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01x10 - Blood Money

Posted: 10/04/23 16:02
by bunniefuu
(male narrator) Tonight, on "Spenser For Hire.."


Keep this punk alive.

We had an involvement with a left-wing group

called The Liberty Brigade.

(Dorothy) 'Ain't nothing but a sham front for bounty hunters.'


I'm gonna find George Villard and I won't be stopped.

Early bird catches the worm.

If the man has a car.

(Spenser) 'Maybe your public image will get better'

when you start caring about people's lives.


It's not much.

You won't find the money.

- You walked right into it. - 'Gentlemen!'


[theme music]

[music continues]

[music continues

[instrumental music]

[instrumental music]

Hold it!

- Get on him. - Hey, hey.

- Hey, get out of here! - Come on, move it.






[siren wailing]

You okay?

(male #) 'Coming through. Coming through.'

Keep this punk alive.

Where's Partland?


What the hell kind of stunt was that?

It looked like trouble. I was just trying to help.

Help? Help get us k*lled.

Where is that ambulance?

[siren wailing]

[siren wailing]

[instrumental music]

(Spenser) You know, some days it pays to oversleep.

Today was one of them.

Today, I've been paid to handle

over million dollars in ransom money.

I don't think my client would be pleased with the results.

Neither would her husband.

He was the one supposedly worth a million dollars.

[doorbell dings]

"M-my name is George Villard.

"I'm executive vice president of Overdyne

"I'm being held by a group that calls itself..

'"...The Liberty Brigade.'

'"They insist that Overdyne'

'"dismantle all our offshore oil rigs in San Maritas

'"and refrain from any further business in that country.'

'"If this is not done, I will be k*lled."'

"They will return me unharmed

"upon receipt of one million dollars in cash

"at o'clock, tomorrow morning at the Esplanade.

"Otherwise, I will be k*lled.

"I repeat.

"If both demands aren't met.."

Watching this over and over again

is not gonna make matters any better, Mrs. Villard.

It's not over yet, we just lost the first round.

What happened out there, Spenser?

I thought Overdyne and the police had it worked out.

Logic and logistics..

sometimes they just don't pair up.

What about the man you wounded? Has he said anything yet?

The doctor's still working on him.


So what do we do now?

I know it's difficult..

...but all we can do is wait.


Overdyne is a European based financial octopus

with tentacles around the world.

Oil in San Maritas.

Gold futures in South Africa

and chemical factories in every third world country

poor enough to accept the risk.

Overdyne may be popular with their stockholders

in the international banking set

but to human rights groups around the globe

they are a corporate plague.

(Bennett) 'I don't like either, Frank.'

But the insurance game is played with helmets and shin guards.

We're not authorized to take the same chance as you are.

Then take back your damn blood money, Bennett.

One call to our London office

and I'll have another million wired in an hour.

And while I'm talking to London

I'll have them check into the advisability

of working with other insurance companies in the future.

Wait a minute, Frank. We've had business--

We'll be in touch.

You're not think of payin' off these lunatics

'with our own money, are you, Frank?'

What do you expect him to do, Paul?

Wait till they deliver George's body to our doorsteps?

Liberty Brigade..

Corporate t*rror1st in knee pants.

'Support college students looking for the attention'

'they never got at home.'

They're not going to m*rder anybody.

We'd tarnish their grade point average.

Yeah, well, you tell that to the cop

who got his average tarnished this morning on the Esplanade.

Do you know how to play this one, Hillary?

Temporarily shutting down oil rigs in San Maritas

is not gonna help our public image

when word gets out about this.

Adverse media recognition is gonna flare up again

Overdyne's gonna get another black eye

'unless this kidnapping is dealt with and dealt with now.'

Get the money from London, Frank.

It's the only way.

Paul, call the lead bank.

Have 'em advance the money.

Yes, Frank.


Do you have anything to add, Spenser?

We've talked about finances, politics..

...cosmetic profile of Overdyne.

You've overlooked one thing.

'George Villard, I thought he was the reason we were here.'

Maybe your public image will get better

when you start caring about people's lives.

[dramatic music]

You get ID on the kid?

Oh, yeah, yeah, his name was Davie Jones, -years-old

priors, three convictions.

as*ault, as*ault with a deadly w*apon, armed robbery.

He spent five of the last eight years behind bars.

He's been out about a month.

You must've been practicing this speech, Frank.

I don't have to practice it, I give it everyday.

I just change the names to make it fresh.

He doesn't sound like much of a kidnapper.

Lieutenant, he doesn't sound like much of anything.

Did you hear from the hospital?

(Matt) 'The kid out of emergency yet?'

Listen, Partland, this was a routine operation

'just like you brushing your teeth.'

Spenser was supposed to transfer the money

to the two men in a jeep.

Yeah, you were supposed to stay on top of the park personnel.

'Who said we needed the cavalry to come to the rescue.'

That was supposed to be a secured area.

I was listening you, the FBI and Overdyne.

Now somebody got the signals crossed up

It was a.. It was a big operation.

That's no excuse.

You're chief of security at Overdyne, you're responsible.

Hey! What about the kid?

Davie Jones, age

died on the operating table minutes ago.

[dramatic music]

One million dollars..

The way it went down this morning

maybe you should have taken your cut at the change

bug into a trade school

and invest it in a new occupation.

I got an occupation, I'm a natural born boy.

You know a guy named Davie Jones?

I know he's dead. I know you clipped him.

I wanna know what he did before I stopped him

from turning the Esplanade into the Fall of Saigon.

Did he have any involvement with a left-wing group

called The Liberty Brigade?

The only movement that ever interested Davie

was money changing hands, quick returns.

Hit 'em when they ain't looking, and steal their wallets.

Maybe hit 'em again for the fun of it.

Do you think you might be free to take a ride later?

- Free? - Figure of speech.

You know my figure, babe.

Working for a major corporation

wouldn't be against your principles?

I got my principles invested in Swiss bank accounts.

How about you, Prince Valiant?

Self-interest enlightens some, blinds others.

Well, then, consider me enlightened.

(Susan) 'Dorothy Marks is one serious lady.'

She wouldn't know a joke if it came attached

to the laugh track.

So don't be too cute or too funny.

Can I be glib?

Second thought, stick with cute.

It does seem to be your best suite.

- Oh, yeah? Yeah? - Yes.

(Dorothy on PA) 'It is time to put a stop to corporate giants'

'like Overdyne.'

Their excuse for being in San Maritas is money!

They say that they're sinking millions into the economy.

They say that they are giving a poor country needed capital

but what they are really doing

is supporting a corrupt regime.


Dorothy Marks, this is Spenser.


Susan's already told you why I'm here

and I need to know everything you can tell me

about San Maritas and the Liberty Brigade.

The Liberty Brigade?

Do you wanna talk world events or make-believe?

Look, I'm not here to discuss politics with you.

And I'm not saying your group had anything to do--

You're damn right, you're not.

I spent the last two years in San Maritas

on an exchange program.

That's a year longer than Overdyne's been there.

'I saw what that country was...what it's become.'

No one despises Overdyne more than I do

but...kidnapping is not my style.

I never heard of The Liberty Brigade.

If it exists, you can believe I'd be the first to know.

We deal in peaceful resistance, not violent extortion.

The Liberty Brigade..

...ain't nothing but a sham front for bounty hunters.

Are you always this unsure of yourself?

Susan had her homework, I had mine.

After listening to minutes of

Dorothy Marks' poly-economic didactics

I no longer believed in the Liberty Brigade.

It wasn't an underground group of college students

it was people like Davie Jones..

...if you consider Davie Jones people.

My name is Spenser

did Matt Partland leave an envelope here for me?


You know, it's just like him.

If you don't tell him six times, he forgets.

I'll just check and see if he left it on his desk.

Hey, do you have clearance?

That's no good, it's from yesterday.

It's okay, I'm gonna pick up yesterday's package.

[dramatic music]

George Villard was still missing.

Maybe he wouldn't be if Matt Partland

hadn't undermined the drop-off.

I couldn't get over the feeling

that the movie made had been delivered.

A breach in security.

I was about to breach some security myself.

[dramatic music]

'Working overtime, Partland?'

Setting a good example for your men?

What are you doing here, Spenser?

My job, you should try it sometime.

It makes you feel really good.

I don't like you poking through my office.

I don't like it either, but I couldn't sleep.

All day long, people have been pointing the finger at me.

'Accusing me of having something to do with this kidnapping.'

I'm sick of it.

Well, if you can't stand the heat.

If I see you back here again..

You'll what?




I'm gonna find George Villard.

Now you can get in my way or you can stay out of it.

You can think about that time when you

were paintin' on the Overdyne.

I won't be stopped.

No matter how much I juggled them

the parts did not add up to a whole.

I had a t*rror1st group that didn't exist..

A security chief who needed suspenders

and a belt to hold up his pants

and I had a kidnapped victim whereabouts unknown.

But I still had a client, Ellen Villard.

She was at my place for another videotape

she just received.

(George on TV) 'Ellen, these people they'll no longer deal with Overdyne

they'll only deal with you.

'They're tellin' this is'

'going to be my last communication.'

'The price remains at one million dollars.'

Be prepared to deliver within hours.

Ellen, do it.

My God, Spenser, what have they done to him?

(George) 'Get the money.'

Do as they asked.

They'll k*ll me otherwise.

Look at me, Ellen. Look at me.

[dramatic music]

What are you looking for?

Ah, yeah, Schooner Magilla.

(Hillary) 'Excuse me?'

Sorry, couldn't resist.

What are these things? Could you give me a copy of this?

Sure. Those are international shipping orders

for computer components.

But what on earth does that have to do with George's kidnapping?

I don't know. Maybe nothing.

And until we get Villard back

everyone and everything is suspect.

Somebody took him

and that somebody had something to gain.

(Frank) 'Such as?'

Well, we knew what the kidnappers wanted to gain..

- But who are the kidnappers? - You tell me.

Local losers, small-time crooks.

I think somebody put them up to it.

And who might that be?

Somebody who knew George Villard

somebody who knew what he was worth..

...and who knew what the people could afford to get him back.


Somebody here?

What did Villard think of Matt Partland?

Partland got his training as a sergeant in Vietnam.

And he runs security

here like it was the last outpost on the Mekong.

'That and the fact that security is worse now than it ever was.

- Never sat well with George. - How so?

Internal theft mostly.

Partland's people seem ineffectual.

That's speculation, Paul. Nobody's ever proven anything.

But the fact still remains

that somebody is picking us clean from the inside out.

About $, worth a month.

It may not even be this office.

It could be Paris or Chicago.

Or Boston.

What did Villard do about it?

Oh, he argued for months with the board of directors.

'They had too many other things on their minds.'

It's simply water-cooler talk. Nothing more.

What about you? What did you have to gain?

How could you even insinuate such a thing?

I respect George, I've worked with him.

Both of you, for that matter.

This is a cut-throat business.

Somebody would be in line for Villard's job

'if he didn't come back.'

I'm looking at two of the most likely candidates.

I lost out to George three years ago.

In this company, you don't get a second chance.

If you think I had anything to do with it, you're mistaken.

Mr. Spenser? There's a call for you. Lieutenant Quirk.

- Thank you. - You're very welcome.


(Martin) 'Do you recognize him?'

Yeah, the guy from the drop-off.

I thought you'd be interested.

What happened?

His name is Art Nathan.

A couple of kids found him bobbin' under the pier.'

Had a small caliber hole right behind behind his left ear.

Real intimate.

Like a whisper.

How did he get here?

He drove himself.

'He was probably smiling when he took the b*llet.'

- Mind if take a look? - Please do.

'Just make sure you keep your hands in your pocket.'

(Frank) 'Load him up.'

[indistinct chatter]

(Frank) 'What you got there, Spenser?'

Gift from heaven, Frank. Gift from heaven.

What is it?

It's a holding order, Logan Freight Terminal.

Due to be picked up tomorrow.

Give it here.

Hey, haven't you ever heard? Finders keepers, losers weepers.

Yeah, I keep, you weep.

[dramatic music]

I spent the next two hours

staring at the only tangible evidence I had

and found something out about audiovisual education.

You could see more if you don't listen.

And what I finally saw I knew I'd seen before.

Before I even heard of George Villard.

[instrumental music]

- 'What tower?' - Top of museum of science.

But I froze the tape, the only place they could have gotten

in that shot was Boston sand and gravel.

You know what we're gettin' into?

Could be one man with Mr. Villard, could be ten.

Well, it's just me and you today.

After what happened at the Esplanade

I don't wanna get lost in the crowd.

You and me are crowd all by ourselves, babe.

Is there a green thrash can tied to your bumper

ever since we left the firehouse?

I wonder when you were gonna imagine that.

[dramatic music]

We'll have to take a walk.

It's gonna cost you a new pair of shoes.


What do you have?

Forget it, Partland.

I have the right to know what's goin' on here--

Your rights ended yesterday in the Esplanade.

This has anything to do with the Villard--

You're out of it.

- I'm here. - Man says, stay put.

Put is where you better stay.

[dramatic music]

Your choice.

[intense music]

[music continues]



[dramatic music]


[dramatic music]


[tires screeching]

Right on top off me.

I couldn't get a clear shot.


[doorbell dings]

'Have you found him yet?'

No, but I found where they were holding him.

- He just wasn't there anymore. - Oh, no.

Did you hear anything? Did they contacted you again?

[tires screeching] Nothing.

[tires screeching]

[dramatic music]

[dramatic music]

I couldn't get over the feeling

that I was partial responsible

for the package that have been delivered

to the Villard doorstep last night.

George wouldn't blame me.

He was dead.

It was a living we have to contend with.

The survivors, the ones who remember

will never let you forget.

Remember, this wasn't your fault.

I know that.

I didn't stop it.

I don't know anyone who's better at working

with what he's got than you are.

That oughta be enough.

It oughta be, but sometimes it's just not.

How old did you say the girl was?

She's around .

[doorbell dings]

Glad you're here.

Oh, come in.

This is Susan Silverman.

Thank you for coming.

I'm, uh, sorry the way things turned out.

I know.

Come in.

[doorbell dings]

Uh, excuse me.

[indistinct chatter]

I didn't expect to see Matt Partland there.

I couldn't hear what he and Mrs. Villard were saying

but their body English was a language I was familiar with.

It made me uncomfortable

even more than this condolence call.

[indistinct chatter]

See, you made it. Not even a scratch.

Not where you doin' this.

(Ellen) 'But I do blame you.'

'You had the weight and the influence'

to see that George comes through this.

If you weren't so concerned with politics

and corporate infighting and handed over the money

my husband would be alive today.

George would be alive.


[dramatic music]

I know you are not supposed to talk to strangers

but sometimes they are the only ones who can help.

I'm sorry about your father.

- Did you know him? - No.

Then why did you say you were sorry?

'It's only words, you don't mean it.'

- You are just like my mother. - I do mean it.

I'm sorry when anything bad happens.

'It doesn't have to happen to me.'

I'm sorry for you and your mother.

My mother..

She's such a hypocrite.

She's upset give her time--

But they were always fighting.

That's all I can remember

the screaming back and fourth.

How can she stand under a halo now and pretend she is a saint?

Pretends she loved him.

She's been through a lot.

You both have.

Daddy moved out.

I was always hoping he'd come back.

Now he'll never come back.


It's okay.

Mrs. Villard.

[birds chirping]


She'll be alright.

She is in good hands.

Thank you, for everything.

I'll have a check drawn up for you tomorrow.

There's no hurry.

It's not over yet.

George is dead.

The man who k*lled him is still out there.

I don't care about them.

Bringing those men to justice will not bring George back.

I don't want you risking your life anymore.

Well, I know it's a character flaw

but I can't seem to quit.

The rest is on the house.


I think you got some friends who wanna be with you.


[dramatic music]

I'm alright.

That is no slander, sir, which is a truth.

Many words were spoken yesterday at the Villard home.

But only Monica seem to be speaking the truth.

It was the first time I had learned of any friction

behind the Villard's bedroom doors.

It was also the first time

I had thought about those credit cards

receipts I found in Villard's office.

The florist found the address quickly enough.

A dozen deliveries to the same house.

I figured who ever was getting the flowers

was George Villard's mistress.

I was prepared for that.

I wasn't prepared for who it was that open the door.

(Hillary) 'We were lovers.'

'Well, I don't mean two people just having an office affair.'

We were in love.

He was gonna divorce his wife, wasn't he?

How did you know that?

When he moved out of his house did he come to you?

How does that matter now? What the hell do you want?

You know I'm working for Ellen Villard.

Yes, I know that.

You don't have to answer these questions.

But I've gotta ask them, even though they are painful.

Yes, they're painful.

I couldn't face those death masks yesterday.

How's Ellen doin'?

She's seems to be taking it pretty hard.

He was a good man.

Two intelligent, attractive women.

Love with the same man.

He must've been.

[doorbell dings] Just a minute.

[dramatic music]

Come in.

Coroner's report says that George Villard

was dead for hours

before they dumped his body on the front lawn.

That means he was already dead

when Hawk and I hit the building.

He was dead when the second video tape arrived.

It never was a hostage situation, it was m*rder.

You know the kid we pulled out of the river Art Nathan?

- Yeah. - He's to work at Overdyne

- What? - 'Night man on security.'

Partland's second in command.

At least he was, till a drunk driving conviction

'got him the boot.'


Get a chance to run through those Overdyne

shipment reports I gave you?

- No, but Frank did. - And nothing matches up.

Partland's list is about grand shy of Villard's tally.

A grand unaccounted for.

We got a pretty good idea of where it went.

It's about time to take a spin out to Logan Freight terminal.

(Frank) 'You wanna come along for the ride, Spencer?'

I'll let you sit up front.

No, thanks. Your driving makes make me car sick.

[dramatic music]

Something Hillary Small said kept reminding me

of thoughts I've been trying to ignore.

Thoughts about the one other person

who had something to gain.

It was the person who hired me.

Ellen Villard.

I had a nice chat with the Villard's attorney.

And then check with Overdyne's business affairs.

If George Villard divorced his wife

she get half the community profits

which was mortgaged to the hilt.

If George Villard died

she get all their properties

plus one and a half million dollars of life insurance.

[doorbell dings]

- 'Who did this?' - 'The people who took George.'

Since Overdyne didn't pay, they came to me.

George had a life insurance policy

'and they wanted what I'm suppose to get.'

'They said if they don't get it, they'll k*ll us.'

- 'Monica and me.' - Where is Monica?

I sent her to Chicago this afternoon.

She's with my parents.

Good. What else?

Well, I told them it would take months

before I could get any of this money.

'They want a down payment of $, today.'

Spencer, what do I do?

Where do they want you to meet them.

At the Hoosac Docks, Charlestown.

What time?

o'clock. I'm afraid to go.

You are not going. I am.

(Matt) 'If you don't hand over the bag'

'I'm gonna miss my flight.'

I already told you, I need proper ID, mister..

Nathan. Art Nathan.

And I already told you, I left my license at home.

'So, just hand over the bag'

so I can get my connection to Dallas.

I need ID or the claim ticket, Mr. Nathan--

I lost the ticket and I don't have time

to fight that traffic again.

- Just hand over the bag. - I can't do it.

- I need proper ID-- - Hold it.

I'll take it.

Just gotten a hold of some computer shipment logs.

One from your office and one from George Villard's.

The dates were the same but different numbers.

There's somebody who is skimming orders from behind

Overdyne's back.

These checks are made out to Art Nathan.

$, and $,.

'That's a pretty good haul for an ex-employee, isn't it?'

Now, I don't think you're goin' anywhere just yet.

But when you do it, it's gonna be for a long, long time.

- I didn't k*ll Villard. - But you did k*ll Nathan.

- You can't prove that. - Yes, I can.

You were stealing company assets.

'You on the inside and Nathan on the outside.'

'Villard knew it.'

That million dollar ransom scheme

had a certain amount of style

but it's just too bad it didn't pay-off.

Is that the same g*n you used to k*ll Nathan?

You got it all wrong, Quirk.

(Frank) 'Drop it!'

Nice and easy.


[dramatic music]

[engine revving]

You waitin' on me?

You won't find the money.

'We got what we wanted.'

You walked right into it.

With both eyes open.

He don't even have a g*n.

What I'm carryin' wouldn't fit in my pocket.


Now, where were we?


What do you mean no g*n?



Nice day for a swim.

[dramatic music]

[phone ringing]

- Hello? - Spencer.


(Ellen) My God, I heard about Partland on the radio, what happened?

(Spencer) He tried to run from the cops.

It was a bad idea.

(Ellen) And the men at the docks?

(Spenser) We had a nice reunion.

They were the same men from the gravel pit.

(Ellen) What happened to them?

(Spenser) They wanted to argue.

They lost. Both dead.

(Ellen) I...I wanna thank you, Spencer, but I can't.

Not today. I don't wanna see anybody.

(Spenser) I understand.

[dramatic music]

[music continues]

[doorbell dings]

I'll get it.



New digs.

You move fast, Hillary.


Very nice.

You hired Partland...together.

Partland dug his own grave.

We just watched.

George had evidence he was stealing from the company.

We gave him an opportunity to rectify a sloppy situation--

With blackmail?


You wanted Villard's job that badly?

I despised George Villard.

I despised his politics, his business tactics.

He led the government of San Maritas fall

if it meant revenue.

And he used people.

'Especially women.'

He love to use women.

Ellen and I talked.

The rest fell into place.

What about you?

What is it with you?

Revenge, the money?

We were together for years

and he wanted to leave me.

We owed more than we had.

He could always work and make a good living.

What am I supposed to do? Become a secretary at ?

So you were gonna take a nice long vacation

without saying goodbye.

'Some place nice to recuperate.'

It must really hurt to have to pay for a beating like that.

I had to make you believe me.

Contagious, isn't it?

The disease that occurs when money starts changing hands.

It's a worldwide epidemic.

The government of San Maritas, Overdyne

Partland, the two of you.

Nobody's clean.

What difference does it make now?

Partland took care of Villard at Art Nathan

to cover his own tracks.

The police took care of Partland.

You wrapped up the loose ends this morning.

And you got nothing.



It's not much..

...but he's enough.

I lied.

[dramatic music]


(woman on radio) 'Reporting at six..'

Two for the price of one.

Hell of a price.

Uh, when man plays with fire, you know the rules.

Oh, yeah.

By the way, how's your love life?

That's kind of personal, isn't it?

Hey, you still playing one-on-one?

So you know why I know how to play the game.


You know I might try that myself one day.


[engine revving]

[instrumental music]

[theme music]

[music continues]