02x16 - Kid Stuff

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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02x16 - Kid Stuff

Post by bunniefuu »

( Woman moaning loudly )

Knock it off already!

( Sighing )

( Laughing )

I love a wild woman.

Well, I get that way
when I feel good.

Honey, that felt so good.

You’ll be back in town soon?

Two weeks.

This is my beeper number.

Call me direct next time.

No point in paying
the escort service

for doing nothing.

How much for tonight?


The service
takes a big cut.

I’ve got several clients
up here.

You mind partying
with all of us one night?

Of course not.

I told you, I love sex.

I’ll do anything.

All right, then.

I’ll call you.

Listen, how about
you stay a little longer?

I’d like to,
but I have got to go.

It’s a school night.

Tough day?

About like usual.


what is going on?

Let’s give me a break
tonight, Bev, okay?

Let’s do that.

I’m not stupid, lover.

Not that stupid,

What is it, another nurse?

You’re going to do it anyway,
aren’t you?

You’re going to irritate me.

You’re going to keep at me
until we get into a fight.

Good night, Bev.

( Doorbell rings )

Hi, Mrs. Wyman.

Hello, Jennifer.

What is it?

Oh, nothing.

( Engine running roughly )

Chris, old buddy

when I sold you this car,
I did not imply

the price would include
a lifetime of tune-ups.

You consider it

an extended warranty, cotton,
all right?

You extend the warranty

it keeps me from busting you
for gross misrepresentation

in the sale of this vehicle.

Chris, man ami, I thought
you had genuine affection

for this here classic.

I do, cotton, I do, all right?

And I am damn good with cars.

I can’t seem to keep this...
This "classic" in tune.

( Phone ringing )

Want to get that for me?


This is Mr. Dunn.

It’s for me.

Absolutely not.

Every time that group
comes to town

they get a snootful

and they think
they’re striking

the soft underbelly of Europe
all over again.

Of course, I'm patriotic.

Send them to the Frenchman.

Let them watch
his hairy-legged harlots

do the cancan.

What the hell are you
getting me into?

You’re giving out
my phone number

for one of your scams?

Just the office.

What are you selling?

Absolutely nothing.

It’s a totally
legal business.

And I am here
at your request--

if you remember.

The trouble’s
in the carburetor.

Chris, no, no, no.

Forget carburetor.

Carburetor does not exist.

Forget points. Forget plugs.

Think engine.


Yes. A symbiotic Harmony
of all the separate parts

in which all the parts
become one with the whole.

A little universe,
working along.

Tune into the zen of it.

Cotton, the trouble
is in the carburetor, huh?

It is the engine.

The engine is it.

Forget about the outside.

Think about the inside--

little valves valving,
tappets tappeting

cams camming.

They all have their needs

and you must
intuit their needs!

Is the engine happy?

If it’s happy, it will sound
like angels humming.

If it’s not happy

it will sound
like a cement truck.

You got a screwdriver?

Yes, I do, right here.


( Engine purring )





That’s amazing, cotton.

I’ll accept that as a thank you,
and you’re welcome.

( Phone ringing )


This is cotton Dunn.

It’s for you.

Surprise, surprise.

Yeah, Lorenzo.

this is lieutenant Hudson.

I’m at Bayshore.

We have a homicide.

Right, , I got it.

I’m just going to change,
and I’ll be right there.

Do I have to send a car
for you again, Lorenzo?

No, sir, you don’t.

My car’s running
just fine.

( Engine sputtering )

Hey, cowboy.

Do they pay you extra
to ride the real bad bulls?


Don’t you start with me.

( Laughs )

It must have been
a burglar.

She was alone.

I... somebody broke in.

I could see
the door was open

when I pulled
into the driveway.

She was already dead.

Dr. Wyman,
do you own a g*n?

No, I...

I don’t believe in them.

Is that what
they’re all doing here?

Aren’t you
supposed to have

a warrant or something?

What do you think,
I k*lled my own wife

and then hid the g*n
here in my house?

That’d be pretty stupid.

They’re looking for more
than just the w*apon.

They’re looking
for fingerprints
that don’t belong here--

anything that can
tell us what happened.

It’s a crime scene,

They’re just doing what
they’re supposed to do.

If you like,
I could have

the district attorney’s
office call you

and explain your rights
under the circumstances

if you don’t
understand them.

No, no. I’m just making noise
to keep from thinking of it.

All of it.

If we can do this
another time

I'd like to take a pill
and lie down for a while

if that’s okay.

While we’re here, though,
a couple of questions.

Was your wife expecting
any company today?

No, not that I know of.

After you
called the police
while you were waiting

did you have anything
to drink?

Yeah, I... I thought it
would help calm me down.

I felt like I was
going to explode.

Sir, did your wife have
a problem with alcohol?

Of course not.

Didn’t drink alone very often?


she didn’t.

All right, doctor.

Thank you very much.

I know this is tough

but we appreciate it.

We’ll be in touch.

So what about
the broken highball glass

underneath her body?


Maybe she sat down to have
a drink with her k*ller.

I don’t know.

Shot five times
at close range?

It doesn’t sound
like a burglary to me.

No, it sounds like somebody

was trying
to make a point.

Boom, boom, boom,
boom, boom.

Listen, I'm going to go see
what we’ve got out here.

All right.

Talk to me, Mrs. Wyman.

Were you saying good-bye
to somebody or hello or what?

So far, no g*n.

Sergeant Frye
even brought the dog.

If the g*n would had been
ditched around there

we would have found it.

Yeah, and we also checked out
Dr. Wyman at the hospital.

He’s got a pretty good

There was a rumor
of an affair

but nothing concrete.

What’s his specialty?

He’s an obstetrician.

Yeah. He had two tough
deliveries yesterday.

He went home tired
and late.

His intern confirmed
that for us.

Is Wyman making money?

According to his intern

he’s got the practice
down perfect.

What about this affair?

Any details?

It was his nurse.

She left the state
about six months ago.

Anything in the wife’s

that might explain why
someone would want to k*ll her?

We’re just starting on her

but from what the neighbors say,
it’s going to be thin.

She was old palm beach money--
she did a lot of charity work

and she did not have
an enemy in the world.

Ha! Then there is
money involved.

Which he doesn’t need.

Maybe he didn’t need it.

Maybe he just wanted it.

So, what’s next?

Well, I guess
we start from scratch.

We’ll go talk
to the doctor again

see if we can
come up with anything.

We’ll set up in front
of his house tonight

talk to anybody
on the street.

Maybe one of them
was there last night.

Could’ve seen something,
heard something.

I don’t suppose

that we could get some help
on this one?

Just one...

Forget it.

It’s a quiet street.

You two can handle it.



See you.

Two cars in minutes.

This is ridiculous.


Next one’s yours

if you’re not
in retirement by then.

Look, this is
a waste of time.

I’m going to go talk
to Dr. Wyman

and see if I can go over
his statement again.

Why don’t you try and see
if you can stay awake.

( Doorbell rings )



Do you have a minute?

Sure. Come on in.

Great. Thanks.

Excuse me, sir...

I got mace.

I’ll mace
your worthless hide

right out here
in the street

you worthless punk.

I’m a police officer, sir.

You can’t suck me in
with a fake badge.

Get a job.

Uh, look, I'd like to ask you
a few questions.

You can ask them from there.

Do you happen to live
around here, sir?

Of course I live around here.

How far do you think

me or this dog
could get on foot?

That’s a good point,
that’s a good point.

You didn’t happen to be
walking this dog

last night at the same time,
did you?

What if I was?

Did you hear anything,
see anybody?

What’s the point of this?

See, last night around this time

there was a sh**ting
in that house.


A body’s not safe

anywhere these days.

I didn’t hear nothing.

Did see somebody, though.

Oh, yeah?

Anybody you knew?

A little girl,
lives about two streets over.

( Chuckling ):
Cuter than lace panties.

( Chuckling )

Well, listen,

thank you
for your time, doctor.

Sure. Anything you need,
call me.

Okay. Thanks.

What are you doing here?

Hi, Richard.

You’ve got to be nuts.

I got to figure out
something to do with this.

What the hell
were you thinking about?

Hey, I just did
what you wanted.

you’ve got to cool it.

We’ve got to be careful.

If someone sees us together,
it’s all over.

You got to go.


I did it, Richard.

I did it and
you want me to go?

No way, man!

Jennifer! Jennifer!

I don’t want you to leave.

I don’t.

I don’t want you to go.

We just have to be careful,
that’s all.

We finally got
what we want.

I just don’t want
to lose it.

I guess every generation

figures it’s the last
with anything going for it.

"Young people these days,"
my grandmother would say.

"The world’s going to hell
on a greased rail."

I’d hate to hear
what she would say

about this current bunch.

But you always know
where to find them--

at the mall.

We hung out here
till :.

Then Christy dropped me
a couple blocks from home.

I walked the rest of the way,
so you’re right, I was there.

Why didn’t she drop you
at your house?

Christy’s the one
in the middle.

Things go better
at home

when I don’t
bring her around.

You know, Jennifer,
you don’t look like

you’re part
of that bunch.

Looks can fool you.

You don’t
look like a cop.

On second thought,
maybe you do.

Look, I just know
she’s my first close friend

and she’s a good person.

Why don’t we get back
to what happened
the other night.

I didn’t see anything,
I didn’t hear anything, okay?


( Beeping )

Listen, if you can think
of anything else

why don’t you
give us a call.

We may need to talk
to you again.

Okay, but could we do it
someplace else next time?

I’ve got a reputation,
you know?

Talking to the cops...

What do you make
of the beeper?

Well, I think
we both know
the profile.

Think she’s a pusher?

Sure doesn’t look
like a pusher.

Yeah, well, looks...
Can be deceiving.

So I go, "i’ve got
a reputation, you know"

and you could just see
the lady cop’s eyes go flat!

She wanted to punch me out
so bad. Whoo!

Imagine that.

You being right there
on the street.

It’s Richard’s old lady
got whacked.


I did it, Christy.

You did it?

I shot Richard’s wife.


Jen, you’re kidding me, right?

That bastard used you.

You got to get out of here.

He will not lie for you

once the cops start
to squeeze him.

I don’t believe that.

Well, you better.

Look, me and April,
we’re going to L.A.

Once I can get
some money together.

Come with us.

Hell, the one thing
that creep Richard might do

is give you some money
to get rid of you.

What do you say?

Why would I want
to go to L.A.?

I hate I.A.
I like palm beach.

April’s got a cousin
in a band in L.A.

Come on... come on.

It would be a kick,
us all out there.

What about school?

Ditch it, for good.

Christy, I plan to graduate.

Well, you better plan
on doing it

through some sort
of extension deal, you know

long-distance extension--

like from jail?

I like it here

and now that Richard’s free,
everything’s going to be great.

Think about it, Jen... please?

Think about it.

I just can’t let you
on doc’s boat

without either
his permission

or a search warrant.

All we want to do
is look at the boat--

just look at the damn thing.

Now, you want me to get
a search warrant,
I’ll get one

but let me tell you
a little something:

That warrant’s
going to bring

four squad cars
full of cops

and they’re going to take
that sucker apart

a screw at a time.

You with me on this,
Mr. Griner?

Yeah, I'm with you.

Just can’t help you.

Eric, come on.

Now, why don’t we just
do this the easy way, huh?

Burl, why don’t we just call
Doctor Wyman

and we’ll just ask him?

But, see, now,
if I do that,
I bother him.

I disturb him, it looks like
I'm not doing my job.

And he wouldn’t like that,
would he?

No, he’s not real tolerant.

What if I call him?

That’s the same thing.

Sounds like
we got a problem, burl.

No. See, now, I got the problem.

He said one more mess up,
and I'm unemployed

and that’s all because
of that daughter of his

and that damn phone
over there.

You mean Wyman’s got a daughter?

Yeah, sure,
and a pig’s got a side pocket.

So he’s got a girlfriend,
and this is where they meet.

You know the woman’s name?

Ain’t no woman.

Ain’t much more than a kid.

Really pretty kid, though.

Frying size...

If you get my meaning.

So what’s your problem with her?

The phone.

Acted like she owned it.

If I was on it
and she’d want it...

Hell to pay
if I didn’t get off.

Wait, hasn’t Wyman got
a land line or a mobile?

Both, it made no sense to me

but she’d come on up here
with her little buzzy beeper

and want that phone
right now.

There’s got to be
several thousand pagers

here in palm and west palm.

What do you think?

I think a lot of them
belong to hookers

but she’s so young, you know?

Frying size, wouldn’t you say?

What will you have?

You can have anything
you want.

I’m generous.

What do you want?

I want...

To fix you a drink.

What will it be?

Fine. Scotch.


What do you want?

We want to go to L.A.

Buy some good dr*gs

hear some good tunes

have some hot sex.

What do you want?

I want the two of you
out of my house now.

You sure that’s
what you want?

’cause I thought maybe
you wanted to go to jail.

That’s exactly
where you’re going

if you’re
not nice to us.

♪ We know. ♪

Go on.

We know who k*lled
Mrs. Doctor, doctor.

Then you should go
to the police.

And tell them
that you knew all along

and you’ve been
lying to them?

Tell them you’ve been
doing the Waldo

with an underage kid?


naughty, doctor.

You can’t prove that.

I’ll deny it.

I do deny it.

Yeah, you do,
and Jennifer will think

you turned
your back on her.

Look, I've been
her best bud

since I was, like, nine
and she was seven

man, I know this girl.

You turn on her

and she will
spill her guts.

And what if she does?

No one will believe it.

It’s fiction.

You bought her
the g*n.

You taught her how
to use it,

you told her
you wanted

to get rid
of your old lady.

You hid the g*n
after she did it

and you lied
to the cops

about all of it.

Bang! Good-bye, too bad.

( Laughing )

How much?

Think zeros.

How many?

Get creative.


Get real.


should get you to L.A.

Yeah. Yeah,
that should do it.

Yes, it should

but it buys me
a little... extra.


We’ll have a good time

before you leave town.

Just the three of us.

Come here.


Before I give you
the money...

We don’t have to talk
about this, do we, children?

Not to, uh, Jennifer.

So glad you called.



Tell me I wasn’t
wrong about you.

Richard, what is it?

I thought we were
going to be okay.

I thought
you were smart.

We are going to be okay.

Not if you keep
telling our secrets.

I told one person.


Yeah, but she wouldn’t
say anything.

It’s a good thing
she came to see me

before she went to the police.

She wanted money

to keep quiet.

Oh, how could she do that?

I mean, how could she do that?!

Did you tell anyone else?

No. I swear.

Christy said you talked
to the police.

It was just a couple of cops.

Somebody saw me on the street
after it happened, I didn’t...

I didn’t say anything,
that’s all.

What am I going
to do with you?

Here’s the way it is, Jennifer.

You m*rder*d Beverly.

The cops will come
after you.

I can arrange that.

You believe me, Jennifer?

I believe you.


You can’t hurt me, Jennifer

but I can hurt you.

I can make it look
like you did it all.

We located the pager company

Jennifer’s calls
were sent through.

That was a dead end,
but the pay phone at the Marina

was a jackpot.

Okay. That’s it
for the security guard--

all the numbers he used
on a regular basis.

Yeah, if he and Jennifer
were the big users

then her call pattern
should be pretty evident.

Well, here’s one
that keeps coming up

over and over again.

It’s been used a lot
in the last couple of months.

Let’s give it a spin.


This is Mr. Dunn.

Mr. Dunn’s cotillion escorts.


Is that you again, Frenchy?

Oh, cotton!

So, our girl works
for an escort service.

It’s probably a front
for call girls.

And my mechanic

is booking the action.

So we know

that Jennifer has a relationship
with the doctor, right?

She was either there or nearby
when the doctor’s wife was shot.

She wasn’t exactly up front
with us, was she?

No she wasn’t.

You know, maybe she’ll be
a little more up front

if we bring her down here
to question her

instead of doing it
at the mall.

I think I would like
to go talk to her at home--

nice, private, no pressure.

I’m a little curious
about her home life.

What about your mechanic--
Mr. Dunn?

I’m going to put Mr. Dunn
up on blocks... permanently.

So what are you doing
home from school?

Ditch day.

Mm-- you can
get away with that?

You’re kidding me.

It’s like a day off
for teachers.

You busting me
for ditching school?

No, Jennifer,
I'm not busting you

at least not until I understand
a couple of things.

What does that mean?

Is your mom home?


When’s she going to be back?

Six weeks.

She travels with
a company in Lauderdale.

She’s in Europe.

She just left you here
by yourself.

What about your dad?

There’s a housekeeper.

And she looks after you?

Alice? Alice is a snitch,
but she leaves me alone.

That’s the deal I made
with her.

Otherwise I'd have
to tell my mother

that she drinks on the job,
and she’d lose this easy gig.

So you basically take care
of yourself.

I do all right.

No, I don’t think
you do, Jennifer.

I think you have made
a real mess of things.

You’re entitled to your opinion.

Look, at this point,

I am just trying
to make sense of things.

I would like for this
to work out

where it doesn’t ruin
the rest of your life.

You can do that by telling me
the truth.

About what happened.

I don’t have to tell you

I don’t even have
to talk to you.

Oh, yes, you do.

You can either do it here

or you can do it
down at the station

but you can’t just say
to someone that I drink

and get rid of me

because I'm not
going away.

What do you know

about the m*rder
of Beverly Wyman?

Did Dr. Wyman
m*rder his wife?

Why do you keep asking me
this stuff for, huh?

I mean, is it
just because

I happened to be
on the street that day?

I don’t know anything
about it!

Don’t play games with me.

We know about your relationship
with Dr. Wyman.

We know about the boat--

you going there
with him.

We even know
about your arguments

with the security guard
over the phone.

We know
about the escort service.

Did you see Dr. Wyman
m*rder his wife?

I can’t help you.

Oh, man...

Here you go,
Mr. Dunn.

I have a lot
of references.

You can call
anyone you like.

I really need
the job.

Mr. Dunn...

Oh, Mr. Lorenzo...

Good to see you.

See, girls-- customer.

I’m looking
for a girl, cotton.

Right place for that.

What are you doing here?

Jennifer bell--
you know who she is?

Never heard of her.

You better think about this,

I don’t have to--
I never heard of her.

Girls don’t use
their real names here.

Hell, I got
three Marilyn Monroes.

I got a Beverly Hills.

I got two Cleopatras--

one white, one black.

I got a girl wanted
to call herself Nefertiti.

Thought it conveyed the image.

You know
what I mean?

So what’s in a name, Bubba?
Got a picture?

No, but I got an age, Bubba--


That’s right.

That’s shy
of the age of consent.

That’s right around the age
of mandatory sentencing.

That’s sexual battery.

We’re talking a - to -year
hard-time crime.

Couldn’t be one of mine.

It’s in the agreement.

Got to be to work
for cotillion escorts.

Girls have to prove it.

Prove it with what, cotton?

Fake IDs they can buy
on the corner?

Want to see some of my pictures?



Hello, Jennifer.

That’s her?

She said her name was Marie.

She works a lot.

You couldn’t tell
she was underage?

Aw, come on, Chris.

Kids today, who can tell?

They look when they’re .

Even if she was , cotton,
that’s still pandering.

You know, I'm seriously
disappointed in you.

Aw, that hurts.

If I do it for an actor,
I'm an agent.

If I'm a lawyer,
it’s contingency work.

I try to provide
some purely social companionship

for a lonely, lonely guy,
and I'm a pimp.

Purely social companionship?

It’s in the agreement.

Sexual contact with a client
is strictly prohibited.

Come on, cotton!
You think somebody’s

going to seriously
live up to that?

I got to believe, Dorothy.

Chris, I'm not a pimp.

Okay, cotton.

All right.

What about the clients?

You got reliable I.D. On them?


I’m not going to send
my girls out

with some deviant,
some pervert.

Why do you ask?

Do you know a Dr. Richard Wyman?

Yes, he’s been out with Marie
a couple of times.

Haven’t heard from him
in a while.

I need to see your records,

I’m sorry,
that material is strictly...


I’ve had a really long day,
I'm tired...

We know about your affair
with Jennifer bell.

That’s ludicrous.

We also
have information

that you set up dates
with her

several months ago

through the cotillion
escort service.

She called herself Marie.

We know about
the two of you

on your boat, too.

Okay, fine.

You have what you say you have.

But what’s the point?

All it does is ruin
my reputation.

All it does is hurt
the two of us.

Why would you want to do that?

We don’t.
We just want to know

how this figures
into the m*rder of your wife.

It doesn’t, does it?

I wasn’t even here.

You think
Jennifer k*lled Beverly?

I can’t believe that.

How did the two of you
get hooked up?

I’d known her for years.

I knew her parents.

My marriage was in ruins.

I went into that escort service

just looking for
a friendly face.

Then when I saw
Jennifer’s picture
in that book

I couldn’t believe it.

It felt sort of... taboo
for both of us.

And then it developed.

We became dependent
on one another.

I know Jennifer had a temper

but to do something
like m*rder...

What were you thinking?

I mean, what were you
going to do?

What do you mean?

You’re going to divorce
your wife

and marry Jennifer,
something like that?

No, it wasn’t serious
in that way.

But you knew she was a minor.

Absolutely not.
We never talked about it.

I assumed she was at least .

Besides, what does that matter?

How about
that it’s illegal?

Sexual as*ault against
a minor for openers.

to years in
the state pen for closers, doc.

I think in order
for you to convict me

you’d need either me or Jennifer
to testify that it happened

and you won’t get that.

I’m going inside now

unless you’re prepared
to arrest me.

Don’t make this tougher
than it has to be, doc.

And if you arrest me
and ruin my reputation

and then can’t make it stick

the D.A. Better be prepared

to sign over the deed
to the city of palm beach

because it will be mine.


( Sighs )


Excuse me.

You look like

you’re about ready to ask me to
find a brain for your monster.

Well, you know, this is...

This is all about attitude,

So don’t tell me

you’re trying to do

a cotton Dunn mind probe
underneath there.

No, actually I rebuilt the carb.

Shall we see how it runs?

( Engine sputtering )

( Cell phone rings )

Go ahead. Try it again.

( Engine sputtering )

Yeah. Sergeant Lance.

So, what’s the location,

All right. We’ll be there.

( Motor running )

ME’s on their way.

Two females, Caucasian,
both shot.

I know you have
the Wyman case

but you’re going to have
to work this one in too.

It’s hard to tell
how old they are.

They’ve been in
the water a while.

I think this may be part
of the other case, lieutenant.


They’re both friends

of Jennifer bell.

Mr. Dunn...

What’s up, doc?

Come to spread
some more gloom in my life?

I beg your pardon.

And damn well you should.

You are singly
and solely responsible

for putting me
out of business.

Well, maybe I can
make it up to you--

pay you for your inconvenience?


I’d be willing to soften
the blow, yes.

To the tune of how much?

We’ll work something out,
I'm sure.

What do you want, doc?
For what?

I want the record
of my involvement

with, uh... Marie
to disappear.

You mean Jennifer.

You know
what hurts me, doc?

I saw myself as...

As kind of
a broker of happiness.

I put lonely souls together--
dinner, go bowling, whatever

and all I ask

is a small fee

that I might continue
my good works.

I can’t believe you two
would stiff me for my cut.

There are no morals anymore.

Do you have what I'm asking for?

The cops.
And I gave it willingly.

What goes around
comes around, doc

and I'm left to haul
the remnants of my livelihood

off to the recycler

put a little gas in the car,
a little food on the table.

And all I'm guilty of

is trying to make this place
a better place to live!

( Telephone ringing )


Hello, Jennifer.

I want to see you.

Can we do that?

Please. Leave me alone.

You sound afraid.

You don’t have
to be afraid, Jennifer.

I haven’t told anybody.
Nobody knows.

I just want things
to be the way they were.

Can we do that?

Leave me alone.

You sound angry.

Leave me alone,
or I'm calling the cops.

( Dial tone )

Rita, lab details

from the Beverly Wyman
crime scene.


Did you ever get
in touch with griner?

No, he’s gone.

Seems Mr. Griner came
into some money

headed out
for the piney flats.

Sounds like
our doctor

is starting to cover
his tracks with Jennifer.

All right,
why don’t we run

this whole thing
through again?

So we have a woman that was
m*rder*d in cold blood.

She’s shot five times
at her front door.

Miles away, two more show up.

Both shot once
and then dumped in the water--

one shot in the head,
and one shot in the back.

All three were shot
with the same ..

Now, the two
that were found together

were shot at the same time.

The first one was surprised;

the second one
tried to run away.

So the single k*lling
was a crime of passion

and the double k*lling
was a crime of cunning.

Yeah. So what do you got--

different motives?

A different k*ller?

Different K*llers?

The doc and Jennifer.

That’s very good.

So maybe the two girls

were silenced
because of the wife’s m*rder.

The second k*ller
covering for the first.

I don’t see Jennifer
being able to sh**t her pals

but maybe
she could have shot the wife.

( Telephone rings )

( Rings )

Could she have thought
that it was true love

with the doc even to the point
of offing his wife

and all the while,
turning tricks?

That... that’s twisted,

Yeah, I would say
it would take

pretty twisted

to put five slugs
into another human being.

Chris, you remember

that initial lab report

that said that there was
no strange prints, right?

Just the maid, the wife

and the doctor.

Here’s the detailed list--

everything they dusted.

Remember he said
he had a drink

while he was waiting
for the cops?

The maid’s prints are
on that glass...

And so are the wife’s.

So the maid had to handle
the glass--

washed it and put it away--
I can see that.

But the wife’s?

So maybe she made him a drink.

Then she was alive
when Wyman had that drink.

A big hole
in the doctor’s story.

( Beeper sounding )

Oh, my god, it’s his car.

( Telephone rings )



Can I have a few minutes?


( Telephone rings )

Sergeant Lance.

Rita, I'm in trouble.

It’s Jennifer.

He’s waiting for me.

If I don’t go out there,
he’s coming in here.

You’ve... he wants to k*ll me.

Who, Richard Wyman?

Yeah, Richard.

Please send somebody quick,

Where are you, Jennifer?

At home.

Look, just stay there--
do not go outside.

We’ve got somebody
on the way.

Do you understand?

I understand,
but please send somebody!

Just stay on the phone

until one of our cars
gets there, okay?

Just... just talk to me.

So you say that he k*lled
your two friends?

He did.

And he k*lled his wife.

This is
Sergeant Lorenzo.

We’ve got a possible
hostage situation.

--- battery drive.
No sirens.


She hung up.

Sweet Jennifer.

I’m sorry things
didn’t work out.

I called the police.

They know you’re here.

They’re coming.

Well, we’ll have to go
somewhere else.

Step away from the car!

Step away from the car
with your hands showing!

Oh, no,
it’s all right, officers.

Everything’s okay.

He’s got a g*n!

No, no. Just relax.

It’s right here.

Drop the g*n now!

Don’t sh**t me! No!

Shut up!

Look out!

He was going to k*ll me.

Oh, Christy was right.

He just used me.

I just did it for him.

What do you think?


Jury going
to convict her?

That is a hard call.

I doubt it, though.

What, even with
the confession?

Yeah, I mean,
by the time

her defense attorneys
get through

the jury is not even
going to believe

that she was in
the state of Florida

when Beverly Wyman
was m*rder*d, you know?

It’s going to be,
"Jennifer was the victim.

Forget about the doctor’s wife."

They were both victims.

Even though Wyman was
the one that ended up dead

Jennifer was a victim.

I’ll bet
she won’t make it past .

That girl’s going
to self-destruct.

Oh, I don’t know,
I think there’s still hope.

You know, if somebody would
just give her some guidance.

If her mother or somebody
would spend some time with her

there would be hope.

You really believe that?

Yes, I do.

I really do.

So tell me something,


What, um...
What happened
with your car?

Oh, no.


You mean what happened
with my car this time.

I did not say that.

No, you didn’t
have to say it.

It was all over your face,
it’s what you meant.

Oh, I'm serious--
what happened?

She was running so smooth.

I was on the highway,
no traffic

so I decided
to blow the carbon out.


Well, uh... I blew
the head gasket instead.

But I can fix it.

You know,
it’s still
a great car.

It’s a great car.

It’s a great car.

I’m sorry.

No, that was so bad.
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