02x14 - Was It Good for You Too?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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02x14 - Was It Good for You Too?

Post by bunniefuu »

I’ll be wearing
a very short skirt

and silk stockings
and nothing else.

Did you see that movie?

God, that was so sexy

the way she let them
look up her dress.

I want to feel
that kind of power.

I’ll sit on a barstool

knowing that they’re
all looking at me

and that they all want me

and then I’ll pick one
and I’ll let him come on to me

buy me a drink,
feel me a little, you know.

And then I’ll take him
back to the hotel room

and make him crazy
with wanting me so bad.

Then I’ll let him have me

and while he’s all hot
and sweaty and crazy with it

I’ll k*ll him.

That’s a very violent fantasy.

Have you had ones
like this before?

It’s not a fantasy, doctor.

It’s just that reality
hasn’t been made real yet.

But tonight’s the night.

There’s so many men,
yet so little time.

Listen, I want you
to stay on the line with me

and I'm going
to give you the name

of a very good therapist
I think would be good for you.

That’s all I want, Melissa.

I want this to be good for me.

So I got to go now.

It’s been fun.

But I’ll call you later
with all the gory details.

I bet you can’t wait.

Well, at least
tell me your name.

Do you know
Greek mythology, doctor?

Call me Diana... the huntress.

( Loud disco music playing )

( Dancers shouting and hooting )

Can I buy you a drink?

You were looking up my dress.

I saw you.

I liked it.

Did you?


Look, I don’t
need a drink.

I need someone to sex me.

Looks like this is
your lucky night.

( Breathing heavily )

Wait, not yet, okay?

Not yet, wait for me, okay?

( Moans )

Look at me.

Look at me.

( Man screams )

Was that good for you, too?

Oh, I feel old.

I am old.

I’m a grandfather.


Melissa, hey, long time no see!

It’s been a little
too long.

I’m sweaty,
I apologize.

Oh, that’s okay.

I always liked you
a little sweaty.


Look, you’re going
to have a couple of messages

on your answering
machine when you get home.

I just took a chance
that you might

still run this stretch
of the beach.

So this isn’t a chance
romantic meeting, huh?

Well, it didn’t
start out to be.

But you never know.

The format
of the show has changed

since you were
on it last year.

Um, I'm on later now--
from : till :
in the morning.

I call the show
"night voices."

Well, anyway, for the
last couple of weeks

we’ve been discussing
women’s sexual fantasies.

Wait, women’s sexual fantasies
on your show?

And I've been
watching television?

What a fool.

Anyway, I got this call
the other night.

It scared the hell out of me

and that doesn’t
happen very often.

It was a very violent fantasy.

This woman
said something

about picking a man up
in a bar, and...

Well, I'm going to let
her tell you about it.

I had my engineer
edit this for you

but the gist of it is all here.

... And then I’ll take him
back to the hotel room

and make him crazy
with wanting me so bad.

Then I’ll let him have me

and while he’s all hot
and sweaty and crazy with it

I’ll k*ll him.

k*ll him?

( Whistles )

That’s a serious fantasy.

It’s not a fantasy, doctor.

It’s just that reality
hasn’t been made real yet.

But tonight’s the night.

She calls herself
Diana the huntress.

You think she’s serious,
don’t you?

You think she’s actually
going to find somebody

to k*ll for kinks.

Yeah, I have this
horrible feeling she will.

I don’t know,
it’s not scientific

and it’s not technical,
but it is what it is.

We can’t do anything

unless this Diana the huntress
actually does something.

I mean, sexual fantasies
aren’t against the law.

Well, she said that she’d
call me back after she did it.

I just thought
that maybe you might want

to run a trace
on the call.

If something happens,
you’ve got a date.

Let’s just hope she’s all talk.

( Giggles ):
"Women’s sexual
fantasies," that’s...

That’s a catchy title--
"women’s sexual fantasies."

Now, see, I didn’t know that...
That women had fantasies.

I thought that was a guy thing.

Oh, you’d be surprised.

Turn me on tonight.

You’ll hear stuff that will make
your socks roll up and down.

And maybe not just your socks.

I wouldn’t doubt it.

Dr. Melissa, well, now,
there’s a blast from the past.

So was it business
or pleasure?

She wanted to talk to me
about sexual fantasies.

Oh, yours or hers?

Yours-- meaning
women in general.

One in particular.


Well, one woman
called in last night

with a sexual fantasy about
picking a guy up at a bar

taking him back
to her hotel

and k*lling him while
they’re having sex.

Talk about a bad date.


Multiple s*ab wounds.

He could have gotten whacked
while he was sleeping.

Or he could
have gotten it

while he was
getting it.

This is exactly the way

Melissa’s caller said
she was going to do it.

She called
herself Diana.

Sounds Greek to me.

So Noriko, do we have
a preliminary time of death?


Body’s cold, full rigor.

hours, give or take.

Puts it around, uh,
: in the morning.

That’s prime hunting time
around the local watering holes.

All targets in motion.

Doc, can you tell if he was
having sex when he was k*lled?

Haven’t gotten
that personal with him yet.

Check with me
when I get him
back to the shop.

So what do you make
of the s*ab wounds?

Five wounds-- deep, clean,
wasn’t a serrated blade.

It was thick, razor-sharp.

Hunting knife.

Yeah, probably.

It sounds like you’ve
already got a suspect.

I do.

I just wish to hell

we knew
who she was.

Now, we found a receipt
from your register

in the pocket of a guy that
got himself k*lled last night.

You recognize this guy?

Yeah, he comes in here
all the time cruising.

We call him the M.V.P.
Because he always scores.

How about last night?

Yeah, but her averages
standing was questionable.

She looked pro-- short skirt,
lots of boobs... flash trash.

This is good,

Anything else?

Well, she was
mid-s, maybe older.

Big blonde hair.

She had one drink

he hit on her and they split.

Are you married?


This would have been

about :
this morning.

Yeah, that’d be about right.

Would you recognize her
if you saw her again?


Your turn.

You married?

No, I dodged that b*llet so far.

Now it’s your turn.

What else can you tell me?

I didn’t talk to her,
or anything.

I just brought her
that one drink.

But she’s a sleazette.

They’re easy to spot.

Thanks, Patrice.

If you can think
of anything else

would you give me a call?

Maybe I will even if I can’t.

I’ve got your number.

See you.

Oh, hey,
one more thing.

She used
a cigarette holder--

you know the kind
with the little filter

that cuts out the tar
and stuff?



( Engine humming )

This is a ground-floor
opportunity, Earl.

The property’s already
zoned for subdivision.

Lot splits are approved.

Hell, we’re ready
to start blading pads.

"We?" it sounds like you’re
about grand short of "we."

But that’s why you’re here,
isn’t it, little brother?

So I can make your
dreams come true.

Yeah, well, your investment
will be totally secure.

There’s no risk.

That’s the beauty of it.

You know, look at the scope
of this thing.

Clearwater key is going to be

the most prestigious development
in all of Florida.

( Laughing )

One big old hurricane wipe the
whole enchilada into the Gulf.

My investment’s
going to be

about as secure
as a rat in a coal furnace.

I’m dry, Taylor.

But you didn’t
get where you are

by being smart,
little brother.

You sailed through
on charm and teeth.

I worked my tail off.

I stayed with daddy
while you whored around

like an old alley Tom.

Don’t start, okay?

You don’t want in on this, fine.

I got plenty of friends
who will jump all over this.

Hell, yes.

You’re going to have to
beat them off with a stick.

( Footsteps
approaching )

You two aren’t
fighting again, are you?

We didn’t come
all the way from Miami

so the two of you could go
at each other’s throats

like a couple of
yard dogs, okay?

Can I have one?

Your hubby was
just telling me

about his new

It sounds like
it’s got some potential.

Did you buy yourself
some pretty things, Kristi?

Yeah, but I spent way
too much on your accounts.

That’s what
they’re for.

Money’s only important
when you haven’t got any.

Right, boy?

How do you
like that car?

It’s fabulous.

God, what I wouldn’t do for one
just like it.

Well, you play your cards right

you never know
what you might win.

Where’s that drink, boy?

So are you coming
in with Taylor

on clearwater key?

That would be great--
doing business together?

I don’t think he’s interested.

I haven’t said that, have I?

But a half million’s
a pretty big bite.

I’m going to have
to sleep on it.

Well, give it here, boy.

Look, we know it’s
a lot of money.


Why do you have

to humiliate him?

Because it’s finally his turn.

Mr. Personality
in tennis shorts.

He needs
what I got

and he’s got...
What I want.

It’s not going
to happen, Earl, okay?

Oh, I think it might.

So, ladies, why don’t
you give us a call

and let us know
what turns you on.

You can get us at -

and we’ll return
right after these words.

Melissa, I don’t think
he has had this much fun

since he got
his new car.

Well, fantasies can
be very exciting--

sometimes even more
than the real thing.

See, you write, star and direct,
you’re in total control

and it’s not over
until you want it to be.

It’s the ultimate
in safe sex.


All right,
here we go.

Diana, line .

Her fantasies
are coming true.

I’ll tell him
to start the trace.

Tommy, you’re going
to have to buy me
some time.

I can’t go
live with her.

Good evening, Diana, and
welcome to "night voices."

Sometimes fantasies come true.

Mine did.

It happened just like
I told you it would.

Oh, we’ve spoken before?

You know who I am.

It was good, Melissa

but it could have been better.

I wanted it so bad,
I rushed in, got too excited.

Would you call that
premature execution?

Are you telling me

that you actually
k*lled your lover?

It was in the paper.

The emerald hotel last night.

I should have waited
and made it last.

It was over so quickly.

I stabbed him five times.

Next time I’ll do six.

Yeah, I’ll make it
good for me, too.

No, I don’t think we’re dealing
with some female serial k*ller.

Do you know what I think?

I think that you guys need
to manufacture this crap

to sell your tiny,
little newspaper.

That’s what I think.

No, I don’t want you
to quote me on this.

I would like you to pick up
your phone and jam it...

Uh, subtle joke

subtle joke.

Well, hello,

Yeah... no,
I understand that.

Whoa, whoa.

So you miss the action
of your old division,
or what?

Well, I got tired

of you guys
having all the fun.

So Hudson takes
his vacation

starting today,
and we’re back in business.

Good, good.

I’m glad to see
you too, Lorenzo.

Yeah, hold on a second.

Hey, hutch, I got some reporter
from the sentinel honking me

about this whole...

I know what about.

Get the file and
meet me in my office.

You look good.

Thank you.

You changed
the place.


Looks good.

Sit down.

Tell me where we
are on this thing.

All right.

Now, I talked
to Melissa.

She kept her off
the air both times

so there must be
a leak at the station.

We think this
is the real deal.

Dr. Weinstein’s tests
back it up.

She k*lled the guy
at the emerald

while she was having sex
with him.


She called
Melissa Cassidy

to claim the k*ll.

She knew details
we made sure didn’t leak--

specifically that the guy
was stabbed five times.

And we were set up
to trace the call.

She made it from
a cellular phone--
no good.

And she claims that she’s
going to do it again

but so far this morning
we have no fresh bodies.

Melissa Cassidy’s a shrink--
what’s her fix on this?


Melissa is sure
there will be fresh dead bodies

if we don’t stop this Diana.

Now, she picked up her first
victim at the wet spot.

That’s a meat rack over
on bay vista.

Well, the hotel night clerk’s
description matches

that of the bartender’s--
pretty close.

But nobody saw her
leave the hotel.

It seems like
a babe like that

would be noticed
coming and going.

The night hacks working
that night-- anybody see her?

No, she didn’t take a taxicab.

We found his car
in the hotel garage.

We dusted it for prints--
only found his.

We also dusted the hotel room.

She wiped everything clean.

That woman takes
her hobby very serious.

What about
her description?

Did it get around
the clubs and
things like that?

Mm-hmm-- hotels,
motels, cab companies.

She’s papered all over town.

So far the press
is just sniffing

but once they get
locked in on this

we’re going to have
major public hysteria.

I’d like to bring Diana down
before things get too crazy.

If you’ll sign off on it

I'd like to go into the
wet spot tonight with a wire.

The huntress becomes the hunted.

I like that.

Just keep me posted.

That’s all.

Good, good.

Hutch, good to be
working with you again.

So work.

Get your butts out
on the street.

They’re not
doing me any good

sitting around
in my office.

Still a sentimental
fool, huh?

I heard that.

Good ears, too.


Earl, get out of here.

I swear to god I’ll scream
if you touch me.

Oh, I remember
your screams.

The people next door had
to pound on the walls.

Look, I made a
mistake, okay?

How long do I
have to keep
paying for it?

Hell, sugar,
I paid every time.

Top dollar, too.

Taylor sure didn’t
marry himself a cheap whore.

And I’ll still pay.

Look, grand,
that seems a little rich.

Just give Taylor
the money, okay?

Please don’t
make me do this.


Kristi, where are you, baby?

Honey, I've been looking
all over for you, babe.

What the hell’s
going on here?

Well, use your


You ought
to turn pro, boy.

Muhammad Ali never
threw a single punch

worth a half
million bucks.


Aw, hell, baby

he would have never
given us the money.

We both know that.

Fine, Taylor,
you’re right.

You’re always
right, okay?

And this time
you’re dead right.

( Loud disco music playing )

Do you still have
a blue uniform

even though
you’re a detective?

Oh, I love uniforms.

We could pretend
you’re busting me

and I will do anything
to get out of it.

Look, Patrice, you’re spending
too much time over here.

People are going to
get suspicious.

They all think
I'm hot for you.

Hey, that could be her.

See her--
the blonde?


That chump with her
looks like he’s going
to blow a couple bucks.

I’m getting a little
jealous here.

Good-bye, Patrice.

I’m going.

Rita, lace up your track shoes.

It looks like we’ve got
a live one here.

Good evening.

I’m Chris.

Can I buy you
a drink?

I’m horny.


You live close to here?

Yeah, but my husband
might not dig it.

( Engine starts )

Give me a shot, sweet thing.


Well, hello, there.

Hello, Earl.


Oh, boy

you are something special.

This is the way
I look inside, isn’t it?

You know what I'm really like...
Deep down.

You treat me
like the whore I am.

See, I fool your brother, but...

Not you.

How did you find me?

I followed you.

See, I missed
you, baby.

I missed how cheap and low
and dirty you make me feel.

I want to feel that way
again right now.

I’m not going to give him
the money.

No way.

You ought to know that.

Forget about him, okay?

This one’s just for me and you,
for old times’ sake.

You do still want me

don’t you,



What’s your name?

What’s your favorite?

Yeah, uh...

( Clears
his throat )

Maybe we should have
a drink here, uh...

Police officers!

You’re under arrest.

Move and I will
break your wrist.

Don’t move.

Good work, partner.

Couldn’t have done
it better myself.

Let’s see if we can find
a hunting knife.


Try these on, baby.

You’re hot.

You are so hot.

Go slow, okay?

I want this to last
a long time.

I want you to make it
good for me.

Oh, I knew this
was too easy

and Diana is still
out there somewhere.

My heart was hammering
there for a while.

Just your heart?

I think she left tread
marks on your clothes.


And to think she was
just faking it

to set me up
to be rolled.

It kind of ruins your faith
in human nature, doesn’t it?

What faith
in human nature?

Good point.

Do you think she was
a real blonde?

Well, I didn’t
find out.

Excuse me.

Excuse me, is it true

this woman called
the radio station?

No comment.

Is there a coverup
inside the department?

Let me just have
a minute, please.

Rita and Chris:

Well, it looks

like you two
missed last night.

She didn’t.

Hold it-- this guy was at
the wet spot last night.

The lady that tried
to set me up to be rolled

was with him first.

He was there
when I left.

Name’s Earl Elliott.

Lived at bayview place.

Old money.

Wallet full
of premium plastic

gold watch--
expensive gold watch--

diamond ring,
nearly a grand in cash

and nothing touched.

She’s not in it for the money.

Six s*ab wounds,
just like she promised.

So Diana
hits the same bar

brings them to the same hotel

knowing we’re
hard on her back

and she likes
to work on the edge.

It adds to the thrill.

This doesn’t make
any sense.

If Patrice saw her,
she would have
called me.

She promised.

Yeah, well, that’s not
all she promised.

The bartender-- talk about
your sexual fantasies.

So, what, maybe he left
the bar after we did.

He goes someplace else

and she picks him up

Or maybe
Patrice saw her,
but she didn’t see her.

What do you mean?

Maybe she wears a wig,
she changes wardrobe.

What’s the first thing
people remember--

the blonde hair
and the sexy outfit.

That’s what we look
for next time.

Only next time, she’s
a redhead or a brunette

wearing a business suit.

We walk
right past her.

Yeah, maybe.

The promised media circus
is underway, people.

Diana’s beginning
to make us look bad.

I don’t like us looking bad.

I hope you don’t think

I leaked that story
about Diana to the press.

Nope, I know it’s
not your style

but I would
appreciate it

if you don’t let
these reporters

drag you into
all this stuff.

I will refer any
and all questions

to sergeant
Chris Lorenzo.


And it will
break my heart.

Do you have any idea
what this could do

for my ratings?

Yeah, yeah, I do.

Professional question, doc:

Do you think this woman could be
a Jekyll-and-Hyde type?

I mean, could she look
harmless, docile

the perfect country-club wife

but at the same time
have a dark, seductive side

that would make her
capable of sexual homicide?

It’s beyond possible.

It’s probable, I'd say.

Maybe she wants to get caught.

She calls you up on the radio.

She tells you exactly
what she’s going to do.

Then she goes back
to the same place

when she knows there’s
a great chance

she’s going to be recognized.

Maybe, but I think
she enjoys the chase.

She’s empowered by being
a little ahead of you.

She’s a little faster,
a little smarter

and so far, she’s winning.

I went to bed last night broke.

Woke up this morning
filthy rich.

I should be happy.

I mean, it’s not like
I loved him or anything.

I hated his guts.

I mean, I didn’t
always hate him.

Just the last few years
since dad died

but Earl, oh, if he
could’ve k*lled me

and got away with it,
he’d have done it.

No, sweetie, he was
just jealous of you.

Jealous of what?

Take a look around,

This was all his.

And now all
this is yours?

That’s the way
the lawyer set it up.

It’s a good thing
some woman k*lled him

or I'd be prime
suspect, huh?


Did you see Earl much
after you left palm beach?

I hadn’t seen Earl

since the reading of
the will, three years ago.

That’s when I found out
he got everything--

the business, the estate,
the works.

I got cut off at the knees.

Hmm, that’s
pretty radical.

My father put a lot
of stock in loyalty--

nose to the grindstone,
that sort of thing.

I was a major disappointment.

Earl was the dutiful son.

Taylor, let me get
this straight.

You and your brother,
you’d been feuding
for three years.

You come up to Miami,
he puts you up
in his house.

Were you trying
to end the feud?

It was my idea.

I talked them both into it.

We had this great business
opportunity in the keys.

We just
needed capital.

So Taylor and Earl
would have been partners.

And Earl was interested.

He agreed to hear us out.

Earl would’ve never
given me the money.

He just wanted
to see me crawl.

So why put yourself
through all that humiliation?

Kristi, she was so gung-ho
on the idea, I had to try.

So how is this
whole thing starting
to feel to you?

Well, either
Taylor Elliott

got one major
cosmic payback

for being cut out
of all this, or...

Or he is neck-deep
in m*rder.

Yeah, boy.

You know, this whole
"Diana the huntress" thing

I think it’s starting
to look like a real
smoke screen.

Yeah, so he creates
a mad serial k*ller

and he sets
his brother up

to look like one
of the random victims.

Right, so the first
guy was k*lled

just to cover up
the real motive
for the second m*rder.

We have one
little hitch there:

Our k*ller
was a woman.

So is his
wife, Kristi.

Think about this:
You put her
in a mini skirt

and a blonde wig--


So she plays the part

and then she
shares in the payoff.

You have
a dark, cynical

and suspicious
mind, Sam.

Yeah, well,
so do you.

That’s why we’re
so good at this.

Yeah... yeah.

Miss Dobbs,
did you ever meet

Mr. Elliott’s brother, Taylor,
or his wife, Kristi?

Call me Freddy.

Everyone does.

I never saw either one
of them around here.

Earl and his brother really
had it in for each other.

And from what Earl said, I'd say
he had it in his sister-in-law.

If you know what I mean.

Were they having
an affair?

So he said.

Earl was a major slug.

To hear him tell it,
none of the women

could keep their hands off him.

He couldn’t keep
his hands off anyone.

Did he ever make a pass at you?

He practically
r*ped me on that desk.

I threatened him with
a sexual-harassment suit.

After that I had
better job security

than a supreme court justice.

Do you know how long he was
having the affair with Kristi?

He said they broke it off
six months or so ago.

But he called her
just like a week ago.

"Sun coast
realty, Miami.

Kristi Elliott,
realtor associate."

It’s just bull.

Malicious gossip,
that’s all it is.

There was no affair
between you and Earl Elliott?

Of course not.

That man was awful.

And I love my husband, sergeant.

We have records
of a number of phone calls

between Earl
and your Miami office.

I was trying
to set this up--

this meeting
between Earl and Taylor--

and he needed
a lot of convincing

and a lot of sweet-talking.

He was a hard sell.

I mean,
that’s all it was.

So it was all talk.

The two of you
never had any
sexual contact.

He was always
ogling Kristi,
staring at her.

I knew what he was thinking.

He made lewd,
suggestive remarks.

She never encouraged him?

No, she didn’t.

So the day you found
the two of them

in the upstairs bathroom

He forced his way in there.

She told me about it,
so I smacked him.

You know, I'd expect that
kind of innuendo from a man

but to think you’d
believe that trash.

My wife did not sleep
with my brother.

If you make that accusation

you better sure as hell
be able to prove it

or I’ll sue the whole damn city.

Oh, man, I feel like
we’re getting nowhere here.

Hey, you calling
it a night?


I figure it’s
safe to go home.

The mother-in-law’s
probably asleep now.

Woman gets meaner
by the day.

Want a piece
of pizza, skipper?

Nah, I'm not hungry.

I got a briefing
in the morning

with Donovan.

Seems the Elliott
lawyer’s in his face.

About you two harassing them?

It’s a crock.

Well, it isn’t
just any lawyer.

It’s Ernest Webb,
esquire, himself.

When you got the bucks,
you buy the best, don’t you?

It’s not going to be
too thrilling for George.

We don’t have enough
to get search warrants

much less convictions.

You got the prior history

between the sister-in-law
and the victim.

Big financial motive.

What else you got?

She had a cigarette holder.

But who knows how many
of those they make every year.

Her lawyer could
sell coincidence.

Now, he’s going to poke holes

in any eyewitness I.D.
We come up with

because she was
wearing a disguise.

She’s about half wired
and you got no loops on him.

So it’s a hard sell
any way you look at it.

But stick with it, stay on it.

Better two cops drop
in their tracks, exhausted

than the guilty go free.

( Whistles )


You like that?

Hutchinson, chapter .

I’m going to take this, anyway.


Good night.

Come to bed,
darling, okay?

Don’t let these
stupid police upset you.

You haven’t done
anything wrong.

There wasn’t anything between
you and Earl, was there, Kristi

because I don’t think
I could live with that, baby?

No, sweetheart.

I would never be
unfaithful to you

and you know
that, okay?

This has just
got you all crazy.

I know.

( Sighs )

I know, I know.

Make love to me.

Oh, my angel.

I’m Danny Sandler,

Sergeant Lance.

Nice to meet you.

Sergeant, how
may I help you?

I need to
speak with you

about one of your employees--
Kristi Elliott.


She isn’t in any
kind of trouble,
is she?

I hope not, Mr. Sandler.

Kristi was excited about
the limited partnership

I'm putting together
in the keys.

She wanted in on it.

Her husband’s a trust-fund
baby, just about tapped.

But her brother-in-law,
he’s very comfortable--

very comfortable.

She thought he’d
come in behind them.

Did you ever meet
with the three of them?

No, she couldn’t get
the two brothers to
sit together.

She was on the phone
all the time with Earl.

She said he was a real hard ass.

Mr. Sandler, were you aware
of a romantic relationship

between Kristi and
her brother-in-law?

No way possible.

Kristi’s crazy in love
with her husband.

That’s what this whole
partnership thing is about--

helping Taylor make
a success of himself.

Now, don’t get me wrong.

He’s a sweet guy,
but he’s a real loser.

Kristi-- she just
doesn’t see that.

Yeah, all right, I’ll pick
you up at the airport.

Yeah, right, dinner
will be on me.

See you.

Rita didn’t find
any sordid trail

behind Kristi Elliott.

Hmm, that’s too bad.

Yeah, we were
hoping to establish

a clandestine love affair

between her and
her brother-in-law--

a Miami rendezvous
between the two of them

a forbidden-love angle,

No dice.

I thought you had the husband

as a primary mover
in this thing.

No, all we got is theory

and we’re even
starting to doubt that.

Man, this is frustrating.

I mean, first we think the two
of them are in it together.

Then we shift our focus
to Kristi working alone.

I mean, she kills the brother-
in-law, the husband inherits.

Now, let’s say
a year and a half,
two years later

the husband dies--
accidentally, of course.

She gets it all.

But now that’s
not even flying.

I don’t know, hutch.

I feel like maybe
we’re way off on this one.

( Phone ringing )


Taylor, can you get that?!

( Phone still ringing )

Yeah? Hello?

I’ve been dreaming
about that body of yours.

Who is this?

Tell me what you do to me.

Tell me, Kristi.

Kristi ( On tape ):
Wait and see what I've got

for you, Earl, you naughty boy.

You’re so naughty
I have to punish you.

Ooh, naughty!

It gets a lot hotter

but I'm sure you remember,
don’t you, baby?

What do you want?

Well, there was a cop here
to see me this morning, Kristi.

She was real interested in you.

Mm-hmm... wanted to know

if you and Earl had
a romantic relationship.

What do you want?

You, Kristi--

and that’s just for openers.

But you see, I don’t
do business on the phone.

I bet you wish

you didn’t, either, huh?

I’m going to be
in palm beach tonight.

We’ll get together.

We got a lot to talk about.


What is it, sweetheart?

the matter?

I don’t feel so good.

you’re shaking!

It’s nearly midnight

and this is "night voices"
with Melissa Cassidy

and I'm here
if you need to talk.

"Diana, lady of wild things,
huntsman-in-chief to the gods."

( Phone rings )

Yeah. Chris.

Chris, it’s Melissa.

Listen, I've got Diana on hold.

Just hang on, I'm going
to tap you in to her.

Okay, here we go.

Diana, this is Melissa.

Talk to me.

Last time was good, doctor.

It was almost good
enough for me, too

but I've been
thinking about it--

about how I could
make it better.

So I've decided
to try one more time--


Nice and slow.

Real easy.

That way it’ll be
good for me, too.

The first one
I stabbed five times.

The second one, six.

Maybe seven’s my lucky number.

What can I get you?

Uh... scotch, rocks.

Expecting someone
or just hoping?

Expecting, darling.

Good evening,
Mr. Elliott.

Your wife home?

No, she left a
couple of hours ago.

Said she needed some
time to be alone.

Do you know which
car she was driving?

Earl’s Bentley.

What color?

Silver and red.

Okay, silver and red--
what year?


What the hell’s going on here?

The lawyer told us
that everything was cool.

( Loud disco music playing )


Get you outside
of the office...

You’re a different
woman altogether.

I wish I could say

it was nice
to see you, Danny.

So I hear you’ve
got something for me.

Because I've got
something for you.

Here you go, honey.

She’s here.

Where is she?

Back there.
See her?

The one with
her back to us.

Uh... sorry, I thought
you were somebody else.


That’s not her, no way!

That’s not even
the guy she was with.

She must have slipped out
with him.

Patrice, this place
is full of blondes.

You’re absolutely positive
it was the same one

you saw the other night?

It was her, positively.

I even brought her
a drink myself to make sure.

She had the cigarette
holder and everything.

Thanks, Patrice.

So she wants to get Diana
the huntress on the front page

so she runs
the whole number again

so she calls Melissa.

Then picks up a guy
at the wet spot...

And whacks him at
the emerald hotel.

( Tires squealing )

Don’t keep me
waiting, Danny boy.

We got games to play.


There’s my stud now.

So tell me.

Tell you what?

Why you made
those tapes, silly.

I mean, that’s why
we’re here, isn’t it?

You made those tapes
over a year ago--

before we even discussed
being partners.

Why were you
spying on me?

I tape every agent’s
phone, not just yours.

I don’t like my people

cutting their own
deals on my time.

So I check up--
you know what I mean?


You know,
I should be scared

knowing that you arranged

to have your own
brother-in-law k*lled.

Well, what
makes you think

I just arranged it?

Maybe I did it myself.

Sure, you did...
Sure, you did.

A room-service waiter
remembered her.

Said he brought up
a bottle of champagne
about a half hour ago.

Who’s the room
registered to?

Some guy named
Daniel sands
up from Miami.

Kristi’s boss.

She’s tying up
loose ends.

Or she’s
cutting them off.

( Pounding at door )

Shut up!

I’ll cut his throat.

Kristi, come on,
hand me the knife.

No one has to
get hurt here.

I just wanted Taylor
to have a chance.

That’s all.

I wanted to make up for
what I did to him with Earl.

And I wanted money.

I know
it sounds horrible

but I just wanted
nice things, and...

Earl gave me nice things.

I was his whore.

Okay, put the knife down,
nice and easy.

Taylor can’t forgive me now.

He’ll know what I did.

( Gasping )

Oh, geez.


Put the knife down.


Call !

I’ll pick you up
in minutes

and I’ll take you to that
hot new Italian place
you told me about.

Right. See you.

Oh, that wouldn’t be
Dr. Melissa

that you just made
a hot lunch date
with now, would it?

Because I know that
you don’t mix business
with pleasure.

Well, the business
is over.

I say, "let the
pleasure commence."

So what’s the word
on the Elliott woman?

Well, she didn’t hit
anything vital.

I just talked to Donovan.

He finished taking
her statement.

Her husband, Taylor,
is in the clear.

She had an affair
with Earl

about a year ago.

She likes money,
and Taylor didn’t have much

but then she broke it off
with him.

So when this whole investment
opportunity came up

she thought that she could
get Earl to bankroll them.

And once they got up here
Earl started coming on to her.

She knew he wasn’t
going to give them any cash

so she decided to take it.

So she creates
Diana the huntress

as a blind for the murders.

Then when Sandler
tried to blackmail her

he got designated
as the third victim.

You two had this pegged
from the beginning,
didn’t you?

Tell me, how does it feel
to be right all the time?

It kind of takes the fun
out of it all, doesn’t it?


( Chuckling )

Lunch is on me.

Well, actually

I think Christopher
has other plans

but I'm all
yours, skipper.

Lorenzo’s turning
down a free meal?

Has to be a woman.

( Chuckling )

Shall we,

Yes, we shall.

( Horn honks )

Car trouble?

Listen, we’re going to
a great new Italian restaurant

if you guys want to join us.

Oh, I'd love to,

You go ahead, Melissa.

I’ll stay and wait
for the tow truck.

Hop in.


Boy, am I glad
you came along!


Oh, what the hell.

See you, Chris!


Hey! No, Rita, wait!

I want to come with you!

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