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02x09 - Shadowsight

Posted: 10/06/23 16:39
by bunniefuu
(male narrator) Tonight on "Spenser For Hire.."


Will you tell me about your dream?

He is there under the leaves.

Chrissy saw the m*rder in her dream.

Maybe you got a psychic on your hands.

There's something wrong at the church now, Spenser!

She saw you in trouble

'and now she is dreaming about her own death.'

Hit the gas, babe.

She couldn't have seen that man. He died years ago.

(Spenser) You got backup, and I got backup.

You are the man in my dreams. You're gonna k*ll me.



[theme music]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[intense music]

(Spenser) Hamlet said, "To sleep..

"...perchance to dream, ay, there's the rub

for in that sleep of death what dreams may come."

[music continues]


[fire crackling]

[music continues]


Oh, it's alright. It's alright.

(Spenser) I'd never been hired to solve a nightmare before.

Actually it was to locate an old man haunting

a little girl's dreams

and there couldn't be a likelier setting for a haunting

than Salem with its history of magic and witchcraft.

[instrumental music]

Before leaving I called Hawk to get a raincheck

on a dinner he owed me.

Always a man of surprises Hawk insisted on coming along.

He knew a place in Salem that specialized in Cajun cuisine.

[music continues]

My discerning detective's eye noted that

Hawk seemed prepared to stay longer than just for dinner.

[tires screeching]

I also noted that he was checking our wait for a tail.

Are you expecting company?

Perceptive, Spenser, very perceptive.

I think a little evasive action is due here.

Hit the gas, babe.

[engine revving]

Who is that guy?

I tried to do somebody a favor, and look what happens.

Must have been some favor.

[dramatic music]

[tires screeching]

[tires screeching]

[music continues]


[music continues]

Active charity good for the soul.

Next time try the poor blocks. It's easier on the tires.

Hey, you can use the practice.

Don't want you to lose your touch.

You're losing yours? Somebody after you so you're running?

'Savin' a life.'

Laying a heavy... is not my style.

The boy in the van is only .

- You tryin' to help him see . - 'Mm-hm.'

Name's Willy Conroy. Dad is a friend of mine.

Came and told me the boy's in the fast lane dealing dr*gs

on the corner. Want me to clean him up.

I say anybody baffling Willy, see, he gotta come through me.

You're trying to put a teenage hothead out of a drug business.

No wonder you wanted me to drive.

Well, I was hoping he'd had the brains not to come after me.

Don't want to hurt the boy, so I thought I'd hang out in Salem

till his daddy cools him out.

Uh-huh. Not much action in Salem.

Got to know where to look, Spenser, know where to look.

[both laughing]

[birds chirping]

Did you know Salem was once the capital

of the Massachusetts Bay Colony?

Go to the head of the clans--

By the end of the th century

it was the second most important

seaport in the state.

Bus ride would have been quieter.

We are driving through

a piece of history here, pal.

Yeah, when I keep hearing you talk

about capitalist and port

that I don't hear anything about

the other side of Salem's history.

Ah, the religious intolerance.

The wild-eyed Puritans.

The spells, the incantations

the witchy mumbo-jumbo.

Be careful now.

You don't believe in that stuff, do you?

Be careful now. Here we are.

Over here on the left.

"These premises protected by Satan."

Yeah, it's what you call a powerful detern.

Hey, you gonna take care of Willy with a voodoo doll

and a bunch of pins, are you?

No, but I could write your name on a piece of paper

and put a match to it.

Oh, you got me shaking. Now, I'm scared.

'Yeah, the occult's big business.'

And the beautiful Nina here is a piece of the action.

She also holds an MBA from Harvard

and she's from Baton Rouge.

So if you're interested, black and red fish at :.

- I'm interested. - Ah.

[instrumental music]

- 'Gallagher!' - Chrissy, hi.

Wanna see the birthday arrangement

I made for Mrs. Lord?

- Oh, Gallagher, it's fantastic. - Yeah.

[knocking on door]

Well, if you think that's fantastic

wait until you see this.

Oh, Gallagher, it's the most beautiful flower I've ever seen.

And it's just for you.

Put up beside your bed and you'll have sweet dreams.


Oh, gotta go, Gallagher. Thanks a zillion for the rose.

- Chrissy-- - 'I know.'

Put roses in warm water and they'll last longer.

Good girl.


The nightmares started just after

Judge McKenna's house burned down.

Thank you.

She's been having these dreams over and over.

Sometimes two and three times a night.

The psychologist we took Chrissy to

thinks she has a good chance it will stop

if the judge could be found.

And that's why we have asked you here.

I know it may seem like grasping at straws, Mr. Spenser

bu we're willing to do anything to help Chrissy.

I understand.

So you think the dreams are happening

because Chrissy and the judge were close?

Oh, yes. They were very close.

Oh, E-Edgar lived only a couple of blocks away.

He's been a sort of, um, heh

self-appointed godfather to Chrissy.

Have the police turned up anything?

No, not really, they've checked with the judge's family

and friends, but they haven't really mounted

a full-scale investigation yet.

He's only been missing for a few days.

'And everybody knows Edgar's a pretty independent cuss.'

'He comes and goes as the notion strikes him since he retired.'

I guess everyone thinks he's hip deep in some mountain stream

testing his latest fishing flies

and happily unaware he's lost his home.

No, daddy, he would have told me if he was going away.

He always told me.

Honey, there was no sign of him the night of the fire.

- If he had been anywhere near-- - He ran away from the fire.

- Away from the man. - Chrissy, that's your dream.

That's all it is. A bad dream.

Now, look, this is Mr. Spenser.

He's going to try and find the judge so the dreams will stop.

- Hello, Chrissy. - Hello.

Can you tell me about your dream?

It's night...and the house is on fire.

And the judge was running away from the fire into the woods.

And this man was chasing him.

'It was dark in the woods.'

And the judge was scared.

And he...he fell into the water.

And the man who was chasing him wouldn't help the judge out.

[sobs] He..

Chrissy, do you know where the water is?

Is it the ocean?

- Or a pond maybe? - I don't know.

Did you see the face of the man who was chasing the judge?

No. He had his back turned.

- Mama, I can't do this. - It's okay, Chrissy.

Mr. Spenser will find the judge.

You see what we are going through?

Yes, I'm sorry.

Mr. Cabot, there's not a lot to go on.

Maybe I could start with the fire.

You're the editor of the newspaper.

Might help if I could talk to the reporter

who covered the story.

No, I can do better than that.

[instrumental music]

(Spenser) Chrissy's father arranged for me to see the local fire chief

who was certain the fire wasn't an accident.

It was arson set by a person or persons unknown.

The best he could do was direct me

to the high school girl who called in the alarm.

An uncooperative young woman named Jennifer Jackson.

I understand you and your friends

called to the fire department

when the judge's house burned the other night.

Whoever told you... didn't get it straight.

I was alone studying when I smelled the smoke.

Saw the fire from the window and I called in the alarm.

The fireman told me there were a bunch of you when they arrived.

By then sure. Other people saw the fire and came out to help

before the engines came.

- Did you see the judge? - No.

Did he say anything about going away?

Not that I recall.

[horn beeps]

Look, I feel real bad about the fire

but I don't know anything more, okay?


I gotta split. Garrett doesn't like to wait.


[intense music]

(Spenser) Unless I missed my guess, the lady did protest too much.

My money said she wasn't alone when she reported the fire.

She was covering. But why?

Maybe I just met my person or persons unknown.

[instrumental music]


Well, Satan, look who's coming to dinner.

- Well, so that's Satan. - Come around back, Mr. Spenser.

Dinner's ready.


Uh, is this the magic potion?

[chuckles] Ah. No, those are sold downstairs.

Good moneymakers too, especially, the love potion

which is colored punch laced in sugar.

But it's all in the mind.

"Double, double toil and trouble

fire burn and caldron bubble"

has always been big business.

In sales it's important to stay.

Oh, Kuron. Ha-ha.

I'm a private businesswoman

a single entrepreneur in sale in Massachusetts.

So, naturally I deal in witch cookies, assorted mojos

and books on the supernatural.

Well, maybe you could dig out your crystal ball

your tarot cards and your Ouija board and tell me

where I can find this missing judge.

Looks like we got a bona fide sceptic on our hands.

Dig that, old Spenser here is a stone Cartesian.

He can't see or touch it, smell it, he's not having any.

Wait a second, I'm not saying there isn't a thing

called psychic phenomena.

Things in our planet that we don't really understand

but before I turn my attention to ESP maybe I'll concentrate on

good ol' M-O-M.

- M-O-M? - Means Opportunity Motive.

A proven investigative approach.

Little girl see another side, Spenser, and it's real.

Real as us sittin' here.

- I need clues and evidence. - 'Mm-hm.'

Well, if you don't come up with some more of that

M-O-M mumbo jumbo

than dreams are maybe all you got to go on.

[eerie music]



[phone ringing]

[grunts] Yeah.

Mr. Spenser, uh, this is Sarah Cabot.

I'm sorry to call you so late.

What is it, Mrs. Cabot?

Chrissy's had another dream.

Is she alright?

She claims that she knows where it happened.

She knows where the judge it.

Okay, I'll be up there in minutes.

[intense music]

(Spenser) Every New England town has its haunted place

and Salem has more than its share.

The pond Chrissy saw in her dream

was in the woods near town that many said

was still visited by the souls of those

accused of witchcraft hundreds of years ago.

[indistinct chatter]

As a favor to Lucas Cabot, the local police agreed

to drive the water.

But it was clear they considered it

a waste of time and money.

It seemed they were right.


You see, Chrissy? It didn't happen, honey.

You thought the judge was in the pond and he isn't.

No, he isn't.

So it's back to square one.

What do we do now?

[intense music]

[indistinct chatter on radio]


He is there...under the leaves.

[music continues]

He was standing right here.

The judge?

The man.

The man who chased him.

[music continues]

Chrissy, go back to your mom.

Tell your dad to bring the officers.

[instrumental music]

I'd come to Salem to help a little girl

troubled by nightmare she couldn't explain

yet now, one dream of terror and death had come true

and unsettled us all.

For the police, Judge McKenna's m*rder was now official.

For Chrissy, it was a time for funeral flowers and grief.

Do you think it would be alright

if the flowers would be in a basket, Gallagher?

Like it was just out of his garden?

I think he'd really like that, Chrissy.

Any special flowers?

Cynthias, lots of cynthias.

For thoughts of friends, huh.

And geraniums. They are for friendship too.

Flowers have a kind of language.

Gallagher knows what everyone means.


Marigolds, do you have any marigolds?

Don't you worry I'll find some.


For sorrow.

Oh, your sadness will fade, Chrissy.

Just like the blossoms, the bad dreams are over.

No, no, they are not.

Excuse me.

Chrissy, hey.

What's the matter?

You believe my dreams, don't you, Spenser?

You don't think I'm just making them up.

No, I don't think you're making them up.

But what's frightening you?

Last night I had another dream.

About the judge?

No. No.

About me.

Please find the man, Spenser.

Chrissy, tell me about your dream.

Well, there was fire in it.

Like the other dream.

A fire...and the man.

Only this time...he was running after me.

And I can't, I can't remember anymore.

Please don't go away, Spenser, please.

[mellow music]

Chrissy, you've had a lot of dreams

that haven't come true, right?

Well, whatever you saw in this dream is not going to happen

because I'm not gonna let it. Okay?

[music continues]

Now, you want me to take you back home instead of school?

I guess I'd rather have school stuff to think about.

[music continues]

We got nothing on Jennifer Jackson

but we had pinned her boyfriend Garrett.

Truancy for openers, some street g*ng stuff, vandalism.

- Felony as*ault. - Oh, he ducked that one.

Witness never showed up to testify.

Says here he robbed the church.

Can you imagine that? Some punk robbing a church.

But here's the interesting part.

Offence tips off the police

that Garrett is gonna pawn two chalices.

'Now guess who threw the book at them?'

- Judge Edgar McKenna. - Right.

So Garrett comes back to settle the score.

Now, Spenser, looks like we've solved another one for you.

I want you to feel free to come by and ask us for advice

anytime you need anything else explained.

Thanks a lot, Frank.

Maybe you can explain to me

why Chrissy saw the m*rder in her dream.

Look, Spenser, I told you before.

I don't like getting into that weird stuff.

You know, maybe you've got a psychic on your hands, Spenser.

'Their success rates aren't that high'

'but the police use them from time to time on unsolved cases.'

And I hear they flash on some pretty amazing things.

'Yeah, a friend of Hawk's just told me'

about something like that.

Girl named Nina.

Lives up there in Salem.

Some folks thinks she may be a sorceress.

Oh, geez, Spenser, I'm telling you that there's some things

you just shouldn't get into.

That kind of stuff scare you a little bit, Frank?

[scoffs] Have me scared? I'm not scared, Spenser.

- I'm, I'm just.. - You look weary.

I'm weary, that's right, I'm weary

about things you can't explain.

Well, I-I saw this-this television show once

about this woman that could predict murders

before they even happened.

- Frank. Frank. - She had this..

Are you working for this department

or are you writing loglines for a TV guide?

- I-I'm sorry. - I gotta go, guys.

[whistling eerily]

[indistinct chatter at distance]

Listen, you've gotta believe me. Please listen.

You've gotta believe me. There's a fire, don't you understand?

[indistinct chatter]

Father Brendan!

- He is in trouble! - Chrissy, listen to me.

Father Brendan is fine. You're imagining this.

No, there's something wrong at the church now!

Spenser, quick, we've gotta get to St. Martins.

Spenser, she's been in school all day.

Chrissy, how can you think

there's something wrong with Father Brendan?

- But I saw it! - Alright, come on.

We'll take care of it. Come on, Chrissy.

[dramatic music]

[siren wailing]

Father Brendan! He's still inside.

Stay put.

[siren wailing]

[music continues]

Father Brendan?

Come on. Let's get out of here.

[intense music]


[indistinct chatter on radio]

There's somebody else inside! I saw him.

[intense music]

[indistinct chatter]

How did I see this, Spenser?

I don't know, honey.

But we got here in time to help Father Brendan.

That's what's important.

Did they find the other man?

We didn't find anybody else.

But I saw somebody.

The young lady is right.

There was somebody else in there.

He gave me a wicked clout on the head.

Did you get a good look at him, father?

[sighs] I came into the church to lock up.

Activate the alarm.

Sad thing, isn't it?

When you have to lock God's children out of his house.

I heard a noise from the confessional.

Before I could turn around I was hit from behind.

The next thing I knew you were pulling me out of there.

- You're gonna be alright? - Yes. Bless you.

I'll take you home.

[intense music]

(Spenser) I took Chrissy home and borrowed a shirt from Hawk

while mine dripped dry of soot and smoke.

And then turned my attention to Jennifer Jackson's boyfriend

Garrett, who just happened to specialize in church thefts.

A couple of churchgoing firemen were more than happy

to tell me where Garrett and his buddies

held their happy hour every day.

[instrumental music]

[men laughing]

You msut be Garrett. My name is Spenser.

I'd like to ask you a few questions.

You're the guy who was hassling Jennifer about me.

Now what do you want?

I wanna know why Jennifer lied about you

being at the judge's house the night of the fire.

Nobody calls my lady liar, pal.

He's not paying attention.

I just did.

Hey, you're on my turf, Spenser.

And I got backup.

So don't mess with me, man.


Your daddy give you an allowance?



You got backup? And I got backup.

[indistinct chatter]

You're gonna answer my questions, you know why?


Because the shirt you just tore belongs

to that gentleman right over there.

Okay. Okay, I was there. So what?

So why did she lie?

Because I did a dumb thing.

You seem to have a habit of doing a lot of dumb things.

What dumb thing was that?

I saw the house was on fire, I went and I snatched them stuff

no big deal, it would have burned up anyway.

When I heard the fire had been set, I told her to stonewall it.

Or the cops would have been all over me saying I had a grudge

against the old man. Look, I didn't k*ll him either.

'And she was with me all night, she will swear to that.'

Jennifer will swear to anything you want her to.

Now you got an alibi for attempted burglary and arson

at St. Martin's this afternoon?

Look, the guys and me were over in Cape Ben all afternoon.

I've got about witnesses to that.

I can still get you for looting. Put you in jail.

Hey, look, look I still got the stuff at home.

You want it, you can have it.

You want me to turn it in, I'll turn it in.

You do that. You can start digging in your pocket.

Come on. Come on. How much was the shirt?

- Deuce. - Two hundred bucks.

Two hundred bucks? Come on, dig! Did, dig, dig!

$. Is that all you got?


Oh, never mind.

$ for a shirt?

You might have to sell your car. It was real Italian silk.

Next time we'll call first.

(Spenser) If it wasn't Garrett who broke into the church

it might still be someone the priest knew.

Chrissy had a clear picture of the man in her vision.

I wondered if her description might mean something

to Father Brendan.

She described the man she saw as being tall, thin

wearing all black, had long dark hair

with a big shock of white in the front.

And a strawberry colored birthmark on his cheek.

But she couldn't have seen that man.

Not here, not the other night.

That's Jeremiah Ryker.

Why not?

Because he died... years ago.

[dramatic music]

[instrumental music]

Are you trying to tell us that our daughter saw a ghost?

Chrissy described the man in the church she saw

as Jeremiah Ryker.

Father Brendan was positive about her description.

But how can that be?

I suppose she could have heard about the case

from Judge McKenna, maybe saw Ryker's picture

in the judge's scrapbook.

It certainly was a big case at the time.

Were you in the newspaper then?

Uh, yes, the Ryker case was my first big story.

Uh, Reverend Ryker was a fundamentalist pastor

who preached eternal damnation and the wrath

of an unforgiving God.

He died in a fire that destroyed his church.

His church was out by the pond where the judge was drowned.

His son Benjamin was tried and convicted of arson and m*rder

years to life.

Protesting his innocence all the way.

Well, the boy had been caught setting some small fires before.

That weighed heavily against him at the m*rder trial.

That and the way he ranted on the stand

about how much he hated his father.

What was Benjamin's story?

He claimed he was with a girl the night of the fire.

Maureen Ryan.

She denied it on the stand but the scandal was enough

to make her father pack the family up and leave Salem.

The trial was news for weeks.

It's all on the microfilm at the office.

I could get copies if you'd like to see them.

- I would. - 'But that was then.'

And this is now. And what do we do about Chrissy?

How do we deal with this new dream

that she is afraid to talk about?

The therapist says hypnosis and Chrissy's terrified by it.

Maybe it's time to get Chrissy's mind off all these.

You're great at the sh**ting gallery.

I think I'm going to call him Spenser.

- Well, I'm honored. - Pleasant dreams.

Nighty-night, Chrissy.


They are from school.

They think I'm crazy because I knew about the fire.

- I guess everybody thinks I am. - Oh, come on. No way.

Mom and daddy, they want me to go back to the doctor.

She wants to make me remember the dream.

But I don't wanna remember, Spenser.

'It scares me when it comes.'

Chrissy, nobody's gonna make you do anything you don't wanna do.

Now, I know these dreams scare you

but if you remember them, we can make sure they don't happen.

Come on, let's go check out the merry-go-round.

[fanfare music]

[eerie music]

[music continues]

Chrissy! Hey, hey, come on.

Hey, what is it? Is it the dream?

Chrissy, what do you see?

Fire...and the man is there.

He is coming after me.

Is it the same man who was after the judge?

I don't think so.

- Well, try to see. - Uh..'s so dark.

- I can't see. - Try. Try, honey.

But I know, I think I know him.

Well, who is he?

I feel like it's my father.

But it's not.

[fanfare music]

It's alright.

You're okay.

I'm the only father she's ever know, but Sarah and I

aren't her birth parents.

We adopted Chrissy when she was less than a month old.

We'd planned to tell her before this time went on

it seemed less and less important that she know.

We'd wanted a child so badly for such a long time.

Father Brendan knew that

and when he told us about this young girl unwed

who wanted to have her baby to have a good home

it seemed like a miracle.

He made all the arrangements.

'We never knew the girl or Chrissy's birth father.'

Father, for a devout young woman like Maureen Ryan

who lied under oath, she would have confessed it, right?

If that were the case then you'd also know

that I couldn't discuss it.

I'd be bound by the seal of the confessional.

I can't explain what's happening to Chrissy.

All I can tell you is that some of the things

she's dreamt of happened. She saw you in trouble.

She's responsible for saving your life.

'And now she is dreaming about her own death.'

I need your help.

I'd do anything to help Chrissy, Mr. Spenser.

Then tell me who her birth father is.

I don't know.

Maureen Ryan left Salem shortly after the trial.

Shall we count the months until you found the baby

for the Cabots?

Father, if you can't answer my questions, tell me where she is

so I can ask her.

She's dead, Mr. Spenser.


- When? How? - I don't know.

I received a note from her father about a year ago

asking me to say a memorial mass for the repose of her soul.

- There was no return address. - Was there a postmark?

Yes, Boston.

Thank you, father.

You got it? Maureen Ryan.

- Yup, she died in a fire. - 'What?'

She burned to death in her apartment last year.

- Arson? - No, it was never proved.

She was in her bedroom and the fire started

in the living room couch, smoldering cigarette.

The whole building could have gone up.

Thanks, Frank. I'll check you later.

[intense music]

(Spenser) Years ago, a -year-old boy on trial for m*rder

had sworn that Maureen Ryan lied on the stand.

The time had come to pay a visit to the state prison.

(male #) 'Benjamin Ryker's no longer with us, Mr. Spenser.'


Something more wonderful than that.

- He was pardoned. - Pardoned?

- When? - A couple of years ago.

When Benjamin first came here, he was in a rage

claiming his innocence, and in his case it proved to be true.

There was a deathbed confession in Oregon

by the man who set the fire.

It was duly witnessed and notarized.

Innocent man, deathbed confession.

'That should have turned into a media circus.'

Over the years here Benjamin calmed down, became more serene.

He wanted no publicity, he just wanted to get on

with his life here quietly.

Do you know where he went? Where he is now?

No, I'm sorry. I don't.

He is a free man, not obliged to report to anyone.

'I miss him though. Benjamin was the best assistant I ever had.'

He knew the "Old Testament" better than I did.

And what a green thumb.

He kept the chapel filled with flowers.

'I can still hear him explaining the meanings.'

Heliotrope for devotion, bittersweet for truth..

Marigolds for sorrow.


[intense music]


Our funeral flowers were the prettiest ones there, Gallagher.

Special flowers for a special customer.

The kids still giving you a hard time?


I got just the thing that will cheer you up.

The pick of my new hybrid roses. Come on. Get in.

[music continues]

- Seat belt. Seat belt. - Okay.

[dramatic music]

(Spenser) Benjamin Ryker alias Peter Gallagher

had k*lled the judge who sentenced him to prison

the girl who betrayed him on the witness stand

and nearly k*lled the priest

who kept the results of their romance secret.

Chrissy's dream seemed to foreshadow

every act of v*olence by Gallagher.

My concern now was for what would happen

if Chrissy saw his face in her dreams

or if Gallagher thought she had.

Sarah, is Chrissy home?

No, she hasn't come home from school

and she didn't say she'd be late.

Okay, now don't panic.

Maybe she just stopped off somewhere.

I want you to listen to me.

Gallagher is Benjamin Ryker.

I want you to call the police and tell them

to meet me at his shop.

[intense music]

[tires screeching]

It's dark in here, Gallagher.

Oh, the Oleander bushes shut out the light.

They also shut out the vandals who like to break glass.

Oh, Gallagher, it's like a magic garden.

[chuckles] Now there are the new roses over there.

You take a look around.

I'll brew us some herb tea, alright?

[intense music]

I forget, Gallagher, what do rosebuds mean?


- 'Uh, sugar, milk?' - Both please.

You, uh, still having those bad dreams, Chrissy?

I don't like to talk about them, Gallagher. They are too scary.

[music continues]


What is it? What's wrong?

You're him.

You are the man in my dreams.

You k*lled the judge.

And now you're going to k*ll me.

[dramatic music]

Chrissy, come back. I-I won't hurt you.



[music continues]



[music continues]



(Gallagher) 'Chrissy!'

[music continues]



[music continues]



[music continues]


[music continues]


Ryker, stop!

Ryker, you both have to jump, it's your only chance.

I never had a chance, Spenser!

Nobody ever believed that I didn't k*ll my father.

He only said that I'd burn in the fires of hell.

Well, he's there now!

Laughing! It's a fitting end.

[music continues]

Chrissy, honey, you have to jump.

Hang from the sill and drop, I'll catch you.

Ryker, listen to me.

Maureen Ryan had a child eight months after the trial.

Your child. Look at her, man!

'Chrissy is your child.'

'Your daughter! For God sakes help her!'


[stick clatters]

[intense music]


[fire crackling]

Hold her down..

' far as you can.'

[music continues]



[fire crackling]



[fanfare music]

[indistinct chatter]


Thanks for the lunch. Best chilly dog I ever had.

Well, you're welcome.

Uh, you wanna take a look at this business?

And here's one that will never go out of style.

Hmm, you got that right. People love their fun.

Come on, Hawk, let's go on some rides.

No, no, no, no, no, I'm not much for

Ferris Wheels and rollercoasters

by the time I love my work.

Well, why don't you try the sh**ting gallery

win the lady a Kewpie doll.

Best idea you had all day. Let's go.

Hey, Hawk, watch their air riffles.

- Aim for the left. - That's alright.

I'll persuade them to let me use mine.


[fanfare music]


I don't know how to thank you, Mr. Spenser.

Well, I'm glad I could help.

Chrissy's psychologist feels the dreams are over.

Her best explanation is that Chrissy was connected to Ryker

that she was a part of him for a while

something they call crisis telepathy.

And anyway, right now that Benjamin's gone..

The nightmares have ended.

I know you were afraid to tell her the truth about the adoption

but looks like she is handling it pretty well.

She is an exceptional little girl

and exceptional parents.


[chuckles] You had enough?

One more time. You wanna come, daddy?

- Why don't we all go? - You too, Spenser?

Oh, I can't, I gotta get back to Boston.

- Will you come back? - Sure, I'll come back.

Spenser, do you have a girlfriend?

No, why?

Just wanted to know.

[instrumental music]

[theme music]