02x24 - Crime of Love

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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02x24 - Crime of Love

Post by bunniefuu »

( Moaning softly )

It’s always
so good with you.

With you, too.

I wish that it was
always like this.

Well, it could be,
you know

if you would just
leave Betty.

Oh, please, Astrid.

Let’s not
go through that again.

You know I can’t.

( Sighs )

Yes, I know.

Oh, my god.

Look at what time it is.

I have to be at the prison
in one hour.

Do you think
they’ll release him?

We have a lot
riding on it.

I’m almost certain
they will.

Then let the games begin.

Tony fielding reinvented
himself while in prison.

He became a gifted,
compassionate writer.

He now has a secure job
waiting for him on the outside

as a junior editor
of Whitburn publishing.

Mr. Fielding will not become
a burden on society

but an asset to it.

Now, I’ve supplied you all

with a soon-to-be-released
copy of his book.

I ask you, please,
just read the book.

And I thank you in advance
for your careful consideration.

Thank you, Miss Sinclair

but perhaps we should hear

from the Saint himself.

Mr. Fielding?

I know I’ve done wrong

and I’d like to do what I can
to make it right.

But if you don’t
think I’m ready

I’d be the last one
to argue.

I can spend another
three years here

if you want, and I know
I deserve every last day.

Very touching, Mr. Fielding

but I have a major problem
with your making

a huge profit off of a book
based on your crime.

Mr. Fielding’s contract with
Whitburn publishing stipulates

that any profits that he accrue
be donated to charities.

I see.

All right, then.

Is there anyone present

who would object
to this prisoner’s release?

Yes, I do.

And you are?

My name is Rita Lance.

I’m a homicide detective

with the palm beach
police department.

I was Tony fielding’s
arresting officer.

Please continue.

Tony fielding was a gigolo

who preyed on distraught women.

He swindled palm beach widows
out of $ million

over a period of three years.

Four of them
he severely beat

and the last one,
he bludgeoned with his fist.

He att*cked me
when I tried to arrest him

and I had to sh**t him
in the leg to save my life.

Everything Detective Lance says
is true

and I’m sincerely sorry.

I am here to ask you

to please keep this psychopath

behind bars
where he belongs.

I’m surprised somebody
with your brains

would allow fielding
to con you like this.

I happen to believe
people can change,
Miss Lance.

I also happen to believe
in Tony fielding.

Be careful,
Miss Sinclair.

Tony fielding is
a very vicious man.

He has k*lled before

and I think
he’s going to k*ll again.

Next time, it could be you.

Excuse me.

Yeah, Steve, it’s Chris.

Did you find any prints?

None? Damn!

Hey, Sam.

What about the fibers
from her hair?

You’re kid...

Yeah, okay,
keep trying, man.

We’re back to square one
on the Pendergrass sh**ting.

The g*n was wiped clean,
the fibers from her hair--

they were synthetic,
could have come from anyplace.

What difference
does it make?

We put them away,
and they let them out.

Ooh! In a good mood
this morning, are we?

Take a look at this.

( Sighing )

You think he’s going
to come after you?

If he does, I will set my sights
higher this time.

I don’t believe this.

What have you got?

"Simon marks, president
of Whitburn publishing

"cordially invites
Rita Lance and guest

"to a coming-out

...for Tony fielding"?


You got to be kidding.

"Ninth day of April, ,
at : in the evening."

You’re not going, are you?

No, I’m not going.

I don’t know why
they even invited me.

Of course,
if I did go

I would have a really hard time
not raining all over his parade.

Probably ruin his whole evening.

It probably would.

So, uh,
who’s your guest going to be?

Who do you think?

To your long
and very bright future.

Couldn’t have done it
without you, kid.

Oh, you did
all the work, Tony.

I’m just glad I was
in a position to help.

( Coughing )

Maybe you’d
better sip that.

We have a pretty long
evening ahead of us.

Yeah, I guess so.

It’s my first scotch
in seven years.

I forgot.

I’m sure you have
quite a few firsts

still ahead of you.

Well, there’s
something else

I haven’t done
in seven years

and right now,
I’m as ready

as a salmon
swimming upstream.

Easy, Tony.

I think you have
a few dams to jump

before you reach
a spawning pool.

Can’t blame a guy for trying.


All right, now,

how are we going
to work this?

What’s the routine?

Am I going
to have to work

with a butterfly net
or what?

No... no, no, no.

I’m just going
to have a quiet
little word with him

let him know that
he’s back on my turf

and he had better
watch his step.

Right. Get the butterfly net.

Ah... and who might you be?

I’m Rita Lance,
and this is...

Of course.

So glad you could come.

This is Chris Lorenzo.

I am your host, Simon marks

president of
Whitburn publishing.

If you don’t mind my asking,
what am I doing here?

I mean, Mr. Fielding
and I are not exactly
on the greatest terms.

Well, isn’t it obvious?

You played a major part

in the Tony fielding story.

Simon, introduce me
to your attractive friends.

This is Rita Lance.

She was Tony’s
arresting officer, and...

And who might this be?

This is her guest



Chris Lorenzo.

Betty Whitburn-marks.

It’s so nice to meet you.

to meet you, too.

Oh, my.

He’s beautiful.

Our man of the hour.

If you’ll excuse us?


Stunning household.

That’s the first time

I’ve ever been picked up
in one breath

and blown off
in the next.

Tony... I’ve heard
so much about you.

I’ve never met
a gigolo before.

Forgive my wife’s

bizarre sense of humor.

A woman this beautiful
can be forgiven anything.

Uh, come on.

Let’s go
check the place out.

Ladies and gentlemen,
I give you the author

of Whitburn publishing’s
next best-seller

crime of love,
Anthony fielding.

Hi, Tony.

I’m Faye Fowler, WPTV.

What does it feel like
to be out of prison?

Well, it feels
pretty good,
a little bit scary.

None of it would
have happened

without the help
of Mr. Marks.

I had very little
to do with it, really.

It was Astrid
Sinclair’s unshakable
and persistent belief

that turned the key.

If anyone needs
to mount a campaign

she’s the lady to call.

A campaign
isn’t all she mounts.

Now Mr. Fielding
will chat informally

about his personal experiences
and be happy to autograph

your pre-publication copies
of crime of love.

( Applause )

Thank you.

Hmm-- how can
they treat him

like some kind
of returning hero?

Nothing but
the money, honey.

You know, I think
this was a bad idea.

Let’s get out of here.

I don’t want to be
any part of this.

What do you think?

Should we pay our
respects before we leave?

Sorry, I am
fresh out of respect.

Let’s go.

Would you excuse me
for one moment?

Excuse me.

It’s the Jeep.

Oh, you leaving so soon?

That’s okay with me.

You wouldn’t have made
my a-list.

Well, you know
which one of my lists
you’re on, Tony.

So why did you come?

Just wanted you to know

I have your parole
officer’s phone number.

You even wink
at a widow, and I’m
hitting my speed dial.

You’ll be back doing laundry
where you belong.

You got that, Tony?

Who are you?

I’m the guy
that would have put

the b*llet in your head

instead of your leg.

One wrong step, Tony.

Enjoy your party.


Hi. How you doing?

Max Karowitz.

I got a gut feeling
that your life story

would be a natural
for network TV

and I’m talking big budget,
top director

maybe even get Kevin Costner
to cross over and play it.

What do you mean,
network TV...?

Okay, no problem--
if the material
is too graphic

we could always
go to cable.

Either way, you stand
to make a bundle-issimo.

Well, that’s nice,
but right now,
I can’t make a profit.

That’s just on the books.

It works different
on the coast.

I mean, you’re
talking to the man

who put
Blairwood slasher M.O.W.S

on all three networks
in the same week.

Trust me, Tony, we can
make a lot of money...


Get your thumb out of
my author’s windpipe.

Tony, I’ve other people
I want you to meet.

( Door opening )

( Giggling )

of pressing the flesh, huh?


I bet there’s
one kind of flesh

you haven’t pressed yet.

I’ll bet you’re right.

You want to change that?

No, not here.

There’s a table
in the pantry.


( Moaning )

We’re running low on cheese log.

Now, get out there
with the guests

where you belong.

Yes, ma’am.

Your timing’s almost as good

as your sense of humor.

I didn’t mean
to ruin your fun, Tony.

But if anybody’s going
to get a crack at you

it sure as hell
isn’t going to be the help.

Come again?

You haven’t had any
in seven years, right?

Yeah, and right now, I’m feeling
all , days of it.

That’s very exciting.

What about your husband?

Your benefactor?

I’m his benefactor.

You want me
to go ask his permission?

I get the feeling
you don’t ask him
about much of anything.

You got that straight.

Um, I hear there’s
a table in the pantry.



Tomorrow, when we’ve got
the house to ourselves.

( Footsteps )

( Car door opens )

( Grunts )

Go ahead, Tony.

You give me a reason
to blow your head off.

You know, I thought
you were smart enough

to stay the hell away from me.


Hey, relax, okay?

You have nothing to worry about.

You’re about the only
female mammal on this planet

that I wouldn’t
jump on right now.

Look, I was out of line
at the party-- I’m sorry.

I just wanted to talk to you.

You have nothing to say
that I want to hear.

Why don’t you just back off
and give me a chance?

I’m not going to hurt nobody.

That Tony fielding
died a long time ago.

Yeah, so did the woman
at the bottom of the stairs!

Hey, there’s nothing I can do
to bring her back!

I did the crime. I did the time.

Now I just want to get on
with the rest of my life.

Look, I caught a big break
with this book thing.

Can’t you just cut me
a little room here?

Oh, sure.


You take one step
over that line

and you’re going to be
right back in that little room.

Why do you hate me so much?

Because I saw what you did
to that woman

and I know what you
would have done to me.

You got them fooled,
don’t you, Tony?

All but one.

And I’m going to be standing
right there cheering

when you go back in.

I’m going to prove you wrong.

I doubt that.

What, no good-bye kiss?

I didn’t want
to disturb you.

I’ll probably be late.

Astrid and I have to work

on the talk show

I want you
to fire her today.


I don’t care if you’re
making it with her

but I’ll be damned

if my father’s company’s
going to pay for it.

What are you talking about?

All these late nights.

The room you keep
at the Atlantic vista hotel.

That so-called
book-sellers’ convention

in Saint Kitts last month.

I could go on.

I don’t know where you get
your information from.

From a P.I. I hired

six months ago.

I got pictures

that would curl
Sinead O’connor’s hair.

She’s out
of Whitburn publishing


She’s a major asset.

We stand to make millions
from the fielding project.

Astrid goes

and you’re only losing
a major piece of asset.

You lose me,
you lose everything.

Have an interesting day.

The print on the fridge matches
Pendergrass’s brother-in-law

but he was legitimately
there yesterday, okay?

Also we got a break
with the g*n.

The serial number might
have been scratched off

but with the stress x-ray

we might be able
to pull a match

up off Jimmy Hoffa’s fat butt...

Which will be found
under your desk.

Are you with me so far?


Case to Rita Lee Lance.

Hello. Anybody home?

I’m sorry. What?

Come on, Rita,
we’re behind on this.

I need a little help.

I know. I am sorry.

I just cannot get fielding
out of my mind.

It’s not right
that he is out.

He’s going
to hurt somebody.

You did your job,
and that’s all you can do.

You know?

Come on,
what are you going to be?

His personal cop
for the rest
of your life?


Besides, there are guys

a hell of a lot tougher
than fielding

that got out
a lot earlier.

You got to let it go.

I am trying to-- believe me.

Just... it’s been seven years

and I still cannot shake
the look in his eyes

when he almost k*lled me.

I saw a flash
of it again

today in the garage.

Come on, Rita, you did your job.

The system is doing its job.

It’s time to move on.

Besides, we got a fresh k*ller
to catch

and the system hasn’t even had
a crack at this guy yet.

You’re right.

Enough is enough.

So, um, have you found
anything new

about the print on the fridge?



Betty’s had a P.I. Following us.

She knows.

That bitch.

I can’t believe it.

And she’s given me
an ultimatum.

What kind of an ultimatum,

Can’t you guess?

So, what am I
supposed to do, Simon?

Just pack up my things

and forget
about the ten years

I’ve invested
into this company?

I’m sure we can come
to an arrangement on the side.

I don’t want some
arrangement on the side.

I worked my way up
from copy editor.

I earned my name
on that door out there.

I personally guided
ten of those books

onto the best-seller list

and I’m supposed to just
walk away from that

because your nymphomaniac wife
has a double standard?

Is that it?

No. It’s because
she owns the company.

She divorces me

and neither of us
will have a job.

I really thought
you loved me.

I do.

Very much.

But she’s got me between
a rock and a boulder.

What do you suggest I do?

I don’t know.
I don’t know.

Please don’t.


All right?

I really need
to be alone right now

if you don’t mind.

Where have you been?

I’ve been waiting
for over an hour.

Well, I had something
I had to try to take care of.


Well, I’ve got something

I’m dying for you
to try to take care of.

I’ll do my best.

Oh, I know you will.

( Sighs )


How about it?

Are you up to it?

No, not yet.

Come on, Tony,
get with it.

Hey, what do you want
from me, huh?



This will be
the fourth time.

Well, I’d hardly count
the first two

and I’m just getting
warmed up.

I’m sorry,
but I can’t keep up...


You are sorry.

I thought you were
supposed to be this, uh

hot swordsman.

What does it take
with you?


Is that how it works
with you guys?

Do you think I could get
what I need for...

A couple of grand?


You got me hustled.

I’ll give you two grand.

Now earn it.

I can’t.

Gentleman gigolo.

What a joke.

My pool man’s got
more staying power

and he’s in his s.

You got some mouth on you.

Yeah? Well, at least
my equipment works.


( Laughing )

( Camera shutter clicks )

I was at forensics
when the call came in.

Definitely looks like
fielding’s work.

Could be.

According to the maid

he and Betty
had themselves

a little interlude
this afternoon.

Looks like he clocked her
with this dumbbell.

I tried to tell
everyone, Chris.


So we know where
he is now?

No, nobody knows.

But I got the maid
downstairs in the kitchen

and her husband,
Simon marks,
is in the den.

Why don’t you go ahead
and tackle the maid?

I’ll go talk to him.

All right.

And then he came out
of her bedroom.

And what was his attitude?

He was furious.

I don’t blame him.

She emasculated him.

Did you hear her scream?

Any kind
of commotion at all?


Do you, uh, usually listen
at doors?



Did you see Tony again
after the argument?


I was visiting
with the pool man.

And where were you
this afternoon, sir?

At the office.

Then I had
a dentist appointment.

I was there
when my secretary called

and told me
what happened.

Do you have any idea who was
on the property at that time?

The maid, the pool man,
I suppose, and Tony fielding.

Tony fielding?

You know for a fact
that Tony fielding was here?

It’s only a guess.

He was living here.

I encouraged him
to take the week off

until he assumed his duties
with Whitburn publishing.

Where is he right now?

I don’t know.

Mr. Marks, are you aware

that your wife may have had sex
with Tony this afternoon?

That doesn’t surprise me.

Why not?

You had to know Betty.

She had appetites that...

Well, I couldn’t keep up
with them.

That make you jealous, sir?

In the beginning.

After a while,
I just looked away.

Simon, I’m so sorry.

I just found out.

I’m sorry.

I still
can’t believe it.

Do they have any idea
who did it?

They think
it might be Tony.


Yes, Tony.

Guess you got off easy
this time, huh?

How could I have been
so wrong about him?

Are you sure?

Yes, Miss Sinclair,
I was sure before
you got him out of prison.

And according to the maid

Betty nuked his manhood

when he couldn’t perform
up to her standards.

Yeah, every man’s nightmare

but people don’t usually k*ll
because of that.

Yeah, we’re talking
about Tony fielding here.

It might have just
been enough to push
him over the edge.

What do you say
we go ask him?

What’s going on?

Where you been, Tony?

I took a ride on the bike path
around the lake.

I had some thinking to do.

about Mrs. Marks?

Yeah, among other things.

Why? What’s going on?

Now you’re going to go
for another ride, Tony.

Come on.

Of course my prints
were in the bedroom.

I’ve already told you
a dozen times

I had sex with her
this afternoon.

She busted your hump
about it, too, didn’t she?

Yes, yes. Okay? Yes.

If I remember

you had a violent argument

with the woman that you
k*lled seven years ago.

It was because she didn’t think
you were worth the money.

She refused to pay you.

Did Betty refuse to pay you?


Oh, so she did pay you.

No, I don’t do that anymore.

Not for money.

Well, the maid says
she overheard her
offer you $,.

I didn’t take it.

So why did you k*ll her, then?

I didn’t k*ll her.

Oh, I think you did.

All right, look.

I’ll admit, I came about
this far

from punching her lights out.

It took everything
inside of me not to belt her

but I got a grip on it.

And when I left that room,
she was alive.

What did you do when
you left the bedroom?

Back to my room.

I collapsed.

I was exhausted,
and I’d been drinking.

When did you wake up?

About an hour later.

Is that when you went
for your bike ride?

Yeah. I needed to clear my head.

When Mr. Marks came home

I was going to tell him
I wanted to move out.

Why? Because his wife stir-fried
your precious male ego?

Well, I wasn’t going
to put it that way.

Look, at this point,
I must insist

that you either
charge my client

or release him.

Oh, we’ll charge him.

Uh, Rita...

With what?

Motive, opportunity,
and M.O.


I’d love to be a mouse
in the corner

when you try to sell that
to George Donovan.

He is a convicted k*ller,

He was making it
with Betty marks

she took his ego off
at the knees

and he beat her to death.

That is his M.O., and that
is why he was in prison.

There’s no
physical evidence.

Look, I can’t file
on suspicion.

It’s a legal thing,

It’s almost a copycat k*lling
of what he did last time.

You couldn’t invent
a better patsy.

I don’t need
to invent one!

I got Tony fielding!

Maybe your personal
feelings are clouding this

a little for you, Rita.

And maybe you’re
being a little too cautious

because you’re running
for district attorney.

Whoa, whoa!

Let’s just slow down and
take this from another angle.

Somebody wanted to get rid
of Betty marks, right?

Now, ruling out a crime of
passion, what’s the next rule?

I don’t know.

George, are you sure
about this?

I’m sure there’s not
a prosecutable case
against fielding

and I’m not going
to file a bad case.

You won’t be filing any cases
out of homicide, Donovan.

Roy Conroy put me in charge
of your entire case load.

He said he wants
a more aggressive profile

for the D.A.’s office down here.

What?! He can’t do that!

Oh, he can do that.

He’s your boss-- remember that.

And he’s reassigning you, too

to prosecute
delinquent taxpayers.

That ought
to look great

on your campaign profile.

Not on your life, Weems.

I’m going to fight this.

Now, what’s with this indictment

we’re bringing?

None at this time,
Mr. Weems.

The case isn’t ready yet.

We’ll be in touch.

I still can’t believe
she’s gone.

Oh, don’t tell me
you actually miss her.

No, but it must have been

such a horrible death.

I’m so sorry.

I mean that.

Are you?

That she’s gone?

No, no, not really.

Sorry that I could have
been so wrong

about Tony fielding.

I feel somewhat responsible
for all of this.

But you couldn’t
have foreseen this.

No, I know that.

It’s just that I’ve never
misjudged someone

so badly before.

There is one positive aspect
to all of this.

Now that she’s gone,
we’ll be able

to take our relationship

and Whitburn publishing
to new heights.

Can you believe this?

They think I k*lled your wife.

You have nerve
showing up here.


Why aren’t you in jail?

They had to cut me loose.

They didn’t have enough
to hold me.

That doesn’t change the fact
that you slept with my wife.

Now, get your things
and get out of here.

Well, I was planning to, but...

Then do it!

And for your information

I’m suspending publication
of your book.

Suspending publication?!

You made a fool
out of me!

The press are having
a field day.


We were in
your corner, Tony.

How could you
do this to us?

But I didn’t.

Please, don’t.

Get out, get out!

Before I call
the police.

I should have stayed
in the joint.

There was a better class
of people in there.

Julie, hi.

I hate to ruin
your day off

but I need to ask you
a few questions.

What is it like being a part
of the marks household?

It’s like trying to have
a picnic on the end of a runway.


Meaning screaming matches,
slamming doors.

They were always
at each other’s throats.

When was the last time
you heard them argue?

Yesterday morning.

You remember what
they were fighting about?

She accused him of having
an affair with Astrid.

She said that
she had pictures

and if he didn’t fire her

that she would
divorce him.

Okay. Enjoy the rest

of your day off.

It was a far
from perfect marriage.

Any of my friends
could have told you that.

I suppose they already have.

Did she thr*aten to divorce you
the day she was m*rder*d?

She threatened
to divorce me

three times a week,
Sergeant Lorenzo.

The past few years

our marriage was little more
than an arrangement.

I’m sorry she died
the way she did.

She was a terrible person,
but she didn’t deserve that.

This have anything to do

with why she threatened
to divorce you, sir?

We found them
in her desk drawer.


She issued you
an ultimatum, didn’t she?


And then
you fired Astrid.


What was her reaction?

She was stunned and hurt,
and more than a little angry.

I want to know what
her physical reaction was.

Did she cry,
did she throw things

did she pack her office?

She just said she wanted
to be left alone for a while.

Then she left.

What time was that?

Sometime around noon.

An hour before

Betty was k*lled.

You can’t think Astrid had
anything to do with this.

Yes, sir, I can--
her job was on the line.

But she’s brilliant.

She can catch on
with any major publisher.

Whose idea was it to have Tony
fielding move into your house?

but I went along with it.

At the time, it seemed
like a good P.R. Ploy.

Was she in love
with Tony fielding?


Why not? She went to a lot of
trouble to get him out of jail.

Fielding was just a project.

She’s in love with me.

Was she in love enough
to try to save both your jobs?

I don’t know.

Where is she?

She wanted the day off.

Thank you, sir.

Sam, wait a second.

There she goes.

Let’s follow.

There they are.

Why doesn’t this surprise me?

Maybe they’re
in it together, hmm?

You don’t think I know
what’s going on, huh?

I have no idea
what you’ve been...

Take it easy.

Take it easy.

So now you
believe me?

Yeah. You
told me so.

What’s going on, Tony?

Nobody ever believed in me
before she came along.

You sure have
a strange way

of showing
your appreciation.

No kidding.

This whole thing
was a scheme.

Don’t you see that?

I know
I didn’t k*ll Betty.

So I got to thinking
she is the only one

that could
have set me up.

What the hell are
you talking about?

You know you did it.

No, you did.

That’s why I wanted
to meet with her

to tell her I knew.

Only she
started handing me

all this "how disappointed
she was in me" crap.

And, well,
I just kind of blew.

Just kind of, huh?

I think I knew the truth
last night

when I saw her
and Simon marks

sitting by the fire,
all nice and cozy

probably talking
about how she wants

to redecorate the mansion.

You’re so wrong.

Wrong to trust you.

Wrong to think
you cared

about turning
my life around.

She just wanted Betty
out of the way

so she could
move in on Simon

or maybe they were
both in on it together.

That is not true.

That’s not true?

You’re going to deny

you had an affair
with Simon marks?

Let’s cut the crap.

We saw the pictures.

Very explicit

We’ve been together
for about three years now.

He fired you yesterday.

He had no choice.

Maybe you had no choice.

You wanted to save
your career, your job.

I didn’t get where I am

because I slept
with Simon marks.

I got there because
I take risks and I’m good.

But that doesn’t mean
I k*lled Betty.

There were times
when I wished her dead

I admit that

but I am not capable of k*lling
another human being.

I was at the company library
all afternoon.

You can check it out.

We will.

It had to be you.

You’re awful quick to throw
your protege to the dogs.

Wait a minute--
one day out of the joint,

and I’m going
to k*ll someone?

Look, maybe
nobody believes me

but I’m trying real hard
to put all that crap behind me.

Fine, so if it
wasn’t either one of you

then it had to be
Simon marks.

No. It couldn’t
have been Simon.

Why not?

Well, in the first place,
I don’t think

he has enough courage
to do something like that

and, um...


It means Simon’s been planning
this for the last year

and using me to set Tony up.

I’m sorry.

Yeah. Me, too.

At least I wasn’t wrong
about you.

What, are you kidding me?

Look at you, Astrid.

as*ault is a definite
parole violation.

You are going in.

I’m not
pressing charges.

I don’t blame Tony for this.

I blame Simon.

He used all of us.

You buying any of this?

One way to find out.

Well, it’s all been like a
horrible nightmare right now...

I have no comment at this time.

My god. What happened to you?

Tony beat me up.

I think
he wanted to k*ll me.


That bastard!

He thinks you and I
k*lled Betty and framed him.

That bastard!

He’s demanding $,
within the hour

or he’ll go to the police.

I’m going to the police.

No, don’t!

Please, please, listen.

If we deliver the money to him,
he promised he’ll jump parole

and we’ll never hear
from him again.

That’s ridiculous.

It’s not.

When it happened

it made me realize
that he was half right.

You k*lled her,
didn’t you?


Please don’t deny it.

I’ve had enough betrayal
for one day.

You think I k*lled her?

I know you k*lled her.

And Tony will go
to the police.

Now, I know I can pass
a polygraph test.

Can you?


Fielding ( Through headphones ):
I hope the hell
you guys can hear me.

Here they come.

All right, here we go.

( Shutter clicking rapidly )

You two conniving bastards
bring my money?

Yes, Tony.
It’s all right here.

Well, let’s see it.

I don’t trust you,
either one of you.

I suppose I can’t
blame you for that

but until you beat her,
Astrid was on your side.

She had nothing
to do with it.

You expect me to believe that?

When she first
brought up the idea

of publishing your book

I remembered
the Mailer/Abbott debacle.

I knew you and Betty
were made for each other

and I could find a way
to blame her m*rder on you.

Just about nailed
his coffin.

The both of you
should rot in hell.

Now, where’s my money?

Sorry, Tony.



You wouldn’t be
in this mess

if you didn’t sleep
with other men’s wives.

Tony, run!

You’re setting me up!

Drop it!


Is he okay?

( Groaning )

You all right?
You all right?

It’s okay,
it’s okay.

So much for the perfect crime,

Thanks for the vest.

I owe you.

Yeah. I’m glad
you’re all right.

Yeah, go ahead and tie it.

I want one of those little
dimples in the middle, okay?

Hey, George,
what’s happening?

Hey, stranger.


Just thought you’d like to know

Simon marks has been indicted
for m*rder in the first degree.

Well, I hope your man weems
can handle it.

Yeah, well, he’s no George
Donovan, that’s for sure.

How you doing?

Eh, losing sleep, no appetite,
gaining weight.

Besides that, fine.

But I appreciate
your asking.


( Phone rings )

Sergeant Lance.

George, what’s up
with the career?

You going to run
for D.A.?

At this point, I only have
two ways to have a career--

win the election,
and that will be tough

or what would be worse
would be to drop out of the race

and spend the rest of
my life sucking up

to Roy Conroy
till he decides to retire.

That would be
really tough.

So which way you leaning?

Today or yesterday?


I honestly don’t know

at this point.

Well, look,
I got to get out of here.

A lot of evil tax evaders
to prosecute.

Hang in there.

I’ll let you know.

Talk to you. Bye.


Well, that was Astrid.

She finally got Tony fielding
a publisher

for crime of love.


And he’s going to write
a new book

on the Simon marks case.

He wants to interview us.



Well, you
going to do it?

Uh, I think I will.

So, Sam, does this mean
that you changed your mind

about Tony fielding?

No, not exactly.

I don’t think he’s dealt
with his problem yet.

Rage or whatever else it is
that was inside of him

that made him commit
those crimes...

That’s still there.

But I’m willing
to give him a chance.

Or maybe by writing about it
will help him get rid of it

get a handle
on his life.

Wow. Well, I hope so.

Yeah, me, too.

You know what?

I’m taking you
to lunch.

You’re taking me
to lunch?

damn right I am.

A lobster dinner
on me.

Well, I’m not going
to pass that up.

How’s the tie?

It’s great. Come on.
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