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02x02 - Widow's Walk

Posted: 10/06/23 16:32
by bunniefuu
[music continues]

[music continues]

[instrumental music]

(Spenser) The Mystic River Bridge is one way out of Boston.

And a way out what I had been looking for.

Boston had turned cruel as April.

And I needed to distance myself from it.

At least for a while, I needed a place

where I had no personal past.

Where memory and desire didn't wait to as*ault me

down every familiar street

around every corner.

Maybe Elliot could've explained what happened, I couldn't.

Susan had gone, gently, regretfully.

Firmly closing the door on our life together.

And each time I explored the "why" of it

the hurt dug deeper.

Gloucester was only about minutes out of Boston

but it was a place we hadn't shared.

An emotional limbo.

So when the offer of a job came, I grabbed it.

Cape Ann seemed like a good place to get some salt air

some fried clams, and maybe a new perspective.

[music continues]


Thank, mom.

Mrs. Calone?

Ah, yeah. I'll be with you in a minute.

Sam, where do you think you're goin'?

- 'We're not finished work.' - I am.

Look, you asked me to give it a shot

I gave it a shot.

It's not working.

- 'What we get today?' - Oh, well, today, we had--

Today, yesterday, same thing.

I could do better off the end of a pier

with a string and a safety pin.

I gave it two months.

- That's it. - Sam, you can't quit.

We're-we're workin' a short crew as it is.

I'm sorry.

You and Anthony were friends for how many years?

You worked together..

Sam, you know what I'm tryin' to do here. I can't do it alone.

(Sam) 'You got no right puttin' up to me like that.'

I got my own family to think about.

You know what would happen if, if I stayed on here?

'We'd both go broke.'

You're not gonna make it, Ellen.

Sell the boats to Almeida. He'll give you a fair price.

You got the guts to mention that name to my mother?

You watch it, kid. You just watch it.

You think we'd sell to the Almeidas?

They k*lled my father.

I'd brim both our boats down to the waterline

before we'd sell out to them.

Look, Tony, you've been poppin' off a lot about that.

You want some advice?

From you? I want nothin' from you.

So why don't you just get outta here?

That mouth of yours is gonna get you in real trouble

one of these days.

Bad idea. as*ault with a deadly w*apon.

Put you out of the fishin' business a long time.

- Who asked? - He's right, Tony. Let it go.

Who's he to tell me?

Spenser. I told you I hired him.

Yeah, well, maybe he didn't get his instructions right.

You're supposed to be on our side.

He's supposed to be protecting us

and keeping you out of trouble.

Which he just did.

I'm not afraid of Sam Valette.

He doesn't scare me.

Neither do you.

And wait till you see me in my gorilla suit.

It's in the car.

(Ellen) Your ad said a full service agency.

Does that always include cooking dinner for your client?

[chuckles] Not always.


Sometimes I even do windows.

Besides, I haven't had anyone

but myself to cook for lately and..

No. It's not the same, is it?

No, it's not the same.


Ten more minutes at low simmer

and we're talking perfection.

Great. Sit down. Have some wine.

That's dad chair.


No need to apologize. He didn't know, Tony.

Big time Boston PI. Isn't he supposed to know everything?

Tony, if you're gonna be rude..

You think for $ a day, he could buy his own dinner.

I'll be in my room.

I don't know what to do.

That's alright.

I'm not the target, I'm just handy.

He's always been a terrific kid. Never any problem.

Not with school, not with anything.

And when his father was k*lled..

When you're , you're immortal.

You expect everyone else to be.

And when find out they're not

there're some very heavy adjusting to do.

How did Tony happen to be on the boat

the night it was fire-bombed?

He wasn't suppose to be. It was late, but you know kids.

He got on board without Anthony seeing him.

Something was wrong with the engine.

I, I don't know what.

Anthony was working on it. He thought he'd take it out

see how it was running.

They weren't out too long when..

...Tony heard the other boat.

Something was thrown on board.

There was an expl*si*n.

'A terrible expl*si*n.'

Poor Tony.

He was blown overboard.

There wasn't anything he could do.

He couldn't even try to help his father.

'When he finally got back to land'

'he told the police what had happened..'

Well, that was the end of it.

They investigate what other boats were out that night?


Boats are in and out all the time.

But Tony knows who threw that b*mb.

- Everybody knows. - The Almeidas.

Why do you think they did it?

Was it a personal vendetta?

- What? - Business!

Strictly business.

Too many people fishing, not enough fish.

It's not just Gloucester. It's the same in New Bedford.

All up and down the east coast.

We're all fighting to stay alive.

Only the Almeidas fight by their own rules.

You sure those rules include m*rder?

They bought out the ones who would sell.

They've driven the smaller ones under.

Only, they couldn't get to Anthony.

First they threatened, and then they k*lled him.

I don't want Tony hurt.

He's not gonna be hurt.

That's why I'm here.

I told you, they beat him up once.

They could've k*lled him.

Look, I'll understand if you want to change your mind.

The Almeidas can be vicious.


You're forgetting about my gorilla suit.


Thank you.


I don't think you'll have any trouble

finding the Almeida dock.

I'll find it.

(Ellen) 'Probably won't do any good to talk to the old man'

but he's the only one his son's will listen to.

And maybe he'll listen to me.

- Good luck. - Good fishing.

Shove off.

(Spenser) Heroes are generally thought of in grandiose terms.

Storming the Bastille, slaying dragons

doing ritual battle for king and country.

No laurel wreaths or medals

were being readied for Ellen Calone.

But there was unquestioned heroism in her daily fight

to hang on to her home and family

and future for her son.

Today, as she had yesterday, and would tomorrow

she prepared to deliver herself to what Yeats called

"Murderous innocence of the sea."

[instrumental music]

Scenes of domesticity tend to throw one off guard.

Spenser's rule, "Watch the other fellow's eyes."

The Almeida patriarchs were as welcoming

as a plaice to seeing glacier.

The dog didn't look all that glad to see me either.

- This is my dock. - Yeah, I know.

- My name is-- - I know who you are.

I know who you work for, so you can get outta here

the same way you came in, only faster.

- Mr. Almeida-- - What's the matter?

Am I not making myself clear?

I don't want to hear anything you have to say.

Heard enough of that lousy kid.

So if you think you can come here and thr*aten me--

Threatening? I'm just trying to have a conversation.

I know everyone around here's in a real short fuse.

But threats and counter-threats aren't gonna solve anything.

Ellen Calone's worried about her son.

Ah, well, she has a right to be worried.

Take her a message from me, okay?

You tell her, Tony doesn't shut that mouth of his

somebody's gonna end up using him as live bait.

- No. - What?

No, I'm not gonna tell her that.

Because nobody's comin' anywhere near Tony.

My son's--

Your bully-boy sons beat up a -year-old kid.

They make another move, you better warn 'em

I'm cuttin' in on the action.

Two months he's been going all over town

telling anyone who wants to listen

we k*lled his father!

What are we supposed to do? Nothing?

Unless that's too a dull an approach for you.

Look, the way I hear it, he says you did, you say you didn't

this thing keeps escalating.

'Anthony Calone is dead.'

'You really want to see somebody else get hurt?'

Let me give you a little tip, mister.

The name is Spenser.

Butt out of what doesn't concern you.

Go on back to Boston.

We got ways of handling your kind.

What're you trying to do, Mr. Almeida? Terrify me?

[clicks tongue]



[dramatic music]

(Spenser) The poet, Stella Benson, cautioned us to call

"No man foe."

I can only assume Mr. Almeida was unfamiliar with her work.

(male #) 'Mr. Almeida.'

'Heh. Quite a character, isn't he?'

Yeah, a real Down-East original.

Nasty thing, dog bite.

But I cleaned it out real good.

Should heal up just fine.

You're gonna file charges?

No, but I have considered biting him back.

Mr. Almeida, not the dog.

Glad to see you're hangin' on to your sense of humor.

That's somethin' been in short supply around here

for quite a while.

- Because business has been off? - Off?


Fishin' industry is a mess.

You know anything about it?

I've seen "Captain Courageous" a few times.

Seems like a pretty tough life.

'Only the law is anything but.'

Even today with all the rules

and regulations, boundary disputes

condos and marinas spoilin' the prime breedin' grounds.

'Can't catch what's not out there.'

I suppose you wonder why they stay with it.

No. It's what they do.


I want to look at that arm tomorrow.

Now, that is if you plannin' on stayin' on at the Calone place.

Does everyone in town know who I am and where I'm stayin'.

Gloucester's a small town.

Well, evidently, it's not big enough

for the Calones and the Almeidas.

Doc, did you do the autopsy on Anthony Calone?

What they could find of him. Wasn't much.

What do you think happened?

You mean, do I think the Almeidas

had somethin' to do with?

- Off the record. - 'I don't know.'

What I do know is, it's not a healthy subject for speculation.

Little tough on the wardrobe too.


Hi, how're you doin'?

Well, we've had better days. What about you?

- I've had better days myself. - Did you see Manny Almeida?

Like, that's gonna do any good.

- I saw him and I talked to him. - And?

(Spenser) 'And I think I was making some progress.'

'At least I was making the points I wanted to make.'

- Until he sicked his dog on me. - He what?

Ah, he was not exactly what you would call receptive.

(Tony) 'I could've told you you wouldn't get anywhere'

'talkin' to that guy.'

I don't know what he's doing here anyway.

He can't change anything.

He can't bring dad back.

No, Tony, I can't do that.

Maybe he can keep you from getting hurt.

Oh, sure. He's gonna take care of me.

He can't even take care of himself.

He can't even fight off a dog.

Big dog.

[door closes]

Dinner in half an hour.

You order a PI, and you get a short-order cook.

It's a twofer. Sure, it's a gimmick

but it makes for a great word of mouth.


You're makin' fun of me?

Tony, he's just trying to be pleasant.

You might try it yourself sometime.

I'm sorry, Spenser.

It's not just that we didn't cover our cost today.

Another man quit, that means that we can't go out tomorrow.

Takes a lot of men and a lot of muscle to run a fishing boat.

I'm sorry.

No, I can ask around, but to tell you the truth

nobody's that wild about working for a woman.

Primitive, short-sighted, and not uncommon.

It doesn't, uh, bother you though, does it?

Never could come up with a reason why it should.

Look, I know I engaged you for protection

but would you consider.. Um, I-I mean..

Well, I couldn't do any worse than I did today.

You know about commercial fishing?

Absolutely nothing, but I've always been a sucker

for a learning experience.

[knock on door]

Who is it?

What do you want?

We came to see what kind of guy rousts an old man.

(Ellen) 'This is my house, Frankie.'

'You and Buddy aren't welcome here.'

'Get out of here.'

I said, get outta here.

Hey, hey, hey. Why don't you get out of the way?

The Almeidas I presume.

Why don't you let her go?

[intense music]

- I didn't roust your father. - He said--

(Spenser) 'I didn't roust your father.'

And if that's what he told you, he's lying.

[dramatic music]


Come on.

This ain't over yet, Spenser.

Now, why did I know you were gonna say that?

[instrumental music]

(Spenser) I've come to Gloucester because of the steady

mature, courageous individual.

It seemed a good place to hide from the emotional turbulence

caused by Susan's leaving.

Instead, I found myself caught up in the maelstrom

of grief and anger and loss

that haunted Ellen and Tony Calone.

I hoped I could make a difference.

But at present, the other side seemed to be winning.

[music continues]

I don't want any, ma.

Eat it.

What's she sour about?

"What's she sour about."

You got a nerve to ask that.

You and Frankie.

What about Tony?

What does he look like?

Between the two of you, you could make four of him.

Who cares? Whatever he got, he had coming.

- Manny. - Look.

Are you part of this family or what?

Why are you always taking his side?

He's a -year-old boy.

He lost his father.

Yeah, and he's blaming it on us.

He's gotta blame someone, he's grieving.

Where's your understanding?

(Manny) 'I don't wanna hear anymore from you, Velma.'

- The kid's a hothead. - Mm-hmm.

Just like his father.

Do you remember when Anthony was ?

He was over here all the time.

You treated him like your own.

Alright. That's it.

You better finish your breakfast.

You're gonna be late.

It's gotta stop.

'You hear me? All of you?'

It's gotta stop.

I don't wanna hear about anymore beatings.

I don't wanna hear about anymore bombs.

If you don't stop it now, someone else ends up dead.

(male #) 'There it is. We got it.'

[indistinct chatter]

[rope creaking]


- You alright? - Thanks.

(Dom) 'You're not suppose to be over there.'

You're suppose to be over here.

We can't fish and take care of you, too.

Nobody has to take care of me.

[instrumental music]

Women just don't belong out here.

Anthony knew that.

[music continues]

So, how you doin'?

You ever notice how things don't go wrong one at a time?

Once the bad things start, they just keep on happening


I wonder if that coffee's on the disaster..

No, it isn't. I made it.

Uh, so you could buy me a cup.


So what do you think? The cable just snapped?

- An act of faith? - I don't know.

Neither do I, yet.

Maybe it's just big fish, little fish.

Uh, some thing from "Cymbeline."

All fishes live in the sea.

Oh, do they?

Why, as men do a-land.

The great ones eat up the little ones.

(Ellen) 'The Almeidas.'

They got one of the biggest fleets in Gloucester.

Why isn't that enough?

Big fish have big appetites.

Well, if it was sabotaged--

Yeah, it's just another thing we can't prove.

Don't be so sure.

You don't have to stop talking just 'cause I'm here.

We didn't.


If it's bad news, I really don't wanna hear it now, Dom.

El, I'm not gonna quit on you, you know that.

[scoffs] Sam wasn't gonna quit either.

Yeah, well, Dom and me have been talking about that.

'I mean, about what Sam had to say.'

You mean, selling out to the Almeida's?

Why don't you wait to boil over until you have a reason?

At least until they've said what they have to say.

(Dom) Now, re-cabling that winch is gonna take time and money.

You haven't much of either.

There's nothing wrong with the other boat.

- We're still in business. - 'Yeah, but for how long?'

For as long as it takes.


But I feel like I'm keeping a death watch.

[Ellen sighs]

What do you think?

Well, it could've just given away.

But it might have been half the long, too.

(Buddy) 'Hi, Ellen.'

What do you want, Buddy?

Yeah, hold it, Tony. I'll handle this.

That's what I'm here for.

Now, what kind of an attitude is that?

We just came by to give our condolences.

We understand you ran into some bad luck today, didn't we?

That's right.

(Buddy) 'A cable snapped or something.'

Or something like that.

'But you'd know it better than we would, wouldn't you, Buddy?'

Is that supposed to mean something?

You're stupid, Buddy.

But you're not that stupid.

You know exactly what it means.

That's why you brought the extra muscle along today.

So what's it gonna be?

One at a time or all at once?

You know when I was fighting for a piece of the gate

it was one at a time, but whatever works for you guys.

Maybe you get a kick out of knocking heads together.

Maybe you get off on that.

We got better things to do.

Come on.

You were really gonna take on all three of them?

Not if I could help it.

I don't think any of 'em ever heard

of the Marcus of Queensberry.

(Ellen) 'Look, is this really necessary?'

You had three boats, you're down to two, and one's disabled.

You lose this one, you're out of business.

I'll have Tony relieve you at midnight.

I appreciate the offer

but that's not necessary.

Spenser, it's our boat.

It's my job.

[instrumental music]

(Spenser) A very long day had blended seamlessly

into an even longer night.

I waited, I watched.

Despite the romantic image

waiting's about percent of being a private cop

waiting in cold coffee out of plastic cups.

So I listened to the silence.

Nothing broke it but the soft slap of water

against the haul as we rode a changing tide.

And I searched the shadows.

I could find no enemies to fight but my own fatigue.

[instrumental music]


[music continues]

[intense music]

(man on radio) 'The range of high pressure will continue eastward across..'


'The cold sun will move in..'

'...this Friday night.'

'Forecast from Meramec River, Massachusetts'

'to Watch Hill Rhode Island out to nautical miles.'

'South-west winds, knots tonight until Friday morning'

'shifting towards the west knots by Friday afternoon.'

'Winds becoming..'

[intense music]

[dramatic music]

[instrumental music]

(Spenser) I had told Ellen and Tony that I would guard their boat.

I didn't know how my clients felt

but I knew that I wasn't happy with the way

the mast was pointing up at me from the bottom of the bank.

So I made myself a promise

to stop the mindless rampage of v*olence

the Almeida family seemed set on.


My, my, my.

Appears like you should've engaged

my services earlier, babe.

Why? You can see I have everything firmly in hand.

Uh-huh. What happened?

One of the locals tried to char-broil me.

Innovative approach, terrible aim.

I'd take care of the local.

No, I take of the local.

You take care of that.

That? You think I'm dressed for that kind of duty?

You dressed for the Henley Regatta

but, uh, that's the only thing they've got left in the world.


Come on.

Ellen and Tony Calone, this is Hawk.

He'll see to it that no one goes on or off the boat.

- How? The same way you did? - 'No.'

This time, we try a soft talk

and a real big stick.


I just didn't think it could get any worse.

It's not gonna get any worse.

We've got an eyewitness now, me.

I saw Buddy Almeida on the dock when the boat went up.

I'll swear to that.

Go on home.

Hawk will take care of things down here.

- Spenser. - 'Yeah?'

You mind if I make a personal observation?

I wouldn't stop you if I did mind.

As I see it, you have two viable evidence of action.

What are they?

You could take a real long, real hot, soak filled shower.

Or take to wearing tartar sauce behind your ears.

You land lover.

I don't even smell the fish anymore.

Who told you, babe?

Listen, the old man's a little touchy.

So is his dog.

Just let me handle things.

Morning, Mr. Almeida.

Buddy home?

He's busy.

Well, this is kind of important.

Kind of important?

I don't know how busy he is today, Mr. Almeida

'but he was real busy last night.'

What is it?

What are you doin' here, Dan?

I need to talk to Buddy.

I told him Buddy's busy!

This man is a trouble maker.

'He works for the Calones.'

'He's spreading lies, just like them.'

Hi, Dan. You want to talk to me?

I'm afraid I've gotta take you down to the station, Buddy.

You are not taking him any place.

I have no choice.

Some very serious charges have been made.

By him? What charges? What?

Arson, attempted m*rder.

Attempted m*rder?

I was home all last night. I never left the house.

How did you know we were talking about last night, Buddy?

- I heard about it. - Yeah, we all heard.


Tell us what you heard, Frankie.

'What happened?'

Well, well, everybody knows.

Somebody torched one of Ellen's boats.

(Frankie) 'Yeah.'

Attempted m*rder, huh?

I didn't know there was anybody onboard.

You sure you didn't?

You had a ring-side seat.

That's a lie.

Now, listen, we're not gonna get anywhere

standing around arguing about this.

'Just come down to the station.'

I told you, he's not going any place.

[sighs] I got an eyewitness that puts him at the scene.

And I'll swear to it.

Well, I'll be willing to swear that was home, with me.

(Frankie) 'Me too.'

He was home.

I'm sorry, I've gotta take your statement at the station.

No problem, Dan.

Quite a family you have here, Mr. Almeida.

You must be real proud of him.

[dramatic music]

Family of liars.

Nobody on.

- What? - Nobody on, nobody off.

Boat's off limits.

Well, who the hell are you?

The man who says so.

I-I work for Ellen.

I just left my boning gloves onboard.

- I gotta get 'em. - 'Your choice.'

You may got on vertical

but you're gonna leave horizontal.

Forget it.

How's it going?


But you the one look like you're having trouble.

They alibied him.

I saw him, I know he did it.

It was my word against five.

And I watched the others.

I'd swear they had nothing to do with it

but they backed him.

Cops had to let him go, pending an investigation.

You can guess how that's gonna turn out.

- It's the barbeque boy? - Yeah.

Why don't you stand guard and I talk to the local?


They're gonna make good on that boat.

I don't know how yet, but they are.

- Hi. - Hi.

I just brought Mr. Pastori over from the bank

to check on the damage.

Ellen, I told you, I don't think there's any way--

You can see for yourself, it's not much.

We have to re-cable. The nets are fine.

We could be back in business in no time.

Catching what?

I know what it means to you.

And I'm not unsympathetic.

'Do you have any idea'

'how many times a day I hear the same story?'

And it's always the same answer, it's the only one I can give.

As an officer of the bank, I can't approve a loan

'when there's no way to ensure it will be repaid.'

How can suggest that, Mr. Pastori?

- You know me. - And I knew Anthony.

- And I told him the same thing. - Anthony?

But Anthony didn't ask for a loan.

Oh, I-I'm sorry.

I-I assumed you knew.

[mellow music]

Sometimes men don't mention these things.

They don't want their families to worry.

He tried to get a loan

and you turned him down?

Well, I have a responsibility to the bank..

...whatever my personal feelings.

I am sorry, Ellen.

[music continues]

You know, Hawk's got a appetite

but I don't even think he can eat all that.


You know, what's the sense of guarding a boat

you can't fix or you can't work?

And they can't do anything else to us. It's done.

It's not over yet.

I don't know how you could say that.

We're out of business.

Which means I can't afford you anymore.

Don't worry about the tab. It's on the house.

- We don't need your charity. - 'It's not charity.'

I've got a score to settle with Buddy Almeida myself.

Oh, what are you gonna do? You gonna talk to him again?

'Well, I'm sick of talking. What good does it do?'

Thee Almeidas can do anything they want and get away with it.

They k*lled my dad and got away with it!

What's the use? Nobody cares.

Hold it. Nobody cares but you, is that it?

You're the only one hurting?

Okay, you're and you're in pain.

And that pain is gonna be there a long time

but it's not the only pain in the world.

You're mother's hurting.

She just doesn't wear it

like some pair of sunglasses

clouding everything she sees.

She cares!

I care.

You know about that kind of pain, too.

I know you can't run away from it.

Spenser will be down in few minutes.

He's gonna bring you something to eat.

You servin' hors d'oeuvres?

No, mom just sent me down here

to get some stuff from the cabin.

Spenser wouldn't know where to look.


I'll be out in a minute.

[intense music]

[music continues]

[instrumental music]


Some boy said you'll be here in a couple of minutes.

I make it closer to ten.

Tony? What did he want?

Said he had to pick up some things for his mama.


- What are we looking for? - 'Bad news.'


Blasting caps.

I don't think sonny boy is going for cod.

[intense music]


[music continues]


I told you he'd try something!


He's trying to burn the whole fleet.

Hold it, Tony, or I'll drop you!


I don't see him.



I'll try for Tony.

I got it covered.

I gotta reload.

You see him?




[intense music]


I don't know what he thinks he's doing.

Let's call it divide and conquer.


Get him, home boy!

Stop sh**ting, Tony.

Nobody's sh**ting back.

Tony, it's over.

It's not over!

Not yet.

They put us out of business

now I'm putting them out.

'And I don't care if they have g*ns or not, either!'

'My dad didn't have a g*n the night they k*lled him.'

The Almeidas have a lot to answer for, Tony.

Not that.

What are you talking about?

Your dad was hurting, Tony.

Like a lot of other people around here.

'He went to the bank for a loan.'

'They turned him down.'

He made a choice.

- It was a bad one. - You don't know anything.

- You weren't even there! - You were.

You don't blasting caps on a fishing boat.

Not unless you plan to scuttle.

That's not true! They k*lled him!

- 'There was no other boat.' - They k*lled him!

- It was the Almeidas! - 'No other boat.'

No fire b*mb.

He did it himself.

It went wrong.

No, they k*lled him!

Spenser, they k*lled him!

They did.


My dad..

...he wouldn't have done it.

And kept at him.

Always trying to break him.

Always trying to make him gone.

They k*lled him.

They did it.

They did..

He didn't do..

[mellow music]

I didn't know your father..

...but I know his son.

He couldn't let this for you.

He couldn't want you twisting your truth

no matter how much it hurts.

I know I don't.

It came close to destroying you..

...and a lot of other people.

He was a decent man, wasn't he?


He was good..

...hard working.



He was.

[music continues]


(Spenser) Daniel Webster once observed

that there was nothing so powerful as truth.

And often nothing so strange.

The truth that Tony had refused to face had been told

and then the telling had freed him.

The truth also made for lively discussion

at the local constabulary.

A discussion that lasted well into the following morning.

Arson and attempted m*rder

were not something they dismiss lightly.

The police were not pleased with us

as a group or individually.

It's difficult to build a case

when all the participants are guilty

but refuse to press charges against each other.

I, of course, was the lone exception.

(Buddy) 'Hey, Spenser.'

Nice try.

What made you think my family wouldn't stick up for me again?

(Spenser) 'Oh, I knew they would.'

I just enjoy telling everyone what a yuck you are

in case anybody missed it.

You know, you got nothing to do with this.

Why don't you butt out?

Attempted m*rder, particularly my own

well, I take that very personally.

It's not enough that the DA's in there

arming themselves with facts.

I may have to do something about it myself.

Nothing you can do.

Oh, there's always something, Buddy.

This and that.

Yeah, well, I never get into Boston.

Well, now that I have friends here

I might be popping up on a regular basis.

I like it here fine, too.


Just keep checking over that shoulder.

Hey, you don't need me.

I got a date with a drycleaner.

Mr. Almeida.

[engine revving]

I don't know how the authorities are gonna resolve all this

but, uh, I don't think we should leave it all for them, do you?


I could maybe fix the damage that I did.

It could've been worse, it could've been really bad.

'I wasn't thinking straight.'

I blamed you for my dad.

I'm sorry.

We're sorry too, Tony.

You and your got a new boat.


Buddy sank it, Manny.

You got a new boat.

We'll fix the cable on the other.

[instrumental music]

(Spenser) 'Ellen.'

Tony said you'd be up here.

It's called a widow's walk.

When Anthony first told me about them, he showed me one

I thought it was the most romantic thing in the world.

He used to stand up here watch the boats come in

watch for his boat.

I'm from Nebraska, did I tell you that?


I didn't even see the ocean till I was

till I met Anthony.

But you're going to stay.

Anthony didn't have a lot to leave his son.

He had the boat.

He had tradition.

It's his legacy.

Whose legacy was the hurt?

'What you were feeling when you first came up here?'

[mellow music]

It wasn't Susan's.

Hers was warmth and laughter, and, uh..

Hurt wasn't wanting it back.

Well, why did she leave?

She had a need to, uh, explore her life.

Her identity.

Who Susan Silverman was.

Not Spenser's Susan or somebody else's Susan.

Who she was as an individual and, uh..

In a way, she could do that was to say goodbye.

And the only way I had left to say "I love you.."

...was in letting her go.

It's going to take time..

'...the healing.'

I think it's already started.

I talked about it.

Hey, Spenser.

Hey, Tony.

You can't leave now. I'm cooking dinner this time.

Like it started for all of us.

[instrumental music]

[theme music]