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06x16 - Give Me Up the Truth

Posted: 10/05/23 20:56
by bunniefuu
They're afghans.

Jesus, Cheryl. Do you want
me to get struck off?

It's not legal.

So what?

Forget it.
There's nothing in it for him.

What the hell does Jethro
know about real estate?

Are you all signed up?

So wants and needs.


To vengeance and a pork-free home.

Roy spent much dollars.

, ?

There are better ways to get it,
Van. I'll give you the money.

Spit it out. What have you got?

Steal to order.

Well, give me the details.


♪ Something's crawling
round in my head.

♪ I can let it out...


♪ In the dark...
♪ In the dark she thinks about...

♪ Oh no!
♪ Oh no!

♪ I'm a creature of the night.

♪ I'm a creature of the night. ♪


Thank Christ.

Better not be the cops.

Where have you been?
I'm sh1tting myself.

You're not the only one.

Did you get it?
There was a bit of a hitch.


♪ Oh, girl, tell me what you see.

♪ When I look in the mirror,
ain't nothing looking at me.

♪ The spell I'm under,
I'm acting fine.

♪ Oh no!
♪ Oh no!

♪ I'm a creature of the night.

♪ I'm a creature of the night.

♪ I'm a creature of the night.

♪ I'm a creature of the night. ♪

Stupid bugger. Who'd
want to come in at night?

And he wasn't working.
He was looking at porn.

Did you get the job done?


Don't know why you'd want it.
Bloody ugly. Not even top quality.

It's all about sending
a message, Grandpa.

If you've got any other
messages you want delivering...

Oh, there'll be more.

Don't worry about that.

We're finally back in business.

Too right.


♪ Lying in the gutter,

♪ I cut the cord from my mother.

♪ She pat me on the head and said,

♪ 'Go to sea, boy.
Get to sea, man.'

♪ My luck in the gutter black.

♪ I guess I'm running back...

♪ you.

♪ You in my brain.
You in my heart. ♪

Sweets for my sweet.

Ted! Is that dr*gs?

Perks of the trade.

At our time of life, it's always
good to try something new.

More fun the bowls.



That cleared the pipes.

What's next for my clever darling?

Depends on number one.

I would have thought a man as
powerful as you would be in charge.

I'm not running round setting up
jobs. I have better things to do.

I had my doubts, but
Jethro's finally come good.

I do miss our caravan.

What about it?
You're not where you should be.

Don't mention the oinker.
You'll put me off my stride.

Ooh, and what a stride.


I saved you some.

Oh, I'm not really hungry,
and I have to go see Bailey.

We all have to go and see Bailey.

Yeah, but you might not even have to
get up on the witness stand. I might
be there for days.

Well, it's not as if you
haven't been there before.

Yeah, only to support my family.

Or when you were arrested.

as*ault, DIC, shoplifting,
indecent exposure.

They're mostly mistakes. I've never
had to answer lots of questions
right like it's an exam.

You have to do this.

I know.

We do all want Mum home,...

don't we?

I know. Bye.

Pascalle's been really moody these
days. Have you noticed that?

Yeah, I guess.

Mm. I'm surprised no one else
has, because I've noticed,

and I'm not the world's
most empathetic person.


Wayne, I've got it — nearly.

Got what?
The— Uh, the money for Elena.

What money?
It's not for you.

Roy doesn't want money.

Nah, I know, but, see, I figure,
like, if Elena's got the money
right there in front of him,

well, he's not gonna mind— he's
not gonna mind her leaving. He's
not, OK?

So, I was thinking, I can't
get hold of her right now,

but when I get the grand,
you come with me—

What? grand!

It's not for you.

Did you rip off the Tool Guys?

I didn't rip anyone off.
It's from Jethro.


He wouldn't even part with bucks.

Well, he is.
But Jethro's a cock.

Right now he's an OK cock,
cos he's giving me the money.

What does he want in return?


I just signed a bit of paper.
Now, look, if you come with me—

What kind of paper?

Oh, I don't know, Wayne.
It's a piece of paper.

Van, where is it?
I'm not showing you.

Well, can I have a look?

Why do you guys care so
much about a piece of paper?

Van, if you want my help,
maybe I could take a look at it.

[ BAILEY: How long were you
involved with Sergeant Gerard?

We went out for a few months.

Why did you end the relationship?
You know why.

Yeah, the jury don't. It all needs
to be laid out for them, step by

And I can't ask leading questions.

Why did you end the relationship?

Because I was in love
with somebody else.

And how did Gerard take that?

He was upset.

What did he do?

He called me. He texted me.

You need to be more detailed.

He called me and texted me a lot.

or texts a day.
I dunno.

I do. I have his
phone records, and yours.


Cos we need evidence so that
the jury is in no doubt that
Gerard's the bad guy here.

But he wasn't completely.
I mean, it was partly my fault.

Zane was only trying to warn
me about Nicky being a bastard,
and he was kinda right.

Um, we're not mentioning that.

And I think he did kind
of love me in his own way.

Even if it was a
messed up kind of way.

He harassed you. He misused
police power. He beat people up.

Yeah, only because of me.

This is not what you
said in your statement.

I think if you love somebody and
no one else gets it, you do stuff
that's weird and bent out of shape.

Stop it. If you start saying that
kind of crap in court, you won't
be helping your mother at all.

You'll be sending her straight back
to jail. Do you understand me?

Do you get that?



You, out.

What's the rush?

Don't touch anything.

OK, well, just don't
mess anything up.


I believe you two know each other.


I wanted to share with you both
a little problem we've been
having here:

the importing, distribution
and use of dr*gs.

My staff and I are not ignorant
about dr*gs or their symptoms
of use.

You've tried them?

It's just a question.

Would either of you know how illicit
substances are making their way into
my prison?

Shit, no.

(SCOFFS) You both think
you're a little bit clever.

But I can assure you I will
get to the bottom of this.

Given the serious nature of some
of the charges against you both,

I would have thought at least one
of you would like to be helpful.

Can't help.

You can go.

Just you, Cheryl.

[ I need a word alone with Draska.

Oh, by the way, your lawyer's
visit — we've had to postpone it.

We're a little short staffed,

especially with current
security concerns.

Well, I'll be taking
this up with my lawyer.

You do what you have to.

Oh, and, Cheryl, we'll also
be curtailing visiting hours.

For everyone?

I know it won't be popular, but
we do take security seriously. ]

Shut the door on your
way out, would you?

I don't need a m*rder accused
who's on drug charges.

Oh, come on. It's not
relevant to m*rder.

We both know it'll count for shit
when it's all over the papers.

Though if your sister keeps up her
current performance, we're stuffed

She's decided that
it's all her fault,

and she's gonna take
the blame on herself.

I need a wronged victim here,
not an understanding flake.


(SIGHS) Look, my family, my problem.
I'll deal with it. OK?


Loretta. What do you want?

(SIGHS) This better be important.

We want to discuss a certain
document with you —

the one you got Van to sign.

I stopped Van committing
a f*cking robbery.

No, no, no, this is
robbery right here.

Compounding interest, penalty
clauses for non-payment.

That's only if he doesn't pay.

It's Van. Of course
he's not gonna pay.

And if he defaults, you
can go after his assets.

He hasn't got any assets.
His house?

His house is a piece of shit.

And why would I do that to
my own brother? Come on.

Van has no idea this is a loan.

He thinks it's a gift.

Sorry, what the f*ck's
it got to do with you?

If you wanna help Van,
you don't need this.

No, what I don't need is a lecture
on family values from you, thanks.

Who is Elemental Finance?

(CHUCKLES) None of your business.

Are they by any chance related
to Elemental Properties?

Why is it important?
I lease a building from them —
the lease you set up.

Is it your company, Jethro?
You know what? I've got more
important things to do —

like getting our mother
off a f*cking m*rder charge.


Oh. Oh, shit.


What did you say to bitchface?

Yeah, right.

Yeah, you're the one with
the f*cking martyr complex.

And you never put yourself first?
What are you doing?

Bitchface says I have
to share with you.

No f*cking way.

Oi, it's not my idea of
a good time, either, Cheryl.

So, you gonna rat me out?

That's what bitchface wants.

It's double-bunking — a temporary
solution to overcrowding.

But we're not overcrowded.

It's possible we could
review arrangements

if you could assist me with any
information on Draska Doslic.

If you've got evidence, why
don't you just go to the cops?

I like to run things myself.

Some of the other inmates are too
afraid to speak out about her.

Yeah, well, I don't know anything,
so I've got nothing to speak about.

I thought you cared
about other, Cheryl.

I'm not a nark.

Oh, Cheryl, remember those little
chats we had about boredom?

Well, we've got a new policy which
allows our ladies to help out here
and there on a voluntary basis.

Oh, that's great.

Mm. You and Draska have put your
names down for kitchen duty.




Ow, f*ck!

Ooh, nasty.




Can we interest you in
a Tuesday special, sir?

Nah, I'm good, thanks.

Wow, so this is where
you're working.

I like it here.
Sure you do.

So, I hear you're a little bit
stressed about this court thing.

Well, you've just gotta
remember that it's about Mum.

She did what she did for you. ]

You've gotta pay her back. ]


Look, it's OK.

Me and Bailey — we're on your side.

You know, when this is all over, why
don't you take a holiday somewhere
warm? My shout.

And if you want a... (SOTTO VOCE)
better job, get away from all this,

just come and see me.
I'll sort you out.


I gotta take these up to Angel.


There was an actual
score? For Jethro?

More where that came from.

Why didn't he ask me?

You're not family or in my crew.

I've always been a strong
supporter of your family.

Hey, not as strong as me.

And it goes deeper than that.
I mean, we're flatmates, Ted.
We share a bed.

Want back in, do you?

Well, we were— we were
never really out, Ted.

Buy the next round.
I'll think about it.


Good evening.

Don't give him the time of day.
What's going on?

Elemental Properties and Elemental
Finance — we need to do some
digging. 'We'?

Can't back out on this now, Wayne.
Like it or not, you're involved with
this family. Very involved.

I know what he's doing.
Being a shit.

Yeah, we can take that as read.

But what he really wants
is to be in charge.

Of what?
Of us — the glorious house of West.

(SCOFFS) There's a f*cking prize (!)

It is when you're a mummy's boy with
daddy issues, and there is no daddy.

So that's what this is about.

Jethro can't bully people into
respecting him, so instead he
buys them.

Van, Grandpa, me.

I haven't had an offer yet.

Wayne, get with the psycho profile —
you're the evil stepfather. He wants
you out. Gone. Dead.

What's that all about?
Bitchface has limited visiting
house. It's not my f*cking fault!

Hey, we don't need any
trouble right now, all right?

Yeah, it'll blow over.
It's just a game.
A game?

Yeah, stupid cow wants me
to inform on Draska Doslic.

As if I'd be that thick.
It is just Draska.

Well, if I say anything against her,
she'll serve is straight back at me.

Look, Mum,...

the important thing
right now is your trial.
Yeah, I know.

Me and Bailey, we're doing out best,
but you've gotta to stay focused.

Don't worry.

Of course I worry. I want you out of
here, OK? That's all I care about.

OK. I hear you.



Pick that shit up.

That shit is my clothes.

Pick it up.
It's not your house, Cheryl.

Yeah, it's a damn sight smaller,
so you'd better keep it tidy.

Did you say shit to Andrea?

I'm still stuck with you, aren't I?

I thought you would for sure,
being such a goody-good.

What's your excuse for being a cow?

f*ck you, slutty.

Look, we both know what bitchface
is trying to do, right?

Yeah, be a mole-troll.

No, we get on each other's tits
so much that one of us cracks
and informs.

What, that's her plan?

Well, it's f*cking pathetic.

If you wanna stick it to
her, you know what to do.

No, what's that?


Yeah, but them I'm stuck
with you, Cheryl.

Whatever, Scarface.

You can slag me off, do whatever
you like. I don't care.

I can say anything?
If it makes you happy, Draska.

I've got one priority, and that's
to get the f*ck out of here, so
she doesn't get to me,

and neither do you.
Yeah, she's a mole.

Yeah, she's a stupid mole.

She's a dog who
looks like a dog's...

She's a bitch on wheels, all right.

Hey. You still awake?

Mm. How was your night?

Oh, it was a bit quiet.
Trudie chucked a sickie.


And f*cking Jethro was in telling
Pascalle she shouldn't be working
for us any more

and if she wanted something else,
she could go and see him.

What else did he offer her?

A holiday.

God, he is such a snake.
Why didn't I see it earlier?

What are you doing?

I'm searching company records.
Fun (!)

Elemental Property, which owns
our building, is linked to
Elemental Finance,

and various other businesses
which are all linked to Jethro.

He's a director?

He's got to have a backer, and it's
bound to be dodgy, and if it's gangs
or dr*gs or money-laundering,

I don't want Van involved with it.

Right, so this is about Van?

Well, yeah, someone's gotta
look out for him. And us.

And Jethro annoys me.

Fair enough.

But where does his money come from?

big ones, just like you wanted.


Look, Van,... (SIGHS) I know Wayne
and Loretta have been on your case,

Well, Van, I don't have
grand just lying around.

OK, a loan is the only way I could
access the money. You understand?

So you're not gonna take my house?

No. No. Of course not.

And if you do have any problems,
you come to me. I'll help you out.
All right?

Van, take the money and be happy.

OK? It's all good.



How's Van?

He's all right.

Does he have a girlfriend?

He's keen on someone.

You don't have to worry, Cheryl.
It's gonna be years before
I'm out of here.

You reckon?

Yeah. My lawyer reckons I should
plead guilty so I can get the whole
thing over with.

But I'm not gonna give f*cking
Paulie the satisfaction — not
after he broke off the engagement.

I mean, that's fine, because he was
being real tight, but turns out he's
been porking Bodelle Hurley.

Bodelle from Shadbolt?

Yeah, what a tramp.

She's welcome to him now
that he's only got one leg.

Oh, that's a shame.

Yeah, well, what about you and
Mr Piggy? Is that still on?


God, I never thought
that would last.

(SIGHS) Why do you say that?

Come on, Cheryl. Your family
would drive anyone insane.


Yeah, it's a miracle, all right.

Wow, you look wrecked.

Oh, night shift.


You don't have to do it.


It's good to keep busy,
and I like the girls.

I don't have to be here.

You'd leave?

If this is too hard.

But if you go, then people are
gonna wonder why you're not here —

like, Mum, and that's not good.

Morning, all.

Well, Jethro has been
a very busy boy,

making new friends who
have been giving him cash.

You check on the why.
I'll do the who.


You, uh, slept well, I trust?

Hardly. You've gotta to keep one eye
open with that back-stabbing bitch.

So you might have
something to tell me.


She's ugly. She's bossy. She snores.

So that's all you're
going to tell me?

Pretty much.

Told them what a cow you are.

Yeah, same.

God, what kind of a p*ssy prison is
this if you are the worst thing that
they can do to me?

Well, at least it
stopped you dealing.

Yeah, maybe.

You want this? It's my last one.

Ooh, shit, yeah.

Yeah, it's not free. It's just that
I can't sell it to anyone else.

Oh, no worries.

I've got something else
I'd better get rid of.

If it wasn't such a p*ssy prison,
they would have found this too.

CHUCKLES: Did you just
pull that out of your twat?

Yeah, well, where else
was I supposed to put it?

Well, there's enough room up there.

Yeah, not as much
room as you've got.

I suppose I'd better
flush this down the loo.

I guess it's a bit toxic
after being up there.

f*ck you, slutty.

Ooh, hey, there is another way
we could get rid of it, though.


Where was he hiding it?
His son's garage.

He said he won Lotto, but then
he got suspicious when the old
guy had no money.

Morning, ladies.

Wayne, how are you?

Good. Nice wheels.

Get this — the guy
who bought it was .

He wanted to impress some hot
chicky-babe down the road.
She was .


What's really sad is that she went
there. I mean, honestly, the things
some old guys will do for a lay.

Mm, talk about desperate.
You want a coffee?

No, I want some advice.

(GASPS) Ooh, from us?

Client of mine owes me
shitloads of money.

You have so come to the right place.

Yeah, problem is I kinda like him.

They're not all pricks.

Don't wanna put him in receivership.

It doesn't have to come to that
if he has stuff to liquidate.

Or we could get him a loan.
What, you can?

Well, it's not us exactly.
It's a finance company.

Here you go.

What are the terms?

We leave all the legal
stuff to Charlie — Jethro.

This is brilliant. Talk
about a c*ptive market.

Van, there's some
stuff you need to know.

Hey,... (PANTS)

went to Elena's. She's not there.

Why would you do that?
He's got the money.

Van, you've gotta give it back.

No, no, no, I need it,
and Jed says it's OK.

Of course he'd say that, but
he can't be trusted. Jethro's
a loan shark.

No, no, no, he is a debt collector.

Yes, but when people can't repay
those debts, he also has another
handy service — finance.

And when people can't make those
repayments... He will go after
your house or your business.

But, see, he doesn't want my house.
And your business?

He doesn't wanna be a Tool Guy.
He was shit at woodwork.

Fine, Van,...
...take it, then.

No, don't.
But if the Tool Guys end up with
an owner that you don't like,

or that wants to shut you down—

He could do that?

Yes, Van. Jethro and the
person he's in bed with.


No, Van, but if you have any
sense at all, you will not
take this money.

[ MUNTER: No, no, boys, you can't
be here during my working hours.

This is real work, not poncing
around on the telephone.

What kind of work
are you fullas doing?

Mind your own beeswax.

Hey, Grandpa. How's it going?

Doing some work for Jethro, are you?

How'd you know that?
Just a wild guess. Unless it's
for his business associate.

Hi, I just wanna check if this
is the registered office of
Elemental Finance.

Can I help?

Um, uh, I'm just
dropping something off.

He's on with Tony Wu?
That money-lending chink?

The very same Tony Wu who
got you thrown in jail now has a
money-lending operation with Jethro.

Oh my Lord in heaven!

Hey, who are we talking about?

Triads. Let's go.

She's lying. She's
always been a liar.

In this case, I kid you not.

Your grandson is a loan shark,

making loans to the desperate, then
taking their properties, all with
the backing of your mortal enemy.

So, it's been a good quarter,
but not as good as the last one.

It's the tummy.

The pregnancy tummy —
she doesn't have it any more.

Yeah, you're looking trim.


But as a way of making people
feel guilty, it totally rocked.

Oi, you little bastard.

I've got a bone to pick with you.

OK. Look, I'm in the middle
of a meeting right now.

Are you in bed with
the Yellow Peril?

Are you with the
ching-chong Chinaman?

OK, can we dial down
the racism a little bit?

I want a straight answer here.
Are you working for Tony Wu?


No, I'm not working for him.

That job — that crap piece
of jade — was it for him?

It was for him and also for me.

The item in question.
Not worth much, apparently.

Sentimental value only, but the
message it sends is so worth much:

'Pay up, fuckwit.'

If there's one thing I can't
abide, it's loan sharks.

It's finance, Grandpa, ]

at competitive rates.

[ Praying on misery, taking
the roofs from people's heads.

That's what you're doing
to ordinary working people.

And when have you ever
been one of those?

I was down the mines.

(SCOFFS) You stole coal from
railway sidings. Come on.

You don't rip off the workers.

You don't deserve the name West.

Grandpa, what I am
doing is business.

OK, almost entirely legal.
People are giving me their money.

Grandpa, what I am doing is
going to make us all very rich.

Well, you can stick your dodgy
loans up Tony Wu's crack.

And you never got the oinker
out of the house, either.

Hold on, Jethro. These loans
that we're offering people—

Don't you start.

We're angels of justice.
We don't take people's—

Are you complaining about
the money you're making?

We're not loan sharks.

Farrah would never
have been a loan shark.


Call that creamed? That's
not light and fluffy.

Who are you? Alison bloody Holst?

Yeah, well, at least I know
how to make a f*cking brownie.

♪ I said nobody...

Yeah, well, where's the
chocolate, then, slutty?

I'm doing it, Scarface.

♪ Oh, you should
have known better.


♪ I'm a thief, and
you can't stop...


♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh.

Here you go.

You know who you remind me of?

Nigella Lawson?

Gordon Ramsay.

Why? Cos I f*cking swear?

No, cos of your stubble.

♪ Slap my face,

♪ caught me taking your picture.

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh. ♪

There you go. Enjoy.

How are we all?

BOTH: Great (!)

Would you care for a slice
of chocolate brownie, Andrea?

Oh, I, um... I shouldn't.

I'm watching my waist.

Yeah, well, there is a bit to watch.

What did you say?

Watchers... I've just
been to Weight Watchers.

You didn't say that.

She did. She went to Weight
Watchers, but they kicked her out.


Carry on.

Would you care for a slice of
this most excellent brownie?

Why, don't mind if I do.

He arrested me, he took me out
of the party, and then he took
me downstairs.

He was dragging you.

He was dragging me down the stairs.

You need to tell the jury
how you felt about that.

I was pissed off.

I was scared. I was also scared.

What were you scared of?

What he might do to me.

OK, you have to do way better, or
the prosecution will have you for

He was a big and violent man. You
were scared, and so was your mother.

You mother was doing the only thing
she could to protect you, because
that is how much she loves you.

Pascalle, what the
f*ck is going on here?!


Have you had some kind
of fight with your mum?

[ Because I need you to look at her
in that courtroom with nothing but

This woman has given up month of
her life for you. You do know that?

Yes, I f*cking know it. You don't
have to keep saying it. I know it!

I just got an email from Jethro.
Apparently, we're due a rent review.

He can't do that. We've got a lease.

Well, he reckons it's some clause
about improvements to the property.

He's doing this to get back at me.
Take it out on us?

We review it and tell him to go
f*ck himself. If he wants a w*r,
I'm up for it.

Great, just what I need (!)

Chastity needs a linen change...

in a minute.

GENTLY: Do...? Do you
want a cup of tea?

What's going on?

I have to keep going through it.

And Bailey keeps going on about Mum
and how she did all of this for me
and... it's just closing in on me.

EMOTIONALLY: And I'm a really
really terrible person.

This is just guilt,

which is a wasted emotion.

And I feel bad. I do.

But it's Mum. She's not exactly
a saint, and she lashes out all
the time.

It's just this time she lashed out
one bigger, you know? (SNIFFLES)
Not that I can say that.

Not the best, probably.

It's just... (SNIFFLES)
if I f*ck it up,...

she won't get out of jail.

And there is a part of me that
doesn't want her to. And I know
that's really really wrong.

But I love him and she doesn't.
She never ever got how great he
is and how much he's done for her,

and I really hate her for that.

Even though I'm the worst person in
the world. How could I think that?
But I can't help it. I do think it.

Oh, lovie.

What's wrong?


Come on, petal. I heard you.

Is some ho giving you grief?

No, I'm... I'm fine.

Oh dear. Who is this fella?

No one you know.



Houston, we have a problem.

Jethro's a picnic compared to
another person who is spinning out,

and I think you know
who I'm talking about.

She's always been
a crap liar, Wayne.

She tries, but her unfortunate
tendency towards honesty always
get her caught.

You know?

Yes, I know.

Thanks for not saying anything.

(SCOFFS) Do you think
I want World w*r Three?


And I actually kinda get it.
In a... really weird way,
it sort of makes sense.

But... do you have any kind of
plan as to how we're going to
get through this? 'We'?

I'm under no illusion that I'm not
gonna be wearing major crap for this


I'll see the trial
through for Cheryl —

I owe her that much —

and then I'll go.

Wow, Wayne, that's
so noble of you (!)

Well, what else am I meant to do?

We don't have that much time.

Pascalle is going to blow.

I know my sister. I know her stages.
I've seen her be a drama queen
numerous times before.

This is different.

She is unhappy.

Actually, I think she's depressed.
And that is down to you, my friend.

The point is, what are
you gonna do about it?

Shit, this is taking forever.

You are stoned, Cheryl.
No, I'm not.

(SCOFFS) You are.

And you're so not used to it.

You're the world expert, are you?

God, at your house, I was ripped
off my tits so many times, and
you didn't even know,

sitting there with
your rum and Coke.

Jesus, don't mention rum and Coke.

Have you stopped drinking?

f*ck, I'd k*ll for a rum and Coke.

And sex.

Ooh, I miss sex with my man.

I miss shopping. I mean, most of the
time, I didn't even buy anything.

I'd just go in to annoy
the skinny assistants.

When I get out, I'll
bring you some stuff.

[ You would?
Yeah, sure.

We're not friends, Cheryl.
No, I know, and you'd probably
hate what I bought you.

Yeah, you do have shit taste.

Not as shit as you,
you big troll. (CHORTLES)


You're not that huckery.

And I'm sorry about that scar.


Cheryl, you just apologised to me.

Oh, Jesus, I must be ripped.

Anyway, I like it.

The scar.

I mean, I was thinking of
getting a piercing anyway,

and then I got the scar, and it's
way cooler, so I'm thinking I might
just do my left nipple.

You really need to
value yourself more.

Cheryl, don't start. I hate it
when you turn into bossy-pants.


Shit, shit, shit, shit.


Gidday, love. How are you?

I was just ringing to let you
know what people are up to.

(CHUCKLES) How's Pascalle?
I haven't heard from her in ages.

She's OK. It was more Jethro
that I was calling about.

Why? What's he done?

Hey, Van.
If it's about the money,
just stop hassling me, cos—

If you really need it,
I'll give it to you.

You've got K?

Not yet, but in a couple
of weeks I should have.

How? ]

It's not important, but there won't
be any interest or any of that shit.

And you don't want it back?

Yeah, eventually.
What, are you serious?

Yeah. But I got one condition.

What's that?


I don't want this, OK?
And this is the end of this.


(SIGHS) Van, I am not
going to hurt you.

Christ, why would I?
We shared a womb.

You mean room.

The point is, Van, I want
you to have what you need.

OK, and I am not the
f*cking villain here.

I just I can get the money from
Wayne, OK, and there's no bits
of paper.

You'd rather take money from him?

I know he's boring.

OK, but he's never stolen my
girlfriends. I can trust him.
He's just like a dad or s...

Well, he's not like our real dad,
you know, cos he doesn't yell at
me or smack me

or make me do jobs I don't want
to do. And he's... he's brown.


Yeah, so, see ya.

What do you want?

Me? Nothing.

Don't try any more of your
interfering bullshit.

I won't.

But there is someone else who's
never been a really big fan of
people who pick on the weak —

rip-off artists,
financiers, loan sharks.

Actually, she pretty
much hates them.
You told Mum.

Well, it's legal, so why would
you want to keep is a secret?

But I'm pretty sure she'll be
wanting to take it up with you.




What are you doing here?

I wanted to talk to you
without anyone else around.


Well, that was the plan, anyway.

See ya.

Look, I know this is bad for you.

It's fine.

No, I don't mean this place.

I'm responsible...

for everything.

No, you're not.

Well, it shouldn't
have to rest on you.

There's another option here.

It's not gonna be easy,
and it's not gonna be popular.


It's called the truth.




Yeah. Finally got
your lawyer's visit.

I wanted to talk to you... (SIGHS)
about a whole heap of other dipshits


(CHUCKLES) OK,... do your worst.

Did you know?

About Loretta and all that bullshit—

No, no, no, no.


you know?

About what?

So Draska is still a slag, you know,
whatever way you look at it.

But at least we got
one over the real bitch.

Everything's gone back
to normal, pretty much. ]

She cannot stop me seeing my
lawyer. She's got nothing on us.

That's great.

Look, I don't want
us to have a fight.

Well, me neither.

And no easy way to say this,...

given all we've been through.

Some of it was good.

Really good.

But it doesn't change the fact
of what's happened to me.

And I didn't mean it to happen.

But it has.
Who is she?


Who is she? ]

Some skank with a sob story?
Some f*cking cop?

It ain't like that, Cheryl.
OK, but there is somebody.

It's Pascalle.


I'm sorry.

If you knew and you didn't tell me,
I would f*cking k*ll you.

No, believe me, I did
not know about this.

I'm making it last.
Is that a f*cking crime?

I'm not talking to you.

Fair enough.

I've got some news for you.
I think you'll be going home.




Look, I can't be here.

Not in this room.

Not any more.

I don't want to leave you. I don't.

But we both know if we're together
now, crap is gonna rain down on us
from all sides.

WHISPERS: I won't be far away.

WHISPERS: And I love you
more than my life.

♪ You told me your
lover was leaving,

♪ and, yeah, I can
recognise a good thing.

♪ Don't let them tell you

♪ it ain't a big thing.

♪ It's a big thing.

♪ You told me your
lover was leaving...

Thanks, Loretta. You've been great.

See you, monkey.

♪ ain't a big thing.

♪ It's a big thing.



SOTTO VOCE: See you.


♪ You told me your
lover was leaving,

♪ and, yeah, I can
recognise a good thing.

♪ But don't let them tell you

♪ it ain't a big thing.

♪ It's a big thing.



♪ You told me your
lover was leaving...

...she is still so spewing.

♪ But no one can tell you...

Cheryl, it's OK. I saw her.
She has no idea.

♪ It's a big thing.

What's wrong?

♪ You told me your
lover was leaving. ♪


♪ Lying in the gutter,

♪ I cut the cord from my mother.

♪ She pat me on the head and said,

♪ 'Go to sea, boy.
Get to sea, man.' ♪