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04x19 - House on Fire

Posted: 03/28/09 01:29
by bunniefuu
I'm telling you, you're gonna love it.

Do you think so?


Look, it's great.

I saw it forever ago on vhs.




Thank you.

Enjoy the show, you guys.

Thank you. Thank you.

Enjoy the show.

Ah, don't worry, it's not that scary.

That's lame.

I--I mean it's-- It's kind of scary, But, uh, mostly funny, you know?

How funny?

Well, it's...heh.

Just don't spill it, jesse.


Where do you want?

It doesn't matter to me.


No, that's too close.

Thought it didn't matter.

Well, just not too close.

You know you're gonna fall asleep anyhow.

What? Ok, stop.


And I'm getting razor burn.

What? Oh, my god!

Fire! Fire!

Come on, let's go. Get up.

Come on! Fire!

Get the door!

Cathy! Cathy!

Move, man!

There's the fire exit!

Cathy, run!


Oh, my god!

Help! Somebody help us!

This way!

Get the door! Hurry!

Help! Help! Help!

Somebody help us!

Jesse! Mom!

Jesse, where are you?!


Get us out! Somebody get us out!

This is news footage from a movie theater In royal, indiana, population 2,000.

Earlier tonight 19 people were k*lled.

And they're sure it's arson?

Yeah. 2 days ago the same thing happened at the local recreation center.

12 victims, no survivors.

I heard about that. Yeah, it was all over the news.

There were some details that didn't make the news.

A week and a half earlier there were some fires at a convenience store, A local restaurant. Luckily, it was after hours and no one was hurt.

So whoever set these went from no victims to 31 in 2 weeks.

That's a hell of an escalation.

Why didn't they call us in sooner?

The local police and fire department Knew they were dealing with an arsonist, But they had no idea he'd become a k*ller.

Most arsonists don't.

They just like setting fires.

Any deaths that occur are almost always accidental.

31 victims is not an accident.

The police chief knows he made a mistake.

And he learned the hard way That even though not all arsonists are K*llers, They do have one thing in common--

Once they start, they can't stop.

Tennessee williams said, "We all live in a house on fire.

No fire department to call, no way out."

Based on the limited population of royal, The unsub is most likely a local male Between the ages of 17 and 30.

What, arson is a sexist industry?

For the most part, yeah.

Only 12% of arsonists are female.

Apparently women just aren't inclined to burn things.

Let's go with the numbers. Focus on males.

Well, we can scratch hero complex off the list.

He hasn't left anyone to save.

Yeah, but we can't rule out firefighters and other first responders.

How's about I do a background check on all local firefighters and emts?

And flag anyone with a history Of being first on the scene.

Or anyone with a juvenile record That includes vandalism or small nuisance fires.

I will look at everything from firebug to flamethrower.

Did you check out the news footage?

I want the word out that we'd like to see Any personal videos or photos of the fire.

Arsonists like to watch, and if our unsub stuck around, Maybe somebody will recognize him. I'm on it.

Locals find anything in their call logs That resemble the unsub's m. O.?

I mean, he may have staged practice runs.

According to the fire chief's report There was nothing similar in the past year.

Garcia, extend your search statewide.

The unsub may have done his practicing Far enough away so as not to arouse suspicion.

Thank you. I will cast a wide net, sir.

I grew up in a small town. People are gonna assume Anyone we question is guilty.

The last thing we want is for this to turn into a witch hunt.

It's exactly what this is. We're just gonna have to Keep the locals from realizing it.

Garcia, I want you to find out everything that you can About the 31 victims, and I don't mean just their paper trail.

I need to know everyone related to them, Everybody they owed money to, Everybody they had an argument with.

Sir, if I'm hearing you right, You're saying I'm the witch hunter.

That's exactly what I'm saying.

Chief carlson, Agent jareau, this is agent hotchner.

Thank you for coming.

I know I should have called you in earlier.

So...anything you need, anything at all, you got it.

What we're going to need most is your help.

It's a horrible tragedy, and it's gonna take Everyone working together to prevent another one.

You think he's gonna try to do it again?

We know he will.

And with his escalating timeline, It's gonna be soon.

We, uh...

We didn't have enough room in the hospital For everyone.

This--This way, please.

Doc rawlings.

You're the fbi agents.

Well, thank god carlson called you.

I'm agent hotchner, this is agent jareau.

That's mary elise. She lost her husband.

That's alice starrett with chief carlson.

Her parents were both at the movie theater.

Mike--His oldest son and his girlfriend were there.

So was my nephew.

Everybody in the room lost somebody.

When I first heard about it, I just came right here.

I had my nurses bring equipment, set up triage.

Nobody needed it. They were--

They were all dead.

Every single one of them.

I wish I could tell you this is the worst of it, but I can't.

When he strikes again, he's gonna be aiming for even more victims.

My god.

You need to send everybody home.

Large gatherings like this are a bad idea.

All right. Dr. Rawlings.

When I spoke to the police chief, He said that you know everyone in royal.

Well, pretty much. I grew up here.

I inherited my father's practice.

I delivered 11 of those people lying in there.

There is a strong probability that the k*ller is local.

You think somebody from royal did this?

It's usually the case.

We want to handle this investigation as gently as possible, Without pointing fingers.

What we're asking you to decide is what's more important, People's privacy or their safety?

Most of the victims d*ed of smoke inhalation, thank god.

A few of them were trampled.

My cousin gary and his wife linda.

If you need some time...

We're talking gasoline and matches.

And this was the point of origin.

The second one was in the lobby?

This one b*rned the longest.

Slower, too.

Less oxygen, less fuel.

He used a lot more gas in the lobby.

Place went up like a haystack.

What about the sprinklers?

Bastard turned off the main water line.

You know, the unsub could have set this fire first.

Lobby b*rned harder and faster, Forcing the victims out this way, Where he'd already blocked the exit.

And where the smoke from the slower-Burning fire had already built up.

And whoever did do this knew that even if the fire department Got here in time to stop the fires...


They still wouldn't have been able to save them.

Me and daniel are both volunteers.

The whole company is.

Got about 20 firefighters, Plus our own ladder truck and pumper.

An emt runs a 2-Person crew 24/7.

We managed to get it out pretty fast.

Not fast enough.

All those people.

Who would have so much hate?

Someone whose rage has been building for years.

But what he did, i...

The unsub knew exactly what he was doing.

He's been practicing for a long time.

Nuisance fires, vandalism.

He may have even b*rned himself.

Well, that sounds like every teenage boy who's ever grown up in royal.

I don't know if you noticed, But there's really not a lot to do here.

You have our reports. All the records are in there.

Maybe so, But we all know there are times when things...

Don't get reported.

Times when you're...

Just trying to protect someone, Just trying to, um, Make the situation go away.

We're just trying to help people out.

Sometimes the best way to do that is to forget That it ever happened.

We're gonna need to know about those times.

I have been through every piece of footage I could find.

No one sticks out at the fires.

No one appears to be inappropriately voyeuristic.

No one with bandages.

Yeah. Garcia?

No firebug firefighter, no flammable juvie records, However, of the 128 reported instances Of petty larceny and vandalism in the last year, There are a few names that sort of stick out, So I'm emailing you those photos.

I also have a pattern of small gasoline fires about 300 miles away.

A town called franklin.

Got a, uh, trash can fire, a christmas tree, And an abandoned shed. And I sent you that file.

Given the 500-Mile search radius, There's bound to be a certain percentage of nuisance fires.

We can't necessarily attribute that to our unsub.

With a gasoline accelerant--

Our unsub and this guy. Nice work, garcia.

What about the victims?

Well...given that I've had less than 8 hours, I can't really--

I appreciate the time constraint. What have you found?

Uh, a mixture of ages and genders.

Mostly local.

A cousin visiting from a nearby town.

Is there any crossover between the victims and the 2 towns, garcia?

Hey, it's a little teeny tiny town.

There's nothing but crossover. Um...

Alex nagel--He was k*lled in the rec center.

Now, not only was nagel an upstanding member of the local church, He also owned quite a bit of real estate in royal, Including the movie theater.

Windy kennedy was k*lled at the movie theater.

She was a single mom. She worked a double shift at the local discount store.

And she still managed to find time to volunteer at the rec center.

I also have a third-Grade teacher, third cousins, And at least 3 potential affairs.

You're gonna have to start weeding out some of these, garcia.

Third cousins and religious affiliations Are probably not gonna help us.

I need to know who had enemies, Who had secrets, who was a target.

Oh, with all due respect, sir, My brain muscles are comfortable with being intuitive with information, Not people. Looking at people like that Is not part of my job description.

I'm not a profiler.

Well, you're gonna have to be. We don't have much time.

You two look into the nuisance fires.

Garcia, stay on the radio.

"Yea, though I walk through the valley "Of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, For thou art with me."

You said large gatherings aren't a good idea, Is not a target. But this service...

The unsub wouldn't want to interrupt The grief he created.

But he may want to watch it.

We're looking for inappropriate behavior for the situation.

Too much emotion, too little emotion.

Someone who keeps to himself.

Watching others' reactions.

Someone who insinuates himself too closely Into someone else's grief.

We're focusing on known offenders With a propensity for arson.

Brian miller, 18 years old, And he's been vandalizing property for almost all 18 of them.

".... Staff, they comfort me..."

John clayton, 27.

He set fire to his neighbor's garage, Claimed it was an accident, but he filed a complaint the previous month That the neighbor k*lled his dog.

"Thou anointest my head with oil..."

"My cup runneth over.

"Surely goodness and mercy "Shall follow me all the days of my life...

And I will dwell in the house of the lord forever."

Yeah, jj.

People, please.

Calm down.

I'm sure it's nothing.


He's not here.

This doesn't make sense. He should have been at the memorial.

He shouldn't have been able to resist seeing the damage he'd done.


Hey, captain.

Can I get a word?

It started in the kitchen.

Looks like he came around to the back And tossed a cocktail through the window.

Different delivery system.

That's a big deviance from his m. O.

But perfect for this location.

I don't know, though. With a space this small He shouldn't have been able to pour the gasoline without being noticed.

Nobody saw a thing?

Witnesses say they heard an expl*si*n.

Well, I guarantee he stuck around to watch.


The bar matches his previous locations.

It's another local hot spot.

Only 5 victims this time.

Why lower the body count?


There's something else that's different.

The front and back?

He really wanted to make sure nobody got out this time.

But why bother? No one made it out of the other ones.

Maybe he knew the fire department would show up sooner.

Yeah, we're faster now.

Practice makes perfect.

What the hell difference does it make?

And what good are you guys doing us?

You see chains, figure he didn't want anyone to get out.

I could have told you that.

We're not criticizing anyone.

Our job is to look at the same things you do But to try to see them from a different perspective.


Look, all due respect, captain, But you look at that chain and you say the k*ller Wanted to make sure nobody got out, right?

We look at that chain and we see a little more.

That chain is different than the first two fires.

Now, either we're looking at an entirely new arsonist Or this unsub wanted to make absolutely certain nobody got out.

Now, if this is true, that means something changed.

Maybe his emotions changed. Maybe his agenda.

But something.

See, this chain tells us This is the fire that matters.

This fire is gonna help us catch this guy.

My father was chief here for over 30 years.

Last 2 weeks I lost more folks that he did in his whole career.

Agent prentiss?


Chief, what do we know?

4 dead. The bartender nancy is still hanging on.

How bad is she?

Pretty bad. She was unconscious When they took her.

If we get a chance, we need to talk to her.

I was off duty. I heard it on the radio!

God, I'm sorry, tina.

I just talked to him on the phone.

He said he was coming home.

Tina's fiance jason owned the bar.

He was inside when it all happened.

When's it gonna stop?


We got a completely different m. O.

Assuming it's not a copycat, We know why the unsub wasn't at the funeral.

Someone in that bar was more important to him than anything else.

Morgan, call garcia. Tell her we need to know Absolutely everything there is to know About these 5 victims and we need to know it now.

I'll go tell chief carlson we want to talk to his officers.


Hey, how's miss smart and sexy doing today?

Fair warning, cupcake. As much as I love you And our witty banter, I am all out of witty and banter And am struggling with love.

What's wrong, baby?

I am standing at the crossroads of 31 lives And what I see is a train wreck.

You want a little tour? This is what I mean. Here we go.

Flip phillips--

He b*at his wife. It went on for years.

Although you wouldn't know it if you looked at the police reports, Because that's one of the perks of being the mayor.

David alexander-- He sued his boss for $5 million Over something totally lame, And what makes it even more erotic Is he was sleeping with the boss' daughter.

And then there is-- Where is she?

Oh! One of the town councilwomen, Now, she had a terminally ill husband And also 3 boyfriends under the age of 20.

I want to believe that the world Is just teeming with awesome people, But all of this is giving me great pause.

I want to go back to cyberspace.

I'm sorry, sweetheart, not yet.

I got a few more names for you.


Just, um...

Please tell me they're still alive.

I wish I could do that, garcia.

All of the first 4 fires-- The convenience store, The restaurant, the rec center, and the movie theater, Are indicative of a revenge arsonist.

That's someone who's seeking retaliation For an injustice, whether real or imagined.

Revenge arsonists often target group headquarters, Such as churches or government buildings.

This unsub has chosen local gathering places With large numbers of potential victims inside.

It's clear to us that he's chosen to target this community as a whole.

That tells us that the unsub is a local, Someone who lives or grew up in royal.

But he feels like an outsider.

As if this community has wronged him in some type of way.

These fires are just his way of striking back, Trying to draw attention to himself.

These fires not only k*lled innocent people, They also gave the unsub a sense of power over the community.

But somehow those fires were lacking.

They didn't exact the correct measure of punishment Or attract enough attention.

Or they didn't attract the attention of the right person.

So with the bar fire, He didn't increase the number of victims.

He reduced them.

That's why the third fire is key.

He's not striking out at the community as a whole anymore.

He's now striking out at one or more individuals.

You're sure it's the same guy?

The odds of another arsonist in a town this small Are almost negligible.

That's why we need to concentrate on these victims.

These 5 will hold the key.

So all we gotta do is just figure out Who would have wanted to hurt them.

It may not be that simple.

This type of rage tends to stem from things that people keep buried.

Things they just don't talk about.

Which is why we're gonna have to dig deeply.


Excuse me.
How is she?

We couldn't even send her to the burn unit in gary.

It wouldn't have mattered.

We'll be brief.


It's me.

The fbi is here.

Nancy, can you tell us what happened?

There was a crash...

Then everything exploded.


What happened before that?

Was there anything unusual or out of the ordinary?

Did anyone come in or leave?

Just jason.

Jason, the owner?

He came for the money.

Like always.

He's dead, isn't he?

Nancy, what about customers?

Was there anyone there who seemed anxious or upset?

He would have kept to himself, Taken a seat away from the other customers.

Maybe he was checking his watch or his cell phone.

There was a guy...

He seemed angry.

He kept changing seats.

Ok. We have to stop.

Who was that, nancy? You know his name?


So tell us about the bar victims.

All right. Hilda and roger drake.

She was a teacher, he sold insurance.

Friends, enemies?

Oh, no, nothing like that. They seemed sweet.

Their biggest problem was finding baby names. Hilda was pregnant.

Are you sure?

The m. E. Hasn't even started yet.

No, people in royal take out ads.

"Lordy, lordy, looks who's 40."

"Ask jane what she was doing at the american legion on friday night."

That's just wrong.

That's small-Town life for you.

Your business is everybody's business.

There was a belly watch on hilda.

Uh, what about eric gall?

Oh, eric. He was a boozer.

He spent most of his time at pop's place.

I've got a few drunk and disorderlies, but he seems harmless.

And given the amount of rounds he bought, It's safe to say the whole town love him.

It's hotch.

Yeah, what's up?


I got it.

Ok, well, they managed to speak to the bartender.

According to her, there was a guy there before the fire.

He didn't speak to anybody and he kept switching seats.

She didn't seem to recognize him.

Ok. Wait. So she knew the owner And the boozer, And the husband wouldn't have gotten up and changed seats.

If the bartender didn't recognize him, Maybe he's just not from royal.

That's not necessarily true.

What if she knew him and she just didn't realize it?

What, like a disguise?

The fire captain said the unsub knew the layout Of the movie theater. He used that knowledge to light the fire.

But at the bar, the unsub kept changing his seats.

Which would give him a better view Of the entrances and exits.

So he was studying the layout.

He wasn't familiar with the area.

What if he grew up in royal and he moved away?

Garcia, what year was that bar built?

Uh, the bar was built 5... 6 years ago.

And what about the movie theater?

The movie theater was built in the forties.

It was a single screen, they divided it 2 years ago.

Rec center was built in the late seventies.

I'm gonna call hotch.

Jason elliot opened pop's place 6 years ago When he moved to royal from indianapolis.

Why? Does he have friends or family here?

None that I could find.

What about the bar? Did jason buy it From someone, take over their business?

No. Jason started the bar himself.

He named it after his father, Who, by the way, was his sole beneficiary.

Makes sense. He was single.

Well, he was single, up until a couple days ago, Because 2 days ago, jason married...

Tina wheeler.

The emt.

Yeah. I had checked her out originally As one of the first responders, but her work records looked squeaky clean, And so I let it go until I realized she'd married jason, And then I did some more aggressive digging, Which I should remind you you asked me to do, And it turns out that tina's parents d*ed in a fire when she was 5.

After they d*ed, her and her brother tommy Were sent to live with their grandparents in royal.

Send us everything you have on them.

Well, that's just it. I got...

I got plenty on tina, But I can't really find anything on her brother.

Tina, she, uh, she lived in royal, She went to a community college a few towns over, Got a degree, took a job, Worked hard, married jason--


Tommy, it's like...

He just disappeared.

Find him, garcia.

Lana perry, please.

Hi. This is penelope garcia of the fbi.

I wanted to ask you some questions.

You have a second?

Yes. I--I wanted to ask you some questions About a student, uh, named tommy wheeler.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Oh, my god.

Sir, I think I have something.

We believe jason elliot may have been the target.


The bartender said that jason stopped by the bar At the same time each day to pick up the cash and take it to the bank.

Which would have made him an easy target for anyone who knew his schedule.

I don't get all this.

Jason was a good man.

It may sound corny to you, But everybody loved him.

2 days ago, jason elliot married tina wheeler.

She told me about it yesterday. Uh...

All the tragedies made them not want to wait.

It's a damn shame.

What can you tell us about tina's brother tommy?


Uh, nobody's seen him around here in more than 10 years.

Uh, we actually think they may have.

They just might not recognize him.

How is that possible?

Well, he's aged 10 years, And he'd make sure to go unnoticed.


Tommy wheeler.

Little tommy wheeler. You remember him?

He and his sister tina moved to royal when he was 5.

Doc rawlings was his pediatrician.

Apparently early medical records indicated Tommy may have been emotionally unbalanced.

Tommy was a little unstable.

His parents dying brought that out.

Granted, I don't have a medical degree, But my guess is, watching his parents die in a fire Didn't help tommy's emotional well-Being.

What about tina? How did the fires affect her?

Uh...tina wasn't as damaged by it as he was.

Uh, she adjusted more quickly.

She was tommy's lifeline.

She was more than that. In a situation like this--

No parents, new environment, And grandparents probably too old to take care of them, Tina became tommy's whole world.

Sister, mother, family.

They were very close.

Close enough that tina distorted tommy's love map.

The way an individual gives or receives love--

Their love map--

Is established by the age of 6.

With the death of the parents, Tommy's love map revolved exclusively around tina.

Yeah, it was like they were in their own little world.

By the time they were 8, they even had their own language.

It was a bit disturbing.

But understandable. Perfectly understandable.


So what happened?

What do you think happened? People talked.

It's the only real occupation in royal.

There were rumors.

It was that tommy and tina were too close.

Tommy wheeler!

My god, that's your sister!

Nothing was ever confirmed, though.

No, it wasn't. But, then, the truth didn't matter.

After the rumors started, Things got ugly.

People pointed fingers, Tommy got expelled from school.

Based on nothing but hearsay.

Not true. The school had cause.

Garcia-- No, they didn't.

I spoke to his teacher. She told me how the whole school and the whole town Turned against him, based on nothing but a rumor.

She also told me another rumor. Garcia--

In this one, 14-Year-Old tommy was beaten within an inch of his life By adults. Grown men.

I didn't hear about it until after the fact.

There was nothing I could do.

Broken bones, punctured lung. All because of a rumor.

I couldn't go after anyone based on only my suspicions.

Nobody was talking about it, Not even tommy.

I spoke to his grandparents And told them what to do.

Yeah. So they moved tommy To a colorado boarding school, And they cut off all ties between him and his sister.

It was as if tommy never even existed.

It was for the best.

They would have k*lled him.

If what garcia said is true, then this town's actions Went a long way towards making tommy who he is.

We need to talk to tina.

Go on around, take the back.

Yes, sir.


It's me, brad!


Morgan, find out if tina showed up for work today.





Nobody's here.

Yeah, morgan.

Tina didn't show up for her shift. Thanks.

She left her cell phone.

You think it was tommy?



Put out an apb for tommy and tina.

Close all roads in and out of royal.

No, no, he loves her.

He wouldn't hurt her.

According to his former teacher, Tommy wheeler enrolled in a colorado boarding school Under the name thomas boren.

That's his dead mother's maiden name.

I tracked down his records.

He was at that school for half a year before he landed in juvie, Where he resided for the next 3.

His psych evals during his stay were less than stellar.

So how mad do you think he is?

Well, if I was him I'd be pretty mad.

Oh, god.

Garcia, the town did turn against him.

I mean, that's not an excuse.

No, not tommy. Hotch.

I mean, he did tell me to dig, right? So I dug.

And, granted, I'm not supposed to have direct contact with the public Or purport myself as an fbi agent.

And--Ok, I'm definitely Not supposed to accuse someone of a felony Or even a misdemeanor, Especially when I don't have any actual evidence.

Oh, god.

I did just what they did.

I--I based everything on a rumor.

I got sucked right in. I didn't mean to. I--

Garcia, come on, baby. Stick to tommy.



Ok, uh...

He was released from juvie when he was 16.

You couldn't find him? That's when the trail goes cold.

No, I said the trail went cold, I didn't say it disappeared.

This is the part I'm actually good at.

Whatever he did in the interim remains a mystery, Much to my chagrin, but at the age of 21, Thomas boren re-Emerged in franklin, indiana.

That's 300 miles away from royal.

Said mr. Boren purchased copious amounts of gasoline 2 months ago. It's not unusual to do in indiana, But mr. Tommy wheeler/boren didn't own a farm.

The nuisance fires.

Roger that. And then after his little spending spree, That's when the trail goes cold and I can't find him.

Yeah, hotch.

All right.

There's still no sign of tina.

He wants you to bring rawlings.

We've locked down the town And put out a statewide alert.

So far, nothing.

Where in royal would tommy take his sister?

It's hard to say.

It's likely to be a place that's important to the both of them.

Maybe a place that they went to together as kids.

I don't know. The only place I can think of Is their grandparents' old house, But that was torn down years ago.

That's not gonna help us.

I've got pictures of her with the grandparents and friends.

Nothing with tommy.

Garcia was right.

After he was sent away, tommy no longer existed, Not even as a memory.

Tommy, please, what are we doing here?

I found toy.

Or what she had left of him.

You mean everything to me.


You and i, we're-- We're soul mates.


They can't keep us apart anymore.

That's your sister!


Get off of her right now.

My god, tommy.

All those...people--

You k*lled them?

For you. For us. So we can be together.

Don't you see that-- That's how it was meant to be.

Just the two of us.

You k*lled jason?

Don't say his name! Don't!

Hotch, I think we have something here.

What dance is this?

The, uh, spring formal.

They hold it every year at the community center.

May of '98. This was just before tommy was beaten And forced out of town.

Is this dance something tommy and tina would have gone to?

It's a big event.

All the kids go even if they don't have formal dates.

So they could have gone together?


I need you to remember.

Tommy, don't. Don't do this.

We were together.

We were happy.

Tommy, stop it! Please stop it!

You have to turn yourself in.


I remember.

It can be like this again.

We can be together, ok? Just like this.

No. We can't, tommy.

We can't! It isn't right!

It is!

It's gonna be all right. It's gonna be all right. I promise.

You belong with me.

No, I don't! No, I don't!

Please! Let me go!

Tommy, let her go!

Let her go, son!

Let her go!


I'll burn the whole town down.

No, you won't. Not if you love her.

Look at her, tommy. Look at her.

If you really love her, then let her go.

Please, tommy.

You don't want to hurt her, son. you.

I know.

"I have loved to the point of madness.

"That which is called madness.

That which to me is the only sensible way to love."

Francoise sagan.

You guys choose this...

Turning people over like rocks And looking at all their creepy crawly things underneath.

And I get it. I do.

It's the only way to catch them. But...

I want to see the good in people.

I choose to see the good in people.

And...getting into someone's mind And trying to find the god-Awful thing that happened to them That made them do the god-Awful thing to somebody else Has seriously impaired my ability to giggle, And it makes my brain all wonky, and I don't like it.


Yes, sir.

I just wanted to thank you For your excellent work on this case.

And I understand that what you did Was for you very difficult.

But your contributions are essential To the success of this team.

Thank you, sir.

I know you see the good in people, penelope.


And I would never want you to change that.