07x04 - A Question of Faith

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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07x04 - A Question of Faith

Post by bunniefuu »



Oh, Janet, Janet...

I never thought...

You don't have to say anything, Michael.

Are... are you leaving me?

Would you... please...


Oh... Janet...

Let me get you some coffee...

I'll be okay.

I just... need some time alone.

Well, I guess what they say is true:

Money doesn't buy happiness.

This from a guy who buys
lottery tickets twice a week?

No, no, not me.

Well, yes, me, the old me.

That's not the new me.

This is the new me.

Hmm... you'd been keeping
the magic seven draw in business

since it began.

Not anymore, cass.

No, I can see that it's a sickness.

Definitely a sickness.

Well, well.

I'm never going to buy
another lottery ticket.

So you really don't care
that the current jackpot

is worth over $ million?

Really? I...

See, I wouldn't have known that.


Cassy: I bought a ticket.

You did not.

Want to buy half?


Show me.

I thought you said you didn't care.

I don't care.

Mr. Pearson?

Sergeant St. John.

This is sergeant Ryan.

I'm sorry about...

She found me with another woman.

I never dreamed that she
would do something like this.

Why did you wait till
this morning to notify us?

When I got home yesterday,
I parked in the courtyard

and Janet... wasn't home.

Wasn't until this morning I
went into the garage and I...

Found her.

Was the woman someone your wife knew?


Well, we'll need to talk to her.

Her name is, um...


Last name?

I don't know.

I only have a phone number.

She was...

She was from an escort agency.

Why here?

I actually thought

I wouldn't get caught here.

Janet said she'd be out all afternoon.

Mr. Pearson, was your wife
known to combine alcohol and pills?


Not often.

I mean, sometimes at night

but never in the afternoon.

You have to understand...

This was just a one-time deal.

I mean, I, I... I don't play around.

You can ask anybody. I just...

What did your wife say when
she saw you with another woman?

She said she wanted to be alone.

So I ended up, uh, going
and playing a round of golf.

What did you sh**t?

I'm sorry?


What did you sh**t?

I don't know, what I usually sh**t.

, , something like that.

Mr. Pearson, what do you do for a living?

Janet and I have... been very fortunate.

We've been able to

live off of our investments.

I'll take that number for the girl

from the escort service.

Everybody makes

an error in judgment, don't they?

I mean...

It's not just me.

You know, I haven't
played this club before.

They say the Greens are really fast.

Well, they're more true than fast.

How would you know?

Because I've played here.

You have not!

This is the most exclusive
club in palm beach.

I know... I got invited.

I got bucks that says
that you can't name...

Man: Good to see again,

miss St. John.


That I can't name...?

Uh, the, uh, three first inductees

into the baseball hall of fame.

Walter Johnson, babe Ruth and Ty Cobb.

Sure, I saw Mr. Pearson come in.

I was finishing up with
the late lunch crowd.

Remember the time?

Around :. He collected
his clubs and went out

on the course.





Can I keep this?

Yeah, absolutely.

Coroner's prelim puts the
time of death around :

and Michael Pearson says that he
was home between : and :.

He said he shot a or a

so that would make
him what, a four or five?

Yeah... yeah, and with that handicap

if he was playing alone he
should have been done in

two and half, three and a half hours

depending on how busy the course was.

And he teed off at :

so he would have been done by : or :.

Alibi works, case closed.

You going to do the paperwork or am I?

Want to toss for it?

Cassy, I told you, I don't partake

in childish games of chance anymore.

Oh, come on, one final bet.

No, no, I'll do the paperwork.

Okay, fine by me.

Since it doesn't count

what would you have said?


Oh... man, we would have had a winner.

Lipschitz: Come in.

Woman: Excuse me.

I'm looking for

whoever's on the Pearson case.

That's me.

I want you to know

that it wasn't su1c1de.

She was m*rder*d...

By her husband.

Did you take the joblin case off my desk?

Um... no, I put it on your desk, Harry.

Are you sure?

'Cause it's not on my desk

and I, I don't know
where the hell it went to.

It fell behind the filing cabinet.

Lipschitz: Hey, you're right,

I got it!

Thank you.

I'm sorry.

Come with me.

Have a seat.

You were saying?

I have some information

but I can only tell you on
condition I remain anonymous.

You've done a good job of that so far.

I'm sorry.

My name is faith Carter.

Well... faith... Carter.

If you have information

that's one thing.

If you're a material
witness, that's another.

I'm not a witness...

But I saw the crime.

Sorry, you lost me.

You're not a witness?

I have what some people
call the gift of second sight.

You're a psychic.

I have certain abilities.

I don't exploit them commercially.

I'm a paralegal secretary
by profession in boca raton.

What makes you think
this death wasn't a su1c1de?

For the last five years I've had images

of a woman being k*lled by a man.

I saw a fragment...

Of her husband's face

as he forced some kind
of pipe into her mouth.

Then he placed her into a car

and he made it look like su1c1de.

What kind of car?

Foreign... German, maybe.

He was wearing some kind of old watch

and... a yellow shirt
and light-colored slacks.

And I had another image of
him tearing them on something.

How do you know it was the pearsons?

I didn't... until I saw
their picture on the news.

That's when I came to palm beach.

Well, this is excellent.

You've given up gambling
and taken on the occult.

I've always had an open mind

about things that defy logic and reason.

Mm-hmm, you do read your
horoscope in the morning.

Hey, I didn't say I believed in this stuff

just that I have an open mind.

And she knew details about the case

that we have never released.

Oh, let's not forget m.O.M...

Means, opportunity, motive...

Of which Michael Pearson has none.

Well, maybe he thought

that she was going to divorce him

after what happened.

She was the one holding the purse strings.

He didn't have a cent to his name

before they got married.

But we're still missing one thing.

And what's that?

"That" is evidence.

Pearson: I'm happy to help in any way

but why would the clothes I was wearing

have any relevance to my wife's death?

Well, we're just trying to
sort some fiber samples

that we found on her body.

Could have come from anywhere.

Do you mind if we take
these down to forensics?

Not at all.

Sorry to trouble you.

It's okay.

Truth is

any company around here is, uh...


It's been pretty lonely

since Janet died.

Anybody got the time?

Yeah, it's :.


That's a beauty.

Can I see that?


Is this new?

About a year.

These things are made

really well.

They're so heavy.

You wear this thing all the time?

Well, actually, my favorite

is an antique bulova from the 's.

I usually wear it, as a matter of fact.

Well... thank you for
your time and the time.

Not a problem.


Faith's playing even par
on a tough course, cassy.

Got to take what she's saying seriously.

Well, the escort's story

it matched up with Michael Pearson's

and she said the wife seemed in control

when she found them going at it.

Doesn't sound like a woman

about to take her own life.

Doesn't seem like Michael needs to worry

about divorce proceedings, either.

Hey, you hungry?

Yeah. Let's go to the
deli around the corner...

The one where you
can buy the lottery ticket.

Not biting.

No, let's go to my house.

I have something there.

Come on.

You got anything to drink?

You buy Pearson taking
his high-priced escort

back to his house because
he thought it was safer?

Who knows why people behave the way they do

when it comes to sex?



Hi, come in, come in.

Hey, how did you know where I lived?

Oh, cassy, this is...

This is faith. She's amazing.

She knew where I lived.

Your address is in the phone book.

Look, I had to talk to you.

I had another image of him

injecting her with something

before he k*lled her.

Then he took the syringe

and he threw it in a garbage can.

That's how I saw them.

He put the syringe in that one.

It's okay, I'll...

I'll look.

Tom: Oh... god...

Oh... god, this is disgusting.


But... I, I saw them.

I saw it.

I'm sorry.

It seemed so real when I got it.

Tom: And you're sure...

It was a syringe

that you saw him put in the garbage can?

Yeah, it was.

What I get are short, brief images.

The trouble is the harder I try...

Do you gamble?

Me, gamble? No.

Well... well, I used to. Why?

I thought I saw something.

It was probably nothing, it was just...

Some sort of money and
numbers all jumbled up.

All that's jumbled

are the facts.

There's no syringe.

The coroner's report

would have picked up on a puncture Mark.


You shouldn't close it off.

Close what off?

You have the gift yourself.

No, I don't.

Cassy: We don't have

a single piece of evidence

to support your belief that
Janet Pearson was m*rder*d.

Don't be frightened by it.

It can be a blessing

if you're open to it.

I got to go.


Wait a minute.


Cassy, wait, wait, wait.

Are you going to dismiss her

just like that?

I knew you were going to say that.

Maybe she's right,
maybe I do have the gift.

It's not uncommon for police forces

to use the talents of a psychic.

True, but usually they give us

something we don't have.

What's that?

Well, it starts with "p"

and it rhymes with proof.

Look, I don't believe

it was necessarily a su1c1de, all right?

I just think we should
maybe give her a try.

At least.

I think I know what's going on here.

Why don't you ask yourself one thing.

If she is psychic

then does she know
what you're really thinking?

Lipschitz: You guys are making me dizzy.

All I'm asking is

we give her a chance
to visit the crime scene

to determine if she
can see or feel anything.

And all I'm saying is

haven't we exhausted
this whole voodoo thing?

I have always thought
psychics were a last resort.

In this case, it's a first resort.

We don't know if a crime was committed.

But you have to admit
that something is not right.

Faith has the ability
to see things we don't.

You guys are making me dizzy.

Just get out there.

Get it over with, and move on already.

I need to sit down.

Cassy: I don't get it.

You believe everything she says

but you didn't even ask her
what the seven numbers were.


Gambling is a progressive addiction.

Starts off innocently with
a one-dollar lottery ticket

suddenly, you're trying
to scrape up the rent

because you've blown it at the track

and before you know it
you're selling your grandmother

for just one more spin

at the roulette wheel.

She didn't say

she saw what the numbers were.

You never asked her.

I wonder if faith could tell me

if these are the right numbers?

Or should I just buy another ticket?

I'm not biting. Not even nibbling.

Oh, come on.

You can split the million with me.

You don't even have to give me a cent.

I survived toys-r-us on Christmas Eve.

I cannot be broken.

He was hiding over there.

She came in...

And closed the garage door.

And then he grabbed her
with a needle and syringe

in the other hand.

Then after she was unconscious...

He put her in the seat like this.

Then he forced some pills into her mouth...

And he made her swallow them.

She almost choked on them.


And then he...

Put the hose in her mouth.

Turned on the ignition...

And then she began to die.

I know what you're thinking.

She still hasn't given
us any hard evidence.

No. She hasn't, but...

"But"? There's a "but" now?

Well, if she's right

why did he force the pills down her throat

after injecting her?

To cover the injection.

If there is one.

Typical place to try to hide

a puncture wound is under the fingernails

between the toenails, or...

Or as it is here.

Under the hairline.

You sure?

There is bruising and the puncture is clean

like a needle would make.

It would take some verifying but...

Yes, I think I'd call
that an injection Mark.

Man on P.A.: Schwartz party, first tee.

Schwartz party, first tee.

Mr. Pearson.


Out for a round of golf?

I am, actually.

I'm, uh, playing with my attorney.

Andrea linighan.

There are estate and insurance details

to be worked out.

Of course.

Mr. Pearson, your wife had a prescription

for Diazepam pills.

Did you ever see her use liquid Diazepam?

Through injection?

Not that I'm aware of.

Uh, I can ask her doctor if you'd like.

Oh, Andrea.

Sergeants Ryan and St. John

from the police.

Andrea linighan, my attorney.

I know who they are.

Have they told you

they're investigating Janet's death

based on a tip from a psychic?

A psychic?

What is this person saying?

She had some information
from the crime scene

that hasn't been released.

Who is she?

She prefers to remain anonymous.

Anonymous. I see...

Has Mr. Pearson not been
forthcoming on any issue

with you both?

No, no, he's been more than cooperative.

Then I suggest unless you can provide

substantial cause or solid evidence

you desist from investigating this case

and let Mr. Pearson be.

Wexford call with the results?

Uh, yeah.

He hedged his bet a little.

He won't sign off on the puncture wound

to Janet Pearson

as that made by a syringe needle.

Maybe it's time to toss this one

and take it for the su1c1de it is.


Oh, okay.

We'll be right there.

Faith has just flashed on a witness.

And the missing syringe.

Faith: That's him.

It's definitely him.

Man: Yeah.

He climbed over that fence over there.

Left his clubs and everything.

And then he walked on up

towards those fancy houses up there.

What was he wearing?

A shirt.

And pants.

What color pants did he wear?

They were sort of ecru.

No, no, no.

They could have been mauve...

With a suggestion of taupe.

No, they couldn't have been that

because I always confuse taupe with mauve

and chartreuse.

But I know for a fact...

What color pants

was he wearing?



Well, this is the second hole.

You see how it's in a small valley?

Well, no one can see you

from the first hole or the third hole.

But to get here from
the start of the course

it would take maybe...

Ten, fifteen minutes.

Which means that he would be at home

at exactly the time his wife died.


What is that?

What's what?


It's a... bush.

Grows out of the ground
like trees and plants.

Faith: That's the place.

Tom: Okay.

He decided not to leave
it in his own garbage

so he went home and took it out.

He dropped it in here

before going on to finish his golf.


After you.

Oh-ho... you first.

No, I insist.

Cassy: Okay.

You game?

Maybe I'm not the only one with a problem.

No, this isn't gambling.

This is decision-making.

In the air.

You call it.


Oh, gross!

Did you find anything?

I can't believe people read these things...

Oh, this is disgusting.

Lipschitz: We want to bring in

Mr. Pearson.

My client's explanation is
that he sliced his tee shot

and snagged the pants

when he was trying to retrieve the ball.

My client has no knowledge of a syringe.

Miss linighan, all we want
to do is talk to Mr. Pearson.

I've been doing a little
investigating myself.

It seems your eyewitness was paid off

by your anonymous psychic.

Who has failed to mention

something else to all of you.

And what is that?

Michael Pearson ended a
relationship with faith Carter

to pursue Janet Pearson.

She was insanely jealous of Janet.

If anyone is to be accused of foul play

I would suggest that you
interrogate your psychic.

Ask her about the future.

She certainly knows about the past.

Cassy: Uh-huh.

Oh, big.

Still no location on faith.

Tom, this is Sally danziger.

She went to school

with Janet and faith.



So, what kind of student was faith Carter?

Much more conscientious than Janet.

Janet was a party girl.

Were you ever aware of any animosity

between faith and Michael Pearson?

Faith worried that Janet
was becoming an alcoholic.

Michael dismissed the idea.

I know that bothered faith.

Do you think Michael breaking up with her

to date her best friend

had anything to do with it?

I didn't then, but I was proven wrong.

What do you mean?

Faith became so desperate

to stop them from marrying

she got another girl in her class

to say she was pregnant
with Michael's baby.

I think she even paid her.

Well, uniforms found the homeless guy.

You really think she paid him

to say he saw Michael Pearson?

You know her better than I do.

What about the syringe?

No prints

no blood traces from the needle, nada.

How angry do you think
faith must have been at Janet

for the past five years?

Not enough to k*ll her
and frame her husband

if that's where you're going.

I'm telling you

this is a real
Ripley's-believe-it-or-not-class duping

we're taking here, cass.

Don't feel too bad.

Maybe it's not all an act.

Maybe she does have some kind of gift.

I'm not saying it isn't
possible she framed him

it's just that she may have

some kind of genuine ability.

You've changed your
tune a little, haven't you?

You know the other night

when she told me I was
scared of psychic things?

She was right.

What do you mean?

Well, when I was in school

the first boy that I ever had a crush on

was k*lled in a car crash.

You never told me this before.

No... no, and the worst thing about it was

that I'd dreamt the whole thing

the night before.

I can't believe

you never told me this before, cass.

It's just not an episode

that I particularly like
to replay, you know?

I always felt guilty about it

like I could have warned him or something.

Have you had any other
premonitions since then?

No, and I hope I don't.

I don't want to see into the future.

What's the point?

If you could foresee the day of your death

would that make life any easier?

I don't think so.

Man on radio: Staggering $ million

pot of gold

at the end of the magic seven rainbow

here are last night's numbers:

, , , , , and .

Not one. She didn't get one right.

You did ask her for the numbers!

I'm weak, I admit it.

Okay, just out of curiosity

what did she say the numbers were?

You're not going to believe this.

These numbers are an exact match

to my ticket!

And once again the boundaries

of the known and the unknown

are seamlessly woven together

by one hanging anomaly:

We all lost.

Damn it.

Uh... here's her bill.

She only made three calls

while she was here.

Two to the station and
one to a boca raton number.

My battery's dead.

Can I use your phone?

Long distance, you pay for it.

Of course.

Up front.

I'm a cop, for crying out loud.

Yeah, well, you know,
it's my tax dollars at work.


There you go.

Yes, this is sergeant St.
John, palm beach P.D.

And I was wondering

is faith Carter a patient of yours?

She is.


She made a call to your office

a couple of days ago

could you tell me what it concerned?

Uh-huh, a prescription.

How do you know I'm a cop?

Well, I can...

Of course, I'm a cop.

Here, ask him.


Bailey, Bernard, bridge, Burnham, mm...

Collins, cross...

Oh, here we are, Carter.

It was phoned in from
a boca raton practice.

Uh, what was it for?

Liquid Diazepam.

Purchased yesterday.

Can I use your phone?

I need to call my partner.

Of course, but if it's long
distance you'll have to pay.

Faith: I never meant

to make a fool of you, Tom.

That was the last thing I meant to do.

And what exactly were you trying to do?

To prove that Pearson m*rder*d his wife.

By planting evidence and buying a witness?

Everything else I told you
up until then is % true.

In your psychic visions, right?

I knew you'd doubt me
if you knew I knew them.

You're right, we would.

After they started dating

he found out that Janet's parents had died

when she was a child

and that she was due to
inherit a large trust fund.

I began having horrible visions

of him k*lling her.

I tried to warn her

but she listened to him, not me.

Janet and I never spoke
to each other after that.

She was the best friend I ever had.


I'm very sorry about what happened.

But it doesn't make it better
by blaming it on somebody else.

You've got to believe me

when I tell you that he k*lled her.

I'd like to, faith

but you yourself told me

not to believe something
just because I want to.

He hired a call girl to
come back to his house.


Because he needed to get caught.

He needed a motive for Janet's

supposed su1c1de.

Janet would never have k*lled herself.

She was a survivor.

The district attorney's
office has told our department

not to even think about pressing
charges against Michael Pearson.

Faith, go back to boca raton
and try to get on with your life.

Pearson: Well, well.

If it isn't our notorious psychic.

I take it you haven't come here

to repay your respects to Janet.

Have you come here, faith,
to plant more false evidence?

I know you k*lled her, Michael.

I knew you were going to

the day you set eyes on her.

You always did have a
vivid imagination, faith.

You wore her down

until she was defenseless.

Did you think she'd k*ll herself?

Or did you know you'd have to

to get her money?

My wife committed su1c1de.

I had nothing to do with it.

You k*lled her long
before the day she died.

You're crazy.

You're the one who's insane!

A sane human being

couldn't cold-bloodedly

plan the death of another person.

A person who truly loved them.

You know what I figured out, Michael?

You k*lled her

five years from the day you first met her.

What was that, some kind of sick
anniversary present to yourself?

Yes, I'd like to report an intruder

on my property.

No, I don't think that
she's armed or dangerous.

Great, thanks.

You don't know when to stop, do you?

Look, I told you

I saw the place where he hid the syringe.

It was in a cluster of tall trees.

I had to go back and try and find it.

Do you see this?

This is the palm beach police department's

report on Janet Pearson's death.

This is the file...

Where we keep the closed cases.

You harass Pearson again, you go to jail.

I'm surprised he hasn't
dropped one on you already.

Go home, faith, for your own good.

Cassy: She believes

what she sees

is real, you know that?

You really think she's a wacko, cass?

I think I'm in no mood

to make that kind of informed judgment.

Uh-uh. Shh, shh, shh!

What are you doing here?

I followed you from the motel.

Just, just... come with me.

Come on, come on!

Pearson: Hold it right there!

I said don't move!

Pearson: Throw the g*n on the ground.

Get on your knees.

Kneel down!

Pearson: You just had

to do it, faith, didn't you?

You just couldn't leave well enough alone.

You had to keep scratching

and scratching until you
opened up all of the old wounds.

Now, the only question that remains

is which one of you is going to die first?

Little miss know-it-all?

Or Mr. Dumb-ass cop

who followed her here.

I think...

I think it should be
little miss know-it-all

after all, you are
responsible for this mess

that we're in!

You're not going to get away with this.

What are you saying?

Are you saying you have the power

to see into the future, too?

Huh, detective, huh?

Course not.

He's just the dumb-ass cop

who followed her, remember?

How did you know?

I think she had a vision.

Yeah, sort of. I called
and you weren't there.

I put two and two together.

Or should I say, one and one?

No, two and two sounds good.

Thanks, cass.


Why didn't you tell him?

Because he's too much of a believer.

And I'm too little.

I want to thank you guys

for not throwing me into jail earlier.

I'll see you around, okay?

Hey, can I ask you something?

Go right ahead.

Why'd you call in the middle of the night?

I had a dream.

A dream.

I dreamt you were in danger
somewhere around here.


That's it?

It's probably just a coincidence.

Cop instinct, something.

I don't know.

At least you came.

After what happened the last time

I had a dream

I didn't want to take any chances.

Well, I'm glad.

Let's go home!

Great idea.

Crank tunes.

Radio announcer: So
for all you gambling dans

sh**ting for the magic seven jackpot

now standing at a cool $ million

here's tonight's lucky numbers:
, , , , , and .

No, this can't be true.

Oh, that's so cruel.

Both: Those were our numbers!
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