonna use his own name.

What kind of aliases should we be looking for?

He could have easily stolen someone's identity.

No, he's a narcissist in love with his own mythology.

He'd use a name connected with the case.

A victim, maybe, a cop.

Ok. let's check the foyet files For a list of names. and...


Wait a minute, guys.

Foyet likes things to have meaning to him.

The eye of providence, The addresses in blood he wrote on the bus that led us back to him.

Maybe he's doing the same thing with the alias.

Like an anagram or something.

You see something, reid?

Not yet.

Reid, he named himself the reaper.

Peter rhea.

There's a peter rhea in arlington.

Rossi: we found him.

Once the team located George foyet's potential apartment, Why didn't the bau enter immediately?

Agent rossi?


I asked you a question.

Gold is still going up.

But knowing when to get out, that's the trick.

[turns off recorder]

What are you doing?

What's the point of all this, erin?


So this never happens again.

There is nothing a bureaucrat can do To make sure that something like this never happens again.

So we just wait for the next bloodbath?

[turns on recorder]

Why did you wait so long before going to foyet's apartment?

We had to be sure he was there.

If we went in and he wasn't, He would know we found him.

Of course, the longer we waited, The more time he had to...

It was an impossible decision.

So who made it?

Agent hotchner?

How much longer do we wait?

I need to leave that call to someone else.

Swat's getting antsy.

I'll tell them when it's time to go.

Right now we sit tight.

Let them know.

These guys are trained to move, not just sit around.

I can't really say that I blame them.

He may not even be there anymore.

I know. the longer we sit here, the further away he gets.

You make the best call you can, kid.

All right, this is what we're gonna do.



There's a leak in the apartment above you.

I need to check your ceiling.

Are you getting the signal?


No warm bodies.

Looks like kitchen table, chair.

Is that a laptop on the table?

It could be useful.

Rossi: is that food?

Get closer to that.

Wait, go back.

What's that on the floor?


It's his mail.

Go, go, go, go!

Hurry up!

Let's go!

What happened?

He's not coming back here.

He left an untouched meal.

You drop your mail like this when you're startled, When you need to get out of dodge quick.

Something tipped him off.

He knew we were coming here.

Suitcases are open, some clothes are missing.

There's a safe with a stash of g*ns in it.

He didn't even bother to lock them up again.

If he's in a hurry, he'll make a mistake.

Yeah, but when foyet gets cornered, He starts k*lling.

We're not gonna let that happen.

We need to get garcia on this.

He is creepy good.

How good?

He wiped his hard drive.

Might have been in a hurry to leave, But whatever was on there, he did not want us to see it.

Garcia, tell me that you're hacked in and that you can rebuild it.

Watch me work, darling.



What have you got?

He had an internet alarm on the name peter rhea.

It alerted him as soon as we ran a check on it.

What else did he wipe?

Garcia, wait a minute.

Freeze it right there.

Oh, my god, isn't that--

That's the u.s. marshal assigned to my family.

Foyet's been watching him this whole time?

Voicemail: kassmeyer. leave a message.

Sam, it's aaron.

We found foyet's location, But he has surveillance photos of you.

Call me for a meet location or we're on our way to you.

We're gonna need to deploy another swat unit.

That's gonna take another half hour.


Go. go.

You left for marshal kassmeyer's house immediately?

Yes, ma'am.

Wouldn't this be a job for a tactical team?

We felt that it would take too much time To get authorization for another operation.


All of us.

Don't you mean agent hotchner wanted that?

No, I mean all of us wanted that.

I know what you're thinking, And I agree it would be easy for us to blame him.


Yeah. why not just say it's his fault And then we can all just forget about it.

But, uh, the problem is, I have an eidetic memory, And that's not what happened.


This is agent rossi, fbi.

We need an ambulance.

We have a federal officer down.

I wouldn't...i wouldn't...

We're getting an ambulance.

I tried.

Hang on.

Just hang on.

I'm sorry.

What are you sorry for?

I...i tried.

Are jack and haley safe?

[breathing hard]

Sam, tell me what happened.

I don't know how he got in.


Where are they?


Where are they?

I don't know what you're talking about.



I'm gonna find out...

One way or another.


Sam, I need to understand.

Does he know where jack and haley are?

I didn't...

This little piggy...


Look at that. he's not going anywhere, is he?

What about her phone number?

What's her safe phone number?

I didn' won't matter.

k*ll me. I'm not telling you anything.

You're not gonna get off that easy.

I need you alive so you can tell agent hotchner That it's his fault that his family's dead.


I--i tried, hotch.

[breathing hard]

g*nsh*t wounds to each leg, one foot, He's missing several fingers, and appears to be badly beaten.

Clear out of the way.

Get me a c-collar, prep me a saline drip While I grab a round of vitals.

Sam, are you allergic to any medication?


Sam, I'm right here.

I tried.

Make sure they have a trauma surgeon standing by.

Strauss: do you believe it was marshal kassmeyer's fault That agent hotchner's family was compromised?

Absolutely not.

You answered that very quickly.

When you're being tortured, there's no end in sight, Except giving them what they want.

And kassmeyer didn't do that?

He withstood everything that foyet had.

Then tell me exactly what happened.

Is he conscious?

In and out.

Sam, it's aaron.

Can you hear me?

I'm right here, sam.


His pressure's dropping.

10cc morphine going in.

Do not sedate me.

I need to talk.

Sam, does foyet know where jack and haley are?

I wouldn't tell him.

It doesn't matter.

Let me guess.

The marshals service Doesn't have anything listed by name.

Case numbers only.

The thing is, This relocation is a bit of a special favor, Which tells me that you might bring your work home with you.

Who knows? maybe even on emergency speed dial.

[clicks tongue]

Hello, haley?

I'm sorry. wrong number.

Hello, is haley there?

Uh, uh, no, ma'am.

I'm sorry.

It must have been a wrong number.

Hello, is haley there?

Hello, haley?

Hello, is haley there?





Sorry for using your real name, ma'am.

My name is victor collins.

I'm with the marshals service.

Ma'am, we have a problem.

Marshal kassmeyer has been k*lled, And we're afraid your location may have been compromised.


Ma'am, I need you to focus right now.

This is about saving your son.

We're trying to save jack.

Do you understand me?


I'm afraid there's more, ma'am.

I'm not quite sure how to tell you this, but...

Your ex-husband has been k*lled as well.

Oh, god.

We're gonna bring you and your son in safe, But I'm gonna need your help for this, ok?

When we're through speaking, I want you to hang up the phone.

Do not attempt to call anybody else.

Do you understand me?

It could be intercepted.


The next thing I need you to do Is buy a disposable cell phone.

Get back in your car, call me at this number.

Once I know your mobile, I'll give you another number Along with some instructions on how to proceed.


Now, ma'am, I do not want you to worry.

We're gonna bring you and jack in here safely.

Are you...

Are you sure aaron is...

Are you sure?

Yes, ma'am.

I'm terribly sorry.

[tosses cell phone on table]

See you later.


[breathing hard]

She's going to him.

I'm so sorry, hotch.


[flatline tone]

They're ready for you.

Agent prentiss.


We understand that agent hotchner Managed to separate himself from the rest of the team.

He didn't "manage" to do that.

When marshal kassmeyer was in the ambulance--

Agent hotchner volunteered to ride along.

To get answers before he lost consciousness.

Why didn't you go with him?

It didn't seem necessary.

Did you tell you that?

Is that what you're looking for, A way to blame this on him?

What good could that possibly do?

Agent hotchner was looking for an opportunity To separate himself from the team and he found one.

That isn't true.

He was desperate and he didn't want someone With a clear head to stop him.

Is there a question in there somewhere?

Tell me what happened while agent hotchner was in the ambulance.

We contacted the u.s. marshals.

They said haley was in the wind.

She had dumped her cell phone, So there was no way to track her.

And how did agent hotchner react to that news?

Foyet called haley from kassmeyer's phone.

All right, we'll get garcia to trace it. jj.

He told her she was compromised and I was dead.

Well, have you called her?

No. he said to throw her phone away and to buy a disposable.

Hotch, we're gonna come get you right now.

No, anderson's bringing me a car.

You want to meet back at the office?

I'm hoping that she's just gonna call me, at least, to check.

Foyet posed as a marshal, even called from a number that haley recognized.

And then he did what gets him off.

He scared her.

Prentiss: no, he paralyzed her. he overwhelmed her.

And now she trusts him.

Where do you think he would take her?

Witness protection had her living in new jersey.

He has a head start.

He could be there now.

Garcia's got a trace.

He's bouncing between a few towers.


Fairfax county.

He's still local?

Send the coordinates to my phone.


Why isn't he on his way to new jersey?

Wait, that phone's on?


He hung up.


Damn it.


What's that?

Hotch is calling foyet.



Agent hotchner.

If you touch her...

Be gentle, like I was with you?

What the hell took you so long?

I was beginning to think this phone was dead or something.

Why so quiet?

You usually lash out when you're frustrated.

I'm not frustrated.

You're more predictable than you think.

Am i?

You didn't know where haley was, So you made her come to you.

You make me sound lazy.

Just another way for you to show control.

Oh, that's terrible.

You're mother tried to protect you from your father, But she wasn't strong enough.

And you hated her for that, didn't you?

You decided that all women were weak.

Those are your words, not mine.

What were you, 9 when you k*lled them?

It was a car accident.

That you couldn't take credit for.

That had to be hard for you.

But poor george got another chance.

The little orphan was saved By the wealthy, sterile eastside couple, the foyets.

And the story should have ended there.

I don't believe in fairy tales. do you?

That's the thing, george.

This isn't a fairy tale.

You don't have to write this story.

You don't have to do any of this.

I know you're exhausted.

Always looking over your shoulder, Always wondering when the other shoe is gonna drop.

Haven't you gotten what you wanted?

You've set yourself apart from anybody we've ever dealt with.

You're not just a famous serial k*ller, you're the reaper.

We're gonna study you and your methods for years and years.

You know what I've been thinking?

Haley looks pretty good with dark hair.

She's lost some weight.

Must be all the stress you caused her.

Where's the little man?

Oh. there he is.

Does he like captain america because of you?

[cell phone rings]

That's your wife.

Hold, please.


Mrs. hotchner.

I'm here.

Open the gate and I'll drive in.



I really gotta go.


Strauss: and you still didn't know where foyet was?

The phone belonged to a u.s. marshal.

It was designed to bounce between towers, So we could not pinpoint his location.

And agent hotchner was driving around aimlessly.


He wasn't.

We had foyet's profile, And we knew if we followed it, We would know were he took hotch's family.

All right, foyet has to be in control.

He had haley come to him.

Yeah, but where would he take her?

He'd want hotch to find him, to see where he was, Which means he-- to see what he did.

He said something on that call That tells hotch where to go.

Reid, what did he say, exactly?

"haley's hair looks good dark.

She's lost some weight.

"it must be because of all the stress you caused her.

"where's the little man?

Oh, there he is now.

"do you think he likes captain america because of you?

"that's your wife on the other line. hold, please.

Hi. open the gate and I'll drive in."

Open the gate?

It would be someplace With the biggest emotional impact for hotch.

And haley has access to the gate.

Their house, where they lived together.

Of course. foyet planned this all the way to the end.

It's everything to him.

He wants to take over hotch's home To be in control to prove his dominance.



He's going to your house.

I know.

I'm sending out a full tactical deployment, hotch.


We're on our way.

Foyet's calling hotch.


Garcia, can you get us on?

[cell phone rings]



You're ok?

I'm fine.


He said that...

Oh, aaron.

He can hear us, right?


I am so sorry.

Haley, show him no weakness, No fear.

I know.

Sam told me all about him.

Is he, uh--

No, sam is fine.

Foyet: aaron, aaron, aaron.

Is that why your marriage broke up, Because you're a liar?

Don't listen to him, haley.

I have sam's service phone right here.

They sent out a mass text about his death.

You can take a look if you want.

He's trying to scare you.

Did you even tell her what this was about?

About the deal?

He's just trying to make you angry.

Well, she should be.

She's gonna...

D-i-e Because of your inflated ego.

Ignore him, haley.

I'm sure you don't want her to know this part either.

You know, all he had to do was stop looking for me And you wouldn't be in this mess.

Don't react.

What is he talking about?

Tell jack I need him working the case.


Tell jack I need him working the case.

[clears throat] jack.

Did you he that?

Hi, daddy.

Hi, buddy.

Is george a bad guy?

Yes, he is.

Jack, I need you on this case with me.

Do you understand?

I need you to work the case with me.

Ok, daddy.

Jack, hug your mom for me.

Mommy hug me too tight.

I'm sorry.

Why are you sad?

Oh, I just love you so much.

Mommy, I gotta go.

I'm working the case.


He's so cute.

He's like a little junior g-man.

I'll be right up, jackie boy!

Is he gone?


You're so strong, haley.

You're stronger than I ever was.

You'll hurry, right?

I know you didn't sign on for this.

Neither did you.

I'm sorry for everything.

Promise me that you will tell him how we met And how you used to make me laugh.


He needs to know that you weren't always so serious, aaron.

I want him to believe in love, Because it is the most important thing.

But you need to show him.

Promise me.

I promise.

[3 g*nshots]

And I don't know what happened after that.

After I finish you...

I'm gonna find that little bastard son of yours And I'm gonna show him both of his dead parents, And I'm gonna tell him that it was all your fault.

And them I'm gonna--aah!


Ok. you got--you got me.

I surrender.




Hotch! hotch!

He's dead.

Hotch, stop.

Come on, stop it.

It's over.

It's over.

It's ok.

It's over, man.


[laugh at are you doing?

I work the case with you, dad.

Jack, I'm glad you're working the case with me.

You know I can always use your help.

I work the case daddy, just like you said.

You did a great job, buddy.

What happened to you, daddy?

I'm ok. I want you to go outside with ms. jareau. ok?

Come here, sweetheart.


I'm so sorry, hotch.

Get out of here.

Go see if they need help downstairs.


There was nothing I could do for her.

She was already...

She d*ed fairly quickly.

One of the wounds severed her aorta, And they don't think that she...

And they don't think she suffered much.

Agent hotchner, what do you think would have happened If george foyet had gotten up from that floor?

If you didn't k*ll him?

I don't have to think.

I know he would have tried to k*ll my son, too.

That's good enough for me.

Any questions?

Agent hotchner.

I'm so sorry for your loss.


If you or your son need anything...

Thank you.

Hotch: Poet Daniel Long said, "So much of what is best in us is bound up in our love of family that it remains the measure of our stability because it measures our sense of loyalty."