06x12 - Blue Collars

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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06x12 - Blue Collars

Post by bunniefuu »

Mind if I join you?

What, after all we've been through?

I don't even know your name.

Why do you do it?

I mean, I know why I did it.

But you've obviously done this a lot.

Who is on the tenth floor?

Room with a balcony.

Give me the card on the joneses.

Is this their car?

I may be back, "Clark."

Pray I am not.


Hi, sis.



It's me.

Well, what a surprise.

Look, if this is inconvenient
for you, I'll just...

No, no, not at all.

Why don't you come in?

Have a cup of coffee.

Maybe something a little stronger?

Why don't we start with coffee first?

So this truck swerves
in front of me, and I am...



I've been patient long enough.

No more about your road trip.

I just want to know one thing.

And what's that?

Why are you here?

Oh, um... I thought I said.


No, I would've remembered that.

Uh, well...

Um, Richard and I have separated... again.

I left him.

And, um... I was just driving around

and I guess I...

Ended up here.

We didn't spend much
time growing up together.

Me in Texas, you in Florida.

But I know one thing

about you.

What's that?

When you say "um" and "uh" a lot

you're lying.

I do not.


It's a, um...

You know, a bad habit.

Why don't you simply just
tell me what's really going on?

And try and include how you, uh

cut your elbow.

Hey, well.

It's Richard.

He left me.

He left you?

Three days ago.

Does mom know?

No, I...

I thought I'd call from here.

No, why don't we hold
off on that step a bit?

Look, I know you and mom don't...

This is about you.

All right, you brought her up.

All right, all right, I'm sorry.

Why did he leave you?

He, um...

He said I was boring.

And you know what?

Maybe I am.

I mean, I just...

I get up, straighten the
house, watch some soaps

and I wait for Richard to come home.

Pretty racy life, huh?

Hey, there's got to be something

that you've done that's interesting.

Hmm. Well...

I guess there is one thing.

Tell me.

I had an affair.

I think it's time for something stronger.

Tom: Yes, Alice.

My name is Thomas Patrick Ryan.

I was calling to find out
why I haven't received

my driver's license renewal.

Ryan... r-y-a-n.

Why are you dragging?

Claudia stopped by last night.

She's spending a few days with me.

Yes, I'm still here.

That's impossible.

How could I have
points on my driver's record?

Accidents? I haven't had
an accident in years.

What are they?

Yes, yeah, I'll wait.

She and Richard break up again?


Is she okay?

Not really.



No. No, no.

No, no, those would be
work-related accidents.

No, I'm a cop.

No, no, no, no, no.

See, those are accidents
that I would've had

while I was on duty.

That is not my personal driving record.


Look, Alice, I'm a peace officer.

Could you cross-reference

my personal driving record

with my work driving record?

That'll clear everything up.

We got a homicide.


I, I really got to go.

I'll call you this afternoon.

On a rooftop.

Near the palaise hotel downtown.

It looks like a mob hit:

Twice in the back of the head.

No I.D. on him.

No witnesses.

Two uniforms found him.

Tell you what.

I got a meeting.

As soon as it's over, I'll meet you.

Know him?


Cass, could you rent a car for me?


A Mercedes, Porsche, b.M.W.

Just anything.

I'm afraid to ask.


Well, even if I rented
it, you couldn't drive it.

Only the renter can.

The rental agency doesn't have to know.

Man: Excuse me, are you the

investigating officers?

That's us.

An officer asked me

to hand you this.

Where did you get this?

A parking valet found it in the lot.

Near where the sh*ts were fired yesterday.

What room is this?

That one.

I know I'll regret asking you this

but why do you have
to rent a car by tonight?

I have a date.


Your car broken?

No, I told her I had an expensive car.

Excuse me, excuse me.

Please tell me that you

just started cleaning this room.

I'm about half done.

Okay, don't touch
anything else around here.

Have you done the balcony?

I'm supposed to do that last.

Did you work yesterday?


Excuse me, I got something stuck.

Uh, wait, wait, wait.

I'll do that.

Did you happen to see who was in here?

I saw them come in.

Could you give me a description?

Uh, the guy wasn't that old.

Maybe , maybe .

Dark haired, kind of handsome.

Uh, she was in her s, about this tall.

Blonde. Pretty.

You know, she sort of looked like her.



What, "nothing", what?

Oh, we think a couple
may have been in this room

witnessed the hit.

She may have seen them.

It'd be nice if we knew

who we were after.

What happened, you got religious?

One of them wore this.

You got to be devout to carry those, right?

It's not like me wearing
a star of David, is it?

No. Those look like initials to you, Harry?

Just... why don't you tell me?

Looks like "p.F."

Well, there's a church near here.

St. Timothy's.

You... you think one of them

was a parishioner?

Or both.

It's worth you and cassy

checking it out.

Harry, you mind driving him home?

There's something I have to do.

Wh... what's wrong?

Just something I have to do.

Is that okay?

Uh... yeah, I guess so...

"Yeah, I guess so"?

Every time she asks you for something

she gets it.

It's not "every time."

Yeah, right.

Let's go check the church.

I'll check the rectory.

Hi, there.

Harry lipschitz, I'm Jewish.

Hi, there.

Harry lipschitz, I'm Jewish.

Hi, there. Har...

I know who you are.

What are you doing?

Okay, I'm just a little uncomfortable.

In here?

Quit hocking me!

Shh, sit, sit down, sit down.

Sit down.

It was right after Kennedy
was assassinated.

I was home from college.

Mom and dad wanted
us to pay respects to him.

So they thought it would
be a good idea if we all...

Went to a catholic church.

Him being catholic and all.

Beautiful sentiment.

Yeah, I guess.


We all go in there.

We sit through the entire ceremony, right?

And I look around, and I
see this kid staring at me.

And I noticed that...
everybody is looking at us.

Why are they staring?

We were the only ones who weren't kneeling.

The entire ceremony

people are kneeling

and we're sitting there like royal shnooks.

Man: May I help you gentlemen?

Hey, cass. You off?

No, just thought I'd come
home and lunch with you.


Are you kidding? Want a salad?

Sure. So what did you do today?

Hear from Richard?

No, he doesn't know I'm here.

How's your elbow?

Oh, it's getting better.

How'd you say you cut it, again?

Oh, I, um... I fell.

I told you, remember?

Thinking about Richard

I didn't look where I was going.

And I, uh, fell.

That's right.

Um, fell over a glass table?

Room , wasn't it?

You want to talk about the affair yet?

Look, I don't care except...

Thanks, Harry.

I'll bring her statement when I come in.

She's a little shook up.

Cass, you okay?

Okay. Mm-hmm, thanks.

Any idea who did this?

I don't, but I know who might.


Aw... just a sec.


Oh, hey, Alice.

Thanks for getting back to me.

Listen, any headway
on that licensing thing?

Computers are down, huh?

Can't you do it manually or something?

No, no-no-no, I'm not trying
to tell you how to do your job.

Well, what about a temporary permit?

Not with points on
my driving record, huh?

Okay. Yeah, thanks.


I am toast.

Tom, can you get these
uniforms out of here?

Yeah. Sure.


You were always so strong.

This would have never happened to you.

Oh, I've never been where you have.

I don't know what I would have done.

I need to know his name.

I can't.

Claudia, this isn't about judgment.

If he's a witness, I need to talk to him.

No, Cassie, I can't

because I don't know his name.

The two of you saw the sh**ting?

Would you recognize a picture
of the sh**t if you saw it?

Maybe. He looked up at us... at me.

We weren't that close, but his eyes...

You could feel that chill.

Cassie, I swear I never
did anything like that before.

I kept hearing Richard
saying what a bore I was.

I felt like this lost dog
in the rain somewhere.

I just needed to be with someone, Cassie.

I needed to be not boring.

That's all.

To make the rain stop for awhile.


Aw, everybody's been in the rain.

What am I going to do, Cassie?

You're going to be all right.

The first thing I'm going to do

is get you out of here to a safe place.


Crystal, hey... Tom Ryan.

How you doing?

Great. Oh, me, same old same old.

Yeah. Well, I spent a horrid day

watching them tow the
Mercedes into the, uh...

Into the garage.

Thank god I still have the old mustang.

Listen, I was thinking...

Could you hold a moment, please?

Thank you.


I was about to call you.

Claudia was the woman

in the room at the palaise.

She saw the mob hit.

Crystal, uh, this is my
business manager on the phone.

Can I call you back?


I can't believe it.

She was in the room.


Does Harry know?


Cassie, this is very complicated.

I know, but right now

we just need a place to sack out.

Can we stay here?


Whoever shot out my windows

must've followed her to my place

I thought we could stay here for awhile.

Of course you can.

I'd be happy to do this favor for you.

Who knows, some day

you may be able to do a favor for me.

Last time I heard that

it was from the lips of Don corleone.

But we need a place to couch, so...


I'll do the couching.

You guys can stay in my bedroom.

You weren't this generous
when we were married.

So who was this guy?

She didn't know him.

You think she was protecting him?


Anything from the church list?

None of the parishioners' initials

match the ones on the cross.

You mind if I talk to her?

Just go easy.

She's been through a lot.

I don't know about you, but I'm starving.

You mind?

Sure. You and kitchens...

Just... clean as you go.

So, Claudia, what can you tell me

about this man that you were with.

Looks, mannerisms, anything.

Hmm, he was about your height...

Black hair, dark eyes.

Handsome, in a mysterious sort of way.


Yeah, there was something about him.

Maybe it was the scar.

He had this...

Crescent shaped scar under his eye.

Which eye?

The right one.

I've got to make a phone call.

You and I should go someplace.

You said there were

no matches from the parish.

I did.

Then what the hell is so important

you had to wait till we got here?

You can't say hell in a church.

Priests do.

Funny you should mention them.

Cassie, the man that
Claudia was with was...

The man that Claudia was with was a priest.


That's why I waited until
we got here to tell you.

You can't yell.

You yell when you're surprised and p.O.D.

The guy she described
could've been , other men.

Except for the scar. It's him.

I know it is.

I saw him, he's here.

We're here to talk to the parish pastor.

Father clannon. Upstairs.

After you.

It's not right... is it?

Father clannon.

Aw, it's too throaty.

Have to repair the Reed.

Ah, detective Ryan.

Yeah. Pleasure to meet you sir.

Sergeant St. John, father.


So, I understand

you need information
concerning father flannigan?

We'd hoped to see him. Is he here?

He's running errands.

Is there a problem?

We have some questions for him.

There is a problem.

There could be.

How well do you know him?

Well, father flannigan came down here

about six weeks ago.

From Detroit.

He raised money for needy children.

He was out of uniform one evening

walking back to the rectory

and he was jumped by some drug dealer

who didn't like the father
taking control of his boys.

Nearly k*lled him.

Was in his dossier

when he came down here to recuperate.

I suppose I know him well enough.

Anything else you need to
know about this man of god?


Bonnie? Tom Ryan.

Listen, I need you to run a check

on a father Peter flannigan.

Start in Detroit.

That's right, I said "father."

Don't ask.

I need everything you can find, a.S.A.P.




You disappoint me, doolan.

Benny, I know how this looks, but...

How it looks?

Okay. Okay, uh, I needed the money

to-to work a Ponzi scheme down here.

So I borrowed the ,

to get it started.

This, this is my cover.

Your cover.

And that envelope?

Oh, this? I was starting another pyramid.

There's more in the bank, over .

You take this, I'll go get the rest.

And, uh...

What do you say?

Want to double your money or what?

Six weeks?

You know what I think...

I think your Ponzi bottomed.

You was going to split

and you was cashing out.

No, Benny, you're wrong, I...

I swear.

There's , there.

That's uh...

more than I borrowed.


don't even cover the vig on the .

You didn't borrow the money.

You stole it... from me.


Don't do this.

Here's how it is, doolan.

There are two ways I deal
with people who take from me.

You either get dead or hurt.

Dead is like, word-of-mouth.

People only hear about it.

Maybe read about it in the papers.

Hurt means every time someone looks at you

they're reminded you don't
steal from Benny one-shoe.

It's like a walking infomercial.

I need a new infomercial, doolan.

No, wait, I got more money in the...

Come on...

Thank god.

Lipschitz: Ryan!

St. John.

I got something.

We I.D.'d the hit victim.

Eddie cantrell.

The idiot who mugged
Paul kousakis' grandmother.

The same.

Guy mugs the grandmother

of the Greek mafia head

who puts out a hit to make a point.

And doing it in public

makes a louder point.

Father flannigan.

Lipschitz: Father flannigan.

Come on, these guys
were trying to k*ll you.

Father Damien attracted lepers.

I attract the misguided.


Being kicked in the face

with a steel-toed shoe is misguided?

Look, father

does this have anything to do

with your holy vows?

He's not a priest.

What are you talking about?

Are you, flannigan?

Or whatever the hell
your name is. Read that.

He was with my sister
in the hotel room, Harry.

Have you lost your brain?

This is a man of the cloth.

The only cloth he likes is bed sheets.

Tell him, flannigan.

I could get Claudia here to identify you.

Oh, by the way, that's her name.

Is that what you want?

I'll pray for your sister.

But whatever her sins

they won't be erased by accusing me.

You piece of...



F-Forgive... her.

I'm terribly s...

Tom: Harry.

Just read that.

"Father Peter flannigan, s.J.

"Doctorate in theology...

"Detroit archdiocese...

"Died j...

Died January , "?

You can explain this?

Did you check the curia?

Peter flannigan is not an
unusual name for a priest.

Cassy: We sure did.

There's Peter flannigans

from coast to coast

and not one fits your
description... not one.

Your serve.

Peter flannigan

has not always been my name.

Did not Saul become Paul?

Well, then, who were you?

Who I was does not matter.

Who I am now does.

Yeah, um...

F-Father flannigan, uh...

Yesterday a man named
Eddie cantrell was m*rder*d

near the palaise hotel.

I pray that whatever missteps

Mr. Cantrell took on this earth...

Will be forgiven in heaven.

The only misstep that Eddie
cantrell made on this earth

was that he mugged Paul
kousakis's grandmother.

Lipschitz: And if we're right

and kousakis did make the hit

he's not going to let any witnesses live.

My life has been devoted
to helping others, but...

I cannot help you.

I'd like

some confessional time

with the father, Harry.

Cassy, take the mug book

over to Claudia and see if
she can I.D. anybody, all right?

Harry, this guy's wearing a
paper collar and you know it.

Harry, I'll take the mug
book over to Claudia.

Let cassy have a go at this guy.

One hour.

And no slugging.

One hour?

All right, two.

But that's it.

And, god, forgive me

if I'm rousting a priest... please.


Thanks, trench.


I was just... I was just thinking.

Mind if I, uh... turn on a light?

I brought a mug book home for you

to take a look through if you're up to it.

Thanks, Tom, you're sweet. Really.


Mug sh*ts, huh?

One book?

Every crime family has their own.

Privileges of the rich and infamous.

Just take your time with that.

Can I get you something?

You want a coffee or tea or anything?

Coffee will do.

Your captain said this would
only take a couple of hours.

I've been here for two and a half already.

May I go back to the parish now?

Actually, Harry said

I could spend a couple of hours with you

I haven't started the clock yet.

So, where did you get it... boys town?

I'm not following you.

The name flannigan.

Why not your real name, Mr. Doolan?

Mr. Doolan?

I, I don't know anybody by that name.

Hmm, well, Mr. Zimmer does.

He seems to think it's you.

Who's Mr. Zimmer?

You know him better as Benny one-shoe.

It appears that you have, and I quote here

"chapped his butt."

Now, unlike you, I don't think

he's very forgiving.

He's mistaken me for someone else.

Well... who am I to question a priest?

I tell you what.

I'll arrange for you and
him to be released together

so the two of you can work out this little

mistaken identity problem yourselves.


So is this about you getting back at me

for being with your sister?

No. This is about solving a m*rder

that you were a witness to.

I didn't get a good look at the guy.

So you do want me to release you with Benny

and his friend checkie the "g"?

My, where do they get those colorful names?

This, this one.

You sure?

I think so.

Everything match? Hair? Height?

You're positive?


What kind of criminal is he?

Nick stavros worked for the kousakis family

for about years.

He was their, uh...

Well, he protected their honor.

So he's a lawyer.

More like their enforcer.

You mean a hit man.

That's another handle you could put on it.

Maybe I'm putting the wrong
twist on this conversation.


Guess who Claudia
identified in the mug shot book.

Nicky stavros.

Kousakis' number one man.

Well, I've got some
interesting news for you.

Father Peter flannigan?

His real name is merkie
doolan out of Detroit.

I think he'll work with us.

I got Harry to hold him

on a p.S. Writ, but we
only got him for hours.

This is the man

you were with at the palaise.

He's a priest?

I had an affair with a priest?!

He was pretending to be a priest.

But you thought he was.

It had my attention for a moment.

Claudia: And you never told me?

I had a right to know

what is happening to my life.

Would that make a difference?

I think I'm entitled to the truth.

And you've just been full
of the truth, haven't you?

This isn't working.

I'm out of here.

Claudia... I'm sorry.

Look, it's... it's not a good idea, okay?

You've got the most feared

crime family in the state

looking for you.

You hit the streets, we can't protect you.

So just stay here until we

sort this out.


I'm going to pay kousakis a visit.

Turn up the heat a little.

See who breaks a sweat first.

Have a seat, please.

I prefer to stand, thank you.

This is my associate

Nick stavros.

So... how can I help you, officer?

Sergeant Tom Ryan.

I'm investigating

the m*rder of Eddie cantrell.

Perhaps you've heard of him.

Yes. He had a misunderstanding
with my grandmother.

He's been forgiven.

He's been found shot to death
on a rooftop on the south side.

Would you know anything about that?

If you're asking if I k*lled
him, the answer is no.

Maybe someone in your organization did.

Like the old man here.

Ask him.

Mr. Stavros, where were you two days ago

between : P.M. and : P.M.?

Malekos billiards.

hill street.

Shot pool all day.

Two witnesses say you weren't.

Why haven't you arrested him?

Maybe I ought to.

Mr. Stavros, you're UN...

Nick... did anyone see you

sh**ting pool?

I can give you seven names to corroborate.

Write 'em down.

You know, officer

my grandfather was a simple grocer

who was always being
harassed by the police.

Now, he turned the other cheek.

I wonder if that's what I should do.

Your grandfather was a thug
who used people like stavros here

to beat merchants silly and
take their businesses from them.

All seven.

Pick it up.

I believe you wanted these names.

We're not done yet.


No. All seven alibis cleared.

'Course, they all happen
to work for kousakis.

Cozy little workforce.

Yeah. All seems pretty natural

considering they all share the
same hobby of breaking legs.

Sergeant Ryan.

Crystal, hey.

Thanks for calling.

No, no, we're on. Yeah.

Pick you up around : .

I'll be the handsome devil

driving the mustang red convertible.

Okay. Bye.

Forget it.

Do you remember
when I said it was all right

for you and Claudia to
bunk up at my place and then

someday you might be able to do me a favor?

Well... that day has arrived.

Hand over the keys, cinderella.

Under one condition.

Tell me why you told her
you owned a fancy car.

You had to be there.

I have a vivid imagination, try me.

Okay. I was jogging in douglass park

when this dazzling vision of
perfection comes toward me

we chat, and...

What about the rich part?

Well, I was standing
beside this expensive car.

That's why you wanted
cassy to rent you a snazzy car.

So you could impress
her with your millions.

Now, doesn't she know you're a cop?

Well, that didn't come up at the time

but I planned to confess everything.

After she fell irresistibly
in love with you.

Well, that's sort of a foregone conclusion

to my charm with women, isn't it?

Well, I bet she likes the
modest side of you best.

She'll figure you out.

Not right away.

Not... right away.


You never met stavros, have you?

No, we don't hang in the same circles.

And what's the one truism
of all St. John women?

That we all look alike, so what?

This could be perfect

if we can get doolan to go along with it.

You want me to pretend to be Claudia?

You don't have to have
an affair with doolan.

Just wear a wire to get stavros

to incriminate himself.

Oh, come on, there's
got to be a better solution.

Well, I suppose we could put Claudia

on the witness stand.

Can't wait to hear

my mother's reaction

on me revealing Claudia's
identity to the mob.

Oh... all right.

Well, who's going to talk to doolan?

Guess you won't be needing the mustang.

So let's review here.

You want me to blackmail a hit man?

I got a better idea.

Why don't you sh**t me now

and get it over with?

You got a rap sheet

thick as a dictionary.

Bunko would love to talk to you

about your Ponzi scheme.

And remember the archdiocese

of palm beach and Detroit

are on the edge of

filing charges as we speak.

You left out Benny

and checkie, the "g."

Did I?

You believe in redemption, doolan?

Yeah, but not as my final act on earth.

All right, so you're saying what?

We want you to put it

on the line for us

we'll put it on the line for you.

We lose your name, charges, everything.

You roll out of here
like a brand new penny.

Still asking a lot.

You don't nail stavros, what then?

I thought men of god prayed
for guidance and answers.

So run this plan of yours by me again.



This is merkie doolan.

I saw you on the rooftop two days ago.

I was in the hotel.

Yes. What do you want?

$ , .

There were two of you.

That was my girlfriend. Look...

Here's the deal.

You meet her and give her the money.

Once she's got it and
she comes back to me safe

my memories go blank.


Lobby of the palaise.

You remember where that is.

: this afternoon.

And if she doesn't come
back safe, I go to the cops.

How do I know this will be the end of it?

Look, Mr. Stavros.

I've got Benny zimmer looking

to shine his shoes on my face.

I just need one score

and I never set foot in Florida again.

At : then.

He took it.

You call me when you get home.

I will.

Oh. Here, you wanted these.


Look, I'm sorry about all this.

Strangest way, I'm not.

Claudia: I cause all this trouble

and you're not pissed?

Hey, you didn't cause the m*rder.

So you going to go back to Richard?

I don't know.

I guess. Maybe.

I don't know.

You still think you're boring, don't you?

Cassy, I haven't changed.

I'm looking at a woman who's had an affair

been racked by g*nf*re...

On the run from the mob...

Now how boring is that?

Not very.

Can you imagine the look on Richard's face

when he hears all this?

Well, maybe I should keep

the affair part of it a secret.

You keep it all a secret.

People with secrets are never boring.

I love you.

Me, too.

Here comes your partner.



Name's merkie doolan

and, uh, sorry about all this.

Claudia Burrows.

I'm not.

Train leaves at : .

Take this the right way.

Doolan, don't come back to palm beach.

I hear that.

So... can I buy you a cup of coffee?

Uh, that's what you said last time

so this time I'll buy.


So how'd you get that scar

on your face, anyway?

Tom, any sign?


You know, Harry

you really missed your calling.

Thomas, might I remind you
that I control your vacation days?

I got to tell you, this
flak jacket is really...

Heads up, guys, we got something here.

You stavros?

You got what my boyfriend asked for?

That's a lot of money, but after all

we did see you k*ll someone, didn't we?

Tom, he made us.

He's got to be at the train station.

Don't move.

I told you we weren't done, old man.

I'm going to notify I.A.

See if they can find out

how stavros got ahead of us.

Enough money can turn anybody

especially an underpaid civil servant.

And speaking of money, keys to the mustang.

Fill it before you return it.

I believe that this retires your debt.


Crystal. Hey, listen.

I was thinking that we could, ah...



No, of course.

No, I understand.

Yeah. Thanks.



She confessed that

she's a small town girl.

Putting on airs.

She decided to go back to Ohio

and rediscover herself.

If you say one word

I'll be forced to sh**t you.

Tom, the only thing I
was going to say is...

I don't think you'll be needing these.
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