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02x04 - Rockabye Baby

Posted: 10/06/23 16:33
by bunniefuu
[music continues]

[music continues]

[instrumental music]

(Spenser) Like any Jazz lover, I knew Art Tatum was great

and James P. Johnson made magic.

But for my money, nobody ever drove a left hand

like Basie.

I got in back from a late swing concert

when a slightly nervous Murray Peltzer called.

Twice a year, I get a call from Murray

and he's always slightly nervous.

Murray is nice enough guy but not too sharp.

A little slow on the down.

But I help him out when I can

because he tries to help people nobody else would bother with.

And usually nobody bothered with Murray either.






'Over here!'

Keep your head down!


Oh, great. That's just great!

Murray, what do these guys want?

What are you blind? These guys want me dead.

What did you do this time?

Trying to help a friend.

Michelle Gilbert.

'They took her away somewhere.'

I'm outta here.

Murray, stay put.



[intense music]

Oh, Murray.

Some people die for a cause.

Some get to grow old and use all their time.

But Murray just got sh*t.

It wasn't even a good reason.

(Martin) 'What were you doing out there in the first place?'

I told you I got a call from Murray Peltzer

he was in trouble, he needed some help.

Must have been very important to get you up at in the morning.

- He said, "I was down." - Oh, yeah, Marty.

You know, Spenser's gonna go a long way for a guy like Murray.

Right, Spenser?

I mean, you gotta be pretty tight

with a guy who almost gets you k*lled twice.

Remember that deal with the movie producer?

Look, what about this guy I sh*t?

Come on, I have a right to at least know his name.

Manchoa, Robert Manchoa.

He works for Anthony Bennett.

- Bennett? - Mm-hm.

I can't imagine Murray having anything to do with Bennett.

Well, it must have been enough to get him put away.

Well, what about that girl he mentioned? Michelle Gilbert.

We ran it. She's led a very exciting life.

Ah, yeah, Michelle Gilbert, Dusty Gilbert

Lay Gilbo, arrested with charge of prostitution.

'No convictions since '.'

Sounds like she got smart and hooked up

with somebody on a more permanent basis.

Maybe the same guy who k*lled Murray.

Spenser, this Anthony Bennett is not a man to fool around with.

Why, just because he controls most of the rackets in Boston

and has people k*lled on a daily basis?

You gotta give me a better reason than that.

(Martin) 'Alright, try this one.'

We've heard talk of a full scale mob w*r between

Bennett and George Cannon.

Stepping on each other's territories again?

Murray wouldn't have anything to with that, he was a nobody.

He wouldn't be the first w*r casualty.

You get him between Bennett and Cannon, you could be.

Well, lovely thought, Frank. Thanks for sharing that with me.

[intense music]

$ for a new radiator

and a day for the rental car

had taken my bad mood and made it worse.

I didn't like seeing Murray Peltzer

sh*t down in front of me

I also didn't like hearing it might have involve two thugs

like Bennett and Cannon.

But mostly I don't like that guy in the shining suit

sitting across the street from my apartment.

[tapping on glass]

[intense music]

Hands on you head.

Sit down.

Not there, on the floor.

I want you to join him.

If anyone of you moves without saying "Mother, may I?"

I'll blow your face off.

What do you want?

Good afternoon, Mr. Spenser.

We've been waiting rather a long time.

I had to identify the body of a friend.

Murray Peltzer.


Then I meet so many people everyday.

What's Bennett want?

He didn't send his number one boy over here

to check out my new decor.

Mr. Bennett would prefer to tell you himself.

He's waiting for you at his house.

I thought he didn't take business home.

It's not business.

Well, you tell him that I promised myself some sleep

then I got to wash my windows

maybe do a little work on the files.

Now, get out of here.


Mr. Bennett's in a good mood.

But that could change if you keep him waiting.

Oh, I promise I'll drop by.

Right after I tire my socks.

[dramatic music]

Brooklyn is a suburb just outside of Boston.

Build on old blind money and respectability.

The grounds I was passing through might have been

paid for by Anthony Bennett's produce business

or his distribution fronts.

But I doubt it.

Prostitution and dr*gs bring in a lot more money.

I wondered if his neighbors knew what he did for a living.

I'll call you by if we decide to go anywhere else.

and don't let Elaine drive.

May I help you?

Well, Spenser, I'd almost given up on you.

I see you've met my wife.

- How do you do? - Hello.

- Come along inside. - Yes, please come in.

Would you like coffee? Marcello--

(Anthony) 'It's fine, Helen, I'll, uh, I'll offer Mr. Spenser'

'something in the den.'

Oh, we've got Carol and d*ck.

Oh, just a few minutes, this won't take long.

Now go fix your hair.

Excuse me.

I'll be ready to leave soon.

- Very attractive family. - Yes.

Already these girls are as beautiful as their mother.

My three beautiful women.

Grandfather Anthony Michael

'and my father, also Anthony Michael Bennett.'

Looks like a very proud man.

He had a lot to be proud of.

He pulled his family up out of poverty.

And he had three successful sons

all respected businessmen.

Well, two out of three anyway.

He used to say anything can happen in America.

A poor man, if he's smart can become rich

and a rich man become President.

If you live long enough

Murray Peltzer wasn't that lucky.

Or that smart?

And neither are you for helping him.

He was a greedy fool, always after one too many dollars.

Murray was a puppy dog.

You could have swat at him with a newspaper, and he'd run.

You don't need to k*ll a man like that.

I agree.

It was never intended that he'd be k*lled.

But Billy can become a little heavy handed.

And when Murray involved you..


Can I offer you that drink?

No, thanks.


...exactly did, uh..

...Mr. Peltzer tell you?


Well, that's good.

This will help you pay for the damage to your car

and to forget all about this business.

Men like you can understand

my position.

I try not to understand anything people like you do.

Which makes me a little worried for Michelle Gilbert's safety.

What makes you think I would hurt her?

Oh, I don't know.

Maybe it had something to do with the way you handled Murray.

I can be very protective about

people that I care for.

'You should remember that.'

And I'm not gonna forget the way Murray Peltzer got sh*t down.

You can remember that.

(Helen) Mr. Spenser.

Could you wait a moment?

I hear you're a very decent man.

What Anthony is doing is not right.

If you can find Michelle Gilbert, help her.

She's going to have that baby any day now.

Your husband's baby.

We have two teenage girls

they're, they're terrific.

If he brings that baby into this house

'they're going to have tons of questions'

and I certainly don't want them to know the answers.

It's just, it's a terrible thing to take a baby from it's mother.

And your husband talked to you about this?

Oh, in a way.

He's just obsessed with having a son.

What if it's a girl?

It's a boy. She had the test.

So Michelle Gilbert gets paid off

and your husband gets a son.

Unless you can help her.

You'd certainly be helping me and my daughters.

I'll be in touch.

[instrumental music]

(Spenser) Victory comes from skill

or sometimes luck.

I had skillfully bluffed Anthony Bennett

in telling me what was going on.

But luckily his wife told me.

A better business man would have walked away from this one

I had no client

and no relationship with Michelle Gilbert.

I didn't even know if she wanted this baby.

But maybe she did.

I figured the least I could do was ask.

I also figured that only a man with a death wish

crosses Anthony Bennett without somebody at his back.

[men grunting]

Enough, enough, enough.

When I say.

Now what you do to your girls in the streets

that's your business.

But when you take it to Miss Emma, you make it mine.

Hey, I didn't hurt the old lady.

If you did, you'd be dead, now you still owe her

for what you did to her home.

I'll take care of everything. I'll take care of everything.

You got that right. Get out of here!

- Business? - None of yours.

Ah, would you call this plum or grape?

You full of questions today.

- You free? - Never free, always available.

(Spenser) I knew that a very few computerized labs

do bloodwork for most of the Boston hospitals.

The many voices of Spenser did the rest.

(female #) 'Hello Mr. Spinsler, thank you for holding.'

'I have that information.'

(Spenser) 'Oh, thank you, you saved my life.'

'You have no idea how upset the doctor was'

'when I screwed up his files, yes.'

(female #) 'Yes, well Ms. Michelle Gilbert is currently'

'a patient at the Havenhurst Sanitarium.'

(Spenser) 'Havenhurst, yes. Thank you.'

It's so hot in here.

Aren't you hot?

No. Eat.

I'm not hungry, I'm hot.

Mr. Bennett's not gonna like it that you're not eating.

It's like I need to gain a couple of hundred more pounds.

Look at me, I'm tugboat.

You're making me real unhappy.

So what are you gonna do about it?

You should eat for the baby.

- Looks like your place. - Close.

Too sedate, too European.

Ah, roses for Mr. Bennett.

- I'll take them. - Oh, sorry, no.

See, we have to personally deliver them

then sing a little song to cheer her up.

Nobody goes inside.


[knocks on door]

Hey, Tony, open up.


- Matching pair. - I love it.

- Who the hell are you? - Hi, I'm Spenser.

I'm a private cop. This is Hawk. We're here to get you out.

You have a suitcase or something?

- Did-did Murray sent you? - Well, sort of.

You do wanna get out of here, don't you?

(Michelle) 'Yeah, but what about Anthony?'

(Spenser) 'He'll probably try to find us.'

I can't exactly be running around, maybe you didn't notice.

Look, you stay here, Bennett's gonna have a son

and you're gonna get a bus ticket.

Or worse.

Okay, hand me my coat.


You better be the good guys.

[intense music]

(Spenser) I had to admire this lady.

It took a lot of guts to go on the run in her condition

yet she took the chance and left with us.

She had no idea what she might be getting into.

And frankly, neither did I.

Put your seatbelt on?

- Yeah. - Good. Duck down.

Are you kidding?

No, do it. We got company.

Better we keep 'em far away.

[dramatic music]



You said we were just gonna snatch the girl

and drive away, you didn't mention nothing about shotgun.

Yeah, the road racin' part slipped my mind too.

Anthony wouldn't do this.

He wouldn't harm the baby.

These aren't Bennett's men.


Don't lose 'em.

[tires screeching]

- Hold on. - 'Ah!'


[horns honking]

[music continues]

[tires screeching]

Everybody okay?

- Oh, my God, - What, what is it?

Well, it could be wrong

but I think I'm having the baby now.

- No! - 'Oh!'

[Hawk laughing]

(Spenser) I always like to know who hires me for a job

to be sure I'm working for the right kind of people.

In this case, I wasn't sure if anybody had hired me.

But still I knew I had a client.

Actually, two.

And I was about to meet the second.

You're doing great, just-just take a deep breath.

You take deep breath.

You're doing fine. You-you don't.. Time 'em, time 'em.

Four minutes. Do you know what you're doing?

Ah, police academy training.

Yeah, right. Do you know what you're doing?

Well, I could use some help.

Who told you, babe, that I know a place?

- Where? - Who cares? Just punch it.

[instrumental music]

It's alright, boys.

I know you did your best.

Wait outside for a moment. Mr. Devane will speak with him.

- We'll get her back, sir. - Yeah, we will.

Send them to head Cannon at his restaurant.

He's got a half a dozen men with him, they'll be blown apart.

That's right.

'I want the word out on the street.'

Ten grand, anyone who spots Spenser

or Hawk.

You want them taken out?

No, I want my son safe.

Let me be very clear on this point.

There's to be no sh**ting anywhere near that child.

I'll take care of it.

And have our people check every hospital

within a hundred miles of Boston.

'Don't let me down on this, Peter.'

I don't care how much it costs

or how long it takes.

Find them for me.

(Michelle) 'That's enough. I'm not doing this.'

(Miss Emma) 'How many times I heard that.'

I don't want to have a baby.

Honey, you don't have any choice.

Fill the kettle in the kitchen for me

and put it on the front burner.

You gonna make me tell you twice?

(Miss Emma) 'Spenser, Spenser, get over here.'

Okay, I got ya.

Now lean on me.

- Is this your first? - Yes.

Oh, you're gonna do just fine.

You taking any dr*gs that I should know about.

- No. - Oh, good girl, good girl.

Now we gonna walk a little bit

and give gravity a check.

It's gonna do some work.

Wait here.

[dog barking]

Hey, I though you needed that money

to pay off the old lady.

Not anymore.

You know, as a matter of fact

I may make some real good money

off on Mr. Bennett.

So give it over.

Now, don't I always take real good care of you?

- Sure, baby. - Then drive.

[Michelle moaning]

Why didn't you take this girl to a doctor?

Some people are looking for us.

Almost always, aren't they?

The girl needed help.

- Miss Emma's kinda help. - Best there is.

Go by the other side and tell her she's doing great

and relax yourself too.


Baby is on his way.

I can't do it.

It's like walking up the steep green hill

and taking one step at a time.

And breathing in the fresh air.

This is the hardest work you're ever gonna do

but you can do it.

'When I say'

'support her back, count for me.'

What are you standing around for?

'Get over there and help her.'

'I'm taking care of this business.'

Come on now.

A deep breath.

- Hold it. - One..

- Push. - Two..

- 'Three..' - 'Ah!'

(Spenser) 'Four, five, six'

'seven, eight..'

A couple more with the next contraction oughta be it.

(Spenser) One, two, three..'

Stop pushing now.


What's the matter?

Got himself tangled up

in it's cord.

[breathing heavily]

But he's alright now.

Okay, you're doing fine.

Now you can push that little boy all out.

[breathing heavily]

Come on, come on, come on.


(Miss Emma) 'I got him.'

[baby crying]

[instrumental music]

Can I see him?

Let me hold him.

Look at his little fingers.

He's perfect.

Like I told you

everything is fine.

[intense music]

I can't believe I made a person.

You did a good job too.

I had good help.

Can you say thank you?

Hey, anytime.


I count five. Plus the dude walkin' to the door.

Sorry, Miss Emma.

Don't worry about me, just do what you have to do.

I repeat myself, under no circumstances

is anyone to fire, Mr. Bennett's express order.

That's far enough.

I am never armed.

I'm here to talk.

So talk.

Must I stand in the street?

Keep your hands where I can see and walk real slow.

We've been through this once already.

Humor me.

[baby crying]

Anthony will be very happy to know that his son is safe.

I think he can be very generous when he's happy.

Her son is not for sale.

You tell your boss I wanna talk to him.

- That's why I'm here. - You're an errand boy.

I wanna talk to Bennett.


There are five men outside, Mr. Spenser

A dozen more a phone call away.

Oh, you send them home

or start the party.

You're a moral man, Spenser, with a conscience.

Not the type to put a new mother and her baby at risk.

It's my living, reading bluffs.

Read this barrister.

You see any bluff?

I got six morals left and I'm fresh out of conscience.

Now either you do what Spenser says, or you will expire.

In five..

Now you look like a good judge of character, Mr. Devane.


What do you think?


Personally, I think he'll blow your brains out.


When and where will you meet?


[instrumental music]

(Spenser) Anthony Bennett was not about to harm his son

but until I know who was

I needed a safe place to hide Michelle and her boy.

I needed someone who's warm

sensitive, understanding.

[knocks on door]



Uh, Rita, this is, uh, Michelle Gilbert

um, and her son.

Could we come in, please?

Ah, yeah, sure. Of course.

Wow, looks nice. I hope we're not interrupting anything.

No, why don't you sit down?


I mean, this is, uh..

...really very nice.

I mean, it's pretty snazzy for an assistant DA.

Uh, what are you, on the tape?

It's an old joke.

- Uh, could we-- - Talk?

What a great idea.

Come on.



She needs a place to stay.

I-I probably should have called first.

Uh, no need for that.

Just because I'm in the middle of preparing

for a major case for court tomorrow.

I mean, Spenser, I'm not opposed to

I mean, I think of myself as a reasonable person.

Oh, I do too.

Just what makes you think you can come and drop

a baby in my lap?

I thought that she would be safe here.


Spenser, I hardly know you.

Well, that's my point exactly, you see?

There's no connection between the two of us

and they won't think to look for her here.

- Someone's looking? - She's in a little trouble.

Well, you're not completely out of the woods yourself.

A day at the most.

- A day? - Maybe two.

A day, I think I can wrap the whole thing up in a day.

I wouldn't have come if it were important.

Kid needs some help.

Come on.

Can she stay?

- She can stay. - Right!

And don't say, I owe you one, okay?

'Cause in this you owe me about ten.

- Here, look, here's some-- - Hey, one question, Spencer.

Whose baby?

No. No. Not mine, no.

I didn't think so. I just wanted to see you squirm a little.

There some powder and wiping stuff

and these are guaranteed not to leak.

(Spenser) George Cannon might have had a g*ng w*r brewing

with Anthony Bennett

but Bennett and I were playing Poker.

At the moment I had the advantage of the game.

Michelle and her son were good bargaining chips.

Of course, Bennett wasn't above stacking the deck.

[dramatic music]

How's my son?

Mother and son are both safe and doing fine.

What does she want?

Custody agreement.

- Forget it. - Then you'll never see him.

You'll never see tomorrow.

Uh, uh.

Let's hope we both walk away happy men.

Let me ask you this, Spenser.

Where do you honestly believe this child would be better off?

Michelle only has what I give her.

Besides, she can't raise a child

she's practically a child herself.

She's young, but she'll manage.

Look, I only want to give the boy a real home

take him into my family.

A family full of love and affection.

You know I think you would take care of the boy

but I'm not gonna let you do it on Michelle's expense.

I'm willing to take care of Michelle

for the rest of her life.

Because I care for her, Spenser.

'I care a great deal.'

A strange way of showing that

trying to take her baby away from her.

Michelle is what she is and I'm not gonna let

my son raised be by a whore.

And she doesn't want him raised by a hood.

Looks like we got a stand-off here.

What's your deal?

You establish a blind trust at local bank deposit

'$ a month for their support.'

You give up all parental rights and a document to that effect

if that kid disappears, I'll see to it

you're charged for kidnapping.

This is no deal, you're offering me nothing.

Keep Hawk at your back.

His legal name will be Anthony Michael Bennett.

I want to see my son.


or it's no deal.

At the shell on the Esplanade

o'clock, you, Devane and one other.

[intense music]

So how'd you get tangled up with a guy like Anthony Bennett?

I went to New York to be a famous model

you know how that goes, suddenly there I am with no money

and none coming in.

So I started dating.

- Professionally. - Yeah.

Why didn't you just pack up and take the next flight home?

No home.

My parents are, um..

Your only option..

...was to stay.

Oh, I didn't have to hang around the street or anything tacky.

It wasn't great, but I got very polite phone calls

and very polite men.

That's how I met Anthony.

And we fell in love.

Oh, it was so romantic.

We'd be together three years this March.

I began to dream it might go on forever.

Did you wanna have this baby?

I think so.

Oh, Anthony sure did.

He went nuts when I told him I was pregnant.

And then when I told him it was a boy

he actually cried.


How can Anthony take my baby?

Michelle, no one's gonna take your baby away.

Anthony has money and power, he gets whatever he wants.

Not if I can help it.

And from what I know of Spenser

you've got the best there is on your side.

Now go and lie down.

I'll look after the kid.

'You should sleep when he does it's the only chance you get.'


I read that somewhere.

[instrumental music]


[baby crying]

He looks like you.

He's got your nose.

Can I hold him?



[baby crying]

You alright?


(Spenser) Running g*n battles on the Esplanade

tended to upset Martin Quirk.

And Bennett claiming it was just another

random act of urban v*olence really ticked him off.

In fact, it took nearly half an hour

of shouting threats and warnings at us

before he calmed down.

When he did however he agreed it would be best

if he took Michelle and her baby into protective custody.

Spenser, who's trying to k*ll us?

I don't know, but I'm gonna find out.

Do you always go to this much trouble

for someone you've only known for one day?

Just the ones that are worth it.

Have you given any thought to what you gonna do

after this is all over?

I figured some money from Anthony

I could find a decent place outside the city.

Hm, you gonna get a job?

Oh, no. My new boss is layin' in my arms.

I wanna be a full-time mom.

Good for you.

When am I gonna see you again?

Well, I figured after this is all over

we could drive off to the country

and did a little house hunting?

Will you thank Rita for me?

Oh, I think I am going to be thanking Rita

many many times for our little visit.

You're a special man, Mr. Spenser.

Special, you want special?

Here's Frank Belson. This guy is a one of a kind.

He's gonna take good care of both of you.

See ya there.

[instrumental music]

(Spenser) The only other name I kept hearing was George Cannon.

But it didn't make any sense.

I've known Cannon for ten years

and he's no fool.

He had to know 'k*lling Bennett's son

will start a w*r without end.

But he might have an idea who could benefit.

Hawk was already on the streets looking for the contractor.

My job was to find out who hired them.

Cannon held court daily at a restaurant he owned.

It had a great view and even better food.

He was every bit as crooked as Bennett

but he seemed to enjoy it more.

He enjoyed everything more.

May I help you, pal?

Possibly, something's been bothering me lately.

Oh, yeah, what's that?

Do you think Francis Bacon really wrote Hamlet?

Take a walk.


It's okay, Pete, sit.

Good boy, Pete. Next I'll be teaching how to roll over.

How's it going for you, George?

What could be bad?

Fresh air, a good lobster.

You should eat better.

But I heard you've been having a hard time.

Who told you that?


They say you've been seeing a lot of Anthony Bennett.

If this is true

tell him he won't be seeing the two guys

he sent over to visit.

People do talk.

I hear things too.

What kind of things.

That you hired a contract from out of town

a man with a scar to k*ll a young woman and her child.

Maybe we've both been listening to the wrong people.

I've got a dozen grand children.

I told him they were wrong.

I appreciate that.

The guy with a scar..

...could be Lasgos.


From Philly.

Got into town a couple of days ago.

I thought it was Bennett bringing in more g*ns.

- You where he stays? - No, but I can find out.

In return for a small favor.

- What's that? - Reason with Bennett.

Having a son has done something to his mind.

Only fools and young men go to w*r.

[intense music]


He's been discovered.

[music continues]



Leave them here.



[intense music]

I think this gentleman has a lot he wants to tell us.

Ain't that right?


-' Cannon is a liar.' - 'Sometimes, not about this.'

All along it wasn't his style.

Styles change.

Then who the hell did it.

Are you saying it's somebody inside my organization?

Devane? What?

- Is Mrs. Bennett home? - Should be, why?

She has nothing to do with any of this.

What do you have?

I think you should call her.

You better know what you're talking about?


Helen, come in here a moment.

I've got an appointment clear across town.

- Forget the appointment. - I barely have time.

- Mrs. Alexander-- - Forget the damned appointment.

What's the matter with you, Anthony?

Mrs. Bennett?

Oh, Mr. Spenser, I didn't realize you were here.

How much did you pay Lasgos?

Excuse me?

You convinced me to find Michelle Gilbert

but not for her sake

but to make it easier for you

and your hired g*ns.

Anthony, do you know what this man is talking about?

Because I don't and I don't care

for whatever it is he's implying.

Oh, I'm not implying anything.

It's a full blown accusation.

That I had to something to do with the attempt on

that woman and her baby?

Who do you think you're talking to?

I don't think you'd like the answer to that question.

Anthony, I would like this man to leave.


I paid Lasgos a visit this afternoon

he got away.

His partner didn't.

We had a nice little chat.

He had a lot to say about your wife.

What does that prove?

That some hoodlum knows my name.

Helen, stop.


What the hell was I supposed to do?

You acted as if having a son

'were the beginning of a whole new life.'

You've got two beautiful daughters, Anthony

and they mean nothing to you

they are just some pictures

you take out of your wallet to show off--

I love my children.

No, you love yourself.

You had it. You had it all, Anthony.

And you wanted more.

And I had to do something to protect my babies.

- Enough. - No.

This time you're going to listen to me.

You've had your hooker

and I've always known about her.

I could smell her on your clothes.

I thought..

...well, that's kinda man he is.

I can live with that

to protect my family.

Then you were seen everywhere with her in public.

'Now the whole world knows I'm a fool.'

But still I loved you.

Did you love me, Anthony?

[chuckles] No.

No, you didn't give a damn.

Now the slut gets pregnant

and you expect me to allow that baby

in my house with my children?

What did you suppose was going to happen?

You could k*ll a woman and a baby.

There was nothing else I could do.

m*rder my son?

[chuckles] Your son?

Born of a whore.

[intense music]

Special delivery package here.

- Lasgos? - Mm-hm.

Be soft with him.

w*r's over.

Another one's beginning.

(Spenser) And it had already claimed its victims

Mrs. Bennett had lost.

And would face prosecution.

Whatever the trials outcome

her real punishment would be a cold exile

from her home and children.

Anthony Bennett's pride had made him turn his back

on the love of a young woman.

And in the process he had seen

the fabric of this cherished family torn apart.

He had thrown it all.

A young boy and his mother

had earned the freedom of a new life together.

The only fragile survivors.

[theme music]

[music continues]