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02x22 - The Song of Orpheus

Posted: 10/06/23 16:48
by bunniefuu
[music continues]

[music continues]

[instrumental music]

- 'It was great.' - 'Uh, utterly rad.'

- 'Oh, Spenser.' - 'I know, I know.'

- I agreed to come. - Don't you like it?

(Spenser) 'Well, the music is sublime'

'the champagne doesn't have plastic corks and..'

'...well, I believe in raising money for charity.'

(Rita) 'So why do you look so much like a man'

'in search of an exit sign?'

Is it really that bad? I mean, if it is we can leave.

No, no, no, I mean, after all, I-I'm here with you.

- Oh, that's so sweet. - Hm.

You should remember, stuffy or not

'it's an honor to be here at all.'

I mean, this is one of the social happenings

of the season!

I think I got my invitations 'cause, uh

word's out that I'm one of the hot new DA's.

You got your invitation because your mother's

on the board of directors.

I did not.

It's because of my future celebrity in law enforcement.

- Okay, what is it? - What's what?


- The case you're workin' on. - Oh!

It's just a little something, um

I really can't tell you about it.

I can't stand not telling me about it.

Alright, but just a little bit.

Just that I'm gonna bring down Jake Williams.

Oh, wonderful.

Another episode of Rita Fiore, mob buster.

Nope, this one is more like

"All The President's Men."

I've got an informant, like Deep Throat.

He's well placed inside the mob.

We meet in deserted buildings, it's all very exciting.

If it's got anything to do with Jake Williams

it's also very dangerous, I think you should

take what you got and disengage yourself from this guy.

No way, his information is too good.

Besides, we've only got one more meet.

He's gonna give me written proof.

All of Jake Williams books on his drug operations.

Well, at least be careful.

Oh, yes, sir.

Come on now, why are we talking about my work

when here we are amongst the most exclusive people in Boston.

We are one of the few super elite who've made it.

This is definitely not a place for any Tom, d*ck or--


Come on.

[indistinct chatter]

Spenser and Lady Di.

Mr. Hawk, the culture vulture.

Fancy meetin' you here. Hello.

Meet the one and only Stephanie.

- How do you do? - Hello.

See, I had this engraved invitation

so I had to show.

How'd you get an invitation?


So, uh, have you guys seen everything their auctioning?

There's even a Rolls Royce.

If it's black I'll buy it.

He's just full of jokes tonight, isn't he?

[chuckling] He's not jokin'.

So, you wanna join us for dinner?

Negative, I've gotta meet a man at midnight

it's the day of pay.

Well, look, if you're not going to the poetry reading

at the museum tomorrow, or the ballet

I got some tickets for the Celtics.

It can be arranged.

Will call window at game time.

Ooh, there's Judge O'Hara, come on, Spenser.

- I want you to meet him. - Okay.

Listen, if you don't go for the Rolls, there's a great Monet

it'll look wonderful over your mantelpiece.

Sticker's a million and a half on that on, babe.

Sell the yacht.

Thought you said you was hungry.

Lose my appetite when things bother me.


- What's your problem? - This.

I've worked for Jake Williams many times

and I have never been paid in a diner.

Since when does it matter where you get your dough?

That's probably what's buggin' you anyway, right?

Five Gs, it's all yours, amigo.

[intense music]

Go on, man.

I don't think so.

I don't think so either.

Out the back, Soul Boy, nice and quiet.


Get his car off the street.

White Beemer, bring it around the back.

[dramatic music]

Turn off the damn lights!


[g*n fires]

[dramatic music]

Have a nice swim, Soul Boy.

Sonny, Sonny, you didn't say nothin' about killin' somebody.

You didn't see anything, Billy, understand?

- Yeah, but, you told me-- - No buts, Billy.

You just do what you're being paid for.

You take the guy's car and lose it.

And lose it good.

'So it won't be found. Got it?'

Yeah, sure, Sonny, sure.

Okay? Take off.

You trust that weasel?

He's my cousin and he's getting paid bucks.

He'll do what he's told.

[intense music]

Let's get outta here.

(Spenser) Hawk never showed for the game on Saturday.

And I couldn't reach him on Sunday or Monday.

On Tuesday, he skipped our regular workout.

My curiosity was slowly turning to a sense of anxiety.

I needed to find him.

If for nothing else than to silence my own fears.

Anybody else asking about him?

- Not that I recall. - Nobody, not even a phone call?

Well, he got a couple of messages from Archie Greco.

- Archie Greco, the bookie? - Yeah, you know him?

The last one he said was urgent.

Thanks, Jock.


[horns honking]

[horn honking]

- Hey, Arch. - Spenser.

[chuckling] How are you?

- You got a minute? - Sure.

Uh, what do you need? I got you covered.

Uh, ponies, round ball, hockey, college games--

I'm not lookin' to lay a bet, I'm lookin' for Hawk.

Yeah, so am I.

Yeah, I hear it's urgent.

Well, I got money for him, from the fights

bucks he won.

- Yeah, that's urgent? - Hell yes.

It's screwing up my accounts.

I've been, uh, carrying it around for a week

now it's the end of the month.

Nothing balances until I pay him.

I tell you, Spenser, it's not like the old days

you used to keep everything in a match book

cocktail napkins, you know..

Now, I got financial planning programs on a computer.

Gives me back pie graphs, flow charts--

Yeah, it's all being a sl*ve to high technology, huh?

If you see him tell him I'm lookin' for him.


[dramatic music]

[g*n fires]


[g*n fires]

[horn blaring]

Arch! Arch, you alright?

Yeah, I'll be down to see ya. Alright?

- Easy. - Watch it there, guys.

Watch it, watch it.

Even bookies got enemies, Spenser.

Yeah, what makes you so sure they were after you?

Archie Greco's been making book in this town for years.

He hasn't so much as had a, had a heated exchange

with anyone, everybody knows he's harmless.

Okay, so who was gunnin' for you?

- Yeah, this time. - I don't know.

I'm not even workin' on a case.

So what're you doing?

Lookin' for Hawk.

Why don't you try Gucci's?

In your lookin' for Hawk

did you have anything to do with this?

I don't know, he's been gone for four days.

His car is not in the garage and the attendant said

he didn't take a bag.

Oh, no, Lieutenant Hawk going without a change of clothes

I think we got a major case here.

Hey, can the one liners.

Come on, Spenser, we got a sh**t' here

and all you can talk about is your buddy's disappearing act.

That's enough, Frank. But he's right.

We're just getting into Greco's sh**ting.

If we get into any kind of a connection with Hawk

we'll get into that too.

How about puttin' his car on the wire?

You got it.

Hey, uh, lighten up, will you, Spenser?

Hawk's a big guy, he can take care of himself.

Why don't you lighten up?

(man on speaker) 'Cell block Delta, clear to the exercise yard.'


You got a problem, Flaherty?

I work the station.

Guy with your juice I should've known.

Let me see your pass.

It's just a local call.

You got three minutes.

It's me. How'd it go with Hawk?

Beautiful. Beautiful.

What about the woman?

Yeah? You see, I told you she'd go for the supermarket thing.

When's the meeting?

What do you mean you missed Spenser?

You get this straight.

I controlled half this city

before that DA and Spenser put me in here.

And they're gonna pay.

Just like Hawk did for turning on me.

No more misses.

Get it done.

(Rita) 'My source tells me how Jake Williams is getting around.'

'Using banks, supermarkets'

owned by, you'll never guess.

Jake Williams.


Spenser, where are you today?

Something's happened to Hawk.

Well, how do you know, I mean..

Maybe he's away on business, you know the life he leads.

Yeah, I do know.

[telephone ringing]


Yeah, Marty.


I'll be down, first thing in the morning.


They found his car.

Uh, the, uh..

They've got a, uh, man, a-a witness.

Hawk's dead.

[instrumental music]

(Frank) The guy we got is just a wheel man.

- Loser named Billy Hanratty. - How'd you find him?

Over the wire about Hawk's car.

Hanratty drives the car down to Springfield

tries to unload it on a used car dealer for , bucks.

The dealer gets suspicious, calls in the local cops..

...they catch Hanratty while he's trying to make the deal.

Questioning just started

I thought you'd wanna hear some of it.

- Thanks. Yeah. - Sorry about Hawk.

We'll hear it again, Billy.

- From where? - All of it.

The minute you got involved, Billy.

Yeah, okay.

I was in Dugan's, and I was havin' a beer..

- When? - Uh, last Thursday.

And Sonny, Sonny Lucovick, he's my cousin, see

he asked me if I wanted a job, five bills for some drivin'.

You know what Sonny does and who he works for, don't you?

Yeah, hell, yeah, everybody knows

that Sonny's the main guy for Jake Williams.

Go on, you're just drivin' the car, right?

(Billy) 'Yeah, it's like I said, you know how I met them.'

- Where? - Well, there was Sonny and--

- Where? - It was at t-the Wharfside.

On Friday night, they were gonna meet that black guy.

Look, I didn't know it was gonna be a hit.

Sonny and the other guy--

Now you're just drivin' the car, right?

- Yeah, I was just drivin'-- - Is that what you..

- Is that right? - Come on, come on.

- Alright, alright. - Come on, Spenser. Come on.

It's okay, it's alright. Go on.

The black guy.

Like I said, you know..

They shot him out back, on the pier.

What'd they do with the body?

The guy was just blown into the water--

How do you know he was dead?

Because I was feet away, I..

I seen a guy get shot before.

They put at least three in him, he's dead alright.

- Let me remember your name.. - Sonny was a front man..

[indistinct yelling]

You think I'd come in here and tell you how

he blew somebody away for a joke?

My life ain't worth shit unless you guys protect me, you gotta--

He was tellin' the truth, Spenser, I could see that.

Plus we got this.

Divers just brought it up, an hour ago.

Under a pier.

[instrumental music]

(Spenser) To me, March had always been the cruelest month

cold, damp, bitter.

Even in childhood I never liked its coming.

And over the years I never got over the sense of dread

when February was gone.

Hawk died three days ago.

I knew it.

The g*n they recovered was his.

And the little guy who saw him k*lled

was too frightened to lie.

And it was March. Hawk was dead.

I tried to deny it.

Hawk was invulnerable.

He was too good at what he did, too precise to be fooled

too wise to be conned, too quick to be caught.

In my head Hawk would never die.

But in my heart it was March.

And Hawk was dead.

There was nothing I could do about it.

Except to make sure I backed him up this one last time.

[instrumental music]

[music continues]

Looking for his other g*n?

The ., yeah.

Don't worry, I took it home with me.

- As soon as I heard. - What did you hear?

Everybody's talkin' about Hawk goin' down.

Nobody knows who or why.

'Okay if I keep the g*n?'

There's no reason anyone should start

runnin' a ballistics number on the man now.

How you feelin', Spenser?

[sighs] Like I lost a friend.

Yeah, me too.

I just can't believe it.

Maybe he ain't dead, you know.



Find a place for that?

There gonna be a funeral?


I had to wait for Alice when she died.

It was back in the days when I was secondin' Hawk.

He'd never met Alice.

But he came.

He took one look at my apartment..

There was a window broken, it was cold.

He said, "You should've told me."

'First of the month I found an envelope'

'with bucks in my mailbox.'

Been one there ever since.

That's the kinda man Hawk was.

See you around, Spenser.

Yeah, Jock.

Hey, Jock.

- You gonna be alright? - Sure.

You take care of yourself.

Don't worry about nothin'.

You know what I mean.

Hawk wouldn't want you to worry.

[clears throat] Yeah.

[indistinct chatter]

[instrumental music]

Hey, Spenser, we found Sonny Lucovick, hop in.

[engine revving]

[sighs] Yeah, that's Sonny.

(Billy) 'He's one of the one's who pulled the trigger on Hawk.'

One shot to the chest.

- Wasn't clean? - What does that mean?

There was a struggle.

Bruises on the face..

...abrasions on the hands.

Found a . over there, but it hadn't been discharged.

Looks like he finally got his, huh?

He's a big time hitter for Jake Williams.

'Look at him now.'

'Probably got hit by one of his own.'

Maybe, haven't found the m*rder w*apon yet.

Small caliber.

I'll know after ballistics.

Guy was shot real close.

After a struggle.

You own a lot of g*ns, don't you, Spenser?

Yeah, I own a lot of g*ns.

Some of them are small caliber.

But when I'm done with 'em I throw 'em in the drink.

I was just wondering if this might be

some of you handiwork, hot shot.

Hey, hey, you are way out of like there, Eddie.

- Am I? - Yeah.

Everybody knows how Spenser here was busted up

'over his pal Hawk, maybe he gets to Sonny first'

before we do to settle the score.

That really sounds like Spenser's style

you know, go sh**t somebody on the street.

Right, didn't have much style when he was a cop.

'The way I remember it he didn't go much'

'for rules or regulations either.'

You better watch your lips, Dunleavy

or they're gonna get bruised.

You wanna work me over, Spenser?

Wouldn't even be a workout.

Yeah, what's the matter, am I hitting to close to home?

Now that's enough, Dunleavy.

You just tell the medical examiner

to have that autopsy ready by :.

Got it?

(Spenser) Boston mob bosses were a breed apart

and Jake Williams was no exception.

He liked opera, he loved Italian food

and his mistress was from the old country.

How he ever got the name Williams was beyond me.

His father's name was Garcia.

And he spoke Spanish like a bull fighter.

His identity crises didn't make him any less deadly though.

I bet you had the, uh, low-cal pasta, huh?

I'll get rid of him, Mr. Williams.


Hold it, hold it.


I pay you to use your head not your hands

that's why I have the other two gentlemen around.

He had the quiche, right?

What do you want, Spenser?

A good enough reason to believe

that the contract on Hawk wasn't yours.

How about this? I don't k*ll people I like.

- Did you like Sonny Lucovick? - What about Sonny?

Cops found him on the wharf, dead.


I'll look into it, Mr. Williams.

Cops also have a witness

who says it was Sonny who shot Hawk.

And Sonny worked for you.

And now he can't tell the cops anything.

- Real convenient. - That's also beside the point.

As a matter of fact, I didn't like Sonny a whole lot

but I didn't have him k*lled.

And I don't know who did.

You know, for a smart guy you don't know much.

You run one of the biggest booking operations in Boston

control half the drug trade on the East side

and you don't know who's taking out your own men.

If I were you, that would make me very nervous.

Who are you workin' for?

I'm just workin'.

I'm gonna get the guy who had Hawk k*lled.

Spenser, Hawk stopped workin' for me a couple of years ago.

But I liked him, because I could trust him.

His word meant something.

Damn few people like that in my business.

In any business.

I wanna know who k*lled him.

You need any help you call me.

(Spenser) 'I don't care what Williams told me'

there's gotta be a connection with Hawk

and your investigation.

Now Williams is a low profile guy

and his name just keeps popping up?

What did your informant tell you?

Forget it, Spenser.

You already told me about the supermarket.

Look, Spenser, I'm trying to find out if this guy's

gonna hold up on the witness stand.

He's scared, he's a bookkeeper.

And you're going interviewing with your

Junior G-Man tape recorder?


Do you know what you're dealing with here?

Look, if I don't go alone, they won't show.

They've already k*lled Hawk.

I know how you feel about that, and I'm sorry.

But I'm not investigation Hawk's death.

Well, maybe you should be.

Well, if I get the assignment I will.

But right now all I've got is this one guy

who's gonna help me bring down Jake Williams.

And I know it's dangerous, and I'll be careful.

But I'm going alone.

[instrumental music]

(Spenser) I understand a woman wanting to be Bob Woodward.

I certainly understand her wanting to nail a heavy hitter

like Jake Williams, who pays his bills

by selling crack to high school kids.

What I didn't understand was a guy who works for a gangster

but who volunteers to turn state's evidence

for no reason.

[music continues]

(Latta) 'Stop there.'

'Don't come any closer.'

I wanna thank you for meeting me.

I spoke to my boss, and if your information checks out

and if you testify in court against Jake Williams

we'll get you into the witness protection program.

As long as you're straight with me

about the crimes you've committed.

How do you feel about m*rder?

(Spenser) 'About like I do.'

[g*n fires]

[intense music]

[music continues]

- What happened? - I lost him.

Let's go, he could still be in here. You okay?

Until my heart stops racing.

- Spenser, I was wrong to-- - Never mind.

Guess I thought I could play Ace investigator.

- It was dumb of me. - Dumb?

I would've been k*lled if you'd stayed out of it

like I asked you to.

Told you, I needed to hear what

your sources had to say about Williams

whether you wanted me to or not.

- Why would he want to k*ll me? - I don't know.

But I'm gonna find out, that's the same guy

who tried to hit me.

That's the guy.

Well, we ran this sketch by the boys in records

and they don't have anything in their file

to match the face.

Williams must've brought in an out of towner.

Who said anything about Williams?

Come on, Spenser, haven't you been paying any attention

to what we're talkin' about here?

Rita was investigating Williams drug business

an attempt was made on her life.

The same man shot at you as soon as you started

looking into Hawk's k*lling.

Which was pulled off by a couple of Williams' boys.

You know what your trouble is, Spenser, you can't stand it

when a case is just too easy, can you?

That's right, Frank. It's too easy.

Someone just dumps information

on Williams' organization on Rita's desk?

Hey, wait a minute! I've been workin--

When was the last time somebody walked in your office

with a case like that?

'I went to see Williams.'

There's no bad blood from me or Hawk.

And he was surprised, genuinely surprised

when I told him Sonny was dead.

Somebody is going through a lot of trouble to make this

look like it's Jake Williams' business.

Could be.

Frank, why don't you run an FBI check on that composite?

- 'See what you can find, huh?' - Alright.

I'll have Billy Hanratty take a look at this sketch too.

Yeah. Do that.

Come on. Gotta find a place for you to be safe.

- Spenser, hey, hi. - Hi, Millie.

- I'm Rita. Mm-hm. - You're Rita, right?

Nice to meet you.

You said somebody tried to k*ll her?

Did you get a make on the creep? Any prints?

That's Millie. Best cop on the beat, always on the job.

It's really sweet of you to let me stay here.

I hope I'm not too much of an imposition.

Oh, no. No, not at all.

Actually, uh, I could use a little adult company.

I've got my sister's kid here for the night.



Kind of an active kid.

- Hey, Rodney. - Hi, Rodney.

Can you shake hands?


Oh, what on Earth?

Rodney, did you slime her?

Rodney, I told you..

- Ah! - Rodney!

No! Rodney, come on!

Listen, Rodney..

Spenser, wouldn't I be safer at home?

Uh, no, you'll be fine here, I'm sure.

Oh, wa-wa-wait a minute, are you coming back tomorrow?

Yeah, I'll-I'll pick you up in the morning.

- Early? - Look..

The kid will be, uh, asleep by :.

- I'm sure it'll be fine. - Promise me.

- Uh, I gotta go. - You promise me.

- 'Bye!' - Oh!

- Thank you, uh.. - Can I get you anything?

- No, I-I'm fine. - You gotta have something.

Believe me, you're gonna need your strength.

I've kept this kid before.

(Rita) No, please, don't bother.

I'm sure I'll be okay.

- I love children. - Ahh!

[Rita screams]

- 'Rodney!' - 'Please stop!'

[instrumental music]

(Spenser) Jake Williams had offered to help me find Hawk's k*ller.

He agreed to meet me at Cimoli's

which meant I had a little time to release my anger.

Or frustration. I wasn't sure which.

I only knew that it would be a long time

before I would forget what Hawk and I had shared together

these past ten years.

Here where men fought, and out on the street

they'd become a bond borne in combat.

A closeness that was based on action, not words.

Here, Hawk would be alive for years more to come.

Place is a mess.

So is your organization.

What are you talkin' about?

Did you find out who knocked off your boy, Sonny, yet?

No. But I will.

There is something you should know.

You're lookin' out for me now, Spenser?

Somebody's settin' you up, Jake. Real big.

Fingers are pointing at you for Hawk and Sonny now.

They can't prove a connection to me for those murders.

Yeah, maybe not.

But somebody who knows how you do business

is spillin' his guts to an assistant DA named Fiore.

This guy tried to k*ll her this morning.

'Tried to k*ll me too.'

Never seen him before.

You guys?

Nothing to me.

(Jake) You sure about this leak?

Large cash deposits

from local neighborhood markets.

Does that mean anything to you?

The DA's auditors are already sharpening their pencils.

But I don't even know this guy.

Somebody close to you does.

Maybe it's time for a little spring cleanin', huh?


What the hell are you doing here?

What if you were seen?

Listen, we got a problem.

Spenser just blew the whole thing to Williams.

That's precisely why I wanted Spenser dealt with upfront.

Maybe we ought to cool out for a while. Sonny's--

I got less than two weeks in here.

And I want things finished up nice and neat

by the time I'm out.

But with Spenser working with Williams--

All I hear is excuses, Bendix.

You were very quick to take my money.

Jump over to my side. If you're going..'re going to be

second-man in my organization

you should understand how to take care

of these things and how to get results.

Yeah. I understand, Mr. Flaherty.

When I came in here, Williams moved in on my territory.

Before I get out, I want him out of the way

and I want the three people

who put me in here..



[intense music]

(Spenser) It wasn't among Boston's better hotels

but the turnover rate was good.

Most of their clientele didn't keep a room

for more than an hour, much less two days.

So, the manager became suspicious

of a Do-Not-Disturb sign that never came down.

This your sh**t?

How long has he been there?

At least eight hours.

Looks like Williams took your advice

about house cleanin', eh, Spenser?

Except, he hadn't seen that guy's picture

until three hours ago.

(Dunleavy) 'Maybe Williams lied to you.'

Maybe you're lying to us.

Wonder where you were eight hours ago.

- Don't start it up, Eddie. - Come on, Marty.

What makes Spenser the chosen one?

'I say he's a good suspect.'

'If you weren't such good buddies--'

Hey, you want a piece of me? Huh?

You open your mouth, you better have proof.

Spenser, get out of here. Go on, Frank, with him.

Come on, come on. Come on, Spenser. Jeez.

See how he is, lieutenant?

You do your job and keep your mouth shut.

Can we get a couple of draughts down here, please?

Ought to cool you down, Spenser.

You know, Dunleavy's a jerk. Everybody knows that.

You don't go around hassling an officer while he's on duty.

I know, I know, I know.

Besides...he's got a point.

What are you talking about, Frank?

- You are a good suspect. - Come on.

Wha.. You got the motive.

You got the know-how.

I'm just hoping you haven't got a ..

Sonny was shot with a .?

Yeah. Latta was too.

We confirmed it right before you arrived.

You know, Spenser, the captain is all over

Marty's tail about you.

'Dunleavy went over his head to the captain'

'and he-he told him how you gettin' away'

with murders so easily.

Captain grilled Marty for minutes.

Wanted to make sure that your friendship

wasn't gettin' in the way.

Marty stood up for you.

I wanna make sure that he wasn't wrong.

He's not.

Look, Spenser..

This is my badge.

I'm puttin' it on the table.

Now, I'm asking you as a friend

not as a cop.

'I gotta know.'

Did you do those guys?

No. I didn't. And I don't own a ..

Alright. Alright.

Alright, the book is closed on this one.

I'm gonna make sure it stays closed.

- Cheers. - Happy days.

[engine rumbling]

[knock on door]

Hey, Jock, how you doin'?

(Jock) Okay.

Henry tells me you called in sick from the gym.

Yeah, yeah, I was feelin' lousy this morning

but I'm okay now.

- You feelin' okay? - Uh-huh.

Yeah? Well, I just wanted to check.

- Yeah. - Actually..

I was, uh, thinkin' about what you said

you know, about the money and..

...Hawk not bein' around and so..

Look, uh, I'd like to help you out.

You don't have to do anything like that?

No, I want to, Jock, you know

you were so good to us when we were coming--

No. Please. Come on, Spense--

Take the money. Take the money!

I don't need it!

You don't need it because you already got it, right?

Where is he?

(Hawk) 'Take the money, Jock.'

You earned it.

[intense music]

[instrumental music]

I'm sure glad I didn't waste my money

on a wreath and a memorial service.

That's a hell of a greeting for someone

coming back from the dead.

You could've gotten in touch, you know.

Gives a man an edge, being dead.

An edge for what?

What he's gotta do..

How'd you find me?

Couple of things.

Jock here is not a bad actor

but I ever could figure out

why I needed your . to keep the locker room clean.

- Sorry, Hawk, - It's alright.

You see, Spenser here be real tenacious

when it comes to diggin' out the truth.

How you feelin'?

Like a calendar. How do I look?

Better than Sonny Lucovick.

Funny thing, Sonny's partner gets k*lled too

holed up in a cheap hotel room.

Maybe Williams is cleaning out his house.

'Maybe somebody's selling a grudge.'

Could be.

Gotta have a real doctor look at that.

Book's not closed yet. I gotta talk to Jake Williams.

What makes you think Williams is behind this?

He hired me.

Not according to Jake.

You talked to him personally?

No, but his little puppy, Bendix

was the one that set it all up.



[instrumental music]

(Spenser) 'That's Bendix.'

No bodyguards.

Man's got a secret.

[engine revving]

[indistinct chatter on PA]

(man on PA) 'Door is closing.'

[music continues]

(Spenser) You don't suppose he's turnin' himself in?

(Hawk) Yeah, maybe not. But it is visitin' hours.

Latta's dead.

Somebody found him in his hotel room.

Your batting average is getting worse.

- Mr. Flaherty-- - Shut up!

Now listen to me..

[intense music]

'Yesterday, somebody knocked off Sonny Lucovick.'

'Today, they found Latta.'

(Hawk) 'Tommy Flaherty, runnin' the whole show from behind a wall.'

(Spenser) 'Hit the people who put him away and blame'

'the guy who took over his rackets, very neat.'

(Hawk) 'That's old Tommy, runnin' me'

'runnin' Lady Di'

'who you suppose that leaves on Flaherty's dance card?'

(Spenser) 'Yeah, well, he's already tryin'.'

'Okay. You're dead.'

'I made sure Rita is in a safe place.'

'Now, we'll let Mr. Bendix finish me off.'

This is Spenser.

Uh, we got a message for your boss.

Why didn't you call Western Union?

Because I want you to get the credit, Bendix.

Tell Jake I know who's setting him up.

You what?

If he's interested..

...I'll be in Cimoli's gym after it closes.

And to show his appreciation he, uh

might bring along a few Benjamin Franklins.

[intense music]


[music continues]

(Bendix) 'You're getting sloppy, Spenser.'

'You little out of step'

because you don't have Hawk at your back?

Got your back, don't move.





It was Flaherty's idea, Hawk.

I swear.

He was the one who contacted me.

[cocks g*n]

You don't want this guy dead.

Yeah. I guess Jake can be real understanding, huh?

(Spenser) 'If Jake kills Bendix..'

'...there won't be anybody to testify against Flaherty'

when he gets out of prison.

Flaherty could walk away.

Hmm. Maybe.


[door creaking]

[intense music]

Got a message...from Hawk.

[music continues]

(Hawk) Man sure takes his deposition seriously.

We wasted more than three hours in there.

(Rita) Not all a waste. You're still a free man.

He believed you.

(Spenser) But I'm no longer under suspicion, right?

(Frank) Never got it from me. Hawk and I gotta talk to him, right?

- I'll be around. - Yeah, I bet you will. Forever.

Three b*ll*ts, a swim in ice water, you're still perfect.

Not a hair outta place, huh, Sergeant Frank?

[chuckles] Hey, old copper here has got a sense of humor, huh?

(Hawk) I never joke with white folks.

Rita, can we give you a lift?

Oh, yeah, thanks, Marty.

I'll catch up with you in a minute.

Hawk, I just want to say that I'm..

Well, I'm glad you're alright.

Don't tell nobody.

- I'll see you around. - Soon I hope.

I missed you, you know.

When I thought you were gone.

Did you now?

Yeah, they broke them all when, uh, they got done with you.

Uh-huh, you're not exactly every man yourself, babe.

It'd be interesting how it go between you and me, huh?

Livin' these distinct worlds.

Yeah, we crossed the line a long time ago, didn't we?

I think about it a lot.

How many people I know and care about..

...and yet how few I can go upfront.

Happy New Year.

(Spenser) Friendship...Hawk would never speak of it.

Was it because he sensed that words might somehow

lessen the respect that flowed between us.

Or was his mind on a more profound truth?

The knowledge that as close as we were

each man's personal journey through life

is a solitary one.

As Conrad said

"We live as we dream.


[theme music]