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04x07 - Memoriam

Posted: 11/14/08 20:08
by bunniefuu
Previously on Criminal Minds...

Get 'em-- morgan, get 'em off me!

Reid. Reid. Wake up.

What the hell is scaring you?

The name Riley Jenkins mean anything to you?


He was m*rder*d right here in las vegas when he was 6 years old.

You would have been around 4 at the time.

He was found him in the basement of his own house, behind the dryer.

He'd been sexually abused and stabbed.

Spencer? What are you doing here?

Did I know a boy named riley jenkins?

I've been having dreams about his death since I was little.

Why aren't you helping me?

Spencer, pay attention.

Show me your face.



Come on, baby. Give it to me.

Give it to me. See? Nuh-uh.

Morgan, can you--

Please, can you-- My head.

My bad. Sorry.

You know these things are rigged, right?

Late night?

I hate vegas.

Come on, prentiss. How can you hate vegas?

This is a grown folk's playground.

Anyone seen Reid?

I know he stayed with his mom last night.

Well, he should be here by now.

He knows the departure time.

That thing still has credit on it.

J. J., I swear to god-- - What?

Oh, here he comes right now.

What'd you do? Sleep through your alarm?

Sorry to keep you guys waiting. I--

Hotch is already at the airstrip. How fast can you pack?

Actually, I'm gonna stay for a couple of days.

Is everything all right?

Yeah, I just, um-- I haven't seen my mom for a really long time, so I'd like a few more days.

You sure?


Ok, take a few days.

Do what you need to do.

Hey, um, take care of yourself.

You, too. Both of you.

Hi, I'm special agent spencer Reid, with the fbi.

I'd like to see everything you have on the 1984 m*rder of a boy named riley jenkins.

Just a second.


That was a rough one.

Did you work the case?

Yeah. I was 3 or 4 blocks away when the call came in on the radio.

My first kid.

You don't forget those.

Can I ask you this?

Were there any suspects?

The family, initially.

A dad, an older brother.

Makes sense. I heard the boy was found in his own basement, right?

Yeah. After a while, the family got defensive, stopped cooperating.

A bit like the-- what's her name? The jon-benet case, I guess.

I never liked them for it, anyway.

I always figured it was somebody outside the home.

What's the bureau's interest in the case?

Um, research.

Is this everything?

There might be another box down in records.

I'd like to see it all, if you don't mind.

Lots of luck, everybody, let's go.

Nice sh*t!

When did you know?

That's it?

That the extent of you...

What are you guys doing here?

Hey, what's it look like we're doing?

Uh, breaking into my room and watching "days of our lives."

"young and the restless." aren't you supposed to be on a plane back to d. C.?

You're supposed to be hanging out with your mom.

And you're not.

Riley jenkins?

No, it's not-- that's actually not why I'm here.


Come on, man.

Who do you think you're talking to?

I know what this has been doing to you.

Let us help.

Maybe together we can find out who k*lled him.

I think I might already know.

So, tell us about the suspect.

Truth is, I don't know anything about him.

He's my father.

Criminal Minds Season04 Episode07 'Memoriam'

"what was silent in the father speaks in the son, "and often I found in the son the unveiled secret of the father."

FReidrich nietzsche.

Before we go down this road, you need to be sure.

He's right.

Some rocks don't need looking under.

My mind is sending me signals.

I can't ignore them anymore.

Mixed signals.

That's what the subconscious is all about, you know that.

Reid, your dad left you.

You take it to the freudian extreme, you could say that he k*lled your childhood.

Could explain a dream in which you see him as a m*rder*r.

I've come this far, I'm not going back.

Ok, thank you.

Emily, you rember agent Todd?

Oh, yeah. Welcome back. Thanks.

I'll be shadowing J. J. For the next couple of weeks.

Big shoes to fill.

Big ankles, at least.

Come on, you look great.

That's what I keep telling her.

Do you have kids, too?Or-- ah, no. I think J. J. May have snared the last viable donor.

Tell me about it.

Donor for what?


I'm just, uh, reacquainting agent Todd here with the layout.

Good to see you again, S. S. A. Hotchner.

No, please. "Hotch."

Hotch. So, where's the rest of the team?

Oh, another case came up while we were in las vegas, and they stayed behind to look into it.

Excuse me.

I thought you work cases together.

This one's different.

Riley was 6 at the time.

His father, lou jenkins, was supposed to pick him up from t-ball practice at 4.

But he got delayed at work, prompting riley to walk the 3 blocks home.

When his mother got home in the early evening, she found him dead in the basement.

So, the offender came to the house after the boy arrived home.

Or picked him up on the way there.

Coaxes riley into the basement where he sexually assaults him.

The boy's mouth was taped shut.


The unsub fears riley will talk, panics, weighs his options...

Decides to make certain that he'll never talk.

He finds a Kn*fe in the fishing gear under the stairs, Stabs riley 9 times in the chest, stuffs him behind the washing machine.

So, the unsub's a white male in his late 20s to early 30s.

Means we're looking for a man in his 50s.

Likely knew the boy.

Maybe been to his house.


Reid? What is it?

My family lived less than a half mile from the jenkins'.

Do you think your dad knew the boy?

I don't know.

My memory's lack of recall just reinforces how little I knew about him.

Reid, we're going to have to track him down.

You do know that?

We should talk to my mother first, neighbors.

Get their impressions.

Reid, I don't need to tell you that this signature was need-based and sexual in nature.

The man we're looking for is a pedophile.

So, I'll ask you again.

Are you sure you want to go down this road?

Mom? Can I ask you some questions about dad?

I'm having... Having trouble remembering.

What do you want to know?

Did he like to be around children?


Well, yes.

If it were up to him, you'd have a house full of brothers and sisters.

So, you didn't want more kids?

Why mess with perfection?

Um, what about other people's children?

How was he around them?

He was good with kids, I guess.

He coached your little league team.

Good hit. Yeah!

Hey, good hit, riley.

Spencer, you're next.

He was always trying to put you into normal activities.

I tried to tell him you're not normal.

You were exceptional.

Let me ask you this, mom.

Did you ever get the feeling, like, on his part, the marriage was...

Just for show?

These questions are very strange, spencer.

What is this about?

It's about riley jenkins.

Riley jenkins?

I told you, he was someone you made up.

No, he's not someone I made up.

He was a real boy who lived in our neighborhood, and somebody k*lled him.

And, I don't know, I think-- I think that dad might have had something to do with it.

He was real?

Yes. And...

He was on that little league team, too.

So many cases. How do you determine which ones get priority?

Ah, basically m*rder triage.

I look for cases where the thr*at of losing another life is most imminent.

Without the other agents giving you a working profile?

Well, that comes later.

This job does require a little bit of profiling.

Just don't tell them that.

Here, let me show you.

Ok, family in atlanta, mother, twin daughters, stabbed in their sleep, and, uh...

Yeah, sioux city, iowa.

Two men with no apparent connection both found drowned in their bathtub exactly one month apart.

Where would you go?

I'd have to take a closer look.

What does your gut tell you?

Sioux city looks like a serial.

Another victim could die within a month.

What about atlanta?

That's a family annihilator.

Father snaps, takes out the flock, puts any relative in the area in immediate danger.

I'd take the team there first.

Good. Now, do that with that whole entire stack, right there.

You ok?

Oh, yeah. I'm fine.

It's just a theory, mr. Jenkins.

You must be out of your damn minds.

We're trying to get some new facts.

Well, you're hell and gone from facts if you think will Reid k*lled my son.

So, you were friends?

Who the hell are you to come here, asking this?

I'm his son.


Spencer, a g-man? How about that?

I don't understand.

Was william around your house often?

The occasional barbecue, that sort of thing.

Was riley around on these occasions?

Why are you doing this?

I need to know.

Take it from someone who does know, he was a good man.

Thanks for your time.

Where is he, these days? My dad?

It's been years, but he's probably still at that same firm in summerlin.

He's been in town this whole time?

Far as I know.

You know summerlin?

Yeah. It's like 9 miles east of here. Off the 95.

He was 10 minutes away and never let me know.

Can I help you, gentlemen?


We'd like to speak with william Reid.

Is he expecting you?

I don't think so.

He's in a meeting right now.

Why don't you have a seat and I'll tell him you're here.

You ok?

Yeah. No--yeah--i'm going to go to the bathroom.

I've never seen him like this before.

17 years is a long time to go between visits.

Not long enough. The kid's still angry.

Yeah, I'm starting to get that.

I'll be right back. Here you go.

You from the fbi?

Yes, sir. Mr. Reid, I'm agent Rossi. This is agent Morgan.

This wouldn't be about the city council investigation, would it?

No, this is, uh, more of a personal matter.

It concerns your son.

My son? Did something happen?

That's what we're trying to find out.

Hello, dad.

You don't look like me anymore.

You used to. Everybody said so.

They say some people look like their dogs, too.

It's attributed to prolonged mutual exposure.

Elderly couples, also.

They unconsciously mimic the expressions of people they've been around their whole life.

So, it kind of-- kind of makes sense that I wouldn't really look like you.

I haven't seen you in 20 years.

So, are you in town on work?

We're just wrapping up a case.

A 5-year-old boy was abducted and m*rder*d.

I read about that.

Uh, ethan hayes, right?

That's terrible.

That case got me thinking about riley jenkins.

You remember riley jenkins?

Of course.

I've been having dreams about him for a really long time.

But when we came back here for this case, it jogged something and the dream changed.

I saw his k*ller and he was you.

Interesting dream.

You don't seem all that surprised.

I stopped being surprised by spencer's mind a long time ago.

There are certain criteria we consider when looking at this type of suspect.

You fit parts of that profile.


We just want your cooperation.

My cooperat...

You're not actually saying you think I k*lled riley jenkins?

We didn't say that.

Good, 'cause that's absurd.

We'd just like permission to look through your computer, access your records.

And what would you be looking for exactly?

You want access to my files?

Get a warrant.

We can't get a warrant, so we have to go under the radar on this one, garcia.

You want me to hack your father's network?

You sure about this?

I really wish people would stop asking me that.


Hey, you're pretty good.

Was the envelope dropped off at the front desk first?

Nope, it went straight to my room.

So, they knew what room you were in.

I do have to admit, the timing of this is a little suspicious.

Yeah. An hour after I see my father, we're handed another suspect.

You think you knew this guy?

I don't know. I think so, but I'm not sure.

I--i--no, I don't know.

Exposed himself to a minor.

That's a precursor to molestation.

And m*rder.

We should take a closer look at this guy.

It's garcia.

Yeah, talk to me, baby girl.

I'm not interrupting boy time at crazy horse 2, am i?

You know that's not my thing.

I'm more for in-room entertainment.

I can't help you but I do give good phone.

Let me hear what you got.

Reid, we've been all up in your father's business.

What did you find?

Well, let me tell you first what I did not find.

No kiddie p*rn, no membership to illicit websites, no dubious emails, no chat room history.

What about his finances?

We went back 10 years.

No questionable transactions that we can find.

Well, he did buy a ticket to see celine dion 6 months ago.

But I think we can overlook that.

He's smart. Is it possible he kept things under the table?

Well, of course. But from what we can tell, Reid, he doesn't fit the profile.

We can tell you other things about him, if you want to know.

I'm listening.

He's a workaholic, he actually logs more hours than we do.

He makes decent money, but he doesn't spend a lot of it.

He has a modest house.

He drives a hybrid.

He doesn't travel much. He stays away from the casinos.

Um, and according to his veterinary bills, he has a very sick cat.

He appears to spend most of his free time alone, he goes to the movies a lot, and he reads.

And from his collection of first editions, it seems his favorite author is--

Isaac asimov, I remember that one.

He does have one other major interest.

On his home computer, he's archived, like, a ka-jillion things on one common subject.


You, kiddo.

He's got, like, everything that's been published online.

Every article you've been quoted in, pieces you've written for behavioral science journals, He even has a copy of your dissertation.

He's keeping tabs on you.

That's saying something.

Yeah, he googled me.

That makes up for everything.

I'm going to get some air.

You guys still there?

I thought we were giving him good news.

What else can we do?

Yeah, look up a name for us, if you would.

Gary Brendan Michaels.

You like this gary guy for the riley m*rder?

Somebody does.

Wow, looks like you got a loose one.

No such thing.

These machines run on random number generators.

No brains, no bias.

Best odds in the house, though.

Really? I thought that craps had the best odds.

Normally, video poker odds are slightly worse at . 7 percent in your favor.

But if you employ optimal strategy and always drop with a royal flush, You can push those odds to 2 percent.

Smart and handsome.

So, are you in town for the convention?

Um, there are 12 conventions in town this week. Which one are you talking about?

Take your pick.

6 minutes.

Excuse me?

Um, it was something I used to say to my mom to try to get her to quit smoking.

A cigarette takes 6 minutes off your life.

So every time she'd light one, I'd say, "it's 6 minutes less that I get to spend with you."

Did it work?


Because I've tried it all--the gum, the patch. Nothing works.

You should try hypnosis. They've had-- there's been a lot of success in...

Tell you what, I'll put mine out if you buy me a drink.

Uh, not today, sweetheart.
We've been looking all over the place for you. Come on.

Hey, you won, like, $2,000 here.

Keep it.

You do realize you just gave two grand to a hooker?

Must have been quite a conversation.

What was it about?

How to stop smoking.

Thank you for seeing us on such short notice.

Well, I'm always happy to assist the fbi.

Is there a witness you want me to look at?

Uh, yeah. Me.

I'm trying to recover memories from my childhood.

There was a m*rder.

How long ago are we talking about?

I was 4.

Memories from that age can be difficult to interpret.

I'm aware of the limitations of hypnotherapy.

Well, then you're aware of suggestion issues.

If you've looked into this case, you may have a bias.

Are you saying what he remembers under hypnosis may not be real?

It's a possibility.

Either way, it's a tough sell in court.

We won't be using this for evidentiary purposes.

It's really just for me.

The suppressed memories are about my father.

I'd like to monitor this session.

Make sure you get him to the right place.

You want to sit in?

I don't normally allow that.

In case you haven't realized, nothing about this is normal.

I want you to hold my wrist in your left hand.

And if you should feel any fear, I want you to squeeze, do you understand?


Go back to the night you were just telling me about.

You're at home, in your room.

You can't sleep because your parents are arguing.

I don't know what to do. I had to do something, but I didn't know what to do.

I'm not going to discuss it anymore.

He's coming in.


I know you're awake, spencer.

It's dad.

What about him, spencer?

What is he doing?

Daddy loves you, you know that?

I don't want to be here.

Ok. It's ok, spencer.

Take us to where the light is.

To the next morning.

The sun is coming up.

Where are you, spencer?

Mom? My mom. She's at the window.

She's thinking.

She's been crying.

She saw him.

Who? Your father?

Do you talk to her?

No. No, I wanna--

I wanna see...

What is it, spencer?

What are you seeing?

That's enough.

I need you to leave this location now, spencer.

Damn it. Wake him up.

I'm going to count backward from 5.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and wake.

Reid. It's ok. It's ok. It's ok. It's ok, Reid. It's ok.

What happened? What did you see?

Try to rember, mom.

No, I can't.

You were there.

You watched dad burn the bloody clothes.

You had a dream.

Mom, this was not a dream. This was a memory.

It was a memory and I saw you.

Your mind, ah, such a treasure.

Even as a baby you knew about things you weren't supposed to know.

This is not about me. This is about riley jenkins.

It was always about you.

Please, mom. Please.

Please, just try to rember.

Remember riley.


Riley was real.

Oh, poor riley.

Yes, poor riley. Poor riley.

Did dad do something to him?

Dad? No.

Think. Think.

Think. - No, no.

That's--no, no.

Now you're confusing me, spencer.

You knew. You knew about dad, and you didn't do anything.

No! You don't know. No! No!

You don't know! You don't-- no!

No! No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

No, no, no, no!

I'm just going to give you something to relax.


It could have been you.

What? What did you say?

It could have been you.

She's not stable, Reid.

You can't put stock in what she says. I don't need to tell you that.

And I don't need to tell you this is textbook.

Father reroutes compulsion to molest away from his own son to a surrogate.

The woman thought riley jenkins was an imaginary friend until you told her otherwise.

The mind's way of suppressing memories she doesn't want to face.

You're losing objectivity here, kid.

I'm not trying to say I know what happened.

Or how my dad's involved, Morgan.

But my dad's involved.

What's he doing here?

You got no evidence.

A suspect can be detained for questioning for 48 hours, regardless of evidence.

I'm not in the habit of ruining people's reputations on a whim.

Where's your captain? I want to talk to your captain.

Talk all you want.

This is a local m*rder, and your authority ends at the state line.


Why don't you just head back over to the fountain view And have a couple of drinks by the pool and think about this.

I have thought about this.

The guy's your father.

What's your point, detective?

Maybe you're here to work out some other issues?

Ok, listen, detective.

If you helped us out with this.

We just want him on his heels.

You've got 24 hours.

I appreciate that.


You gotta keep your head, man.

He just agreed to it.

It happens all the time.

You know how these guys are.

They just want to feel like they're the ones in control.

Talk to me, garcia.

So, this gary michaels you asked me to track down seems to have peeled himself right off the grid.

What did he do? Skip town?

Feels it. Maybe he took a new name, too.

Everything in his name laps from non-use in the year after the riley jenkins m*rder.

Maybe he didn't want to stick around for the investigation.

In addition to the indecent exposure wrap, he also had some lewd behavior, trespassing.


At a nursery school.

Hard to believe the cops never pegged this guy as a suspect.

Any other avenues to find him?

You betcha. They swabbed him in '85 for the exposure beef, So I'm sending up balloons through vicap and codis.

If he's offended again over the past 20 years under a different name...

Which, considering his type, he probably has...

He will pop up somewhere.

All right. Keep me in the loop.


What's with the wincing? You ok?


Are you sure? I noticed this earlier.

Earlier? How often?

Um, in the last hour.

I'd say every 10 minutes.

J. J. Why didn't you tell anyone?

Because I am not due for another 3 weeks.

Newsflash! You're in labor.

No, no, no. Because Reid needs us right now.

You need you, right now. Come on, get up.

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not a doctor.

I don't even play one on tv, but I believe young J. J.'s going into labor.

Are you ok?

I'll get the car.

I need to call will.

From the car, honey.

Breathe and walk. Breathe and walk.

Agent Todd, I hope you're ready because your job starts right now.

You still think ********

why shouldn't i?

Well, for one thing, gary michaels fits the profile.

For another, he fled town after riley's m*rder.

He's a better suspect than your dad, Reid.

He's a convenient one.

Someone slipped the file under my door, Morgan. What am I supposed to think?

Maybe they're trying to help.

Maybe they're trying to protect him.

You're talking about someone helping to cover up the m*rder of a child.

Who would do that?

Do you rember how resistant detective hyde was when I asked him to bring in my father?

So, what? You're accusing a cop now?

It was a police file.

It was a very old police file.

Anybody could have accessed it.

He told me to go back to the fountain view, have a drink by the pool, and think about things.

You can't possibly still be mad about that.

I'm not mad. I'm confused.

I never told him we were staying at the fountain view.

CODIS REPORT MATCH CONFIMED It's a simple question.

How did the blood get on the clothes?

I told you, I'm not going to talk without council.

If you don't have anything to hide, you don't need a lawyer.

Spencer, please. I'm not stupid.

I'm proud of you, you know that?

I'm not stupid either.

No. You've done a lot of good.

I mean, other people with your talents, they might have sought different opportunities.

The private sector.

My god, you could have made a fortune.

But you chose to help people.

I chose to study murders.

Why do you think that is?

I didn't do this, spencer.

Why can't you believe me?

Like you said, I do have special talents.

One of them is being able to tell when somebody is hiding something.

You're angry that I left.

And you're right to be.

You want to make it up to me?

Tell me the truth.

I didn't k*ll that boy.

But I know who did.

Gary michaels?

How'd you know that?

That was the whole idea, wasn't it?

So, where is gary michaels now, dad?

Spencer, please. Forget it.

You don't want to go down this road.

Everything's fine. We're checking her in now.

And I got a thing back from california on your codis query.

Did they find gary michaels?

Some of him.

He's dead?

They dug him up 7 years ago when some new construction broke ground in the desert.

Whoever k*lled him was smart enough to bury him across state lines.

Vegas P. D.never made the connect.

How was he k*lled?

Judging from the fractures, they think he was beaten with something.

A pipe, maybe.

Or a bat.


Maybe it wasn't riley's blood on those clothes your dad was burning.


Been rumors a body was buried up at the barker ranch for years.

On account of that's where chuck manson had his hideout.

When we dug this one up, we went ahead and had him typed.

Thought maybe it could be related.

It's a good thing you did.

Might never have I. D.'d him otherwise.

So, why all the fuss over a dead pervert?

We think he may have k*lled a boy in vegas over 20 years ago.

Is that how he ended up in the ground? Revenge?


It says here you have a fingerprint in evidence, lifted from the victim's broken glasses.

We ran it up the flagpole a couple of times.

Nothing ever came up.

That was then. Now we have someone to compare it to.

A suspect?

Well, we're going to want to run it through afis, too.

That's a lot of taxpayer dollars being spent to solve a public service m*rder.

If you ask me, the guy got just what he deserved.

He's right, you know.

We don't have to run this print.

Of course we do. Whatever michaels did, he deserved a fair trial.

Reid, you wanted to know if your father k*lled riley.

All signs point to "no." you got what you need.

What I need is the truth.

If this print belongs to your dad, he could go away for a long time.

You're just determined to nail him, aren't you?

Doesn't even matter what for.

If you don't want to run it, I will.

I'm told you're refusing medication.

I'm just holding off for a little while, if you don't mind.

You know what will happen.

Tremors, panic, then the voices.

But before that, when the fog lifts, a window of clarity.

I really need that right now.

I can give you some latitude here.

Just tell me why.

I want to remember.

Yeah, agent Morgan.

You did?

You're 100 percent certain?

Ok. Thank you.

We're going to have to get an arrest warrant.

It was a match?

Yeah. But it wasn't your dad.

We got company.

What's he doing here?

We notified your captain about this, detective.

It's all legit.

I'm not trying to stop you.

I just want to be the one to bring him in.

It'll go easier.

He's my friend.

Yeah, we figured that much. You, lou, my father.

You slipped us the michaels file, didn't you?

You were after the wrong guy.

But you knew who the right guy was all along?

And what lou did to him.

There wasn't any evidence.

Did you even look?

You want to link him up, go ahead.

But he rides in with us.

Appreciate that.

Who else was with you?

No one.

You're saying you k*lled gary michaels by yourself, all alone.

That's right.

And william Reid wasn't a party to this?


You're lying.

I'm not lying.

He was burning bloody clothes. I saw him.

What makes you think gary michaels k*lled your boy?

He admitted it.

You b*at a guy with a baseball bat, he's going to admit to a lot of things.

How do you know he was the right guy?

I know.

He approached another kid in the neighborhood.

Hey, you're pretty good.

And how do you know that?

I was told by a concerned party.

Who? Another parent?

Mind if I play?

That's all I'm going to say on the subject.

Who was it?

I told you that's all I'm going to say on the sub--

Who was it?

Agent Reid?

Do not interfere with this interrogation, detective.

This is not your case anymore.

Spencer, it was me.

I'd seen him around at your ball games, at the park.

You used to play chess there, do you remember?

You played with him once.

With gary michaels?

I didn't know that was his name back then, But it wasn't unusual for you to play with adults.

And you'd win, too.

Did he do something to me?

Oh, no. God, no. It never got to that point.

But when I saw the way he looked at you, I knew what he was.

I could just tell.

A mother knows.


So, you told riley's dad.

2 nights later, lou called the house.

He was agitated.

He said he needed me to meet him.

Is that him?


His name is gary michaels.

He has a history.


He's done things to kids.

How do you know?

You should go now.

What are you going to do?

Go home, diana.

I sat there. I couldn't move. It was like a dream.

That paralysis in the face of something terrible.

What happened after that?

It's ok, diana.

Go on.

At some point, I found myself walking towards the house.

Oh, my god. Lou, what did you do?

And the rest...

It's all dark after that.

You came home.

She couldn't talk at first.

But eventually I came to understand what had happened.

And I knew that nobody could ever know.

So, you never told anyone?

No, she could have been implicated.

And I had to protect her.

You were burning her bloody clothes.

But the knowing, you can't burn that away.

It changes everything.

Is that why you left?

I tried to keep us together, spencer.

I swear to you, but the weight of that knowledge, it was too much.

You could have come back.

Could have started over.

I didn't know how to take care of you anymore.

When I lost that confidence, there was no going back.

What's done is done.

At least now you know the truth.

I was wrong about everything. I'm sorry.

I am, too, spencer.

"there is no refuge from memory and remorse in this world.

"the spirits of our foolish deeds haunt us with or without repentance."

Gilbert parker.

Well, he looks just like you.

Let's hope he grows out of that.

Just as long as he doesn't inherit the accent.

Is there room for one more in here?

Spence, hi.

Welcome back.


Thank you.

How is it that I just went through 15 hours of labor and you look worse than I do?

Don't be ridiculous. You look beautiful.

Well, I could sure use some coffee. Anyone else?


My treat.

You ok?

Yeah, yeah. You?

Yeah, yeah, you sure? 'Cause there's something I wanted to ask you, but it can wait.

What is it?

Will and I were talking, and, um...

We want you to be henry's godfather.

I don't even know-- I don't know-- here, do you want to hold him?

It's ok. Here you go.


Watch his head. There you go.

Hello, henry.

If anything should happen to us, it's up to you and Garcia to make sure this boy gets into Yale.

Yale. Yale?

Do you want to go to Yale, Henry?

That was your godfather's safety school.

Don't worry, I can get you into Cal-Tech with one phone call.