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03x10 - True Night

Posted: 12/01/07 11:06
by bunniefuu
Previously on Criminal Minds...

I met a guy.

I'm asking you out, garcia.

Hey, garcia.

I've been thinking about doing this all night.

I just need you to run some bar association records.

Why doesn't she do it?

She's in the hospital.

This might be the coolest girl I've ever met.

Her gooey is mind-owing.

I'm not going anywhere.

This couch right here is gonna be my best friend until we find this guy.

Now leave it alone.


Kevin lynch.


You're good.

You're better.

LOS ANGELES. CAKIFORNIA No one sees true night...

What's really there in the d it's not that they can't see, they simply don't.

They feel an elemental force that scares them into the deepest reaches of their minds...

But they refuse to see the actual source...

Something wane them, just out of their reach.

Something cold and frightening.

Something inhuman.

These are victims 6 and 7 within a 2-week span.

All k*lled with a bladed w*apon?


The att*cks are getting progressively worse.

The first 5 were lone victims.

He's getting bolder.

And more vicious.

Tell l.a.we can be there by 9:30.

Criminal Minds Season03 Episode10

True Night I can open my own door.

Not on my watch. Now, will you zip it?

What the hell?


What happened in here?

Oh, what, the mess? I got that.


I guess the guy who was in here going through your system-- kevin lynch.

He made a little bit of a mess.

Don't worry about it.

He changed everything.

Changed everything? What are you talking about?

He adjusted the--the...

Forget it. It'll be... Go.

You need to get to l.a.

No, listen, I'm gonna stick around for a while.

I think you might need me.

Stick around?


The team can handle one case without me. They'll be fine.

Honey, I know you love me, but the prospect of you h@whirling around here trying to fix this is actually more frightening than getting sh*t.

Garcia, are you sure?

I am completely fine. Look.

Full range of motion. No pain.

Stop, stop, stop.

Will you stop it with the "uhh." Stop.


You know I'm just a phone call away.

Thank you.


Kevin lynch, you may be cute...

But if you ever mess with my stuff again...

"superman is, after all, life form."

"he is simply the acceptable face of invading realities."

Author clive barker.

What should I say?

I don't know. Just say something.

Why'd you hang up?

I hate this.

It's not that big a deal.

I don't want to leave a lame voicemail message.

All you have to do is say your name.

Like yours?

What's wrong with mine?

Come on, I want something fun.

You're a writer. You promised to help.

All right, all right.

Why don't you say you can't answer the phone because you're outu' living your life.

You hate it.

I love it.

Hey, this is vickie.

I can't come to the phone right now 'cause I'm out living my life.

Leave it at the beep.

My hero.

Quid pro quo?

Oh, I love it when you speak latin.

Wait till you hear my french.


I know you're in there, jonny.

Come on, jonny, open up!


I don't check on you for a few months and you fall apart.

What do you want?

Are you serious?

In you have a book signing in an hour.

I'm not going to a book signing.

No, no, no, no.

I'm your agent, and we got an advance from the publisher, baby, and it's a big one.

Give it back.

Come on, jonny.

These are your fans.

They schlepped to a gallery and camped there.

All night.

Now, I don't know if you noticed, but it rained on them.

A lot.

Check and mate.

Get dressed. I got a coffee ds waiting for you in the car.

What's this?

It's something I'm working on.

What do you mean?

That sentence needs an explanation?

What about blue 6?

I'm doing something new.

Blue's due in 2 weeks.

M not gonna happen.

Not gonna happen?

I'm not feeling it anymore.

Not feeling it.

Stop repeating everything I say!

Jonny, stop it.

You have commitments.

You're a professional. What the hell is this, anyway?

All this blood and decapitations.

When did your art get so violent?

I'm working on something new.

T1 I'll call the publisher.

Seriously, not all pedestrians have the right of way, ok?

We're already late!

My headache isn't gonna get any better with you screaming.

I got to admit, jonny, the art is amazing.

Violent as hell, but... Amazing.

This character-- what's his name? Night?

That's the whole name, just night?

Not very catchy.

What about, uh, night man or...

True knight. With a "k."

No "k."

I'm just saying--

No "k"!

Message received.

I'm just asking questions here, jon.

You know how we kind of work these things out together?

You think we work together?

I'm the talent, you're the leech.

What is wrong with you today?

Are you gonna work all night?

I have a deadline.

I'm hungry.

How does someone so small eat so much?

Let's go get some jerky.

It's midnight.


You really want to go out in the middle of the night for jerky?

Teriyaki jerky.

Hurry up.

Will you hurry up?

Seriously, would you just hurry the hell up!

I swear, if we're not there in 5 minutes--

Something big happened.

Seriously, this is huge.

Should have listened to me.

It wouldn't have saved that much time, reid. Let it go.

The interchange between the 405 and the 101 freeways @u is consistently rated the worst interchange in the entire world.

Why do you know that?

It's a government report.

So what?

So you work for the governmego.

What, you don't read the reports?

On traffic patterns in a city 2, 500 miles from where I live?

2, 295 miles.

Don't make me smack you in front of all these people.

I'm grady, lapd.

Derek morgan.

Dr. Reid.

The rest of the team's in an suv behind us.

Yeah, stuck in traffic.

Uh, so you had 2 more victims last night?

They were discovered a little after 3:30 by a cleaning crew finishing up in the building.

So that's 7 victims over the past 2 weeks.

Bodies are in the alley.

What's left of them.

Same victimology?

We don't have positive i.d.on either one of them yet, but the clothing fits.

You really think this is only one guy, huh?

The level of overkill suggests an unsub in a psychotic break.

Multiple unsubs in violent psychotic breaks operating in the exact same location is exceedingly unlikely.

Yeah, it's probably one guy.

He was supposed to be here at 1 p.m.

It's 1:11, gus.

I just talked to his agent.

They're in traffic, ok?

Maybe they should have left earlier.

Look, you want the agent's number so you can call and tell 'em off?

I'm just saying.

A schedule's a schedule.

It's pbably the police activity holding them up.

It's all over the scanner.

Ne there were some murders near here last night.

Murders? Plural?

2 bodies.

Robbery-homicide's been there all night.

R-h only comes out for the major cases.

If jonny mchale doesn't show, I promise you, I will take my considerable business elsewhere.

You can leave right now, milo.

Seriously, where would you go, hero world?

They never get anything day of release.

It's always over--

I present to you...

The one and only...

Jonny mchale.




That was the personal appearance?

Milo, seriously, leave.

They hate me at hero world.


Jonny? Jonny. Jonny?

Hey, this is vickie.

I can't come to the phone right now 'cause I'm out living my life.

Leave it at the beep.

Vickie, call me, please.

Just call me back. I'm sorry.

Oh, my god. Oh, my god!

He jumped right out in front of me. There was nothing-- there was nothing I could do.

Oh, my god. Can you get up?

You ok? Let me help you. Can you get up?

You ok? Are you ok?

Here, let me help you.

You son of a bitch!

It was your fault!

You ran right out in front of us!

It was your fault!

Baby, are you ok?

I'd say it's definitely our guy.

Same victimology.


This guy's getting off-the-charts brutal.

Do you know that a domestic cat loose in a normal neighborhood is the equivalent of a small-scale ecological disaster?

Excuse me?

They'll k*ll anything they can--

Bugs, rodents, birds, other cats, small dogs if possible. Anything.

That got something to do with this?

An unsub in a violent psychotic break is worse.

You ranin out in front of us!



You blind or stoned?


This is a crime scene, moron. Go around.

Oh, careful there.

Hurt yourself?

Im how'd that happen?

I think I fell. I was running.

S are they dead?

Looks like it.

Are you sure?
My name's david. Rossi. What's yours?

Jon mchale.

Live around here?


Where'd you go, man?

What happened to you?

I need to get out of here.

Come on. The car's right here.

Seriously, are you all right?

I think she's mad.


She won't call back.

I left tons of messages every day.

Who, jonny?


Jonny-- - I have to tell her I'm sorry.

********* It'll be ok.

Hey, this is vickie.

I can't come to the phone right now 'cause--

I love jerky.

More than anyone I've ever known.

Do you love it?

Love isn't really the word I would use.

My mother loves it, too.

Think I got it from her?

I highly doubt something like that's genetic.

It's probably more environmental.

I wonder if the baby will love jerky.

When did you find out?

For sure this afternoon, but I already kind of knew.

Oh, god.

If it's a boy, I want to name him jonny, after his daddy.

Oh, vickie.

I know a... Great therapist.

She's helped me through a lot of dark times.

Go away.

She's really good.

I can get you an appointment.



We can... Go to the comic shop some other day, all right?


Jonny, they're your fans.

Look, it's not your problem anymor you're fired.


Get the hell out.

But you're gonna need me to...

Help you to get this new book on its feet.

Get out of my house!


Hey, this is vickie.

I can't come to the phone right now 'cause I'm out living my life.

Leave it at the beep.

Just take me home.

So, this area is more or less the geographical center of the scenes.

Detective brady's putting together a taskforce, So we can canvass these 3 blocks in both directions.

Any idea how many residents that covers?

Garcia estimates close to 3,000.

A lot of these buildings are single room occupancy.

High turnover rate.

So it's transient.

There aren't a lot of records.

Press conference went well.

I think the media understands what we're looking for.

Should be on local affiliates now.

Hopefully we can thin out the suspect list.

Oh, my god.

I wonder if the baby will love jerky.


When did you find out?

For sure this afternoon.

But I already kind of knew.

If it's a boy, I want to name him jonny, after his daddy.


I love you so much.

Wait. Wait, wait, wait.

Oh, my god.

I promise first thing in the morning I will buy a big, big ring.

Jonny, you don't have to.

Vickie wright, will you marry me?





Same type of victims?

All g*ng-bangers.

Good riddance, you ask me.

Who's that?

It's benson. He's from the g*ng taskforce.

If anyone had a violent end coming...

What's the scene like?

It's actually the g*ng leader's personal house.

Guy named glen hill.

Street name is reaper.

Guess why.

Only benson and me have been inside.

I didn't do much.

I kind of backed out the minute I saw him.

How many?


4 inside, 2 outside.

No survivors at all?

Never thought I could feel sorry for these g*ng-banging sons of b*tches.

We'll be there in a few minutes.

He actually went to the g*ng-bangers' house.

The other victims were in alleys and dark corners.

It could be the unsub was initially just defending himself.

Like bernie goetz, riding the subways with a g*n, Waiting for someone to confront him.

Except he's seeking them out now o because psychotics in a break always devolve.

Only a matter of time before he becomes dangerous to those closer to him.

No! No!Stop!


Where's vickie?


You scared me.

Do you need something, sweetheart?

Oh, you hurt yourself.

Where t1d vickie go?

I'm sorry.

She was on the fire escape.


Vickie, my fiancee.

You have a fiancee?

She was on the fire escape.


Just before I came in.

Oh, caesar was out there.

I saw her come in here.

Jonny, nobody came in here.

Don't lito me.

I'm not lying to you.

Where is she?



In twenty-third street K*llers.

Looks like they tried to fight back.

They failed.

Are sure this isn't some kind of g*ng retaliation kind of thing?

You're on the taskforce.

Ever see a street str do something like this?

Yeah, but... One guy?

One guy with a w*apon, psychotic rage, d surprise on his side.

Yeah, just look at any school d@or workplace sh**ting.

So what do we do now?

Ready doing it.

An unsub in a psychotic rage stands out.

Al agent jareau's got the media playing the press ******

she's putting the profile out to the public.

Someone in this man's world knows he's in crisis.

Hopefully they'll recognize the description.


You need to see this.


I know she was down there. I saw her!


I got one says he thinks it's god's mighty vengeance.

Could use some help down here.

Lapd tip line.

Agent jareau?

We have some people out front you need to talk to.

Ma'am, could you hold, please?

They saw your press conference.

Uh, detective, line 3.


What did I do? What did I do?

Wh'd I do?


There's been a big mistake here.

Cb then it'll work itself out, jonny.

I just dracomic books.

I'm an artist.

That guy out there, bobby, I fired him.

He's probably just mad.

He's not mad at you at all.

Then why would he say that I did something?

That's why he's here, right?

You remember I read you your rights?

Jonny, look at me.

Tell me that you understand that you can have a lawyer present before you speak to anybody.

I don't want a lawyer.

Tell me that you understand.

I understand.

Somebody's gonna be in to talk to you real soon.

There's been a big mistake here.

I haven't done anything!

That's a lot.

There's more.

Did you find the m*rder w*apon?

Didn't need to.

Why is that?

Mr. Mchale is a very sick young man.

This is exactly-- - yeah.

Can you go get the mug sh*t of glen hill?

Yeah. Give me a minute.

Is that all from jonny's studio?

Yes, sir.

He's not a k*ller.

He's just sick.

You did the right thing by coming here, mr. Kim.

Now, you said you hadn't seen him for a couple months before today?


I, uh...

You get busy, you know?

There was no reason to...

You know... Go there.

Vickie wright, will you marry me?

That's glen hill.

He's missing.

You think I know where he is?

6 months ago he and his g*ng victimized you and your girlfriend, right?


They att*cked you on the street.


And you couldn't identify any of them after you got out of the hospital.

This is crazy.

Hey, how you feeling, baby girl?

I--i just can't seem to get my chair adjusted just right again, but...

Other than that, I'm mortified.


Please tell me the unsub isn't jo don't tell me you're the grapa fan of this guy.

Oh, my god he's a genius.

Well, sweetheart the victims looked like before he k*lled them.

Sometimes for an artist, the only differenc between insanity and genius is success.

Cr I believe you're suffering a post-traumatic form of a psychotic break.


You have been for weeks.

Come on.

It's possible you don't even know.

Ne how could I not know?

That's a page from something I'm working on.

M we know.

This is a m*rder scene from 2 nights ago.

You were there.

Yesterday. I talked to you.

We have photos of you.

Wait. This is real?

These are members of the twenty-third street K*llers.

Glen hill's g*ng.

And there were 6 g*ng members m*rder*d in that house last night.

This was on your drawing board when we arrested you.

No, no, this can't be.

It doesn't make any sense.

This house belongs to glen hill.

There was a trail of blood leading out the back door.

We believe that you took mr.

Hill with you when you left.

Is this his phone?

It on the floor when we took him down.

Looks like all the calls he makesin are to the same number.

Dial it.

Maybe it's somebody who can help us.

Or at least help him.

Hey, this is vickie.

I can't come to the phone right now 'cause I'm out living my life.

Leave it at the beep.



That was his girlfriend.

All these calls were made within the last 2 days.

Sometimes what an unsub does actually makes sense.

These are just drawings-- my imagination.

Severe ptsd is not uncommon for victims of violent crime.


Yoim bleeding.

It looks like a grazing g*nsh*t wound.

Th sh**t you last night?

Look, stop it.

I would know if I'd been-- -- a victim.

Ou remember being in the hospital?

Hm I was never-- - that's your medical report.

They cut you open, mr. Mchale.

You were nearly evisceraevis they said it wai ita miracle you lived.


You think living was a miracle?

All your drawings reflect actual crime scenes. All of them but one.

Where is this crime scene, jonny?

Is this glen hill?

Where is he?

Where's glen hill?

No! No!

You don't know what's out there!

No one knows about the night!

We don't want to hurt you, jonny.

It's ok, son. It's ok.

I couldn't help her.

Jonny, y don't have to...

Vickie wright, will you marry me?



Answer him, baby.

The man askemau a question.

We don't want any trouble, guys.

Don't much matter what you want.

Look, I've got a little bit of money.

It's not a lot-- - answer him!

Yes, yes, I'll marry you.

It's ok, vickie. It's ok.

See, bro?

You got more than you thought.

You got a fiancee.


Stop! Get off me!

You're not gonna want to miss this.

They made me watch.

It can help you if we can tell the court that you told us where glen hill is.

They made me watch.

I know. I know.

They're animals.

You were sick.

You didn't know what you were doing.

Where's glen hill, jonny?

You're not gonna want to miss this.

You're not gonna want to miss this.

Just leave it alone until I get there.


Don't make me spank you when I get back.

Don't listen to him, garcia.

He's all talk.

J.J., he just hit me.

You boys behave or I will ground you both.

Is that one of jonny mchale's books?

Yeah, it's, uh, it's called blue.

It's about a girl who thinks she's a real human being, right?

But it turns out she's a robot that was built by her uncle.

So it's pinocchio.

Yeah, it is like pinocchio, only, uh, set in a high school in outer space.

Oh, by the way, what happened to vickie's phone?


The one that jonny kept calling, with her message on it?

Oh, we gave them both back to him.

You know, I couldn't imagine having nothing left of someone but a voice message.

I think I'd never stop listening to it.

Yeah, it's sad.

Hey, did you know that carlo lorenzini, the guy that wrote pinocchio, Was said to be obsessed with the human nose?

As a matter of fact, hmpinocchio wasn't even the first character-- - interesting.


I'm all right. Thank you, though, for asking.

Something wrong?

He's the first unsub I've worked who wasn't a bad guy. You know?

6 months ago, jonny mchale was just a regular person.

Every unsub is ill onome level.

Most can't help what they do any more than jonny could.

But he went from successful writer and artist min to brutal k*ller in 6 months.

He suffered an unbelievable tragedy.

I know. I get it.

So what's bugging you?

It just makes me wonder...

Are we all capable of becoming something like that?

Life is a hell of a thing to happen to a person.

You really don't have to do this.

Woman, will you hush.

I can do it myself.

I just can't grip anything too tight yet, and when I tried to do it, It kept falling-- will you sit your motormouth down.

See, now, that's perfect.



Well, there you go, my sweet lady.

My hero.

I'm nobody's hero.

Hey, do you know who frank miller is?

Frank miller.

It sounds familiar.



Graphic novelist. 300?

Sin city?

Right, right, right.

Cool movies.


He said something once and it makes me think of you.

"The noir hero is a knight in blood-caked armor. He's dirty, and he does his best to deny the fact that he's a hero the whole time."

Hey, this is Vickie. I can't come to the phone right now 'cause I'm out living my life.

Leave it at the beep.