Abomination, The (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Abomination, The (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

[music playing]

[audio logo]






He's alive.

My creation is alive.

f*ck you, God!

So everything's fine.

Everything's fine.





(SINGING) Come on.

Call my girls.

Set the time.

We're going to party tonight.




It's been a long day damn week,

but the end's almost in sight.

In sight.

In sight.

In sight.

Now's the time to dance.

Friday night is a chance

to let go of your stress,

catch a slide in

your best slip dress.

J-U-I-C-Y, never like to

juice, tone it up, get loose,

dancing all night with you.

Say, J-U-I-C-Y, never like to

juice, tone it up, get loose.


We don't do that.

We're just dancers.

Oh, shit, yeah.

So just Angel, then.

We don't do that.

What's the f*cking point?

[knock on the door]


Now, girls, when I come back,

the minimum I expect to see

is a little bit of titty, yeah?

If there's no titty, no tip.

Trust me, I'm a top tipper.

(SINGING) Friday

night is your chance,

to let go of your

stress, now just

slide in your best slip


J-U-I-C-Y, never like to

juice, tone it up, get loose,

dancing all night with you.

You're handsome.

Are you here to join

the party, are you?



I'm not fighting for anything

anymore, except myself.

Now go ahead and sh**t.

You'll be doing me a favor.


Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

I know it's wrong.

But God damn it, I

don't care, Diane.

I love you.

Well, if you love me,

why did you leave me?

I thought I would

never see you again.

Do you still love me, Diane?

I do love you, Jake.

Well, then kiss

me, God damn it.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.


I love you!

[screaming] Stop!

I love you!

I love you!

I love you!



I loved you.

I loved you.

I love you.

I love you.

[toilet flushed]

I love you.





You know, a lot of

people ponder the--

the meaning of life.

I think I got it figured it out.

The meaning of life?


You've got it figured out?

I've sorted it.

Enlighten me.

No need to f*cking

patronize me.

Who's patronizing?

Maybe it's antagonizing then.

I don't know the difference.

Well, I wasn't doing either.

I'm simply inquiring what you,

Michael McCool had concluded

the meaning of life was.

The meaning of life is

to be remembered forever,

like Alexander the Great, to

do something so special, so

meaningful with your life,

that you're remembered

for eternity, for

thousands of years,

by your fellow man

after your death.




f*ck this.



Are those Jammie Dodgers?

Yeah, double stuffed.

My favorite.

Sorry, hello.


Don't you think you

should be focusing

on finding our mate's

m*rder*r rather than

talking about f*cking biscuits?

Leave him alone.

He didn't say anything.

f*cking brown-nosing

little bitch.

Oh, you like a double-stuffed

biscuit, officer?

f*ck the police.


Excuse me.

You're excused.

What does ACAB mean?

All Cops Are Bastards.


Would you prefer to do this

down at the station, Michael?

He's fine here. Thank you.

Shut up, Elizabeth.

He can speak for

himself, thank you.

Go on, Michael.

He was my best friend.

We were like brothers.

f*ck off.

He was not like your brother.

You didn't even like him.

He barely liked

you to be honest.

He only hung out with us because

he wanted to bang Antigone,

I'm sure.

Brothers, my assh*le.

f*ck you.

I loved Mark.

And Mark loved me.

You think Mark liked me?

- Yeah.

- I always thought he was into


Shame, he was fit.

Can you remember what

the man looked like?

Well, now that you've

asked, it is coming to me.

The first thing I

remember is he was

ugly, hideously and

monstrously ugly,

about 6 and 1/2 foot tall.

And his shoulders were as wide

as a silverback gorilla's,


And-- and-- and his eyes were

wild and wide, like a wolf.

And-- and his teeth

were sharp and pointed.

I still remember little--

little wedges of Mark's

flesh in between them as he

gnawed through his nut sack.

No, officers.

That weren't no man.

That was a monster,

a real-life monster.

That was so f*cking cringe.

You've had a

traumatic 48 hours.

I think it's best that we left

you alone to rest for now.

Ah, good thinking.

Come on.

Even [inaudible].

Have another biscuit

before you leave.

That would be great.

Thank you.

Thank you for keeping us safe.

You are so f*cking pathetic.

It is unreal.

You two, get out.

We'll be in touch.


[woman screams]



There is no more sincere

love than the love of living.


Oh, babe.

You OK?

Babe, give him some space.

Come on.

He needs a hug, not space.

He just saw his

friend get eaten.

More like casual

acquaintances, really.

You know what I mean?

So Michael, what

really happened?

What was it?

Who was it?

Where was it?

Come on.

I know you didn't want to

talk in front of the five-o.

Well, I don't know who it was

or why it wanted to eat Mark.

But I do know I'm going

to find this yolk.

I'm going to k*ll it

like a f*cking hero.

What the f*ck are

you talking about?

You talk way too much.

Rein it in.

A monster.

Heinously ugly, eyes

wide and wild like a tiger,

shoulders as wide as an

outstretched American Eagle,

seven foot tall now,

teeth sharp and pointed,

thick purple veins bursting out

of its rhinoceros-like skin,

fur all over him

like a f*cking bear,

burns and stitches

covering his face,

like he just come out of some

sort of horrific accident.

So now we're going to

hunt down and k*ll him.

I heard of this monster.


At the time, I

remember thinking it was

just the ramblings of a drunk.

But to hear the

tale told again--

Who and where?

At the Barking Smack

pub in Great Yarmouth.

He was wearing the eye patch,

a foreigner in our area.

What's his name?



How are you doing, man?

We are looking for Hercules.

We were told we

might find him here.




Hello, mate or Hercules, or

should I say, Mr Hercules or--

Hercules is just fine.

And you don't know me.

But we have a mutual friend.

That's nice.

Well, he thinks

that you might know

a thing or two about the monster

that's terrorizing the town.

That ain't no monster.

That's Adam the Abomination.

Oh, well, you have my full

and unbridled attention.

Oh, God.

Adam the Abomination was once

just plain old Adam Dempsey,

an innocent young

prizefighter who fell

in love with the wrong woman.

Yeah, we've all

been there, man.

Stop making

everything about you.

Adam fell in love with

one of the wicked witches

of Waxham, Wanda White.


Ah, ah, no!

No, please.

Listen, please.

Please, no more.

There is no love without pain.

There is no light without dark.

And there is no

heaven without hell.

Our eyes awake will

be forever fallen.






Oh, shit.

Is he still breathing?

Oh, f*ck, not again.

What'd you have to

choke him so hard?

Well, you told

me to pull it hard.

I told you to pull it hard.

I didn't tell you to choke

the bastard to death.

Wait a minute.

Wait just a minute.

My wicked sisters,

here's a thought.

From every misfortune, there

is a fortune to be made.

And I know just the

man who will pay

a fortune for this fast-living

young man's beautiful corpse.


So just so we're clear,

this is utter bullshit.

Shut up, Elizabeth.

They sold his body to

Archimedes the Alchemist.

So-- so-- so who's Archimedes?

And what did he want

with Adam's dead body?

The Alchemist was a

brilliant scientist,

respected and celebrated by all

for his groundbreaking research

and thanatology.

Using a combination

of science, alchemy,

pseudoscience, and

black magic, Archimedes

raised Adam from the grave.

Only what his formulas

did not equate

was for Adam's unquenchable

thirst for human blood.

It acts almost as a

daily blood transfusion,

providing him with

the fresh red blood

cells his resurrected body

fails to naturally produce.

Human blood still beating

is what keeps Adam alive.

Like-- like Dracula.

All myths stem from the truth.

All bullshit stems

from your mouth.

How do you know all this?

I was hired to hunt

down Adam the Abomination

and assassinate him.

You're an assassin.

At your service.

I mean, honey, you're not a

very good assassin, are you?

Seeing as you may,

Adam's still running

around munching on people.

I tracked him for days.

And finally, I had

him in my sights.

Just when he was about to tuck

into some Tunisian tourists

in Turf, I looked at the

abomination in his eyes

and saw deep into his

dark and black empty soul.

He looked back at me and

saw a man with no fear.

That old chestnut.

I slowly removed my

revolver, pull back the hammer,

and pointed it at the creature.

Adam just looked

at me and laughed.

Oh, f*ck.

He's bulletproof.

I made a decision that

lost me my left eye,

but a decision that only

an alpha male would decide.

I tossed my g*n in the

sand, rolled up my sleeves,

and went toe to toe with

that demonic son of a bitch.

Retro video game music



You fight with honor.

- What?

- I've never heard such bullshit

in my whole entire life.

You fight with honor.


Now the monster's a ninja

from a martial arts movie?

I mean, what was that bit about

the wicked witches of Waxham?

You should write a book, mate.

I know that bit's true.

Oh, yeah?, How's that?

Well, my mom's one of the

wicked witches of Waxham.

We can ask her where the lab is.

If we find the lab, we

find Adam the Abomination.

Oh, we find Adam

the Abomination,

I k*ll them and become

a legend forever.

Hold on.

Back up.

Since when is your mom a witch?

My mom's always been

a witch, well, as long

as I've known her anyway.

Did you know about this?

I've heard a rumor, yeah.

You three be careful.

The power of the

resurrection has

made Adam stronger than

any beast I've ever

had to go skin to skin with.

And I've just about

fought them all.

Sorry, are you still talking?

To the witches of Waxham's

worship for the wicked.


Come on!

Another m*rder, Sarge?

I think it's the monster.

Keep your voice

down, Constable Romeo.

The last thing we need

is the inspector to hear

you talking about werewolves.

Apologies, Sergeant Popeye.

Anyone asks, you tell

them we're following

up lots of potential leads.

But we don't have any

leads apart from Michael

McCool and his monster.

No one needs to know that

now, do they, Constable?

Oh, I see what you mean.


You want me to lie, Sarge.



f*ck off.

Oh, Adam, come home to daddy.


I need you to come home.

It's not safe out there.

Please come home.

Adam, come home!

I miss you, son!

And I won't hurt you.

Come out, come out,

wherever you are.

You don't belong out there.

Come home to your family.

Sonny, please.

It's scary out there.

Right, Uncle Steve?

I'm not wearing any pants.


I swear to God,

if I get chopped up,

I'm k*lling both of you.

Don't you worry.

I'll protect you.

Get your hands off me or

I'll k*ll everybody you love.

Antigone, how are you?

I'm good, thank you.

Oh, I've missed you, belle.

What you been up to?

Not much, just job hunting.

How's that coming?

Oh, I had an interview

at a marketing company

for an admin role.

Things went well, I think.


Yeah, and I sent my

CV to loads of places.

So just waiting on

some answers, really.

Fingers crossed.

It's not what I really

want to do, though.

What you really

want to be doing?

What I really

want to do is act.

Yes, they all remember, even--

even when you were no

bigger than my club,

you was always a natural

little performer.

It's my passion.

Yeah, well, you got such

a talent there, kiddo.

Be a crime to give

up on your dreams.

What exactly is going on here?

Sorry, rude of me.

This is my uncle Typhon.

He's not really my uncle.

But I've known him all my life.

So he might as well be.

Nice to meet you, mate.


Uncle Typhon, he's a friend.


There's something

weird about him.

Tell him you're

only messing about.

You sure?

Seems like a good

opportunity to ditch him.

Stop it.

All right, being

as it's you asking.

I was only messing about.

Come on.

I won't grind your

bones to make my bread.

Tell him you're harmless.

I'm not harmless.

I'm actually quite ferocious.

Just tell him you're

harmless, for Gods sake.

All right.

It's all right.

I'm harmless.

I promise I'm harmless.

I was crossing me fingers.

ANTIGONE: Oh, he can hear you.

I come in peace, man.

You shit yourself.

Oh, f*ck you.

Look at the size of the man.

You're worried about him.

How are you going to

take on a monster?

That's different.

Is it?

What monster?

Adam the Abomination.

We don't say that name

around here, Antigone.

Go on.

You best speak to your mother.

See you.

Just so you know, I'm

not really harmless.

Yeah, and I wasn't

really scared.

So don't go around telling

anyone that Typhon's harmless,

or I will come after you, boy.

ANTIGONE: Uncle Typhon, behave.

OK, I won't bother your fella.

Oh, reach deep

down into your soul

and enjoy the experience

into the nucleus of mind.

Most people are

overcome by fear.

And many run away.

It's not like he

can go anywhere.


The experience of fear can

be an adventure for the spirit.

Overcome the fear

of death, and you'll

unlock the hidden

portals of your mind.

Darren, I want to tell you

a story, one of my favorites.

This is a story about an

angel, a beautiful angel

who fell in love--

With a mortal woman.

The angel fell

in love with Eve.

The first mortal woman.

Who was married to

the first man, Adam.

And the beautiful angel

fell in love with Eve.

A forbidden love.

A love that angered the

father of the angel, a love that

was so profound that

risking the fate of humanity

seemed worth it.

You see, the angel, he wanted to

start his own kingdom with Eve,

his queen.

And Eve was tempted

into a great love

affair with the angel.

An affair that

spawned two sons.

Cain and Abel.

Their love was so

strong and the affair

was so passionate

that it was buried

under myths for centuries.

Until now.

Do you want to know the

name of that angel, Aaron?


Do you want to know

his f*cking name?

His name was Lucifer, Aaron.

The angel.

The most beautiful angel.

And now we sacrifice

your measly body

to God's most beautiful angel,

his first true creation.

[door opens]

Hello, Antigone.

How lovely to see you.

Hi, mom.

I come at a bad time?

No, no, no, no, no.

We were giving

him a good fright.

He's fine.

Oh, hiya, love.

Oh, you get older and

older every time I see you.

And more beautiful.

Of course, more beautiful.

So what can I do

for you, my dear?

We wanted to ask about

Adam the Abomination.

We don't say his name in here.

We never say that

name, full stop.

What do you know about Adam?

We know you k*lled him.

Cool, he's handsome.

Is that your fellow, Antigone?

I would.

Me too.


How about it, stud?

You ever dance with a devil

by the pale moonlight?

Well, I do prefer

just regular sex.


Missionary or doggy style.

Girl on top feels

a bit emasculating.

And I'm not into the whole

asphyxia thing, either.

Kind of scares me a bit,

and for good reason,

by the sounds of it.

Look how it ended for,

well, your mate, Adam.

I told you we don't

say that name in here.

I thought you meant

don't say the full name.

I thought just

Adam would be fine.

Hey, it's borderline.

Watch it.

Just tell us where we can

find Archimedes the Alchemist's


And I suppose I'll do the rest.

(WHISPERING) Let's get him

to sell his soul to Satan.


(WHISPERING) Let's get him

to sell his soul to Satan.

We'll tell you where to find

the lab under one condition.


Weird sex?

No, sell your soul to Satan.

Oh, f*ck that.

Don't be a chicken

shit, Michael.

The whole weirdo black magic

shit freaks me the f*ck out.

Come on.

It's bullshit.

It's just Antigone's

weirdo hippie mom.

No offense.

None taken.

You don't really think that

these lot have got the power

to sell your soul to Satan.

Well, if you're so brave, why

don't you sell your soul, huh?

Because it was your idea to

go looking for the monster.

Why should I?

Are you going to

make me do this?


Would it hurt?

You won't feel a thing.

It's just a bit of a laugh.

Don't take it so seriously.

And you promise to give me the

address to the alchemist's lab,


We'll even draw you a map.

A post code and a

door number would do.

OK, but first, sell

your soul to Satan.

Do it.

Yeah, do it.

Yeah, fine.

f*ck it.


MICHAEL: You can have my soul.

I remember selling my soul

to him as if it were yesterday.

Oh, sisters, sisters, to

the soul-selling seller.


This is so embarrassing.

Yes, right.

To the seller.

So in your

experience, how long

do these things usually take?

I'm f*cking starving.

Shouldn't be too long.

[clears throat]

We, the Influential Lucifer

enter into a covenant pact

with Michael, who

will soon be ours.

And him we do promise

the love of women,

the flower of virgins,

the respect of monarchs,

honors, lusts, and powers.

He will go whoring.

Three days long, the carousel

shall be dear to him.

That doesn't sound

too bad, to be fair.

No, not bad at all.

Once a year, he offers

us a seal of his blood.

Under the feet, he will trample

the Holy things of the Church.

And he will ask of

us many questions,

maybe make a few demands.

And he will live happy on

this Earth of man for 20 years.

And then later, he will

join us to sin against God.

Bound in hell in

the Council of Demons.







Michael, give me

your hand, Michael.

Come on, right over

the paper, dear.


How do you feel?

A bit horny, if I'm honest.


Bye, Uncle Typhon.

Goodbye, Antigone.

It's lovely to see you again.

Oh, you too.

Keep chasing

those dreams, kiddo.

Nice to meet you, man.

You know what?

You're actually very brave.

What do you mean?

Oh, you would never catch

me selling my soul to Satan.

f*ck that.

What happened to

it being bullshit?

I mean--

I've just done a poo.

Bye, Uncle Steve.

You need to chat

to your uncle.

I mean, I was

kind of just bored.

I wanted to see

what would happen,

if you would actually do it.

You're such a f*cking idiot.

Antigone, does this mean

I'm going to hell then?

I wouldn't worry

about it, babe.

Look, let me get

us an Uber, huh?

You sold your soul to Satan.

It's the least I can do.

- Cheers, Liz.

I owe you one.

- [laughter]


I'm having a great time.

Get in there.

Enough for me.

Get out of there.

Go on.

Jingle bells, jingle

bells, jingle all the way.

Oh, what fun it is the ride

on one of Santa's sleigh.

Jingle bells, jingle bells.


- Come, let's say hi to Dave.

- Oh, not that f*cking Muppet.


Christ, yeah.

At least he reminds me

how good looking I am.

Did you really just say that?

Hello, Michael, Elizabeth.

Good evening, Antigone.

Oh, good evening, Dave.

So what are what are

you three up to then?

We are on the hunt for a

ridiculously ugly monster that

k*lled my best friend Mark.

Did you know Mark?

Uh, no.

I don't think so.

Well, lovely guy, or at

least he was, the poor f*ck.

So what I'm going to do

is I'm going to avenge him

by caving in that monstrous

skull with a bat in hopes

of immortal acceptance.

The f*ck?

What are you up to anyway?

You know, just working.

You can come with

us if you like.

Uh, for f*ck's sake, no.


I'd better not.

But Gordon will be

back soon, and he'll

want me to have these

brakes done by end of day.

OK, come on.

Let's go before

Antigone starts inviting

the f*cking bin men too.

Don't be so rude.

Yeah, rude as she

is, she's got a point.

Less talky, more walky.

See you, man.


Mind how you go.

Bye, Antigone.

f*cking rude bitch.

I don't want to go on an

adventure with you lot anyway.

Aye, I've got me own

friends, thank you very much.

Invite the bin man,

aye, I'd much rather

go on an adventure with them any

day of the week than you lots.

Moody hateful slag.

This is it.




I'm not claiming

that fence, so, yeah.

These shoes are expensive,


Where's your sense

of adventure, huh?

After you then.



Get down here now.

Elizabeth, Antigone,

stay right there.

Hello again.


Nice to see you.

Not this old shit again.

Are you going to tell

me what you're doing.

We're not doing nothing.

We're just on an adventure.


I'll tell you what

it is that I'm doing.

I am out here doing what

you should be doing.

I am out here trying

to find the monster

that k*lled my best friend.

Was he your best friend, babe?

Or kind of--

If you have any information

that you are withholding,

I'll warn you,

withholding information

from the police about a m*rder

is a very serious crime.

Now, is there anything

you want to tell me?

I'm not telling

you nothing, copper.





Get your f*cking hands off me.

You told me

everything you know.

I'll wring your neck,

you little pikey.

Ey, you can't do that!

Get your hands off him.

Uh, Sergeant, does

seem a little excessive.

f*cking excessive.

Get off him.


Music starts

Oh, wait, Mother Rae.

Wait for me!


You all right, Sergeant?

Who saw that?

That's mad.

I just saved his life.

I just saved your f*cking life.

Oh, that's Alexander the

Great shit right there.

That's legendary shit.

That's the kind

of shit that gets

you remembered for 1,000 years.

Come on.

I should charge you with

possession of a deadly w*apon.

Oh, no.

That wasn't mine, officer.

I found it on the

street, I swear.

Antigone, tell him.

Yeah, look, just don't

say anything until you've

got legal representation, OK?

What was that thing?

So that thing was

Adam the Abomination,

created by Archimedes

the Alchemist,

or as I like to call

him, the monster.

That was no abomination.

And that was no monster.

There was a man,

plain and simple.

I don't know, Sarge.

I've never seen a man

look like that before.

We have a map.

Shut the f*ck up, Antigone.

What map?

Show me now.

You're a f*cking

snitch, Antigone.


I didn't realize

it was a secret.

My mom's a witch, you see.

And her and her witch

friends, who I call my aunts.

They're not really my aunts.

Anyway, the wicked

witches gave us a map

in exchange for Michael's soul.

Witches, you say.


Gave you it for

Michael's soul.

Soul, yeah.

I see.

It's a magical map, officer.

I can show you if you like.

A magical map,

Sergeant Popeye.

Magical map, yeah.



You three, home now.

And don't leave the country.

I'll be ready to take statements

from you all in the morning.

Yes, sir.

Come on.

f*ck, that was mad.


Don't be frightened.

May I ask your name, sir?

My name is Adam.


I would like to pray for you.

Is that OK?

Why are you not

frightened of me?

Why would I be

frightened of you, Adam?

My hideous scars.

It's a benefit of

being virtually blind.

I couldn't judge a

book by its cover,

even if I was that shallow,

which fortunately, I'm not,

by the way.

But I'm dangerous.

I'm a monster.

To be a monster and

not do monstrous things,

it's virtuous.

Pray with me, Adam.

Dear good and

gracious God, I thank

you, Lord, for helping

find a new friend

in need of warmth and shelter.

I left my new

friend to you today.

Please be with him

in his injuries,

both the mental

and the physical.

God, be the strength in

his weakness, the hope

in his doubt, the

comfort in his strength.

I ask that you act

in his life today.

Encourage him and

heal him, Lord.



Get away from my

daughter and fear.

If we are going to stop

this monster, whatever it is,

we're going to need more

than sporting equipment.

We need a g*n, a big

m*therf*cking g*n.

g*ns are illegal.

So is chasing

monsters, Mary Poppins.

And where are we going to

get this big m*therf*cking

g*n then, huh, Bonnie

f*cking Parker?

I know loads of

people, Clyde Barrow.

Oh, great.

So if you two are Bonnie and

Clyde, what does that make me?

f*cking third-world

gooseberry again.


Ah, relax.

That young copper lad

who's all over you.

You'll probably end up with

him in the end, just like--

well, just like me and Elizabeth

will probably end up together.

I told you I will

never f*ck you,

even if my life depended on it.

But you just called

us Bonnie and Clyde.

You called me Bonnie Parker.

But you called me

Clyde f*cking Barrow.


Or were you just bullshitting?

I don't bullshit,

yeah, unlike some people.

I don't bullshit.

How do you know where

we're going to get a g*n?

I know loads of people.



Name one.

Anastasia Ivanov.

Anastasia Ivanov.

Who the f*ck is

Anastasia Ivanov?

Russian mob.

Russian mob, very convenient.

And how do you know

a Russian mobster?

We used to date.

You're a lesbian?

Oh, it all makes sense now.

No wonder you didn't

want to f*ck me.

First of all,

I'm not a lesbian.

And second of all, I would

still never f*ck you, even

if I was a dirty

whore on the game,

desperate for my next

fix, and you turned up

and you were a

millionaire, never.

Look, I went for a bad breakup.

And I was just experimenting

with my sexuality.

Oh, God, that's hot.


Well, it is.

Look, Anastasia is sexy

and powerful and rich.

She really knows how to

treat a woman, you know?

Unlike most men, in fact.

Whatever you're

thinking, stop it.





It baffles me how somebody

so exquisite is still single.

Maybe I expect too

much from my partners.

Maybe my standards are too high.

I don't know.

Somebody as beautiful as you

both on the inside and outside

has every right to be picky.


I am hypnotized by your aura.

I don't know what to say.

I have a small house

around the corner

within walking distance.

But we've not even seen

the dessert menu yet.

You are so beautiful.

Let's get out of here.

Should we get the bill?

I'm happy to go dutch.

Don't worry, baby.


How many houses do you clean?

Come with me.

Let's go.

So before we go any

further, I've just got

a confession I need to make.

Are you with those two?

What two?


No, of course not.

Well then what do

you have to confess?

Well, it's a little

embarrassing because you know

we had such a lovely dinner.

And I don't want you

to be put off me at all

because I really like you.

Spit it out.

Well, I've never been

with a woman before.

Who sent you?

I think you

should relax, honey.

My friend and I are

just taking an evening

stroll around Great Yarmouth.

But your rudeness is

really ruining my evening.

Who f*cking sent you?

You know what they say

about rudeness, don't you?

What do they say

about rudeness?

Stay out of this, Elizabeth.

This does not concern you.

Well, you see, they say

rudeness is a weak person's

imitation of strength.


What the f*ck?

Only a k*ller reacts so

calmly with a loaded g*n

pointed at his head.

That's the most crazy

f*cked-up first date

story I've heard a few weeks.

So did you, hmm?

Did I what?

Did you get your

liquor license?

Oh, Michael.

You're so f*cking

crude sometimes.

What's wrong with that?

A liquor license.

Stop being so woke.

It's pathetic.

I don't know what

it was about watching

her k*ll those two men.

Just turned on some

inner freak in me.

And we had the most

amazing sex I've ever had.


I made a vow to

myself then, I was never

going to see Anastasia again.

I had enough shit going

on in my life to start

dating a Russian gangster.

I am so f*cking

turned on right now.

Stop it, Michael.

To Anastasia Ivanov's

assassin's abode.

Whatever you do,

don't mention that thing

that I told you earlier.


You two f*cking?

No, the other thing.

I was kidding.

Yeah, well,

actually don't mention

the first thing

either because you're

just going to make it weird.

I won't say a word.

I promise.


Hi, babe.

How wonderful to see you.

And you have brought

your friends with you.

Anastasia, sweetheart, I

have heard so much about you.

What have you heard?

Don't listen to him, babe.

He's an idiot.

What have you heard?

You know.

Ha ha ha ha.

He's a funny fucker, this one.


I like funny.

Come in.

Come in.

f*cking idiot.

This is Boris, my bitch.

Your what?

My bitch.

I thought that's

what you said.

And he just

takes it, you know.

Every powerful

man needs a bitch.

Powerful man?


I currently identify as a man.

Good for you.

A powerful man like Putin.

Excellent, Liz, do you want

to tell Anastasia what it is

that we're here

for so that we can

get the f*ck out

of here before she

tries to make me a new bitch.



I need a g*n.

Of course.

You can have this one.

Bring it back when

you're done with it.

That was easy.

So do you have a g*n

strapped under every seat?

Just the seats my ass

just happened to sit on.

Would you like to know what

it is that we need this g*n for?

That is no concern of mine.

Well, we need to hunt down

my best friend's k*ller,

a f*cking monster named

Adam the Abomination.

And I'm talking about

a monster, monster

like Frankenstein-type

shit, not like [inaudible]..

Why do you feel so

compelled to tell me this?

Did you think it

would impress me?

Don't listen to him.

He talks way too much.

No, no, no, no, no.

It's interesting is why.

I've lived a very

interesting life.

I've-- I've got a lot of

interesting things to say.

It's not interesting.

And nobody cares.

Oh, I care.

You do care about everything,

so it doesn't really count.

So you like to impress those

that are not impressed by you?


Who are you?

My therapist?

You see therapist?

Yeah, he does,

actually, every Tuesday.

[mouthed] But he doesn't like

to talk about it.

If you lived the

life I've lived,

you'd need to see a

therapist too, love.

You do realize that she's a

Russian gangster, don't you?

You do realize I've got a very

f*cking complex mind, far too

complex for the likes

of anybody that's

not a medical professional

to understand.

I think I could

take a s*ab at it.

That's cute.

You wouldn't know

where to start, love.

Judging by your need to

be the center of the room,

and the fact that you seek

admiration from everyone

you encounter, my

diagnosis would

be narcissistic

personality disorder.

Right, come on.

We go.

It hit a nerve, have we?

Oh, yeah.

I'm not afraid of

you, bitch boy.

You're no f*cking Uncle Typhon.

Leave the narcissist

alone, bitch.

A megalomaniac with enough

heart to stand up to you

will probably rule

the world someday.

Let's stay in his good books.

Well, shit, tell me more

about me ruling the world.

No, f*cking hell, come on.

Let's go.

That's enough.

Thank you.


You're welcome.

You come back.

Yeah, call me.

Come on.

Bye, bye, everybody.

f*cking rat.

Come on.

f*cking lunatics.


You finally came home to daddy.

My parental pool worked its

magic, just like I calculated.

Welcome home, sonny.

Come to papa.

I'm so happy to have

you back at home, son,

at the place of your birth.

You look healthy,

well, healthier

than I expected to be.

Where were you, Adam?

I was frightened.


My creation can speak.

It's a f*cking miracle.

OK, say something else.

Say daddy God.

What am I?

You are my son.

And I am your daddy.

Why did you create me?

I created you to prove to the

world that I was not a loser,

to show everyone what I've

always been capable of.

You are my raised

middle finger to all

the haters and doubters

who put me down time

after time my whole life.

You are my creation.

You are my revenge.

What about me?

What about my reason for being?

I'm nothing but a savage

monster, a parasite,

feeding on the blood of others.

I'm nothing more to

you than a trophy.

I will not tolerate


for my creation.

Is that clear?

I gave you life, God damn it.

Don't make me take it

away and create another.

I'm sorry, daddy.

That's better, son.

Elizabeth, give me that g*n.

How about no?

What do you mean, no?

This is my thing, remember?

Since when is this your thing?

It's always been my thing.

Anastasia was so

right about you.

About what?

Ruling the world?

Yeah, probably.

Lizzie, give me

that f*cking g*n.

f*ck off.

Anastasia gave it to me,

not to you, narcissist.

Ah, ah, you're ruining it.


Are we doing this or what?

I'm not doing anything

until you give me my g*n?

You gob shyster.

Suit yourself.

I'm taking are you coming, babe?

Ah, ah, you've ruined us.

I hope you get r*ped,

eaten, and k*lled in there.


Not you.

You're all right.

I don't hope you get r*ped,

eaten, and k*lled, obviously.

I was talking about that.


Are you coming then, babes?

Yes, I said, obviously.

Stupid bloody fence, f*ck.

Jesus Christ.

Right, somebody's going to

have to protect you girls.

Such a gentleman.

I don't need f*cking

protecting, yeah.

My arse, you don't.

Just be nice to

each other now.

Aren't we going

to stop them, Sarge?

Sometimes in life, you

have to sacrifice the maggot

to catch the fish, Constable.

What does that

even mean, Sarge?

It mean shut up,

watch, and learn.

Tonight, we catch our k*ller.

Can I ask you a

question, Sergeant?

It depends what

that question is.

A police officer's allowed

to date members of the public?

As long as you're off duty,

you can do what you like.

I think I might

ask out that girl.

What girl?


This really isn't

a time or a place

to be discussing your love

life, Constable Romeo.

I'm sorry, sir.

You're right.

Look, I wish you

the best with it.

And she seems like a nice girl.

Keeps questionable

company though.

You'll have to watch that.

Thank you, Sergeant.

Da da da da da, and OK,

One big bowl of fresh ground

human flesh.

I bought it from a

euthanasiac for peanuts.


I love you very much.

Is that why you

put me in chains?

When you earn back

my trust, you'll

get your freedom back, OK?

Come on, eat.

I know you got to be hungry.

Adam, we have guests.

[laughter] There he is.

There's the monster.

I f*cking told you he was real.

Who's the bullshitter now?

What him or him?

It's hardly seven foot tall.

Don't look that odd.

Never judge a

book by its cover.

Judge a book by its cover?

Look at him.

He's a hideous f*cking monster.

Adam the Abomination, and

I proved that he's real.

Now, you give me that

g*n so I can sh**t him

and become a f*cking legend.

Wow, you are so

eager to please.

Come on then.

Well, this isn't, um, as

easy as it looks, is it?

You can do this, Michael.

He k*lled your best

mate, remember?

I hardly knew the bastard.

I f*cking knew

that was bollocks.

Oh, f*ck off, you, you tart.

Why do you wish to k*ll me?

Is it because I look

different to you?

It's because you're a monster

that kills and eats people.

Can't you see I

was made this way?

This is not my choice.

This is how I survive.

The one-eyed bloke

did say that to me.

Just f*cking sh**t him.

Yes, sh**t me.

Put me out of my misery.

[growls] No one will

ever love a monster.

No one will ever accept me

into any civilized society.

The best I can hope for is

to become a circus freak.


Now sh**t me.


Police, stop.

Well, only losers bring

badges to g*n fights.

Only in England.

That's a lot of

young, fresh meat.

You're going to be feasting

for the next few weeks, son.


I meant what I said.

Nobody can ever love a monster.

Only another monster

could truly love me.

You're right, my son.

A man does have his needs.

So I'm going to take your rib

and make you your very own Eve.

(SINGING) Sugar and

spice and all things nice.

Get in my soul

and make it right.

Oh baby.

Oh yeah.

Oh baby.

Oh baby.

Oh yeah.

Sugar and candy, cherry

pie, your oh-so-secret apple

of my eye.

That's my girl.

You f*cking wish, mate.

RSVP, listen to the letter

that's just for my baby.

RSVP, RSVP, get back to

me with a definite maybe.

I'm your sweet 16.

You put me in a spin.

You're my maple leaf.

oh baby, oh yeah, oh baby, baby.

Oh baby.

Oh yeah.

I want you to squeeze

me oh so tight.

Just keep on dancing

till the morning light.

I'll be waiting for you.

I'll be waiting.

Sure be waiting for you.

Oh yeah.

Why you hesitating?

RSVP, RSVP, kisses through the

letter box, just for my baby.

RSVP, RSVP, get back to

me with a definite maybe.

Just for my baby.

RSVP, RSVP, get back

with a definite maybe.

Hug and squeeze me oh, so tight.

Just keep on dancing

till the morning light.

I'll be waiting for you.

I'll be waiting.

I'll be waiting for you.

Oh, yeah.

Why you hesitating?



Kisses through the letter

box just for my baby.

RSVP, RSVP, get back to

me with a definite maybe.

RSVP, RSVP, kisses through the

letterbox, just for my baby.

RSVP, RSVP, get back to

me with a definite maybe.
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