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02x20 - If You Knew Sammy

Posted: 10/06/23 16:47
by bunniefuu
[music continues]

[music continues]

[instrumental music]

[music continues]

(Spenser) Larry Sills was an old-fashioned bookseller.

He was well read, knew all his customers

and he knew what they liked.

I always got a good feeling when I went into his store.

Having a clown like Sammy Backlin

in Larry's just felt wrong.

There are some guys who get a great big thrill

out of carrying around g*ns and pointing them at people.

Those are the guys who never had someone sh**t back.

- What's your name, babe? - Hi, Anne.

Okay, Annie.

(Anne) 'There's an E, okay..'

How do you like this guy, Spenser?

A real vigilante hero.

(female #) Weren't you afraid when those monsters

ambushed you on the street

and pulled out their knives and chains?

Of course I was, but you can't let fear rule you.

Or the city will belong to anyone who can intimidate ya.

- Yeah. - Pay for these upfront.

Put these on my tab, would you?

Solved three murders in Florida, spent months in jail

and now he's out with a bestseller.

Don't you run a classic book store?

I run a profitable book store.

Look at all these people he brings in.

And they're all gonna buy books.

"What profiteth a man to gain the world

that he must lose his soul."

It profiteth him enough to pay his electric bill.

[indistinct chatter]


What makes you any better than the scum who tried to mug ya?

Well, for one thing, I'm still breathing.


[intense music]



[woman screams]





[both grunting]

[woman screams]





[music continues]

Larry, you alright? We'll get some help, alright.

Guess it don't profiteth so well after all, huh?

I'll get some help, huh? Call an ambulance somebody.

Good work, friend, if there were more guys like us

crime would grind to a halt.

Grind to a what?



[intense music]

(Spenser) I used to think that the most dangerous thing in the world

was an idiot with a loaded g*n.

Now, I knew better.

It's an idiot with a loaded g*n and a press agent.

You're so popular.

I always try to get stabbed

when I start losing chess with my friend.


Oh, no!

Oh, is that Sammy Backlin's book?

Oh, he's so neat!

But he's not as popular as me.


- 'Come on, everybody.' - 'Alright, Sammy--'

(female #) Oh, my God! It's you!

Come on, everybody. Let's see him!

[indistinct chatter]

- Come on in! - What is all..

- Hey, get out of here! - Mr. Spenser!

Oi, come on. This is a private room.

Go on, get out of here.

He's got my book.

My friend, Spenser, is like me.

A tireless champion of peace and harmony.

A man willing to spill his own blood

'to make the world a safer place.'

Get outta here!

I am presenting to Mr. Spenser

as a token of my esteem

and as a retainer for his services

as my personal bodyguard

Five hundred dollars!

Thank you, Mr. Spenser, for doing your duty as a citizen.

Would you like a quick trip to intensive care?

Okay, you're mad about the cameras.

I'm mad about the cameras! Get 'em outta here.

But I really need your help, someone's trying to k*ll me.

That someone's gonna be me if you don't get 'em outta here.

He's overcome.

(male reporter) 'We'd be grateful when Mr. Backlin'

'is able to return fire..'

[instrumental music]

(Spenser) I spent hours in the hospital

letting my wounded flesh heal

before I went to find out who wounded it.

The guy who I wanted to see was Marty Quirk.

Now, if Marty were an accountant or a lawyer

I'd go to his office.

But Marty is a homicide detective

who does his job at some pretty weird places.

Like today, I ran him down at the scene of a car bombing.

Hey, Spenser! Hey, you want a bite of this thing? Look at th--

No lunch, I'm driving. Marty inside?

- Uh, yea, yeah. He's inside. - Thanks.

- Thank you. - Welcome.

What are you doin' here?

Oh, just honing my skills, as a private investigator

I thought the best place to start would be with you.

You came at the wrong time.

Yeah, one lousy car b*mb can spoil your whole day.

So can an ex-con who writes books.

'This guy that blew up Sammy Backlin's car'

could've been the same guy that took a shot at him.

- That's Backlin's car? - Yeah.

Cab driver backed into it, set off a b*mb

that was planted inside.

- Anybody hurt? - Just the insurance company.

- Where's Backlin? - Oh, he ran out.

Went through the kitchen, just after the expl*si*n.

He left his publicist over there at that table.


I don't see why we can't postpone his appearance

until tomorrow.

If he's a hero today, he'll be a hero tomorrow.

What? Who cares about a -year old pianist?

Alright, pianist. Sammy is happening.

'Fine. Just don't call us.'

When the alternate bellies up during the second commercial

we'll be on Boston Midday.

If you're with "The Globe," you're early.

If you're with "The Herald," you're late.

And if you're here for any reason at all

except to tell me where my client is

you're wasting your time.

My name is Spenser. With an 'S,' like the poet.

What poet?

Uh, I'm a private investigator.

Oh, yeah. The one who helped Sammy in the bookstore.

Your timing was better last time.

Sit down.

I'm Randy Lofficier, his publicist.

Hi, by the way

uh, pi-anist or pianist is correct.

I was hoping you could help me find him.

Take a number.

Three newspapers, two TV stations

a couple of weeklies and a law review all want the same thing.

Poor Sammy, he's outta jail three days

his book is just published

he's on his first press tour.

His life should be wonderful.

But they just won't leave him alone.

People take sh*ts at him, put bombs in his car

and for what, for making the mistake

of walking down a quiet Miami street.

And sh**ting three people.

Those three punks att*cked him with knives and chains.

It was a fiendish, unprovoked attack

on a peaceful citizen taking an evening stroll.

It's a good thing he had that . Magnum at the time.

Just like yesterday, I mean, what's an ex-con

carrying a g*n for, anyway?

- Hey, it's part of image now. - 'Oh, it's part of his image..'

Besides, Sammy doesn't care what the law says.

People should have the right to protect themselves.

That's what his new book is all about.

Grow up, Spenser. It's a tough world out there.

If I were him, I'd carry a bazooka.

You know, just because you got a bigger stick

doesn't mean you're right.

It just means you got a bigger stick.

[instrumental music]

[engine revving]

(Spenser) Sammy Backlin was the only lead I had on the would-be hitman.

And Randy Lofficier was the only lead

I had on Sammy Backlin.

So, I did what I do best.

I waited for something to happen.

I didn't have to wait long.

[instrumental music]

- Let's go! Get in! - Hey! What are you doing?

Pull up!

[tires screeching]

Cut it out!

[engine revving]

(Spenser) Now maybe that guy who shoved her into the taxi

just wanted to share a ride.

Or maybe he discovered he'd gotten off at the wrong place

or maybe...the tough talking publicist was in trouble.

Thought I'd tail along just to find out.

[music continues]

[music continues]

What are you doing?

Where are you taking me?

Oh, my God! Oh!


[Randy grunting]

What the hell do you want?

Where's Sammy Backlin?

I don't know!


[engine starts]

- Take her up. - Oh! Oh, my god!

- 'Where's Sammy Backlin?' - You kidnapped me.

(Randy) You dragged me half way across town

and you dumped me in a load of fish to ask me that?

Everybody is asking me that. Everybody!

And what I keep telling everybody

is I don't know! It's as simple as that.

You don't have to drop me in a load of fish to ask me that!

It's your choice, you tell me where Backlin is

or tonight you sleep with the fishes.

Spending a long evening with a bunch of dead carp

is not gonna teach me something I don't know.

[machine whirring]


You didn't mean sleep with the fishes.

You meant sleep with the fishes.

Listen, I don't know.

I'd tell you if I could.

I'm a publicist.

That's what I do, but I don't know.

I think you're gonna be shark bait.

[g*n cocks]

I don't think so.

[intense music]



Yeah, this stinks!

Know what those clowns said to me.

They said I'd sleep with the fishes.

Real people don't talk like that.

- Bad one's do. - The word is "felon," Spenser.

Fallon? Fallon, as in Duke Fallon?

Boss of the second-largest crime family in Boston.

Those two intellectual giants belong to him

I've seen 'em around before.

You mean these guys were for real.

They were gonna k*ll me.

Well, like you said, it's a tough world out there.

But what would those Fallon felons want with me?

Or with Sammy?

Well, you know, funny things happen

when you start playing with g*ns.

Maybe Sammy tickled his funny bone too hard.

Sammy said the entire underworld

would crawl out of the gutter

to silence him in his stand against crime.

I thought it was a good line.

I even put it in the press kit.

But I never thought it would actually happen.

Hey, they might be after him right now.

- What are we gonna do? - Well..

First thing I wanna do is find you

a safe place to take a bath with lots of bubbles

and cologne, and then, I'm gonna talk to Duke Fallon

and find out what the hell this is all about.

Spenser, how can I thank you?

Roll down the window.


[instrumental music]

[engine starts]

- You live here? - Yup, uh, right up there.

You are every publicist's dream.

You're strong, you're, you're silent

you're dashing, you rescue women from mob K*llers

you live in a neighborhood brimming

with photo opportunities.

A half-wit could get you on every cover from "People"

to "House Beautiful."

So, uh, do you live here alone?

Most of the time, yeah.

Where is she tonight?

She's at a town taking a deposition.


- Come on in. - 'Okay.'

[glass shatters]

What's wrong?

[intense music]


Take care of that, it belonged to my grandfather.

(male #) 'Ah!'

Not again.


[men grunting]

Sammy! What are you doin' here?


[instrumental music]


I feel so much better.

- Do you want some coffee? - No, thanks.

Yeah, black.

So, I figured that this would be the safest place to hide.

I waited in the dark for hours

and then I heard footsteps, and I saw shadows.

That's how it starts. Jumpin' at shadows.

Next thing you know, you'll be sh**ting people

for wearing clothes that are out of date.

- You'd be dead. - Whoa!

You never learn, do you?

So this is the duck everybody's been sh**t' at?

- 'That's him.' - I can see why.

- Who is this guy? - Protection.

He's gonna babysit you while I go see Fallon.


- You know Fallon? - He's a crook, right?

(Sammy) 'Oh, he's afraid of guys like me.'

Average guys who look fear in the face

and give it the Bronx cheer.

Average guys don't pick locks.

- I was lucky. - I have a very good lock.

- I was very lucky. - I don't have time for this.

I got a buddy who got shot, I got stitches in my gut

and the biggest crime lord in Boston after my hide.

Second biggest.

The second biggest.

What did you do to Duke Fallon?

Ask him. 'Cause I don't know.

I'm just an average guy.

- Who looks fear-- - Fear in the face.

I know. Would.. Keep an eye on him, would you?

My pleasure.

(Sammy) 'Hey, we're not gonna steal your silverware'

if that's what you're thinking.

Duke Fallon wants you dead.

Before the night's out, he's gonna find you.

Last two times he did that...bad things happened.

[instrumental music]

[g*n cocks]

Thank you, Gordon.

[knock on door]

There you are.

My, my, my.

The mob presents masterpiece theater.


...I was just reading from your namesake.

"But Fury was full ill appareled

in Rags, that naked nigh did she appear."

[chuckles] You know, "The Mask of Cupid"

was never my favorite part of "The Faerie Queene"

but I suppose even depressing poetry

is impressive from a gangster.

You're getting involved where you shouldn't, Spenser.

A friend of mine gets shot in his own bookstore

a lady gets dropped in pile of pollack

pardon the alliteration and I get cut.

Anyone of the above is enough to get me involved.

Forget your friend.

Forget the lady.

You're walkin' around alright.

'Walk away from this.'

I'm sorry, Duke. I can't.

I'm gonna make Sammy Backlin wish he never was born.

If you try to protect him, you're gonna be makin'

the same wish.

Is there a reason you dislike Sammy Backlin

or y-you just wake up on the wrong side of the bed

the morning you saw him on "Good Morning, America?"


Throw the comedian out.


[glass shatters]

I'm involved, Duke. I'm not gonna back off.

Suit yourself.

b*ll*ts are cheap.

You're wrong.

The b*llet that hurt Larry Sills

'is the most expensive item you ever bought.'

He should think about another line of work.

[instrumental music]

Lighten up, man. You're making the lady nervous.

I'm not nervous.

I'm just kidding.

[door opens]

- 'What happened?' - Wh-what did he say about me?

Been real quiet here.

- Won't be for long. - 'Followed?'

I'm in the phonebook.

This is crazy, we're..

We're nice people here.

Wh-why would anyone want to k*ll us?

Not us. Him.

(Randy) 'Why?'

Ask Sammy.

What you lookin' at me for?

I'm just an innocent champion of justice.

Justice? What do you know about justice?

You're just some yutz with a g*n and a big mouth

trying to make a buck.

'Just because you pulled the trigger'

faster than those three yahoos

doesn't make you the lone ranger.

Just means you got lucky, I've seen you sh**t.


Take a look around you, pal.

A lot of people are gettin' hurt because of you

doesn't that mean anything?

I'm going to the bathroom.

Spenser, you hurt Sammy's feelings.

If that's all he gets hurt tonight, I'm doin' a good job.

[door slams]

- Sammy, Spenser's sorry. - 'I'm not sorry.'

Sorry, he didn't bash his fool head in when he had the chance.

- Amen. - Sammy.

He didn't mean it. Open the door.

I meant every word of it.

[knock on door]

(Randy) 'Sammy!'

[knock on door]

Oh, great. That's just terrific!


[instrumental music]


Oh, my..


(Spenser) Hawk and Randy went looking for Backlin

while I dragged myself down to the hospital

to get my wound dressed and worry about my deductible.

Okay. You can put your shirt on.



It's for you.


- Yeah. - 'Found you a duck.'

- Has he seen ya? - He's too busy to notice.

Where did you find him?

It was Randy's idea. She's a bright girl.

I wish you many stimulating intellectual chats.

- Now, where is he? - You're not gonna believe this.


This may be the stupidest man ever born.


Sammy's not gonna be stopped by a bunch of thugs.

He's got a job to do and he's gonna do it.

[indistinct chatter]


- Let me check the street. - Okay.

- Okay. Uh-huh. - It's cool? Okay.


Spenser, my good friend. Why, I haven't seen you--

What the hell is going on?

Have you met Hugo, my new bodyguard?

- Hi. - What'd he look like, Hugo?

- Hawk! Long time. - Yeah.

- You know this guy? - Yeah.

Possibly the worst bodyguard in Boston.

You wanna let my friend go?

Now, how stupid are you? Don't answer that.

What the hell are you trying to do? Get yourself k*lled?

Hey, what do you want me to do, I'm not gonna

let some criminal scare me.

Why are you workin' for this clown?

His money's good.

We-we-we tried the airport, but it was crawling

with Fallon's thugs. So was his house.

So was the bus terminal.

And the train station.

He didn't know where else to go.

So, we came back here to sell some more books.

I realized I had to do my duty to America.

Even if it meant jeopardizing my own life.

America won't believe a hero story

if they realize the hero is a coward, isn't that it, Sammy?

Now that you've done your duty

it's time for some answers!

(male #) No, it's not.

It's for Sammy Backlin to come with us.

[dramatic music]

No. Forget him, forget him!

He's stealin' my car!

Don't point the g*n at me. Get, get my car!

[tires screeching]

Hur.. No. Forget-forget Backlin.

- Pick up the money. - Hey, damn the money!

- Get my car, man! - Forget him!

(male #) 'At least we've got these three.'

Worst bodyguard in Boston.

Possibly the entire East Coast.

[instrumental music]

Stop playing innocent, Spenser.

We're Federal agents.

If you cooperate, we'll go easy.

Otherwise, we can make your life very--

If I cooperate?

I've done nothing, but for the last four hours.

I've answered all your questions

I've clarified all your objections.

What else you want me to do?

Buy tickets to the G-man's ball?

You're in deep.

You're in so deep, it makes the Titanic

look like it sunk in a puddle.

Did you make that up? Or is he holding up cue cards again?

Watch your mouth.

No good. I saw your lips move.

You just don't understand how serious this is, do ya?

Is this where you mash out the cigarette

on the back of my hand?

Your comedy routine's gonna play real well.. the prison cafeteria.

Look, I'd like to hang around here all night

living every detective cliche I've ever seen

but my gut aches, my head hurts

my feet are falling asleep.

So, if you guys are gonna get tough

I think you should get tough.

You obstructed justice

and aided in the escape of a felony suspect.

The only thing I'm guilty of is being in the wrong place

at the wrong time.

And sometimes, I wear white socks with my dress suit.

Oh, you're Mr. Innocent, right?

You don't know anything about a thousand dollars

of Federal money that was to be used

to purchase cocaine from the Fallon family.

Well? Where are the jokes now, Uncle Milty?

We had an agent in deep cover

with the Fallon's for over a year.

It took that long just to set up the meeting in Miami

between Fallon and our agents posing as buyers.

It blew up in our face, don't ask me how

because, because I don't know.

Maybe it was his...intuition.

'Anyway, no buy took place.'

But Fallon got away with our money.

Now, here's the funny part.

We didn't know what happened to that money.

Till I turned on the TV the other day

and I saw Sammy Backlin holding several of our bills

in front of your face.

You must have pretty good eyesight

to read those serial numbers right from the TV.

The three thugs that Backlin shot in Miami

had freelanced for Fallon before.

And I always thought there was more to this

vigilante crap than met the eye.

I've been watching Backlin since he got out.

So, when he went to the hospital to pay your bills

I went down there and checked out the money

and sure enough, he's not out of jail

for a week before he starts spending our tax dollars.

Sammy Backlin got that money from Fallon.

I don't know how, but he did it.

Now, I need to know how Backlin got that money

and what happened to screw up our sting.

But if I can't talk to Sammy Backlin.. least I can talk to his partner.

That's it?

Well, you better book me and call my lawyer

because I'm going to go home and get some sleep.

(male #) 'You don't think I'll book you.'

- I don't care. - I will book you.

- Fine. - 'Wait.'

I'll make you a deal.

You find Sammy Backlin, bring him to us

and I won't press charges.

I've got you on obstructing justice.

I can make that stick.

You bring Backlin to us

and you and the lady and the bald guy..

...are off the hook.

Say Fallon family, three times, real quick.


What did he say?

She's almost tolerable when her mouth's not movin'.

- I hate to wake her up. - Alarm.

- Hm. - We be free?

Provided we find Sammy Backlin.

If me find that Looney Toon is driving around Boston in my car

that's not a condition, that's divine retribution.

Wait a minute, wait, we can only go if we find Sammy Backlin?


But the government is lookin' for Sammy.

This Fallon guy is looking for Sammy.

Three newspapers, two TV stations, a weekly

and a couple of law reviews are lookin' for Sammy.

If all these guys can't find Sammy Backlin

how are we gonna find him?

You have a dime?

[instrumental music]

[indistinct chatter]

Hey! Check it out.

- Right. - Alright.

[man laughs]

[instrumental music]

It's open.


- Woo! - Woo!

I've died and gone to heaven.

[engine cranks]

Hey, at least we've got a radio.

[phone rings]

And a phone!

- Turks auto body. - Backlin, this is Spenser.

Hey, any of you guys know Backlin?

- No. - Sorry, pal.

Ain't no Backlin here.

- Who is this? - This is the Turks.

What have you done with Sammy Backlin?

Listen, slick... ain't no Backlin here.

And if we find a Backlin on Turk's turf..

...there won't be no Backlin nowhere.

Where's Sammy?

You know a g*ng name of Turks?

Yeah, a punk outfit down in the north side. Say what?

Need you to find 'em.

Do I look like I need a haircut?

[instrumental music]

[music continues]

Slow the roll.

[instrumental music]

Better ask your questions real fast, Spenser.

Backlin's not gonna live long.

You wouldn't sh**t Sammy, would you?

No, I wouldn't waste a b*llet on him.

[sighs] I didn't think you would.

Yeah, but I'mma rip open his chest

and snatch out his heart.

[instrumental music]


(Spenser) Sammy Backlin had only been in town for three days.

And already, there had been two attempts on his life.

The question that troubled me was not

why so many people wanted him dead

but why there weren't more?

Now what?

Does Sammy know anybody else in Boston?

Just me.

And you guys.

Don't forget me. Go ahead, man!

Sure be stains all over your clothes!

'Now drop your piece.'

Now I've been looking forward to seein' you again, Spenser.

That's what keeping me up at nights too.

Yeah, I'll bet.


I owed you that, hotshot.

I'm glad you finally came.

The TV and the Bentley's on the blink.

See that means you must've missed Sesame Street, Fallon.

But that's okay, you can catch up on the vows tomorrow.

So this is Fallon.

Duke Fallon.

Head of the second biggest crime organization in Boston.

- Second biggest? - Uh.. He said it.

What have I ever done to you, Spenser? Nothing.

Yet you thr*aten me in my own house.

You belittle my status

and you give large sums of my money

to the federal government.

'No one could blame me if I k*lled you right here.'

My father would be upset.

You try that again and we can all die here today!

Hold it.

Now, uh, I'm gonna be generous, Spenser.

You bring Backlin to me

and I'll call it even on the $,.

What is it, Duke?

It's not the money you blow

a grand a year on your neckties.

What Backlin do to you?

Now that's it, Spenser.

Just keep askin' questions.

And I'll wind up in cement shoes.

No, that's what the big time criminals do.

Since I'm second best, I have to think smaller.

How about this?

You bring Backlin to me by dawn

or the girl dies. Is that suitably second rate?


[intense music]

Spenser! Hawk!

[intense music]

Not again!

Go on, Spenser. I'll let you know where.

[dramatic music]

It's about to get ugly.

We got to find Sammy Backlin.

Who told you?

Boy, oh, boy, am I glad to see you guys.

I have had one hell of a day.

(Spenser) 'Hawk.'


Can't you see I'm busy killin' somebody?

Uh, k*ll him later.

We need him alive right now.

- Satisfied? - Not even close.

Look, let's get him inside

by the time we get upstairs

he'll be able to talk.

- Negative. - Come on.

I got some business to do elsewhere

I'll talk to you later.

Sorry about you car.

Not as sorry as Sammy Backlin's gonna be.

[instrumental music]

I want you to spare me all the tragic details of your childhood

and I want you to tell me why Duke Fallon wants you dead?

And if I don't like your answer, Sammy

I'm gonna give you to him, just that way, dead.

It's no big deal.

There's was this beautiful house right on Miami beach.

- Mm-hm. - Worth seven figures, easy.

And it was goin' to waste.

I mean, the owners didn't appreciate it.

They spent weeks a year in New York.

I figured with all the homeless people in this country

it just did not seem right that such a handsome

piece of property would go empty.

- So I sold it? - You sold it?


You sold a piece of property

that you didn't own?

Hey, squatters right.

I've been there for months.

There was only one problem.

[rings bell]

You sold a piece of property you didn't own

to one of the biggest mob chieftains

on the east coast. Is that right?

Actually, it was only a down payment.

[chuckles] A grand.


I like your style You want a beer?


A grand.

But that wasn't the problem.

The problem was that the owners got back in town

before I had a chance to get out.

So Duke Fallon sent some, uh, thugs after ya.

Yeah, pretty poor business, practice, if you ask me.

I mean, where would be

if every dissatisfied customer

tried to k*ll the salesman?

I ask you, ladies and gentlemen.

Now I heard rumors that Fallon was a little irked.

A little irked?

Yeah, so he sends his three faccio bruttos after me.

[sighs] Faccio what?

Faccio brutto, you know, ugly puss.

But when they came after me

Sammy Backlin was ready

to take care of himself.

Sammy, the truth, remember?

These three g*ons came after me.

They wanted all the money back.

I managed to convince one of 'em

that he could have it all

if he would just take care of his pals

nice and quiet.

'You know, I mean, like to like loose 'em for a while.'

- Yeah. - He went ahead and shot 'em!

I see my own doom imminent.

I jump at this mad dog.

We struggled.

And the g*n went off.

And the next morning, Sammy Backlin

vigilante was born

on the front page of every newspaper in the country

'and on the cover of "People" too.'

Sammy, I just have one question for ya.

- 'sh**t.' - After all this..

Which is quite extraordinary, by the way.

Why did you come back to Duke's hometown?

Hey, I didn't know where he was from?

[phone rings]



And now, I laid all my cards on a table

and you don't have to k*ll me and take me to Fallon.

You're right, I'm gonna take you to him alive.

[dramatic music]

[instrumental music]

(Spenser) The Fallon felon's instruction

were explicit and fool-proof.

If I disobeyed and called Marty Quirk

or the FBI, Randy would be k*lled.

If I obeyed his instructions to the letter

Sammy Backlin would be k*lled.

I was hoping it wouldn't come to k*ll me.

But if it did, I knew which was the lesser of two evils.


[dramatic music]

Hope you didn't have to do anything illegal

to get this truck.

- You don't wanna know. - This is what Fallon asked for.

- Yet he'd been callin' for you. - Tell him we're coming.

Hey, come on, let's go.

This be the big Hawk here.

- Be on me way. - 'Ten-four.'

Listen, I'll make you a deal.

I'm gonna make a lot of money from this book..


Oh, no! No, no, no!

Now get up. One, two, three..

Stay there.

- Held him up! - Let's go!

[dramatic music]

[upbeat music]

(Fallon on wireless) 'After the underpass, turn right.'

You heard the man.

[dramatic music]

Good morning, Spenser.

When my man nods, Backlin jumps.

You don't have a choice.


Hang on to something.

[intense music]





[music continues]

[brakes screeching]

Come on, come out.

- You alright? - Yeah.

I got a lot of friends, Spenser.

This isn't over.

Oh, come on, Duke, you don't wanna keep this goin'.

It's just not smart.

Look, if you go after Sammy

then I gotta go after you

then you've gotta go after me.

I'm.. Look, it's a vicious circle.

This time I won, maybe next time..

...I win again.

But the way I see it, Sammy did you a favor.

He didn't steal your money

he took federal drug money.

Now if you took that money and expanded your business

the feds would've got involved, it would've been a mess.

I know things look bad now

but they could be a lot worse.

Maybe you got a point.

Of course, I have a point.

[indistinct chatter on radio]

Alright, Fallon, let me and you go somewhere quiet

and have a nice little chat concerning kidnapping that girl.

Hm? Come on.

[intense music]

Don't forget to write.

[indistinct chatter on radio]

Do not think that I am condoning v*olence.

I abhor it.

'Vigilantism is not the last solution.'

'It is no solution.'

That's why I am now cooperating

with the federal authorities to help them

crack open a major drug ring.

But you'll read about it in my next book.


He's hopeless.

You may not like this guy, Spenser

but anybody sell this many books is a real American hero.

What happened to what profiteth a man if he gains the world

but loses his soul?

I can't lose my soul, Spenser.


But with sales like this, I don't mind

losing the shoulder for a couple of weeks.

(female #e) 'Excuse me, Mr. Backlin, but that is'

'an interesting question particularly now'

'that you're speaking out against vigilantism'

'what g*ns, can you, oh..'

(Sammy) 'Oh, well, I don't know about ..'

- Hey. - Nice coat.


How'd you get your car back so fast?

Well, now, I talked to the young hoodlums

and I found that they might be rotten

but they are pretty fine mechanics, uh.

The parts alone must've cost a fortune.

Yeah, but the buttin' off is gonna start payin'

as soon as the royalty checks start comin' in, right?

'Right, right, ah-ha..'

Hey, girl, you still hangin' out with a loser.

- Loser? - Mm.

This escapade got us on the front page

of every newspaper in the country.

'Sammy's a national hero all over again.'

'Book sales are goin' through the roof'

and my boss thinks I did it.

I'll be head of the whole company soon, you wait and see.

- What about you, Spenser? - What about me?

I can get you on the cover of any magazine in the country.

True detective. g*ns and a*mo.

No, thanks. I'd have to give up my peaceful quiet lifestyle.


Listen, uh, if that lady friend

who's out of town on a deposition doesn't come back

give me a ring, okay?

Get out of here.

[instrumental music]

[theme music]

[music continues]