Mary Had a Little Lamb (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Mary Had a Little Lamb (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

(SINGING) Mary had a little

lamb, little lamb, little lamb,

little lamb.

Mary had a little lamb.

Its fleece was white as snow.

Mary had a little lamb,

little lamb, little lamb.

Mary had a little lamb.

Its fleece was white as snow.

Everywhere that Mary went,

the lamb was sure to go.

Time for dinner!

What's going on?

You're going to love what

we're having for dinner.


You be quiet now, you hear?

It's a rule that children

should be seen and not heard.

Take a seat while I

prepare for dinner.

Sit up straight at

the dinner table!

My boy's here now.

You be nice to him, you hear?

[nervous breathing]


That's my boy!

Quick as a whip.


Good boy.

Good boy.



Good boy.

Where are you going, young lady?

You've not had your dinner yet.





He said he knew he'd be

playing for her death

so he had no choice

but to cover it all up.

Benedict admits he

was stupid and rash,

but he's not a k*ller.

Of course, no one believes

his version of events.

On November 9th,

Benedict was hanged,

bringing to a close one of the

more gruesome cold cases ever


Molly's body may have

lain undiscovered

where Benedict had

dragged it into the woods

if it wasn't for Anne

Margaret's psychic vision.

And this isn't the first

time that visions have

helped to solve a m*rder case.

In 1922, another

disappearance was

uncovered by a mother's dream.

And you guys can hear about

the disappearance of John

Falk in next week's episode.


Well, that was Professor

Rattles screaming at me

to tell you that

it's time to close

another episode of

Carla's Cold Cases,

a graveyard for all those who

love unsolved mysteries, dead

or alive, and only

on 101.8 PDFM.

Bye for now.

OK, and we're off the air.

I don't think he did it.

No, you're done.

Fine, fine, fine.

What do I know?

What do you think, Liz?

[clears throat]


What are we talking about?

Since when is this your job?

You should be sorting

out the socials,

not dragging random people

in from the streets to shag.

He's not random.

He's very sexy.

Everyone, this is Matt.

You know, Matt's actually

looking for a job

and I figured he

could work here.

He's really good at coming up

with tags and slogans, yeah?


I mean, you've got


You've got #RadioMurders.

Well, you know, I'm still

working on some others.

Isn't he amazing?

No, you're amazing.

So we fire you and hire Matt?

Yeah, shut up, Ray.

You're not cool enough to

know how social media works.



I've been busting to

go since we went live.

You need to get that looked at.

You may look at a small

bladder all you want.

It ain't going to

get any bigger.

All right, I'll cut you guys up.

I'm just going to pack away.


Hi, Carla.

Hi, Shelley.

I loved the show today, even

though things like death

make me a little

wobbly in the knees.

My mom says she can't

listen to the show.

You know, she says,

get a real job, so.

What do I owe the pleasure?

Oh, Pete said he wanted

to see you in his office.



Well, do you know

what it's about?


He just said he wanted to

see you for a quick chat.



I'll get there right away then.




Oh, and by the way, thank you

for making me feel so welcome.

I'm excited to work

on Carla's Cold Cases.

Yeah, well, I heard you're

the best researcher, so, yeah.

See you later.


Come in.


You wanted to see me, Pete?

Have a seat, Carla.

So did you enjoy the show today?

Was that AD or BC?

Sorry, what?

It doesn't matter.

They're both old as shit.

Socials haven't been

updated in months.

Did Liz lose the ability

to use her hands?

These things are

important, Carla.

It spreads the word,

brings in the advertisers,

so we can't afford

not to be doing this.

Well, Ray said that

Liz was doing fine.

She was up to date, so I--

Who helps you compile

these stories of yours?

Oh, me, Ray, and Mona,

now we've got Shelley.

We go through the cold

cases and also find

supernatural phenomena.

Are they all so old?

Well, yeah.

That's the very

nature of cold cases.

They're all old.

I mean, today's was

particularly old.

Like, AD if you

still want to know.

I'm not really sure what this

has to do with [inaudible]..

I like helping people with

a genuine passion and talent

to build a career in radio.

I remember when you first

came to me with your ideas,

and my first thoughts

were, this could be huge,

and it was, right?

Those first few cases

you went through

were shocking and fascinating.

But now it feels like

you're running out of steam.


We're a team, aren't we?

I hope you do what

you love and you

help me bring in the

listeners to give me

and the advertisers

what we want.

But you're not giving

me what I want, Carla.

Ratings were at their highest

when your unsolved mysteries

were more recent.

I think people prefer that

to cases from centuries

ago that they can't relate to.

No, I know, but

I'm trying to get

some recent cold cases, Pete.

I'm a businessman, Carla.

I don't care how

you do it, but I

need something fresh and

exciting within the next week

or I'm pulling

Carla's Cold Cases

and putting Ray and Mona

on Frank's Drive Time show.


This station doesn't

run on fresh air, Carla.

No advertisers, no

money, no station.

It's pretty simple.

No, I can totally do that.

I can get some--

something fresh, something

new, something exciting.

Just don't worry.

I can do it.

Seriously, Pete, Pete.

One week.

Prove to me that you've

still got your old magic.

That's all you're getting.

That's all I need, OK?



f*cking Liz.

Man, I should've been kicking

her ass about the socials.

Oh, forget about that.

That's the super easy fix.

What we need is to find a

story by the end of the week.

I know, I know, you're right.

It's-- I mean, a week.

We could just wait for a case

to reopen and be the first ones

to jump on it.

Maybe, maybe.

Didn't we get a whiff

of something happening

on that Jeffries case?

No, that turned

out to be nothing.

Like, we've got a f*cking week.

Like, we can't just sit here.

We have to be proactive.

Like, we need something

new, something

that's going to get

the audience excited,

not rehashing some

f*cking missing persons

case in the middle of nowhere

like Washington or something.

Pete wants new.

He wants something is

happening right now.

Yeah, but if it's

happening right now,

it's not really a

cold case, is it?

Maybe that's why

we're going wrong.

Like, guys, if we don't

get something brilliant

by the end of this

week then we're

going to lose our jobs, so.

Don't be scared.

Don't be scared.

Look at you.

You're shaking.

Please let me go.


I can't do that, baby.

You'll tell everyone

about my little lamb.

He's shy, you know.


I would very much like

you to join our family.

Little lamb's taken

such a liking to you.

No, please, Somebody

help me, please!

How ungrateful!

I'm looking after you, aren't I?

Silence her, will you?

She doesn't want to join

our family, stupid girl.


[muffled screams]

Meanwhile, the US embassy

has offered a reward

to anyone who can come forward

with more information leading

to their safe return.

Police are still

combing the area

around Warp Woods trying to

track down Teddy Reid and Joan

Evans, who were last

seen a month ago.

They are the latest

in a series of missing

people in the woodland.

Warp Woods.

Although many locals

seem to think the couple

have just moved on and

are no longer in the area.


Meanwhile, in

Washington State, there

have been more arrests following

the discovery of a kidnap ring.

So you've found something new.

I want you to send me and

the team to Werp Woods.

Have you lost your mind?

I'm trying to save money

here, not spend more of it.

Jesus, Carla.

There's no story here.

There's more to it.

I can feel it in my

bones, I promise you.

Like, if you look

closely, there's

been over a dozen

people that have

gone missing over

the last decade,

and the police are doing

jack shit about it.

The last missing people

were like a month ago.

I don't know.

You go up there and

do what exactly?

OK, on the ground

reporting, interviewing.

Like, we'll get

out of the studio

and into the midst of it,

mix it up, the whole shebang.

You'll do anything to

save your show, won't you?


Like, Pete, I told you.

Like, the show is my baby.

I'll finance the trip, but

you're booking the cheapest

hotel rooms.

Yeah, go big or go home.

This better be the best

thing you've ever done

or you're stacking shelves

at Tesco's, capiche?

OK, I got it.

Right now, f*ck off

before I change my mind.

f*cking off.

Oh, thank you, Pete.

You won't regret it.


No, wait, wait, wait.


You don't mind if

Matt comes with us?

You do know we're sharing

a hotel room, right?

Don't worry about that.

We'll just snuggle

up really tight.

We'll be like one

big, fat person.

Hey, don't worry, boss man.

I'll make sure this little

cutie takes plenty of pictures

for the socials and shit.

And maybe one or two

videos we can post, huh?

You're so bad.

You're going to get

me shadowbanned.

I have everything with

the kitchen sink in there.

Right, who is ready to

make the best f*cking

episode of Carla's Cold Cases

we've ever f*cking made?

Yes, yes, yes,

yes, yes, yes, yes!



Let's go.

Hey, I need to take a leak.

Wait for me.

But, seriously, fishing

will change your life.

It would just be a weekend.

Come on, don't knock

it till you try it.

I'll knock anything that's

boring as f*ck, pal.

Now, here's the thing.

It's not, because

when you go out

and you're going to get that--

No, you're done.

Zip it.

Fine, whatever.

Your loss.

You guys want some?

No, thanks.

[mumbled speech]

All right, guys, everything

is riding on this,

and we're going to follow the

exact same footsteps of the two

missing people,

Teddy and Joan, OK?

And if we're lucky, we

might even find them.

Dead or alive.


Yeah, well, dead or alive,

it'll make a great ending

to our series, and

advertisers are

going to be falling over

themselves to give Pete money.

So are you ready to make

the best Carla's Cold Cases

episode ever?


OK, come on.

Follow me.

Thank you.

Thank you.

[twig snaps]


What was that?

Something's not right.

Look, everything's

going to be fine.

Carla knows what she's doing.

Don't you, Carla?

I haven't had a phone

signal for over an hour.


The same.

No signal.

Hey, look, I don't want

to be weird or nothing,

but I'm sure we've

passed that tree before.

There's no way.

We've definitely seen that.


Look that's the one we took

a selfie with about half

an hour ago.

Oh, god.

My feet really hurt.

Yeah, come on.

Let's stop for a minute.

We've been walking

for three hours.

And I've still got no signal.

Carla, what the

heck is going on?

We've been walking

for three hours.

I have no f*cking clue what

is happening right now.

Whoa, whoa, what's wrong?

Well, I'm trying to

follow this stupid map,

and we're supposedly taking the

same steps that those two took,

but I just--

I have no idea where

I am right now.

Well, maybe we

should turn around

and we'll try again tomorrow.

Are you an idiot, Ray?

Like, we literally have a

week, less than a week until we

have to break this story, OK?

We can't just mess around?

Like, f*cking look?

Ray, do you know

how to get back?

Yeah, yes.

Yes, I do.

It's-- we, we have to go--

OK, I don't.

Guys, I think I found something.

Looks like a house.

Just over this way.

Still no signal.

My team and I have retraced

the missing couple's steps,

which has led us to a very

mysterious house in the woods.

Now let's see what lies ahead.

Wait, we're not going

in there, are we?

Well, you're the one

that pointed it out.

Carla, come back,

you f*cking lunatic.



I don't think this

is a good idea.

Let's look for a

phone or a bathroom.

Someone's definitely here.

Yeah, but where?

Oh, what's that smell?

It smells like burnt

engine oil or--


The wind?

It's typically a rule of

thumb that if it's the wind,

there should be f*cking wind.




OK, so we have entered

the house and it actually

appears that no

one is living here.

I beg to differ.

Oh my god.

I'm so sorry.

Oh, I didn't mean to

frighten you, my dear.

We thought that no

one was in here.



These are my friends.




My name's Mary.

And you are?

I'm Carla.


Well, you don't look like

robbers, so what brings you out

here in the middle of nowhere?

Yeah, a concert,

a music festival.

Yeah, our car broke

down so we were

walking through the

woods for like hours.

Oh, you poor things.

Oh, I guess you already know

about the signal up here,

don't you?

Yes, well, that's maybe--

do you have a phone that

we could borrow, please?

To call a mechanic?

Of course.

But you must be so

tired and hungry

after all of that

walking, and I see you've

got some stragglers out there.


I don't bite.


Would you like some tea?

Well, you have a

lovely home, Mary.

Thank you.

My son and I adore it.

It's a bit our the way, though.

I mean, great if you

don't like people, though.


That's how we like it.

So peaceful here, away from

everything and everyone.

I'm glad you think

it's lovely, Carla.

So where is your son?

He's upstairs sleeping.

How old's your son?

My little lamb is 33 years old.

Oh, wow.

Mary, you don't happen to have

a bathroom I could use, do you?

I do.

There's one just downstairs.

No, that one's not working.

There's one upstairs

on the left.

You can't miss it.

Do be quiet up there, won't you?

My boy's a light sleeper.

We wouldn't want to wake

him when he's sleeping.

Yes, sure.

You've got it.

Jesus Christ,

Does that woman have

no sense of smell?

He's never been to school.

I taught him everything

he needs to know.

Schools can make the mind fuzzy.

He learned everything he

needs to in these woods.

And does he have, like, any

friends out here or anything?

He's only interested in animals.

He catches them and

tags them with the date

that he found them and then,

you know, he lets them go.

Oh, that's nice.

And what about girls?

Oh, no.

No, no, no, no.

He doesn't do that.

That would get in the

way of his mission.

What mission?

Why, protecting me, looking

after, me feeding me.

Oh, I need to find

me a man like that.


Uh, uh, someone.

Honestly, I'm fine.

It's OK.

You-- you're OK?

It's fine.

It's just something's not right.

Oh, that bathroom stinks

like a public urinal.


A woman and her grown son

live in the middle of nowhere,

nowhere being a place where

people disappear never

to be found.

So could there be a connection--

I've called the local

mechanic for you.

What did they say?

Can't come out until tomorrow

afternoon, I'm afraid.

That's fine.

You've been a gracious

host but we should probably

get back to the van and

find a hotel or something.

Yeah, absolutely.

You've been wonderful, Mary.

Thank you for the tea.

We appreciate it.

Hey, hey, hey.

It's pretty bloody

dark out there.

Are you sure we

should be leaving?

No, we don't want to risk

getting lost out there again.

Yeah, well, we've taken up too

much of Mary's hospitality, so.

Wait, wait.

You don't happen to have a

couple of rooms we could just

stay in for one night?

I know it's a massive,

massive inconvenience,

but we'll be gone in the

morning when the mechanic comes.

Like I said, my boy's

a light sleeper.

I don't want any--

We can pay you.

I can't take your money.

No, we insist, don't we?

200 here.

Is that OK?

I wouldn't have felt right

with myself, you all leaving.

It's not safe out there.

I've got two rooms

upstairs on the right.

If you need more

pillows and sheets--


--just let me know.


Whoa, that's a record for me,

scaring two people in one day.

I'm sorry.

Oh, it's me that

should be sorry.



You didn't eat all

of your dinner.

No, I don't want to

hear any of that.


Good boy.

Let's put these on.

Now, you let Mummy take

care of all of this.


Good boy.

OK, I can explain.

Are you hiding a f*cking mind?

Guys, I think we have

something really big here,

like really big.

What do you mean?

Well, did you not hear the way

she was talking about her son?

Like, it was batshit

f*cking crazy.

Carla, something

doesn't feel right here.


Something is off.

Like, here's our angle, OK?

Mary and her son,

like, this place

is giving me major

Ed Gein vibes.


He was a serial k*ller, babe.

What about the

missing persons case,

you know, the reason we're

out here in the first place?

But I'm sensing

something much bigger

than the missing persons

case, like, these things

could be connected.

What are you talking about?

I've been thinking about this

ever since she grabbed your arm


That was weird.

And what does that have

to do with anything?

Yeah, like Matt said,

it was weird and creepy.

What if somehow I

could create something.

Whoa, no.


You mean lie.

No, just embellish.

We could very cleverly string

the two stories together

and create, OK, a four

part extravaganza that

will get people talking,

put us on the map,

and then we won't

f*cking lose our jobs.

So lie.

You guys aren't listening to me.

No, Carla, we are

listening, but you're

smoking crack at the moment.

We can't exploit these people

just to save our butts.

Exploit is a very strong

choice of word, Mona.

You'll make them look bad.

They already do look bad.

But you are going to imply that

they are these evil assholes

who kidnap people?

Yeah, they could be.

Or maybe not.

I just-- I really

need to talk to Mary

and maybe get some

info of her son.

No, no, this just seems wrong.

Can't people just be

weird without being

m*rder psychopaths?

All right, we could get sued.

This all feels a

little desperate now

and I'm really not sure

about any of this anymore.

Can you just give me tonight

and a little bit of tomorrow?

I just need one more

interview with Mary, OK?

And then, like, we can

leave and get out of here.

Everything's fine.

If it makes you happy, fine.

Let's f*cking do it.


What, right?

I'm going crazy too.

I'm really starting to think

that there is something

up in that attic.

Guys, I really need

your support right now.

Like, we're balancing

on a f*cking knife edge

and we need to seize every

opportunity we can get.

So please.

Fine, fine, fine, fine.

Just one night and

then we're gone.

That's it.

Thank you.

Thank you.

[dragging noise]




Wake up.




Mary, I--

Couldn't sleep?

I've always had

trouble sleeping.


I was just going to

make something to eat.

Would you care for something?

What the f*ck?

Oh my god, what has

she done to you?

Let me help you.



What was that noise?

You must be a city girl.

The woods are full

of noise at night.

Owls, bats, foxes

worrying sheep.

I noticed you looking at

my family photographs.

Yeah, I was.

Yeah, they're lovely.

I hope you like this.

I can't eat anything else.


How old are you, young lady,

if you don't mind me asking?

I am 25.



I'd have put you much younger.

I bet you're always going

out enjoying yourself,

a young girl like you.

Well, my work doesn't give

me the time to do that, so.


What do you do?

I, I work in a cafe, yeah.

Curse the minimum wage.

I used to go out a lot

when I was your age.

I did a lot of

promiscuous things.


Oh, wow, you were

wild, were you?

Well, going out lots, letting

the boys buy me drinks.

But I left that life

a long time ago.


My father.

One night my father said to

me-- well, he grabbed my arm

and he said to me, that

you'll pay for going out

dressed like that.

What do you think I thought?

Then that night I'd

had too much to drink

and I ended up in an alleyway.

This man came up and

said, did I need any help?

And I said, no, I'm

just going home.

He kept on asking, and for

the 20th time I said no,

and then he slapped me hard

and threw me on the floor.

He got on top of me.

I can still feel his hands.

Rough, cold, forcing

me, grabbing me.

I was 16.

And then, nine months after,

I had my boy, my little lamb.

But he didn't come out

like other little boys.

I thought it was a

punishment from God.

But no matter how different

he is, he's still my son.


Different how?

Like, does he have

a disability or--

sorry, I actually

shouldn't be prying, so.

It's time to go up now.

Thank you for

listening to me gab.


Any time.

I hope the food

helps you to rest.


Little lamb!

Little lamb!

Where are you?

Little lamb!

Little lamb!

Little lamb!



Hey, what's going on?

Oh my god, he came out.

Oh, my little lamb's escaped

and I need to find him.

He can't be left on

his own for too long.

What do you mean escaped?

I mean he left and--

oh, my boy.


I'll go talk to my team.


No, they have to

stay in the house.


Because he might come back and--

you just come.

You just come.


Wait, wait.

Let me just go tell

them to stay there, OK?

I'll be right back.

What's going on?

First I can't find Mona and now

the lady's crying for a lamb.

Yeah, well, she's, like,

really upset about it.

Her son's escaped or something.

I think he's, like,

handicapped or something.

Do you want to tell your

face what you're saying?

No, sorry, but I was, like,

talking to her last night,


This story is

going to be insane.


What do you mean he escaped?

I don't know.

I'm not 100% sure, but

I'm going to go find out.



Please just wait here, OK?

Just in case the son comes back.

You can check him out,

see what he's like,

ask him a few questions,

because I want

to know the f*cking answers.

How long are you going to be?

I don't know.

I don't--

Look, you said after you

got your interview with her,

we were out of here.

You've talked to them, so

let's get the f*ck out of here.

No, please.

It'll all be worth it, Ray?

I promise you.

Please just stay here.





I'm coming.

Ray, I really need

to talk to you.

Carla's losing her mind.

She's been researching

murders and death and stuff

for this podcast for so long

she's completely lost it.

That's not true, Shelley.

Then explain her behavior, Ray?

She's just, I don't know,

insanely stressed right now.

She's worried about her job,

your job, all of our jobs.

But how far will she go?

I mean, didn't she say the son

was handicapped or something?

Do you really

think someone who's

handicapped is going around

kidnapping people with his mom?

Come on, let's just get

out of here, please?

What about the rest of the team?

Look, the mechanic's

arriving tomorrow at noon.

He can take the rest

of them into town.

The longer we stay here, the

messier it's going to get,

and, honestly, I've had

enough of this shit.

What about Mona?

She's probably waiting

for us at the van,

and Mary and Carla are

off looking for the boy.

I mean, you saw Mona yesterday.

She really didn't like

any of this stuff.

f*ck it.

Do you want to know something?

I hate my job.

I just want to fish.

I mean, I hope Pete

fires all of us,

because I don't care about the

ratings or the advertisers,

all that bullshit.

I just want to go out on a river

somewhere, right, and fish.

That actually sounds

like a really good time.

Hey, what's happening?

Yeah, we're trying to

chill out in there.

Oh, the son's gone missing

and Mary, Carla, and Mona

are out looking for him.

He's, like, special

needs or something,

and we're going too,

now, so you guys

need to stay here in

case he comes back.

Oh, really?

So we get this whole

place to ourselves?

Unless he comes back.


You know what this

means, don't you?

Party time.


Well, we're going

to get going now.



Oh, I just [inaudible].


Did you hear that?

Hear what?

I just heard something outside.

It's probably a bird or

something flew in the window.

Come here.

What if it's that man?


Yeah, her son.

What if he's outside?

I can't do it with

somebody watching.


I'll go out and check.


Is there anybody there?

This is not funny, man.

This is not funny.

Did you find--


Holy shit.

Did I just scare you?


Shut up.

You made me come out

here for nothing.

Hey, look, it's nobody

here but you and me.

What's up?

I could have sworn I closed that

door behind me on the way out.

The wind?


Hey, I'll make

sure I lock it, OK?

Keep all those mad

men at bay, huh?

Hey, do you want

to know something?


I've never done it in

such an old house before.


Have you?


Well, tell you what,

we could make it fun.

I've got a bottle of

wine in my rucksack,

so why don't you get

yourself comfortable

and I'll be right back?


Don't take too long.

Where the f*ck did I put you?

Come to daddy.



Was that you?


Stop messing around, Matt.

This isn't funny.

[heavy breathing]



Are you in there?







[chainsaw revving]


There it is.

Oh, thank god.

Wait, wait, wait.

Where's Mona?

She's probably out looking

for Mary's son or something.

Get in.

Get in.

Yeah, let's go.

Oh, god.

Let's get the f*ck out of here.


It's so hot.

I'm just over this shit.

[car sputtering]

Car's not starting.

What do you mean the

car's not starting?

It's not starting.

Did we leave it on overnight?

I don't know, Ray.

Oh, come on.

f*ck, come on.

Just-- what the f*ck?

All the wires have been cut.


Why isn't it going?



Ray, look over there!

What the f*ck?

What the f*ck?

What the f*ck is that?

[interposing voices]

I'm trying, I'm trying!

It's not turning on!

Oh my god!

Oh my god, Ray!


Ray, start the car!

What the f*ck?

Oh my god!






Help me!



Little lamb?

Little lamb?

Little lamb?

He wants to do the right

things, but he's so animalistic


I know people like that.

Not like my little lamb.

What do you mean?

Well, looks can be

deceiving, Carla.

People are so quick

to judge when somebody

doesn't look like them.

But there can be

an angel inside.

You don't judge

people, do you, Carla?

I don't think so.

All right, so what is your boy

actually running away from?

Oh, he's not running away.

He's just protecting me

in his own special way.

Protecting you from what?

All the bad people that

don't understand us

and won't leave us alone.

I don't quite get what you mean.

My boy's a good boy, Carla.

He just wants to do what's

right for us, and for me.

You don't think my boy's

a bad boy, do you, Carla?

I don't know.

I don't know him.

Well, if he's protecting

you, that's good, right?


I would like to meet him.

He's like to meet you too.


Is that your humming?

It's our song, my boy and I.

Oh, Mary Had a Little Lamb.



And everywhere that Mary went,

the lamb with sure to go.

I knew you'd know it, Carla.


Is something wrong, dear?


No, I would just really

like to find your boy.


I think we should get

back to the house now.


Guys, we're back.

Did you find little lamb?


Isn't he something?

My little lamb.

He is so smart.

I said that I would sort

everything out, but, bless him,

he always wants

to do the chores.

I think he's setting

up in the kitchen now.

What are you talking about?

I'll tell you this, Carla,

because you'll understand.

When I first saw my

little lamb, I thought,

how can I love someone

that looks like that?

But actually, God

and all his angels

were giving me a gift,

one that I had to mold,

but a gift all the same.

What are you talking about?

He's a monster.

A beautiful monster.

He was like any other little

boy, playing in the playground,

but he didn't look like

the other little boys.

They didn't want him to play.

It made me very, very

angry that they could

be so cruel to my little lamb.

Mary, OK, you're scaring me.

You're scaring me.

Don't be scared.

Don't be scared.

You're different, Carla.

You have a kind heart.

You listen to people.

You'd never do anything

to hurt anybody.

I want to see my friends.

I want to see my friends now.

Oh, you will.

We'll have a feast.

I want you to be

part of our family.

There's only the two of us.

And my boy, he gets

lonely for company.

And everywhere that Mary

went, the lamb was sure to go.

He'll be following

where you go too, Carla.



Please, please, please!


Oh, now that Carla's

awake, we can eat.

I hope you've washed

your hands for dinner.


Oh my god.

Settle down.

What's happening?

Settle down.

Settle down!

That's better.

Now that Carla's

awake, I can say grace.

Heavenly Father

who's art in heaven,

thank you very much for

this wonderful feast.

When we were hungry,

you gave us food.

When we were thirsty,

you gave us drink.

And my wonderful son, who

is an angel fallen down

between the cracks of

heaven to do God's bidding.


Let's eat.


Not good?

Tad gamey.

You smell like a nice cook.

No, no, no, no.

No, no, no.


Why the f*ck are you doing this?

Inside everyone there is

good, even the bad people.

We're just separating

the good from the bad.

When we eat the flesh, the good

radiates out like a warm glow.


I'm so sorry what

my son did to you.

He doesn't know

his own strength.


Try some.

[knife clattering]

Oh, I'll get that.

It's OK.

I'll get it.

You are so beautiful, Carla.

You remind me of me

when I was younger.

You're so beautiful.

Go get her!




You're not a beautiful

person, Mary.

Well, I must say--

My friends weren't bad people.

I can assure you that they were.

OK, so why hasn't

he k*lled you then?

I'm not a bad person.

I'm his mother.

You said that he was

a normal little boy,

so you taught him

how to be like this.

We did what we needed

to do to survive.

You f*cked your boy up, Mary.

You created a monster.

Like, why?

Why couldn't you just love him

for who he was at the start?

You have no idea

what it was like!

God himself brought this

deformity into our lives

and I turned the darkness

in him into life!

Do you know f*cking

insane that sounds?

Do you realize how--

I did!

I did!

I did!



I'm sorry.

Oh, Mary, I'm sorry

that you were r*ped.

I am.

And I'm sorry that life,

like dealt you this hand.

But you cannot blame the whole

f*cking world and try and k*ll

everyone in it!

Those people were

trying to hurt me!

No, they weren't!

They didn't do anything!

We did nothing!

We did nothing!

You just made your f*cking son

into a f*cking k*lling machine!

Do you know how hard it was?

He's got his issues,

for sure, but I kept him

on the straight and narrow!

Do you know how I did that?

I slapped him!

and I slapped him!

And I turned him into the

protector that I deserved!

You broke him.

You broke him!

You manipulated him!

You [inaudible].

You used and abused him.

You're f*cking cruel

and vindictive.

And you used and abused him.

Do you knew f*cking what?

He isn't the f*cking monster.

You are.

You are the f*cking monster!


f*cking bitch!

k*ll her!

k*ll her!

Are you stupid?

Get your ax and

f*cking k*ll the whore!






[sheep bleating]


Help me!

Please, please,

please, please, stop!



Stop, stop, stop, stop!


Stop, stop, stop!

Are you OK?



[music playing]
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