07x21 - Escorting Disaster

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
Post Reply

07x21 - Escorting Disaster

Post by bunniefuu »

- Did I give you permission to speak?

Now make me forgive you.

- Oh, sorry Rupert, gotta go.

It's time.

- Oh no, really?

No, look, I'll buy another hour.

- You know with that bite,

you should've been a sportscaster.

- Next week then.

- It's your money, honey.

- Well, no, some of it is now yours.

As always, divine, it's been a pleasure.

- No, Rupert, as always it's been business.

- Well, it doesn't have to be.

- Rupert, how would you introduce me

to the associates on your floor?

- As my friend.

- And when your colleagues
ask what it is I do for a living,

I should tell them...

- That you work in public relations.

- Why not just tell them I'm a whore?

A really great one who enthusiastically

enjoys her work.

- Divine, you know I can't do that.

- So I become invisible to protect you.

How much fun does that sound like, huh?

- You're right, I'll call.

- No, we've already set a price.

- Divine, you're priceless.

- Not exactly.

- Good night, divine.

- Good night, Rupert,
take care of yourself.

- What, are you still sleeping?

It's : for crying out loud.

- What are you doing here?

- It's Tuesday.

- Well, thanks for reminding me, Harry.

But I already have a calendar.

- I've been looking
forward to this for days.

Grab the other bags, will you please?

Just you and me, the boys.

This is gonna be great.

- Let's get back to the it's Tuesday.

- I'll make coffee.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, listen, I'm not...

- no.

- Good because I want to be invisible.

- That's a good idea, Harry.

All right, where's the decaf?

- I don't have decaf.

- Okay, not a problem.

Aha, I'll make tea.

- Look, I don't mean to be harsh.

But if you don't tell me what you're doing

in my kitchen at : in
the morning making tea,

I'm gonna have to sh**t you.

- Termites.

- Right, frannie and you
are getting the condo tented.

I forgot.

- Did you know that the
formosa termite here in Florida

eats right through
concrete and cinder block?

- Well, did I say...

- yes, sir, chews it
up, spits it right out.

Now frannie hears that, all
of a sudden I'm ordering a tent

the size of barnum and Bailey.

- Frannie's at her mother's, right.

And they didn't need a fifth for mahjong.

- Yeah, what?

Uh huh, okay, wait, wait, wait.

Back up one sec.

Paper, pencil, now now.

Come on, come on, come on, come on.

Yeah, go ahead, uh huh.

Oh god.

- Okay, yes, he will be there.

He's on his way.

Cassy, she wants you to meet her.

There's been a m*rder.

- Did cassy ask for me?

- Certainly not, I had all
my calls forwarded here.

Come on, you take a shower.

I'll see you at the office.

Then we'll decide what
we're gonna have for dinner.

- Thanks.

- How's life with Harry?

- Evolving.

What have we got?

- Victim's name is divine farr.

- Let me guess, a psychic.

- Well, it starts with a p,
rhymes more with hooker.

Forensics is already in her apartment.

- Morton.

- You solb it yet?

- Solb?

- Yeah, you know, figure out who done it.

- Woo, nice head cold, huh?

- Oh yeah, I got it from my kids.

- You know, there's
no sign of forced entry.

Maybe the k*ller came
in through the patio door.

- That door's unlocked.

- Oh, wow.

- Wow what?

- That perfume, what is that?

That's got to be the
worst-smelling perfume.

- Do you have to do that?

Why don't you try blowing your nose?

- Oh, like I wanted this cold.

- What about you, did you find anything?

- Oh, no prints, no fibers

other than that I think
will be residential.

I did find a razor blade that
might have some promise.

- You think you could get
a sample of that perfume?

- Well, we could check
it against the perfume

in the bedroom and and
bathroom and see if we get a match.

- Who knows, maybe
the k*ller was wearing it.

- How long before you get
information off that hard disk?

- Oh, I can run a diagnostic
on this as soon as I get...


- Thank you.

You're welcome.

- Excsue me, sergeant,
there's a guy here says

he saw someone leaving last
night through the patio door.

- Good morning, fellow
upholders of justice.

- Good morning, mister...

- I am the cloaked avenger.

- Wow, must have been
one hell of a party last night.

- I can't seem to follow
your line of logic, sergeant.

- We understand that you saw somebody

leaving miss farr's apartment last night.

- I did indeed.

I had completed my
circuit of ferreting out crime

and injustice in this fair
block when I spied a most

suspicious egress by a person
unknown to me or the league.

- The league?

- Yes, the league of concordia.

- Oh.

- I and my fellow crime
fighters are committed

to the pursuit of justice.

- I see.

So this man you saw.

- The gender of the
malefactor was hidden to me,

but I suspect the use of alien gadgetry

to obscure my penetrating night vision.

- What time was that?


- Thank you for your time.

- The blending of brilliant
minds is always time well spent.

I will put the suspect's picture
into the league's database.

- Picture?

- Yes, I captured the rogue's
antics on my avenger cam.

Perhaps a hard copy
would be of some use to you.

- You know, you gotta
admit you can't tell by looking

at this picture if the person
leaving divine's apartment

is a man or a woman.

Huh. - You got the keys?

- Oh yeah, that's right.

St. John.

Yeah, oh hi, Harry.

Uh huh, how's frannie?

Yeah, no, I don't think I've played that.

Is that the game with the tiles in it?

Yeah, uh huh. - The keys.

- Wait.

Oh, do you have any
information on divine farr?

Don't, not you.

Uh huh, okay, okay, whoa.

Hang on one second.

- Please, the keys.

- Wait, don't rush me.

- Oh, come on. - Okay, right, uh huh.

Got it, all right, bye.

Okay, divine farr worked
for caprice Duncan,

founder of nouveau escorts.

Their, and I use this term loosely,

offices are on Evan road.

- Get in the car, turn
on the heater, fill me in.

- You are cold, huh?

Oh, what did I do with those keys?

- Oh, come on, you gotta be joking.

- I am.

Excuse me, I'm sergeant St. John.

This is my partner, sergeant Ryan.

And we're looking for caprice Duncan.

- Through the curtains, left,

toward the end of the hall.

- Great, thanks.

Come on.

Miss Duncan, do you
think any of her Johns...

- escorts, sergeant.

They're our clients.

This is the 's, anybody can k*ll anybody.

- How long did miss farr work for you?

- Three years.

She came to me right
after she graduated college.

- Kind of makes you
wonder what she majored in.

- She earned over $,
a year working for me.

How many jobs pay that well?

- Well, we'd like to question your staff.

- Good word.

- Yeah, if you don't mind.

- Not at all.

- Loner, inscrutable.

Picky about the type
of escort she'd take on.

What about you?

- Very bright, same with the loner thing.

Seems on good terms with Duncan.

- Excuse me, sergeants.

I don't know if this is relevant,

and I didn't want to say
anything in front of the others.

But about days ago, divine
told me that she knew a way

to get out of the life, that
she knew how to get rich.

Very rich, she said.

- I'd say that's relevant.

- Yeah. - Thank you.

- Okay.

- Gloria, I'm gonna go home.

Only bother me if it's an emergency.

We have to talk.

- How long before the
lab's gonna have the results?

- They said they'd have
something within the hour.

Hey, how are things working
out with you and Harry?

- Not quite as well as
they did with you and me.

- Ryan, come in here.

Anything new on the farr k*lling?

- Yeah, well we got sketchy visuals

from a couple of eyewitnesses.
- Good, listen.

What do you think I should fix for dinner?

- I don't know, there's
lots of food in the fridge.

- Please, I saw what's in the fridge.

You got about three tons
of dairy products in there.

Don't you know that stuff will k*ll you?

- Okay, fine, whatever you want.

- How about a nice piece of flounder?

Good, healthy fish, not too much oil.

- Oh, I'm not big on flounder.

- Goes great with cauliflower, broccoli.

You'll see, by the time I leave,

I'm gonna have you eating
like Richard Simmons.

- Imagine my excitement.

- Lab called, the hard drive
had a list of names on it.

- Lawyer, bankers,
executives, and a senator.

- Yeah, so where do we start?

- Well, I've always wanted to
shake hands with a senator.

Senator leguare, thank you for seeing us

on such short notice.

- My pleasure.

Come on in, sergeants.

This way.

So you weren't very specific

about the nature of your
investigation, only its urgency.

- Senator, are you
familiar with a divine farr?

- Yes.

- Well, she was found m*rder*d last night.

- m*rder*d?

Why would anyone want to k*ll divine?

- Some people might not be as forthcoming

about their relationship with her.

- One of divine's outstanding traits

was her sense of discretion.

Her clients were well aware of that.

- Can you account for
your whereabouts last night?

- Are you saying that i...

- no, we're investigating her death, sir.

Well, I was with her
until a quarter to :,

then I came home.

- Can anyone corroborate that?

I can.

Detectives, my wife Karen.

- I was catching up on my letter writing,

and Rupert came in and
waited for me to finish.

We watched the local news for a few minutes

and then went to bed.

It was about :.

It's all right, I know
that he was with divine.

- You know?

- Well, Karen and I have an understanding.

- Well, there goes blackmail as a motive.

- Yeah, maybe for the wife
but not for the general public.

- Right, senator goes on
minutes, he confesses about

the rough times, and his
popularity goes up four points.

- I don't get it.

I mean, the guy's wife
knows that her husband's

been seeing a prost*tute,
and she just shrugs it off

like she's reading a dinner menu.

- So?

- So, that's your only reaction?

- Yeah, what else?

- Oh, come on, cassy.

If I said that I'd been out playing footsie

with the happy hooker, you
would've just shrugged it off?

- Well, not exactly.

I would've shot you and
then I would've shrugged it off.

- So just because his wife backs his story,

he's off the list?

- Yeah, and the fact that he limps.

And the cloaked avenger, he
would've not have missed that.

- He's off the list.

You would've shot me?

- Oh no.

- Hey, how's that perfume analysis coming?

- Oh, I just had a little setback.

Any luck with that list?

- No, nothing so far.

Senator laguare had an alibi

along with Alex bregman
and Benjamin Stafford.

- Guess who alibied them, their wives.

Each one of them knew that their husbands

were seeing a hooker.

They were like, so what's new?

- Well, is there anybody left on the list?

- Yes, some ad agency guy, Clancy Paulson.

That's who we're on our way to see.

- So you got anything else?

- Oh, the fibers from the razor blade,

they're from photographic paper.

But of who or what, I don't know.

- Well, three guesses will
narrow us down to who.

- Question is who's the who?

- Hey, Ryan, judge McCall's
bailiff's been calling for you.

You gotta be in court in minutes.

- Damn.

Will you cover for me with Paulson?

- Yeah, I'll fill you in right
before we go to sleep.

- Okay, thanks, pal.

- Does frannie know about you and Tom?

- Absolutely.

Whose idea do you think it was

for me to sleep with Tom anyway?

- Harry, I think we should
go do that interview.

See ya.

Come on, Harry.

- Who took these?

- Bloom.

- Where was Carter?

- He was unavailable.

- Then you should've waited.

- Well, you said we were in a hurry,

and bloom came highly recommended.

- By whom?

- Bennett and Susan.

- Then Bennett and Susan are fired.

We're talking about micki
McCluskey here, micki McCluskey.

And you bring in some
clown that makes her look like

a cross between Tammy fay
bakker and Tommy Lee Jones.

Find out when Carter's available
and set up another session.

And make sure you burn
the negatives on these.


Yeah, Doug.

Send them in.

- Captain lipschitz.

- Captain.

- Sergeant St. John.

- Hi. - Hi.

- So how can I help you?

You told my secretary you
need to ask me some questions.

- Do you know divine farr?

- Well, boy, this is a little embarrassing.

- We'll take that as a yes.

- Let's just say that I have
certain tastes in things,

and divine supplies the flavor.

Is that what this is about?

- She was m*rder*d last night.

- Excuse me?

- What's the last time you were with her?

- It was I guess three days ago.

We had an afternoon session.

- Anybody here know about your sessions?

- I hope not.

My boss is big on family values.

- What are your responsibilities here?

- That girl, micki McCluskey,

the parlay girl model of
the year, I discovered her.

And because of me, she's
exclusive to this agency.

If Mr. Hunter found out
anything about me and divine,

he'd kick my butt out of here.

- Do you mind?

- No, not at all.

- Can you account for
your whereabouts last night?

- I was with micki.

We were planning her
personal appearance tour.

- Just you and miss McCluskey?

Yes, it was around :,

maybe quarter to : when we finished.

I had dinner brought up, and we ate here.

- And you were together all evening?

- After dinner, she went
down to the parking facility.

Had to get something out of her car.

- How long was she gone for?

- Just a few minutes.

Then I drove her home
around midnight it was.

- We'll want to talk to miss McCluskey.

- Oh yes, of course.

I hope it won't be necessary

to see Mr. Hunter about any of this.

- So do we.

Less work.

- Right.

Just a few minutes.

Then I drove her home
around midnight it was.

- How'd he behave?

- Pretty clean, seemed relaxed.

- Harry, where's the beer?

- I dumped it.

Come on, that stuff will bloat you.

- You dumped beer?


Yeah, hi, frannie.

No, he's just washing
up right now, I'll get him.

Oh, can you hang on a second?

I got a call on the other line here.

One sec.


No, sorry, he can't come
to the phone right now.

Yeah, hi, commissioner, yeah.

Well, I'll get him.

I'll get him right now.

Just can you hang on one second, sir?

Thank you.

Frannie, yeah, it's the commissioner

on the other line for Harry.

Can I have him call you back?

Yeah, oh, it's going fine.

Yeah, good, great.

Okay, thanks.

Yes, sir.

Hello, commissioner, sir?

Well, if it was important, he'll call back.

- Oh, ow, ow, ow, ow.

- Hey, morning, har.

Oh, good morning, pal.

- Hey, how'd you sleep?

Oh, really good.

- You okay?

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.

Just a little stiff, that's all.

- Here, let me get you a coffee.

- Oh, thanks. - Come on.

- Thanks a lot, pal.

And also you can pour one for yourself.

Don't worry, it's decaf.

Micki McCluskey's assistant called.

She's trying to locate her
secretary so that she can

call her manager so
that he can call her agent

so micki can get in touch with you.

- Why do these people have
all these people working for 'em?

- Hey, it's like trying
to create a fan club

to bolster your ego.

Go figure.

- Kid lipschitz?

- Yeah, that's me.

The jab and juke from Jersey.

- I didn't know you were a boxer.

- Come on, golden gloves,
I fought for two years.

Yeah, I was and one.

- Who was the one?

- Oh, a -year-old kid from white plains.

No front teeth and a tattoo
that said the master of pain.

Trust me, I took a dive.


It's me, they juts found caprice's body.

We're at country club road.

- We'll dust this for prints.

You want to check this
for a redial or something?

- It's fine, you can just
put that on the counter.

- Well, this looks formidable.

- Who'd you say you'd get to open this?

- Oh, I'd rather not say.

- Okay, I'm out of here.

- Be a pro, be a pro.

- Easy for you to say, you're not a woman.

How could you do this to me?

- He's the best there is.

This is a very sophisticated
safe we're looking at here.

- Okay, fine, but if he
lays one hand on me.

- Hi, cassy.

I've missed you.

- Good to see you, touch.

- Good to see you.

This is very nice.

Diebold lx , bolt-activating gear ring.

Floating linkage, double
steel escutcheon plate.

Fluctuating time lock.

Is the address here or ?


- I need someone to tell me the time.

No, not you, her.

- No.

- Cassy, hey.

Hey, come on, what's the problem?

- I'm not gonna stand
anywhere next to that creature.

- Oh, come on, just get over there.

We got to find out what's in that safe.

- No.

- You're being childish.

- I don't care, and you can't make me.

- People are gonna start to stare.

- I don't want to do it.

- Just do it please, okay?

I'll make it up to you somehow.

- Fine, fine.

- What time is it?


- It's too loud.

I can't hear the tumblers.

You're gonna have to
lean in closer and whisper.

How many seconds?

- Four.

- Now let me know when it's nine.

- Now.

Oh god.

- See, the fluctuating time
lock changes tumbler rotations

every nine seconds.

Nine out of civilians
pick their birth dates

or addresses for the number of seconds.

So unless you know the exact combination,

by the time the tumblers
get into place, they aren't.

- Well, you never cease to amaze me, touch.

- Yes.

Will I bill this through
Harry's department?

- You bet.

- How is Harry these days?

- Yeah, he's at his fighting weight.

- Yeah.

Well, I gotta go.

- Aw.

- Next time, I won't miss.

- What would he be after?

Jewelry, a book.

- th century edition of Kama Sutra.

- Money.

Looks like a post office box key.

- How long to trace this?

- I'll have to use the federal computers.

If they're nice to me, hours.

If not, more like .

Want me to take it?

- Yeah.

- Do you think that'll put the
other hookers in jeopardy?

- Well, if it's a serial k*lling, yeah.

And if it's blackmail, only if they know

what caprice and divine farr knew.

- Come on.

- Hey, you think that's possible?

- Yeah.

Did you know anything
about the relationship

between caprice and divine?

- Yeah, they liked each other I think.

Well, they were always
confronting each other,

but it was more of a
big sister, little sister

kind of a thing.

At least caprice looked at it that way.

- Did you know about the blackmailing?

- The what?

- I think divine was
blackmailing one of her clients,

and we believe that's what got her k*lled

and possibly caprice.

- Caprice wouldn't do that.

Divine, yes, but not caprice.

- Why?

- Caprice, she was happy with what she was.

But with divine, you could feel the hunger.

- Well, if you think of
anything that could help us,

if you could please give me a call.


- Well, I was working here one day,

I punched the wrong
button, and I picked up a call.

One of divine's female
customers was talking to her.

She was yelling actually,
"I'll k*ll you if you do."

She said it twice.

- Divine had women customers.

- We all do.

- Did you know who it was?

- No, no, we never swap names.

We would lose all our
customers if they found out.

- Well then how did you
know it was her client?

- I've heard the voice before.

Divine used to put her on
speakerphone when she'd call.

This one was a real nutcase, very scary.

Didn't seem to bother divine.

- Well, maybe it should have.

- I'm not done with that page.

Okay, you can turn.


- Hello.

What hello?

Morton just sent us this fax.

- We got a partially written letter

off of divine's computer hard disk.

There's no name on it, but
that's definitely blackmailing

whoever it was for.

It was asking for $ million.

- Hello.

So what do we got?

We got one hooker, maybe
two blackmailing a wealthy

closet lesbian who likes
to yell over the telephone.

- Oh, and don't forget what
the cloaked avenger said

about the man leaving the m*rder scene.

- Cloaked avenger?

- Oh, you had to be there.

How do you blackmail somebody today?

I mean, everybody admits to everything,

and then we forgive them.

- Yeah, look, enough of this.

Let's all go home and
get some rest, all right?

You coming?

- No, actually cassy and
I are gonna go for a beer.

I'll see you at home.

- All right, don't be late.

You know how I worry.

Initial reports claim Israeli jet fighters

bombed the guerrilla
base, k*lling at least .

- Hey, you ever watch Charlie Rose?

And civilians.

- No, I like to watch the news.

- Oh, well you read the
paper this morning, pal?

- Yes.

- Gonna read it again tomorrow?

- I might.

- Do you think that much is gonna change

between now and then?

- It might, I don't know.

- Besides, those newscasters,
they don't have time

to do a story in depth.

Now Charlie Rose, he
does some terrific interview.

Suspect in custody.

- If you want to watch Charlie Rose,

let's watch Charlie Rose.

- No, it's your house, you
watch whatever you want.

- No, you got my curiosity up.

Let's watch Charlie Rose.

- All right, but don't
switch on my account.

Oh, Carl weathers, put it back on the news.

- What's wrong with Carl weathers?

- Come on, you saw "rocky."

Worst boxing in the history of the world.

- Oh... - Apollo creed would not have

lasted two rounds with me in my prime.

Bam, bam. - Oh, like "raging bull"

was the best boxing movie.

Come on, "rocky" wasn't even about boxing.

It was about courage and self-discipline.

Do you mind, do you mind, do you mind?

It's my house.

Thank you.


Just a minute please.

It's for you.

- Really?

Imagine my surprise.

Go ahead.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, hold on.

Paper, pencil, come on,
come on, come, come, come.

No, he's getting it, he's getting it.

Okay, go ahead.

Mhm, got it, bye.

That was Morton, he's
got a match on the perfume.

It's a brand named parlay.

- Parlay perfume.

- Yeah.

- Of which the spokesperson
is micki McCluskey.

- You think the cops
already have the diary?

- Eventually they will.

- Boy, you really went and did it.

It's safe, you said.

She's discreet, you said.

You know what I say?

I say it's all over.

- Relax, micki.

- How am I gonna do that?

I was perfectly happy cruising the bars,

having one-nighters, but
that wasn't okay with you.

- All the paparazzi would
have to do is see you

coming out of some girl bar.

- Would've been better
than getting mixed up

with some blackmailing hooker.

- Right, and then once word
got out, the only modeling job

you'd get is poster
girl for gay pride week.

- Would've been better
than being a m*rder*r.

- But you haven't k*lled anybody.

- True, but I'm an accessory, same thing.

- If the cops had the
photos and the letter,

you and I wouldn't be here right now.

- Yeah, right, we'd be in jail.

- No, they don't have a case,

and we're not gonna give them one.

- How can you be so calm?

- Because I was with you
when the murders took place,

and you were with me right here.

We even have the delivery
guy as an eyewitness.

Now you can't be in two places
at the same time, can you?

- They're not gonna buy that.

- Doesn't matter what they're gonna buy.

It matters what they can prove.

Now micki, these next few days are crucial.

You and I are gonna have to act innocent.

No, you and I have to be innocent.

So I'm gonna tell you exactly what to say

to these detectives, you got it?

- Miss McCluskey, we need you...

- micki, please call me micki.

- We need you to corroborate
a few of the facts, micki.

If you can tell us what you were doing,

what your schedule was two days ago.

- You mean like starting
from when I woke up?

Well, let's say : in the evening.

- Sure, I was just finishing
a photo session for parlay.

It's a new perfume, I'm the spokesperson.

- And who was there at the sh**t?

- Me, some new
photographer Arthur something,

Betty my makeup person,

some guy named Ralph gaffed the lights,

and Clancy Paulson supervised it.

- And after that?

- Clancy and I went back to his office

to talk about my personal appearance tour.

Around : or :, we finished.

He had dinner brought up, we ate there.

- You think she was coached?

- Well, it's more like manipulated.

Her answers, the pertinent ones anyway,

were exactly like his.

Listen, this is Clancy Paulson.

Just you and miss McCluskey?

Yes, it was around :,

maybe quarter to : when we finished.

I had dinner brought up, and we ate here.

- Now micki McCluskey.

And after that?

Around : or : we finished.

He had dinner brought up, and we ate there.

- So got any ideas?

- Yeah, I thought at first maybe
I'd find out how much money

Clancy Paulson has invested
in McCluskey's company.

My guess is that it's in the millions.

- So why?

Their alibis might've been
rehearsed, but you got nothing

that puts them at the scene of the m*rder.

You haven't even pinned down a motive yet.

Look, you got no proof
they were being blackmailed

and no indication of what
they were being blackmailed for.

- Oh, I think there is, and caprice has it.

We just have to find out
where the post office box is.

- Well, don't count on that one.

I spoke to the federal boys this morning.

We are way down on
their list of priorities.

- Oh, I think we know
somebody who can goose 'em.

- Hello, Janet, this is senator leguare.

I'm fine, just fine.

How's the president?

Well, he'll come out of it smooth as ever.

You know he will.

Listen, the reason I'm
calling is I need a little favor

from the justice department.

- You see, I told you it would.

Now all we have to do is act
like nothing ever happened.

Listen, I have a great idea
for your next modeling sh**t.

On top of the tepler building.

It'll be great.

Nothing but city and ocean
as far as the eye can see.

I'll tell you what, why
don't you meet me there,

and then we'll go to dinner.

Perfect, I'll see you then.

Oh, and micki, everything's
gonna be just fine.

Just fine.

- St. John.

- This is the cloaked avenger.

Is your video phone functional?

- No, Mr. Avenger, we don't
have video phones here.

- I have obtained
knowledge of the whereabouts

of the scoundrel who
committed this heinous crime.

He is...

- Let's go.

So what do you think?

- You were right, it's great up here.

So what do have in mind for my wardrobe?

- Jumpsuit.

- Perfect, so retro.

What are you doing?

- You gotta figure the cops
have caprice's pictures by now.

- I thought you said it
was just circumstantial.

- It would be if I could
count on you to keep quiet,

but I can't.

- Clancy.

- You k*lled two people, micki.

You couldn't live with it,
so you took your own life.

Simple as that.

- You set me up, didn't you?

The whole thing all along.

- No, no, no, not all along.

I just didn't figure on divine

giving caprice Duncan those duplicates.

Like they say, best laid plans.

- Yeah, I hope you and
your plans rot in hell, you...

- not anytime soon.

- Hey, micki, Clancy.

- Thank god you're here.

- Put the g*n down slow.

- Oh, sure, sure, sure, yeah.

This is very difficult for me.

You know when you were
questioning me about micki

and I told you that she
was only out of my sight

for a few minutes?

I hate to admit this, but I lied.

She was gone minutes.

- He's lying, he left.

He's the one who did it.

- I'm sorry, micki, I can't
protect you any longer.

I just couldn't believe she was capable

of k*lling two people.

- How did you know there
were two people k*lled?

Caprice's death was never reported.

We kept it out of the papers.

By the way, here's what you k*lled her for.

- Woo, nice moves, kid lipschitz.

- Thank you.

Now as soon as it's possible,

I'd like one of you to drive
me to the emergency room.

I think I broke my hand.

Lemon zest.

- It's mine.

Uh, pap, pap...

- paprika.

Yeah, it's mine.

Well, that's about it.


- Tom, it's okay.

We've been over this before.

- I just don't know what
to say at a time like this.

- Hey, we tried, didn't we?

I mean, that's all we
can really do, isn't it?

- Yeah.

Maybe if I'd have tried harder.

- It's gonna be very,
very difficult at the office.

- Well, it's not like it
was a secret, Harry.

- Tom...

- no, go, go on back to frannie.

She needs you.

- Right.

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