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04x09 - 52 Pickup

Posted: 11/29/08 12:11
by bunniefuu

I feel stupid.

You look amazing. Drink.

I'm going home.

No. Come on. It's just an off night.

At any moment, Mr. Right is going twalk through that...

Oh, my...

Is he cute?


Have a drink.

Vanessa Holden, age 25.

Last friday night, she was clubng with her sister.

A stranger, white male, roughly her age, picked her up.

They left the club at 1

A. M, went back to her place.

He forced her on her hands and knees.

And then he cut her open just below the stomach.

Yeah. Pretty rough.

The gutting causes the intestines to spill out.

You can survive for a few hours, actually even days.

Postmortem indicates that he slit her throat at 5 A. M.

So he disemboweled her but didn't k*ll her for 4 hours.

He could be a sexual sadist.

Yeah, I thought so, too, but I found two priors from a year ago--

Prostitutes, actually, in motel rooms.

Ok. So keep running with it.

Why do you think this is the same unsub?

In Vanessa Holden's apartment, the following were discover-- bleach, ammonia, trash bags-- all in a triangular pattern.

One year ago, motel rooms-- bleach, ammonia, trash bags--

Also in a triangular pattern.

He's cleaning up.

Might be trying to hide his tracks.

Could be a sign of remorse.

Apologizing for the m*rder by minimizing the mess.

But there's one other commonality between both sets of murders.

Bleach and ammonia were found under the victim's fingernails.

He's making them clean up their own m*rder.

It's the same unsub.

Criminal Minds Season04 Episode09 52 Pickup Author Harlan Ellison wrote, the minute people fall in love, they become liars.

So if the unsub changed the victimology, does that make him organized or disorganized?

Well, the prostitutes point one way, the club goes another.

The triangular arrangement of the cleaning supplies is interesting.


Might have been institutionalized.

We're missing the forest for the trees here.

This guy started with prostitutes-- a high-risk victimology.

Took a year off, came back, k*lled a socialite.

No forced entry, no coercion of any kind.


So how does our unsub go from loser of the year to don juan?

Actually, as byron interpreted him, don juan was an ironic reversal of sex roles.

And when-- th--that's about it.

Something must have happened between the last prost*tute and Vanessa Holden making him change his victimology.

Could the unsub have known Vanessa?

It's unlikely. Sexual sadists att*ck anonymously.

They have to sever a personal connection and see their victims as objects to perpetrate this level of t*rture.

We have to build two profiles, then--

One for the unsub who k*lled prostitutes, one for the unsub who goes to clubs.

We've never done that before.

Prentiss is right.

The victimology is so different, we'll treat them as separate unsubs and see what overlaps.

Reid, work up a geographic profile, focus on location of the murders.

Prentiss and Rossi, concentrate on the prostitutes.

Jordan, Morgan, and I will go deal with Vanessa Holden.


Detective harding?

Agent Jordan Todd.

Thank you for coming.

Ssas Hotchner, Morgan, Dr. Reid.

How you doing?

How are you?

Hey, is there a dna match between the unsub and the prostitutes?

We could run through vicap just in case.

Um, there's no dna at all.

No prints, no fibers.

Just like Vanessa, everything gets cleaned up.

Pretty effective forensic countermeasure.

What about witnesses? Somebody must have seen something.

Oh, yeah. Lots of people.

So you have a sketch.

It's a little vague.

That's because of this guy's other countermeasure. Take a look.

So this guy right here, that's our k*ller.

It looks like a fedora.

So he's drawing attention to his face while simultaneously obscuring it.

It's called peacocking--

The adornment of some sort of flashy affect to sort of try to distract witnesses.

So none of your witness statements agree?

He had a mole, "he didn't have a mole."

He had a gap between his teeth, no, his teeth were perfect.

Detective, we're gonna have to have a sit-down with Ashley Holden.

She got the best look at the unsub.

Well, I wish I could make that happen, but unfortunately, The family has decided to stop cooperating.

Why is that?

They won't say.

Yesterday the mother would move heaven and earth to help find her daughter's k*ller.

Today, no, thanks.

I'll take care of this.

Garcia... Is there any leverage you can give me that will help with the Holden family?

Sugar, if they broke the law, that'd be one thing, but they haven't done anything wrong.

What about public record?

Anything that might explain why the family shut down?

I've got scads of blog postings on them.

The Holdens were movers and shakers in the city.

And the nasty stuff follows the money.

Like what?

The Holdens got what they had "coming to them."

Why did Ashley get her sister k*lled?

Yikes. "how much to gut the slutty one?"

Could you forward those to me?

Good afternoon.

I'm sorry you came all the way out here.

It's a waste of tim Ashley knows absolutely nothing.

And we want to get this behind us as soon as possible.

Mrs. Holden, we can't begin to fathom the loss you've suffered.

That's right. You can't.

But, um...

I lost my older sister in a car crash.

And it was really hard on our family because she was the responsible one.

She was the one that my mother always counted on to watch over us.

And when she d*ed, my mother wouldn't let the police in.

If she didn't let them in, then my sister wasn't really dead.

This man is a monster, and we can catch him.

But we need your daughter's help.

If you accuse her of anything... - Ma'am--

I will be on the phone so fast...

Ma'am, ma'am, we won't.

All right. Follow me.

Did you know that about Jordan?

No, and neither did she.

According to her file, she's an only child.

Vanessa's boyfriend just broke up with her, so I took her out to, you know...

To have a good time. There's nothing wrong with that.

We you approached by anyone?


Can you describe any of them for us?


Look, Vanessa wasn't even in the mood.

So if she wasn't in the mood, if she left with this guy, Then there must have been something about him, something unique.

We saw a picture of him on surveillance, and we know that he was dressed like a rocker.

So he was pretty flashy, right?

What was the first thing you noticed about him?

His attitude.

What about it? Cocky? Confident?

Or did he play it more the broody type?

He was like-- he was hitting on us, but he was, like, making a joke out of it at the same time.

Seriously. You don't recognize me?

I will give you 3 more guesses.

You know, even his eyes, they were different colors.

So this guy wanted to be noticed.

Yeah. That's why you go to a club, right?

And then he had these games.

Like, he would bet us drinks that we couldn't get his number.

Or this other one.

There. Ok. Let me make sure you didn't screw it up.

Hmm, ok.

The camera really does add 10 pounds.


You're so...

She didn't even want to go out that night.

I had to drag her to the club.

The last thing she said to me before I left her alone with that guy was, "i had the best time tonight."

The best time.

The information about Vanessa Holden being the responsible sister, where did you get that?

Some of it was on-line, and some of it was just an educated guess based on birth order.

A guess. And in the process, you lied.

That mother was shut down. I needed to salvage some rapport.

I don't know how you did things in counter-terrorism, But we don't make it a habit to lie to get the job done.

I got you in the door, didn't i?

Not only do you represent the fbi, you represent this team--

To the press, the police, and to the families who are struggling with some of the hardest times of their lives.

If you get caught in a lie, the trust we depend on to help solve these crimes disappears.

Do I make myself clear?

It won't happen again.

No, it won't.

When we get back, I want you to prepare a press release about the unsub.

Do not release it.

From now on, everything goes through me.

Yeah, dave?

So how bad did I just screw up?

On a normal scale of 1 to 10, I'd say a 6, but on Hotch's scale, an 11.

The unsub k*lled the prostitutes in separate pay-by-the-hour motels ifulton county, Right there in one of the poorer neighborhoods he area.

Now, Vanessa Holden's apartment was in the peachtree district, where there's a lot of big money.

Based on the geography, he isn't just changing his victimology, he's changed his whole tax bracket.

The high profile of Vanessa Holden bears that out.

By k*lling her, he was climbing the social ladder.

If that's the case, this unsub had a long way to climb.

Both prostitutes advertised here. Look at their pictures.

Subservient positioning, asking to be dominated.

Promising to come to you?

That cuts out the social interaction of meeting on a street corner.

That's a long way from a self-assured unsub who hits the clubs.

Except he took a year off between the murders.

Maybe he took that time to change himself.

That's impossible.


Well, I mean, you're talking about a total transformation here.

I mean how you talk, I mean how you dress, how you think about yourself.

Difficult maybe. Not impossible.

He already started k*lling.

There must have been a secondary trigger that motivated him to change who he was.

So if you're gonna transform yourself, how would you do it?

A steady diet of self-help books.

Start hitting the gym?

You have to learn how to read people.

I mean, what is a pick-up?

It's basically just a profile.

Decoding cues of interest and recoding similar ones.

If you're too obvious, you turn off your target.

If you're oblivious, your target moves on to a better profiler.

That doesn't sound like something he could do on his own.

No. He'd have to go somewhere to learn it.

Yeah. A self-help class maybe?

Uh, wait a minute. Come on.

An unsub who kills prostitutes.

Is he really thinking about signing up for a tony robbins seminar?

He would if he found a class in the same place he found the prostitutes.


I like your style.

Well, the preliminary autopsy came back.

The victim's name is Becky Williams.

Was she disemboweled?


And what's even weirder is the cleaning supplies were set out, But there was no traces of them on her body.

Why would the unsub alter his signate and push her out of an 8-story window?

Escalating to sadism maybe?

Gutting and cleaning are what he has to do to find release.

He wouldn't change that.

Well, why not? He's changed everything else about himself.

Did anyone see the unsub?

No surveillance cameras at the club.

Becky's friends say she was talking to a guy with sunglasses.


So why did he pull out the cleaning supplies and then not use them?

On all the other scenes, the bottles were arranged in a precise order.

Here they're just part of the mess.

Maybe she fought back. And when becky went over the railing, his routine had been compromised because he knew the police would respond.

Or she could have jumped.

Her nervous system was pumping adrenaline.

Her fight or flight response kicks in.

He struck two fridays in a row, and if his routine's been interrupted, It might compel him to strike again.

It's saturday. The clubs will be packed tonight.

Take a look at the classes the unsub might have taken.

We need to generate a suspect pool as soon as possible.


Can detective harding get a copy of the sketch to Garcia?

Did you find anything outside?

No. But I think there might be a new pattern emerging.

Garcia, you ready?

Sending it now.

Please be aware that 30 minutes with photoshop does not allow for much artistic flourish.

Both times the unsub has gone to a club, he's had some costume, but now there's a theme--

A fedora and colored contacts, sunglasses, each time obscuring--

Are you ready, Garcia?

This area.

Now, yes, maybe he's trying to draw attention to him, But maybe he's trying to draw attention away from here.

Something he knows is identifiable-- a birthmark or a scar maybe.

We need to get these out. Jordan, release these to the press.

Which is why we're encouraging women to be on the lookout for this man.

He has been seen at club omega, suffragette city.

And we believe he may be attending similar nightclubs in the midtown district.

He may have a scar or a birthmark on his left eye.

Based on witness descriptions and captured images, the suspect is white, mid-to late 20s, and I repeat, he may have a scar or a birthmark...


What did you find out?

Of the 20 self-described pickup artist classes in the area, There's only one guy who encourages his students to dress like, uh, space cowboys.

Are you ready to meet viper?

Men are put on this earth to hunt women.

And even though women deny it, they want to be hunted.

They need it.

It's part of our biological imperative as animals.

And the competition the opposite sex puts you through--

Pitting you against other guys, against your own friends even, It's all to reassure themselves that they have brought home the best possible mate.

It's just like you.

They want someone who's gonna make their eyeballs roll back in their head.

My job is to help you slash past every defense, every excuse, every, "why don't you meet my friend" trick that they're gonna throw at you.

You may not have ripped abs or afford table service, but if you're smarter and...

More interesting, then you will be a better predator, because this is the jungle, my friends.

And your prey wants to be caught.

Will you listen to that language?

He's training serial K*llers.


We're dealing with a rampant narcissist and misogynist who's turned himself into a snake oil salesman.

That's one more thing he has in common with our unsub.

So you think this-- what did you call him-- unsub took my class he copied your "the camera adds 10 pounds" routine verbatim.

Yeah. That's a good gag.

If you could just give us your atndance lists, it might help us find him.



My clients expect a certain amount of confidentiality.

I won't compromise that.

We can come back with a warrant.

Be my guest.

But keep in mind, the money I make doesn't just pay for my fabulous lifestyle, It also keeps some very expensive lawyers on retainer.

What club did you go to last night?

It's a legitimate question.

You seem to know a lot about our investigation.

Two things to learn about me--

First I outwit alpha males like you for fun and sometimes profit.

How often do you have to rely on your badge to score, baldy?

Second, last night, I was at club aqua, And I have a stack of tax-deductible drink receipts to back up my story.

Now, you might not want to believe that my style works.

And here in this harsh light, you have the advantage.

But meet me on my turf...

Oh, the things I could make you do.

If you, um, have any questions, give us a call.

Please tell me we are not giving up on that guy.

We're just getting started.

H--he actually said that? To Prentiss?

Yes, he did. So what can you tell me about him?

I can tell you the viper's real name is Paul thomas.

And before he rechristened himself, he had a major mullet going on.

Garcia, we need the names of all of his students.

I'm gonna need a couple hours for a work-around.

I also need you to send Reid everything you can about what this guy teaches.

I think the unsub's using one of his routines.

We need to start building a linguistic profile.

Sir, does this guy's stuff actually work on real breathing girls?

Why are you asking me?

I abhor the whole chicks dig jerks thing.

Well, fortunately, Garcia, you're one of the exceptions.

Well, be still my bespeckled heart. So are you, sir.

Hotch, this is melissa foster.

She recognized the sketch.

I'm ssa Hotchner thank you for coming in.

You sure you've seen this man?

Yeah. I gave him the scar.

Did you meet him in a club?

No. I was a prost*tute.

This happened about a year ago.

And I was in bad shape.


But you got clean.

My girl, Cheryl, told me if I put an ad in the paper, It'd be safer than walking the streets. So...

One day you got a call, right, to meet you at a motel?


When you walked in, you knew you were in trouble.

He couldn't meet your eye.

He was, um, kind of shifty maybe?

He paced.

I spent the first half-hour trying to get him to relax, Because if he can relax, then I can relax.

But he just wanted to rant.

What did he say?

He said I was the help.

They don't even see you.

You're nothing. The help.

I had customers like this all the time.

They work out one of two ways.

Either they want to tie you up, and you just say no or they want to be tied up, In which case you do it and, uh, you steal their wallet.

He didn't want to tie you up, did he?


You know what I remember about the whole thing, like crystal clear?

It wasn't the pain that sent him running.

It was the mess.

There's no record of your att*ck-- police, hospital. Nothing.

Why didn't you come forward?

I wasn't ready to kick it yet.

I was this close to dying for two weeks.

And when I got back on my feet, I realized...

You just didn't want to live like that anymore.

If he hadn't att*cked me, I would have D.-ed.

He saved my life.

Our unsub is a confident alpha male.

He is white. He's between the ages of 25 and 30.

He's in excellent physical shape to overpower women and also to feed his self-image.

He has an obsession with cleaning.

He probably works in some service industry, wiping up after others, Convinced everyone looks down at him.

His change in himself and his victimology reflects that.

This is the kind of guy who wants to stand out in a crowd.

He's taken a class in how to pick up women.

So he'll repeat a series of well-rehearsed lines and mind games.

He may be uneducated, but he's by no means stupid.

Taking this class has given him the ability to read verbal cues and body language.

One classic routine the viper promotes is called the push-pull.

He'll insert himself between two women and immediately after complimenting one, He'll deliver a subtle insult, then pay attention to the other.

Those are really nice earrings. I like those.


My grandmother wears a lot of fake jewelry also. It looks nice.

Ignoring the one man puts her in direct competition with her friend And causes the other to pursue you more aggressively.

I was just demonstrating. So I'm sorry.

Well, we've mapped the hot spots he hits.

And he frequents the same clubs that the viper does, So we need eyes and ears in every single one.

Circulate the sketch as widely as possible.

We'll need everyone aware that there's a k*ller out there.

Thank you very much.

I think I might just stay home and man the tip line tonight.

Clubs aren't really my thing.

Not a chance, kid. I need a wingman. Come on, now.

Actually, there is another angle we need to pursue.

We still don't know what made the unsub change his victimology, What made him stop k*lling prostitutes and move into the clubs.

The answer might be something in viper's class, But to figure that out, we need to profile the teacher.

You need to bait him, then, with someone he sees as a challenge.

We need to study his style up close and personal.

It's gonna take someone that he's already attracted to.

Oh, this is really gonna suck.


Yeah. Come on in.

Hey, I'm 10 minutes away.

You're ok with this, right?

Yeah. I'll be fine.

Sadly, I've actually dated people worse than viper.

Is something going on with Jordan?

Um, you asked me to keep an eye on her.

And, frankly, I've noticed some tension.

I caught her in a lie.

She cut a corner to get us in with the Holden family.

Did she misrepresent the bureau?

She misrepresented herself.

So how long is she gonna be in the doghouse?

Until she proves she's competent.

That's gonna be tricky if you're scrutinizing her every move.

Prentiss, you seem to do ok.

I think in order for Jordan to prove she's good at this job, It's not gonna happen under a magnifying glass.

You're gonna have to give her the opportunity.

You have something in mind?

When you think about the nature of serial crimes, it's amazing there aren't more predators in the clubs.

I mean, excessive amounts of alcohol, countless opportunities for date r*pe dr*gs, Not to mention surprisingly risky behavior being pursued.

All right. So who wants a flier?

Nobody? Ok. All right.

So how's it going?

Not good.

I gave the profile to one woman, she asked if I was the unsub.

How are you doing?

Well, I gave out all my fliers.

How many phone numbers did you get?

None. I'm working a case here, kid.

Ok, 4 were offered, but I didn't take any of them.

All right. Look, let me school you real quick.

What you have to do with these ladies, just take control of the conversation.

When you're talking, what makes you feel like an expert?

Uh, statistics.

No. Trust me. No. Something else.

Um, well, when I do magic.

See? See, that's perfect.

Chicks dig magic.

I'm gonna give you a chance to work it. Come here.

Excuse me, sweetheart.

Whenever you get a chance.

What can I get you?

We're with the fbi. We're looking for this man.

Does he look at all familiar to you?

It's not much of a picture.

I know. You know what might help, acally, is he has a scar on his eye right about there.

We also know that he's taken classes where he's learned how to distract and charm his victim.

Ok. How diyou do that?

That's privileged information.

So what do I do if I see him?

You should call us.

Even if you just think you see him, you should definitely call us.

And if I don't see him...

Can I still call you?

Yeah. Yeah. You can call me. Yeah.

Ok. Cool. Wait. I don't have your number.

Oh, it's behind your barrette.


See? There you go. That's what I'm talking about. That's called game.

That's an excellent question.

Once you know a chick is interested, how do you proceed?

Allow me to demonstrate.

This is a nice surprise.

Well, the atlanta p.d. And the fbi are combing all the bars you go to.

And it looks like I pulled the short straw.

Lucky me, then.

So... Why do you do it?

Why do you teach guys how to be somebody they're not?

Because it's a game, one I'm good at.

And I want to help other guys get good at it, too.


Affection, sex, emotional commitment.

That's all just for fun, huh?

No. The fun is in the initial spark.

It's that thing a guy does in the first 5 seconds that makes you go... Him.

What you're talking about is a different beast.

You can't fake it. You have to want it.

Now, why are you really here?

Is, um, this the guy you were telling me about?

Viper, meet ssa Jordan Todd from the B. A. U.

Jordan, this is viper-- god's gift to women.

God sure has a sense of humor.

You brought a friend.

You promised if I met you on your turf, you'd show me something special.

So let's see it.

Yeah, viper, who gets pushed and who gets pulled tonight?

Is this the one that if you stare at it long enough, you see the image of a swan?

I'm just wondering if we missed anything.

Remember, I said there was a secondary trigger.

We never found it.

Maybe it's something that came from the class. Prentiss could still-- what he took from the class brought him to Vanessa Holden, But I'm talking about something much deeper psychologically.

Think about this.

This unsub always goes to his victim's apartments.

Never his own place. Why is that?

Well, there must be some restriction there.

A nagging girlfriend, a crying baby maybe, some reminder of how miserable his life is.

Which he's taking out on his victims.

You see, eye contact is a very powerful gauge.

It's why you tend to look away from someone you're attracted to Because you know instinctively what a dead giveaway it is.

But your brain goes there anyway.

Images, fantasies.

Don't flatter yourself.

The eyes don't lie. They dilate.

It's a chemical response.

We can't control it.

Ok, 15 seconds. What do you see?

Nope. No change. No dilation.

I guess chemically we're not a match.

Only because you have someone else on the mind.

Once that happens, the attraction center in the brain shuts wn.

Your turn.


Are you scared I might be right? Yeah?

No, Paul, I'm baffled.

I cannot figure out what the unsub could have learned from you.

What do you mean?He took my look, my words, everything that makes me successful to the opposite sex.

Really? Because that guy can get beautiful women into his apartment.

I wouldn't let you on my facebook page.

Oh, you're on facebook?


You should friend me.

I will.

I gave him the routines that made him what he is.

It must all be in the salesmanship then.

'Cause we've been watching all the women in the club.

And not one of them has looked at you.

So who do you really go home with, Paul?

Or--or do you go home alone?

That was really good, ladies. That was really good.

Don't you think I know why you're here?

One of my students copies my moves, and you're here to get inside my mind.

Don't you see?

I confronted my queen bee a long time ago.

What's a queen bee?

You are.

And so is every other confident girl in here who's loud when she's drunk.

The social butterfly, the alpha female.

Every student who's ever taken my class has had one in his life.

And the first exercise my students have to complete is to confront their queen bee.

It could be the girl who cheated on you or the prom date who stood you up.

But you find them and squash them.

Our unsub knew Vanessa Holden.

How do you know?

It's viper's first confidence building exercise.

Find the source of your first rejection and make her pay for it.

That's why he stopped seeing prostitutes.

He took viper's class and decided to confront Vanessa Holden.

It makes sense with what he said to Vanessa that night.

Don't you know who I am? Look closer.

He meant it literally.

We need to talk to the family again.

So what you're saying is that you think my daughter knew her k*ller.

It would have been someone that she possibly met at a young age, Maybe a boyfriend, someone she rejected.

No. Vanessa told me about all her boyfriends.

How about someone who expressed himself sexually to Vanessa?

It would have been awkward, embarrassing.

And he would have had issues with cleanliness or cleaning.

What is it?

That woman who used to clean for us, the one who brought her son.

Who was she?

I don't remember her name.

There have been so many people through this house, But I remember when she brought this young boy in.

He was odd.


He was inappropriate.

He would hide in the closet and then watch.

I caught him one day with Vanessa.

What are you doing in here?

We--we--we weren't doing anything.

He made me.

You are coming with me. Get over here.

And what did you do?

I did what any parent would do.

Do you understand what you did?

Do you know what you did?

That's for talking to her... And that's for this.

Don't you ever do that again. Don't you ever.


Well, don't look at me.

That boy had no sense of boundaries whatsoever.

He needed to be taught a lesson.

Do you happen to have any records of the employee, the mother?

No. Everyone got paid in cash.

Bobby. His name was bobby.

Vanessa called him a pervert.

I fired the mother that day.

It was awful, but there's a service that I remember that I used to get my domestics from.

It was in fulton county.

Last call, people! Last call.

See, your loveline's broken up, which means you haven't found your soul mate yet.

Well, that's true.


It's really amazing. You see it in these couples that are together forever.

The lines on their palms change, so they--they become mirror images of each other.



Why don't we--why don't we get out of here?

And I can tell you more about it.

What the hell?

I'm sorry.

Hey, you were holding on to me kind of tight.

We're leaving.

You know what? I have some club soda in the back if you want to clean that up.

Yeah. Yeah. Why don't you let me do that?

Just, uh, right back here.

I need you to stay right here, ok?

Who is that guy?

Come on. Come on. Come on.

The bouncer saw austin go out the back. She likes to smoke back here.

Well, based on the witness' description, itit definitely sounds like the unsub was here.

We got unis at her apartment, but no one's home.

Hey, it's austin. Leave a message.

It keeps going straight to voicemail.

Maybe we could have Garcia try to triangulate where she is based on the cell phone.

He has her.

When you asked him if he practices his routine on a sex doll, I almost lost it.

You know, as much as I hate what that guy stands for, I still read "five ways to get noticed" in "cosmo" magazine.

Because it makes sense.

Emily, thanks for doing this.


I need you both out here. The unsub's kidnapped another victim.

Garcia, you've got viper's attendance records?

Got it. I'm ready to play the player.

Start with robert. Narrow down the permutations. Bob, bobby.

That gives us 23 suspects.

Do you have access to birth records?


Pull the mothers' names and cross-reference with work and home addresses in fulton county.

Hold on. Bingo.

Robert c. Parker lives at 932 pryor street.

Oh, pryor's 5 miles from here.

Let's go. Jordan, have swat meet us at the site.

You made a mess, and now you're gonna clean it up.

Clean it up! Clean it up!

Clean it up!

Clean it up!

Faster. Faster.

You heard me saying "faster"?

First team in position.

I'll do--whatever you say you want me to do, I'll do it.

I'll do it. Ok.

The help... Doesn't talk.


Stay there. Stay there.

Get this off. Get it off. Get it off.

Ok. It's ok.

I called you.

I know. I know. I know.

I called you.

Let's go.

Please, please, please.

Who's that? Some... Somebody out there?

Who are you? What do you want?

Mrs. Parker?

Where's robert? Where's my son?

Everything's gonna be ok.

We're gonna get you some help.

No. Please. I need robert.

I need to be changed.

He's just outside, ma'am.

It's a dialysis pump.

It was issued 10 months ago.

We found our secondary trigger.

P.j.o'rourke wrote, cleanliness becomes more important when godliness is unlikely.

Come in.

My report.

Thank you.


Prentiss said you were excellent in the field.

Astute, responsive. You thought well on your feet.

She's being generous. I really enjoyed working with her.

You also posited early on that Vanessa Holden might know the unsub.

Well, he didn't fit the profile of a sexual sadist.

And you were right.

Clearly, our unsub was more complicated than the profile.

Anyway, I just wanted you to know that you have the green light again.

And I trust your judgment.

Thank you.

How are you feeling?


I told my hmo I got abducted by a serial k*ller, so they gave me free dental x-rays.

I'm glad your stay at the hospital wasn't too terrible, then.

Ah, my doctor gave me a clean bill of health.

He told me I could even go back to work if I wanted to.

All righty. Back to bartending. All right.

No. I quit that job.

My recent brush with death has inspired me to pursue a different career.

Well, that's--that's very exciting news.

What's, um--what is the new job path?

Uh, well, I was thinking about taking up magic.

Have you opened the package yet?

What is this?

Is this your card?

Yeah. It, uh, it is my card.
