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01x09 - Autumn Thieves

Posted: 10/04/23 16:01
by bunniefuu
(narrator) Tonight, on "Spenser For Hire.."

He robbed a museum of a religious art treasure.

No, young man.

You wanna tell this guy I didn't do it.

We came here for that piece of gold. Now, where is it?

You were in pretty deep bait.

If the gentleman doesn't have the jewels by o'clock

Mr. St. George's nephew will expire.

Too late. Man took some medicine didn't agree with him.

[tires screeching]



[theme music]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[instrumental music]

[music continues]

[music continues]

(Lynn) 'This is a Decalogue..'

'...of Rabbi Isadore, the good.'

Popularly known as the Toledo Ten.

It is a replica of the Ten Commandments.

It is ex*cuted on the ground of Filigree, beaten gold.

'And the first word of each commandment is carved'

'out of a single perfect ruby'

'and encircled by a halo of diamonds.'

'It was created by a master silversmith'

'in the town of Toledo, Spain.'

- It's a blasphemy! - As a gift of--

A blasphemy against God in our religion.

'...during the inquisition, it disappear--'

An abomination!

It is a famous legend that

if the Toledo Ten is ever restored

'to it's native country, we'll be..'

Stop him! That painting is priceless.

Hey, hey, hey. Hey, come on.

- 'That's enough.' - He's got a g*n!

[all screaming]


No, young man, don't be a hero.

[instrumental music]


[music continues]

(Spenser) Have you ever noticed, you work hard, you study

you trained and just when you're starting to think

that maybe you have a fighting chance

of being good at your job

the Gods get larky on you.

Now, it maybe that whom the Gods would destroy

they first make man, but in my case

all they had to do is take the Toledo Ten

out of my hand.

Hello, Spenser.

- Oh. - I don't wanna miss this.

Nice to see you too, Frank.

You wanna tell this guy I didn't do it?

- If you didn't do it-- - I didn't do it!

I'm telling you, I didn't do..

Spenser, this is Dr. Lynn from the museum.

Hello, doctor.

She's here to file charges.

You know this man?

Uh, in my capacities as a law enforcement officer

Dr. Lynn, I'm afraid I..

...I regularly come in contact with our...lower order.

That piece is on loan from a foreign government.

Do you have any idea what a terrible thing you've--

Terrible thing? I was the one who recovered on the..

Not only is that a priceless jewel

it has religious significance for millions of people.

Look, lady I happen to have a fundamental

regard for works of art.

I happen to think the capacity to create them

is the one thing that separates us from the lower order.

It helps man experience what's truly sublime

and anybody would steal or destroy work of art

steal something from all of humanity, that's what I think!

From the sublime to the ridiculous, alright.

Alright, Spenser. Say, you didn't do it.

- Who did? - The kid I was following.

- A client up the.. - You mean your accomplice?

A client up in the Berkshires hired me to find her boyfriend.

I picked up his trail in Boston

and he went to the museum when I tag along.

I got it. The kid stole the jewelry.

That's right, the kid stole..

- And then he gave it to you. - Ooh.

Lieutenant, the main thing is that the piece is alright.

Please, I need to inspect it.

[phone ringing]



Hey, that's evidence!

Frank, I think, she's trying to tell you

it's a fake.

[dramatic music]

[engine revving]

(Spenser) Rudyard Kipling wrote that "One of the criteria

"of attaining manhood

"was to be able to keep your head

"when all about you are losing theirs..

...and blaming it on you."

Unfortunately, Rudyard didn't include any tips

on how to accomplish that.

One wrote that the discovery of course was

contemplation and meditation.

Another was Spenser's rule.

When in doubt, sweat it out.


[bell rings]

- Spenser. - Hawk.

For a man is so busy helping defenseless and put upon

you sure do spent a whole lot of time

explaining things to the police. Tell me now.

Is it true that they caught you with the jewel in your hand?

A word does get around.

Some of your admirers were considering

taking out a full page ad.

They'd had done it too..

...if it were the genuine article.

"The bow bends, the arrow flies

the wing shaft the faith."

Mighty impressive.

Spouting poetry while sparring.

You'd had that win a couple of years ago.

You could have been the great white hope.

You wouldn't happen to know who'd be able to

fence these thing if it were the genuine article, would you?

Are you incinerating I have friends in retailing?

Just looking for a little information.

Assuming it's still in the country.

International market just swallow up a piece

like that in one bite.

Assuming it's still in the state

I think it was local job.

Then that does limit your options, considerably.

How is that?

Only one real possibility around here

for a pro-move like that on Toledo Ten.

The man in question has two distinguishing characteristics.

How come I don't think they are sweetness and light?

One.. smooth as can be like Water Moccasin.

Two...when he bites you, babe..

- You know what I mean? - Hmm-mm.

[bell ringing]

'Stop dropping that right hand.'

[indistinct chattering]

(Hawk) 'Get him.'

This is very serious, young man.

And very unforeseen.

'You assured me that your uncle would co-operate.'

I've already contacted buyers for the Toledo Ten.

My uncle is a very stubborn man.

Crazy stubborn.

You just don't know what he's like.

As a matter of fact I know quite a bit about your uncle.

He's a very meticulous planner.

'He's, uh, very cautious about his dealings with other people.'

He's something of a genius in his own line.

Do you think I would've invested in you, otherwise?

I just can't understand it.

I mean...there's no way..

...he can make the kind of money on the sale that we can.

Surely, he sees that.

It's not the money.

It's the bidding he loves.

It's the, uh..

...gibbeting, little cups of coffee.

He can make it last for months.

What about the advance we gave you?

The hundred thousand dollars against the profit.

'What do you say to that?'

You told him, didn't you?

I didn't see why I should.

I thought that was between us.

[chuckles] Alex, I wanna give you the definition

of prudent business man.

He's someone who has learned to measure risk with reward..

...then quantify the risk you'll take.

You needed $,.

That was your risk.

I saw that you got it, that was mine.

Now, we are partners.

And in my business, you don't hold up your partner.

Alright, alright.

Let me talk to him this weekend.

I...I think I can convince him.

I'm sure you can.

But just to help clarify the situation

I'm gonna send some people up with you.


'Nick. Jimmy.'

This is young Mr. St. George.

I want you to drive him to the Berkshires.

Okay, gentleman that's fine.

But, uh, as long as when we get up there

'I can speak to my uncle alone first.'

Sorry, kid. I don't think that's such a great idea.

I just need to explain.

'We talk to him together.'

It's more persuasive that way.

Oh, look, gentleman. My uncle is a very old man.

He's very stubborn. He's liable to do something crazy.

'If I could just explain this to him'

I think I can clear this whole thing up.

[instrumental music]

(Spenser) There are very few things that make you feel more alive

than leaving Boston on a brisk fall day with a beautiful girl

on your way to that magical spot..

...called "The Berkshires."

So, it's better when you have tough news for a client

to deliver it in person.

It shows responsibility. It builds trust.

Not to mention that it's very difficult to enjoy

the Berkshires over the phone.

'That too.'

You found us a charming inn yet?

'How about the Blue Bird Inn?'

Featuring music of old Vienna

and quaint all the world reproductions in the gift shop.

Are you aware that you have a very..

...precise sense of all that is rare and fine?

Well, thank you, Ollie.

Not only that you got great legs.

How can you tell? I'm all bundled up.

Well, I've a very precise memory for great legs.

Yeah, I bet you do.


[instrumental music]

[music continues]

(Kay) 'Now. Okay. Where is Bounce?'

'Okay, remember, guys. This is Shakespeare, not the circus.'

'So, I need you to be a lot gaudier.'

Uh...where's Titania?

Queen of the fairy's, right? Not the prom queen.

'You gotta have a lot more of presence.'

And, uh, Jim, her entrance is gonna

come in right up from there.

Uh, but we'll do the rest of the announcement

at the tech rehearsal.

Okay? Everybody be back here at o'clock sharp.

Bring sweaters and, uh, better bring your own coffee

it's gonna be a late night. Okay.

[indistinct chattering]

"He'll met by a moonlight, proud Titania."

Did you find Alex?

He red-fueled my client.

Susan Silverman, my friend.

Hi, Kay.

And yes, I found him for almost an entire day.

What do you mean? Where is he?

Well, he was in Boston.

We were separated by a grand theft.


He robbed a museum of a religious art treasure.

The police are looking for him too.

I don't understand. That has to be a mistake.

Alex would never steal anything.

He comes from a wealthy family. He told me all about them.

And you told me.

'But did you ever meet 'em?'

- No. - 'Didn't you wander why?'

(Kay) 'I thought...maybe he was ashamed of me.'

You know, that we were just summer friends until he..

Until what?


I just hired you to find him, so I could talk to him. That's all.

Kay, these things has pain written all over it.

I'd rather, it wasn't yours.

Mr. Spenser, you must believe in someone

the way I believe in Alex.

Sometimes we care about people

'who don't feel the same about us.'

I just..

I have to find out the truth about this.

- 'Please.' - Okay.

But remember what your poet said.

"Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May.

And summer's lease hath all too short a date."

[instrumental music]

(female #) Popularly known as the Toledo Ten. It's replica--

(male #) No, young man. Don't be a hero.

[instrumental music]

(Susan) 'Is the the new world-class losing technique?'

We're proceeding yard increments at miles an hour.

It's called tailing the suspect.

It's a little tough when the suspect's on a bicycle.

(Susan) 'Who is she?'

(Spenser) 'That's what we wanna find out.'

She was at the museum the day of the robbery.

She was wearing a nurse's uniform

pushing a wheelchair.

Her patient tried to detain me in

my pursuit of a...culprit.

What would Nora Charles do at a moment like this?

Check her make-up and say something mildly acerbic.

- Probably fix her hat. - She should fix her hat.

(Spenser) 'Probably just a coincidence.'

She's also an actress in Kay Redfield's show.

You don't think Kay's involved, do you?

'The theater exists to raise money'

'for a day care center for abused children.'

'It's been on the verge of bankruptcy'

'ever since she started.'

Today was the first day I felt

she wasn't telling me the whole truth.

- I know one thing for sure. - What's that?

Where we're going to be spending the night.

[music continues]

Two at nine.

For you, doctor? Of course.

Nadia, I need your help with the dining room for a moment.

Well, the miracles of medical science.

Well, well, coincidence. The man in the wheelchair?

Nora Charles would be proud.

So, would you like to tell me what's going on?

Or would you rather have your happy band of thespians

act out an explanation?

On the contrary, you tell me.

Your plans, that is.

This is my inn.

Are you here for lunch or will you be staying overnight?

Well, that depends..

Is the cat burglar, the bellhop?

I know the monk is the maƮtre d.

Forgive my rudeness in not welcoming

such a charming and beautiful lady.

Wouldn't you like to freshen up?

By coincidence, our best room is available.

Uh, Nadia, show the lady, the bridal suite.


A den of thieves, I always thought

it was just a figure of speech.

Where is the young man I chased?

My nephew. He stayed in Boston on business.

Ah, fencing the goods.

Oh, no, my dear, Mr. Spenser.

Not "fencing the goods," as you call them.

The Toledo Ten will be returned to the town of it's origin.

In Spain?

Toledo is the town of this family's origins, as well.

You know the legend, of course.

Well, I'm afraid not.

The Toledo Ten was stolen from Spain

in the days of the Inquisition.

And found its way..

' Turkey.'

We believe that if it is returned..

...peace will return to the world.

You expect me to believe that you stole

a priceless art treasure to test an old legend?

What are we, sir, if we let our legends die?

We stop being human, don't we?

After the Toledo Ten is restored..

...we must wait and pray.

"Wait and pray?"

'That was one of the most ridiculous, far-fetched'

overly dramatic stories I've ever heard in my life.

You don't believe anything I said, do you?

Well, not totally true.

You did say that Susan was a beautiful woman.

(Spenser) A good detective tries to prepare himself for anything.

I have prepared myself rigorously

for the adversary who would come with cunning.

With hate. With rage.

What I hadn't prepared for was

the one who would come with champagne.

(Susan) 'Are you sure we're safe here?'

Safer than Boston at rush hour.

And old but extinct species, the gentlemen thief.

Visions of the first class alone in the Queen Mary.

With all the..

...polished mahogany and brass.

Table stakes that could've been a kingdom.

A gentleman thief.

That explains why he's such a good host.

You know, a couple of minutes ago

you wanted to call the police.

Yeah, but that was before I realized

there wasn't enough champagne to go around.

- You know what you are? - What?

- A wiseacre. - Yeah, but I've got great legs.

Says who?

Well, it's common knowledge in certain bedrooms.

Which bedrooms?

Those with attractive men in them.

- Narrows it a little. - And cherubs on the walls.

- Better. - And too much talk.

- And not enough action. - Uh-huh.

- Uh-huh. - Uh-huh.

Do bridal suites always do this to you?

I may have to try one or two more to be sure.

- Good idea. - We do wanna be sure, don't we?

Spenser's rule number one.

A good detective leaves nothing to chance.

[instrumental music]

[car revving]

[dramatic music]

Kid. One hour.

I don't need to tell you not to get cute, do I?

[car revving]

Do you know who is a guest here today?

Oh, I'll tell you.

Mr. Spenser. The private detective from Boston.

The man who followed you from the museum.

Uncle Roman.

- This is an emergency. - Oh?

And a detective is not an emergency?

Especially when you can't buy off.

Would you listen to me?

There are some

They're important people.

They're from Boston too.

They're from the man I told you about.

The man who wants to sell the jewelry for us.

I told you, Alex, that subject is closed.

The answer is no.

Uncle Roman, we have to deal with them.

I owe them money.

They gave me a $,.. sell the Toledo Ten.

You took money..

...without speaking to me, without asking my permission?

Permission? Uncle Roman.

Who are you that I have to ask permission?

I'm a man. I've got a life of my own.

No, Alex, you're not a man.

A man protects the people who love him.

- Bring them in. - 'It's not necessary.'

We let ourselves in.

Then you can show yourselves out.

I have no business with you.

You gonna make this a problem?

Hold it, Jimmy.

Now, look, sir.

Your nephew here approached the man we work for.

So the boss had us check around

and we heard nothing but good about you.

'You have some stuff on hand.'

'We're in position to get you the best prices'

'and relieve you of all the headaches at the same time.'

You know as well as I do.

If you play on the outside, you wind up busted.

- 'Now, what do you say?' - Please, Uncle Roman.

Just this once.

Alex, there's no "just this once" with people like this.

You'll understand someday.

I only got a check for $,.

You can fill in whatever name you want.

Look, old man. We came here for that piece of gold.

(Jimmy) 'Now, where is it?'

Don't thr*aten him.

Cool out, kid.

Guys, get out.

Okay, kid.

We'll play it your way.

So you see, Alex.

Here are your partners.

Now remember, this is not a romantic

candle-lit dinner. This is a stakeout.

So don't expect any lingering glances

or a bane conversation, alright?

Just kick me under the table.

So I'll know when you're officially

segway from seduction to sleuthing.

Candle-light on hold.

Catch up with you later.

[dramatic music]

[car revving]

[music continues]

[car revving]

[door slams]

[music continues]




(Roman) 'No!'

No more.

Okay, kid. Now, where is it?

Hold it!



Alex, no!



[dramatic music]

[leaves rustling]

[music continues]


[car revving]

[instrumental music]

(Spenser) I woke up the next morning feeling

as if a large snow plow had driven through my chest.

I had company. Police Captain Ben Morrison.

From his very first words, I could see he was deeply moved

that I had pulled through the ordeal.

Lived, did you?

If you say so.

It's the skin. Dead ones turn mouse colored.

That's a useful thing to know.

Then again, I've seen some where

dead looked better than you.

Probably felt better too.

How is Alex?

They did emergency surgery on him.

He's a good, strong kid. He'll make it.

It was quite a mess you left out there.

Who were they?

You get a make on 'em yet?

Nick Tanner and Jimmy Delorio.

Boston...and not cheap.

There was another guy, a driver and Alex' uncle.

- Any sign of them? - Nope.

We know that you're a private license from Boston.

We also know that there..

...has been a series of jewel thefts in the last three years.

Every time the tourists hit town in the autumn.

Same three years as St. George has owned the inn.

I've never been able to prove anything

but I suspect he's in the lend-lease business.

- "Lend-lease?" - 'Yeah.'

You lend him your belongings

when you least expect to.


(Ben) 'Sorry.'


We may run into those boys again.

But then again, we may not.

Uh, just in case we do, where's my g*n?

(Ben) 'Oh, you won't be needing it.'

Doctor says you got hours of convalescent

before he signs you out.

Uh, we got the, uh, utility piece out of the car.

Wouldn't want that to get in the wrong hands.

No, hell no.

Hey, you might wanna put a..

...guard on the boy's door.

Well, thank you, Mr. Spenser.

That already occurred to us.

No offence.

I'll give you one thing.

There's two fellows out there..

Well, not bad sh**t'.

You rest up.

Captain Morrison.

This is Mr. Spenser's client.

The girl I was telling you about.

Your officer down the hall

won't let anyone in to see Alex.

Please, captain, I only wanna see him for a few minutes.

- Alright, go on in. - Well, thank you.

Doctor will have my hide if you stay too long.

It's alright, Warrington.

- Thanks, captain. - Sure.

How're you feeling, big boy?

Apprehensive. Do me a favor.


Uh, start looking for my pants.

Okay, I messed up so bad.

My uncle is missing.

Don't worry, they'll find him.

All those stories you told me..

About the man who passed himself off

as the grand Duke, that was your uncle, wasn't it?

He was more like a father, really.

(Alex) 'Now, I might've gotten him k*lled.'


What am I, Kate?

What does it take to keep somebody like you?

All that matters now is that you're gonna get well.

You know that all I ever had was the hustle

I learned from my family.

And all I could ever keep my hands on was something

I stole from somebody else.

It's-it's alright.

Don't try to talk about it now.

Hey, I want you to know, Kate.

I want you to know.

I saw what you were doing.

It was so good.

And then I saw that you might lose it

and I just had to do something about it, I just had to.


[dramatic music]

[car revving]

This is stupid, Spenser.

You did what you said you'd do.

You found Alex. You almost got yourself k*lled.

Isn't that enough?

Driver got away. He called his boss by now.

I don't know what's going on

but I do know there'll be more soldiers coming.

- Hawk. - Spenser.

(Spenser) 'I just shot a couple of guys.'

Nick Tanner and Jimmy Delorio, you know them?


How much trouble am I in?

Where are you?

There's a car back there.

I thought it was following us before.

Now it's parked and no one's gotten out.

Captain Morrison.

You mean you knew about it all along?

You think I could've gotten out of the hospital

if he didn't want me to?

He's just checking out my story.

- Start the engine. - What're we gonna do?

I'm going to convalesce. You're gonna drive.

Start the engine.

[car revving]

[instrumental music]

Much faster.


[car revving]

Left. Left!

[music continues]

[music continues]


[ducks quacking]

(Spenser) The Mohawk Trail.

Today it's a modern, two-lane highway.

Three hundred years ago, it was a footpath.

Hacked out of the thickly forested Berkshire Hills

by Indians.

And later used by pioneer settlements.

The track on foot, took from two to five days.

If the folks behind you were hostile

you moved rather quickly.

Things haven't changed all that much.


[car revving]

[tires screeching]

[music continues]

Oh, my God.

Time to solo, my love.

- Not slow. Solo! - Spenser!

[tires screeching]


You want fast, I'll give you fast.




I did it. I did it!

I've never seen it done better.

Yeah, but you say that about everything I do.

Why do I think you're not here for a loan?

You know me. Strictly cash and carry.

Sound policy.

It's bad for my business

but good for yours, I suppose.

Our business is not all that different.

How may I help you?

Maybe I can help you.

I understand that someone put down

two of your best boys?

You don't know who that was, do you?


Is he working for a man named Roman St. George?

Let's just say he's taking an active interest.

And now he wants in. Is that it?

No. He wants you out.

That isn't convenient, Hawk.

However, I have a proposition for this man

whoever he is.

There's an errand I'd like for him to run.

He'll be paid well for it.

He's not very good at running errands.

He's even worse at taking orders.

What is it you feel? Is it friendship?

'Or fear?'


Now, I am intrigued.

Might be best not to press him.

He takes his work very seriously.

So do I, Hawk.

So do I.


[police sirens blaring]

[police siren blaring]

[tires screeching]

Alright, Spenser, out of there.

Hand on the hood.

[car revving]


What's in worse shape? You?

Or whatever that is you're driving?

Me. No contest.

Country life doesn't seem to be agreeing with you, babe.

Ah, the land was okay, it's the guys

that are trying to take it away from me.

Brought you some sustenance.

I'm very hungry. What did you find out?

You are in pretty deep, babe.

The gentlemen I was talking to

wants you to do a favor for him now.

In return, you get this nice, shiny, new briefcase.

- How much? - k.

What do I gotta do for it?

You go to a place called Bill's Bait And Tackle

on the river near Stockbridge.

(Hawk) 'A man named Mr. Roman St. George'

'will be there.'

Mr. St. George is holding a piece

called the Toledo Ten.

'He's gonna tell you where he got it locked up.'

And why should he do that?

'Cause you tell him

that nobody is gonna come to help him

and he doesn't have a friend in the world.

And you be real persuasive, babe.

Because if the gentleman doesn't have the jewel in his hands

by o'clock, Mr. St. George's nephew will expire.

Mr. St. George's nephew

is under hour police protection.

I stress the words "will expire."

He got arms that long?

Presence that big make friends all over.

- Three hours. - How about the briefcase?

You feel like making new friends?

If I took the briefcase, then I'd have to go out

and buy a new suit to match it.

Then I have to buy a new tie and belt and shoes.

You know, I'm just not much on shopping.

I'm sure you'll explain that to the gentleman for me.

Already did.

As some folks sure have a hard time understanding you, Spenser.

"That which we understand..

...we cannot blame."


Just don't go blaming me.

You'll get your tail burned this time.

Mr. St. George must have some company.

- How many? - Two.

- Who is team captain? - Al Gower.

- New Jersey, Al Gower? - Uh-huh.

He's pretty good.


I'll be going. I'll leave you this.

You might want it later.


You wouldn't think about sticking around, would you?

The city beckons.

[car revving]

[g*n clicks]

The name of the game.

Tell you what, pops.

I think you're cheating.

My dear fellow, we're both cheating.

I'm just cheating better.

Well, you better hope your luck

includes your pal showing up by o'clock.

Otherwise, your nephew..


How you doing?

(male #) 'What can I do for ya?'

Oh, hi, where's Bill?



He didn't tell me he was going on vacation.

My name's Heathrow. Friends call me H.D.

- What's yours? - Al.


Well, I'm sure glad Old Bill kept the place open

because I got a feeling they're gonna be buying today.

'Know what I mean? Now, are you a fisherman, Al?'

In a way.

Well, if you come up here for action

you're gonna get plenty of it.

I-I just stopped by to get one of them double jointed--

- He's all out. - No, he's got a whole bunch--

I said, he's all out.

I got caught up. Worst luck. I'll tell you.

Hey, before I leave, I'm gonna gas up the car.

I'll just leave the money on his desk there in the office.

Skip it. It's on the house.

Oh, no, I can't do that. You just put that on his desk.


[instrumental music]


Hey, uh, can you give me a hand here?

This thing doesn't seem to be working.

There's nothing wrong with--


[horses neigh]

No, Spenser, don't sh**t!


Wrong side, Al!


New Jersey, Al Gower, huh?

How did you know where I'd be?

It's been so much knowing as praying.

Captains says you can go on home.

Great, I'm beat.

- Anything going on? - Absolutely nothing.


[dramatic music]

[car revving]

[watch beeping]

[door creaking]

[music continues]

[car revving]


[music continues]


Don't you know you need a license to practice

medicine in Massachusetts?

[car banging]

Too late. Man took some medicine, didn't agree with it.

[instrumental music]

Okay? Here's my offer.

You retire, all of you, permanently.

Stick to being an inn-keeper

and I'll introduce you as the man who helped me

recover the Toledo Ten.

Otherwise, you are looking at a long stay in the slammer

like our unhappy bankers being indicted for conspiracy

and m*rder one.

You saved my life. Saved all of us.

Of course, I will do what you say.

Then I have your word on it, as a gentleman?


Still, it would've been interesting to learn

if the legend were true.

- I don't have to ask if this-- - Is it genuine? Of course.

Look at the benchmark. Absolutely authentic.

You wouldn't mind if I take one last precaution.

Well, of course not. Why would I?


Oh, imagine that.

Well, it takes a little time to learn how to go straight.

Well, I believe in man's capacity for education, Roman.

It's the one constant in the universe.

'Good luck.'

Thank you.

Spenser, you made a mistake. You gave him the second one.

Oh, no, no, it's the fake.

He was just doing it to test me.

So you have the real one?

No, you do, in your purse.

But only on loan, it goes back to the museum today.

So you never really trusted them after all.

Oh, I started to get a little suspicious

when I found out that the Toledo his family was from

was Toledo, Ohio.

[car revving]


[theme music]