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01x02 - Le trésor du cardinal

Posted: 10/05/23 21:04
by bunniefuu
The Count of Monte Cristo

based on the novel by Alexander Dumas

In February , the
Pharaoh ship arrives in Marseilles.

The captain died at sea

and the shipowner entrusts the command
to his first mate, Edmond Dantès .

The book keeper, Danglars,
who envies Dantès,

denounces the young man
as a Bonapartist conspirator.

Dantès is arrested as he is about
to marry the beautiful Mercédès.

The King's Prosecutor subtitue
lawyer, de Villefort, assigned to the case

confiscated documents
from Dantès belongings

and has arrested him
and sent him to Château d'If.

The unfortunate person spends years there.

An Italian conspirator,
Abbé Faria, communicates with him. [/i]

Thanks to Faria,

Dantès finally understood
why they arrested him.

Before dying the Abbé
bequeaths to his partner

the secret of a treasure
buried for centuries

in a cave in
Monte-Cristo island.

Dantès took Faria's place in the
sack bag where the corpse is and flees.

Rescued by a smuggler boat,

makes a stop over on the island of Monte-Cristo

and discovers the fabulous
treasure of Cardinal Spada.


Sorry, Monsieur Abbé.

I was taking a nap.

It's Monsieur Caderousse, right?

Yes, Gaspard Caderousse,
at your disposal.

If I'm not mistaken,

A long time ago you lived

in Marseille

on Meilhan Avenue?

On the avenues of Meilhan, yes.

He was a tailor, right?

Tailor, it's true, but ...

... the business collapsed.

The sun in Marseille
is so strong that

people will stop
to wear clothes.

We will have!



My house is very
poor, Monsieur Abbé.

But what do you want?

it's not enough to be honest
to become rich.

Aged Cahors.

You are alone?

Alone or almost.
I have a wife but ...

... she is always sick.

Tell me...

Some time ago, in Marseille,

You knew a sailor by

the name of Edmond Dantès?

Does the name mean anything to you?

Edmond Dantès?

Without a doubt I knew him.

He was even one of my best friends.

We lived on the same floor.

What about poor Edmond?

He died.

In prison.

More miserable and desperate
than the condemned

who drags the shackle
in the Toulon chain.

Passed away?

Did you know the poor boy?


I administered to him
the last rites.

But on his deathbed,

he swore to
know why they had him

arrested and why he had been
thrown in jail.

That's why Edmond Dantès asked me
to clear up the mysteries

and stir up your memories.

Go get a
glass Monsieur Caderousse.

It turns out that an Englishman

that got stuck with him, is
a very rich Englishman

and he had a brother.

And when he was released,

he left him a large diamond of great
value that he had managed to hide.

The diamond is valued at
fifty thousand francs.

- Say...?
- Fifty thousand francs.

Not to mention the setting, which
in itself also has a certain value.

Edmond Dantès thought that he
had secured his fortune,

when he came out of
prison, but death ...

... came forward.

And he asked me to
be its executor.

And who are the ...


They are the three best
friends of the deceased

and his fiancée.

- I mean ...?
- Monsieur


Also a certain Danglars

and a man named Fernand.

- The fiancée ...
- Mercédès.

Yes, Mercédès. That's it.

You will be the fourth heir

since Dantès's father died, I believe.


He starved to death.

It's impossible, I cannot believe it.

Not even animals starve to death!

It's impossible!

But it's the truth, Monsieur Abbé.

Mercédès tried as much to help him.

just like Edmond's boss,

Monsieur Morrel, but
as the old saying goes,

he didn't want to live off the
charity of others.

He sold everything he had
to survive.


When there is nothing left ...

... he passed away.

The son's friends

didn't do anything?

His friends...

Poor Edmond. The friends?


Listen to me and shut up.

Shut up, woman!

And do you know what their intentions are
to make you talk, stupid?

So then it will be divided by four.

At least Fifty thousand
francs .

Why four? Between
whom and who else?

there's a share for each and everyone.

For me, Danglars,
Fernand and Mercédès.

Edmond Dantès's friends.

Friends are not
those who betray.

I don't understand anything
of what you're saying.

I was his only friend.

The diamond must be mine alone.

After all, you can say
anything you want.

No one can know that I told you.

don't forget that I am a priest.


Then I will tell you

who are Edmond Dantès friends.


They were the ones who treated him in what way

Two men were jealous of him,
that was it.

One for being in love with

Mercédès and the other
for simple ambition.

They denounced Dantès
as a Bonapartist agent.

Which of the two made the complaint?

Which of the two is
the real culprit?

Both of them.

I was there.

But I was too drunk
to understand anything.

when I came to realized it,
It was too late.

It was in Marseille,
in Catalan detention

the afternoon of the engagement
of Edmond and Mercédès.

"Monsieur Royal Prosecutor is warned
by a friend of the throne and religion "

"that Edmond Dantès, the
Pharaoh's first mate "

"arrived this morning after
a stopover on the island of Elba "

"He is the bearer of a letter
sent by the usurper "

"to the Bonapartist committee in Paris ".

"That letter will be found
with him or in his cabin ".

And that's it. I think that
it's an excellent revenge.

Just add the recipient.

"For the Monsieur Royal Prosecutor"

And that's all he said.

And will everything be said?

Only this is an infamy!

Don't you know how to laugh
at a joke, Caderousse?

It's not a joke!

You know very well that
I would be desolate

if something happened
to our good Dantès.

That's better.

Let's drink to Edmond's health
and his beautiful Mercédès.

You don't even have your legs anymore.


I bet I'm still able to climb the Accoules steeple!

You go up in the morning.
It's time to go home now.

- Are you coming to Marseille with us ?
- I cannot. I have to go to the Catalans.

- Goodbye, Monsieur Fernand.
- Goodbye, Monsieur Danglars.

I forgot to bring the bottle.

What are you doing?


You are completely drunk. Come on!

They arrested Dantès

and you were silent.

Danglars scared me.

He told me that we would be arrested
as accomplices to the Bonapartists.

Napoleon returned a few days later
later and stayed a hundred days.

- I could have acted.
- But on the contrary.

We would be accused of being monarchists
for denouncing a Bonapartist.

At the time it was not that simple, believe me.

We prefer to be quiet.

You, Caderousse ...

You didn't risk anything.

I know.

I am nothing but a coward.

But the other two
they were criminals.

And what about them?

They swim in gold.

Danglars left
Marseille for Madrid.

He took advantage of the years of the Spanish w*r
to negotiate military equipment.

He made a fortune.

Today he is a banker in Paris

and the King of Spain
Ferdinand made him a baron.

Believe me, Abbé.

Baron Danglars
as they call him now.

And what about Fernand?

Even scarier.

Catalan fisherman without
education and money,

now he has an enormous fortune
and high position.

it's true, Monsieur Abbé.

Fernand was a soldier
during the Hundred Days.

At the Battle of Ligny,

he defected with Bourmont,

his general who
passed on to the Prussians.

And when he returned, Louis XVIII
made him a flag bearer and then a captain.

In the battalion in Spain he
found Danglars again.

I don't know what negotiations
they did with both sides,

but Fernand returned
after the conquest of Cádiz

and became a colonel, an officer
of the Legion of Honor, and Count.

Yes, Monsieur Abbé...
,Count de Morcerf, believe me.

So today ...

General Count de Morcerf is
deputy in the Chamber of Peers!

and Mercédès gave birth to a son.


The former fiancée of Dantès's.

She married Fernand eighteen
months after Edmond's disappearance.

Eighteen months ...

So she had the strength
to wait so long.

Fernand returned to Marseille
in a beautiful flag bearing uniform.

So she is rich and a countess.

Everyone lives happily.

I apologize, Abbé,

but your good God
he is good only to the wicked.

See the case of Monsieur
Morrel, the Pharaoh's shipowner.

What role did he play throughout
this sad case?

A courageous man,
a true friend.

he interceded twenty
times for Edmond.

The replacement didn't want to know.

In the Second Restoration
he was persecuted as a Bonapartist.

His business is going badly,
from what I hear.

I even have a souvenir of him,

a bag that Monsieur Morrel gave
to Dantès's father.

He was the only one who tried
to help the old man.

But the man never touched it.

"It's for my son
when he returns, "he said.

It was that money that
paid for his funeral.

Today, Monsieur Morrel
is ruined.

He will end up in
misery like Dantès

like me.

This is the righteousness of God.

God's justice
sometimes seems to be absent,

but be patient.

It always arrives at a certain moment
returns more terrible

and more beautiful than before.

Take it.

Take it..

Monsieur Abbé...

don't make fun of me,
for God's sake.

I want to know one thing.

You met the royal
prosecutor who arrested Dantès?

The Substitute?

Certanly, Monsieur De Villefort.

What do you make of him?

All I know is that
he always refused to help

Edmond despite the appeals
of Mercédès and Monsieur Dantès.

He married the daughter of the
Marquis de Saint-Méran

and then left
Marseille and went to Paris.

Take it.

It's yours.

only in return

I just want the bag that Monsieur
Morrel gave to old Dantès.

Monsieur Abbé is
an envoy of God.

May that money be useful to you, Monsieur Caderousse.

And walk away
from men,

who do so much
harm to others.

it's mine.

All mine.

My respects, Monsieur Morrel

Good morning Coclès.
What brings you here?

I checked last week's accounts
and there was an error with a
loss of cents

You are the pearl of the treasurers.

- Is there any news from Pharaoh?
- None, sir.

A ship arrived from
India, but it's not ours. [/b]

This is Gironde.

Today is June th.

Pharaoh left
Calcutta on February .

it's not normal.


- What is it, Julie?
- I'm coming from the port.

The captain of Gironde told me ...
My father...

- About Pharaoh, Miss?
- It was a shipwreck.

My poor ship ...
And the crew?

it's there.

Praise be to God who is alive.

Coclès, pay these brave men.

In another time
I would have paid you double

but the money
left with me are no longer mine.

If they find a good
vessel, they are free.

I have no more ships.

Pharaoh was the last.

Come on.

Excuse me, I would like to
speak with Monsieur Morrel

I represent the House
Thomson & French, Rome.

I would like to talk to
Monsieur Morrel personally.

Certainly, dear sir.
Follow me.

The Thomson & French House

has letters signed
by me for the amount ...

of , francs, sir.

But no one disputes
your honesty.

Only its public knowledge in Marseille

that you are not able to
fulfill your commitments.

My Pharaoh ship just sank.

It was my last resort.

You will need to make the payment.

This new misfortune is a shame and

Sorry ...

... it strengthened my desire
to be polite to you.

Do you want an extension of the term
to pay us?

That would save my
honor and life.

today is June .

Let's reform all of these
letters for September .

I will go to your house that day.

- Thanks.
- At eleven o'clock.


Miss Morrel.


It's for you.
From Sinbad the Sailor.

Go immediately to the Alamedas de Meilhan,
No. and go up to the fifth floor.

Enter the house
where Monsieur Dantès died

and you will find an object in the desk drawer

hand over to your father
before eleven o'clock.



You know I did nothing wrong.

you're the most honest
man I have ever met.

Honest man
I will be forever

if I die now.

But alive, I will be nothing
but bankrupt

without honor.

You know it's infallible.

A man who turns his back.

A man who
is removed from society.

A man who no longer has
the right to live.

Maximilian, leave me alone now.

I brought you something. Look.

Where did this bag come from?

From a house in Alamedas de Meilhan,
at number .

The house of old Dantès.

Yes, I remember well.

I gave it to him

It's Thomson's letter
& French for our company.

thousand francs.

It's paid!

what is this?

"Mlle. Morrel's dowry."

Monsieur Morrel!

- Is it the Pharaoh?
- yes it is!

It's a miracle.

I never lost hope.

And now, goodbye, goodness
humanity, recognition.

I replaced providence
to reward the good.

May the avenging
God give me

his place to
punish the wicked.

Oi on the boat, who are you?

My name is Gaetano, from Liorne.

I have a traveler with me
that I will take to hunt.

French traveler.

Can we land?

- Do you know them? - A little bit.

I heard about their boss.

It looks like he lives
in an underground palace.

He stays there when he stop here.

A palace?
For a smuggler leader?

He is not a smuggler.

He is a very rich man.

An important lord
living at sea.

His name is Sinbad the Sailor.

See his kindness.

Send his boat to you.

Should I accompany Your Excellency?

I dare say no.

His Excellency was informed
that you are a French traveler.

- "He invites you to dinner.
- Your Excellency?

Yes, Monsieur Sinbad. He is waiting for you.

I have to blindfold you, if you don't mind.

You swear not
to take off your blindfold?

A Gentleman's word.

Good evening, Your Excellency.

A thousand apologies for the
precautions, but you will understand

that if I were to reveal the
secret of this residence,

I would find
my facility

damaged in
my next visit.

Your facility?

I see blindfolding those who entered
an enchanted palaces with moors

and the cave here is worthy of
the Thousand and One Nights.

I don't know if you agree with me,
but nothing is more embarassing

than to to talk to someone without
knowing who we have in front of us.

To put you at ease,

They called me Sinbad the Sailor.

And they call me Aladdin.

Upon entering here, I feel I have
the magic lamp in my hands.

How does the respectable
sailor whose

name he adopted spend
his life traveling?

Yes, it was a vow
which I did at some point

when I didn't think much
that I could be able to do it.

But I have made other wishes that
I hope will be fulfilled in due time.

Ali is mute.
I saved his life.

He prowled the surroundings of
sérail de son bey

Tunis, where he was arrested
and they cut out his tongue.

I always wanted to have a
mute at my service,

that's why I kept his head
from being cut off.

I would love to know
this Monsieur Appert in Paris, who has been

busy with improving
the situation of the prisoner detainees.

And so he would know
its capital.

- But you don't know Paris?
- Fate didn't want to.

But I have to go there soon.
I will deal with some matters.

In that case,
I will repay the hospitality

who gave me so much
generosity in Monte-Cristo.

I would gladly accept.

Your drink? Turkish or French coffee?
boiled or strained? sweet or bitter?

Turkish, please.

You're right.
Orientals are the only men

who really know how to live.

As soon as I finish
my business

in Paris I will
die in the East.

And if you want to find me, it's
overseas that you should look for.

I assure you that
it will be easy because I...

... suddenly feel like I have wings.

Spread your wings wide.

There are those who watch over you.

No, signore!


We have no more rooms
during the Carnival.

- My friend, please.
- No, signore. Don't insist.

There are no rooms
in all of Rome.

- Your Excellency!
- Master Pastrini.

It seems like they don't want to
put me in your hotel.

Do you not recognize his Excellence
Baron d'Epinay?

Sorry, Your Excellency.

This year there are so many people going to the
Carnival that I don't know what to think.

I have rented cellars
where I would not dare

to put a beast in
a normal situation.

And for Viscount
Morcerf and myself?

Magnificent accommodation, of course.

Monsieur Viscount is already waiting for you.
Please, Your Excellency.


- Atlast.
- My dear!

Where the hell are you?

I went to visit the island of Elba

and then I wandered
around the Mediterranean.

I didn't know this
portrait of your mother.
do you rely on this
optical instrument to

approach one of them
unattainable beauties?

You can scoff Franz,
, but I swear

that I will have a Roman
Carnival adventure.

I cannot go back to Paris
without being shamed.

And I don't think these
beauties are so unattainable.

This is what the French always believe.

How they are mistaken.

Because they are faithful.

Not to spouses,
but to lovers.

Do you know that woman?

Yes, she is the Countess
Gabrielle, a Venetian.

I was introduced to her last
winter in Paris.


Monsieur d'Épinay!

Here in Rome?

Unfortunately, madame, only during
Carnival period.

Allow me to present to you
Viscount de Morcerf.

- Madame Countess.
- Monsieur Marine.

I haven't had the pleasure of
seeing you for a long time.

it's true.

- Franz.
- Yes?

Look up there.

Does the Countess know
that Maiden?

I've seen her a few times at
Rome since the start of the season.

She is usually accompanied by one

hideous pitch-black servant.

But I don't know who she is.

This beautiful stranger
will prevent me from sleeping.

In this case, let's see.

For me, it's the jewelry she wears
on her forehead that makes me dream.

It must be worth all my
fortune and I am far from poor.

Who could be the man who

accompanies her and who has
the means to dress her like that?

Sinbad the Sailor!

I spent the whole day searching,
Yours Excellency, but it is impossible.

There is not a carriage or window for
rental during the Carnival.

It 's like I told you.


A miracle, Your Excellency.

The gentleman who rented the
rest of the floor, a Maltese,

knowing your difficulty
put at your disposal

his carriage and the windows he
rented at Rospoli Palace.

we are saved.

The Monsieur Count of Monte Cristo.

Thank you for accepting
my invitation to the Carnival.

I heard you're in a
cramped room because of me

and I wanted to apologize.

Treat me like a
friend, please.

it's an honor for us.

Thank you, Monsieur de Morcerf.

I'm Baron d'Épinay,
you know very well...

Sorry for the misunderstanding.

So you are the son
of the Count of Morcerf,

General Inspector
of the Pasha of Ioannina.

Do you know my father?

I often reside in Greece, where
Ali-Tebelin is still famous.

And therefore your father.

Monsieur De Morcerf
remains defenseless

when whispered to him
words of love in Italian.

There is a man on the street who
asks to speak to Your Excellency.

- Bring the note.
- Let him in.

You are the one who has
a letter for me?

I'm Baron Franz d'Épinay.

Yes, Your Excellency.
A letter from Viscount de Morcerf.

Am I to give you an answer?

Monsieur de Morcerf
hopes so, Your Excellency.

If you're going to the ball of his Duke
Bracciano, go with me on my carriage.

First I have to
solve this, Monsieur.

Four thousand piastres ransom.
Luigi Vampa raised prices.

If he doesn't recieve them by in the morning,
He claim that he will k*ll Albert.

He says no police.

- Who brought you this letter, Baron?
- This gentleman.

Where is my friend
Monsieur Morcerf?

Is the French a friend
of Your Excellency?

What happened was
your friend's carriage

crossed with Luigi's path
several times during the parade.

Luigi Vampa is at the Carnival?

- Yes, with the beautiful Teresa.
- The lover.

She looked at the Frenchman.

Alligned with Luigi, she entice him

and he's now down there
with us.

Teresa is always the bait.

Will you come with me to Luigi?

If we hurry, we will still catch the
end of the ball of the Duke of Bracciano.

Wait for us here, Ali.

Come Baron.

Do you see well in the dark?

It's clear as day,
As I am well trained.

So, Your Excellency.

Have you ever seen a bandit's camp in Rome?
It seems too much for me
to recieve a friend.

Lower your weapons!

Monsieur Count, was far
from waiting for your visit.

Despite our agreement, you abducted

and ask for ransom
for one of my friends.

Viscount de Morcerf.

Why didn't you warn me?

Monsieur d'Épinay, Luigi will explain
how he regrets this mistake.

I swear by the blood of Christ,
your Excellency, that I regret it.

If I learned that one of my men knew

I would k*ll him with my own hands!

I'm touched by that.

Can we see the prisoner?

Follow me.

Not bad for someone who was going
to be shot at in the morning.

it's clear that he is your friend.


Monsieur de Morcerf, Your Excellency!

Are you a captain?

You woke me up.

I dreamed that I was
galloping with Countess Gabrielle.

Do they really accept anything?

Ali can make
french coffee if you want.

Thank you, Monsieur Count.

We just came to
express our gratitude.

I just save you Four thousand piastres,
my dear neighbor. Nothing else

Receive my compliments.

It was wonderful without
ceremony and naturalness.

- I just wanted to impress the captain.
- And managed to do it.

My father occupies an
important position in Paris Monsieur Count.

I'm sure just as soon as he
learn what you have done for me,

He will be happy as well
as I am able to serve you.

Your kindness to me
leads me to make the journey.

You see, I have never been to Paris.

- Monsieur? it's incredible.
- It's true.

So I ask you to
be my guide.

I will be in Paris in a fortnight
or three weeks at the latest.

Three months from now ...

Now is : Thursday morning
February st. Wait for me...

... on May st at :.

Rua de Helder, number .

I live in my father's mansion,
but in an independent pavilion.

I'll be there.

I warn you that I am
desperately accurate.

Monsieur the Count of Monte Cristo.

I hope you forgive three or
four seconds delay,

but in France it's forbidden
to beat the coachmen.

I present to you
Monsieur Maximilian Morrel.

Monsieur d'Épinay,
I'm very pleased to see you again.

It's a great honor for me.


Monsieur Lucien Debray, Private
Secretary of the Interior Minister.

Monsieur Beauchamp,
fearsome journalist,

nightmare of
of the French Government.

Captain Morrel...

Allow me a
question, Captain.

Are you related to the Morrel family
of Marseille shipowners?

The oldest of them
is my father, sir.

Do you know him?

I have business in the Mediterranean
and I was always told

that your father was a
very honest man

and with a kind heart.

it's the memory I keep of him.

What a beautiful Lady, Viscount.

A dear friend who is close to your heart, I believe.

She is my mother, sir.

I ordered this portrait
six or seven years ago

from Léopold Robert, during
my father absence

only he doesn't appreciate it.

But I do.

I appreciate it very much.

Your friends are charming.

They say the Parisians are
witty on the table.

My father's people
are a little different.

The Count of Monte Cristo,
my father.

Welcome Monsieur.

You save the one and only
heir of this house.

Our gratitude is eternal.

It's a great honor for me
to stand in front of a

worthy man the
the day I arrive in Paris.

Fortune for a change,
was not wrong to crown him.

Doesn't he still have a marshal baton to offer her?

King Luís Filipe
adorned himself with lion skin

and was surrounded by eagle servants.

Consequently ,

I exchanged the sword for
politics and also with the fine arts.

renounced weapons

hoping to be
useful to your fellow citizens.

It's marvellous.

We don't follow this
example in Italy.

Stay in France.

Sometimes she is
bad to her children.

but usually welcomes
foreigners with generosity.

putting in place here ...

My mother, Monsieur Count.

What is it , Madame?

Excuse me...

The excitement is overwhelming,
to have in front of me

the person to whom we owe
the life of our child.

The word "gratitude",
it is definitely insufficient

to express
how I feel, Monsieur.

Madame, to save a man's life
at your son's age, is to save

a father from suffering and one
mother like you from despair.

is not a good deed Madame de Countess.

it's a simple act of humanity.

My son should congratulate
himself on having a friend like you.

And I thank God for that.

The house overlooks Champs Élysées Monsieur.

it's not bad.

The business cards, Monsieur Bertuccio?

The first was delivered to the baron
Danglars, according to your orders.

Very well, Monsieur Bertuccio.
Everything is as I asked of you .

Has Haydée arrived yet?

She is sleeping.

French maids
waiting to wake her up.

The Greek maid should not
communicates with other households.

Monsieur de Baron Danglars asks
if Monsieur Count can recieve him.


Tell him I cannot
recieve him today.

it's definitely even uglier than before.

On the other hand, the
horses are superb.

They are really splendid.

didn't I ask you to buy me
the most beautiful horses in Paris?

But those are not for sale Monsieur.

Everything is always on sale.

Monsieur Baron Danglars
bought them for , francs.

Offer him , francs.

A banker never loses an
opportunity to double his capital.

His Excellency
is not available.

His Excellency?

He is a prince
Monsieur Monte Cristo?

One of these days he will come
to me when he needs money.

To the Chamber of Deputies!

I want these horses attached to my
carriage with a new harness
at five o'clock sharp.

Allow me to respecfully note
that it's already two o'clock.

I know.

Is it Monsieur de Monte Cristo
that I have the honor to speak to?

And me to Monsieur Danglars,
Knight of the Legion

of Honor and member
of the House of Deputies?

Yes, Monsieur Count.

I'm sorry I didn't address you
by your title, but

our monarchy is bourgeois
and I am a representative of the people.


I received a letter from the House of

Thomson & French
whose content

it seems to me
a bit obscure.

Open to Monsieur Count of Monte Cristo
an unlimited credit in my house.

it's precisely this word "unlimited" ...

Is the house of Thomson & French
not perfectly safe?
it's perfectly safe but ...

In terms of credit, the word
"unlimited" is somewhat vague.

And the vague one is doubtful.

"When in doubt, don't
take chances", as the saying goes.

Thomson & French
don't set credit limits

but yours Monsieur Danglars
has limits.

No one has yet
seek shelter to my house in vain!

It seems that I will be the first.

Name the amount
you want to withdraw from here

and don't worry, the
Casa Danglar can

satisfy them
your requirements without limit.

Even if you asked me for ...
One million!


One million, yes.

I always bring a million
in treasury bonds

to deal with
unpredictable travel events.

Do you think you are opening a
credit for a destitute?

Beside, here
is a letter of credit

from the bank of Monsieur
Baron de Rothschild.

And a third at Monsieur Lafitte bank.


In order not to worry you, I will just
find one of these gentlemen.

Unlimited credit to
three main houses in the main square!

Monsieur Count,

it would be an immense joy ...
how do i say it?

it's an immense honor for the bank
to have your preference.

I am at your service.

Let us fix a general
amount for the first year.

For example...

For example, six million.
If I need more, I will ask.

Have ,
francs delivered at my house tomorrow

Half in gold and
half in banknotes.

Certainly, Monsieur Count!

My dear,
it looks like my horses ...


Allow me to introduce my
wife Madame Danglars.

Monsieur the Count of
Monte Cristo came to Paris

with the intention of spending
six million a year.

Monsieur Debray told me
amazing things about you.

Unfortunately, he arrives in
Paris at a horrible season.

Theater is a disaster.
Dancing, a catastrophe.

There are more races
at Campo de Marte.

Will you participate with your horses?

I will do what Parisian society
expects of me.

I have a great weakness for horses.

Then you will understand.

I promised
a friend, Madame de

Villefort, the wife of the
royal prosecutor,

she can use my horses
tomorrow for a ride in the woods.

My two horses are
the most beautiful in Paris

and I heard from my coachman
that you had dispatched them.

Where? Answer.

They were very wild.

Really? I never noticed it.

Attached to your carriage
they are a danger.

I will get you tamer ones.

I gave them practically for free.
I wanted to get rid of them.

They are horses for boys.

I should have had them
offer to the Count.

Thanks, but I have already bought
some very good and not expensive ones.

- How much? if you don't mind me asking
- Pardon?

Thirty thousand francs.

Thirty thousand?

am I seeing things, Madame?

My horses?

Attached to that carriage?

It's my carriage, Madame Baroness.

You took the freedom to
sell my horses

to Monsieur de Monte Cristo?

Dear Baron, I thought you were doing
the right thing and now you are being blamed.

Women like danger
and an appreciation of what is harmful.

It's simpler to let them
do whatever comes to mind,

especially being so beautiful.

Help me repair
my first Parisian blunder

and I will be the happiest
man in the world.

What blunder?

Not having realized
that horses like these

must have belonged to the most
beautiful lady in Paris.

They will not leave you again.

I just hope that they don't
throw the carriage into a ditch.

Well, I told you that he is a gentleman.

A true gentleman.

as long as he doesn't claim back
the , francs, that's fine.

At dusk, the
horses I bought yesterday

will pass in front of
that door.

It will be out of control,
endangering the carriage.

You have to stop them and
to calm them down. Do you understand?

My son...


I beg of you please send for
a doctor quickly
don't be afraid.
I have a medicine for that.

It was the emotion that
left your son like that.


My dear son, how do you feel?

Excuse me sir.

May I know
to whom do I owe this

happiness after a
such a terrible ordeal?

to the Count of
Monte Cristo, Madame.

I don't believe my eyes.
Are you?

Madame Danglars
told me a lot about you.

I'm Heloise de Villefort.

All of Paris admires
Madame Danglars' horses.

I have heard so many compliments
that I wanted to try them out.

and look how they treated me.

Don't touch those, my boy.

Some of these vials
pose a great risk

even to breathe.

Edouard ...

This good servant risked
his life to save us.

You will thank him, Edouard.

- No, he's very ugly.
- How bad...

Thank you for everything you have done.

My husband will be
thanking you soon personally.

can I ask you to
send for a carriage?

Ali, this one very ugly
man, will accompany you.

Driven by him you are in no danger
I assure you.

Monsieur De Villefort.

Sir, I come to
express my gratitude to you.

Monsieur Royal Prosecutor,
I'm glad you did as I did.

You have no
obligation to me.

But I know that your visits
are rare to you, so it honors me.

Are you preparing for your next trip?

you travel all over the world ,
as far as I know.

It's true.

I intend to do a physiological
study of the human species.



If I had free time, I would search
for something less depressing.

don't say that, sir.
I study and compare

the criminal
process of all nations

and I came up with a lot
gratifying conclusions.

What for example?

This: the law of talion

is the closest law to natural
justice, the simplest and equitable.

therefore, the closest
to perfection.

We have our code, which
I think is very sophisticated,

if not too sophisticated
for a layman.

But this knowledge requires
a lot of study and time.

If you refer the
French code, I've studied it.

I also know English, Turkish,
Japanese and Hindu laws

even down to it's smallest chapters.

But for what purpose?
did you do all this research?

To more easily study

any man who crosses my path ...

... and with so much
attention I know him

better than what
he knows himself.


- This is an example.
- I understand.

He may have forgotten
some of his actions,

or his mistakes,

Even if he's my prosecutor

there is no free time to
reflect on his past,

I assure you that
I do not question your magistrate's memory

Do all the men commit mistakes?

Some have committed crimes.

Are you the only one perfect?

I am an exceptional being, I say
this without false modesty.

But down here,
what is your ambition?

I want to be Providence.

you see that what I know
of the most wonderful thing in the world

is the reward

and punishment.

If I lose my soul, regardless.

If you want to find an opponent
who is your match

come one day to my house and let us continue
this conversation .

Let me introduce you to
my father, Noirtier de Villefort,

one of the most ardent
Jacobins of the Revolution.

Yes, I have heard that.

An undead.


the rupture of a blood vessel
in brain

destroyed his intelligence and the remarkable
faculties in a second.

He had come to face

What a sad scenario for
your home, Monsieur Prosecutor.

God comforted me
two children who came to life

while my father
crawls to death.

If you believe in this
talion law

My father made mistakes that
evade human justice.

And God justice
just hit him

Farewell Monsieur Count.

I leave you with the guarantee
of my highest esteem,

which I hope is enjoyable for
you when you get to know me better.

I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.
Madame Danglars came to visit me.

I didn't know that you are famous.

She is not a friend, she is
just a relationship.

We both went through the same thing
thing and that brings us closer.

What do they have in common?

Eugenia confided to me
her hatred

in marrying Albert de Morcerf

and I confessed that I find it a
misfortune to marry Monsieur d'Épinay.

Dear Valentine,
are you marrying him?

it's my father's will

It will make my best friend happy

and reduce myself to despair.

and I?

I only have the affection
of my poor grandfather.

My father is abandoning me
and my stepmother is stalking me.

How? Madame de Villefort persuing you?

She hates me.

She has no money and
I am rich.

She is crazy about her son.

her love for him
is as strong as ...


Like the feeling that
I have for Maximilien.

My God, what are you doing?

Allow me to entrust
our love to a friend.

You can help us
because he can do anything.

He is the Count of Monte Cristo.

The Count of Monte Cristo?

You don't know that he is a friend
of my stepmother?

he can never be my friend.

He didn't even look at me.

When I tell him about
you, he will look.

You get excited quite easily

When excitement passes,
you will leave me too.

Dear Valentine, how
can you say that?

I will not love anyone
as I love you.


Trust me.

Goodbye, Maximilian.

Say it!

My father, we decided to
marry Valentina.

The wedding will take place in three months.

The young man has a fortune
and a good name.

It is Monsieur Franz
de Quesnel, Baron d'Épinay.

And as Valentine is
particularly fond of you,

the Baron has accepted
that you live with them.

Are you sick from the heat?

The young Monsieur d'Épinay
fully controls his fortune.

His mother died giving birth to him
and his father disappeared in .

Found in the Seine
pierced by two swords

striked on the morning of
February , .

A mysterious m*rder.

And that is it,
I wish you a good night.

You would like
Édouard to come see you?


But he is your grandson.

Do you want to see Valentine?

What happened grandpa? Did I tire you?

What did I do wrong to you?

I know!

Did they talked about my marriage
and are you angry that I hid it?

Listen grandpa.
I will be honest with you.

This marriage despairs me.

Franz d'Épinay is
completely indifferent to me.

I love with all my
the strength a good,

honest, courageous and
handsome young officer.

My God, if you could
help me...

Do you think that you can?

Do you want something?

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K,

L, M, N ...

What you want starts with N?

DANS LE? Hein? NI ?

at the?

Note, note ...


What do you want? A notary?

Barrois, could you call
Monsieur Noirtier's notary?

Immediately, Mademoiselle.

She is Countess Gabrielli.

Went to Campo de Marte,
at the Jockey-Club Award.

A very strange thing happened.

The race was won by one
unknown horse and jockey.

Won with three lead lengths.

And what was the name of the horse?


Guess the name of the owner.

I don't understand what you can
you have against Mlle. Danglars.

- She is charming.
- Yes but...

It's not quite my taste

She looks like a hunting Diana.

Exactly. I prefer more voluptuous.

More Venus de Milo or Capua.

let's go.

Help me, Morcerf.

The baroness wants to know everything
about the Count of Monte Cristo.

You know him
more than me.

The lady with him is beautiful.

Who is she?

She is a Greek Madame.

This is easily seen by her attire
I believe she is a sl*ve
bought in Constantinople.

I thought they no longer existed.

In Turkey and other Arabic
states they can still be acquired.

She has lovely arms.

- And what do you think about him?
- The Count?

Very pale.

I find it unusual,
as you no longer see it.

Make sure you bring him here, Albert.

Yes Madame.

Your son left us
just now, but he's coming back

with a surprise that
should delight you.

- A surprise?
- The Count of Monte Cristo.


He has not been here for a week
and is already the king of Paris.

He buys and offers horses
and teams of a thousands Louis,

saves the life of the
royal prosecutor wife's ...

Come, Monsieur Count.

Saves the life of my best friend
and doesn't even realize it.

It was my black servant.
I was just lucky enough to

offers this service
to Mme. De Villefort.

But it was the Count who took my son
from the clutches of bandits in Rome.

So I'm embarassed.
Forget it, I beg of you.

Baroness, will you not
introduce me to your daughter?

We only talked about you
for the past three days.

Eugenia, Monsieur The Count
of Monte Cristo.

Is that stunning, unknown young

woman in your box
your daughter?

Haydée, No .

She is a poor
Greek woman, I am her Guardian.

Monsieur de Morcerf, who
met Ali-Tebelin,

have you seen such admirable attire
at his court?

That's right, Monsieur Count
served the pasha of Janina.

Note that beautiful view.


she is very beautiful.


What do you have?

The man you were talking to
he m*rder*d my father.