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04x04 - Paradise

Posted: 10/25/08 02:53
by bunniefuu

And severe thunderstorms and localized downpours Will rumble over areas of northern california And central nevada tonight and tomorrow.

Flood warnings for storey, lyon and carson counties Are in effect until 8:00 am tomorrow morning.-That's great.

Off the big road, south of sin city.

Got a four wheeler, sitting duck.

Hey, if you guys are hungry, I know a pretty good indian restaurant that's open all night.

Oh, I can't. I have a date.

You got a date? With who?

My hot tub.

Now that sounds like a party.

You're so not invited.

Hold up, guys.

Change of plans.

I'm glad I caught you.

Is everything ok?

I've been on the phone with a sheriff in nevada.

There's been a series of suspicious accidents In the reno area that may be connected.

Jj, this can't wait till morning?

I don't think so.

If I'm right about this, I think we'll be leaving first thing tomorrow.


Three nights ago outside of reno, This car was hit by a tractor trailer.

Any survivors?

The truck driver walked away unharmed.

Jonathan and rebecca gallen, the passengers in the car, were doa.

When the local sheriff arrived on the scene, He noticed several things No blood spatter inside the car.

No seat belt burns.

No lacerations from the air bags.

They we dead before the accident.

The autopsy confirmed that and the cause of death.

Blunt force head trauma And evidence of r*pe and t*rture to the woman.

The unsub wasn't very successful at hiding the fact that he m*rder*d two people.

There's a chance he has gotten away with it before.

After I spoke to the sheriff, I had garcia look into any similar accidents Near the california, nevada border.

She found two with a similar m. O.

In the past couple of weeks.

Both were couples, in a car, hit by a tractor trailer.

It's always a man and a woman stopped right in the middle of the road.

It's always at night on a remote highway.

It can't be a coincidence the victim type And this very specific m. O.

Are the same in all three cases.

Was garcia able to find any connection between them?

One thing they have in common is that they all disappeared For 48 hours prior to the accidents.

We know what he does to his victims during that time.

We just need to figure out where he finds them.

Wow. I can barely keep my eyes open.

You've been asleep since we left reno.



Aah! Ian, look out!

Are you ok?


That was close.

Maybe we both need some rest.


You coming in?

No. I'm gonna call your mom and check in with the kids.

You better lock the doors.

I'm not afraid of the dark.

Sure you're not.

Ha ha! Damn it, ian.

You scared me.

Me to get your second wind.

Oh, god. We've got this little paradise all to ourselves.

What do you mean?

Look around. We're the only ones here.

Oh, it's such a beautiful night.

Ohh. Let's get to the cabin.

I'm so glad weook this trip.

Me too.

Thomas fuller wrote, "A fool's paradise is a wise man hell."


It's so the baby can't hear.

What's he listening to?


I personally preferred mozart, myself.

But be careful to limit his exposure to one hour a day.

Amniotic fluids have a tendency to amplify sound.

Thanks for the reminder, doc.

Ok, so, all three crashes were on highways Outside of carson city, lake tahoe and reno.

All cities with a large and diverse, transit population.

Not to mention the thousands of locals mixing with seasonal workers.

An endless pool of victims to chose from.

Rebecca gallen was beaten badly.

Ribs broken ante-Mortem.

He'd need time and privacy to do this.

That would suggest the k*ller either lives or works in the area.

He's gng to such extremes to try and hide the murders.

Maybe he has a connection to the victims.

What does the press know?

All media outlets are reporting an accident.

One thing going for us, the k*ller has no idea we know.

That helps us.

Jj, when we land, would you explain to sheriff bruner and his deputies How important it is to keep this quiet?

Got it.

If the unsub finds out we're here, All bets are off.

He could change him. O.

Or just pick up and find his victims somewhere else.

Am I dreaming?

Time to get up.

No, it's a nightmare.

I want banana pancakes.

Please Abby corbin, we don't have any kids, Dogs or parents to deal with for eight more hours.

Please let me sleep.

No Why Doesn't melted butter and maple syrup sound so good?

I'll tell you what sounds really good right now.


Peace and quiet.

You're so not a morning person.

You knew that before we got married.

From this point on, the company line is simple.

The fbi's here investigating a missing persons.

You may be thinking, if the public knew the truth, They might be able to help us.

But we can't risk this getting out Because this k*ller needs to believr he's getting away with m*rder.

Any future calls related to this investigation Can be directed to me or agent jareau.

Remember, if we can just keep a lid on this now It'll only help us later. Thanks.

Thank you, agent jareau.

Yeah. Just doing my job Ah, it's not much, but it's a place to hang your hats.

All we need is a table and an evidence board.

Sheriff, if you don't mind, Some of us would like to go to the site of the accident.

I'll have a deputy take you.

Rebecca gallen's father is coming in to claim the bodies.

Why don't you let us take care of that?

I'd appreciate it.

I'll drive you myself.

Do you have any aerial photos of the crash sites?

We didn't think to get any.

Not a problem.

I'll have our technical analyst get some from the nsa.

I'd like to see what the areas surrounding the highways are like.

First victims, fritz and johanna dietrich, Were found ten days ago, visiting from germany.

Their accident site was on highway 50 just south of tahoe.

Second couple, melissa and tom taylor, were from oregon.

They were found on the 267, northeast of tahoe, Not far from the interstate It's right here.

And the latest victims, jonathan and rebecca gallen, were from arizona.

Their accident occurred between reno and carson city on highway 395.

Right here.

All three couples were staying in the area without reservations.

And the only transactions on their credit cards Were from gas stations hundred of miles away.

The common theme here is no paper trail.

If no one can contact them or trace them, They become the perfect victims.

Rebecca gallen's father is going to be here soon.

I'll talk to him.

Maybe he can help us fill in some of the blanks.

If you don't mind, I'd like to go home now And tell my wife that I didn't k*ll that couple.

Sir, we're gonna have to ask you not to do that.

But everyone believes I k*lled them.

You don't know what that feels like.

We understand what we're asking of you, But this is an extremely important part of our investigation.

We need the public to continue to believe this was an accident.

Mr. Jones, we will catch this guy.

And when we do, your good name will be vindicated.

I promise you that.

Well, ok.

If I can think of anything that would be of use to you, I'll let you know.

Thanks for your time, sir.

This guy could've left the bodies anywhere.

On the side of the road, buried in the ground.

But he didn't. And there's a reason for that.

Yeah. He's taunting us.

No, he's not.

This behavior tells us the risk of leaving the bodies Where he k*lled them is greater than the risk He takes staging these accidents.

Thank you.

Satellite photos.

Look at that. All three accident sites have similar blind curves.

The grade of the hill about the same, everlocation.

Now, what are these areas just off the highway?

Some are fire roads, some are trails for off-Ro vehicles.

Atvs and such.

We know this guy's organized.

Looks like he plans his escapes in advance.

Mr. Sanders, I'm very sorry That you have to be here under these circumstances.

No father should have to claim his daughter's dead body.

You're also here for your son-In-Law jon, correc Uh, I'm gonna I need a full copy of that accident report.

We're suing that truck driver and his employer.

Mr. Sanders, your daughter and son-In-Law were hit by the tractor trailer, But that's not how they d*ed.

What are you talking about?

They were dead hours before the collision.

No. The police told us they d*ed in the accident.

Yes, sir. I understand that.

We had to wait for the autopsy results.

And they confirmed that they had been m*rder*d.

Sir, I do understand how hard this is.

We believe rebecca and jon are the third couple to die in these circumstances.

Who would want to k*ll my baby?

I have a couple of questions.

We found camping equipment in the back of jon's car.

Yeah, yeah. He was real big on the outdoors.

This time he had to drag her along with him.

Do you know where he liked to camp?No.

Where he liked to hike?

I don't know.

Did he ever bring rebecca souvenirs?

T-Shirts from anywhere? -I don't know.

How about restaurants?

Places he liked to eat My baby has a...

Had a sweet toot And, uh...

Jon would always bring her back these donuts.

We found a matchbook from a diner...flo's?

Does that ring a bell?

Maybe. I can't be sure.

It was a real popular place.


He always brought some back for her.

Thank you.

Be right with you.

It's not even lunchtime yet.

The sign said people will travel for miles for flo's donuts.

Sorry to keep you waiting.

Would you like a dozen to share?

Ooh. Fbi.

Ma'am, we're trying to trace the steps of a couple that may have been here a few days ago.

Darlin', I've waited on 87 folks since we opened this morning.

Somebody would have to come through here doing Cartwheels on fire for me to remember.

Would you take a look anyway please?

Huh! Well, I'll be.

I do remember them Were they doing cartwheels?

No, but I was.

The lady left me a

$10 tip for breakfast, Two days in a row.

Nice couple.

They in some kind of trouble?

There's no cell service up here.

And that's a bad thing, why?

I do want to check in on the kids.

We'll be home by dinner.

Hey, I can't find my underwear.

Have you seen them?

You caught me.

I'm serious.

I don't know.

I threw them in that vicinity over there.

You know what? They didn't just get up and walk away.

Hey. Here you go.

All right. Thank you.

Hey, it's breakfast.

Ok. This chair is bolted to the floor.

Someone really thinks we'd want to steal this crap?

One man's trash...

Yeah, I know. I know.

Did you find your underwear?


It's not funny I'm not laughing.

But if I start looking around and find it...

You owe me lunch.

I'll take that bet.

At least you finally got my breakfast.

I didn't order this.


I didn't.

Well, neither did i.

Ok. So who knew I wanted banana pancakes?

It's time to go.

We have a witness who can put the gallens at a diner in shwood.

So it's poible they were staying close by.

I thought you forgot about me.

It hurt.

Garcia, what information do you have on sherwood, nevada?


A lovely town that is east of lake tahoe Near the state line.

This area has close to 300 hotels, motels and resorts.

Garcia, can you send us a list of-- Addresses and phone numbers?

On its way, kind sir.

Anything else I can do you for?

Not for now.

Thank you, garcia.

You, my fine furry friends, are welcome.

Remind me to have her drug tested.

So what's our plan?

I'll start narrowing down the list.

Then what?

We knock on every door And show pictures of the gallens.

That could take days, weeks even.

I know we don't have the manpower, But at this point, what choice do we have?

Abby, let's go. Car'running.

Ok, ok Did you get everything? Es. I got it.

You sure? -Yes. Um...

Ian, it's stuck.

You've got to just jiggle the handle.

I can't. All right. Well...

Wait a minute. Ian, there's someone outside.


Hey! Open it!

Hey! Open the door!


Ian Morning, jj.

Sorry for the ke-Up call.

It's all right. Wasn't sleeping.

It looks like we've got a possible missing persons.

Ian and by corbin were in reno for the weekend.

They were supposed to be home yesterday.

Where's home?

San luis obispo.

They could've driven right through sherwood.

They've already been missing a night.

His mom's looking after their two kids.

Call me when everybody gets here.

What is this?

Left-Over kung pao chicken?

That's disgusting.


The smell of chinese food makes you sick, But you don't even flinch when you look at those pictures.

She's pretty tough.

How much longer are you going to do that?

We can't just sit here all night.

Well, we haven't been sitting...ian.

And it's morning.



Is that cement?

Calm down.

Damn it, abby, I'm trying to get us out of here.
What was that?

Where did he go?

I don't see him.

Let me see it, please Ian and abby corbin have already been missing:for over 24 hours, Which means we may only have until tonight to find them.

According to their families, they left reno yesterday And were planning on stopping somewhere for the night.

They didn't use a credit card.

Unless they avel with a lot of cash, The room wasn't too expensive.

They were not traveling on the interstate.

That eliminates over half of our previous search.

Sounds like we're looking for somebody Who works the night shift at a back road motel.

And we think he's most likely in his early to mid-Thirties.

Why is that?

Abducting couples is an ambitious task.

And this guy's had time to perfect his skill.

He could be older.

Don't get hung up on his age.

That's the hardest thing to predict.

Wh we do know is females take extensive beatings from him.

That, combined with the sexual as*ault, Tells us he's a violent anger excitation r*pist.

A sexual sadist like this can't get off Unless he's torturing and watching the effects on his victims.

Part of the t*rture is psychological.

This is another reason he takes couples.

Chances are he forces one to watch his power over the other.

Because only the women suffer sexual t*rture, He's likely a magnant misogynist.

Thisypically stems from an extreme hatred towards a woman Who was relentless in her psychological and physical abuse.

How do you know the d wasn't the abusive one And he's just continuing the cycle?

Only a woman could make him hate women this much.

The idea of the "terrible mother" is best illustrated In world mythology by the negative aspects of the great mother.

Instead of nurturing her children, she destroyed him.

And given this upbringing, It's highly unlikely he'd ever been in a relationship, Let alone been married.

And since he works in the service industry, He's forced to deal wi a lot of people.

So he can probably hide his aversion to women Until he gets them behind closed doors.

With that said, we shouldn't rule out anyone With prior offenses tord women.

Given the amount of time he spends with his victims, He requires a great deal of privacy.

He may even utilize an atv to get away from the accident sites, So the property may back up onto an off-Road trail.

We should therefore concentrate on the most remote motels first.

Th Oh, my god! Ian!

He was right there!

You just watched me do that.

You always second guess me.

Trust me. It's not going to break.

I'm always second-Guessing you?



You want to get into this now?

We never should have stopped.

Oh, so it's my fault?

No. I didn't-- I didn't say that.

But you want to. Go ahead.


If you hadn't been hung over, We could've been on the road a lot earlier.

So it is my fault.

No, it's mine.

I should've cut you off.

Sorry for enjoying myself on vacation.

You should try it sometime.

I ve fun.

I just don't have to be drunk.

Once a year I have a few too many at dinner.

Don't confuse me with your father.

Oh, my. Ohh.

Haven't seen them.

How many employees you got working here?

I've got 11 people on payroll.

You got a night manager?

We rotate the shift.

Got a nice set up in the back ofce.

All the movie channels.

Your employees, they have access to all these rooms?

We all have master keys, yeah.

I need to see list of all of those names.


You get a lot of people staying over?

Some hard-Core riders.

Guys come up here for a night or two.

Ever get any couples?

You know any girls who'd stay here?

Yeah. I guess it is a bit...



They might get dirty.

So the rentals keep you busy.

Tourists, mainly.

Most locals have their own.

Imagine it's pretty easy to get yourself turned around out there.

I guess.

But it's faster getting around on trails than on the roads.

So, you run this place alone?

More work, more money.

Do you mind if I keep this?

Help yourself. Thanks for your me.

He's going to jam that thing in your face again.

I need some air.

Do you want to get hurt?

Here we go.

The silent treatment.

You know what? It's two speeds with us lately, ian.

We either lash out or we shut down.

That's not true, ab.

Really? Then what do you call this?

Sorry about that.

I was around back.

Aaron hotchner, fbi I'm wayne dryden. I'm the manager.

We're looking for these people.

Have you seen them?

Their names are abby and ian corbin.

They must have done something really bad To bring the fbi all the way out here.

They're missing.

Is there anyone else here who may have seen them?

Well, it's just me and the old lady.

And she's down at the mall for this hummel expo.

She collects those things.

Do you know them? 'Ve heard of them.

She's got those things taking over my office.

They are everywhere in there.

It's a sight.

Can I help you, sir?

Do you have any rooms?

One moment, sir.

If you see or hear anything, here's my card.

Thank you.

I hope you find who you're looking for.

I'm sorry, sir. We have a full house.

But you just said--

No, I didn't.

Well, you have any ideas where we could stay?


You can drive back down the road...

And you turn left, There's about 200 places.

And turn right, there's about 199.

'S already dark, And we've barely gotten through half of the motels.

Maybe he's not in the remote areas You think he's hiding in the middle of everything?


Let's go.

Wait. Guys?

Garcia found a connection between a motel handyman and rebecca gallen.

Ey went to high school together.

So, I thought maybe he was connected to other victims.

It turns out he's not, But there's something else that all of the women have in common.

Rebecca gallen was found in a bra, t-Shirt, Skirt and flip flops.

Johanna dietrich in a dress and sandals.

Melissa taylor was wearing a bra, t*nk top, and jeans.

None of them were wearing underwear.

How do you know it was taken?

Because they all packed it in their bags, But none were wearing it during theollisions.

He leaves his victims in a car without their underwear And waits for them to be hit.

A violent collision of metal against flesh.

It's like the accidents are the final r*pe.

This sexual aspect didn't show up over night This is something he's been building up to.

What do you think your parents told them When we didn't come home?

That we're on an adventure.

What's going to happen to them?

Ian. Abby.

Abby, abby, are you ok?


What's he doing?

Ian What Those aren't mine.

He was just in here.

Get behind me.

Ian, I'm scared.

So this guy sees these collisions as some kind of r*pe.

We know that an underwear fetish typically begins In adolescence with peeping in neighbors' windows.

When that no longer satisfies them, They'll burglarize homes and start taking the object thatarouses them.

If they get away ith that long enough, They become more confident.

Then the object becomes he woman wearing it.

That's when r*pe can occur.

The one constant is they always take the underwear as a souvenir.

Is it possible a pervert like this has ever been arrested?

There's a good chance a serial sex offender With an underwear fetish has been caught before.

Right again, agent hotchner.

What is it, garcia?

For the last two days I've been searching throh vicap For similar r*pes and murders in cases that are still open.

That has yielded me diddly squat.

So I regrouped.

I looked at some pictures of baby pandas.

I went back I and I started searching for similar r*pes and murders in cases that had been solved. Ok?

What did you find?

Five months ago this guy named clint barnes Is convicted of 5 r*pes that have been 30 miles away in selbyville.

Now, what's interesting And by interesting I also mean icky and sad and wrong, Is that mr. Barnes only stole the undergarment of his last victim And she was b*at in exactly the same manner as our current victims.

And she was the only one who d*ed.

The first four showed no sign of t*rture?

According to statements made by the survivors, yes Some questions about his performance, Thingsike, "did you enjoy it?"

That sounds like a power reassurance r*pist.

That doesn't fit his last crime aall.

The last victim wasn't his.

It was our unsub's.

Ian! Stop Plse!

We need to clean your hand.

I'll be fine.

You're cut pretty bad.

I sa I'll be fine.

Ian, what are you doing? He got in here.

There's got to be a way out.

Just--Just slow down for one second.

We gotta get out of here! I know, ian--Uh!


I'm so sorry.

Are you ok?

Abby I didn't mean it.

I know.

I know you didn't mean it.

What's happening Ian.

Just get us out of here.



The way out has to be in the bathroom.

Files rushed over from the d. A.'S office.

How many suspects did the have in the selbyville case?

Let's see. Including clint barnes, Says they had about 10 other men who looked good for it.

Brought in double that for questioning.

Jj, cross-Reference these names of suspects.

See if you get a match with people we still need to talk to in sherwood.

You got it. -You can us my office.

Almost all these guys had criminal records.

Offenses range from spousalabuse, sex crimes, Molestation and attempted r*pe.

Our unsub is using brutal, physical force and extreme v*olence.

Look for somebody who's angry and hostile towards his victims.

Look for an intellectual component.

This guy used the m. O. Of another r*pist To make sure the wrong person went to jail for his crimes.

The selbyville police talked to our unsub.

He looked good for these crimes.

He's in here somewhere.

You need to let us go.


People are waiting for us.

If we're not home, They're going to call the police.

They have no idea you're here.

We told them we're staying in sherwood.

That's not what ian said when he checked you in.

What do you want?

I want to know...

Why you are with a man who doesn't take care of you.

And en you let him push yoaround like that.

Have you ever wondered what it's like to be with a real man?

All right, garcia, let's try again.

Go for it.

Name's floyd henson.

Lived and worked in sherwood his entire life.

Went to jail at 25 for breaking and entering.

Our friend got caught red-Handed with some bloomers Charged with attempted r*pe.

Jerk served time, got out a year ago.

His last known address is at the crest cottages.

Jj, the list of hotels and motels we went to.

I interviewed the manager there.

His name was dryden, right?

Employee records say wayne dryden was fired from the crest cottages six months ago.

The only employee now is the owner...

Floyd hansen.


Let's go. I know where we're going.

Jj, tell garcia we'll call her from the car.


Wake up.

Honey, what'd he do toou?

I'm going to k*ll that son of a bitch.

He said he'll be back.

Abby, I love you.

I'm going to get us out of here.

Do you hear me?

Abby I should've taken my own advice and gotten some rest.

Hotch, we've talked to so many people.

It could've been any of us.



Do you hear me, garcia?

Yeah, that's better.

I can sort of hear you.

So, like I was saying, It looks like floyd hansen didn't even have a chance.

His mother drank herself to death when he was two.

Father remarried but to a prost*tute.

Where's his father now?

He d*ed six months ago.

Floyd inherited the crest cottages from--


We lost her.

Hello? Reid? Oh, man.

Timeline fits. He gets out of jail a year ago, He's on good behavior for a few months.

But the urges are too strong, r*pes and kills a woman, But he's smart enough to blame it on another guy.

His father dies, he inherits all the privacy, Control and victims he could ever need.

It's loose.

I got one. Look, ab.

If I get one more...

No. Don't you do that.

Don't you give up on me.

Abby, look at me.

You can do this.

We're going to do this.

We're going to get out of here, abby.

That would really be something 'Cause that hasn't happened yet.

But this...

This always happens.

Uh! Oh. Easy.

Someone always gives up.

I got to say, I didn't think it was going to be you.

I mean, I get it.

You're tired.

Leave her alone!

You know, I heard you're not a morning person, But what kind of man turns that down?

You didn't touch my pancakes So you must be starving.

And then there's him.

He's supposed to protect you.

Isn't that the deal?

Isn't that why you married a big, strong man?


Why did he just sit there the whole time?

You son of a bitch.

There are 10 cabins on 10 acres.

There are maps outside the office.

He's got a lot of privacy.

There's a garage, there's the sheds, there's stables...

Why not keep them in one of the cabins?

We're going to have to check everything.

We'll look in here.

Ok. Morgan, prentiss this way.

He's been following the investigation.

He's been at this longer han we thought.

Don't worry.

When I'm done with her, It'll take the fight ight out of you.

Morgan, prentiss, I'm at cabin 6.


Fbi Ian!

He went through there.

Morgan! Ian!


Are you ok?


We need an ambulance cabin 6.

Is he ok?

Is he ok?

He's going to be ok.

Ian Well, roadside motels definitely go on my list.

Of things to never do again.

You've got a list?

You don't?

It's going to take a while to get this mess cleaned up.

Well, it's going to take a hell of a lot longer for that couple to recover.

I wonder if this place was ever nice.

I was here.

I talked to him and I didn't see it.

He made himself look like a good guy.

You bought it.

It happens.

To the best of us.

Welcome to the club.

Roman poet Phaedrus wrote, "Things are not always what they seem. The first appearance deceives many. The intelligence of a few perceives what has been carefully hidden."